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Börsenhandel 2011 Sydney Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)Trading calendar - 2011Non-business and non-trading days for 2011 The following table sets out the days when ASX is closed for business and/or settlement. Please read in conjunction with the footnotes. Information on trading hours is also available.
Public Holiday | Dates for 2011 | Applies to the following States | Trading Day1 | Settlement Activity - ASX Settlement (CHESS) | Settlement Activity - ASX Clear (Derivatives) | Bus. Day2 |
New Year’s Day | Monday 3 January | ALL | CLOSED | No Settlement | No Settlement | NO | Devonport Cup | Wednesday 5 January | TAS3 | OPEN | Settlement | Settlement | YES | Australia Day | Wednesday 26 January | ALL | CLOSED | No Settlement | No Settlement | NO | Royal Hobart Regatta | Monday 14 February | TAS4 | OPEN | Settlement | Settlement | YES | Launceston Cup | Wednesday 23 February | TAS5 | OPEN | Settlement | Settlement | YES | King Island Show | Tuesday 1 March | TAS6 | OPEN | Settlement | Settlement | YES | Labour Day | Monday 7 March | WA | OPEN | Settlement | Settlement | YES | Labour Day / Eight Hours Day Adelaide Cup / Canberra Day | Monday 14 March | VIC / TAS SA / ACT | OPEN | No Settlement | Settlement | NO | Good Friday | Friday 22 April | ALL | CLOSED | No Settlement | No Settlement | NO | Easter Monday / ANZAC Day Holiday | Monday 25 April | ALL | CLOSED | No Settlement | No Settlement | NO | Easter Tuesday / Public Holiday7 | Tuesday 26 April | ALL / NSW, VIC, SA, WA & ACT | CLOSED | No Settlement | No Settlement | NO | Labour Day | Monday 2 May | QLD | OPEN | Settlement | Settlement | YES | AGFEST | Friday 6 May | TAS8 | OPEN | Settlement | Settlement | YES | Foundation Day | Monday 6 June | WA | OPEN | Settlement | Settlement | YES | Queen’s Birthday | Monday 13 June | ALL except WA | CLOSED | No Settlement | No Settlement | NO | Bank Holiday | Monday 1 August | NSW9 | OPEN | No Settlement | Settlement | NO | Royal QLD Show | Wednesday 17 August | QLD10 | OPEN | Settlement | Settlement | YES | Burnie Show | Friday 30 September | TAS11 | OPEN | Settlement | Settlement | YES | Labour Day / Queen's Birthday | Monday 3 October | NSW, SA & ACT / WA | OPEN | No Settlement | Settlement | NO | Royal Launceston Show | Thursday 6 October | TAS12 | OPEN | Settlement | Settlement | YES | Flinders Island Show | Friday 14 October | TAS13 | OPEN | Settlement | Settlement | YES | Royal Hobart Show | Thursday 20 October | TAS14 | OPEN | Settlement | Settlement | YES | Melbourne Cup Day | Tuesday 1 November | VIC | OPEN | No Settlement | Settlement | NO | Devonport Show | Friday 25 November | TAS15 | OPEN | Settlement | Settlement | YES | Last Business Day before Christmas Day | Friday 23 December | ALL | CLOSE EARLY16 | Settlement | Settlement | YES | Christmas Day / Boxing Day | Monday 26 December | ALL / VIC & TAS | CLOSED | No Settlement | No Settlement | NO | Boxing Day / Proclamation Day / Christmas Day | Tuesday 27 December | NSW, QLD, WA, ACT / SA / VIC & TAS | CLOSED | No Settlement | No Settlement | NO | Last Business Day of the Year | Friday 30 December | ALL | CLOSE EARLY 17 | Settlement | Settlement | YES |
1. A Trading Day means ASX Trade is open for trading. 2. In terms of the operating rules of the ASX markets and clearing and settlement facilities. 3. Not a state wide holiday - TAS 4. Not a state wide holiday - TAS 5. Not a state wide holiday - TAS 6. Not a state wide holiday - TAS 7. In recognition of the congruence of Anzac Day and Easter Monday. 8. Not a state wide holiday - TAS 9. Not a state wide holiday - NSW 10. Not a state wide holiday - QLD 11. Not a state wide holiday - TAS 12. Not a state wide holiday - TAS 13. Not a state wide holiday - TAS 14. Not a state wide holiday - TAS 15. Not a state wide holiday - TAS 16. Normal trading ceases at 14:10 (Sydney time) 17. Normal trading ceases at 14:10 (Sydney time) ASX Limited reserves the right to declare additional Non-Business Days or alter those currently specified herein without notice to holders of this calendar. No responsibility is accepted for any inaccurancies in the matter published. Deutsche Börse Frankfurt Handelskalender 2011 als PDF (hier klicken!)
 | The European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC) info@bougainville-copper.eu |