News 2009
01.01.2009 - 26.10.2009

ABG President James Tanis at Panguna reconciliation ceremony
from: The National
Old foes reconcile at Panguna ceremony
SEVERINUS Ampoai is from Panguna in Bougainville, but he has been away from his home for more than two decades.
Mr Ampoai and his family have been living in Port Moresby for the last 21 years. The crisis, which began at the Panguna mine in 1989, has been a painful experience for him, his family and relatives.
Last Friday, Mr Ampoai was able to set foot in Panguna again for a reconciliation ceremony. He was surrounded by many who had not seen him for such a long time.
A cleansing ceremony was held to wash away whatever differences people had with each other, or between factions at Panguna.
The old and the new met and reconciled and joined hands for a new beginning.
Autonomous Bougainville Government President James Tanis thanked the old and new Panguna landowners for reconciling after 21 years of differences.
Mr Tanis said it was a very painful and moving ceremony, but the people had decided to stand together for Bougainville.
He said that the reconciliation would pave the way for normalcy to return to Bougainville.
Mr Tanis said that since his inauguration as president, he wanted to see the Panguna landowners reunite so that people in other districts would not use Panguna as an excuse to create problems for others.
The president said now that the people of Panguna had reconciled, he would speed up the election of the Panguna landowners so that a legitimate body could represent them to talk about the future of Panguna mine and its outstanding issues.
Mr Tanis said the reconciliation by the Panguna landowners ended the Bougainville conflict, which started in Panguna and saw more than 20,000 lives lost.
Landowner spokesman Chris Damana told the gathering that the Panguna mine had made PNG independent and must be reopened to support Bougainville’s economic recovery and independence if decided by the referendum in six years time.
Mekamui unity government president Philip Miriori was also happy that his people were united at last after 21 years.
Another Panguna chief, Michael Pariu, called on the ABG to allocate K1 million to complete all reconciliations which were still outstanding.
Mr Tanis promised to give funding assistance to the Panguna landowners, however all funding would be channelled through the Panguna district administration through the Panguna communique.
Radio New Dawn:
Panguna reconciliation unites old enemies
by Aloysius Laukai

The people of Panguna today attended a traditional clenching ceremony in preparation for tomorrow’s reconciliation ceremony.
The traditional ritual was to remove blood stains from former fighters in the Bougainville crisis that killed about 20,000 people and left another 40,000 people homeless.
The Panguna event was the first of three reconciliation ceremonies scheduled for the area around the former minesite.
The reconciliation was between uncles of the late chief and Panguna landowner killed at the start of the Bougainville conflict.
Those who were clenched included fighters in the conflict, Mekamui soldiers, Bougainville revolutionary fighters and those who fought alongside the PNG Defence force, the resistance fighters.
After the ceremony, ABG President, James Tanis said the ritual had united the youths of Panguna and there should be no more factions in the area.
Tanis Shows True Colours!
Tanis bekennt Farbe!
from: Post-Courier, 20.10.2009
Public servants told to perform
PUBLIC servants in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville have been challenged to be prepared for any unseen activities that would result from the re-opening of the Panguna copper mine.
This challenged was issued by ABG President James Tanis when he officially opened a two-day workshop on leadership management in Arawa last Tuesday.
The workshop was attended by the executive managers and other senior public servants from central and south Bougainville.
Mr Tanis said public servants especially those in Arawa should be ready to tackle the situation if the Panguna landowners decided to re-open the mine.
He however maintained that any decision regarding the re-opening of the mine will be determined by the landowners themselves.
Mr Tanis emphasised that he does not want to be seen as dictating things to the landowners and other stakeholders.
He said the decision to invite the Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) secretary Paul Coleman into the region about a fortnight ago was done not as a landowner, but as president and the political head of the region.
Mr Tanis said that all he wanted to do is to get the landowners, the National Government, BCL and CRA to discuss issues concerning the mine.
The president said the two issues that needed to be addressed regarding the mine’s re-opening are the landowners’ compensation demand and the future of the mine.
Tanis forderte den öffentlichen Dienst Bougainvilles offiziell dazu auf, sich darauf vorzubereiten, dass die Pangunamine in Folge geheimer Verhandlungen wieder eröffnet wird. Diese Aufforderung solle nicht als die eines einzelnen Landeigners, sondern als die des Chefs der Region betrachtet werden! Die letzte Entscheidung über die Wiedereröffnung werde indes am runden Tisch zwischen Landeignern, Nationaler Regierung, Cozinc Rio Tinto, Bougainville Copper und anderen Beteiligten getroffen.
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New videos / neue Videos:
→ Helicopter Flight on Bougainville
Hubschrauberflug auf Bougainville
Vol d'hélicoptère à Bougainville
→ Antimining activists
des activistes anti-minière
→ Island Roots (Music)
Island Roots (Musikclip)
from Radio New Dawn (Bougainville):
Dialogue will determine in Panguna mine re-opens
Bougainville’s President James Tanis says he will not tell the people of central Bougainville that they must reopen the Panguna copper mine.
Speaking during a visit by Paul Coleman, Bougainville Copper’s company secretary, Mr Tanis said he would have nothing to do with the decision to reopen the mine.
He said his role as President was to act as a facilitator, and not to direct or force BCL or other parties concerned to reopen the mine. He said the mine’s future will be decided by BCL and the other parties concerned.
Mr Tanis said that before the issue was discussed, peace and normalcy must prevail on the island.
Mr Coleman was invited by the ABG president to establish a dialogue with all parties involved in the crisis.
Meanwhile, three major reconciliation ceremonies will be held this month in central Bougainville, the first one on October 16 at Panguna.
PNG’s deputy prime minister Sir Puka Temu will attend all three ceremonies.
The ceremonies will coincide with the official opening of the President’s offices in Arawa.
from Post-Courier:
Bougainville elections in March 2010
AUTONOMOUS Bougainville’s official second general election is set for March 2010 when writs will be officially issued for polling to start.
For that to happen, the National Government needs to allocate K3.8 million needed to run the election, according to official records from the ABG election office.
ABG acting Electoral Commissioner Reitama Taravaru told the Post-Courier on Friday that the tentative election timetable for the 2010 ABG General Elections is as follows:
* Issue of writ –March 26, 2010
* Close of nomination — April 2nd, 2010;
* Polling starts — May 7th , 2010;
* Polling ends — May 21, 2010; and
* Return of writs — June 09, 2010.
“Preparations for 2010 ABG general elections have already started. According to our programs, much of our activities will be implemented next month. It will involve consultation with the council of elders because in the past elections we’ve not involved them. We will use them for awareness and common rolls update. There is also a team coming in from Port Moresby to assist us,” Mr Taravaru said.
“We’ve identified certain areas where we will need support from the PNG Electoral Commission and they are mainly communication, training, developing training manuals, election regulations and funding,” he said.
Mr Taravaru said during the first week of November there will be a full awareness plan carried out, especially on the Limited Preferential Voting (LPV) and the second week will have the commission engaged in the common roll update.
He said the activities will continue until March when it would stop except for radio awareness. They would create LPV awareness and the common rolls update as they want to get all Bougainvilleans included. He said Bougainvilleans outside need to enroll because they will be needed. He said they do not want to encounter failures when the time comes for them to have their referendum.
Click here to read Anil Bakaya's actual comment on the recent events and his probable road map to resume mining on Bougainville soon.
Post-Courier and The National continue reporting on BCL Company Secretary Paul Coleman's visit to Bougainville:
Post-Courier, 09.10.2009
Landowners welcome BCL visit
THE Panguna Landowners Association has welcomed the invitation of Bougainville Copper Limited executive Paul Coleman into the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
Spokesman Lawrence Daveona said the visit by Mr Coleman was not only timely but long overdue.
Mr Coleman visited Bougainville at the invitation of Autonomous Bougainville Government President James Tanis who wanted to bring together all stakeholders of the Panguna mine for
a forum.
“As head of the Government of the people of Bougainville Mr Tanis has taken the issue of BCL head on instead of putting it on the side burner and on behalf of the PLA executive and
the people of Panguna in general I have already congratulated him,” Mr Daveona said.
He said the Mr Tanis should be given the support of all Bougainvilleans on the way he is approaching the issue of BCL and what had transpired with respect to the major players that
resulted in the crisis. Mr Tanis’ invitation of BCL’s representative to the island must be seen as the beginning to get all major stakeholders together to try and deal with outstanding
issues. A major one that concerns the Panguna landowners is that of their outstanding compensation payments for 1989 to 1990.
Mr Daveona said executives from the association, including chairman Michael Pariu and ex-combatants knew of Mr Coleman’s visit except for landowners including his cousin brother Peter
He said Mr Kove had no right to speak for the landowners as he did not have direct ownership to land in the Panguna mining lease area.
“It is important to note here that our people must not conclude from his (Mr Coleman) visit that the ABG and Panguna landowners are planning on talking about the resumption of
mining in Panguna,” Mr Daveona said.
“The issue of resuming any mining activity anywhere on Bougainville is covered under our ABG Constitution.”
Post-Courier, 08.10.2009
President hands off policy on Panguna
AUTONOMOUS Bougainville Government President James Tanis says he will not dictate the re-opening of the Panguna copper mine in Central Bougainville.
Speaking during the visit of the Bougainville Copper Limited’s (BCL) company secretary Paul Coleman, Mr Tanis said he would have nothing to do with the decision to re-open the mine.
He said his role as the president of the region was to act as a facilitator, and not to direct or force BCL or other parties concerned to re-open the mine.
Mr Tanis said the issue on the re-opening of the Panguna mine would be decided by BCL and other parties concerned.
He said as an individual, he had no conflict of interest in the development of the mine.
Mr Tanis however outlined that before the issue on the re-opening of the mine was discussed peace and normalcy must first of all prevail on the island to allow for a conducive working environment.
Mr Coleman was invited by the ABG president as a means to opening and establishing dialogue and communication with all the parties involved in the crisis to work out a final solution.
Meanwhile, three major reconciliation cere-monies will be held this month in Central Bougainville.
The first one which will be held on October 16 is scheduled to be held in Panguna.
The second and third ceremonies are scheduled to held on October 21 and 23 at Arawa.
Deputy Prime Minister Sir Puka Temu will be attending these reconciliation ceremonies.
These ceremonies will also coincide with the official opening of the President’s and Peace Ministry’s offices in Arawa.
The National, 09.10.2009
Panguna landowners support BCL rep visit
PANGUNA landowners have supported last week’s visit to Bougainville by Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) resident representative Paul Coleman at the invitation of Bougainville autonomous region President James Tanis.
Panguna Landowner Association (PLA) spokesman Lawrence Daveona said yesterday Mr Coleman’s visit was not only timely but long overdue.
“As the head of the government of the people of Bougainville, Mr Tanis had taken the issue of BCL head-on instead of putting it on the side burner and on behalf of the PLA executive and the people of Panguna I congratulate him,” Mr Daveona said.
He said Mr Tanis invitation of BCL’s representative to the island must be seen as the beginning that would get all the stakeholders together to try and deal with outstanding issues.
Mr Daveona said one of the major issues that were of concern to Panguna landowners was that of their outstanding compensation payment from 1989 to 1990.
He said critics such as Peter Kuaro, who opposed the visit, had no standing to speak on behalf of Panguna landowners
“Panguna landowner representatives are aware of Mr Coleman’s visit and in fact the PLA chairman Michael Pariu was in Buka to meet him.”
He said the former rebel chief Ishmael Toroama was also notified of the visit.
“It is important to note that our people must not conclude from this visit that ABG and Panguna landowners were planning to reopen the Panguna mine.”
Mr Daveona said the issue of resuming any mining activity anywhere on Bougainville was covered under ABG Constitution.
The BCL representative stayed there for two days talking with ABG and interested parties.
The National reports on first official BCL visit to Bougainville:
At last, BCL Listens.
AFTER more than 20 years, the management of the Bougainville Copper Ltd (BCL), would finally be hearing first hand how the people on Bougainville island feel about the 10-year crisis that led to the closure of the gold mine in May 1989.
A BCL representative, company secretary Paul D Coleman, was in Bougainville last week “to see and hear for himself how the people on the ground felt about the 10-year-crisis”.
Mr Coleman was in Buka at the invitation of Autonomous Region of Bougainville President James Tanis.
“The conflict (Bougainville) must end where it started … at Panguna,” Mr Tanis declared in a statement released to the media yesterday.
He said he sees his role only as a mediator between the different factions with great stakes at the idled gold mine.
“It arose out of disputes between landowners, members of the North Solomons provincial government, the Government of Papua New Guinea, and BCL and multinational company CRA.
“Therefore, it is these stakeholders who need to be assisted to come together to end the Panguna conflict.”
Mr Tanis told Mr Coleman that as president, “my role is to ensure that these parties come together to solve the problem once and for all”.
Mr Coleman’s visit was the first for the company, after 20 years.
In his talks with Mr Tanis, the BCL official noted the willingness of the people of the region to discuss issues in an open and friendly manner.
In a statement released yesterday, Mr Coleman said he was “very pleased” to visit Bougainville at the invitation of Mr Tanis, and the people of the Autonomous Region.
“Bougainville Copper Ltd has had a long standing relationship with the people of Bougainville, and although it has been 20 years since we have been here officially, it is well known that BCL has always had an open door and a friendly welcome to anyone from Bougainville who wants to talk to us about issues of mutual interest,” Mr Coleman said.
“The Bougainville Copper Foundation has also helped to keep us in touch, through the programmes of education and other assistance which have been maintained at all times since the crisis.
“BCL has a natural interest in viewing the state of its assets in the region, and hearing from the people first hand, on the matters that concern them.
“There are many things to discuss, and it is very pleasing to be making a start on these talks, here in the Autonomous Bougainville Region, among the people.
“I thank President Tanis for having the vision and the concern for his people to initiate this meeting,” Mr Coleman said.
He also told the people there that the World Bank would be sending a representative to the island to further discuss the capacity building programme for administration of the mining industry on Bougainville.
The gold industry might be funded by the bank, which Mr Coleman said could help facilitate the draw down of mining powers under the peace agreement.
He said this could lead all stakeholders towards the renegotiation of the Bougainville copper agreement.
“Many of the issues of interest to the people of Bougainville, and their future as an economically independent region, might well be discussed under the terms of such renegotiation,” Mr Coleman said.
“For the moment, it is pleasing to be here, and I extend my thanks to the people of Bougainville for making me welcome,” he said.
Started in 1972, the Panguna gold mine was billed as the world’s fourth largest copper mine in 1985, producing 46.5 million tonnes of ore the year before (1984).
The mine was closed by the Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA) in 1989, followed by a civil war.
Nach Monaten quälender Ruhe:
Es tut sich etwas auf Bougainville!
Am 9. Oktober beginnen nun endlich die lang ersehnten Versöhnungsfeiern mit einer großen Zeremonie in Panguna. Weitere kleinere Feiern folgen.
Mit einer Stimme. Gegen Ende Oktober/ Anfang November wird nun auch endlich ein gemeinsamer Rat der Panguna Landeigner gewählt werden, der dann seinerseits alle Landeignerinteressen koordinieren wird. Auch das ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung.
Umzug. Präsident Tanis hat unlängst mitgeteilt, dass er seinen Amtssitz nunmehr doch nach Arawa verlegen wird. Auch das ist positiv, denn Arawa ist unmittelbar neben Panguna gelegen. Die verbleibenden Me’ekamui Kämpfer unter General Uma stellen sich als Sicherheitsdienst zur Verfügung.
Kakaoernte in Gefahr. Seit wenigen Wochen ist auf Bougainville der sogenannte Cacoa Pod Borer eingefallen. Es handelt sich dabei um eine Art Motte, die vorzugsweise Kakaobäume befällt und die Ernte vernichtet. Derzeit ist Bougainvilles gesamte Wirtschaft von den Kakaoplantagen abhängig. Schon deshalb drängen kluge Leute vor Ort das Autonomous Bougainville Government, die Kupferförderung schnellstens wieder in Gang zu bringen, damit die zu erwartenden Verdienstausfälle in Millionen Kina Höhe kompensiert werden können.
Der Umtausch von ADRs in Originalaktien hat bislang – wider Erwarten – zu keinen Kurssprüngen oder höheren Umsätzen geführt. Noch allerdings ist nicht aller Tage Abend. Da die Umtauschfrist noch bis Ende Januar 2010 andauert, können auch von dieser Seite immer noch starke Impulse kommen. Das ist sogar sehr wahrscheinlich! In diesem Zusammenhang: Bitte tauscht Eure ADR Bestände baldmöglichst in Originalaktien um!
Offensichtlich warten einige Depotbanken bis zur letzten Minute, um die ADRs in Originalaktien zu tauschen. Dies könnte der Grund dafür sein, dass bis dato noch keine Eindeckungskäufe stattgefunden haben. Ob das Verhalten der oben zitierten DAB Bank rechtens ist, vermag ich nicht zu beurteilen. Im Hinblick darauf, dass die ESBC in erster Linie ein Zusammenschluß der Aktionäre von Bougainville Copper sind, scheint es mir zudem fragwürdig, in diesem Zusammenhang ein teures Rechtsgutachten in Auftrag zu geben. So viel mir bekannt ist, haben ADR Besitzer jederzeit das Recht auf einen Umtausch ihrer Papiere in Originalaktien. Wenn dem so ist, dürfte sich die DAB Bank eigentlich diesem Kundenwunsch nicht verschliessen. Wir haben auf unserer Homepage ein PDF eingestellt, das ausführlich die rechtliche Grundlage von ADRs beschreibt. Alles Weitere unter „Hintergrundinformation“ in diesem Bereich: .
Dass sich heute ESBC Mitglieder mit Problemen beim Umtausch konfrontiert sehen, ist ärgerlich. Jedoch sage bitte keiner, er sei nicht schon lange auf diese Risiken aufmerksam gemacht worden. Der ESBC hat häufiger eindringlich vor einem Engagement in ADRs gewarnt. Dennoch ist zu hoffen, dass alle ADR-Besitzer recht bald in den Besitz der Originalaktien gelangen.
Deckelungsaktivitäten scheinen in Sydney durchaus vorhanden zu sein – speziell, wenn man bedenkt, dass nach Jahren der Unsicherheit ein Silberstreif am Horizont sichtbar wird. Wer allerdings dahinter steckt, kann man nicht sagen und wir werden es auch nicht in Erfahrung bringen können. Die Verkaufsorders von über 500 Tsd. Stück bei 0.65 AUD sprechen aber für eine solche Vermutung. Nach derzeitigen Umsätzen dürfte es mindestens einen Monat dauern bis der Kurs über diese Barriere springt. Es sei denn, dass die Eindeckung der Leerverkäufe vor Januar 2010 startet.
Für Dezember steht noch ein Joint Supervisory Board (JSB) Meeting an. Dem Vernehmen nach soll dort auch über das Bougainville Copper Agreement gesprochen, vielleicht sogar schon verhandelt werden.
Abfallbeseitigung. Seit dem 21.09.2009 befinden sich US-amerikanische Soldaten auf Bougainville, um die im 2. Weltkrieg zurück gelassenen Waffen, Munition und Sprengstoffe zu bergen und zu entsorgen. Teile dieser WW2 Überbleibsel dienten zur Ausstattung der Aufständischen in der Bougainville Krise sowie dem internationalen Waffenhandel. (Teile dieses tötlichen Erbes sollen auch gegen Bares auf andere Inseln der Region verbracht worden sein.) Die Entsorgung dieser alten Armeebestände könnte dazu beitragen, die Sicherheit auf der Insel zu erhöhen. Ob allerdings die Amerikaner auch die schon entwendete Waffen einsammeln sollen, ist nicht bekannt. Zumindest die Tatsache, dass hiermit der Waffennachschub unterbrochen wird, ist schon einmal positiv zu bewerten, da die schon kursierenden Waffen bei dem dortigen Klima irgendwann einmal verrosten und somit unbrauchbar werden.
Hoher Besuch auf Bougainville. Meldungen zufolge soll kürzlich eine Delegation des PNG Miningministeriums die Pangunamine besichtigt haben. Details sind nicht bekannt. Jedoch: Offensichtlich scheint die No-Go-Zone nunmehr keine solche mehr zu sein. Schon in der vergangenen Monate hatten die verbliebenen Me’ekamui Heinis jedem, der genug zahlte, Zutritt zur Mine gewährt.
Mega Hype earlier than expected?
Megahype früher als erwartet?
BOC shares closed up 11 percent in Sydney and up 14 percent in Francfurt. Is that the beginning of the mega hype due ADRS banks buying BOC shares back for exchange to short sold ADRs?
Bougainville Copper shares legten in Sydney 11% und in Frankfurt 14% zu. Ist das der Anfang des Megahypes im Zusammenhang von Eindeckungskäufen der ADR Banken, die ADRs leer verkauft haben?
Super Hype to Come?
During the 80ies American banks issued so called American Deposit Receipts (ADR) in Bougainville Copper (ISIN: US1013952007) - one ADR represented one original BOC share. Recently this ADR program in BOC had been cancelled to the end of January 2010 and ADR trading in Bougainville Copper was stopped in New York and Francfurt last week.
The European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC) have information that JPMorgan for example issued round about 4.3 million ADRs. In reality they only have 2 million in custody. Therefore JPMorgan may soon be urged to buy BOC shares massively within the next weeks and months if each ADR holder insists in his right that his ADRs must be changed into original BOC shares.
So, all holders of ADRs concerned should immediately exchange their ADR securities into original BOC shares! This will increase the pressure on the ADR issuer's significantly.
In such a tight market like Bougainville Copper Ltd a very strong rise in BCL share prices within the coming weeks is probable. It can be assumed that the other banks (Citicorp, Bank of New York Mellon, German Bank, etc.) that have issued ADRs in Bougainville Copper as well, are also short in BOC shares. The ESBC believe that all ADR banks might be short up to 40 million shares in total!
In this case, this could even mean that a huge increase in BOC share price would be the result.
Our advice: STRONG BUY !
Kommt jetzt der Superhype?
JPMorgan hat ESBC Informationen nach ca. 4,3 Millionen Bougainville Copper ADRs (BOCOY/BOU) ausgegeben. In Wirklichkeit haben sie selbst aber nur 2 Millionen in ihrem Depot. Daraus ergibt sich eine Unterdeckung von 50%! Deshalb wird sich JPMorgan binnen der nächsten Wochen und Monate mit 5 Millionen Originalaktien massiv eindecken müssen, damit sie dem Umtauschrecht der ADR Besitzer entsprechen können.
Alle Halter von ADRs sollten nun umgehend den Umtausch ihrer Papiere in Originalaktien beantragen! Das erhöht den Druck auf die Emittenten erheblich.
In einem engen Markt wie Bougainville Copper bedeutet das vermutlich sehr stark ansteigende Preise in den nächsten Wochen, zumal zuversichtlich davon auszugehen ist, dass auch die anderen Banken (Citicorp, Bank of New York Mellon, Deutsche Bank etc.), die ADRs emittiert haben, ebenfalls zum erheblichen Teil leer verkauft haben! Wir gehen deshalb davon aus, dass bis zu 40 Millionen Aktien bei steigenden Preisen eingedeckt werden müssen!
Im besten Fall könnte dies sogar bedeuten, dass die Kurse gewaltiger ansteigen könnten, als es bei guten Nachrichten aus Bougainville selbst der Fall wäre.
Unser Rat:
STRONG BUY so lange die
Kurse niedrig sind!
Dr. Josef Ackermann
Sprecher des Vorstandes der
Deutsche Bank AG
Theodor-Heuss-Allee 70
60486 Frankfurt am Main
Einstellung des Bougainville Copper ADR Programm (ISIN: US1013952007)
Escaldes-Engordany, 29. Juli 2009
Aktuelle Lage
Bedauerlicherweise reduzierten sich unsere Informationsquellen in den letzten Wochen merklich: Der Post-Courier wird immer lahmer, der National ist wegen Virenverseuchung (!!!) der Seite offline.
Aus diesen Gründen ist die Nachrichtenlage – speziell im Vorfeld von zu erwartenden interessanten Meldungen – ausgesprochen spärlich. Unsere Bemühungen, dennoch etwas ausfindig zu machen, dauern an.
Doch nochmals zu den ADRs: Eines unserer Mitglieder erhielt von seiner Depotbank (DAB) die Nachricht, der (zwangsweise) Umtausch von ADRs in Aktien sei steuerlich neutral. Das wäre eine Supernachricht für all diejenigen, die diese Papiere nun seit mehr als 7 Monaten „im Keller“ haben und sich jetzt (hoffentlich erfolgreich) um den Umtausch bemühen!
Wie schon angekündigt, wurden die ADRs inzwischen aus der Mitgliederliste entfernt. Nun sind Originale und ehemalige ADRs in einer Zahl vereint.
Wer beim Umtausch Schwierigkeiten haben sollte, sollte vielleicht erwägen, sein Depot zur Dresdner Bank zu verlegen, da diese Erfahrungen mit derartigen Operationen hat. Ich weiß: Das ist lästig und ärgerlich aber immer noch besser als endlose Diskussionen mit unerfahrenen Bankberatern.
Ich bin mal gespannt, wann der jüngsten Entwicklung nun auch in den verschiedenen Threads Rechnung getragen wird.
Der gute „mani40“ könnte auf „Wallstreet online“ vielleicht einmal mit gutem Beispiel voran gehen.
Axel G. Sturm
Escaldes-Engordany, 27.07.2009
Bougainville Copper ADRs:
Schwarzer Freitag oder futsch sind sie!
Heute ist ein denkwürdiger Tag: Mit heutigem Datum sind die Bougainville Copper ADRs vom Markt verschwunden. Gott sei Dank. Viel zu lange schon hatten diese Papiere den Handel mit den Originalen verwässert. Viel zu lange schon und viel zu oft hatten Investoren in Bougainville Copper zu den vermeintlich billigeren amerikanischen Derivaten gegriffen, anstatt sich mit Originalen einzudecken. Ergebnis: Teils überstieg das Volumen des Handels in ADRs den des Handels in Originalen um das Mehrfache. Das führte dazu, dass die ADRs mit den Originalen teils pari gehandelt wurden. Manche Investoren träumten sogar schon davon, dass die ADRs teuerer werden könnten als die Originale wenn erst einmal die Nachfrage aus den USA massiv anstiege. Das ist nicht geschehen. Wie sich viele erinnern werden: ich habe stets aus prinzipiellen Gründen davor gewarnt, überhaupt ADRs zu kaufen, weil nie eindeutig nachgewiesen werden konnte, ob tatsächlich für jeden American Deposit Receipt (ADR) eine Originalaktie (wie eigentlich vorgeschrieben) hinterlegt worden war. Meine diesbzüglichen Recherchen liefen demzufolge auch stets ins Leere – sei es in Frankfurt oder aber in New York.
Der nun anstehende „Zwangsumtausch“ von ADRs hat seine Tücken, da sich nicht alle Depotbanken in diesen Dingen auskennen und manche eine solche Dienstleitung gar nicht erst anbieten. Nur einige wenige Institute sind so firm darin wie etwa die Dresdner Bank, die nachweislich in der Vergangenheit den Umtausch problemlos bewerkstelligte.
Auf manchen Anleger werden in den kommenden Wochen also noch manche Beschwerlichkeiten zukommen.
Doch da ist Licht am Ende des Tunnels! Sind erst einmal alle Hürden genommen, werden die Umsätze in Bougainville Copper merklich ansteigen. In einem engen Markt bedeutet das: höhere Volatilität. Für Trader also paradiesische Zustände! Doch auch Langfristanleger (davon sind viele bei uns vertreten!) gehen nicht leer aus. Sie können damit rechnen, dass eine ansteigende Nachfrage nach Original Bougainville Copper Aktien die Kurse beflügeln wird. Hypes, so wie in der Vergangenheit gesehen, werden noch drastischer ausfallen und die Kurse in schwindelnde Höhen katapultieren. An dieser Stelle möchte ich nicht verschweigen, dass schlechte Nachrichten den Kurs auch weitaus merklicher nach unten treiben können!
Da aber der aktuelle Kurs schon unangemessen tief liegt, überwiegen derzeit die Chancen die Risiken erheblich:
Im Herbst 2007 erreichte die Originalaktie in Fankfurt ein Hoch von 1,11 Euro. Auch vor einem Jahr ging der Kurs auf einen Euro! Stellen wir uns einmal vor, der nächste Hype würde den Preis auf nur diesen einen Euro katapultieren. Das hiesse – gemessen am heutigen Preis – eine Verdreifachung (+200%) !!!
Welche Gefahren lauern?
Rein hypothetisch könnte die Aktie nochmals vom heutigen Niveau 30% abstürzen. Ihr Preis entspräche dann in etwa dem vorhandenen angelegten Barvermögen der Bougainville Copper Limited. Dieses Szenario scheint mir persönlich eher unwahrscheinlich angesichts der positiven Situation vor Ort. Doch spätestens seit Toyota wissen wir ja: nichts ist unmöglich!
Jedoch andererseits stehen die 30% Risiko auch einem möglichen (durchaus nicht unrealistischem!) Gewinn von 200% gegenüber. An dieser Stelle möchte ich gar nicht erst darüber spekulieren, wohin der Kurs geht, ist die Wiedereröffnung erst einmal gemeinsam von PNG, AGB, BCL und Landeignern beschlossene Sache!
Angesichts der aktuelle Lage bin ich geradezu versucht, einen neuen Terminus technicus in die Börsensprache einzuführen: Das CRV = Chance/Riskoverhältnis. Letzteres ist momentan bei Bougainville Copper besonders günstig!
Wie also sieht es für die nähere Zukunft aus?
Nachdem sich die Turbulenzen um die Einstellung des ARD-Programms verzogen haben werden, ist mit steigenden Kursen zu rechnen. Speziell der Zugzwang unter dem sich die örtlichen Politiker im Hinblick auf die im Sommer nächsten Jahres anstehenden Wahlen befinden, Arbeitsnachweise zu liefern, dürfte weitere positive Impulse liefern. Selbst ein neuer Hype im Spätsommer/Herbst diesen Jahres ist nicht ausgeschlossen, wenn die Nachrichten entsprechend gut sind. Und das ist zu erwarten!
Wer also die Deutsche Bank vor ein paar Monaten zum Tiefstkurs erworben hat, sollte jetzt überlegen, sich jetzt mit 200% Gewinn zu verabschieden und einen Teil des Gewinns in Bougainville Copper anzulegen.
Diejenigen, die noch immer ADRs im Depot halten, sollten diese in Originale tauschen und nicht erst die „Zwangsabfindung“ im Januar 2010 abwarten. Eine solche Zwangsabfindung könnte im schlimmsten Falle den Kurs der Originale kurzfristig nochmals unter Druck setzen, soweit die Aktien tatsächlich bei den Herausgebern der ADRs vorhanden waren. Wenn nicht, müssten sich die Herausgeber der ADRs beim geforderten Umtausch eindecken. Das wiederum würde bedeuten, dass der Kurs der Originale massiv nach oben schiessen kann.
Es ist davon auszugehen dass es größere Mengen an leerverkauften BCL Aktien gibt,wenn schon die ASX Regeln dahingehend angepasst wurden den Leerverkauf auf 10% der Bougainville Copper Aktien zu begrenzen (Immerhin 40 Millionen Aktien).Wie in
Ganz nebenbei: Unsere den Zwangsumtauch betreffende Anfrage an die Emissionsbanken blieb bis dato unbeantwortet. Eines unserer Mitglieder (Nekro) hat eine juristische Prüfung der Rechtmässigkeit von Kosten im Rahmen des Zwangsumtausches in Auftrag gegeben.
ESBC Claim for Free Exchange of ADRs to Original Shares
ESBC fordert kostenfreien Umtausch von ADRs in Originalaktie
The Bank of New York Mellon
Depositary Receipts Division
101 Barclay Street, 22nd Floor
New York, New York 10286
Bougainville Copper American Deposit Receipts (US1013952007)
Dear Mrs. Erlandsen,
please be so kind to forward this mail if you should not be concerned.
The European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC) represent the biggest group of private investors in Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL).
Our members are holding original shares (PG0008526520) and American Deposit Receipts (US1013952007) as well. As announced by the Bank of New York Mellon and other ADR emitending banks, they intend to stop their unsponsored ADR program in Bougainville Copper on July 27th, 2009.
This information brought even more uncertainty into an already weakened market.
For example JPM informed falsely as follows…
(JPM citation: “Yes, Bougainville Copper is terminating their unsponsored ADR program. We do not have information on whether they are going to offer a different program in the future.”)
…that the program had been stopped by intervention of Bougainville Copper Limited. Such a statements are not only misleading but also absolutely illegal as you find out by reading the following official statement of BCL given to the ESBC yesterday:
“Bougainville Copper (“BOC”) is not party to or part of the ADR scheme mentioned in your email. Unsponsored ADR programs are sometimes established by banks, at their own volition, without the approval or knowledge of the company involved. BOC has never approved or sponsored such a scheme, or been the financial beneficiary of any such scheme.”
Therefore the ESBC claim that all costs of the exchange of ADRs (US1013952007) to original BCL shares (PG0008526520) have to be covered by the emitent banks, because of the fact that the transaction has to be considered as a compulsorily exchange activity.
The ESBC members preserve the right as well to ask for compensation for fiscal disadvantages due to the transaction.
The ESBC expect your clarifying answer including your assurance to bear all cost for our members that are related to the transactions until
Tuesday, July 7th, 2009 20 hrs GMT
Further we expect that you will publish the reviewed conditions of exchange as soon as possible in the concerned finance media.
If your answer is not satisfying to our members interest, the board of the ESBC has to advise our members to bring the case to a legal solution.
Axel G. Sturm
President ESBC
Escaldes-Engordany, July 3rd, 2009
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
161 North Concord Exchange
South St. Paul, MN 55075
Bougainville Copper American Deposit Receipts (US1013952007)
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC) represent the biggest group of private investors in Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL).
Our members are holding original shares (PG0008526520) and American Deposit Receipts (US1013952007) as well. As announced by JPM and other ADR emitending banks, they intend to stop their unsponsored ADR program on July 27th, 2009.
This information brought more uncertainty into an already weakened market.
Further JPM informed falsely as follows…
(JPM citation: “Yes, Bougainville Copper is terminating their unsponsored ADR program. We do not have information on whether they are going to offer a different program in the future.”)
…that the program had been stopped by intervention of Bougainville Copper Limited. Such a statement is not only misleading but also absolutely illegal as you find out by reading the following official statement of BCL given to the ESBC yesterday:
“Bougainville Copper (“BOC”) is not party to or part of the ADR scheme mentioned in your email. Unsponsored ADR programs are sometimes established by banks, at their own volition, without the approval or knowledge of the company involved. BOC has never approved or sponsored such a scheme, or been the financial beneficiary of any such scheme.”
Therefore the ESBC claim that all costs of the exchange of ADRs (US1013952007) to original BCL shares (PG0008526520) have to be covered by the emitent banks, because of the fact that the transaction has to be considered as a compulsorily exchange activity.
The ESBC members preserve the right as well to ask for compensation for fiscal disadvantages due to the transaction.
The ESBC expect your clarifying answer including your assurance to bear all cost for our members that are related to the transactions until
Tuesday, July 7th, 2009 20 hrs GMT
Further we expect that you will publish the reviewed conditions of exchange as soon as possible in the concerned finance media.
If your answer is not satisfying to our members interest, the board of the ESBC has to advise our members to bring the case to a legal solution.
Axel G. Sturm
President ESBC
Escaldes-Engordany, July 2nd, 2009
Click here! / Klicken Sie hier!
BCL Chairman's 2009 Annual General Meeting Statement
on April 20th, 2009 (PDF)
The BCL Answers to the ESBC's questions.
Die BCL Antworten im Original auf die Fragen der ESBC.
The National, 20.04.2009
Reconciliation process continues into central Bougainville
AUTONOMOUS Bougainville Government President James Tanis is continuing his peace mission into the central region of Bougainville.
Last Tuesday, Mr Tanis travelled to Arawa and Panguna and parts of the region for more peace talks with members of various factions and people in those areas.
Mr Tanis and his team recently returned from Arawa where he met with former members of the Bougainville Revolutionary Army.
During a meeting, the former fighters expressed their desire for peace within the area.
They are now preparing for a big reconciliation ceremony tentatively scheduled for June.
Chairman of the working group known as “Domangtamp” Ishmael Toroama said they wanted to reconcile with families and relatives of the people – soldiers and innocent men, women and children – killed during the crisis.
During this trip, Mr Tanis will meet members of the Me’ekamui army under the command of Chris Uma.
Blogger auf Bougainville !
You look for more genuine information from Bougainville? So proceed to these blogs:
Sie suchen nach weiteren authentischen Informationen aus Bougainville? Dann besuchen Sie nachstehende Blogs:
Marc Wolf
Who's Who?
You want to know who is who? No problem: Click here and find out who is important in all the issues that concern Bougainville Copper !
Sie wollen erfahren, wer wer ist? Kein Problem, klicken Sie hier und schauen nach, wer in Zusammenhang mit Bougainville Copper wichtig ist !
S'il vous intrige de savoir qui est qui? Aucun problème: Cliquez ici pour connaître ceux qui sont importants dans toutes les affaires concernantes Bougainville Copper !
Radio New Dawn (Bougainville) :
Panguna landowners want mine to re-open
By Aloysius Laukai
Panguna landowners want to talk face to face with representatives of Bougainville Copper Limited.
This was the message they gave to the chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Ombudsman, Moses Maladina, last Thursday.
In a meeting with Mr Maladina at the Panguna district office, the interim chairman of the Panguna Landowners, Michael Pariu, called for a quick forum with BCL to air long-standing grievances.
Landowners want to meet BCL and are now willing to discuss their differences and allow BCL to resume operations.
The Panguna landowners used Mr Maladina’s visit to air their grievances on a number of outstanding issues that they have been living with in the last twenty years.
Michael Pariu and Wendelinus Bitanuma took Mr Maladina for a tour of the mine site and the tailing area to see for himself the damage and the problems and risks the people of Panguna continue to live with.
According to the Bougainville Constitution any opening of the mine or any other mine on Bougainville must be decided by a referendum in which the people of Bougainville must vote to support.
New TV report on Bougainville here !
Neuer Fernsehbericht über Bougainville hier !
The Annual Report 2008 has been published.
Please find out more here:
Bougainville Copper Ltd. Annual Report 2008 (PDF)
Der Geschäftsbericht 2008 ist veröffentlicht worden.
Sie finden ihn hier:
Bougainville Copper Ltd. Annual Report 2008 (PDF)
Interview with ABG President James Tanis in ISLAND BUSINESS
Interview mit ABG President James Tanis im ISLAND BUSINESS
Interview avec ABG President James Tanis dans ISLAND BUSINESS
NEU: Die Bougainville-Copper-Rente
Sind die Renten noch sicher?
Die Einführung der sogenannten „Riester-Rente“ ist Beweis genug: Renten allein sind nicht mehr sicher!
Aus diesem Grund möchte ich Ihnen heute die „Bougainville-Copper-Rente“ vorstellen:
Sie werden fragen „Was ist denn das?“ Nun, lassen Sie es mich erklären. Diese Rente funktioniert verblüffend einfach und ist ähnlich sicher oder unsicher wie viele der heutigen Geldmarktprodukte. Mit einem Unterschied: Sie rentiert besser!
Was müssen Sie tun?
Ganz einfach: Sie kaufen in diesen Tagen 100.000 Originalaktien von Bougainville Copper Limited zu – sagen wir einmal zu 0,40 Euro pro Stück (heutiger Schlusskurs in Frankfurt: 0,342 Euro). Das entspricht einem Investment von 40.000,00 Euro plus Spesen. Dann folgen Sie der Empfehlung von André Kostolany: Sie vergessen Ihre Aktien und legen sich schlafen.
Nach etwa 5 Jahren erwachen Sie und stellen fest, dass die Pangunamine inzwischen wieder eröffnet wurde und dort eifrig gearbeitet wird. Bougainville Copper veröffentlicht seine Jahresbilanz und schlägt eine Dividendenzahlung in Höhe von 0,40 AUD (ca. 0,20 Euro) vor. Sie erinnern sich an die 100.000 Aktien, die Sie seit dem Jahr 2009 in Ihrem Depot liegen haben. Beim Blick auf den aktuellen Kurszettel durchzuckt es Sie: Aus Ihrer Anfangsinvestition von 40.000 Euro sind inzwischen 400.000 Euro geworden – innerhalb von 5 Jahren. Sie denken sofort daran, zu verkaufen. Doch dann aber überlegen Sie: 20 Cents pro Aktie entsprechen immerhin 20.000 Euro Dividende abzüglich 25% Steuer. Das sind immerhin 15.000 Euro netto per Anno! Sie rechnen noch einmal nach und kommen auf eine verblüffende Zahl: Ihr Ursprungsinvestment hat sich nicht nur im Wert verzehnfacht, es verzinst sich nun auch mit 37,5% pro Jahr! Eine Rendite, die Ihnen kein Festgeldkontrakt garantiert, von Bundesschatzbriefen einmal ganz zu schweigen. Sie überlegen nun, was Sie tun sollen und entscheiden richtig: Sie tun nichts und freuen sich.
Wer heute zu günstigen Preisen Originalaktien von Bougainville Copper kauft, wird mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit in ca. 5 Jahren in den Genuss einer sehr hohen Rendite kommen. Die Chancen für eine Minenwiedereröffnung sind in den letzten Monaten massiv gestiegen. Zwar sind momentan noch einige bürokratische Hürden zu überwinden, die Zeit spielt indes für uns Investoren. Vergessen Sie nicht: Ihre Investition entspricht dem Preis eines gut ausgestatteten Mittelklassewagens – mehr nicht!
Welches Risiko gehen Sie ein? Lassen Sie mich das so beantworten: Auch mit einem exzellenten Mittelklassewagen kann man einen Totalschaden haben. Es kommt darauf an, wie man fährt und ob man Glück oder Pech im Straßenverkehr hat.
Einziger Unterschied: Nach heutigem Wissensstand wird Ihr Bougainville-Copper-Depot vermutlich dann immer noch mehr wert sein als ein Haufen Schrott, denn Sie haben die Aktien ja extrem billig gekauft!
Interessantes Bougainville Copper Forum, übersichtlich mit informativen Features!
The National (PNG)
Panguna investors praise Tanis |
THE biggest group of international private investors in the Bougainville copper mine has praised the activities of Autonomous Bougainville Government president James Tanis in boosting the image of the mine as a workable investment venture. The European shareholders of Bougainville copper (ESBC) expressed their appreciation in a statement. “I am very happy that Mr Tanis does not consider Panguna as a ‘sensitive issue’ as his predecessor, the late president Joseph Kabui did,” ESBC president Axel Sturm in Andorra said.
“The ESBC had always maintained that all parties involved in mining in Bougainville get together and talk to each other.
“Therefore, the European shareholders of Bougainville Copper Ltd (BCL) strongly support Mr Tanis’ approach to politics by encouraging his people to dispose their weapons and to reconcile.
“Bougainvilleans have been living for two decades in pain and Mr Tanis is absolutely right when he says that the conflict has to end where it began: in Panguna. Panguna is not a taboo.” The praise came after BCL revealed the findings of a multi-million kina order of magnitude study. The report released to the Australian Stock Exchange said there was an evaluated one billion tonnes of payable ore still within the existing mining lease.
“Panguna would be the source of Bougainville’s economic success in the future. The money that would be earned in Panguna would also encourage young Bougainvilleans who are now living abroad to come back to the island and work on its development,” he said.
Mr Sturm outlined in particular the good work of BCL secretary Paul Coleman. He said he met Coleman in Port Moresby last May and learnt that he was a very serious and well-informed man who invested all his power in bringing Bougainville forward. |
The National (PNG)
ABG president keeps Invincible at arm’s length
AUTONOMOUS Bougainville Government President James Tanis has distanced himself from a controversial and divisive mining deal struck by his predecessor, the late Joseph Kabui.
Mr Tanis said in Port Moresby at the weekend that Canadian-owned mining company Invincible, run by Australian-born Lindsay Semple, was not on the top of his agenda despite it being a pressing issue.
“I don’t see Invincible fitting in any picture in what I am doing,” he said.
“I am a new president. That strategy was part of the former president’s (Mr Kabui) strategy in his attempt for economic recovery for Bougainville,” he said.
Invincible gained 70% of Bougainville’s lucrative mining rights through a deal approved by Parliament and spearheaded by Mr Kabui early last year.
The deal Invincible struck was unpopular in some Bougainvillean camps, with Mr Kabui coming under continued criticism and former deputy speaker Francesca Semoso warning it could cause another bloody civil war.
Mr Kabui admitted receiving election donations as well as agreeing to a K20 million (A$10 million) aid package from Invincible.
Mr Tanis said he was focusing on reconciling aggrieved parties in the Panguna area, central Bougainville region, where the Bougainville Copper Limited mine was shut down in 1989.
“As the president, I just want to concentrate on Panguna,” he said. – AAP
B’ville team satisfied with JSB meeting
THE Bougainville delegation has expressed satisfaction over its deliberations with the National Government at the joint supervisory body (JSB) meeting in Port Moresby last week.
Autonomous Bougainville Government President James Tanis, leaders of his cabinet and staff from his administration left after two days of deliberations on the progress of recommendations agreed upon at the Alotau joint supervisory body meeting last April.
At the close of the meeting last Friday, Mr Tanis said he was pleased with the outcome of the meet and satisfied that he had something concrete, referring to the joint communique signed between himself and Deputy Prime Minister Dr Puka Temu, to work on when he returned home.
He said he had come to the meeting unsure of what would transpire, however, after two days of deliberations, he was leaving a satisfied man, along with his team.
Mr Tanis said the Government had shown it was committed to the Bougainville cause and that was enough for him to go back and put his plans into action – plans for weapons disposal, reconciliation, peace building and economic development.
Tanis, Semoso visit Carterets Islands
AUTONOMOUS Bougainville Government President James Tanis and Bougainville regional member Fidelis Semoso yesterday visited the Carterets Islands to get first hand information on the island’s situation.
According to Mr Tanis, the Carterets Islands is currently affected by the rising sea level and a lot of trees were slowly dying because of the high salt water concentrate.
He said that he sympathised with the people of the islands and wanted to see that the Government did something to address the issue.
He told the people of Carterets that he would make it his duty and commitment to find out why they had not been benefitting from the funds allocated by the National Government.
Mr Tanis said he understood that millions of kina had been allocated to the previous government for the Carterets rehabilitation programme but so far, nothing had been implemented.
“I now call on the Bougainville administration to come out clear on how they have used the funds and why no work has been carried out,” Mr Tanis said.
He said a huge amount of money had been allocated and still there were no signs of progress.
Mr Tanis called on the authorities responsible to give a full report why the process was taking so long and how they had used the funds.
“People are dying out there and someone has to be answerable for how the fund was used because so far, the people of Carterets have not benefit a single toea from the money allocated to them,” Mr Tanis said.
Mr Semoso told the people that their problems were well known throughout the world.
He told the people that funds had been made available, however up to this date; they still did not know where the money was or how it had been used.
“The NationalGovernment in 2007 allocated K2 million for the Carterets relocation programme, and I want to know where that money went to,” Mr Semoso said.
He assured the people that he and the president would make it their personal business to fast track the process and to hold responsible people who were dragging everything behind.
The chiefs and people of Carterets said for the first time they had had a visit by the ABG president and the regional member to their island.
They added that they appreciated both leaders’ presence which showed how committed and concern they were to the problems.
Post-Courier (PNG)
Mine talk sets a positive deal
THE report on the Panguna landowners now ready to open up dialogue was a positive step forward, Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) company secretary Paul Coleman said yesterday.
He was responding to a revelation by Autonomous Bougainville President James Tanis that the landowners were ready to speak on the compensation for Panguna and the future of the Panguna mine.
Mr Coleman said that they were conscious of the need for reconciliation before any other negotiations or dialogue on the mine
could be held.
He also said that they were very happy with President Tanis as they saw positive signs in his approach towards re-opening dialogue on the issue.
“It is a positive step forward. We support the process and we are happy with the work of the president,” Mr Coleman said.
Meanwhile Mr Tanis revealed on February 5 that ABG Natural Resources Minister Dr Benedict Pisi accompanied him to meet with the people of Panguna district and the Ioro Constituency.
The meeting participants comprised Panguna landowners, the Me’ekamui Government of Unity, chiefs, women, youth and Panguna ex-combatants.
An agreement was signed and called the Panguna meeting resolution. This resolution called for:
* The Panguna landowners reconciliation to proceed as planned with support from ABG and the PNG government;
* In completion of the reconciliation and the establishment of the Panguna Landowners Association, they should call on the ABG to put in place a process to resolve the issues of compensation and the future of the Panguna mine and other related issues with Rio-Tinto-Zinc (RTZ) which is the major shareholder of BCL and CRA;
* The Panguna communiqué to include weapons disposal;
* All different landowner organisations in Panguna to be dissolved
* A fresh election to be held to elect new Panguna Landowners association;
* TermS of reference to be drawn down;
* A professional lawyer to be engaged by ABG to assist Panguna landowners;
* Research and investigation into the Road Mining Tailings Lease Trust Fund (RMTL) to be carried out immediately when executives of the Panguna Landowners Association are elected and* The landowners to call upon the President to begin necessary preparations for the implementation of the above resolutions.
“It is important that the ABG and the National Government consider those requests carefully as the issues involved will positively pave way for a robust process to deal with all the issues of Panguna that are important not just for the question of the future of the Panguna mine but for the future of mining on Bougainville as well,” Mr Tanis said.
Tanis happy with meet
BOUGAINVILLE President James Tanis is statisfied with the outcome of the just completed Joint Supervisory Body meeting in Port
On his return to Buka on Saturday, Mr Tanis told the media the talks were “very fruitful and productive’’.
The drawdown of powers and functions were the main discussion points.
Mr Tanis explained to the people of Bougainville that the draw down of powers would require patience because some powers and functions needed time and preparation on the part of the Bougainville administration.
“The powers that are required or can be drawn quickly can be drawn down immediately and let the bigger and longer ones go on its own phase,’’ Mr Tanis said.
He said the Autonomous Bougainville Government with the National Government blessings would soon appoint an administrator.
“In the JSB meeting we were able to sort out disputes between the National Government and us here in the ABG relating to certain outstanding issues that weren’t sorted out in a proper dialogue,” Mr Tanis said.
The National Government is now clear about Bougainville, its issues and incentives and the goals it wants to reach because in the past there was no proper consultation with the National Government, the President said.
“I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the national parliamentarians, especially our Regional Member Fidelis Semoso and the Member for South Bougainville Steven Pirika for standing by us all throughout,” Mr Tanis said. “If we Bougainvilleans do not stick to working on our goals and aims then we will become the laughing stock of the country.
“The National Government will laugh at us and the international committee will also laugh at us.
“Mind you Bougainvilleans the international community in PNG stands by us, that is what I know because I have visited foreign diplomatic missions.” Mr Tanis said.
Mr Semoso urged Bougain-villeans to work with the Government on the issue of drawdown of powers.
Landowners seeking own solution to crisis
THE people of Panguna, the home of one of the world’s biggest open cut mines, want to see the Bougainville crisis end where it started.
And the Panguna Resolution, en-dorsed by the Bougainville Executive Council (BEC) on February 9, paves the way for a process that may see that happen.
The Panguna Resolution, brokered under the leadership of new President James Tanis, aims to forge the successful disposal of arms, especially in Central and South Bougainville.
The Panguna Resolution was reached in a meeting held in Panguna on February 5 attended by Meekamui Unity Government representatives, Panguna landowners, women, youth and Panguna ex-combatants, people of the Ioro constituency with their member and Minister for Natural Resources Benedict Pisi and Mr Tanis.
The resolution resolved all previous landowner groups, and called on the ABG to help with a process for the election of a new executive for the Panguna landowners association.
Once the new executive body of the Panguna landowners association is formed, the resolution calls on the Autonomous Bougainville Government to establish a process to resolve all outstanding issues including compensation payments and the future of the Panguna mine with the major shareholders of the Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL).
The ABG has agreed to support in implementing the resolution. The National Government has been formally asked by the ABG to also help in implementing the Panguna resolution.
The Member for Baba in Nagovis southwest Bougainville Thomas Pabakumi has expressed his support for the initiative.
“I will be joining the Minister for Education and Member for Lato Michael Otoroa and Member for Bolave Tony Sioma in conducting meetings with our people in the lower tailings area in relation to the Panguna resolution and how we can contribute in addressing this issue,’’ he said.
The Post Courier reports:
Panguna still valuable
BOUGAINVILLE Copper Limited made a loss of K4.8 million last year compared with a profit of K3.6 million the previous year, company secretary Paul Coleman said yesterday.
And an expert study, based on accumulated drill-core data re-interpreted by modern computer-aided scoping, revealed this week the the massive Panguna deposit contained more valuable ore than has already been mined out.
The company said in a statement yesterday that an order of magnitude study, based on the mining operations at the site before it was closed by a civil war in 1989, had shown there was sufficient potential for a viable operation, allowing the reporting of a mineral resource statement. Based on geological, mine planning and production data archived in 1989, Bougainville Copper Ltd said Panguna had an indicated and inferred resource of 1.06 billion metric tons of ore with copper at grades of 0.33 per cent and gold at 0.37 grams a tonne.
Bougainville Copper Ltd, which is 53.6 per cent owned by Rio Tinto Ltd. (RTP), has been in talks with the Papua New Guinea Government and the Autonomous Bougainville Government over the mine’s future and has said consensus among stakeholders will be required before any restart to mining “The Panguna mine has a mineral resource of a billion tonnes of ore. The order of magnitude study, reported by BCL to the Australian Stock Exchange, says there is an evaluated one billion tonnes of payable ore still within the existing mining lease,” Mr Coleman said.
This does not include the further upside of copper and gold potentially contained in a further seven unexplored mining tenements adjacent to the Panguna pit.
Industry sources yesterday confirmed that the Panguna deposit, among the world’s five largest copper-gold mines at the time of its forced closure, was likely to be still one of the most valuable mining operations in the world if-restarted.
In 1988, the last full year of mining operations, Panguna produced and sold 166,000 tonnes of copper and 445,000 ounces of gold, an output comparable to Ok Tedi in its best years.
But while the Western Province project was declining and facing closure within a few years, Panguna might have a mine life extending a further 20 years, if re-started three or four years from now.
Commenting on the first outcome of the order of magnitude study delivered yesterday, officials said the study was part of the company’s on-going stewardship of the resource, a duty the company accepted as its responsibility to shareholders and to the
people of Bougainville.
The Sydney Morning Herald reports:
New Bougainville president seeks unity
Ilya Gridneff
February 13, 2009 - 7:44PM
Bougainville's newly-elected President James Tanis says the region's crucial reconciliation process has taken a step forward.
He says feuding landowner groups who shut down the massive Panguna copper mine and sparked a decade-long civil war with Papua New Guinea defence forces have shown unity to reconcile for the first time.
The news on Friday comes a day after Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) reported to the Australian Stock Exchange more than a billion tonnes of gold and copper ore lie dormant in their Panguna site.
Tanis, sworn in last month after former president Joseph Kabui suddenly died in April last year, places the Panguna issue at the top of his agenda along with reconciliation of the aggrieved parties.
Before mining can restart reconciliation and weapon disposal must come, he said.
"The whole conflict started as a dispute among the landowners," he said.
"Now they have signed a resolution in which they have agreed to reconcile and reunite into establishing one Panguna landowner association.
"Elections will be conducted under an Electoral Commission, so that it is a credible process," he said.
"I said to them: 'you started this conflict, I want a strategy that you want to end this conflict'."
No deadline has been set so the groups have as much time as they need to resolve the complex web of issues.
"What they've seen is that I am a president that comes from Panguna area and does not have a conflict of interest," Tanis said.
In the late 1980s the Panguna Landowner Association (PLA) was one of many groups forming the Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA) that shut down BCL's Panguna mine in the island's Central Province, through militant action.
Landowner groups disputed mining royalties and many were angered at environmental damage caused by the mine's 18 years of operation.
The warring, in part also a secessionist movement, ended in 1997 and culminated with the Bougainville Peace Agreement in 2001 offering a referendum on independence after 2015.
"I come from the BRA background," Tanis said.
"I am not a politician, I come from the battleground which I am not necessarily proud of, but let me say, it taught me enough lessons that we have to resolve those issues.
"I do not want to see another round of conflict again that will cost many lives.
"Yes I am a fighter but I have turned into a peace builder.
"We need to bridge gaps, we need to talk and we can never resolve any problem if we bury the agenda under the table and hope we will wake up one morning and say it was just a bad dream," he said
BCL secretary Paul Coleman said Tanis' reconciliation and weapon disposal plans was a "positive step forward".
"It's been a very positive approach. We've always said until consensus is found on Bougainville with the people and the landowners we can't go back," he said.
Panguna still valuable
BOUGAINVILLE Copper Limited made a loss of K4.8 million last year compared with a profit of K3.6 million the previous year, company secretary Paul Coleman said yesterday.
And an expert study, based on accumulated drill-core data re-interpreted by modern computer-aided scoping, revealed this week the the massive Panguna deposit contained more valuable ore than has already been mined out.
The company said in a statement yesterday that an order of magnitude study, based on the mining operations at the site before it was closed by a civil war in 1989, had shown there was sufficient potential for a viable operation, allowing the reporting of a
mineral resource statement.
Based on geological, mine planning and production data archived in 1989, Bougainville Copper Ltd said Panguna had an indicated and
inferred resource of 1.06 billion metric tons of ore with copper at grades of 0.33 per cent and gold at 0.37 grams a tonne.
Bougainville Copper Ltd, which is 53.6 per cent owned by Rio Tinto Ltd. (RTP), has been in talks with the Papua New Guinea Government and the Autonomous Bougainville Government over the mine’s future and has said consensus among stakeholders will be required before any restart to mining.
“The Panguna mine has a mineral resource of a billion tonnes of ore. The order of magnitude study, reported by BCL to the Australian Stock Exchange, says there is an evaluated one billion tonnes of payable ore still within the existing mining lease,” Mr Coleman said.
This does not include the further upside of copper and gold potentially contained in a further seven unexplored mining tenements adjacent to the Panguna pit.
Industry sources yesterday confirmed that the Panguna deposit, among the world’s five largest copper-gold mines at the time of its forced closure, was likely to be still one of the most valuable mining operations in the world if-restarted.
In 1988, the last full year of mining operations, Panguna produced and sold 166,000 tonnes of copper and 445,000 ounces of gold, an output comparable to Ok Tedi in its best years.
But while the Western Province project was declining and facing closure within a few years, Panguna might have a mine life extending a further 20 years, if re-started three or four years from now.
Commenting on the first outcome of the order of magnitude study delivered yesterday, officials said the study was part of the company’s on-going stewardship of the resource, a duty the company accepted as its responsibility to shareholders and to the people of Bougainville.
Reuters reports:
Plenty of copper still in deserted Rio mine in PNG
Wed Feb 11, 2009 4:33am EST
SYDNEY, Feb 11 (Reuters) - The troubled Panguna mine in Papua New Guinea's Bougainville Island still had plenty of copper and gold left when Rio Tinto Ltd/Plc abandoned it two decades ago following an attack by secessionist rebels, a new study shows.
Based on geological data from 1989, the study indicates over 1 billion tonnes of ore could still be mined, which is more than the 675 million tonnes dug over 18 years the mine operated, Bougainville Copper Ltd , the 53.58 percent-owned Rio Tinto subsidiary, said.
The study indicates "sufficient potential for a viable operation" resuming at the mine, it said.
There has been no exploration or mining at Panguna because the site remains off-limit despite the formation of an autonomous island government.
In 1988, its last full year of operation, the mine produced 166,000 tonnes of copper and 445,000 ounces of gold, worth $1 billion at today's prices for both metals. (ESBC: Reuters forgot to mention Silver! Estimated investment for re-opening of the Panguna Mine: 1.0 to 1.5 billion $ only !)
Bougainville Copper's profits are now generated primarily as interest revenue on a range of investments. In 2000, it began to dispose of its Bougainville assets and has since developed a portfolio of debt and equity investments.
Rio Tinto has long-shunned returning to Bougainville island despite an end to hostilities in 2001 and discussions from time to time with the government. In 2005, it sold its stake in another mine in Papua New Guinea's Lihir island and holds no other interests in the country.
Rio Tinto is seeking to sell off billions of dollars in non-core assets such as uranium, iron ore and potash mines worldwide to pay off debts caused by the bust in commodities markets, though it hasn't mentioned its stake in Panguna as being on the block.
Soeben erschienen:
BCL: Preliminary Annual Report 2008 / Vorläufiger Jahresabschluss 2008
BCL: Order of Magnitude Study (1st results) / BCL: Erste Zahlen aus der Order of Magnitude Studie
New Bougainville president seeks unity
Ilya Gridneff
February 13, 2009 - 7:44PM
Bougainville's newly-elected President James Tanis says the region's crucial reconciliation process has taken a step forward.
He says feuding landowner groups who shut down the massive Panguna copper mine and sparked a decade-long civil war with Papua New Guinea defence forces have shown unity to reconcile for the first time.
The news on Friday comes a day after Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) reported to the Australian Stock Exchange more than a billion tonnes of gold and copper ore lie dormant in their Panguna site.
Tanis, sworn in last month after former president Joseph Kabui suddenly died in April last year, places the Panguna issue at the top of his agenda along with reconciliation of the aggrieved parties.
Before mining can restart reconciliation and weapon disposal must come, he said.
"The whole conflict started as a dispute among the landowners," he said.
"Now they have signed a resolution in which they have agreed to reconcile and reunite into establishing one Panguna landowner association.
"Elections will be conducted under an Electoral Commission, so that it is a credible process," he said.
"I said to them: 'you started this conflict, I want a strategy that you want to end this conflict'."
No deadline has been set so the groups have as much time as they need to resolve the complex web of issues.
"What they've seen is that I am a president that comes from Panguna area and does not have a conflict of interest," Tanis said.
In the late 1980s the Panguna Landowner Association (PLA) was one of many groups forming the Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA) that shut down BCL's Panguna mine in the island's Central Province, through militant action.
Landowner groups disputed mining royalties and many were angered at environmental damage caused by the mine's 18 years of operation.
The warring, in part also a secessionist movement, ended in 1997 and culminated with the Bougainville Peace Agreement in 2001 offering a referendum on independence after 2015.
"I come from the BRA background," Tanis said.
"I am not a politician, I come from the battleground which I am not necessarily proud of, but let me say, it taught me enough lessons that we have to resolve those issues.
"I do not want to see another round of conflict again that will cost many lives.
"Yes I am a fighter but I have turned into a peace builder.
"We need to bridge gaps, we need to talk and we can never resolve any problem if we bury the agenda under the table and hope we will wake up one morning and say it was just a bad dream," he said.
BCL secretary Paul Coleman said Tanis' reconciliation and weapon disposal plans was a "positive step forward".
"It's been a very positive approach. We've always said until consensus is found on Bougainville with the people and the landowners we can't go back," he said.
This story was found at:
Tanis calls for unity on B’ville
THE President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government James Tanis made a courtesy call on the people of Panguna during his inauguration in Arawa.
Mr Tanis said the ABG had still to develop an effective process to resolve the Panguna issues, adding when he talked to the people of Panguna.
He saw a real hope for reconciliation among landowner groups only if there was a proper political treatment.
“As the President, I declare my neutrality over Panguna. The conflict must end where it started and we must put in place the correct process to allow this to happen in consultation with the right people, especially the land owners,” he said.
He said he supported the Panguna land -owners in their moves to end the conflict where it started.
“I encourage you to reconcile and re-unite to speak with one voice. Your problems are Bougainville’s problems and the rest of Bougainville must play a role in ending this conflict.
The I will listen and help you,” he said.
The President said he knew some Panguna people supported the litigation in the United States against Rio Tinto.
He asked the ABG, BCL and the National Government for their patience, saying that with time and reason these matters would be resolved.
Mr Tanis said the people of Bougainville must not depend on mining alone but do take other responsibilities ahead of them.
The National
Tanis requests NZ to train B’ville cops
AUTONOMOUS Bougainville Government (ABG) president James Tanis has requested New Zealand authorities to train young Bougainville police constables in their country.
Mr Tanis made the request to New Zealand High Commissioner Neils Holm and New Zealand Police Commissioner Howard Broad during a function at the Kuri Village Resort yesterday.The ABG leader had proposed that his region’s young constables be trained in New Zealand.Mr Tanis said such scholarship programme would be of great help to the local police service as it would raise the capability of their police to carry out their jobs.
Expressing confidence in his new cabinet, he said one of the major priority areas they would be working on was the weapons’ disposal programme and law and order.
Mr Tanis said his government would be pushing for the draw down of powers to ensure that there was a balance “because at the end of the day, there were two sides of the peace agreement – the Bougainville obligation and the National Government’s obligation”. “I see my role as head of the executive council as a balancing act to satisfy our people’s demand for total autonomy and appropriate processes for referendum,” Mr Tanis said.
He said most of the activities would be taking place at the village level because the conflict started at the village and must also end there.
ABG Präsident James Tanis greift durch!
Post-Courier, 21.01.2009
Tanis sets new working codes
By Peterson Tseraha
BOUGAINVILLE’S President James Tanis wasted no time in imposing new tough standards for his Government.
All ministers must comply with the requirements of the leadership code in an honest and timely manner and must confirm that compliance in writing
to the President.
Under the new standards, copies of declarations of assets and liabilities, including shareholdings in any companies held by ministers or on their
behalf or trusts of which they are beneficiary, are to be provided to the chief ombudsman with a copy provided on a confidential basis to the chief
The other standards are:
* ALL policy directions to any division or body must be approved by the Bougainville executive council;
* MINISTERS shall not bring investment proposals to Bougainville executive council without prior consideration and recommendation from the
investment screening committee and the relevant division of the Bougainville administration;
* NO minister shall travel outside without prior approval from the President;
* ONCE cabinet has made a determination, no minister shall publicly express a contrary view without resigning as a member of the cabinet;
* NO minister will sign any document which commits the ABG to any contract, agreement or public position without prior approval of cabinet
and/or the President;
* NO minister will see any investor or potential investor without the administrator or relevant CEO being present;
* NO minister will travel at the expense of any third party unless there are compelling reasons and where prior approval has been received
from the President;
* NO minister shall take part in any BEC deliberations where the minister has an interest in the relevant application or otherwise has a
conflict of interest;
* CONSTITUENCY support grants may only be spent in accordance with approved guidelines and not other wise. Constituency support grants may
only be paid to members after receipt and approval of a full acquittal for the previous year;
* MINISTERS shall not consume alcohol in any public place other than in moderation and shall not participate in any official duties,
including cabinet and parliament, if under the influence of alcohol;
* MINISTERS shall maintain proper dress standards while on duty and otherwise in public; and
* MINISTERS are provided with a transport allowance. Therefore government vehicles shall not be used without prior approval of the president.
The 2009 Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday April 21st or Wednesday April 22nd, 2009 .
Die Jahreshauptversammlung 2009 ist für Dienstag, den 21. oder Mittwoch, den 22. April 2009 geplant.
Axel G. Sturm zur heutigen Vereidigung von James Tanis zum 2. Präsidenten der Autonomen Region Bougainville:
Das Tanis Projekt.
Wer von den geneigten Bougainville Copper Investoren zu lange wartet, den könnte jetzt – frei nach Gorbatschow – das Leben bestrafen.
Wer von James Tanis, dem soeben gewählten Präsidenten Bougainvilles erwartet, dass er bei seiner morgigen Vereidigung die Rückkehr der Insel in die Steinzeit ankündigen wird, der wird eines anderen belehrt werden. Zwar beschwört Tanis derzeit noch basisdemokratische Werte wie etwa eine Volksabstimmung zur Miningfrage und fordert weitere Versöhnungsfeiern ein, eines ist aber klar: Er steht unter Zeit- und Erfolgsdruck!
Wer unter Zeitdruck steht wie James Tanis, weil ihm nur 18 Monate bis zur nächsten regulären Wahl bleiben, muss seine Rezepte zum Erfolg zu führen; sein Erfolgsdruck resultiert aus seinem, ihm ohne weiteres zu unterstellenden, Wunsch, im Jahr 2010 wieder gewählt zu werden. In diesem Spannungsfeld müssen nun schnell Entscheidungen getroffen werden, die möglichst bald die wirtschaftlichen Verhältnisse breiter Bevölkerungskreise verbessern oder zumindest eine realistische, positive Zukunftsperspektive generieren. Dass wirtschaftlicher Aufschwung nur zu erreichen ist, indem die Pangunamine wieder in Betrieb geht, ist ohnehin den meisten klar.
Wer wie Tanis, der offenbar aus seiner rebellischen Jugend über gute Kontakte zu den verbleibenden BRA-Kämpfern verfügt, wird wohl all seinen Einfluss geltend machen, seine ehemaligen Mitstreiter von seiner Sache zu überzeugen. Anders als Kabui, der einen permanenten Kuschelkurs gepaart mit undurchsichtigen Kungeleien verfolgte, ist Tanis zum Erfolg verdammt, will er nicht in anderthalb Jahren aus dem Amt gejagt werden möchte. Verlässliche Verbündete in seinem Amt können da eigentlich nur die Zentralregierung in Port Moresby und Bougainville Copper Ltd. sein. Zwar könnte auch wieder einmal die Volksrepublik China einen lukrativen Braten wittern, im Hinblick auf deren hausgemachten und weltwirtschaftlich bedingten Probleme ist dies in näherer Zukunft aber eher unwahrscheinlich.
Wer nun noch glaubt, Tanis sei ein Mininggegner, wird überrascht sein: Bisher jedenfalls ist kein Spruch von Tanis kolportiert, in dem er die Wiederaufnahme des Minings in Panguna wie sein Vorgänger im Amt („nur über meine Leiche!“) kategorisch abgelehnt hätte. Im Gegenteil!…
New Bougainville president puts focus on peace
Bougainville's new president, James Tanis, was sworn into office today in front of a crowd of about 3,000 in the city of Arawa.
The ceremony, which lasted most of the day, included indigenous music and dance and eight speeches before Mr Tanis took to the podium to outline his vision and policies for the province.
Mr Tanis, whose term only lasts for 16 months before the next general election, said he was focused on the peace process between rival groups in Bougainville.
He also said he would be seeking assistance from Australia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand and the UN in disposing weapons that are being used in internal conflicts.
"Gun culture is not our culture, we've got to get back to resolving our differences," he said.
"If Bouganville could resolve the very deep differences with Papua New Guinea after 10 years of fighting then there should be no real difficulty in Bougainvilleans resolving their much smaller differences."
Anthony Reagan, an adviser to the Autonomous Bougainville Government of Papua New Guinea, says the peace process has been going on since 1997.
"The peace process was built around three main things: the guaranteed referendum of independence, guaranteed autonomy, and weapons disposal and reconciliation," Mr Reagan told the ABC's Pacific Beat.
Mr Tanis also said he would work on new mining projects in the resource-rich region, but that he would not force mining on Bougainvilleans.
Bougainville ready for President swearing in
Updated Mon Jan 5, 2009 4:00pm AEDT
More Papua New Guinea:Bougainville Stories:
· Bougainville president outlines his vision for the province
· Bougainville President elect prepares for swearing in ceremony
· James Tanis new Bougainville President
After an extaordinary trip through some twenty fast flowong rivers and creeks - President elect James Tanis has arrived safely in Arawa in Bougainville for tomorrow's swearing-in ceremony. President elect James Tanis chose Arawa near his home village for the ceremony. The official program for the swearing-in is likely to take the whole day to complete.
Sind die Renten noch sicher?
Die Einführung der sogenannten „Riester-Rente“ ist Beweis genug: Renten allein sind nicht mehr sicher!
Aus diesem Grund möchte ich Ihnen heute die „Bougainville-Copper-Rente“ vorstellen:
Sie werden fragen „Was ist denn das?“ Nun, lassen Sie es mich erklären. Diese Rente funktioniert verblüffend einfach und ist ähnlich sicher oder unsicher wie viele der heutigen Geldmarktprodukte. Mit einem Unterschied: Sie rentiert besser!
Was müssen Sie tun?
Ganz einfach: Sie kaufen in diesen Tagen 100.000 Originalaktien von Bougainville Copper Limited zu – sagen wir einmal zu 0,40 Euro pro Stück (heutiger Schlusskurs in Frankfurt: 0,342 Euro). Das entspricht einem Investment von 40.000,00 Euro plus Spesen. Dann folgen Sie der Empfehlung von André Kostolany: Sie vergessen Ihre Aktien und legen sich schlafen.
Nach etwa 5 Jahren erwachen Sie und stellen fest, dass die Pangunamine inzwischen wieder eröffnet wurde und dort eifrig gearbeitet wird. Bougainville Copper veröffentlicht seine Jahresbilanz und schlägt eine Dividendenzahlung in Höhe von 0,40 AUD (ca. 0,20 Euro) vor. Sie erinnern sich an die 100.000 Aktien, die Sie seit dem Jahr 2009 in Ihrem Depot liegen haben. Beim Blick auf den aktuellen Kurszettel durchzuckt es Sie: Aus Ihrer Anfangsinvestition von 40.000 Euro sind inzwischen 400.000 Euro geworden – innerhalb von 5 Jahren. Sie denken sofort daran, zu verkaufen. Doch dann aber überlegen Sie: 20 Cents pro Aktie entsprechen immerhin 20.000 Euro Dividende abzüglich 25% Steuer. Das sind immerhin 15.000 Euro netto per Anno! Sie rechnen noch einmal nach und kommen auf eine verblüffende Zahl: Ihr Ursprungsinvestment hat sich nicht nur im Wert verzehnfacht, es verzinst sich nun auch mit 37,5% pro Jahr! Eine Rendite, die Ihnen kein Festgeldkontrakt garantiert, von Bundesschatzbriefen einmal ganz zu schweigen. Sie überlegen nun, was Sie tun sollen und entscheiden richtig: Sie tun nichts und freuen sich.
Wer heute zu günstigen Preisen Originalaktien von Bougainville Copper kauft, wird mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit in ca. 5 Jahren in den Genuss einer sehr hohen Rendite kommen. Die Chancen für eine Minenwiedereröffnung sind in den letzten Monaten massiv gestiegen. Zwar sind momentan noch einige bürokratische Hürden zu überwinden, die Zeit spielt indes für uns Investoren. Vergessen Sie nicht: Ihre Investition entspricht dem Preis eines gut ausgestatteten Mittelklassewagens – mehr nicht!
Welches Risiko gehen Sie ein? Lassen Sie mich das so beantworten: Auch mit einem exzellenten Mittelklassewagen kann man einen Totalschaden haben. Es kommt darauf an, wie man fährt und ob man Glück oder Pech im Straßenverkehr hat.
Einziger Unterschied: Nach heutigem Wissensstand wird Ihr Bougainville-Copper-Depot vermutlich dann immer noch mehr wert sein als ein Haufen Schrott, denn Sie haben die Aktien ja extrem billig gekauft!
Sind die Renten noch sicher?
Die Einführung der sogenannten „Riester-Rente“ ist Beweis genug: Renten allein sind nicht mehr sicher!
Aus diesem Grund möchte ich Ihnen heute die „Bougainville-Copper-Rente“ vorstellen:
Sie werden fragen „Was ist denn das?“ Nun, lassen Sie es mich erklären. Diese Rente funktioniert verblüffend einfach und ist ähnlich sicher oder unsicher wie viele der heutigen Geldmarktprodukte. Mit einem Unterschied: Sie rentiert besser!
Was müssen Sie tun?
Ganz einfach: Sie kaufen in diesen Tagen 100.000 Originalaktien von Bougainville Copper Limited zu – sagen wir einmal zu 0,40 Euro pro Stück (heutiger Schlusskurs in Frankfurt: 0,342 Euro). Das entspricht einem Investment von 40.000,00 Euro plus Spesen. Dann folgen Sie der Empfehlung von André Kostolany: Sie vergessen Ihre Aktien und legen sich schlafen.
Nach etwa 5 Jahren erwachen Sie und stellen fest, dass die Pangunamine inzwischen wieder eröffnet wurde und dort eifrig gearbeitet wird. Bougainville Copper veröffentlicht seine Jahresbilanz und schlägt eine Dividendenzahlung in Höhe von 0,40 AUD (ca. 0,20 Euro) vor. Sie erinnern sich an die 100.000 Aktien, die Sie seit dem Jahr 2009 in Ihrem Depot liegen haben. Beim Blick auf den aktuellen Kurszettel durchzuckt es Sie: Aus Ihrer Anfangsinvestition von 40.000 Euro sind inzwischen 400.000 Euro geworden – innerhalb von 5 Jahren. Sie denken sofort daran, zu verkaufen. Doch dann aber überlegen Sie: 20 Cents pro Aktie entsprechen immerhin 20.000 Euro Dividende abzüglich 25% Steuer. Das sind immerhin 15.000 Euro netto per Anno! Sie rechnen noch einmal nach und kommen auf eine verblüffende Zahl: Ihr Ursprungsinvestment hat sich nicht nur im Wert verzehnfacht, es verzinst sich nun auch mit 37,5% pro Jahr! Eine Rendite, die Ihnen kein Festgeldkontrakt garantiert, von Bundesschatzbriefen einmal ganz zu schweigen. Sie überlegen nun, was Sie tun sollen und entscheiden richtig: Sie tun nichts und freuen sich.
Wer heute zu günstigen Preisen Originalaktien von Bougainville Copper kauft, wird mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit in ca. 5 Jahren in den Genuss einer sehr hohen Rendite kommen. Die Chancen für eine Minenwiedereröffnung sind in den letzten Monaten massiv gestiegen. Zwar sind momentan noch einige bürokratische Hürden zu überwinden, die Zeit spielt indes für uns Investoren. Vergessen Sie nicht: Ihre Investition entspricht dem Preis eines gut ausgestatteten Mittelklassewagens – mehr nicht!
Welches Risiko gehen Sie ein? Lassen Sie mich das so beantworten: Auch mit einem exzellenten Mittelklassewagen kann man einen Totalschaden haben. Es kommt darauf an, wie man fährt und ob man Glück oder Pech im Straßenverkehr hat.
Einziger Unterschied: Nach heutigem Wissensstand wird Ihr Bougainville-Copper-Depot vermutlich dann immer noch mehr wert sein als ein Haufen Schrott, denn Sie haben die Aktien ja extrem billig gekauft!
Radio New Dawn (Bougainville)
31 March 2009
Panguna landowners want mine to re-open
By Aloysius Laukai
Panguna landowners want to talk face to face with representatives of Bougainville Copper Limited.
This was the message they gave to the chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Ombudsman, Moses Maladina, last Thursday.
In a meeting with Mr Maladina at the Panguna district office, the interim chairman of the Panguna Landowners, Michael Pariu, called for a quick forum with BCL to air long-standing grievances.
Landowners want to meet BCL and are now willing to discuss their differences and allow BCL to resume operations.
The Panguna landowners used Mr Maladina’s visit to air their grievances on a number of outstanding issues that they have been living with in the last twenty years.
Michael Pariu and Wendelinus Bitanuma took Mr Maladina for a tour of the mine site and the tailing area to see for himself the damage and the problems and risks the people of Panguna continue to live with.
According to the Bougainville Constitution any opening of the mine or any other mine on Bougainville must be decided by a referendum in which the people of Bougainville must vote to support.
The Bank of New York Mellon
Depositary Receipts Division
101 Barclay Street, 22nd Floor
New York, New York 10286
Bougainville Copper American Deposit Receipts (US1013952007)
Dear Mrs. Erlandsen,
please be so kind to forward this mail if you should not be concerned.
The European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC) represent the biggest group of private investors in Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL).
Our members are holding original shares (PG0008526520) and American Deposit Receipts (US1013952007) as well. As announced by the Bank of New York Mellon and other ADR emitending banks, they intend to stop their unsponsored ADR program in Bougainville Copper on July 27th, 2009.
This information brought even more uncertainty into an already weakened market.
For example JPM informed falsely as follows…
(JPM citation: “Yes, Bougainville Copper is terminating their unsponsored ADR program. We do not have information on whether they are going to offer a different program in the future.”)
…that the program had been stopped by intervention of Bougainville Copper Limited. Such a statements are not only misleading but also absolutely illegal as you find out by reading the following official statement of BCL given to the ESBC yesterday:
“Bougainville Copper (“BOC”) is not party to or part of the ADR scheme mentioned in your email. Unsponsored ADR programs are sometimes established by banks, at their own volition, without the approval or knowledge of the company involved. BOC has never approved or sponsored such a scheme, or been the financial beneficiary of any such scheme.”
Therefore the ESBC claim that all costs of the exchange of ADRs (US1013952007) to original BCL shares (PG0008526520) have to be covered by the emitent banks, because of the fact that the transaction has to be considered as a compulsorily exchange activity.
The ESBC members preserve the right as well to ask for compensation for fiscal disadvantages due to the transaction.
The ESBC expect your clarifying answer including your assurance to bear all cost for our members that are related to the transactions until
Tuesday, July 7th, 2009 20 hrs GMT
Further we expect that you will publish the reviewed conditions of exchange as soon as possible in the concerned finance media.
If your answer is not satisfying to our members interest, the board of the ESBC has to advise our members to bring the case to a legal solution.
Axel G. Sturm
President ESBC
Escaldes-Engordany, July 3rd, 2009
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
161 North Concord Exchange
South St. Paul, MN 55075
Bougainville Copper American Deposit Receipts (US1013952007)
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC) represent the biggest group of private investors in Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL).
Our members are holding original shares (PG0008526520) and American Deposit Receipts (US1013952007) as well. As announced by JPM and other ADR emitending banks, they intend to stop their unsponsored ADR program on July 27th, 2009.
This information brought more uncertainty into an already weakened market.
Further JPM informed falsely as follows…
(JPM citation: “Yes, Bougainville Copper is terminating their unsponsored ADR program. We do not have information on whether they are going to offer a different program in the future.”)
…that the program had been stopped by intervention of Bougainville Copper Limited. Such a statement is not only misleading but also absolutely illegal as you find out by reading the following official statement of BCL given to the ESBC yesterday:
“Bougainville Copper (“BOC”) is not party to or part of the ADR scheme mentioned in your email. Unsponsored ADR programs are sometimes established by banks, at their own volition, without the approval or knowledge of the company involved. BOC has never approved or sponsored such a scheme, or been the financial beneficiary of any such scheme.”
Therefore the ESBC claim that all costs of the exchange of ADRs (US1013952007) to original BCL shares (PG0008526520) have to be covered by the emitent banks, because of the fact that the transaction has to be considered as a compulsorily exchange activity.
The ESBC members preserve the right as well to ask for compensation for fiscal disadvantages due to the transaction.
The ESBC expect your clarifying answer including your assurance to bear all cost for our members that are related to the transactions until
Tuesday, July 7th, 2009 20 hrs GMT
Further we expect that you will publish the reviewed conditions of exchange as soon as possible in the concerned finance media.
If your answer is not satisfying to our members interest, the board of the ESBC has to advise our members to bring the case to a legal solution.
Axel G. Sturm
President ESBC
Escaldes-Engordany, July 2nd, 2009
Bougainville Copper ADRs:
Schwarzer Freitag oder futsch sind sie!
Heute ist ein denkwürdiger Tag: Mit heutigem Datum sind die Bougainville Copper ADRs vom Markt verschwunden. Gott sei Dank. Viel zu lange schon hatten diese Papiere den Handel mit den Originalen verwässert. Viel zu lange schon und viel zu oft hatten Investoren in Bougainville Copper zu den vermeintlich billigeren amerikanischen Derivaten gegriffen, anstatt sich mit Originalen einzudecken. Ergebnis: Teils überstieg das Volumen des Handels in ADRs den des Handels in Originalen um das Mehrfache. Das führte dazu, dass die ADRs mit den Originalen teils pari gehandelt wurden. Manche Investoren träumten sogar schon davon, dass die ADRs teuerer werden könnten als die Originale wenn erst einmal die Nachfrage aus den USA massiv anstiege. Das ist nicht geschehen. Wie sich viele erinnern werden: ich habe stets aus prinzipiellen Gründen davor gewarnt, überhaupt ADRs zu kaufen, weil nie eindeutig nachgewiesen werden konnte, ob tatsächlich für jeden American Deposit Receipt (ADR) eine Originalaktie (wie eigentlich vorgeschrieben) hinterlegt worden war. Meine diesbzüglichen Recherchen liefen demzufolge auch stets ins Leere – sei es in Frankfurt oder aber in New York.
Der nun anstehende „Zwangsumtausch“ von ADRs hat seine Tücken, da sich nicht alle Depotbanken in diesen Dingen auskennen und manche eine solche Dienstleitung gar nicht erst anbieten. Nur einige wenige Institute sind so firm darin wie etwa die Dresdner Bank, die nachweislich in der Vergangenheit den Umtausch problemlos bewerkstelligte.
Auf manchen Anleger werden in den kommenden Wochen also noch manche Beschwerlichkeiten zukommen.
Doch da ist Licht am Ende des Tunnels! Sind erst einmal alle Hürden genommen, werden die Umsätze in Bougainville Copper merklich ansteigen. In einem engen Markt bedeutet das: höhere Volatilität. Für Trader also paradiesische Zustände! Doch auch Langfristanleger (davon sind viele bei uns vertreten!) gehen nicht leer aus. Sie können damit rechnen, dass eine ansteigende Nachfrage nach Original Bougainville Copper Aktien die Kurse beflügeln wird. Hypes, so wie in der Vergangenheit gesehen, werden noch drastischer ausfallen und die Kurse in schwindelnde Höhen katapultieren. An dieser Stelle möchte ich nicht verschweigen, dass schlechte Nachrichten den Kurs auch weitaus merklichen nach unten treiben können!
Da aber der aktuelle Kurs schon unangemessen tief liegt, überwiegen derzeit die Chancen die Gefahren erheblich:
Im Herbst 2007 erreichte die Originalaktie in Fankfurt ein Hoch von 1,11 Euro. Auch vor einem Jahr ging der Kurs auf einen Euro! Stellen wir uns einmal vor, der nächste Hype würde den Preis auf nur diesen einen Euro katapultieren. Das hiesse – gemessen am heutigen Preis – eine Verdreifachung (+200%) !!!
Welche Gefahren lauern?
Rein hypothetisch könnte die Aktie nochmals vom heutigen Niveau 30% abstürzen. Ihr Preis entspräche dann in etwa dem vorhandenen Anlagevermögen der Bougainville Copper Limited. Dieses Szenario scheint mir persönlich eher unwahrscheinlich angesichts der positiven Situation vor Ort. Doch spätestens seit Toyota wissen wir ja: nichts ist unmöglich!
Jedoch andererseits stehen die 30% Risiko auch einem möglichen (durchaus nicht unrealistischem!) Gewinn von 200% gegenüber. An dieser Stelle möchte ich gar nicht erst darüber spekulieren, wohin der Kurs geht, ist die Wiedereröffnung erst einmal beschlossene Sache!
Angesichts der aktuelle Lage bin ich geradezu versucht, einen neuen Terminus technicus in die Börsensprache einzuführen: Das CRV = Chance/Riskoverhältnis. Letzteres ist momentan bei Bougainville Copper besonders günstig!
Wie also sieht es für die nähere Zukunft aus?
Nachdem sich die Turbulenzen um die Einstellung des ARD-Programms verzogen haben werden, ist mit steigenden Kursen zu rechnen. Speziell der Zugzwang unter den die örtlichen Politikern im Hinblick auf die im Sommer nächsten Jahres anstehenden Wahlen stehenden, Arbeitsnachweise zu liefern, dürfte positive Impulse liefern. Selbst ein neuer Hype im Spätsommer/Herbst diesen Jahres ist nicht ausgeschlossen, wenn die Nachrichten entsprechend gut sind. Und das ist zu erwarten!
Wer also die Deutsche Bank vor ein paar Monaten zum Tiefstkurs erworben hat, sollte jetzt überlegen, sich jetzt mit 200% Gewinn zu verabschieden und einen Teil des Gewinns in Bougainville Copper anzulegen.
Diejenigen, die noch immer ADRs im Depot halten, sollten schleunigst diese in Originale tauschen und nicht erst die „Zwangsabfindung“ abwarten. Eine solche Zwangsabfindung könnte im schlimmsten Falle den Kurs der Originale kurzfristig nochmals unter Druck setzen, soweit die Aktien tatsächlich bei den Herausgebern der ADRs vorhanden waren. Wenn nicht, müssten sich die Herausgeber der ADRs beim geforderten Umtausch eindecken. Das wiederum würde bedeuten, dass der Kurs der Originale massiv nach oben schiessen kann.
Kehrt jetzt wieder Ruhe ein?
Momentan steigt Bougainville Copper – natürlich die Originalaktie – wieder um 6 Prozent. Ist das schon das erste Ergebnis darauf, dass der Kurs nun nicht mehr von den ADRs verwässert wird? Zumindest was den Umsatz anlangt, liegen wir jetzt schon deutlich über Sydney. Das tut gut! Zumal: auch Bid und Ask steigen auch langsam an.
Axel G. Sturm
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Sehr geehrter Herr Doktor Ackermann,
Nach Monaten quälender Ruhe:
Es tut sich etwas auf Bougainville!
Am 9. Oktober beginnen nun endlich die lang ersehnten Versöhnungsfeiern mit einer großen Zeremonie in Panguna. Weitere kleinere Feiern folgen.
Gegen Ende Oktober/ Anfang November wird nun auch endlich ein gemeinsamer Rat der Panguna Landeigner gewählt werden, der dann seinerseits alle Landeignerinteressen koordinieren wird. Auch das ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung.
Präsident Tanis hat unlängst mitgeteilt, dass er seinen Amtssitz nunmehr doch nach Arawa verlegen wird. Auch das ist positiv, denn Arawa ist unmittelbar neben Panguna gelegen. Die Me’ekamui Kämpfer unter General Uma stellen sich als Sicherheitsdienst zur Verfügung.
Kakaoernte in Gefahr. Seit wenigen Wochen ist auf Bougainville der sogenannte Cacoa Pod Borer eingefallen. Es handelt sich dabei um eine Art Motte, die vorzugsweise Kakaobäume befällt und die Ernte vernichtet. Uns Bougaiville Copper Anlegern könnte nichts Besseres passieren, denn Bougainvilles gesamte Wirtschaft ist von den Kakaoplantagen abhängig. Schon drängen kluge Leute vor Ort das Autonomous Bougainville Government, die Kupferförderung schnellstens wieder in Gang zu bringen, damit die zu erwartenden Verdienstausfälle in Millionen Kina Höhe kompensiert werden können. Wie schön, dass Kupfer, Gold und Silber gegen Schädlinge unanfällig sind.
Der Umtausch von ADRs in Originalaktien hat bislang – wider Erwarten – zu keinen Kurssprüngen oder höheren Umsätzen geführt. Noch allerdings ist nicht aller Tage Abend. Da die Umtauschfrist noch bis Ende Januar 2010 andauert, können auch von dieser Seite immer noch starke Impulse kommen. Das ist sogar sehr wahrscheinlich! In diesem Zusammenhang: Bitte tauscht Eure ADR Bestände baldmöglichst in Originalaktien um!
Offensichtlich warten einige Depotbanken bis zur letzten Minute, um die ADRs in Originalaktien zu tauschen. Dies könnte der Grund dafür sein, dass bis dato noch keine Eindeckungskäufe stattgefunden haben. Ob das Verhalten der oben zitierten DAB Bank rechtens ist, vermag ich nicht zu beurteilen. Im Hinblick darauf, dass die ESBC in erster Linie ein Zusammenschluß der Aktionäre von Bougainville Copper sind, scheint es mir zudem fragwürdig, in diesem Zusammenhang ein teures Rechtsgutachten in Auftrag zu geben. So viel mir bekannt ist, haben ADR Besitzer jederzeit das Recht auf einen Umtausch ihrer Papiere in Originalaktien. Wenn dem so ist, dürfte sich die DAB Bank eigentlich diesem Kundenwunsch nicht verschliessen. Wir haben auf unserer Homepage ein PDF eingestellt, das ausführlich die rechtliche Grundlage von ADRs beschreibt. Alles Weitere unter „Hintergrundinformation“ in diesem Bereich: .
Dass sich heute ESBC Mitglieder mit Problemen beim Umtausch konfrontiert sehen, ist ärgerlich. Jedoch sage bitte keiner, er sei nicht schon lange auf diese Risiken aufmerksam gemacht worden. Der ESBC haben häufiger eindringlich vor einem Engagement in ADRs gewarnt. Dennoch ist zu hoffen, dass alle ADR-Besitzer recht bald in den Besitz der Originalaktien gelangen.
Deckelungsaktivitäten scheinen in Sydney durchaus vorhanden zu sein – speziell, wenn man bedenkt, dass nach Jahren der Unsicherheit ein Silberstreif am Horizont sichtbar wird. Wer allerdings dahinter steckt, kann man nicht sagen und wir werden es auch nicht in Erfahrung bringen können. Die Verkaufsorders von über 500 Tsd. Stück bei 0.65 AUD sprechen aber für eine solche Vermutung. Nach derzeitigen Umsätzen dürfte es mindestens einen Monat dauern bis der Kurs über diese Barriere springt. Es sei denn, dass die Eindeckung der Leerverkäufe vor Januar 2010 startet.
Für Dezember steht noch ein Joint Supervisory Board (JSB) Meeting an. Dem Vernehmen nach soll dort auch über das Bougainville Copper Agreement gesprochen, vielleicht sogar schon verhandelt werden.
Altlastenentsorgung. Seit dem 21.09.2009 befinden sich US-amerikanische Soldaten auf Bougainville, um die im 2. Weltkrieg zurück gelassenen Waffen, Munition und Sprengstoffe zu bergen und zu entsorgen. Teile dieser WW2 Überbleibsel dienten zur Ausstattung der Aufständischen in der Bougainville Krise sowie dem internationalen Waffenhandel. (Teile dieses tötlichen Erbes sollen auch gegen Bares auf andere Inseln der Region verbracht worden sein.) Die Entsorgung dieser alten Armeebestände könnte dazu beitragen, die Sicherheit auf der Insel zu erhöhen. Ob allerdings die Amerikaner auch die schon entwendete Waffen einsammeln sollen, ist nicht bekannt. Zumindest die Tatsache, dass hiermit der Waffennachschub unterbrochen wird, ist schon einmal positiv zu bewerten, da die schon kursierenden Waffen bei dem dortigen Klima irgendwann einmal verrosten und somit unbrauchbar werden.
Hoher Besuch. Meldungen zufolge soll kürzlich eine Delegation des PNG Miningministeriums die Pangunamine besichtigt haben. Details sind nicht bekannt. Jedoch: Offensichtlich scheint die No-Go-Zone nunmehr keine solche mehr zu sein. Schon in den vergangenen Monaten hatten die verbliebenen Me’ekamui Heinis jedem, der genug zahlte, Zutritt gewährt.
Dialogue will determine in Panguna mine re-opens
By Keith Jackson
Bougainville’s President James Tanis says he will not tell the people of central Bougainville that they must reopen the Panguna copper mine.
Speaking during a visit by Paul Coleman, Bougainville Copper’s company secretary, Mr Tanis said he would have nothing to do with the decision to reopen the mine.
He said his role as President was to act as a facilitator, and not to direct or force BCL or other parties concerned to reopen the mine. He said the mine’s future will be decided by BCL and the other parties concerned.
Mr Tanis said that before the issue was discussed, peace and normalcy must prevail on the island.
Mr Coleman was invited by the ABG president to establish a dialogue with all parties involved in the crisis.
Meanwhile, three major reconciliation ceremonies will be held this month in central Bougainville, the first one on October 16 at Panguna.
PNG’s deputy prime minister Sir Puka Temu will attend all three ceremonies.
The ceremonies will coincide with the official opening of the President’s offices in Arawa.