News 04.2012
Today, Bougainville Copper securities should have a realistic minimum value of AUD 2.50 per share ! |
Find out more about the fair value of BOC shares! |

Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
Re-opening the Panguna mine on Ms Bishop's agenda !
Bishop says F.M. Carr must focus on Australia's near neigbours
The Australian Opposition's deputy leader and foreign affairs spokesperson, Julie Bishop is visiting the Autonomous region of Bougainville.
Bishop says F.M. Carr must focus on Australia's near neigbours (Credit: ABC) It's part of the third trip to the region in the past few months by Ms Bishop.
It's not just a lightning visit as she'll stay overnight and hopes to meet Bougainville president, John Momis in the morning.
Presenter:Helene Hofman
Speaker:Julie Bishop, Australian Opposition Foreign Affairs spokeswoman
Listen here !
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Julie Bishop: Warm welcome on flooded Buka airport
Australian Deputy Opposition Leader JULIE BISHOP and her delegation arrived in Buka this morning for a three-day visit to the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
Picture of her being welcomed at the Buka airport this morning by a student from the Kamarau International School

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Police calling for lawfulness
By Tapo Tovilu
The Bougainville police service is calling for the people of Bougainville uphold the law during the election period in the region.
They have called for the people to respect the rule of law and to respect law enforcers in whatever duties they will be caring out.
A spokesman says that the Bougainville police service is ready for the upcoming elections and will be covering the elections throughout the region.
They have assured the public that this year’s elections will run smoothly without any hiccups and have assured the safe running of the elections.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Heavy rains causing damage to roads
By Tapo Tovilu
Continues heavy rains which are being felt all around the region at the moment are affecting many road systems in Buka.
The recently upgraded roads in the Buka town area are deteriorating due to the constant heavy rains.
This wet spell which was predicted in the beginning of the year by the national weather service is still expected in the coming months.
A public figure in Buka town says that many of the roads in the town area are starting to have holes again because of the rains.
He says there is no proper drainage and the water sitting on the roads are damaging the surface of the roads.
He has called for the authorities to look into the matter and address it before the conditions worsen.
This is the eight day since the rain started and Buka Town roads are at their worst conditions in years
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Ombudsman winds up awareness
By Tapo Tovilu
The ombudsmen commission of Papua New Guinea today completed a awareness on the corrupt practices currently occurring in the country.
The awareness took place at the bel Isi Park today and was witnessed by the commuting public.
The awareness which mainly emphasized on the corrupt practises and the laws which govern the conduct of leader was welcomed by many who were present.
A member of the awareness team says that it was very important that the public know what their responsibilities are and what they could do to fight corruption.
He says that at the moment there is a major black spot in the leadership of this nation and corruption was fuelling this spot.
He says that any member of the public who wishes to report any corrupt practise should contact the anti-corruption hot line or report the matter to the police.
The team will continue their awareness campaign throughout the New Guinea Islands region before the upcoming elections.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG Vice President, PATRICK NISIRA (picture) today called on all Bougainville women between the age of 15 and 45 and all children aged up to 3 years to go to the nearest Health facility to be vaccinated under the Supplementary Immunization Activity launched throughout Papua New Guinea and Bougainville between April second and May 15 2012.

The Vice President’s message was read to the public by the Minister for Community Development, ROSE PIHEI (picture below) during the official launching of the Supplementary Immunization Activity in Buka this morning.
MR. NISIRA said that before vaccination was introduced in this country many people were dying of preventable diseases like, Polio, Measles, Whooping Cough and Tetanus.
The ABG Vice President who is also the ABG minister for Health said that all we need to do is to take our children to the nearest clinic throughout the region.
He said that the ABG was committed to support initiatives undertaken to improve access as well as the quality of Health Services in Bougainville.
The Health Minister also announced that the Health sector on Bougainville was in a process towards restricting in line with the draw-down of Health powers to Bougainville.
He said a master plan which will accommodate a number of major developments in the Heath sector.

MR. NISIRA also acknowledged development partners, AUSAID , UNICEF and the World Health Organization for their meaningful contributions to improve the status of Health in Bougainville.
The Minister also commended the commitment of Health Workers throughout the region for their continued support and wished them a successful Supplementary Immunization Activity throughout Bougainville.
Source: Post-Courier
Voters urged to choose carefully
WITH roughly about a month left before the election fever hits PNG, a woman leader has urged PNG voters to choose their leaders carefully.
Bougainville woman leader Francesca Semoso last night said that if PNG voters wanted to change the tide for a better government, they would have to choose carefully.
She said that voters had the power in their hands and must vote a leadership that was honest, accountable, loving, caring and had the people at heart.
Ms Semoso said that people should not vote leaders who were proud of themselves.
She said that if voters wanted to see change at the national level then the people themselves had to change.
“It’s your vote, your 1, your 2, your 3 that will decide the type of leader you want. Do not vote them if they are your friends, or if they give you K100,” she said.
She said that the amount of money given just to win votes would not last you for the rest of the five years that the leader was in office.
Ms Semoso said that people should really think carefully before voting a leader, citing that it was not the wealth they had, or the quality of education or how much money they dished out or cargo during elections.
She said that people should really know someone who would think of them as a leader and would serve them as his or her people.
Source: Post-Courier
Semoso urges women to contest 2012 polls
BOUGAINVILLE’S outspoken woman leader Francesca Semoso (picture) has urged intending women candidates in the upcoming elections to stand up and be counted.

She said that the failure by parliament to pass the Womens Bill should be a challenge for women in this coming election to join hands and contest the elections.
“Reserve seats or no reserve seats, go and stand and be counted,” Ms Semoso said.
She said that parliament’s failure to pass the 22 Reserve Seats Bill should not be seen as a hindrance and instead women should go out and campaign just like their male colleges in the elections.
She also said that women candidates should not fear or worry about anything, instead take up the challenge.
She urged woman not to fear anything and instead believe in themselves, citing that fear was their number one enemy.
Ms Semoso also said that women candidates had two obstacles which were financial difficulties and political parties not endorsing them.
For this cause, she also called on political parties who know women candidates to endorse them and help them financially especially logistical support for them to campaign in the elections.
She urged women citing that they do not have to be highly educated to be politicians.
“Politics is all about common sense. What is right and what is wrong. Women do not fight among each other,” she said.
Source: Post-Courier
Operations normal in Buka
THE burning of the three Rabaul Shipping vessels in Buka does not affect business and hospital operations on the island.
However, the traveling public out and into Bougainville, in search of a cheaper means of transport will feel the pinch of it. Airfares have skyrocketed and the MV Bougainville Atolls does not have a proper schedule to serve Bougainville and the outlying islands of Fead, Tasman and Motlock.
Director of Medical Services at the Buka General Hospital Dr Barnabas Matanu said last night that transportation of hospital supplies to the island has not been hampered.
He said that are fortunate that their supplies are shipped through the Consort Shipping Lines and also ships belonging to Agmark Shipping.
He said that about 20 per cent of the availability of medicines is affected but they do get their supplies from Rabaul or Lae and have them airlifted to Buka.
Many businesses including supermarkets said that they have not been affected at all citing similar transportation means.
They said that they do not load their cargoes on the Rabaul Shipping vessels. Meanwhile, Tropicana, a major wholesale in Rabaul and Kokopo that supplies Bougainvillean, Lae, Madang, Kundiawa, Tabubil and Mendi businesses said that the number of clients that it receives after the demise of the three ships in Buka has decreased.
The wholesaler refused to give how much it has decreased in client number but stated that it was sympathetic towards the little businesses on the island that cannot even afford a plane ticket to Kokopo to do business.
Owner of the Tropicana Sandra Lau said that those who can afford a plane ticket were now flying into Kokopo to order their goods and fly back to Buka.
Meanwhile, Bougainville’s outspoken leader Francesca Semoso said that it was true that the businesses will not fill the pinch of it. However, she said that Rabaul Shipping provided a weekly service to the people of Buka and the unfortunate event would now affect the general public.
She said that there is the Bougainville Atolls managed by the Border Development Authority but it does not operate on a constant schedule, citing that currently it was in Port Moresby, leaving Buka two weeks before the incident.
Ms Semoso said that there was word that one of the vessels burnt carries fuel for local businesses in Bougainville but this is yet to be confirmed.
She said that it was not the onus of the Autonomous Bougainville Government to find a cheaper means of transport to serve the people on a regular basis.
She said that what was done was already done, saying that she was not against anyone but she said that the little people will be tremendously affected.
“We cannot deny the fact that this was our cheapest means of travel,” she said.
She said that it was time to move on and the authorities must provide a transport for the public.
“We will definitely feel the pinch of lack of a cheaper means of travel,” Ms Semoso said.
Source: Post-Courier
Population of PNG is more than 7 million
PAPUA New Guinea has now 7,059,653 people in the country, the Government announced yesterday.
This is an increase of 1,868,867 persons compared with the 2000 figures of 5,190, 786 people recorded 10 years ago. This represents an increase of 36 per cent in PNG’s population count since 2000. But the National Statistical Office yesterday advised these were only preliminary figures and the 2011 final figures may encounter slight changes in which a further increase is expected.
The National Planning Minister Sam Basil yesterday officially announced this in Port Moresby. Prime Minister Peter O’Neill could not officially announce the figures to the nation as he was scheduled to do the honours, because he had other commitments.
But a proud Minister Basil said yesterday that the Government was now at ease to know the population of the country because the figures would be used to plan the 2013 National Budget and in the coming weeks the National Executive Council would be tasked to re-activate the K20 per head tax using these figures. Mr Basil also announced that in the coming weeks Papua New Guinea will know the population of persons 18 years and above – they will release the figures upon comparison with the PNG Electoral Commission office.
“There were lots of criticisms on the conduct of the 2011 National Population and Housing Census, however, I am now happy and convinced that the National Statistical Office has delivered this project successfully,” Mr Basil said.
“On behalf of the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, I am delighted to formally announce to the nation that the preliminary figures for the population of Papua New Guinea now stands at 366,324 males and 339,6404 females with the grand total of 7, 059, 653 persons,” Mr Basil read out.
“This official data is very important to any country around the world. Poor delivery of public service is a good demonstration of lack of data in key statistical areas that can help authorities to measure and understand the risk as well as navigate the delivery of basic services to its people.’’
National Statistician Joe Aka proudly announced yesterday that the report also presented the 2011 housing census, apart from the population and that the figures in this report showed where people were counted at the time of the census adding that the visitors were also included.
Mr Aka said that the information was presented at the provincial, district and LLG levels and that the final figures and other reports were expected to be released by 2013.
“The preliminary results are the first set of figures of the 2011 Population and Housing Census. The next sets of results will be the Final Figures Report that will include a complete narrative analysis of the country’s population, demography, economic and social conditions of the country,” he said. “I also wish to inform the users that the information contained in this preliminary result will only be applicable until the final figures are released.”
Meanwhile, the breakup of the total population of PNG stands at -PNG male population was recorded at 3,663,249 (million) and female 3,396,404 (million). The Highlands Region recorded the highest record population of 3,001,598 (million), Momase 1,795,474 (million), Southern Region recorded 1,302,887 (million) and NGI 959,694 persons.
The top five provinces that have the highest record of population stands as: Morobe - 646,876, Eastern highlands - 582,159, Southern Highlands - 515,511, Madang - 487,460, Enga - 452,596 and NCD is at the 11th position with 318,128 while Manus has the lowest population of 50,321 and Gulf the second lowest of 121,128 population.
Bougainville had the first full census conducted in 20 years after the Bougainville Crisis and it now records 234,280 persons with 120,187 males and 114,093 females.
The rest of the country has Western with 180,455, Central -237,016, Milne Bay- 269,954, Northern -176,206, Hela-352, 698, Western Highlands-352,934, Jiwaka-341,928, Chimbu-403,772, East Sepik - 433, 481, West Sepik -227, 657, New Ireland-161, 165, East New Britain - 271, 250 and West New Britain - 242,676 persons.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Water level at the New Dawn FM studios in Buka
This is the eight day since the rains began.
The water from the road is all coming to us...nobody cares what is happening....

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Students visit Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Picture of Students from Bishop Wade Secondary School.
They are pictured at the New Dawn FM studio with Manager, Aloysius Laukai.
They were doing some lessons concerning New Dawn FM and its activities on Bougainville

Source: The National
PM urges Sir Salamo, Kirriwom to step down
PRIME Minister Peter O’Neill has urged Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia and Justice Nicholas Kirriwom to step down in the interest of stability in the country.
He said the two judges had declared “war on the executive government”.
O’Neill said government lawyers were preparing advice to parliament to remove the judges through a motion if they failed to step down from office.
He said parliament was the last resort as government lawyers would exhaust the court system first, including appealing against the decision in the higher courts.
“And to stop all this madness, the elections will go ahead on schedule whether or not the electoral commission is prepared,” he said.
O’Neill said judges were not above the law.
“In the best interest of the country, judges need to make decisions to provide stability. There are decisions in the past that have split the disciplinary forces, the citizens and the communities.
“We are seeking legal advice from our lawyers whether we address that through parliament or through the higher courts in appeal. That court process is still there.”
O’Neill said the judicial conduct law was to clarify for them to step aside in a conflict of interest situation.
He said the only way to end all this madness was for the country to go into the election in June.
“We are going to elections to put all this madness behind us. The madness of judiciary, the madness of power-hungry politicians and madness of a few people who want to rip this country apart,” he said.
He said the electoral commission was still updating the common roll but it would be ready to conduct the election.
The two judges who declared war on the executive government! |

Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia | 
Judge Nicholas Kirriwom |
Source: The National
PNG fractured by corruption, says Kidu
PAPUA New Guinea is being fractured by corruption and everyone must fight the scourge, Opposition leader Dame Carol Kidu (picture) said.
She yesterday launched the sixth annual Sir Anthony Siaguru “walk against corruption” scheduled for May 27. She is its patron.
She emphasised the importance of choosing a good and responsible leader – one who has vision and strong principles to lead.
Dame Carol said good leadership was about having a vision and leading with good standards and transparent governance.
“I believe there is an opportunity for change. When we choose our leaders we must look at leadership qualities of the candidate and not money,” she said.
Dame Carol said the country was fractured by corruption in many ways and needed all communities, organisations and people to stand up and fight against this scourge of society by joining the walk and blowing the whistle on corrupt practices.
The walk is facilitated by Transparency International (PNG) and is themed “It’s time to wake up PNG”.
At the launching were coalition partners, Chief Ombudsman Chronox Manek, civil society organisations plus students from Badihagwa Secondary, St Joseph International and Paradise High School.
The walk commemorates the work of the late Sir Anthony Siaguru who was instrumental in opposing corrupt practices.
Dame Carol will lead the walk in Port Moresby as simultaneous walks are held in Lae, Alotau, Kimbe, Madang, Kokopo and Kavieng, which is the latest centre to join the event.
Transparency International said Goroka had been showing interest and could be the first Highlands province to join the campaign.
The walk provides citizens an opportunity to peacefully express their opposition to corruption.
“Reducing and stopping corruption depends on greater and sustained progress in widespread public engagement and pressure,” the watchdog group said in a statement.
It encouraged teams from corporate houses, civil society organisations and schools to register for the walk.
So far 25 organisations and 10 schools have registered, with nine businesses showing support through pledges.
Money raised from the walk will support the operations of Transparency International locally through the Siaguru Endowment Fund.
Source: Solomon Star
Boat missing
A SEARCH is still on for the missing boat at the country’s border in the Western Solomons.
The boat went missing since last Wednesday after leaving Gizo township to Kieta, Bougainville.
Unconfirmed reports claimed the passengers were from Bougainville.
A Search and Rescue officer in Honiara, Mark Wauo said there was still no response from Gizo police and Buka on whether the boat has been located.
“We are still waiting to get clear instruction before going out to carry out search and rescue for the boat,” he said.
Meanwhile, Mr Wauo said there were no casualties or deaths during the bad weather that hit the country in recent days.
He said only one boat got lost between Gela and Honiara after it ran out of petrol.
However he said strong current managed to take it safely to Foxwood point in North Guadalcanal.
Source: PNG Attitude
An introduction to the power of broadcasting

Keith Jackson
Yesterday I gave a talk to the Rotary Club of Mosman in Sydney. It was about public relations, but I began with this anecdote from my Papua New Guinea years….
I WANT TO TAKE YOU far north of Mosman, over the sparkling, turbulent Coral Sea and then further west through Milne Bay and across the Solomon Sea, and its atolls of love.
I want to take you to the magnificent island of Bougainville, a once peaceful place except for occasional rumblings from Bagana volcano. Bougainville - whose jet-black people find themselves - very reluctantly – citizens of Papua New Guinea.
The year was 1970, I was 25 and had just been assigned to manage my first radio station: Radio Bougainville – Voice of the sunrise or, in Pidgin, Maus bilong sanikamap.
In Bougainville, a massive copper and gold project was getting underway and a lot of Bougainvilleans were not happy about it. Their land had been seized and they believed their culture and lives had been compromised.
Later this angst would translate into a shocking civil war which, in the 1990s, cost the lives of 20% of Bougainville’s population of 100,000.
But as I arrived in the main town of Kieta -- where the radio station was situated beside a tranquil harbour -- politics was the last thing on my mind. Full of the excitement of running my own show, I organised a quick tour around my new domain.
The transmitters, the huge radio masts, the bunker-like studios, the record library, the offices - and the storeroom.
As I opened the storeroom door, I baulked. The room was full, floor to ceiling, with mouldering boxes of transistor radios. Perhaps 300 in all.
In those days, when radio listening was relatively new to the villages of PNG, we broadcasters would go on patrol: gathering news, recording music and stories, securing interviews - and handing out free radios, the only sure way to gather an audience.
In the storeroom I asked a staff member why the radios had not been handed out, and I was told this could be a very dangerous pursuit.
The village people were so unhappy with the radio station broadcasting what was seen as pro-mining propaganda, that they set the radios on fire, broke them with axes and even attacked the people trying to give them away.
And so it was, on my first day as manager of Radio Bougainville, I realised that the only radio station on the island was hated by its audience.
Source: Post-Courier
2000 resign to contest polls
ABOUT 2000 public servants throughout the country have resigned in the last five years and six months to contest the elections.
Department of Personnel Management office advised the Post Courier yesterday that the figures will have to be finalized but preliminary records detailed that close to 2000 public servants throughout the nation had handed in their resignation five years ago, four years ago, three years and even two years ago including six months ago to contest the upcoming elections.
Some of the top public servants like former Foreign Affairs Secretary Gabriel Pepson, former Ambassador to Japan and later Foreign Affairs Secretary Ambassador Michael Mawe had resigned to contest this year’s elections in their respective provinces.
Other prominent leaders like former Education secretary for Bougainville who was later promoted to the New Guinea Islands Regional head of the Public Service Commission Tony Tsora also resigned to contest in Bougainville.
DPM office announced that many teachers, provincial executives, office workers and some instrumental leaders also resigned several years ago to prepare themselves from the upcoming general elections.
The PNGEC will release before the issue of writs the number of candidates contesting throughout the country.
Source: Post-Courier
Health program launched
THE Health Department in Bougainville has officially launched and began one of its very vital programs in Buka for the whole region yesterday.
The Supplementary Immunization Activity or SIA was officially launched by Minister for Women’s Affairs and Community Development in the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) Rose Pihei on behalf of Vice President and Minister for Health Patrick Nisira.
The program which has started yesterday and aims at 100 percent coverage will be carried out till May 15, 2012, and targets children three years and less, pregnant mothers and women between the ages of 15 and 45.
Speaking on behalf of the Health Minister and vice president, Mrs Pihei challenged everyone to take responsibility to make sure they are immunized.
Mrs Pihei, while conveying the Health Ministers keynote address, urged everyone at the launching to work as a team to successfully implement the immunization activity which will help to achieve 100 percent coverage.
She said while there are committed partners to support the program, which will benefit our mothers and children, it will only be fair if we also compliment our partners’ efforts by demonstrating the same level of commitment. The minister encouraged all persons in the target group to get vaccinated.
She also stressed that prior to the introduction of vaccines to vaccinate mothers and children, many children were dying from vaccine preventable diseases including measles, whooping cough and tetanus.
She said all we need to do is take our children to the clinics, and health centres and let them be vaccinated.
Mrs Pihei said at the political level ABG remains committed and will support a number of initiatives to improve access to as well as the quality of Health services in Bougainville.
The launching yesterday was witnessed by representatives from the Education Division, who will also be a major partner in carrying out awareness, hospital staff who immediately after the launching vaccinated a few mothers and babies, NGO representatives, stakeholders and the general public.

Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
Australia's deputy opposition leader visits PNG and Bougainville
The deputy leader of Australia's federal opposition Julie Bishop (picture) is spending several days in Papua New Guinea and the autonomous region of Bougainville.

While in the country she plans to meet with PNG prime minister Peter O'Neill and Bougainville president, John Momis.
Ms Bishop has recently visited PNG, but this time she's taking in Bougainville as well.
While there she will also hear from PNG sporting officials pushing for a rugby league team to play in the Australian competition.
Ms Bishop who is the conservative opposition's spokeswoman on Foreign Affairs, has been critical of the Australian Labor government's handling of the Pacific, including PNG.
Presenter: Michael Cavanagh
Speaker: Julie Bishop, deputy leader of Australia's federal opposition
Listen here !
Source: Post-Courier
MA leader lashes out
THE O’Neill-Namah Government should not preach about the failure by the Somare Government to implement and effectively deliver services to rural areas over the last nine years when they were in power.
And the current Government should not blame the leaders on the Somare faction for the alleged misappropriation of millions of kina in projects and funds.
Most of the Ministers now in the O’Neill Namah Government were part and partial of the Somare led Government, he said.
Melanesian Alliance party leader Sam Akoitai lashed out at the O’Neill Namah Government for putting blame on the Somare led Government.
Akoitai, who is adamant he will come back in June to form the Government with its coalition said that the Melanesian Alliance with a host of potential new MPs will form Government for a better PNG.
He is adamant they will come home to form the Government with a totally new team so that they would effectively look into all the matters now being raised by the current government.
With a major policy of decentralisation, Akoitai said his Party is ready to transform PNG.
In an interview, Akoitai last Friday said that the O’neill-Namah Government was no different to the Somare Government because almost all of the Cabinet Ministers on his regime were also part of the Somare-led Government
“They were ministers in the Somare-led Government so they must not make accusations and point fingers to one side only.
Somare did what he did because of the Ministers that are now in the O’Neill Namah Government. So they should stop talking, pointing fingers and do what is required of a Government of the day,” Akoitai said.
Akoitai is contesting his former seat – the Central Bougainville Open Seat – under the New Melanesian Alliance Party banner. Announcement of all the party candidates would be done sometimes this month.
Source. Radio New Dawn of Bougainville
By Aloysous Laukai
The Health Division on Bougainville is this morning launching its immunization program in Buka.

Pictured is part of the float this morning. Its called Supplementary Immunization Activity.

Pictured is a mother being immunized as part of the SIA launching on Buka today.
Source: Post-Courier
Telco rollout in Bougainville
St Joseph’s Bairima Primary School, one of the oldest schools in the province, has become the first school in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville to benefit from the Digicel PNG Foundation’s rollout of double classroom structures throughout the country.
The all steel kit structure primary double classroom which includes 40 desks, a water tank, kit showers and VIP Kit toilets was constructed at a total cost of K90,000 and officially launched last week Friday (March 23).
The school was established in the 1940s. After the Bougainville Crisis, the school was moved in 1996 from its original location and rebuilt by the community at the current site. The school serves the five main villages of Donsiro, Pomaua, Siroai, Arawa, and Bairima of North Nasioi LLG, a total population of around 3000.
Aside from the Department of Education’s annual school subsidies; and a donation of roofing iron from Caritas in 2004, St Joseph’s Bairima’s biggest contributor has been their own community.
Marina van der Vlies, CEO of the Digicel Foundation said; “When communities come together to invest in the education of their children, such efforts must be applauded and supported. Our investment in the St Joseph’s Bairima Primary School is in recognition of this amazing community’s will and commitment to rebuild after the Bougainville crisis.”
The CEO added; “This is Digicel Foundation’s first project in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville and we look forward to working with marginalized communities in the region to invest in their children’s education.”
“This is the first partnership between Digicel Foundation and the Education Division in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, and it is one which we are very proud of and grateful for,” said the board chairman of St Joseph’s Bairima Primary School, Mr Kevin Buruau. Mr Buruau said such partnerships are hard to come by and he encouraged the students and the community to look after Digicel Foundations investment with care for future generations to come.
To date the Digicel Foundation has funded 138 community based projects covering 22 provinces in PNG and put K11 million back into marginalized PNG communities which has directly impacted more than 100,000 people. The Digicel Foundation plans to continue the funding of community projects in the area of basic education and health aiming to support communities as they become more self-reliant in the future.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
A woman leader from Bougainville and secretary of the National Women’s Council, THERESA JAINGTON has praised the women of Wakunai for celebrating the National Women’s Day this week.
She was speaking at the Wakunai celebration this week.
MRS. JAINTONG said that the women of Bougainville should be happy their position in politics is guaranteed by the Autonomous Bougainville Government’s Constitution unlike the National Parliament which is still to approve the Women’s seats in Parliament.
She said that Bougainville during the Provincial Government days also had nominated seats for women which was lower then the elected representatives today.
MRS. JANTONG said that the women of Wakunai had reasons to celebrate and called on them to continue to support their newly established Wakunai Women’s Federation.
She said that the Bougainville Women’s Federation would eventually cover all women throughout the region.
New Dawn FM understands Bougainville still operates under two women’s organizations, the Bougainville Women’s Council from the Provincial Government days and the Bougainville Women’s Federation under the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
Women in Arawa are still with the Bougainville Council of Women whilst other areas have already established branches of the Bougainville Women’s Federation.