News 08.2013.2
Click here to read from August 1st
to August 20th, 2013 !
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Work towards completion of the TWELVE KILOMETER Rural electrification project for the TSITALATO Constituency on Buka island will be completed by the end of this year.
The Project co-funded by GO PNG and the ABG started two years ago but stopped after completing only FOUR KILOMETERS between Hutjena Government Station and Hangan village.
According to the ABG’s Special Projects Officer, APHRAIME EMINONI work on felling trees and coconuts to clear way for Power-line to pass through has been completed and work for the remaining EIGHT KILOMETER to LONAHAN village has started.
MR. EMINONI said that the National Government allocated FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND KINA under its rural electrification program whilst the ABG contributed another FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND KINA as counter funding for the project to continue.
He said that the people especially owners of trees and coconuts have agreed to let the work continue and properties destroyed will not be claimed as they want development to reach the people in the rural communities.
MR. EMINONI said that funds for the continuation of the Rural Electrification program towards GOGOHE has been secured and work will commence once the Eight Kilometer is completed.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
ABG Minister for Culture and Tourism and member representing the women of South Bougainville, ROSE PIHEI yesterday acknowledged the work CARE INTERNATIONAL a NGO group was doing the Tinputz District.
Speaking at the TINPUTZ WOMEN’S FORUM yesterday, MRS PIHEI said that educating the women on Healthy issues affecting women and Children today was one of the priority areas of the ABG.
She said that organizing women to be self reliant and working as partners with their male counterparts was also one way of uniting our people in the communities.
MRS. PIHEI said that NGO’s should be working with the ABG and not duplicating programs which in the end only confuses the people. The Tinputz Women’s forum was held at the KEKESU UNITED Church.
Source: EMTV
Bougainvilleans Call On Government To Focus On Youth Development
Youths from the Autonomous Region of Bougainville have called on both their government and the national government to focus more on their development.
Last year, the national government allocated 100 million kina to the ABG; however, the youths said to date, there is nothing constructive in place to rehabilitate and empower them.
They said youths back home are still involved in alcohol and drug abuse, and the two governments must intervene immediately.
The students were among other participants from the Bougainville community in Port Moresby and donor representatives who witnessed the launching of the 3-day Bougainville Peace Agreement Seminar yesterday.
They said the two governments need to seriously think about rehabilitating the youths and empower them to get involved in economic activities that will improve their lives and their communities.
The youths believe that youth development is the key to true and lasting change and peace for Bougainville.
The 3-day seminar will cover the overview of the Bougainville Peace Agreement, the establishment of the National Coordination office for Bougainville Affairs, and how the Mining and the Agriculture sectors can sustain Bougainville’s economy.
The president urged the national government to maintain its funding commitments to ensure all these areas are developed.
In the meantime, the national government continues to make commitments to the Bougainville Peace Agreement and its development agendas.
Source: The National
Capital to return to Arawa
PLANS by the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) to relocate its administration headquarters back to Arawa are still in the pipeline, Arawa town mayor Mathias Salas says.
He said the ABG had yet to finalise its plans to repatriate people displaced by the Bougainville crisis to their original homes in Panguna, Arawa, Kieta, Loloho and Toniva.
“Many of the displaced people are still living in Arawa town and residing in houses which were formerly occupied in the pre-crisis period by public servants and the Panguna mine employees,” Salas said.
“They are still waiting for the ABG to give them hope to restart their lives back their homes and only and unless such plan is forthcoming, they will not vacate houses they are now occupying in Arawa.”
He also expressed concerned at the lack of response by the ABG to restore basic municipal services in Arawa, including water, sanitation and sewerage system.
“Arawa has now become a hub of economic activities with influx of small to medium entrepreneurs setting up businesses and this has immensely contributed to the growth in population in Arawa,” Salas said.
“The growth in population has then contributed to the blockage in the sewerage system where raw materials was visibly oozing out from the blockage funnels, causing health hazard to Arawa town residents.
“The ABG must fix the sewerage system first before it embarks on relocating the administration headquarters to Arawa.”
He added that there was a need for a proper water system to cater for the growing population in Arawa.
He said many homes that did not have tanks to store rain water were resorting to using bore water as well as water from the two rivers running in the middle of Arawa Town, Bovo and Tupukas.
“Both the bore water and the water from the two rivers are now becoming contaminated because of alluvial mining activities in the Kupe mountains at the backdrop of Arawa town,” Salas said.

“These alluvial miners are using highly toxic chemicals to separate mineral ore from the rocks and their tailings are somehow seeping into the rivers.
“This is a great concern to me because it is posing toxic to human life and the ABG has turned death ears on us despite our numerous cries and submissions after submissions for clean water.
“The ABG just simply cannot embark on pushing for its administration headquarters to be relocated to Arawa without first fixing the basic municipal services.”
Source: The National
Great experience for Bougainville SDA youths
YOUTHS from the Sirovai Seventh-Day Adventist church in Central Bougainville returned home on Monday after a successful month-long tour of Port Moresby.
The 27 youths were in Port Moresby on July 25 and visited various Adventist congregations in the city.
They also met with NCD Governor Powes Parkop, Governor-General Sir Michael Ogio and visted the Port Moresby General Hospital and Telikom PNG headquarters in Waigani. The youths also visited The National where they learnt about newspaper production.
Group spokesperson Joel Bito said the youths learnt many new things and were amazed at the development taking place in the city.
“Most of the youth members were born during the crisis, some did not go through formal education and for some it was their first time to travel on a plane,” he said.
“The trip was a great experience for them and it will help them to get their minds away from the crisis and the effects on their individual lives.
“Comparing Port Moresby, Bougainville is 20 years back in terms of development.”
Bito also thanked the SDA church members for the offerings they gave to rebuild their church in Sirovai.
Source: Post-Courier
ABG member calls for unity
THE Member for North Nasioi and Minister for Primary Industry and Marine Resources in the Autonomous Bougainville Government, Nicholas Darku, is strongly appealing to people of North Nasioi in Central Bougainville to stand united and venture into partnership with those who have funds to bring development into their constituency.
He made this appeal last week at Kobuan village in Kieta while speaking at the official opening of the PNG Power Electrification Project which is now ready to supply electricity from Arawa town to Kieta Wharf.
Mr Darku said the supply of power into the area is a positive development, instigated by himself as their member and the chiefs, who decided to commission PNG Power after seeing the need for electricity to flow to their areas.
He also appealed to his people to work together with him to allow any development that will help bring economic independence for Bougainville.
Mr Darku also urged them to take ownership of the development.
He said with the current PNG Power supply the people can do a lot of things to improve their living standard and bring other developments.
He added that all sectors must work together including primary industry, fisheries and the village assemblies to bring more development.
Mr Darku also challenged the three assemblies in his constituency to convert power into cash by establishing small businesses.
He said the ABG has no money and therefore the people must stand united to bring development and progress into independence.
The member added that if people do not have money, they should look elsewhere for partnerships and become united if they want to progress into the future.
Source: Post-Courier
Panguna issues threaten peace process
CENTRAL Bougainville MP Jimmy Miringtoro and the chairman of the Panguna Mine Affected Landowners Association, Lawrence Daveona have been called on to immediately cease all negotiations currently underway between the Panguna landowners and a Chinese business firm, Beijing Aerospace Great Wall Mineral Investment Ltd.
While sounding this call yesterday, an irate former combatants’ spokesman Glynn Tovirika said the move taken by Miringtoro and Daveona is threatening the peace process in Bougainville.
“Daveona and Miringtoro must immediately stop this because they are threatening the peace process in Bougainville, and the former combatants are not happy with what these men are doing.
“You are causing confusion and division amongst the people of Bougainville especially the Panguna landowners.
“This MoU signed is misleading the people. They are saying this agreement is for an agriculture project. But inside, the agreement is different altogether. The title is about re-opening Panguna mine.
“What Miringtoro and Daveona are doing, as seen by the former combatants, is that they are threatening the peace process. What they are doing is very disappointing to us.”
He said the Autonomous Bougainville Government and other stakeholders currently involved one way or the other in trying to find an amicable solution towards this mining issue should have been consulted before the signing of this MOU between the landowners and the Chinese company.
Mr Tovirika bluntly added that the former combatants do not want the Chinese to be involved in anything concerning mining in Bougainville.
He said they can only be allowed to participate in other developments like road and bridge constructions, hydro electricity and in other areas not related to mining.
Mr Tovirika also blasted the two men saying: “The crisis has caused the death of many Bougainvilleans so this mining issue should be handled in a way that will not jeopardise the peace process. However, we are seeing that these two men are just coming in and causing confusions amongst the people.
“Since Mr Miringtoro became a member, he has not given any money for finding solutions towards addressing the Panguna issue. The ABG is sacrificing a lot, using the limited money, of course given to us by the National Government, to address this issue.
“Since day one these men were never involved in any meetings concerning the re-opening of the mine. Miringtoro should be concentrating on delivering services to the people. Most of our feeder roads have deteriorated. Our health centres do not have medicines.
“Mining is a very sensitive issue so if Miringtoro wants to be involved, he must come through ABG and other stakeholders to talk about this issue.”
Mr Tovirika said these two men have already been warned by the former combatants not to take further steps towards implementing the MOU.
He is also calling on them to consult and work with the ABG on any issues concerning the re-opening of the mine.
Mr Tovirika summed up saying it is the people in Bougainville who will be making the decision concerning the re-opening of mine, adding that the ABG is only facilitating this process.
Source: Radio Ne Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Murua primary school in the Bana district is a proud recipient of FIFTEEN THOUSAND KINA from Regional member for Bougainville, JOE LERA.

Pictured is the Board Chairman Benedict Pekah receiving the cheque from the Member in Buka this morning.
Source: Post-Courier
Peace Agreement ‘shortcomings’
By Alexander Rheeney
THE war of words over funding between the National Government and the Autonomous Bougainville Government could be avoided if the Bougainville Peace Agreement contained specific provisions to negotiate grants.
Speaking at a seminar in Port Moresby yesterday organised by the not-for-profit Port Moresby Bougainville Association, Australian constitutional law expert Anthony Regan (pictured) said grants from the National Government were the main source of revenue for the ABG but there have been instances when the latter failed to pay triggering disagreements between the two.

For example, Mr Regan said the National Government agreed in 2001 for Bougainville’s annual public investment program allocation of K10 million to be increased every year by a rolling average of the previous five-years of the national public investment program. However, the annual grants were not calculated from that period and the National Government now finds itself in arrears of K188 million owed to the ABG.
“I would say and we would come to that later I don’t think it’s been done deliberately by the National Government (not to pay) it’s happened for other reasons,” he said.
Mr Regan said the National Government’s allocation of K100 million for high impact projects on Bougainville two years ago could be a conditional grant but no documentation was put in place by the two governments to that effect.
“I think they are conditional grants but they are not being treated as conditional grants-there has been no agreements reached on how they should be spent and on what conditions and what kinds of acquittals and as a result both sides are exchanging blows because nothing was ever defined. So I think there was a failure to use the agreement.”
Speaking in the early part of the same seminar, ABG president John Momis said his government was finding it difficult to rollout goods and services effectively in the autonomous region without direct funding and support from the National Government.
“I think it is a mistake to expect us to carry out huge responsibilities with meagre resources, with a bureaucracy that does not have any capacity and dealing with a government that does not seem to be committed to the principle of collaboration and partnership,” he added.
The seminar at the Gateway Hotel continues today with National Government, ABG and international experts giving presentations.
Source: Post-Courier
Do it Bougainville style

John (on top) is holding onto the container filled with diesel while Tobby (centre) holds onto the rubber hose that runs from the container into this Toyota Landcruiser’s fuel tank as the owner Jeffery looks on. This is just one of many different ways to refill vehicles in Bougainville. The three gentlemen were caught at Panguna doing their version of refilling a vehicle when there is no funnel. Words & Picture: ROMULUS MASIU.
Source: ABC Radio Australia
Talks on Bougainville as PNG funding breaks down
by LIAM FOX | ABC PNG Correspondent
POLITICIANS, ACADEMICS AND COMMUNITY LEADERS gathered in Port Moresby yesterday to discuss the future of the country's autonomous province of Bougainville, more than 10 years after the signing of the island's peace agreement.
Signed in 2001, the Bougainville Peace Agreement formally ended the island's bloody civil war in Papua New Guinea - a decade-long conflict that had been sparked by local opposition to the Australian-owned Panguna copper mine.
The agreement's three main pillars were to grant Bougainville a high degree of autonomy, the de-militarisation of Bougainville, including weapons disposal, and a future referendum on independence from PNG.
Initially there was plenty of help from the PNG government and the international community to implement the agreement, but that has since fallen away.
Bougainville's President John Momis told the gathering negotiations with the PNG Government have dropped off and talks about funding have broken down.
"I think it is a mistake to expect us to carry out huge responsibilities with meagre resources, with a bureaucracy that does not have the capacity," he said.
"We are coming out of the ashes of war, dealing with a society that is highly divided."
Australian academic Anthony Regan, who is advising the Bougainville government, told the meeting a number of factors have caused this slow-down in interest in the implementation of the agreement.
Mr Regan, who helped to draft the peace agreement, and Bougainville's constitution, says there has been a high turnover of PNG politicians since the agreement was signed and most of those initially involved have now moved on.
The other main problem Mr Regan recognised was financial, saying that "We're now in arrears by K188 million."
The issue will only get more important as Bougainville takes tentative steps toward reopening the Panguna mine and as the window for the referendum on independence opens in 2015.
According to the agreement, talks about the referendum must be held between 2015 and 2020.
Leaders of the gathering in Port Moresby are hoping to organise another meeting in Bougainville's Buka or Arawa later this year, to generate momentum on the issue.
The meeting continues today and the issue of the Panguna gold and copper mine is expected to feature on the agenda, in combination with the Bougainville government's efforts to develop a mining policy.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The final forum on Panguna Negotiations scheduled for next week has been deferred again to a later date.
This was the last of the several forums the ABG Mining Division was carrying out throughout Bougainville to gauge the view of all sectors of the community on the future of the closed giant Panguna Copper and Gold mine.
The forum for Panguna was left last after covering all the North , South and Central Bougainville.
Two other areas were regarded special, One the BANA area as they are mostly affected by the wastes from the mine and the Landowners of Panguna.
According to the strategy the ABG was following, the ABG President DR. JOHN MOMIS was to have visited and reconciled with GUAVA villagers as he was held captive in Panguna during the Bougainville conflict.
The forum will have to wait for smaller consultations within the communities around the Panguna mine area to take place.
When all outstanding issues are sorted out then the final forum will be held.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Acting Deputy Administrator Policy, PAUL KEBORI (pictured) says that the awareness on the Peace Agreement will start soon.
He told New Dawn FM this morning that the Awareness Framework and contents have been identified and is already in a draft form to be submitted for approval before the awareness commences.

MR. KEBORI said that a Committee that comprises of members from the National Government and the ABG has had several meetings to finalize the Awareness framework on the Bougainville Peace Agreement.
The Acting Deputy Administrator, Policy said that Awareness on the Bougainville Peace Agreement was very important as many people do not know what is contained in the Bougainville Peace Agreement and what the people of Bougainville must do as citizens to uphold this agreement.
MR. KEBORI said this was to make sure that when the awareness is started the information is uniform throughout the region and on which ever media network these awareness will be carried.
He said that AUSAID through its Governance Implementation Fund (GIF) has been funding these meetings.
MR. KEBORI who has been moved to Acting Deputy Administrator Policy which was previously held by the newly appointed Acting Chief Administrator, CHRIS SIRIOSI.
The CEO for LLG Herbert Kimai has been appointed the Acting Deputy Administrator Operations.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
THIRTY-TWO teachers have been selected to attend a two-week Competency Base Training and Assessment workshop at the Bougainville Technical College, Tinputz starting next week.
According to a service message sent from the Education Division, the training will commence on Monday second September to Friday 13th September.
Participants are requested to be at the school by this weekend.
Participating schools are to meet the training fees of SIX HUNDRED FIFTY KINA per head.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Diocese of Bougainville Land Board of Trustees is warning people building houses on the land HAHELA PORTION 92 to make sure they have approval from the Diocese Land Board of Trustees before they erect any building.
A service message from the Diocese Administration said that this portion of land is registered to the Diocese of Bougainville and is on a 99 year old lease which will expire in 2071 in which the Diocese is required to renew this lease from the Government.
The message says that any one who is building without approval is doing so at his own risk because he will be asked to remove it.
And persons who want further clarification are requested to see officers at the Diocese Land office.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
New talks on Bougainville agreement in Port Moresby
It's been more than ten years since the signing of the Bougainville Peace Agreement formally ended the island's bloody civil war in Papua New Guinea.
While there was a flurry of activity to implement the agreement in the years after it was signed the pace has slackened since.
In an effort to kick start it again Bougainvilleans living in Port Moresby have gathered politicians, academics and community leaders to discuss the island's future.
PNG correspondent Liam Fox was at the meeting and gave this reports to Bruce Hill.
Presenter: Bruce Hill
Speaker: Liam Fox
Source: The National
Akoitai: Act still intact
ISSUES concerning section 23 of the Bougainville constitution are important to Bougainvilleans because it is a “locally-grown” piece of legislation, former MP and mining minister Sam Akoitai said yesterday.
“This is the constitution that the people of Bougainville came up with after the peace agreement was signed. It is based on experiences and the sufferings of the people of Bougainville, people who have suffered in the fighting which has left a lot of people homeless and uneducated for 10 years,” he said.
“No group or individual like me, apart from the government, has the law-making powers to pass laws for Bougainville or anywhere else.”
Akotai was responding to a newspaper advertisement last Friday alleging that a Port Moresby-based group was planning to stop the implementation of the constitution’s section 23 which would pave the way for the enactment of a Bougainville mining policy.
Former rebel commander Sam Kauona, who is chairman of the Bougainville Resources Development Corporation, claimed that Akoitai and a group headed by a lawyer Tony Regan, Chamber of Mines and Petroleum executive dirtector Greg Anderson and mining executive Mel Togolo were undermining the government of Bougainville president John Momis.
Kauona claimed that the president was not aware of “such subterfuge and insubordination” and that “Regan is refusing to implement the drafting instructions for a third draft mining policy which is required to include section 23”.
However, Akoitai said the newspaper advertisement was defamatory and painted a wrong picture of the proposed law relating to the Bougainville people, their government and their economy.
“Sam Kauona also fell short of disclosing his source of the information,” he said.
“Writers and people of Bougainville should continue to be reminded that Bougainville is just coming out from a crisis situation and total peace has not been achieved yet.
“In that regard, I call on Sam Kauona to stop spending money, actually K2072.40 at this week’s newspaper rates, on advertisements and write-ups such as this and put the money to good use.
“I cannot deny that I have been involved in the workshops organised by the Bougainville Autonomous Government and assisted with the proposed Mining Act for Bougainville.
“But, I can deny that there have not been any separate workshops and meetings by any groups in Port Moresby that Sam Kauona is alluding to.”
Akoitai said there was no group in Port Moresby planning and working to stop a proposed Mining Act.
Source: The National
Buka man to stand trial for armed robbery
THE Buka district court has committed a man for trial in the higher court on charges of armed robbery worth more than K100,000.
Magistrate Bruce Tasikul however dismissed a murder charge against Callen Tanahan after finding that there was insufficient evidence.
He had been charged with the murder of John Pulu.
But Tasikul said there was little to no evidence that connected Tanahan to the death of Pulu.
“Yes, there were gun shots heard during the hold-up but most of the witnesses never saw who fired it (the shot which killed Pulu) or where it came from,” Tasikul said.
Tanahan was charged with one count of armed robbery involving K23,000 in cash and K85,524 worth of goods belonging to a Noelyn Wang and Norak Trading Ltd.
The court heard that he was with nine others.
The incident occurred on June 9, 2012, in Buka town.
Tasikul, after assessing the facts represented in court, said there was no evidence identifying Tanahan as the one who held up Noelyn Wang.
“The evidence before me is circumstantial.
“However, even though they are circumstantial evidence, they are consistent and connected to the defendant.
“I am satisfied that there is enough evidence to commit the defendant to stand trial in the National Court for the charge of armed robbery only,” he said.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Bougainville sees the need to be united before referendum and is accelerating reconciliation ceremonies throughout the region.
In the lead up to the Panguna Forum, negotiators are working on the reconciliation with the people of GUAVA and the ABG President. DR. JOHN MOMIS.
And on Buka island another reconciliation ceremony is being organized between JOHN POMIS TSIRUMITS, GLEN TOVIRIKA and ISHMAEL TOROAMA.
Whilst the date for the GUAVA reconciliation is yet to be set, the reconciliation on Buka island will be held on September 5th, 2013 at the BASBI SDA GROUND, HAHALIS , Buka island.
The ceremony will start at 8am.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The people of South Bougainville are preparing for the TUIRUMA FESTIVAL to be held at the end of this year in Buin.
According to MR. JOSEPH MAINEKE from the Buin District Office, they have so far secured ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND KINA as contribution from ABG members from South Bougainville towards the festival.
The Festival will have other sponsors like the Regional Member JOE LERA and the member for South Bougainville STEVEN PIRIKA.
MR. MAINEKE said that this festival will be for the first time showcase the cultural activities from the people of South Bougainville and hopefully from the nearby Solomon islands who will be invited to participate.
He said this show will be held at the famous BUIN SHOW Ground where many BUIN SHOWS were held during the colonial era.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Women from the Tinputz district will hold a TINPUTZ DISTRICT WOMEN’S FORUM at the KEKESU UNITED CHURCH MISSION tomorrow.
According to the program made available to NEW DAWN FM today theme for the one day workshop is EMPOWERING WOMEN IN GOVERNANCE.
The program will start at TEN AM and will end at about TWO PM in the afternoon.
Issues that will be discussed at the forum will be on Issues affecting the women in the communities, Gender Equality, Men and women working together, Women’s role in Governance, Women in leadership role, COE Elections and Family planning.
Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions to the panel
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Broken marriages rise in Bougainville
By Alex Munme
THE issue on broken marriages has increased in the last two weeks in Bougainville.
According to spokes woman for Leitana Nehan Woman’s Development Agency, Helen Hakena, 18 women have turned up for some free and confidential counseling in an attempt to settle these issues.
Many of these marriages breaking up are working class families. Mrs. Hakena says many of these women have their husbands working away in the mining companies. She says their husbands are having affairs with single mothers who do not have husbands to support them causing break up in their families and their marriages.
Mrs. Hakena is appealing to the communities to help and prevent the issue in any way they can. She says there’s a lot these women can do to support themselves back in the villages. She says NGO and other organizations have done a lot of awareness to help with the issue.
She is encouraging families to strengthen spiritual life to maintain and avoid broken families and marriages for the future of Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The CEO for the Division of Culture and Tourism, LAWRENCE BELLEH today announced the next Cultural Show for the Students in Elementary, Primary and Secondary Schools.
He told New Dawn FM that the show will be held 14th,15th and 16th September 2013 to coincide with the Independence celebrations of PAPUA NEW GUINEA.
MR. BELLEH said that this show will be sponsored by the Regional Member for Bougainville, JOE LERA and will be held at the Buka SHOW GROUND.
He said that the Children’s Cultural show will be free and schools from within Buka town and nearby villages are requested to register their interest as soon as possible.
MR. BELLEH said that this show will become an annual event.
Meanwhile, MR. BELLEH is also calling on group leaders of Cultural groups that performed at the last show to attend an urgent meeting to be held at the KURI VILLAGE RESORT starting TEN AM.
They must make sure they come with the names of Truck owners that they used to transport their groups to the last show.
Source: Post-Courier
Call for Aropa landowners’ consent on development
CENTRAL Bougainville Regional Commissioner James Koibo has appealed to landowners of the former International Airport of Aropa (pictured) to re-open the airport.

He also called on them (landowners) to make land available for the construction of the new proposed Aropa High School.
Mr Koibo who acts as the administrator of the three districts of Kieta, Panguna and Wakunai challenged the South Nasioi and Kongara Constituencies to follow the steps of sister-constituency North Nasioi in openly accepting developments in their areas.
“If North Nasioi can open the region’s biggest port, Kieta Wharf, I don’t see any reasons why South Nasioi people are still having difficulties in opening the Aropa Airport? Mr Koibo questioned.
The Commissioner who was speaking at the launching of the PNG Power Ltd into Kieta areas and at the same time urged the South Nasioi and Kongara people to open the Aropa Airport and Aropa High School so that power can also venture to their areas.
“PNG Power won’t go for nothing into areas where there are non existence of economical developments happening like the airport and high school and other vital development services. Power follows developments.”
Meanwhile, Mr Koibo who is a long time kiap is also calling on landowners to leave politics out regarding land and follow proper channels to address the land issues for the benefit of their future generation and for Bougainville’s development as a whole.
He called on all the people of the three districts to take ownership of developments taking place in their areas and at the same time open up their land and resources for the developments to take place.

The Commissioner wants his people to reconcile with each other and forget the past and move on with their lives.
“There are so many outstanding reconciliations that need to be sorted out. Many projects in our areas are not eventuating or are lost because there is no peace and unity amongst ourselves in our own communities. There are leadership struggle where leaders are benefiting from all the projects leaving the ordinary citizens with nothing and they remain losers in every projects – they don’t benefit from any projects that are coming up,” Mr Koibo said adding that leadership have to go down right to the people and address the issues of land and so on.
Source: Post-Courier
Illegal landing a threat
ARAWA police have described the landing of a hired helicopter in the vicinity of Arawa Town as illegal and a ‘slap in the face’ for the authorities.
The helicopter owned by Niugini Helicopters and hired by Communications Company Digicel did not get authorisation from the police on the ground to land their helicopter at Tupukas Primary School Oval.
An irritated Central Bougainville Police Commander, Inspector Januarius Vosivai, fronted up at the oval and questioned the Digicel staff who admitted not getting authorisation from the police. The helicopter, believed to have flown in from Rabaul, came to shift Digicel tower equipment to the nearby mountainous Pavaire Village. The operation couldn’t be carried out by road due to its bad condition between Arawa and Pavaire.
Inspector Vosivai told the Digicel staff and the helicopter crew that this is a very risky and dangerous operation and they should have consulted the authorities, especially police, so they could raise awareness to the residents of Arawa before the actual job could be done.
The Tupukas Primary School Oval is located in the heart of the residential area of Arawa Town.
The helicopter made three to four trips to manoeuvre the equipment from Tupukas Primary School Oval to Pavaire – all hanging in its net.
“Anything can happen to that net and the lives of thousands of residents of Arawa are put at risk. What if the heavy equipment slipped off or the net broke or anything for that matter, what will the company do – this is what I am talking about. Authorities on the ground like the police must be consulted and informed of what plans or operations stakeholders want to do, especially when dealing with such risky operations.”
Inspector Vosivai said the whole operation posed a very dangerous threat to the children and to the residents of Arawa Town.
ESBC's comment: Inspector Januarius Vosivai should be happy that Digicel improves Arawa's connectivity!
Source: The National
Leader: Bougainville show achieves aim to unite people
THE Bougainville Show ended in style last Saturday afternoon.
In her closing remarks, Autonomous Bougainville Government Minister for Culture and Tourism Rose Pihei said the show achieved its aim by bringing the people of Bougainville together.
She thanked the people who participated at the four-day event for making it a success.
Pihei said her office was working to ensure they supported other shows throughout the region.
The minister said that with everybody’s support, future shows would be more bigger and better with a lot more activities.
She said the show was incident-free which showed that the people were mature and supported activities that were aimed at uniting them.
Meanwhile, Bougainville Regional MP Joe Lera said that one of his six development pillars was creating total unity for Bougainville.
He said as Bougainville moved towards referendum, there must be total unity among its people.
Lera said that if the ABG decided to hold the referendum in 2016 then the people had only two years to prepare for it.
Source: The National
Bougainville to set up AIDS office
THE Autonomous Bougainville Government has an agreement with the National AIDS Council Secretariat (NACS) to establish a Bougainville AIDS Council and its secretariat.
The agreement was signed yesterday in Port Moresby after a consultative meeting between NACS director Peter Bire and ABG health chief executive officer Dr Anthony Pumpara.
Under the agreement, NACS will:
- Assist ABG to implement its Bougainville AIDS Council Act 2011;
- Provide technical assistance to put in structures and systems in place for Bougainville AIDS council secretariat;
- Support and work in collaboration with its international partners to provide the above assistance; and
- Put in place a memorandum of understanding to detail this agreement including each party’s roles and responsibilities.
Bire said NACS would provide the capacity ABG needed to control and manage HIV/AIDS in the region.
“Now that we have signed the way forward, we will look at its different aspects and seek support from our international partners that should prepare us for the signing of the MOU before the end of the year,” he said.
Dr Pumpara said ABG was happy with the agreement and the way forward in addressing HIV/AIDS in Bougainville.
“We are grateful that NACS will assist us and we are confident that with this strong collaboration we will establish the Bougainville AIDS Council secretariat,” he said.
Source: The National
Call to review policies on mining industry
IT is timely for fiscal regimes governing the mining industry to be reviewed to meet today’s demands and challenges, Vice-Minister for Mining Wera Mori said.
He said the state must respond to pertinent issues such as:
Mineral resources being exploited with no substantial return to provincial governments and local landowners;
Policy driven by investor interests;
Lack of attention to landowner concerns;
Lack of development to compensate for the exploitation of resources; and
No attention to the environment after mine closure.
Mori said all citizens had the right to know how the country’s income from mineral wealth was being spent.
He said the review aimed to address such concerns and enable PNG to have a sustainable mining industry.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Doctor, leads initiative to improve Arawa Health Centre
THE Buka general hospital and onetime Private Medical Practitioner Dr Joe Vilosi is spearheading an urgent move to improve medical service delivery at the Arawa Health Centre in Central Bougainville.

In an exclusive interview with New Dawn FM today Doctor Vilosi explained the urgent need for the Health Centre to improve its services.
The health centre has been without proper facilities, lack of medical staff and drugs for more than 24 years. He says many mothers have died en-route to Buka for better treatment.
The move to improve the health centre begins with full renovation of five staff houses which has started and three have been completed, one under renovation and the other still to renovate.
Doctor Vilosi said that whilst the newly appointed Chief Administrator Chris Siriosi is in full support of the initiative, there is need for more backup from the Bougainville Administration and the ABG.
Doctor Vilosi says National MP for Central Jimmy Miringtoro is also pushing for the move to have more staff as well as improve services and is also behind the initiative.
`His counterpart and Bougainville Regional Member Joe Lera, is also getting on board to assist. They are appealing to the ABG and the other National Member to chip in to improve Arawa Health Centre.
Source: EMTV
Rabaul Queen Investigations Ended, Suspects Arrested
Investigations into the MV Rabaul Queen sinking have ended and the recent arrested suspects, including ship owner Peter Sharp, could face up to 20 years individually in prison if found guilty in court.
Last week police made the arrests following more than a year of investigations covering five different provinces.
If the suspects are found guilty in court, it will be the first time in history that someone will be charged under section 331 of the criminal code act of 1974 which covers Sending or Taking unworthy ships to sea.

The news of the arrest and charging of Peter Sharp in relation to the ill-fated sinking of the MV Rabaul Queen will come as relief for mourning family members.
Four others, among them the ship captain and a female Maritime Safety Authority Officer were arrested and charged last week.
This has closed the curtain one of the longest and expensive investigation into the country. But according to Assistant Police Commissioner Crimes, Thomas Eluh, the toughest is yet to come.
Peter Sharp is already facing more than 150 counts of manslaughter. On Thursday last week he was charged with two more for criminal negligence and sending an unseaworthy ship to see.
On Wednesday, Mr Sharp will face the committal court, where a decision will be made on whether the case will be referred to the high court or be dismissed. The same also applies to the four suspects.
Mr Eluh believes they have gathered enough evidence and they have a strong case against the Mr Sharp.
Since the disaster on the 2nd of February 2012, Mr Sharp has denied responsibility for the disaster and has maintained the Rabaul Queen was safe.
It was revealed that just over 230 people were rescued, while another 320 plus, according to information from relatives, went missing on that tragic day.
This would indicate that more than 550 people were on board, when the ship was only permitted to carry 310.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The private Bougainvillean owned TECHSKILLS PROFESSIONAL TRAINING will start its first Heavy equipment Training school in Panguna starting September 9th, 2013.
This was revealed by the Director/ Manager of the School and trainer, WILLIAM HOLLAND on New Dawn FM’s talk back show yesterday.
He said that he had to team up with the people of Panguna and establish the school as they prepare for the possible re-opening of the giant Panguna Copper and Gold mine.
MR. HOLLAND said that the first Training will be on DOGGER CRANE OPERATOR TRAINING and that the school was already accepting the first trainees.
He said that he runs courses in East New Britain but had to return to Bougainville as Bougainville needs fully qualified manpower if the mine re-opens and the people of Bougainville must be trained to participate if the operation starts.
MR. HOLLAND said that involving Bougainvilleans in the initials restarting work will make them feel part of the whole rebuilding exercise saying recruiting professionals outside will not be good for Bougainvillean youths.
He said the students will do practical on Four newly imported Equipments already in Panguna brought in by the Chinese Scrap Metal group.

Panguna mine pit drainage tunnel built and commissioned in July 1985
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Manager owner of Tech skills Professional Training School based in Rabaul, East New Britain Province, WILLIAM HOLLAND is calling on the Autonomous Bougainville Government to make sure they put policies to include trainings of Bougainvilleans if companies are contracted to jobs on Bougainville.
He told New Dawn FM yesterday that Earthmoving companies do not support training programmes for trainee operators making it impossible for students to complete their trainings from theory to practical using equipments working on the island.
MR. HOLLAND said that companies in East New Britain support the trainings of students thus making the province with well trained manpower especially heavy equipment operators.
He said with talk of opening the Panguna mine, Bougainville must train its own manpower to support the project and trainings his company is carrying out is in preparation of the possible Panguna mine re-opening.
MR. HOLLAND said that he started with MASTER SKILLS TRAINING but had to abandon them because they were only training students on Theory with no practical.
He said Theory and Practical is a must for any training school this is to make sure the training is complete.
MR. HOLLAND said that they have set up at Panguna to run trainings starting September 9th, 2013 and they have secured the latest Equipments for students to carry out their practical skills.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Six Business women from Arawa left for Port Moresby today to be part of the PNG delegation travelling to BALI in Indonesia for the SMALL TO MEDIUM ENTERPRISES symposium to be held there.

The women are members of the old Bougainville Council of Women which still operates out of Arawa despite Bougainville establishing its own women’s NGO the Bougainville women’s Federation.
The women were selected as they run small businesses in Arawa.
Team leader, THERESA JAINGTON (pictured) told New Dawn Fm before they flew to Port Moresby that the group is being sponsored by the ABG, APAC and MRA to be part of the PNG Delegation that would be led by the National Minister for Community Development, LOUJAYA TONI (pictured below).

Source: Papua New Guinea Mine Watch
Port Moresby Bougainville Association to host Bougainville Day Seminar at Gateway Hotel
by Masalai blog
The Port Moresby Bougainville Association Inc. (PBA) will host the Bougainville Day Seminar on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th August at the Gateway Hotel.
The seminar will include presentations from both international and local experts who have profound knowledge and experience in the Bougainville peace agreement- a very effective resolution that ended the 10 year giant gold-copper Panguna mine crisis.
Speakers will include economics professor Dr Satish Chand (NSW); award winning peace advocator Sr. Lorraine Garasu; Agriculture Consultant Dr Sam Lahis; Anthony Reagan and other professionals who will share insights on significant issues in Bougainville.
Topics will highlight on the economic status of Bougainville; mining; agriculture as a sustainable income generating venture; the obligations of United Nation and other organisations that continually play an important role in Bougainville. The theme of the seminar is “Sustainability of Bougainville and the way forward.”
It will involve a lot of discussions and debates that are healthy and provides a platform for every Bougainvillean and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (ABG), in their preparation for the 2015 independence referendum. The seminar is free and open to every Bougainvillean, friends and visitors to Port Moresby and will expect about 500 participants both employed and unemployed. It is the second seminar held by PBA Inc.
Organiser of the seminar, PBA Inc raised funds through the Bougainville day celebrations to assist in planning and co-ordinating the forum and acknowledged major sponsors such as PNG Ports, PNG Power Ltd, MRDC, Petromin Ltd and a major sponsor who wish to remain anonymous. The ABG also provided some financial assistance.
The Port Moresby Bougainville based Association Inc is led by Paul Nerau as President, Bruce Mallar as Vice President, Salome Rihatta as Secretary and Brian Semoso as Treasurer. They are the new executives that were voted on board by members at a Special General Meeting (SGM) held last week Sunday. They replace the former president Mrs Cecelia Kenevi and vice president Mr Peter Pinoko while Ms Rihatta maintains the secretary’s position.
The seminar is the second part of the June 15th ABG Bougainville Day celebrations. It is part of PBA Inc’s awareness drive on better informing and educating the public about the peace process and finding solutions and recommendations that is resourceful to the sustainability of Bougainville into the future.
PBA Inc. is a non-profit organisation that acts as an independent body that is not influenced by the government or ABG but strives to support initiatives that harness peace and unity through awareness.
The association works in partnership with the UPNG Bougainville Students Association (UPNG BSA), Don Bosco Technical Institute (DBTI BSA), Don Bosco Technical Secondary School (DBTSS BSA), other Tertiary and Secondary Institutions and other Bougainville Associations in and around NCD. PBA Inc believes in equipping youths and other Bougainvilleans to become future leaders for Bougainville.
Source: PNG Attitude
Bougainville: the nuts & bolts of a return to mining
Joseph PangkauA HIGH-LEVEL TEAM from the Bougainville government’s mining department has told a conference in Madang of how the autonomous province is preparing itself for the resumption of mining on the island.
Bougainville was represented at the three-day community relations mining workshop held earlier this month. At the workshop, mining officials shared each other’s experiences with each other and with the industry.

The Autonomous Bougainville Government’s (ABG) Department of Mining was represented by a team of four led by mining engineer Joseph Pangkau (pictured), Director of the Development & Coordination Division, who invited me to attend the meeting.
In the half-full conference room, the team detailed the state of play with mining in Bougainville.
They talked of how mining had previously created conflict and spoke of the suffering of Panguna landowners that led to the conflict, the Bougainville economy, the political future of the province and how the ABG wishes to re-open the mine - including the costly exercise of working towards possible re-opening.
Mr Pangkau said the Department of Mining was created under the Bougainville Peace Agreement, the Bougainville Constitution and the PNG Constitution.
On 16 November 2006, PNG agreed to give Bougainville powers on mining, oil and gas in a 15-stage strategic framework. The mining department was created to cater for these powers. So far, stages 1 and 2 have being reached and currently they are in stage 3, negotiations for Panguna mine.
The ABG answered the question of ‘why re-open Panguna mine’ with five points. Firstly, Mr Pangkau said that Panguna has proven and known minerals; secondly, the mine life is known; thirdly, the infrastructure is there and needs only maintenance; the Bougainville economy will be stimulated with commencement of construction; and lastly, the ABG needs to be fiscally self-reliant to run its affairs.
He claimed that, at the heart of the ABG, are lessons from the past about mining operation at Panguna. Thus landowners will be the major players in the decision over mining this time around with equitable benefit sharing and an effective environmental impact management scheme.
Currently the ABG is focused on six key issues:
(1) establishing landowner associations
(2) running public forums to collect Bougainville-wide opinion
(3) facilitating a baseline study of the Panguna mine areas
(4) assessing consultancy work relating to technical evaluations and feasibility studies
(5) conducting studies in mineral resources and ore body modelling of Panguna
(6) conducting financial modelling and economic and budgeting studies
Mr Pangkau stated that Panguna has nine landowner associations of which six are well established and functioning. These have an umbrella body, the United Panguna Resource Owners Association, that will be the key player in re-opening negotiations. Each landowner group has start-up funding from the ABG.
ABG now has the duty to support landowners and their associations; build their capacity; prepare them for negotiations; recruit advisors and consultants along with BCL and the PNG government.
ABG has also committed itself to wider consultations across Bougainville. It has run consultative forums in Central, North and South Bougainville. Mr Pangkau said these forums ran for about two days each and that attendance was good and participation positive.
In August 2012, a joint ABG and National Government Scoping Mission had conducted a review to determine the type of baseline studies that need to be conducted to provide information on environmental, social and economic conditions of the people in Panguna.

Then, on 17 October 2012, a Joint Panguna Negotiation Coordination Committee was established comprising the ABG, BCL, landowners and the PNG government.
One important issue of negotiation under JPNCC is the belkol money (compensation) issue. This is a kind of appeasement that must be paid to Bougainville before BCL attempts to return, for it is not only the Panguna people that have suffered in the conflict. The forms and extent payment have not been determined yet.
There is also a negotiation structure approved by the Bougainville Executive Council in place to ensure input into negotiations by all Bougainvilleans, and specific opportunities for input by groups including landowners and ex-combatants.
The overall direction for negotiations will be provided by a Negotiation Forum made up of the ABG President, John Momis, Vice President and Ministers; landowners, ex-combatants; and senior ABG officers.
This is an inclusive structure that will ensure the views of all Bougainvilleans are represented.
The main challenges to the ABG are the institutional capacity of the ABG Department of Mining, preparations for and the conduct of negotiations; funding estimated at K15 million a year that donors are helping with and Bougainville mining legislations.
Joseph Pangkau concluded with a few significant remarks about Bougainville history. He said that, since the Panguna uprising, it is evident that companies throughout the country are putting more emphasis on their social license to operate.
The ABG wants to make sure that, this time around, affected and impacted landowners play a key role in decisions about the mine.
All Bougainvilleans need to know what is going on and have an opportunity to express their views and concerns.
He said that, due to the conflict, the current process is unique and complex. Valuable lessons have been learned. With the right information; Bougainvilleans will reach a decision on the future of the mine.
Source: Post-Courier
Chinese businesses a target for crime
CHINESE businessmen and women operating in Buka town are still being targeted by criminals.
Recently a Chinese man escaped near death after he was slashed with a bush knife by criminals. He was admitted to the Buka Hospital with deep knife wounds before being discharged a few days later.

A week before this incident, quick response by police presence in and around one of the Chinese stores in town had prevented what could have been a major armed robbery targeting this Chinese store.
Buka Police Station commander, Chief Sergeant Alex Gunan said the presence of police in the area-after receiving a tipoff, had prevented the criminals from carrying out their planned activity.
Mr Gunan said according to reports received, these criminals were targeting this Chinese store with the intention of stealing the store’s takings and not the goods that were being sold there.
“According to reports received, these criminals had targeted this Chinese because they saw that there was not much cash currently floating around on the island as a result of the Chinese not depositing the money in the bank.
Information we got is that these criminals were planning to steal the money.
“These people are saying that they were tired of going to the ATMs, only to find out that there was no cash there,” Mr Gunan said.
However, Gunan said police will still continue with their investigations and arrest those behind this move to rob the Chinese.
Apart from these two incidents, Mr Gunan said police are still investigating other previous robberies targeting the Chinese in Bougainville.
Mr Gunan is now appealing to those who have any hatred against these Asians to follow the proper avenues available to air their concerns instead of resorting to criminal activities.
He is also calling on the ABG to come up with proper regulative measures identifying which businesses that should be reserved for the locals.
Source: Post-Courier
Hospital not aware of cargo
THE management of Buka General Hospital (BGH) has been called on to explain why the cartons of intra venous (IV) fluids that were found inside a 20ft container at the Buka wharf were not taken to the hospital to be used on its intended purpose.
This call was recently made by one young man who became very frustrated after seeing these IV fluids locked inside the container.

This concerned Bougainvillean who wished not to be named said this is a “total waste of money, therefore the hospital management must explain why these fluids were not taken to the hospital”. “I want the management of the hospital to tell us why these IV fluids were not taken to the hospital. IV fluids are important items that are needed by the hospitals, yet they have decided not to take them to their storage house.”
However, the hospital’s chief executive officer Dr Cyril Imako said the reason why they did not transport these boxes to the hospital is because they did not get any information regarding the shipment of these items to Buka. He said if they were notified than they would have already emptied the container.
Dr Imako said the hospital’s pharmacists are the ones that should have been notified by those people who are sending such hospital items. But this was not the case, saying the pharmacists have denied receiving any information regarding this shipment. He added that they do not know whether this container was destined for Buka hospital or it belonged to other hospitals and was mistakenly shipped over to Buka.
BGH Director Medical Service, Dr Barnabas Matanu added that most of these giving sets of fluids have already expired and are no longer fit to be used at the hospital.
An employee of PNG Ports Ltd confirmed that this container full of fluids has been at the wharf since last year.
He said descriptions on the container and manifest shows that it belongs to BGH.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The 2013 Bougainville Show coordinator and CEO for the ABG Tourism Division, LAWRENCE BELLEH has thanked the sponsors of the 2013 Bougainville Show for their support.
Speaking at the closing ceremony in Buka last Saturday, MR. BELLEH thanked the POST COURIER for contributing FIFTY THOUSAND KINA and this also secured the naming rights for the 2013 Bougainville Post Courier Show.
These funds were used to prepare the SHOW GROUND, Other sponsors were the PNG Teacher’s Savings and Loans who paid FIVE THOUSAND KINA, BOUGAINVILLE COPPER FOUNDATION also contributed THREE THOUSAND KINA.
SNAX biscuit company donated FIVE HUNDRED CARTONS of SNAX biscuits worth about TWELVE THOUSAND KINA.
Other smaller contributed in cash and kind including Business Communities and NGO groups who paid fees to build Stalls at the show ground.
The Autonomous Bougainville Government contributed ONE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND KINA to the 2013 BOUGAINVILLE SHOW.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG Minister for Tourism, ROSE PIHEI has called on all ABG members to support their cultural groups in next year’s Bougainville Show.
Speaking at the closing of the 2013 Show, MRS PIHEI said that all constituency members must support cultural groups from their constituencies from the Electoral Support grants because this is the beginning of investing into the tourism industry which can become the biggest revenue earner for Bougainville if promoted properly.
MRS. PIHEI said that her new division was really under pressure to come up with the Bougainville show as it was only created about a year ago.
AND she said that with the outcome of the 2013 Bougainville show, her division is embarking on having some more big shows and that means setting up the infrastructures to develop the concept.
She thanked the National Minister for Arts, Culture and Tourism, BOKA KONDRA for his commitment in supporting the ABG to develop tourism trainings and awarenesses throughout Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The leader of the Bauluaku Cultural Group in the Konnou Constituency, FRANCIS KAGEI wants the Bougainville Show committee to improve facilities at the Buka Show ground for future shows.
MR. KAGEI said that he came to the show to rehabilitate his youth who have been holed up in the hills because of the Konnou conflict needed to be accommodated properly instead of living under a torn canvas in their one week visit to Buka.
He said that his group were happy to participate and show their culture and mix with other Bougainvilleans however water and sanitation should be improved in preparation for the next show.
Meanwhile, friends of Bougainville in Europe have created a page in their website titled Buka SHOW 2013 to show pictures posted by New Dawn FM throughout the Bougainville Show.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Regional member for Bougainville JOE LERA (pictured below) says that one of his six pillars was creating total unity for Bougainville.
MR.LERA made these remarks at the closing of the four-days Bougainville Show last Saturday.
He said uniting our people through cultural festivals was one sure way of achieving unity for Bougainville.

MR.LERA said that only a strong and united Bougainville can secure a lasting future for the region.
He said as Bougainville moves towards referendum, there must be total unity amongst all the people of Bougainville.
Mr LERA said that if the ABG decides to hold the referendum in 2016 then we have only two years to prepare for it.
MR.LERA also said that he had allocated 30thousand kina to support Bougainville shows throughout the region.
The other shows still outstanding are the TINPUTZ COCOA FESTIVAL scheduled for September and the TUIRUMA FESTIVAL to be held in Buin, South Bougainville in November.
From this 30,000 kina went straight to the Bougainville Show.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Rabaul Queen arrests could act as deterrent in PNG
The head of a women’s development agency in Bougainville, Helen Hakena, hopes arrests that have been made in relation to the Rabaul Queen sinking 18 months ago, will deter other ship owners from unsafe practices.
At least 162 lives were lost off Papua New Guinea’s Morobe coast - many of the victims were from Bougainville.
On Wednesday the owner of the shipping company Peter Sharp was charged with 162 counts of manslaughter and one for taking an unseaworthy ship to sea.
The captain has been charged with the same offences while two others - a Maritime Safety official and the company’s port manager in Kimbe have been charged with manslaughter.
Helen Hakena says passenger ferries are still being overloaded.
“It’s really good that this has happened to Peter Sharp so other ships’ owners can also remember that people will not tolerate their actions because most of the ships that come within our islands here they are always overloaded with not enough lifejackets for all the passengers who are on board so this will be a very big thing for all the ships’ owners to see the example which is being done now.”
The head of a women’s development agency in Bougainville, Helen Hakena.
Source: Papua New Guinea Mine Watch
Bougainville and the Mining Question
by ramunickel
Bougainville is grappling with a series of challenges that will set the course for the island’s long-term future. What economic model of development will they adopt? How will this model gel with aspirations for independence? And perhaps most controversially how does the mining question fit into this equation?
Given the haste with which mining was initially imposed on Bougainville during the 1960s, and the bloody conflict the mine subsequently provoked, now is not the time to indecently rush the latter question, much less is it time for those in positions of power to confront communities with threatening ultimatums.
Yet that is exactly what is happening. The Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG), Rio Tinto (via its PNG subsidiary, BCL), the Australian government, in addition to an assortment of individuals, all seem to be singing from the same hymn sheet. The hymn goes something like this:
‘If you want independence/autonomy and development, then the mine must be reopened, and Bougainville Copper Limited should operate it’.
Indeed, as much was said by BCL’s Managing Director, Peter Taylor, at the company’s Annual General Meeting:
“There is widespread agreement today that Bougainville’s economic future needs mining if it is to be able to fund services for the people from its own resources, as well as address future opportunities for economic and social development”.
These comments were repeated by ABG President, John Momis, at a recent South Bougainville mining forum. They must have got the same circular!
Worse still is the brazen fear mongering at a recent community consultation forum in Bana. New Dawn reports that the ABG Minister for Veteran Affairs terrified his audience with a range of farcical claims:
Mr. Sisito said that for Bougainville to move into economic recovery and economic self reliance, the ABG must raise a total of seventy-two million Kina which can only happen when Panguna mine is re-opened.
He said that if the Bougainville Peace Agreement lapses in 2020 all their talk of Independence and landownership would be forfeited to the State of Papua New Guinea.
Mr. Sisito said when this happens all Bougainville leaders and Ex combatants will be held for treason as all agreements with PNG will become null and void … On calls by women leaders to be given the chance to negotiate, Mr. Sisito said that one hidden plan was that all Bougainville single women will be married by outsiders to own the land.
Mr. Sisito said one plan was that if Bougainville fails to get independence a military base will be based on Bougainville to stop any future uprisings on Bougainville.
In short, unless Bougainvilleans allow Rio Tinto back in – a company wanted for war crimes – then Bougainville will be subjected to military occupation, its single women married off to retskins, and its leaders and independence fighters thrown into gulags for treason. Were there a serious case for the mine’s reopening such nonsense would never be sprouted.
Powerful actors have in effect attempted to define the social equation confronting Bougainville in the most narrow, ludicrous terms possible – those for development and self-determination must support the reopening of the Panguna mine. Accordingly, in a neat rhetorical twist those against large-scale mining must become unwitting champions of political dependency and impoverishment.
Clearly a choice is being offered here, but it is logic-defying leap to call this crude alternative a great example of democracy in action. With the gun of independence and development at people’s head, they are in effect being told to reopen the mine and forget Rio Tinto’s past sins.
A case in point – speaking on the mine in February, the then Australian High Commissioner Ian Kemish told a courteous Bougainvillean audience:
“If it is your wish that development come back here ... if that is your wish ... you have to give the people [Rio Tinto/BCL] that can make that happen, confidence”.
Besides being a typically neo-colonial view of development, one which discounts achievements that fall outside western definitions of ‘wealth’, Kemish is in effect telling Bougainville if they want a shot at ‘economic development’ they must keep quiet when it comes to that ‘small issue’ of Rio Tinto war crimes.
Despite the Kemish, Taylor and Momis’ pro-mining cat-calls there is no reason to think development and mining are bound at the hip, much less that the people of Bougainville must sacrifice their rights to justice in order to achieve it. In fact, the opposite may be true.
While it is perhaps simplistic to characterise large-scale resource projects as a universally detrimental, it is a much more defensible argument within the specific context of PNG. The employment it has provided, and the knowledge transfer it has facilitated, grate against the other realities of mining. For instance, significant chunks of the wealth generated flow abroad, while that which remains in PNG is frequently pocketed by local intermediaries and a ‘mobocracy’ that wields control over state finances, leaving those in the mine area to deal with environmental damage, growing inequality, the fracture of custom, police violence, military repression, crime, mass migration, rapid urbanisation, settlements, gambling, alcohol, and the gamut of spivs and rent-seekers who invariably follow in the wake of mineral developments. And we can be sure from recent events on Bougainville, that there are more than a few local politicians prepared to emulate PNG’s mobocracy.
Of course we are told that an extensive consultation process is underway, the ABG has even flown in, with AusAID’s assistance, advisors to help the island make an informed choice about its future. We have now learnt that one of these experts is in receipt of research funding from Rio Tinto, while Coffey International, a company who handles much of the AusAID funded mining advisory services to the ABG, has Rio Tinto as one of its major clients. So much for independent advice.
It must be asked, what alternative perspectives are being offered communities on Bougainville? Are there experts with field experience in analogous economies from Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa being flown in to share their experiences of mining, agriculture, tourism and other rural industries? Are a range of development models being discussed? Are a variety of economic perspectives being introduced for community discussion? Or are the people of Bougainville being dished up large plates of pro-mining propaganda like in the 1960s? If recent reports from Bougainville mining forums are anything to go by, the signs are not good.
Democracy occurs on a continuum, its richness depends on the diversity of information being given to communities through the consultation process. Bougainville deserves more than crude ultimatums and fear mongering.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Bougainville 2013 : SHOW ENDS
By Aloysius Laukai
The Four days Bougainville Post Courier show officially ended this afternoon.
In her closing remarks ABG Minister for Culture and Tourism, ROSE PIHEI (pictured) said that in life ALL GOOD THINGS MUST COME TO AN END.

She said that the show brought the people of Bougainville together as one people and was of the aims of organizing the show.
She thanked all people who participated at the show for their support in making the 2013 how a success.

The 2013 Bougainville Show was terminated by a nice firework
The minister said that her office was working hard to make sure they support other shows throughout the region to become a reality .
The minister said that with everybody's support future shows will be more bigger and interesting.
Source: PNG Attitude
The killing of Arenama, the retarded man at Enamira
IN 1989, HAVING SATISFIED THEIR APPETITE with the burning of most villages along the road in Panguna’s Tumpusiong Valley, the Papua New Guinea Defence Force (PNGDF) began a careful infiltration of uphill areas away from roads accessible by vehicles.
One hamlet that had a visit from the PNGDF was Enamira, situated at the foot of Panguna’s Deumori Catholic Mission.

The unique fact about this desolate hamlet, situation on the ridge directly above the main entrance of the mine’s pit drainage tunnel, was that it was home to Arenama, a mentally retarded person who had abandoned his wife and children
Arenama was a blood brother of Michael Pariu (pictured on the left), one of the leaders of the old Panguna Landowners Association and currently a leading advocate of the reopening of the mine.
Arenama had been a catechist at Deumori but he got sick and became mentally handicapped. Despite this state of mind, however, he loved his reclusive life. He kept his place clean by sweeping the lawn daily. He planted flowers and did his gardening. He dug little holes under his hut, defecated there and buried his waste. He hated noisy visitors but he was harmless.
On that fateful day in 1989, whilst his uncle was asleep, Anthony Imako (pictured below), a militant, and his mate passed through the hamlet to observe the deserted Deumori Catholic Mission where two days earlier the PNGDF had shot at them as they shouted and condemned them from their hiding place on a ridge.

After having satisfied their hunger with ripe bananas in gardens left behind by relatives who had fled to the care centre in Arawa, the two men tracked downstream to get to the cliff below the Catholic mission. Their intention was to climb the cliff-face where the PNGDF would not bother to watch.
But half way through their climb, looking down on the forested stream that runs near Enamira, they spotted an unexpected PNGDF patrol tracking along a trail from Kavarongnau hamlet which they had burned earlier, home to the then North Solomons Provincial Government Premier, Joseph Kabui.
They immediately left to try to persuade Arenama to escape from the patrol.
When they arrived at Enamira, Arenama, as then in his mid-50s, was preparing to cook his breakfast.
They calmly chatted with him and told him there was a patrol of killers approaching. Imako and his mate, both unarmed, left to observe the progress of the infiltrators before returning to Arenama who by now had a pot on the fire.
They told him to move out, which he agreed to do. Chuckling, he told them to be on their way.
At that, the pair traversed down the rocky brae known locally as Katoma as this was the fastest access to the highway at the entrance to the Panguna mine pit drainage tunnel.
But as they neared, they saw a parked convoy of Bougainville Copper Limited trucks with PNGDF soldiers. They changed their course to a safer spot and halted, keeping their eyes on the PNGDF men below.
They had been there for a few minutes when, just above them at Enamira, guns began rattling. They immediately knew their relative was the target.
The noise of crows above the trail from Enamira told the two men that the PNGDF was moving down the track.
But Imako, not realising how far the scent of tobacco travels, got his smoke-pipe burning - alerting the PNGDF men that there was a foe nearby. The soldiers fired rounds in their direction so the friends darted uphill towards Enamira.
Upon arrival on the ridge top, they observed from the nearby bushes and, seeing it was clear, they moved to the lawn. There, the old man’s pot of rice was smashed, his little hut destroyed and his few belongings were burning on the lawn.
Imako felt happy thinking his uncle had escaped. But marching towards the edge of the lawn to look down at the pit drainage tunnel area, there was blood on the ground and on a piece of bush rope left behind.
They slowly tracked down; and saw blood everywhere, with ants feasting and flies hovering. Arenama had been rolled downhill and the bloodied grass was bent as if a heavy drum had rolled over it.
Further down, the pair saw parts of Arenama’s skin against some broken bamboo that he might have being dragged over. The two men immediately left for their village.
The next morning, the militant relayed the story to Arawa where their relatives were in the old colonial plantation fermentary where most of the Tumpusiong Valley people were living, including the late Arenama’s wife, children and grandchildren.
They hesitated for a few days in fear of the PNGDF and police who always harassed the staff of the Arawa General Hospital. But later they ordered Michael Pariu and a few elders to negotiate with the PNGDF at the hospital and were allowed to identify the body.
They searched a refrigerated shipping container piled with bodies. Arguments broke over the death story of Arenama as they searched. But they later identified the body; it was disfigured but the feet helped confirm it was the late Arenama.
He was brought back home and buried where he was shot. Cartridges were inserted into the concrete block over his tomb to indicate he was killed by the gun.
Source: The National
Akotai urges Bougainville leaders to unite
FORMER mining minister Sam Akoitai (pictured) has called on leaders of the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) and its MPs to remain focused on implementing the Bougainville peace agreement.

He said he would like to remind them and the people of Bougainville that the agreement called for practices of good governance.
“I wish to remind both MPs from Bougainville and ABG leaders that Bougainville is still recovering from the conflict and that it cost us many lives and properties to get to where we are now,” he said.
“The leaders must stop arguments in the media and meet to sort out the differences to find a way forward.”
Akoitai, also a former Central Bougainville MP, said the peace agreement was the way forward to achieving development on the island as the roadmap was done through the agreement.
Akoitai said the agreement was co-created by the national government and the leaders of Bougainville.
He said ABG leaders and Bougainville MPs must comply with the peace agreement and the Public Finances (Management) Act to ensure funds allocated for projects on Bougainville including the K500 million given by the national government through Prime Minister Peter O’Neill, were spent on intended projects.
He stressed that the people of Bougainville must not act as if the crisis was still on.
“I am calling on them to put aside their differences, especially disagreement over the signing of the memorandum of understanding for the possible re-opening of the Panguna Mine and work together for the good of all Bougainvilleans.”
Source: Radio New Zealand International
New Zealand looking to extend role of police in Bougainville
The New Zealand police mission to the Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville is set to be renewed at the end of the year, when the current arrangement concludes.
The foreign minister Murray McCully visited Buka last week, where 7 New Zealand officers are training over 300 police.
The President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government, Dr John Momis, has requested more help, and rejected Papua New Guinea’s police force.
Alex Perrottet was in Bougainville.
Murray McCully and his delegation were honoured at the Buka airport in the open rain. The New Zealand police are training the community auxiliary police, and Dr John Momis says he wants them to continue to train the regular police service. Speaking in Port Moresby, he said he doesn’t want police sent from there.
JOHN MOMIS: "Well the training they get is not... They are not trained to ... Remember the Bougainville police is called the Bougainville police service, not Bougainville police force. Police here [Port Moresby] are trained to bash heads and kill people and so on and so forth, not to serve.”
First Constable Irene Semoso is the officer in charge of training, and she says police have learnt discipline and community relations, but they could be housed better.
IRENE SEMOSO: "We don’t have much accommodation. We need to accommodate members so that everybody will co-operate so that the law and order problem will be solved. They have a place to stay but it’s only a few that are accommodated, and a few are coming from the villages.”
There’s a number of women police officers being trained and co-ordinator Constable Reginald Sogen says they are essential.
REGINALD SOGEN: "There are lots of important ways that policewomen, because when policeman goes and there is no policewoman there, we do things differently you know. But with policewomen present, we can control our force. Stop us from hitting people.”
Constable Sogen says policewomen are also better suited to dealing with female offenders. He says the main problems overall are armed robberies and domestic violence fuelled by drugs and alcohol. He says it can be difficult to disarm criminals, as police don’t carry weapons, but the best weapon they have is their mouth. The New Zealand team leader, Detective Sergeant Rob Lemoto, says he sits with the leaders and helps them improve their management skills and to separate village issues from the job of professional policing.
ROB LEMOTO: "Good leadership helps to breed a strong organisation, and they also know what they used to have when the city was one of the biggest cities in the Pacific and they want to get back there. So it’s just helping them to support the community and to become a stronger country.”
Murray McCully has pledged more help, but he hasn’t yet worked out what exactly he will commit to.
MURRAY McCULLY: "We’re thinking not about if we’ll continue, but about how. I suspect the contribution that’s been called for now they want us in one or two places we are not already and we’re certainly open to that.”
As Bougainville prepares to decide on its independence in a few years’ time, local police say they realise law and order needs to be under their own control first, and they hope that’s not too far away.
Source: Post-Courier
Buka show a treat
THE Post-Courier Buka Showground played host to the second day of the Bougainville Show yesterday.
The Show has been revived after two years of inactivity to showcase the diverse cultures of Bougainville.
This year’s show has been named “The ABG/Post-Courier Show” after the two major sponsors.

The second day saw a wide array of cultural groups from all over the Region, with bamboo bands being prominently featured in the main arena.
Groups from the Atolls and the Solomon Islands also made an appearance before an enthusiastic crowd. At the other end of the showground, the ampitheatre held modern live bands from Bougainville, showing a diverse range of styles – from Bougainville’s favourite heavy metal to bouncy, traditional music.
A large and animated crowd passed through the gates with everyone well-behaved on the day.
The Post-Courier Newspaperman again proved to be a crowd favourite with children and adults alike crowding around to shake hands and get their picture taken with him.
Around fifty cultural groups will be performing over four days along with thirty modern bands. The Show ends on Saturday.
For the official closing ceremony on Friday night Yiannis Nicolau from Port Moresby’s Lamana will be providing a fireworks spectacular on the Buka Passage.
Aloysius Laukai of Radio New Dawn on Bougainville took a lot of pictures on the Bougainville Show in Buka. Please click here to watch his picture show !
Source: The National
Court grants bail for Sharp
SHIPPING company owner Peter Sharp was yesterday granted bail of K5,000 by the National Court in Kokopo after he had spent Tuesday night in police custody.
Sharp, 69, the managing director and owner of Hamamas Lines Ltd and Rabaul Shipping Ltd, faces manslaughter charges alleging that he caused an unworthy ship to put out to sea resulting in death.
The charges are related to the sinking of the mv Rabaul Queen on Feb 2 last year off the coast of Finschhafen in Morobe in which more than 200 people died.
Sharp was arrested by police on Tuesday.
His lawyer David Lidgett of Warner Shand Lawyers told the National Court that Sharp had surrendered his passport to the police investigating team with two guarantors, his wife and lawyer, pledging K1,000 in addition to his bail.
Lidgett submitted that there was no likelihood of Sharp escaping since he had a permanent residency permit in PNG and was a businessman. And if released on bail, he had business to attend to.
Lawyer Anthony Kupmain objected to the bail application, saying most witnesses lined up by the police were company employees.
Justice Salatiel Lenalia said according to Section 6 of the Bail Act and Section 42 (6) of the Constitution, the application was entitled to bail at any time after his arrest until he would be tried.
“The court is minded to grant bail to the applicant on the conditions that:
Sharp pays a cash bail of K5,000;
The two guarantors pledge K1,000 each;
Sharp must report to the district court registry as and when he is required by the committal court;
He must not leave the province without leave of the district court;
He should not interfere with any state witnesses or speak to them while he is undergoing the committal process;
He should not leave PNG until the district court considers otherwise at the end of the committal process;
He should not leave PNG to other jurisdictions unless leave is granted; and
His passport be submitted to the National Court registry.”
Sharp is scheduled to appear at the Kokopo district court for committal proceedings today before Rabaul district court magistrate Oakaiva Oiveka.
He did not appear yesterday as earlier reported because the Kokopo District Court only registers family court cases on Wednesdays and criminal and committal cases on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
This was also because there was only one magistrate presiding over cases at the Kokopo District Court.
Meanwhile, four employees of Rabaul Shipping were questioned yesterday on the incident last year.
Source: The National
History of Rabaul Queen
THE mv Rabaul Queen ended 30 years of maritime service when it capsized off the Finschhafen coast, Morobe, on Feb 2 last year. The sinking of this Japanese-built vessel saw more than 160 lives lost, making it the worst in sea disaster in PNG history.
The following is a brief history of the vessel until its sinking.
Dec 1982: Launched as Ieshima at the Kawamoto Higashino-cho shipyard, Japan.
Late 1998: Rabaul Shipping Ltd buys the Ieshima.
March 5, 1999: Vessel renamed mv Rabaul Queen, issued with a PNG survey certification (and allowed to carry 295 passengers). It begins passenger services, operating initially between Rabaul and Kavieng. Its route is extended to include Kimbe and Lae.
May 21, 2008: MV Rabaul Queen issued with a PNG Survey Certificate (valid until March 23, 2012).
Jan 30, 2012 (3pm): The MV Rabaul Queen departs Buka wharf, Autonomous Region of Bougainville, for an overnight trip to Rabaul.
Jan 31, 2012
6am-7am: The mv Rabaul Queen arrives in Rabaul. All passengers disembark and new tickets are bought for the Kimbe-Lae leg, including continuing passengers. The ship takes on fuel and water.
6.15pm: Passengers boarded and mv Rabaul Queen leaves Rabaul for overnight trip to Kimbe.
Feb 1, 2012
9.15am: The mv Rabaul Queen arrived in Kimbe.
11am: Passengers board mv Rabaul Queen for its overnight trip to Lae. Reports indicate 360 passengers board. Also on board were 13 crew members, two canteen boys and the master of Solomon Queen.
12.47pm: mv Rabaul Queen departed Kimbe wharf, allegedly “packed and overloaded”.
4pm: Reaching Cape Campbell (Eastern end of Willaumez Peninsula), mv Rabaul Queen meets prevailing strong north-westerly winds and rough seas. Rounding Cape Hollmann and heading towards Cape Gloucester, rough conditions increase as rain fall.
Passengers on the starboard side of the upper and open promenade decks hit by the spray from the sea and many move to the port side and inside accommodation (resulting in more overcrowding and the vessel lean to one side at no more than 5 degrees). Rough seas and strong winds continue.
Feb 2, 2012
2.20am: Reaching Cape Gloucester, mv Rabaul Queen alters course for Nessup Channel (southern end of Dampier Strait).
3.30am: Chief mate calls master to navigate the boat through Siassi Islands and into Vitiaz Strait. After leaving Umboi Island, increase prevailing north-westerly wind (20-30 knots) and rough seas (to 30m). Master disengages auto-pilot and takes over the steering control.
Prevailing near gale force continued to hit mv Rabaul Queen’s starboard quarters, rolling the ship and taking in water in the upper deck. List to port (leaning) continues.
5.30am: Chief mate leaves the bridge to go below to check on passengers, who are shouting “one more, one more” as the ship rides the waves. Attempts to balance the ship fails and mv Rabaul Queen continued to lean to one side.
5.45am: Morobe coastline becomes visible.
6.15am: Large wave hits the vessel on its starboard quarter. Stern pushes to port and the vessel heels over heavily to port. Master loses steering control and the ship’s heads back to port.
Second wave hits starboard side, and the port side become submerged. Water starts flooding the accommodation area. Third waves hits the exposed hull and the ship capsizes. No mayday signal broadcast.

Most survivors escaped 10 minutes before mv Rabaul Queen sinks.
Fuel and bilge oil begin floating.
Ship’s first 25-man life rafts, a few life jackets and buoyant floating devices surface.
Some survivors swim and board life rafts, others are helped on board or cling to floating life jackets and floating devices.
9.40am: First ship, MOL Summer, arrive at the scene and rescued 116 survivors. Coordinate and call in other ships to the search and rescue operation. Total of 246 survivors are plucked from the sea by five ships (13 aircraft and 15 ships were involved in search and rescue). The Cap Scott rescued nine people, MSC Carole 53, Violet 39 and Zhong He 29.
Feb 3, 2012
Passengers transfer from all rescuing ships to Lae harbour tugboat Victory and transported ashore.
Source: Post-Courier
PNG, Bougainville tension
Despite the peace agreement, tension between Papua New Guinea and Bougainville has always simmered away in the background.
In recent times though, it’s moved up a significant notch.
It’s over money — at least on the surface. PNG gives Bougainville $100 million kina ($US42 million) a year and are unhappy it’s not being spent on infrastructure which it’s intended for but rather on wages and claims.
The Bougainville administration deny this, and say they should be allowed to spend it on what they like.
The friction between the two should not be underplayed as it shows a great level of distrust.
Bougainville’s President John Momis has come out firing.
“They (PNG) are deliberately trying to fragment Bougainville which will not happen; they are deliberately trying to undermine the leadership and the people of Bougainville,” he told us.
He has also accused PNG of breaching the Bougainville Agreement and their own constitution.
PNG’s Prime Minister Peter O’Neill is more cautious in its language saying he’s “not pleased” with Bougainville’s administration. However the delivery of his comments spoke of a clearly deteriorating relationship between the two.
One thing is clear. The current tension is a grim sign in the leadup to Bougainville’s independence referendum which will be held between 2015-2020.
Source: Post-Courier
Give opportunity to Bougainvillean youths
LEADERS of Bougainville have been urged to help develop people’s minds instead of concentrating solely on infrastructural developments in the region. Chairman of the former Renbo Rehabilitation Senta Cletus Namaara said the first priority should be given to developing human minds, not only young people but right across the board meaning all Bougainvilleans should be rehabilitated. The Renbo Rehabilitation Senta was established in the Koromira area of Central Bougainville before the Crisis where trouble makers, especially youths, were given a second chance in life through life-long skills training. The successful organisation was jointly run by the Catholic Church based at Koromira Mission, spearheaded by Fr Herman Woester and chaired by Mr Namaara. Mr Namaara now is broadening out the organisation by calling it the Bougainville Youth Rehabilitation Service, to include all youths of Bougainville. Former Renbo Rehabilitation Senta youths who have acquired skills during the Senta’s operations before the Crisis are working closely with Mr Namaara to bring back the rehabilitation along with the life-long skills programs. As Mr Namaara sees it, leaders on most occasions are concentrating on physical development alone and forget about the development of the young people. Youths are being blamed when they do something stupid and develop bad attitudes. But who will help to support them to be good citizens of Bougainville. “When we are going through the Referendum, this is very vital – sorting out our youths who are the future generation leaders of Bougainville.” Mr Namaara gave a parable account describing youths as small trees growing under large trees – saying small trees need space to grow among big trees, just the same as the youths, they need space, chances, the opportunity to grow and mature and must be given that space to grow up. “Rehabilitation means youths must learn life-long skills such as in agriculture where they can work on the land and carpentry where they can build their own homes and also help the communities. Such as me, I have skills and contribute to this important centre.” Mr Namaara thanked Bougainville Regional Member Joseph Lera for making available funding for Rehabilitation in his Five Year Development Plan which comes under his law and order priority list. “Thank you Mr Lera for prioritising the rehabilitation programs and I would like to challenge other parliamentarians to support such initiatives for a good referendum for Bougainville,” Mr Namaara said. The program is fully supported by the Catholic Church through Bishop Bernard Unabali but the only obstacle now is funding to get the program off the ground.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville against mine
OPPOSITION to re-opening of the mine at Panguna by the Autonomous Bougainville Government is slowly gaining momentum in Central Bougainville. Many community leaders feel that this is not the time to talk about mining.
Meanwhile, the ABG has been asked to consider other industries to generate revenue for its operation because it cannot control mining once it takes root.
An interest group known as ‘Bougainville Independent Indigenous People’s Foundation’ has compiled a list of key people, leaders and ex-combatants in the Kieta District who are against the idea of re-opening of the mine.
Bernadine Kama, who is heading the group, is the daughter of the late Cecilia Gemel who supported the late Francis Ona in his moves to close the mine. She had this to say:
“I just cannot comprehend why we must continue to suffer at the hands of our leaders and our government, which has been negotiating to re-open the mine when a lot of issues which resulted from previous mining activities in Panguna remain unaddressed.
“Can we not be left alone to live our own lives in peace on our land? Many people are going where the wind blows them and they will not even consider the dire consequences of mining. Once mining begins it will not end in Panguna: the whole island will be affected and no amount of legislation or law will stop it, once money starts flying around.
“President Momis tries to equate mining with independence. I don’t see any logic in that, simply because we are the most independent people in the world as we are now, because we live off our land; and if we were cut off from the rest of the world, surely we would find a way to survive. We have done it before and we will do it again. Necessity is the mother of invention.”
There are concerns both in Papua New Guinea and internationally, that the Autonomous Bougainville Government’s so called mining laws would take away the rights of landowners who are indigenous people of Bougainville.
Moves by the ABG and other parties involved clearly violate the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People. The declaration recognises the inalienable rights of the indigenous people to their land and resources and that there must be ‘Free and Prior Informed Consent’ from the indigenous landowners before any natural resources can be extracted from their land.
Those who oppose mining believe that the ABG has fallen victim to its own complacency and has not made efforts to explore alternative means to earn revenue for the Autonomous Region. It is alleged that a lot of funds from the government, which could have been used to develop agriculture, tourism, fisheries and manufacturing and downstream processing, were misused.
The move by the ABG to re-open mining has also drawn strong opposition from Central Bougainville ex-combatants who refused to be named because they say they had been used in the media for propaganda by those with mining interests.
“As far as I am concerned, there should be no mining in Bougainville because many people lost their lives to close the mine and to gain independence. The mine has closed now but we have yet to achieve independence — only then can mining be considered; before that, no! End of story,” said a member
of the Meekamui faction who also refused to be named.
The business community in Bougainville feel that too much importance is being placed on mining and nothing has been done to add value to our business activities and our cash crops through downstream processing and manufacturing.
According to them there are numerous ways for the ABG to earn revenue to support itself and provide services for its people, instead of just saying mining is the only way.
During the period mining had been going on in Bougainville, there was no tangible development across the length and breadth of Bougainville except for the areas where mine workers and facilities were situated.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
NZ police in Bougainville say leadership essential
New Zealand police officers in the Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville say good leadership is essential for the region to rebuild.
There are seven New Zealand police involved in training police in Bougainville, and the New Zealand team leader Detective Sergeant Rob Lemoto says he arrived recently and was impressed with what he saw.
He says his role is to mentor the police officers in Buka, who are already very strong and well-educated.
He says he sits with the leaders and helps them improve their management skills and separate village issues from the job of professional policing.
Detective Sergeant Lemoto says the challenge is to rebuild the police service and good leadership is essential.
“Good leadership helps to breed a strong organisation, and they also know what they used to have when the city was one of the biggest cities in the Pacific and they want to get back there. So it’s just helping them to support the community and to become a stronger country.”
Detective Sergeant and team leader Rob Lemoto.
Source: ESBC
UP 21.74 percent!
BOC shares soared almost 22 percent on the ASX in the early market. During the trading session the BOC share price went up to AUD 0.60 before being pulled down again to AUD 0.565 in the final auction.
as at 8/21/2013 6:12:11 PM
| | | |
10:00:07 | 1,500 | 0.515 | 2741 |
10:00:07 | 8,500 | 0.515 | 4954 |
10:00:07 | 1,500 | 0.515 | 6813 |
10:00:07 | 7,500 | 0.560 | 3580 |
14:59:27 | 15,000 | 0.565 | 22641 |
15:09:19 | 10,000 | 0.580 | 15384 |
15:11:24 | 650 | 0.580 | 30057 |
15:13:53 | 1,350 | 0.600 | 23771 |
16:10:32 | 300 | 0.565 | 32245 |
as at 11:19:07 AM Wednesday, August 21, 2013
| | | | | | | | 0.560 | 0.100  | 21.74 | 19,000 | 4 | 0.515 | 0.560 | 0.515 | Last Traded 7,500 @ 0.56 - 10:00:07 | |
| Level | | Quantity | | 1 | 1 | 2,000 | 0.530 | 2 | 2 | 53,500 | 0.525 | 3 | 2 | 60,000 | 0.520 | 4 | 1 | 30,000 | 0.510 | 5 | 1 | 55,000 | 0.480 | 6 | 1 | 21,000 | 0.465 | 7 | 1 | 2,200 | 0.460 | 8 | 1 | 10,000 | 0.450 | 9 | 1 | 59,347 | 0.430 | 10 | 2 | 124,920 | 0.420 | 11 | 1 | 10,000 | 0.400 | 12 | 1 | 5,000 | 0.390 | 13 | 1 | 25,000 | 0.385 | 14 | 1 | 10,000 | 0.380 | 15 | 1 | 1 | 0.350 | 16 | 1 | 15,500 | 0.320 | |
| | | Quantity | | Level | 0.565 | 15,000 | 1 | 1 | 0.580 | 10,650 | 1 | 2 | 0.630 | 1,500 | 1 | 3 | 0.640 | 7,639 | 1 | 4 | 0.650 | 1,000 | 1 | 5 | 0.660 | 1,000 | 1 | 6 | 0.670 | 1,000 | 1 | 7 | 0.680 | 100 | 1 | 8 | 0.690 | 100 | 1 | 9 | 0.695 | 8,000 | 1 | 10 | 0.700 | 50,000 | 1 | 11 | 0.950 | 86,000 | 2 | 12 | 1.490 | 93,000 | 2 | 13 | 5.000 | 178,000 | 1 | 14 | 8.000 | 20,000 | 1 | 15 | 13.000 | 20,000 | 1 | 16 | 18.500 | 5,000 | 1 | 17 | 22.350 | 50,000 | 1 | 18 | 25.000 | 30,000 | 1 | 19 | 30.000 | 0 | 1 | 20 | |
Source: TVNZ - ONE News
Friction a sign of distrust between PNG and Bougainville
By Barbara Dreaver ONE News Pacific Correspondent
Despite the peace agreement, tension between Papua New Guinea and Bougainville has always simmered away in the background.
In recent times though, it’s moved up a significant notch.
Geographically and culturally Bougainville shares closer ties with the Solomon Islands but, like other examples in the Pacific, colonial powers lumped it in with Papua New Guinea.
Anger at how their Panguna mine was being managed, sparked a decade of bitter violent warfare as the people of Bougainville fought for independence.
New Zealand played a significant role in the Bougainville Peace Agreement - which was signed in August 2001 and gave Bougainville greater autonomy.
Now fourteen years later things are not so good.
It’s over money - at least on the surface. PNG gives Bougainville $100 million kina a year and are unhappy it’s not being spent on infrastructure which it’s intended for but rather on wages and claims.
The Bougainville administration deny this, and say they should be allowed to spend it on what they like.
The friction between the two should not be underplayed as it shows a great level of distrust.
Bougainville’s President John Momis has come out firing.
“They (PNG) are deliberately trying to fragment Bougainville which will not happen, they are deliberately trying to undermine the leadership and the people of Bougainville,” he told us.
He has also accused PNG of breaching the Bougainville Agreement and their own constitution.
PNG’s Prime Minister Peter O’Neill is more cautious in its language saying he’s “not pleased” with Bougainville’s administration. However the delivery of his comments spoke of a clearly deteriorating relationship between the two.
Given New Zealand’s relationship with PNG and Bougainville in the past, it’s not surprising it’s been asked to step in.
It’s fair to say it’s cautious about doing so.
Foreign Minister Murray McCully says he hasn’t ruled it out…but the two countries need to have more dialogue. He says “they are closer together on some issues than they realise”.
One thing is clear. The current tension is a grim sign in the leadup to Bougainville’s independence referendum which will be held between 2015-2020.
Source: Post-Courier
Trawen must explain payments
SERVICE providers in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville who participated in last year’s National Election are calling on the PNG Electoral Commissioner Andrew Trawen (pictured) and his former Bougainville Election Manager Reitama Taravaru to immediately pay them their outstanding fees.

Disgruntled service providers who fronted up at the Post-Courier Buka office yesterday to air their frustrations said they want Mr Trawen and Taravaru to immediately update them on when they will be getting their dues.
“We want Mr Trawen and Taravaru to come out clear and tell us when they will be paying us our monies. It is over a year now and we are still waiting for the two of you to update us on when we will be getting our money.
“We the service providers have played an important and pivotal role resulting in the successful staging of the elections. Therefore we should immediately be paid our money.
“We want to know whether we will be getting our money or not.”
They warned that failure by the Electoral Commission to pay them their dues may result in them jeopardising any planned elections in Bougainville.
They added that the ABG’s by-elections may not take place as planned if the service providers are not given any update.
“If we do not get our outstanding payments, then we will become an obstacle to any planned elections to be held in Bougainville. These two gentlemen must bear in mind that if we are not given our outstanding payments, then this may lead to us jeopardising the upcoming ABG by-elections.” It is understood that the polling and counting officials in Bougainville are also waiting for the Electoral Commission to pay them their share for working during the election.
Some were given amounts less then what they were supposed to get while others were not paid at all.
Mr Taravaru made an announcement in April this year that EC would soon be paying the service providers their dues.
He gave this assurance following his return from Port Moresby after meeting with Mr Trawen regarding these outstanding payments issue.
Mr Taravaru had said that this funding would soon be released as a result of him pressurising the commission to immediately release funds to pay the service providers.
However, to date this assurance is yet to be fulfilled.
Source: Post-Courier
Buka house opening ceremony

THE Autonomous Bougainville Government values every co-operation, partnership and support given by the private sector to bring about developments and services in Bougainville. The above undertaking was recently made by the ABG Minister for Community Development, Melchior Dare during the opening ceremony of a new house owned by one of the couples who have always been lending their support to the ABG. Gernic Investment Ltd owners, Gerard Habitein and wife Nicole own a fleet of hire cars which they hire out to ABG government officials when needed, often on credit basis of use now and pay later. Pictured are Mr Dare and Mrs Habitein cutting the ribbon during the opening of the house recently. Words and picture: WINTERFORD TOREAS
Source: Post-Courier
Sharp arrested
Owner of ill-fated MV Rabaul Queen charged with 162 counts of manslaughter
HE was willingly escorted into the Kokopo police station and waited amicably as police officers escorting him opened the gate into the dark prison cell block.

Owner of the ill-fated MV Rabaul Queen and long-time Rabaul town resident Captain Peter Sharp (pictured above) was arrested yesterday in Kokopo, East New Britain Province and charged with 162 counts of manslaughter by criminal negligence and one count of sending an unseaworthy vessel out to sea.
The stricken vessel, a 21-year-old Japanese-built passenger ferry, sank with over 300 passengers on board off the coast of Morobe Province in February last year.
Over 160 people died including infants and children under the ages of 3 whose names were allegedly not recorded on the ship manifest.
Mr Sharp was arrested and charged around 12.30 pm yesterday at the New Guinea Islands Police headquarters at Ralum in Kokopo by a police investigation team, which was set up soon after the Commission of Inquiry into the sinking of his ship.
The four-man team led by Detective Chief Inspector Ben Turi arrived in the province over the weekend and took him in for questioning yesterday morning, which later led to his arrest and charging.
The record of interview was conducted at Ralum and Mr Sharp was accompanied by his lawyer David Lidgett of Warner Shand Lawyers and his family.
He was later brought down to the Kokopo police station and locked up.
Attempts by his lawyer and family to apply for bail late yesterday afternoon at the Kokopo National Court were unsuccessful.
Mr Sharp will appear for mention today at the Kokopo District Court.
It is understood that the captain of the sunken vessel, Anthony Tsiau, is also expected to be arrested today along with three government officials attached with the National Maritime and Safety Authority and based in Rabaul, Kimbe and Madang. Some other suspects include Rabaul Shipping crew members and ground staff.

Last voyage of MV Rabaul Queen: At Bougainville wharf
The Post-Courier understands that the investigation team has relied, in part, on the facts provided in the Commission of Inquiry Report into the sinking of the MV Rabaul Queen
New Guinea Islands Divisional Commander Anton Billie confirmed Mr Sharp’s arrest, saying questions raised by the general public – especially relatives of those who perished – on when police will act have now materialised.
However, he said Mr Sharp is still innocent until proven guilty and added the matter was now before the courts.
He commended the investigation team for their efforts.
Source: PNG Attitude
No head bashing, Bougainville wants more NZ police
by STACEY KIRK | Fairfax NZ
NEW ZEALAND WILL SEND more police officers to Bougainville in response to the autonomous province’s request for further training.

A group of six officers are already mentoring Bougainville's Community Auxiliary Police, but NZ foreign affairs minister Murray McCully (pictured) says the mission will be renewed in December.
"I think I can say with some certainty at this stage that it will continue. While the current phase comes to an end, the discussions are already under way as to what the new phase might look like," Mr McCully said.
It is not known how many police might be sent, but he said New Zealand was open to discussions about mentoring their regular police service as well as continuing the community policing project.
"We've got reasonably open minds about it. It's clear the New Zealand contribution here... we've got a good history, a good track record, and we should maintain it."
McCully said he suspected our contribution would be greater and to a number of other regions New Zealand police weren't stationed already.
New Zealand officer and team leader of the Bougainville Community Policing Project Rob Lemoto said it was rewarding work to mentor their PNG counterparts.
"It's been a wonderful experience to immerse ourselves in the culture here, and to support the Bougainville Police Service into becoming a more professional and more trusted police organisation."
He said the challenges were rebuilding the police service there, and developing good leaders as the region struggled to establish its autonomy ahead of an impending referendum over its independence to be held sometime between 2015 and 2020.
Bougainville President John Momis said he was hopeful New Zealand would provide more police.
"Because they've done a very good job with Community Auxiliary Police,” Mr Momis said. “Police here are trained to bash heads and kill people and so on and so forth, not to serve."
"Police training in Port Moresby is not the best so we are seriously looking at asking Australia and New Zealand to train our policemen. It's a different culture."
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to August 20th, 2013 !