News 06.2013.1
Please note: This site will not be updated regularly between June 26th and July 31st, 2013 ! Bitte beachten Sie: Diese Seite wird zwischen dem 26. Juni und dem 31. Juli 2013 nicht regelmäßig aktualisiert ! |
Source: Post-Courier
Landowners commended
A STAUNCH supporter of the Bougainville peace process has applauded the collective stand taken by six landowner groups to open up negotiations with the view to re-opening the Bougainville copper mine.
Mr Kandaso Napi MBE who is a former employee and one time fleet trucking contractor to the Bougainville Copper Ltd welcomed the stand of the landowners for negotiations with BCL, ABG and the PNG government as the step in the right direction for the good of the long suffering people of Bougainville.
Mr Napi, who has a longstanding relationship with the people of Bougainville through his close association with the Panguna landowners and others, and one who regularly concerns himself with the situation on the ground, praised the six chairmen and the members of the associations for their foresight and wisdom in finally putting aside their differences to take this united stand to be under one umbrella association as a single voice.
He said by doing so, they are now in a much better position to bring out their outstanding issues onto the negotiating table where they may put forward their demands, concerns and views to reach amicable solutions with all stakeholders in order to derive maximum benefits for the future wellbeing of their people.
“In order to bring Bougainville out of its current state, it needs a leader with the right attributes at the helm to steer it out of the stormy seas and there’s no better man than Chief John Momis,” Mr Napi said.
He described Chief Momis as a corrupt-free man with no strings attached and a man of wisdom with vast experience and a humble peace-maker who only lives to serve the very people who put him into office.
He added that the Bougainville people are very lucky to have such a leader at this crucial time and has urged the people, especially the Panguna landowners to work closely with him to achieve their dreams of a brighter future.
Mr Napi also wants the Bougainville people to know that they are lucky to have a people-oriented national government in place now which is manned by quality leaders who are willing to sit down and listen, discuss and come up with the best possible solutions to create a win-win situation for all. He said the O’Neill/Dion government does not play lip-service but acts where action is required and has already shown total commitment to the physical and social development of Bougainville by allocating funds.
He is therefore calling on the Panguna landowners to grasp this opportunity with open arms and freely discuss their concerns with the O’Neill-Dion government where required.
Mr Napi said now that BCL has also committed itself to reopening the abandoned mine and opted for negotiations, the immediate landowners and mine affected communities, former combatants, politicians including the ABG and the four national parliamentarians and all other suffering Bougainvilleans must put their differences aside and whole-heartedly welcome this move by the mining company.
Source: Post-Courier
Words and Picture by ROMULUS MASIU

THE Border Development Authority (BDA) has stamped its mark in Buin, South Bougainville with Buin Health Centre, its first beneficiary, being boosted with its two maternity wards filled out with delivery beds for the never-ending pregnant mothers. The delivery beds were delivered to the Buin Health Centre with the assistance of Medicins Sans Frontieres (MSF) PNG ( Doctors Without Borders). MSF had also assisted by installing two tuffa water tanks supplied by BDA at the Buin Health Centre which are now in use together with the two maternity wards’ delivery beds.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
ABG celebration continues
By Aloysius Laukai
The people of the Atolls islands did their one day celebration in Buka today.
This celebration was officially opened by the ABG President DR.JOHN MOMIS at the Clud Rendevouz this morning.
The celebration was attended by the North Bougainville member,Lauta Atoi and the ABG member Pasini Marena.
The people of Atolls living in Buka decided to mark the 8th anniversary in Buka with the people of Catrets, Mortlock, Fead Islands and Tasman.
ABG President praised the people for participating and showing their identity.
Source: YouTube
Pyjamas: Bougainville
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Long-time manager at NZ’s Volunteer Service Abroad moves on
Dr Peter Swain has been one of the key people in the New Zealand voluntary aid organisation, Volunteer Service Abroad, for the past 13 years.
He has been VSA’s international programme manager in that time, finishing up on 21 June.
Dr Swain told Don Wiseman about some of the highlights of his time at the agency.
PETER SWAIN: I started at VSA on 12 June 2000. On 14 June 2000 we had to pull everybody out of the Solomon Islands because that was when that conflict blew up. So that was really a low point, but within a year we had our volunteers back in the country. And I’ve seen that programme grow and develop. One of the, I think, highlights for me has been the work in Bougainville. In July 2000, when I first went there, it was a pretty tough place to go to. It was difficult. People were very distrusting and suspicious of outsiders after ten years of civil war. I was back in Bougainville two months ago. And to see the changes in that community over a bit over a decade - going from a war in which over 10,000 people were killed, to a society now that is looking forward hopefully, doing some really good things in economic development, but also doing some really good things in the community healing and growth that has come with that.
DON WISEMAN: What’s the nature of the change?
PETER SWAIN: I think the nature of change is in the people themselves. It’s easy to look at infrastructure - bridges going up, buildings built and things like that - those are the easy things. What I think is central to the development in a post-conflict society is the changes in the hearts and minds of the people, the healing that goes on over time. The Bougainville people have been very clear about reconciliation and there has been a whole range of traditional reconciliation processes going on. And that’s sort of below the radar. It’s not run by development programmes, it’s not run by outsiders. It’s local people making a strong decision that their children are not going to go through the conflict that they went through. So they’re working to reconcile some of the hurts and the pain of the past and to rebuild the community themselves. And that has to happen from the bottom up through that community. So I’m seeing that happen. You see it in small ways. You see it in the trust and the confidence of people. When I first went to Bougainville the market in Arawa was a mango tree with half a dozen people underneath it selling a few sweet potatoes, looking over their shoulders, being pretty uncertain. If you go to the market in Arawa today, there’s hundreds of people there, there’s a big shed, people pay a kina for a space on the market. There’s produce brought in from all the neighbourhoods, people fish overnight, they cook fish and chips there, they sell it there, it’s good produce. It’s a very lively, friendly place and it’s an exciting place to be. Those, to me, are the indicators of the healing and reconciliation that’s happening in Bougainville. And the opening of the Haus Stori, the Bougainville library, is another example of that reconciliation and healing, and looking at stories and learning from the stories in the past and creating a new story for the future.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville’s library, Haus Stori, to fill multiple roles
A library due to open in the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville today has multiple aims.
The library has been built by the New Zealand based Bougainville Library Trust after being inspired by New Zealand author, Lloyd Jones, whose book, Mr Pip, is set during Bougainville’s civil war.
The New Zealand group has been working with the Bougainville Heritage Trust, whose spokesman, James Koibo, says the library, to be known as the Haus Stori, will be like a museum in strengthening Bougainvilleans’ knowledge of their heritage.
“The other objective is supporting the capturing and the retention of local legends - stories, poems, music, songs into printed material. The other objective is to support the collection and recording of stories of local arts, crafts and artifacts.”
James Koibo
Source: Post-Courier
AROB to get more aid from Japan
MORE assistance for development will be provided by the government of Japan to the Autonomous Region of Bougainville after a recent one day visit last week by Minoru Kiuchi, Japan’s Parliamentary Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Mr Kiuchi’s delegation included the ambassador to PNG, His Excellency Hiroharu Iwasaki and five senior staffs from the foreign affairs ministry.
The delegation’s first visit took them to Hahela Primary School to inspect one of the buildings there that had been funded by Japan through its aid agency JICA, a few years ago.
They also travelled to the Selau-Suir district in the mainland of North Bougainville and inspected a Japanese funded bridge at the Rawa River.
The bridge, connecting the mainland of North Bougainville and Arawa in Central Bougainville, is one of fifteen bridges the Japanese government had funded.
The delegation also paid a courtesy call to the ABG President John Momis and to the Speaker Andrew Miriki, before visiting the parliament chamber.
Speaking during a farewell dinner hosted by the ABG President at his residence last week, Chief Momis thanked Mr Kiuchi for Japan’s kind and generous assistances to Bougainville.
“Bougainville is immensely grateful to Japan for its contribution towards the construction of the fifteen bridges as well as other donations made to Bougainville in the past when Bougainville was at its lowest,” Mr Momis said.
He also gave a brief history of the region before the outbreak of the crisis. He added that ABG’s collaboration with friendly nations like Japan, Australia and New Zealand has inspired them with a confidence that Bougainville will reach its ultimate goal of determining its political future.
Mr Momis concluded his remarks by asking the Japanese Government to continue with the bridging project from Central to South Bougainville, saying the southern part of the region is where Japan’s war hero Yamamoto lost his life.
He appealed to the Japanese Government to erect a monument for our young people: “In life, one must excel, one must make sacrifices for the love of his country. Patriotism is something that is worth emulating by any people in this world.”
In response, Mr Kiuchi said that although Bougainville was not materially rich, it was mentally a rich country. He advised President
Momis to forward any requests for Japan’s assistances to Ambassador Iwasaki.
Mr Kiuchi, who was moved upon seeing the state of students’ desks at Hahela primary school, said he will consult Ambassador Iwasaki on what assistances can be made to Hahela and other schools in Bougainville.
He also said that upon his return, he will persuade other Japanese parliamentarians to focus their developmental initiatives on Bougainville.
Source: Post-Courier
Cops graduate
LAST Friday saw more than 20 police officers from the New Guinea Islands including Bougainville graduating with certificates in Basic Investigative Skills, having undergone six weeks studies at the Bougainville Police Service (BPS) Training Centre in Buka.
One of the participants was suspended from the training after he was found to have been under the influence of alcohol and causing unruly behaviour at the training premises and grounds.
Nine of the participants were from the New Guinea Islands including Manus, West New Britain, East New Britain and New Ireland Provinces while the rest were BPS members.
Speaking at the graduation ceremony, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) in Bougainville, Thomas Eluh, said the purpose of the course was to improve the level of investigation as most that come out of
Bomana Police Training College cannot even make statements, meaning most reported cases are not thoroughly investigated.
Guest speaker and Minister for Police in the Autonomous Bougainville Government, Patrick Nisira said the course
was meant to strengthen and
build capacity in skills, training and discipline, which were important factors in the police force.
Mr Nisira said police must change the public’s perception of them by addressing the little mistakes that they make, rather than turning a blind eye to them.
Source: Post-Courier
ABG amends liquor control, slaps sale tax
DISTRIBUTORS of alcohol in Bougainville who fail to pay sales tax to the Autonomous Bougainville Government will now be penalised.
This follows changes to the Liquor Control Act 2011 by ABG during its parliamentary sitting held recently.
Of the two amendments made, the first one empowers the Liquor Licensing Commission (LLC) to refuse to renew the license of someone who fails to pay the sales tax or any other tax required.
The second amendment empowers the LLC to cancel the license of someone who has committed an offence under this or another Act. Alcohol distributors who fail to pay their beer taxes are liable to be penalised under this second amendment.
According to the ABG’s Sales Tax (Beer and Cigarettes) Act 2011, these distributors should be paying 75 toea per can and K18 per carton as taxes. However, the five alcohol distributors in Bougainville have failed to comply, resulting in the ABG amending this Act to penalize distributors who fail to pay their beer taxes.
ABG Minister for Finance, Treasury and Planning, Mr Albert Punghau, who had sponsored this bill for amendment, revealed that these five authorized distributors owe the ABG over K2 million.
Mr Punghau said one of the distributors who had paid K1.7m in taxes last year has not paid any tax this year after learning that some distributors in Arawa have been engaged by SP Brewery Limited to sell products at a much cheaper price.
This distributor claimed that it was unfair for them to pay taxes when those in Arawa are not paying their share.
Other distributors have decided not to pay their beer sales taxes after seeing that the ABG has failed to take control of illegally imported alcohol from the Solomon Islands.
The imported beer is sold more cheaply meaning local distributors are losing customers and money.
Mr Punghau clarified in Parliament that any alcohol smuggled into Bougainville should be taxed under the Act, however the tax office is not fully staffed and they are unable to enforce this law properly.
Mr Punghau stressed that these distributors should not be using any excuses to stop them from paying their alcohol sales tax to the ABG.
Source: The National
NZ firm admires respect given to Maori in Bougainville
A MAORI consultancy firm helping to develop an autonomous region of Papua New Guinea says Maori are highly-respected by political leaders in Bougainville.
Tuia International has an office in Buka where it is giving the Autonomous Bougainville Government advice on writing its legislative policies and expanding its economic potential.
Director Mike Taitoko told Radio New Zealand News said Maori had been forging some great relationships with PNG and Bougainvillean government officials for quite some time – and they respect the political status that Maori had in New Zealand.
He said Maori were hugely respected in that area of the Pacific because New Zealand took part in peacekeeping campaigns and negotiations during and after the political crisis in 1996 and 1997.
New Zealand eventually brokered a peace agreement between Bougainville leaders and the PNG Government in 2000, which led to the establishment of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
Taitoko said Bougainville political leaders had a high level of respect for the way Maori conducted their business and their participation at political levels.
There are plans to hold a referendum for Bougainvilleans to choose whether they still want to be an autonomous region of PNG or become independent.
Source: PNG Industry News
Rio takes axe to senior execs
by Lauren Barrett
MINING giant Rio Tinto has slashed up to 50 jobs from its Perth office as the company ramps up its cost-saving measures.

Andrew Harding
The cuts will come from its Western Australian iron ore division, with manager and general manager roles being targeted while a small number of support staff will reportedly be let go.
While it’s understood redeployment opportunities will be available, redundancies will also be required.
The news of job cuts comes under the direction of new iron ore boss Andrew Harding, who took over from Sam Walsh earlier this year following his appointment to company chief executive.
A Rio spokesman declined to comment on the record to*, however we understand the cuts follow the announcement of a restructuring yesterday to better align with the current economic environment and outlook.
In addition, the move is aimed at preserving cash and ensuring the company stays well within the first quartile of costs in the iron ore industry.
Rio’s Pilbara iron ore division remains the key focus among the company’s diversified portfolio, with an expansion from 53 million tonnes per annum of iron ore production capacity in the Pilbara to 290Mtpa being targeted for completion by the September quarter.
Over the next two years, Rio will reportedly aim to lift production in the area above 410Mt per annum, while rival BHP Billiton targets more than 240Mtpa and Fortescue Metals Group invests to lift capacity to 155Mtpa.
Rio’s expansion plans coincide with the backdrop of a volatile market, with the price of iron ore falling from its historical highs of $150 per tonne to trade below $120 per tonne.
Earlier this year, Rio’s head economist Vivek Tulpule said iron ore supply would continue to be exposed to downside shocks.
Rio is aiming to slash $US5 billion ($A5.2 billion) in costs by the end of 2014 in response to ongoing market volatility.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Speaker’s Parliament
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG Speaker, ANDREW MIRIKI says that the ABG Parliament is an independent institution for Bougainville and does not need to consult the Papua New Guinea parliament if wants to enact laws for Bougainville.Speaking in Buin and in Wakunai this week, the ABG Speaker said that since 2005, the ABG Parliament has become a member of the Commonwealth of Parliament Associations and as the speaker he attends conferences representing the Bougainville Parliament.MR. MIRIKI said that under the autonomous arrangement the ABG House of Representatives is operating independently and can make laws for Bougainville.He was explaining to the people the role of the ABG Parliament with regards to the Autonomous status of Bougainville.The ABG Speaker said that the ABG Parliament was already independent and operating under him has the Speaker who is in-charge of the legislator.The ABG President heads the Executive whilst the Judiciary is yet to be in place to complete the three arms of the Government on Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Buin
Celebrations marking ABG’s eight anniversary in Buin South Bougainville will end with awarding of Prizes for Schools that are participating in Soccer for Boya and Volleyball for Girls.Sports are being played by Schools at the Buin Secondary School fields and the Buin Town field.Soccer was
officially kicked off by the President of Bougainville Soccer Federation, JOSEPH MAINEKE and the Girls was officially launched by the Bougainville Sports General Manager, WILLIE MASIU at Buin Secondary School this morning.According to MR. MAINEKE all finals should be completed by tomorrow morning before the celebrations are officially closed tomorrow afternoon.He said that
a total of 17 schools participated at the Opening ceremony yesterday and displayed a colourful show to commemorate this year’s celebrations.MR. MAINEKE said that the theme for this year is REFERENDUM IS AOUR DESTINY.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Buin
ABG President DR. JOHN MOMIS says that investment is needed in Bougainville to help develop the region towards economic self reliance.Speaking atthe 8th ABG anniversary celebration in Buin, he told the crowd that Bougainville was a small fish in a big ocean and needs other nations to help it survive in this competitive world.DR. MOMIS said that the Bougainville Investment Policy will define what type of Businesses in which Investors can be involved with and which type would be restricted to locals only.He said that no nation can survive without investment and called on the people of Buin to make sure they are prepared for any joint venters with possible investors.ABG President also called on the people to make sure they support their government by contributing positively by paying their taxes to their government which in turn can deliver much needed services to its citizens.
Source: PNG Attitude
Things (like gold) are still unexpected in Bougainville
Washing gold at Loloho beach “DURING THE TIME when the Panguna mine was operating, they used to throw the waste here,” said Paulus Kikihe, indicating an area of land where people were digging to obtain gold.

Paulus is from Rorovana 2 in the Evo-Torau Constituency of Central Bougainville. He is one of the local gold buyers and a miner as well.
The people from Rorovana migrated from Kariki (Fowl) Island in Choiseul Province of Solomon Islands and acquired land along the coast of the North Nasioi area. They have limited useful land because of a big swamp that surrounds them.
Recently, whilst visiting a friend at Loloho, I was surprised to see these Rorovana people panning gold along the beach [see picture] where, as Paulus told me, there was Panguna mine waste from the Loloho concentrator.
Loloho is a small port town near Arawa and served as an army base during the Bougainville crisis.
Anyway, amazingly, these people were simply digging gold from the sand on the sea shore.
They told me that, even the places where the waves crash on to the shore, gold deposits are there. Most of the people are happy because they can get enough money to pay for their needs.
Since they do not have enough land to cater for the growing population of the two Rorovana villages, people have been struggling to get money. The sea has been providing for them for the past years, since the land is so scarce.
“Fish have been our main source of money to provide for our needs since before the Panguna mine and even nowadays,” said one of the elders.
A mother told me that now, because of free education from the government, they have a chance to save money to establish some things which they have been struggling for years to get.
“Small scale gold panning was started around 2006 when one of the Rorovana men discovered some gold deposits while doing his gardening beside the shore,” said Mr Matte.
“The find was made known to all community members.”
After discovering the gold deposit, little by little the number of gold miners has been increasing. Currently 40-50 gold panning tables can be seen each day on the beach. The area is crowded with people.
Source: Post-Courier
Reopening of mine in turmoil
There have being concerns over the proposed reopening of the Panguna mine in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (AROB).
The new Chairman of the Panguna Mine Affected Land owners Association (PMALA), Mr Lawrence Daveona has expressed concern over the National Government agencies agreement with Autonomous Bougainville Government to reopen the Mine.
Mr Daveona said although the ABG and the National government have good intentions in reopening the mine, and establishing Panguna Mine Lease Area Associations (PMLAA), there have not been enough funds injected into these areas or the association.
He commended the AGB for informing and proposing to reopen the mine and informing the people of Bougainville; however after more than two years of campaign, the only funds that have been made available to PMALA and the PMLAA was a deposit of K10,000 to each of the six associations of PMLAA and PMALA.
Mr Daveona said PMALA needs to be supported financially by both the National Government and Autonomous Bougainville Government. Mr Daveona claims that a Claim Works Program: Socia Economic Advancement Plan, which is estimated to cost over K5 million, was submitted to the AGB on February 22, 2013.
He said he is very disappointed to have taken over an association which doesn’t have the capacity of support from the two governments. “The associations are inadequately supported by the ABG and the National Government.
“I cannot at this stage support the ABG and the National Government bodies to reopen the mine”.
“My first priority as the new chairman is to first get my house in-order, and for this I will need immediate funding by the end of June,” he said.
He added that he understood there was K500,000 allocated for the Panguna Mine affected areas which is part of the K100 million for the impact program, funding from the National Government.
“I’m sorry to say that if by the end of June PMALA does not receive the above amount, PMALA will put a stop to the reopening of the Panguna Mine,” he said.
Source: Post-Courier
Call for AROB unity
ABG Member for North Nasioi Constituency and Minister for Primary Industry Nicholas Darku has called on all Bougainvilleans to be united and move forward to achieve Referendum and ultimate Independence.
Minister Darku specifically called on Chris Uma and his Me’ekamui followers throughout Bougainville to rally behind the ABG and be united to move Bougainville to its desired destination, which is independence.
Mr Darku was addressing his North Nasioi Constituent’s population at Kerei Village on the outskirts of Arawa Town on Monday at the 8th Anniversary of ABG.
Mr Darku, who hails from Kerei along with National Parliamentarian Jimmy Miringtoro and Chris Uma, , paid tribute to North Nasioi political leaders who have passed away during the Crisis, making mention of the late John Bika and Theodore Miriung.
“Their work will progress through me as the representative of the people of North Nasioi. And on behalf of the people of my constituency, I would like to thank them for setting the platform for the region’s journey.
“If you’re a Bougainvillean you must celebrate this day. This is the day the whole world recognises the Bougainville people’s desire to be united and be self-governed through this arrangement of autonomy. North Nasioi is part of Bougainville – it is only right for us to foster unity amongst all stakeholders,” Mr Darku said.
Minister challenged his people of North Nasioi not to forget why they fought and what they fought for during the Crisis, adding that we must focus on what we fought for - our wealth, our environment - and we must be creative now to create our own wealth on our own land.
He outlined that the date of the Referendum will be determined by the Second House next year in 2014.
Minister Darku also called on his people of North Nasioi to work together with him to push for benefits that will come from the Panguna Mine, if re-opened.
He said there are two big wharves in his constituency, and Arawa Town, which is the mining township, is located in his area. Therefore he wants his people to also benefit from the millions of kina that will be generated from the giant copper-gold mine, unlike before where his people were victims during the mine’s heydays.
Source: Post-Courier
Wakunai celebrates in style
WAKUNAI District in Central Bougainville came alive with different types of entertainment activities as people there celebrated the 8th Anniversary of the formation of the Autonomous Bougainville Government on Monday.
The celebration, held at the district station’s sports field, was done in style and featured different types of traditional and customary dances that were performed.
The celebration was all the more memorable as a Bomana Police College-type police march parade hosted by the Wakunai-based regular police and community auxiliary police members from the district was performed.
The celebration was also historical, following the attendance of the President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government, Dr Chief John Momis and ABG Speaker Andrew Miriki - both top Bougainvillean leaders who have never participated together in any previous activity held at Wakunai district.
Other leaders also present during the event were the ABG member for Terra constituency, Robin Wilson, Central Bougainville women’s representatives in the ABG Joan Jerome and the council of elders’ representatives of the district.
ABG President John Momis, while delivering his speech congratulated the people of Wakunai for celebrating the ABG Day.
“I am happy and want to congratulate all the people of Wakunai District for your efforts taken to celebrate this 8th Anniversary of the ABG.
“Bougainville is now an independent region and has its own independent government. Though our Autonomous region is not yet independent, our government is already an independent one. It is not a junior government of the National Government of PNG. By law, it is already a government on its own,” Dr Momis said, which drew support from the crowd.
Dr Momis than challenged the people to respect and support the ABG.
“If we the citizens of Bougainville are not respecting our government that we created — like it is our own child — how do we expect others to respect it. The number one responsibility for Bougainvilleans is to support their government,” Dr Momis added, before challenging the people to believe in themselves in bringing positive developments into their areas.
Dr Momis also revealed that lack of capacity was one of the contributing factors leading to lack of developments taking place.
The President also gave an update on the progress already made by the government, including the types of laws already passed by Bougainville and other developmental issues.
Mr Miriki congratulated the Wakunai people for celebrating the 8th ABG celebration.
He also updated the people on the work of the ABG Parliament, before assuring the Wakunai people that under the leadership of Dr Momis, Bougainvilleans can rest assured that their government was in safe hands.
Soure: Radio New Zealand News
Maori 'highly respected' by Bougainville leaders
A Maori consultancy firm helping to develop an autonomous region of Papua New Guinea says Maori are highly respected by political leaders in Bougainville.
Tuia International has an office in the provincial capital of Buka where it is giving the Autonomous Bougainville Government advice on writing its legislative policies and expanding its economic potential.
Director Mike Taitoko said Maori have been forging some great relationships with Papua New Guinean and Bougainvillian government officials for quite some time - and they respect the political status that Maori have in New Zealand.
He said Maori are hugely respected in that area of the Pacific because New Zealand took part in peacekeeping campaigns and negotiations during and after the political crisis in 1996 and 1997.
New Zealand eventually brokered a peace agreement between Bougainville leaders and the central Papua New Guinea government in 2000, which led to the establishment of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
Mr Taitoko said Bougainville political leaders have a good grasp of New Zealand's economy and how Maori are playing a big part in it. He says there is a high level of respect for the way Maori carry out their business and their participation at political levels.
There are plans to hold a referendum for Bougainvilleans to choose whether they still want to be an autonomous region of Papua New Guinea or become independent.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville

Source: The National
Momis calls for more commitment
AUTONOMOUS Bougainville Government President John Momis has called on the people of Bougainville to continue to work for the betterment of the province.
Speaking in Buka to mark the 8th Bougainville Foundation Day celebrations, Momis said it was good to fail and learn from a mistake and move forward instead of giving up.
“As Bougainvilleans we must unite to commemorate this special day to mark the birthday of the Autonomous Bougainville Government,” he said.
He also thanked the people for their contribution towards development of the Bougainville.
He said Bougainville had come far since 2005 and it would continue to move until the final goal was addressed through a referendum.
Momis assured the people that the ABG would soon enact laws that would address issues of physical planning in towns, a mining policy that would address resource owners issues and an investment policy that would clearly outline what kind of businesses were allowed to outside investors and what type or business would be reserved for locals only.
He addressed the people of Wakunai yesterday and will join the celebrations in Buin today.
Source: The National
Bougainvilleans celebrate
MORE than 500 Bougainvilleans residing in Lae converged at the Sir Ignatius Kilage stadium to celebrate the Bougainville autonomy day.
The day was celebrated to remember the historic event in 2005 by the PNG Government to grant Bougainville autonomous status.
It was well attended by Bougainvilleans living in the city, their friends, supporters of Bougainville and corporate friends.
Lae Bougainville community chairman Chris Kobal said the three important reasons for their celebrations were:
l Remember their identity as Bougainvilleans – unique and free;
l Reflect on the achievement of the past and remember the people and the events that have paved the way for them to enjoy the freedom of movement and expression today; and
l Show appreciation for their life in Lae and Morobe as a whole and to remind themselves that they were guests of the Morobe people by showing respect for the people of Morobe through orderly manner.
Kobal told the crowd that the day was also an occasion when they got to see each other again, gathered in one location and mingled freely, renewed old relationships and meet new people.
He said for the first time they had included two sporting events to go with the traditional dances.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville

Speaker Andrew Miriki addressing crowd in Buin
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Tari Challenges ABG
By Aloysius Laukai
The chairman of the South Bougainville Veterans Association THOMAS TARI today challenged the ABG President and Bougainville leaders not loose focus of Bougainville's sight.
He was speaking at the Buin celebration this morning.
MR TARI also called the ABG members living in Buka to return to their constituencies and serve their people. The former commander said that the people in the rural areas are in total darkness as there is no awareness going on to inform the people on the work of their government.
He said that the people need to know what is happening before they can support their government.

ABG President welcomed by students to the stage

Students from Tabago Primary School performing at the Buin celebrations
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Buin Celebrates
By Aloysius Laukai in Buin
Celebrations for the ABG Day in Buin has started with heavy downpour that disturbed the March to the stage. 17 Schools participate in the parade despite the downpour the celebration

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Chiefs from the Wakunai district yesterday called on the ABG Speaker and the ABG President to move the ABG Parliament to Wakunai where they say there is huge of land and also is more central from both North and South Bougainville.
Speaking at the Wakunai celebrations chairmen’s of both RAO and Terra COE offered land to the ABG to quickly move its Capital to Wakunai.
They said that the Capital should not be moved into its former town of Arawa as there is alot of land issues to be addressed there.
In his response the ABG Speaker, ANDREW MIRIKI said that he will take up their request with the ABG President, DR. JOHN MOMIS for the parliament to further discuss their offer.
MR. Miriki said that this was the first offer by the people on this issue which has been outstanding for a long time.
Meanwhile, the ABG President, DR. JOHN MOMIS while accepting their offer said that the issue of Capital for Bougainville will be decided by the people of Bougainville.
DR. MOMIS explained that the Bougainville Constitution clearly states that the Capital for Bougainville will only be decided during an election in which all Bougainvilleans must vote.
He however said that the ABG was also working to make sure that we develop growth centres in all districts to allow development to take place in all districts.
DR. MOMIS said that infrastructures and other activities should be spread to the districts to avoid people moving into one district and creating Squatter settlements as experienced in Arawa and Kieta in the past.

Wakunai Dancers presenting their item during yesterday's celebrations
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Former ABG President JAMES TANIS (pictured) has joined the rest of Bougainvilleans to mark Bougainville Day to commemorate the attainment of Autonomy on June 15th, 2005.

MR. TANIS who was one of the leaders who was heavily involved in the negotiations and also who worked under all the three leaders during and after the conflict told New Dawn FM from Australia at the weekend that he wanted to wish the people of Bougainville happy celebrations.
MR. TANIS also called on the people to continue and support the ABG President DR. JOHN MOMIS to make sure that the dream for Bougainville is realised.
MR. TANIS during the crisis worked with FRANCIS ONA and at the start of the Bougainville People’s Congress worked under JOESPH KABUI and under the Interim Bougainville Provincial Government also worked with DR. JOHN MOMIS.
He told New Dawn FM that he had just completed his studies at the University of Australia and was ready to return to Bougainville and contribute to Peace building and development on Bougainville.
MR. TANIS said that the struggles by the people of Bougainville will finally come to an end and wants the people to support their government, ABG which is the vehicle that will make their dream come true.
Source: Post-Courier
World bank funds AROB mothers
FOURTEEN women organisations in North Bougainville can now look forward to implementing their projects, thanks to a financial assistance from the World Bank.
Funding worth K418,505 came from the bank through its Inclusive Development in Post Conflict project in Bougainville, and was handed over in Buka last Thursday.
The women organisations were presented with 70% of the total funding initially requested. They will receive the final 30% after furnishing the acquittals of the first 70% to the project office in Buka.
The funding will go towards projects identified by these women, including water supply, health awareness, resource centres, an aid post, literacy classrooms, VIP latrine toilets and child birth attendant training.
The women had chosen these projects after seeing the great need for such in their communities.
Speaking during the cheque presentation ceremony, Minister for Community Development in the Autonomous Bougainville Government, Melchior Dare commended the women for receiving their timely financial assistance, saying they should be proud because they were fortunate to have been selected out of the 640 applications from women throughout Bougainville.
“You must be proud to be included in the project because out of the 640 applicants you were selected to be one of the recipients of the World Bank community project,” Mr Dare said.
“As Minister for Community Development responsible for women, I must encourage every recipient of the projects that have been approved by the World Bank to unite together as a group and work together to achieve your goals
“The aim and the objective of the program is to alleviate poverty in the communities of the three regions of Bougainville.
“The program is aimed at educating and giving the women of Bougainville a chance to compete with their male counterparts in making best decisions to benefit every household,” added Mr Dare.
Minister Dare emphasised the importance of uniting and working together in achieving their goals, adding that women are seen as managers of the family so they should also be able to manage their projects.
He also thanked the World Bank for its financial assistance and commitment in helping women in Bougainville.
Other invited guests present during the cheque presentations included ABG Minister for Culture and Tourism Rose Pihei and Chief Executive Officer for the Division of Community Development in Bougainville, Mana Kakarouts, who also congratulated and challenged the recipients to properly manage their projects.
While speaking to the Post-Courier, representatives of these organisations thanked the World Bank project office in Bougainville for the timely assistance.
They said the projects will have a great impact in improving the lives of people in their communities.
Meanwhile, 27 other women groups from Central and South Bougainville have also been selected to receive their assistance, however, their presentations will be made at a later date.
Source: Post-Courier
All must help rebuild school
ALL stakeholders including the District Administration, Regional Commission, Autonomous Bougainville Government and National Parliamentarians should collaboratively assist to rebuild and restore Tupukas Primary School back to its glory days.
This challenge was issued by Tupukas Primary School Head Teacher Joseph Siara during the opening of the four-in-one classroom funded by Member for Central Bougainville and Minister for Communication and Information Technology in the current O’Neill-Dion government, Mr Miringtoro.
The school, together with Panguna Primary School, was established in 1972 for the children of the Bougainville Copper Limited employees when the mine was in operation. Most of the building infrastructure and facilities that are now deteriorated were funded by the mining company. The provincial government contributed by building teachers’ houses through the National Housing Commission.
“With the present high standard of living, the parents and citizens cannot afford to build a classroom or a staff house that meets the set standards of buildings. Most of the parents are either low income earners or vendors of betel-nut, ice blocks, peanuts and doughnuts, which they engage in just to sustain their livelihood,” Mr Siara said.
Mr Siara also congratulated Minister Miringtoro for providing the substantial amount of K300,000 for the construction of the four-in-one classroom, which will provide a conducive environment for learning.
“Today we are all gathered here to witness another milestone achievement in education and we have a reason to celebrate the completion of this project with all our supporters, parents, citizens, friends, teachers and students of Tupukas Primary School,” the headmaster said.
“Today brings us a pleasant moment to celebrate our achievements of the past and the future that is brightly evolving before us. Our past history is our strength that should enable us to succeed in our endeavors for the future.”
According to Mr Siara the next challenge is to allow the amalgamation exercise to be carried out by all government agencies and parties from the two schools – Arawa Primary School and Tupukas Primary School - as anticipated by the authorities.
“The project is a bonus for the school, especially when we are preparing for the amalgamation process to begin in 2014. This will be done in phases and I ask for co-operation from the two governing bodies of both Tupukas and Arawa Primary School,” Mr Siara said.
Mr Siara challenged all stakeholders to make funding available for infrastructure developments as the school is expanding rapidly with enrolments of new students being very high.
Tupukas Primary School will be the first school in Central Bougainville to move to the next level as schools in the North and South Bougainville — Sipatako and Wakunai Primary Schools to follow suit in the next couple of years.
Source: Post-Courier
Asian retailers to be ejected from AROB
ALL Asian businessmen and women operating their retail businesses in Bougainville will be given until September this year to close all their businesses and move out of Bougainville.
That’s the direction from the Minister for Commerce in the Autonomous Bougainville Government, Wilfred Komba.
This is because these Asians, mostly of Chinese origin and operating in Buka town, have failed to comply with directives issued by ABG regarding their business operations in Bougainville.
Mr Komba said the ABG Division of Commerce through its chief executive officer, Albert Kinani, has already sent two notices to these Chinese advising them not to operate two or more business operations in town.
However, instead of adhering to these calls, these Chinese are still opening up other stores in different parts of the town, which is a direct breach of the ABG directive.
“After we issued the second letter, we have not received any reply from them. Instead of adhering to the directive, we are seeing some expansions still going on,” Minister Komba and Kinani said, before singling out one of these Chinese who is married to a woman from Nissan Island as an example.
They said this Chinese is not complying because though he was given the notice, he still went ahead and opened his other business in town.
Both Mr Komba and his CEO added that these Chinese are not operating according to the ABG’s investment policy, which calls for foreign business owners to joint venture with Bougainvilleans.
Instead they are opening up “stand alone” businesses, they said.
“In the letter we also told them that those who are claiming to be Bougainvilleans, after marrying a Bougainvillean wife is not accepted by ABG. In order to adhere to this ABG Policy, they must enter into a joint venture with Bougainvilleans. They are also not allowed to operate in more than one location,” they said. Mr Kinani clarified that by marrying a local Bougainvillean does not qualify them to own a trade store.
Mr Kinani added that he had also advised these Chinese to comply with the laws of PNG.
He revealed that some of these Chinese in Buka do not have proper work permits to conduct their business operations in Bougainville.
He added that some of them have also failed to pay their goods and services tax (GST) to the government.
Mr Kinani said the non compliance by these Chinese had resulted in the ABG Vice President Patrick Nisira directing him to order these Chinese out of Bougainville.
However, Mr Kinani has advised Mr Nisira that he will be issuing a third notice to these Chinese and advising them to close their businesses and move out of Bougainville by September.
Meanwhile, Bougainville is expected to have its new investment legislation governing business.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville government to finance inter island ferry
The autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville will soon have its own shipping service, courtesy of a new joint venture will a Port Moresby based businessman.
The president John Momis says last year’s ferry disaster left many in the province without affordable transport, so the government had to step in.
He told Don Wiseman a purpose-built vessel is being constructed in China and should go into service early next year.
JOHN MOMIS: As a result of the Rabaul Queen disaster in which a number of our young people, students, died, we are looking for an appropriate form of transportation for our students and for other people, as well. Right now we don’t have any except the airlines, Air New Guinea, which is very, very expensive. So we’ve decided to go into a joint venture with a businessman from Port Moresby and we are purchasing a boat which is being constructed in China. It should be ready by early next year.
DON WISEMAN: How big a boat, Mr Momis?
JOHN MOMIS: I’m told it can take 370 passengers. It will be brand new and made in accordance with the new quite stringent regulations of the government.
DON WISEMAN: I guess one of the major issues with the Rabaul Queen, of course, is that it was not really able to sail in those sorts of seas. So this will be a more robust boat.
JOHN MOMIS: That’s right. It will be a much more robust boat. And the other thing is the ship, the crew, will be required to adhere to quite stringent requirements and regulations, which should assist the crew and the passengers in case of an accident, to save our people.
DON WISEMAN: Bougainville has got very little or no money, so how are you paying for it?
JOHN MOMIS: We have put aside some money which will be met kina for kina by our partner. The boat will cost around about 14 million kina, less than 14 million kina, coming out of our own budget.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
A new foreign investment law planned for Bougainville
The President of Papua New Guinea's Autonomous Region of Bougainville, John Momis, says his government is working on introducing a new foreign investment code.
He says there are local concerns that newly arrived foreigners are dominating small businesses in Buka town and the surrounding region.
President Monis says there is a problem with some people taking advantage of a lack of law enforcement, but that is going to change with the formation of a new security company.
President Monis spoke to Pius Bonjui from Radio Australia's Tok Pisin service.
Presenter: Pius Bonjui
Speaker: President of Papua New Guinea's Autonomous Region of Bougainville, John Momis
MOMIS: The ABG is now about to approve our new proposed investment code and policy. I believe we will introduce it into the September sitting of our parliament and it will be passed during that sitting. And that investment code will then determine the kind of criteria will we need for foreign investors to adhere to before they can be accepted into the region. The investment code will make sure that local interests are protected and promoted, by the same token foreign investors interests must be protected and promoted. Our reason is to create a conducive climate or atmosphere for foreign investment and for internal investment so that both foreigners and Bougainvilleans can have a win-win situation, can have a benefit. We want to encourage business that will have mutually beneficial results for our people. If we don't then the foreign businesses, especially Chinese, will just swamp us. They've got connections, their businesses are their bread and butter, we don't have that entrepreneurial flair, we don't have the capital, we don't have the skills, and that is why we want to make sure that credible businessmen and only credible businessmen, and we can do that by screening them, doing due diligence before we accept them to come and practice business here. But by the same token we must also realise the fact that without foreign businessmen we'll be going around in circles because business is not something, is not our forte, not something that we know beset.
BONJUI: I heard a report that there was a plane that flew into Buka last Sunday?
MOMIS: Yes a Chinese businessman was invited by the ABG to come to Bougainville and they flew in in their own jet from Hong Kong from Beijing, and they had discussions with it before they went back. We are happy with the discussions and we've been looking at ways and means of ensuring that people who come here and who want to invest in resource development whether it be agricultural, mining, fisheries and oil and other businesses, prepared housing and other businesses will have to meet our criteria. Soon we'll be getting, as things develop, as the rule of law and the situation on the ground improves, you can bet your bottom dollar a lot of people will be coming here. Some probably don't have honourable motives, but by having our own law and our own bureau to scrutinise people, I think we'll be in the best position to find out whether people are genuine or whether they've got capital and so on and so forth to talk to the government and to our people. What we are worried about is the people who are coming through the back door, and they've been doing it for a long time because they've been exploiting or taking advantage of the lack of law enforcement on the ground. And soon this practice will come to an end as we are now forming a joint security company in conjunction with an Australian company to train our own people to take care, to work in security, to first of all absorb ex-combatants and other young men and women to help us provide security and complement the work of the police force.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville library set to open, more books needed
A New Zealand-run campaign to build a library in formerly war-torn Bougainville in Papua New Guinea is still looking for support from New Zealanders.
The library, in Arawa in central Bougainville, is being officially opened this Friday.
The four-year long project was initiated by New Zealand writer, Lloyd Jones, whose award winning book, Mister Pip, is set in Bougainville during the civil war.
The Bougainville Library Trust’s Pete Carter, who will be at the opening, says they have sent about 5,000 books but it wants to send another container with twice that number later this year.
“We are continuing to raise funds to enable us to buy books. We have a collections policy for the library so that we are trying to ensure that we get books that are completely appropriate for the audience that will be reading them. So ideally we are raising funds to buy the books based on what is needed there.”
The Bougainville Library Trust’s Pete Carter.
Source: Post-Courier
Police conduct sting on illegal beer
POLICE operation targeting individuals and businesses involved in the illegal sale of alcohol in Arawa is the first of many planned operations in Central Bougainville Region to reduce the number of alcohol related offences in the area.
During the operation teams visited 43 liquor stores and discovered that 36 were operating illegally, with either expired licenses or no license at all.
Several store owners and managers were served notices outlining their obligations, the offences committed and their requirement to rectify the situation or close down. A special hearing with the Office of the Liquor Licensing Commissioner will be conducted this month.
A follow up operation will ensure compliance with the act and prosecution of offenders caught by police. Police will now also conduct regular inspections of licensed premises to ensure compliance by those providing alcohol to the general public.

Arawa Police Station Commander Senior Sergeant Herman Birengka reminded store owners and managers that they have a responsibility to the general public to ensure the sale of alcohol only occurred to persons over 18 and who were sober. He also encouraged the public to drink sensibly and to report drunken behavior to Police.
The operation conducted since last month targeted stores in and around Arawa Town by a combined team from the Bougainville Police Service, the Liquor Licensing Commissioner, (Central Region) and the Arawa Town Urban Council.
The team recognized that crime and disorder by drunken men in the area made others in the communities feel unsafe and this is simply not good enough.
According to Snr Sgt Birengka usually methods of simply responding to complaints by the public when they arose were not enough and preventative measures have been adopted by police including this recent multi agency approach.
He said the initial plan is to adopt a preventative approach – how to stop the problem before it even starts. Police believe that by targeting those involved in supplying alcohol to these drunks, this will reduce the amount of alcohol available to them and their presence in Arawa Town.
Bougainville’s Liquor Control Act 2011 makes it very clear that the following are offences that will result in prosecution;
* SALE of liquor without a license whereby a person who sells any liquor without a Imprisonment.
* PERMITTING drunkenness whereby a person who allows disorderly conduct to take place or sells to drunks. (First offence K500 fine and second offense is K500 fine or 6 month imprisonment.
* SELLS or supplies liquor to a minor whereby a person who sells or supplies liquor to a person less than 18 years of age. The first offence is K500 fine or 6 Months Imprisonment and second offence is K1000 fine or 12 months imprisonment.
* KEEPS licensed premises open outside permitted hours whereby owners have their premises open for the sale of liquor after permitted hours. The first offence is K500 fine or 6 Months Imprisonment while the second offence is K1000 fine or 12 Months Imprisonment.
Birengka is appealing to all the liquor outlets to abide by the rule of law to make Arawa Town, their communities and Bougainville are safe and free environment for all to enjoy.
Source: The National
Bougainvilleans mark autonomy day with song, dance
PEOPLE from the Autonomous Region of Bougainville residing in Port Moresby celebrated the 8th ARB day on Saturday.
Bougainvilleans and their families and friends braved the early morning showers to participate in a fun-filled day at Bisini Parade in Boroko.
They were entertained by traditional bamboo band and dances as well as modern pop and rock bands.
Interim secretary/treasurer of the Port Moresby Bougainville Association Inc Salome Rihatta said the event was for Bougainvilleans in the National Capital District to celebrate.
“What we at the association do is from our hearts and we always strive for better celebrations every year,” she said.
Bougainville gained autonomy from PNG in 2006.

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
President Momis carried by this Kaur group

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Wakunai
The ABG speaker of Parliament, ANDREW MIRIKI this afternoon called on the people of Wakunai to continue to work and support their ABG Government as it is in secured and capable hands.
The Speaker made these remarks at the 8th years anniversary of the Autonomous Bougainville Government in Wakunai.
He said that the ABG since 2005 has been slowly moving despite many saying that the ABG has been stagnant for some time now.
MR. MIRIKI said that under ABG President DR. JOHN MOMIS who was instrumental in designing the Constitution of Papua New Guinea with other Papua New Guinea leaders.
He also commented on calls by Wakunai leaders to invite the Autonomous Bougainville Government to establish Bougainville's Capital in Wakunai.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Wakunai
A CMF pastor in Wakunai Pastor Opet has told the people of Wakunai that leaders must be visionaries for the region to move forward,
Pastor Opet said the Bible says where there is no vision the people will perish is true and therefore leaders must have long term visions for their people.
He said that if leaders do not have long term vision then there would be no progress in the communities.
Pastor Opt said that therefore Bougainville need to support good and honest leaders who can protect its people.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Jerome challenges Wakunai
By Aloysius Laukai
The Regional member representing Women of Central Bougainville, JOANE JEROME today challenged the people of Wakunai especially chiefs and excombatants to lead by examples in their communities.
Speaking in Wakunai today, MRS.JEROME said that law and order was falling down due to the chiefs drinking in public places.
MRS. JEROME said that if the chief want Wakunai to change and for youths to follow with proper conduct in the communities the chiefs and the Excombatants must lead by example.
MRS. JEROME also called on the former Combatants to continue supporting Bougainville Police service in controlling law and order in Wakunai.
The ABG member was speaking at the 8th ABG Annivesary celebrations in Wakunai today.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Flag raising ceremony with students of Wakunai Primary School

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
ABG President inspecting Police Guard of Honour at the Wakunai Bougainville Day celebrations this morning

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
ABG President DR. JOHN MOMIS has called on the people of Bougainville to continue to work for the betterment of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
Speaking in Buka to mark the 8th Bougainville Foundation Day celebrations, DR. MOMIS said that it was good to fail and learn from that mistake and move forward instead of giving up.
DR. MOMIS said that as Bougainvilleans unite to commemorate this special day he would also like to thank the people for their contribution towards development of the region.
He said that Bougainville has come far since 2005 and it will continue to move until the final goal is addressed through the referendum.
President Momis assured the people that the ABG will soon enact laws that would address issues of Physical Planning in towns ,Mining Policy that will also address resource owners issues and the Investment Policy that will clearly outline what kind of Businesses are allowed to locals only.
The ABG President addressed the people of Wakunai today and would join the celebrations in Buin which will start tomorrow Tuesday and will end on Thursday this week.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The people of Saposa island near Buka started their celebration to commemorate the ABD Foundation Day, today with church service and later Choral festival.
The Choral festival involving five women’s Choir groups was disturbed by heavy downpour and started very late.
According to the local ABG Member for MAHARI , JOHN TABINAMAN who is also the Education Minister, the aim of the festival was to strengthen women groups in the area to be organized and disciplined to face the challenges of life.
The member said that he would be organizing a bigger festival later in the year.
The member for Mahari called on the people of Mahari to continue to involve in money making projects instead of just sitting doing nothing whole day.
Tomorrow the festival moved into Sports.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Kukul sea wall nearing completion
By Tapo Tovilu
The Kukul seawall project at the long stretch of road at Kukul is nearing its completion stages.
The project which comes under the Works and Technical services division was started to help revive the old sea wall which has in the past months being deteriorating due to rising sea levels.
A subcontractor was initiated to carry out the rehabilitation on the corroding sea wall.
A spokesperson revelled that work on the project is nearing completion and is expected to be completed in the coming months.
He also made a call to the public and residents near the construction site not to get any gravel which was put in piles.
He says that this gravel will be used to help complete the project and should not be taken.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Bougainville Day set
By Tapo Tovilu
It has been 9 years to this year when Bougainville decided to become and Autonomous Region.
Saturday the 15th of June will mark 9 years of Bougainville being the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
Monday the 17 has been declared a public holiday and will be the day Bougainvilleans can commemorate Bougainville Day.
For those in the Buka town area celebrations will be held at the Hutjena Oval beginning at 9 in the morning and will end at 4pm.
Families and the general public have been asked to come along and celebrate, commemorate and think more of the outcome of our dream which is yet to come.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
False claims must stop
By Tapo Tovilu
A strong call was made by members of the public to stop the current trend of file claims to the ABG.
A member of the public in Buka Jameson Kibiri told New Dawn FM today during an interview that many claims filed are not factual putting the ABG in a position in which money will be wasted.
He says that the Bougainville Government and its administration currently is facing problems in sourcing funds and people who are doing these false claims must stop.
Mr Jameson says that if the people of the region want us to fulfil our long term dream of gaining independence they must help the ABG in whatever little they can.
He explained that many are opportunists who are looking for opportunities in sourcing easy money from the ABG.
Mr Kibiri made a call to the Bougainville people to stop fraudulent claims as they are damaging and will handicap the ABG in the work it is doing in the region.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
President talking on New Dawn FM to the people of Bougainville on Bougainville Day to be celebrated tomorrow.

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Oh my island Saposa

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG Minister for Culture and Tourism and former Community Development Minister, ROSE PIHEI this afternoon said that the women of Bougainville can control the economy of Bougainville if given the chance by their male counterparts.
Speaking at the official Cheque presentation of the Inclusive Development Small Grants scheme for women, MRS PIHEI called on the women to make sure they realise their dreams now that they have been given the opportunity.
She said that their Projects will only be successful if the women are committed and determined to do what they have decided to do.
The ABG minister said that the women must be disciplined, honest and have the resilience and also manage their time to be successful.
The Minister said that as a person who has been a part of this long exercise is happy to see the first women’s groups receive their cheques.
New Dawn FM understands that the cheques for the other groups will be deposited directly into their project accounts.
And from the announced FOUR MILLION KINA only ONE MILLION SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND will be given to the 41 successful applicants leaving the remaining funds for management and other expenses that would carry the project until March 2014.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG Minister for Culture and Tourism and former Community Development Minister, ROSE PIHEI this afternoon acknowledged efforts made by the various groups which led to this afternoon’s cheque presentation for Inclusive Development’s Small Grants.
Minster PIHEI mentioned the former Community Development Minister, MAGDALEN TOROANSI who in her capacity as the Minister in 2009 started negotiating funds that would help the women of Bougainville.
Minister Pihei said that since 2009 it has taken four years for the project to become reality.
She said that in December 2006 the women of Bougainville established the first working group for the establishment of the Bougainville Women’s Federation that many women are members of.
The Minister encouraged the women who have been successful to make sure that they complete their approved projects and lift the name of the women of Bougainville.
She warned that if the women divert funds received under this program then this would be end of the women of Bougainville.
The Minister said that the women of Bougainville have been struggling over the years to have a separate funding for them and this was the time for them to prove critics wrong.
She said that the women have to make sure that they show Bougainville and the world that they can manage projects if given the opportunity.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The much talked about WORLD BANK sponsored women’s development fund, INCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT in Post Conflict Bougainville, Small Grants for Community Development this afternoon presented FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTEEN THOUSAND KINA to the first successful applicants in Buka this afternoon.
Fourteen Women’s projects received cheques for their approved projects to be implemented in Kunua, Selau, Suir, Atolls districts.
The women groups are MOUNKOTO WOMEN’S Group from HAGOGOHE COE who has received 35,763 KINA.
KEPUI WOMEN’S GROUP from TEUA COE received 44,782KINA.
DORCAS SDA WOMEN’S GROUP from Gohi village SELAU received 39,574 KINA.
GATEWAY WOMEN’S GROUP also in SELAU received 41,000 KINA.
ARAVIA WOMEN’S GROUP in SUIR also received26,991KINA.
ATOLLS WOMEN’S GROUP received 48,367 KINA.
KOKOPAU CLC WOMEN’S MINISTRY also benefited from funds totalling 50,000 KINA.
New Dawn FM understands that from a total of 600 applications only 41 will benefit from the Inclusive Development Small Grants scheme which officially ends on March 2014.
Source: Post-Courier
Me'ekamui Government of Unity (MGU) backs Panguna mine reopening
THE Me’ekamui Government of Unity (MGU) has also expressed its support towards the reopening of the defunct Panguna mine.
However, their stand is that-they want all outstanding issues to be sorted out first, including bel kol or compensation payments and the K10 billion compensation claim for environmental damages to be paid before the reopening of the mine can take place.
While speaking to the Post-Courier early this week, MGU vice president Philip Takaung warned that if the above conditions are not met, they will not allow the mine to kick-start its operations.
“We the people of Panguna are not against the reopening of the Panguna mine. We see that the reopening of the mine is a genuine cause and we are supporting the ABG’s decision to reopen the mine. But our stand is this, we want all outstanding issues to be sorted out first before the mine’s reopening can take place.
“We the leaders of Panguna want Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) to first of all meet the K10 billion compensation claim. If this condition is not met, our stand is that the Panguna mine will not be reopened,” Mr Takaung said.
Mr Takaung is also calling on the Autonomous Bougainville Government to meet with MGU leaders to address pressing issues, including the resettlement issue of the Panguna people to avoid problems arising which could again lead to the closure of the mine’s operations.
“ABG is our legitimate government so we want them to come and meet with us and discuss where the 10,000 plus Panguna people will be relocated to before the mine’s reopening can take place. If our relocation issue is not addressed, then we will go back to square one,” added Mr Takaung.
Apart from this relocation issue, Mr Takaung said there were other issues that need to be addressed first but the ABG was still pushing for the reopening of the mine without addressing these issues.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Pictured is ABG President DR.JOHN MOMIS presenting a gift to the Japanese Ambassador Hiroharu Hashi in Buka last night.
Source: Islands Business/ PNG Mine Watch
Landowner revolution or government power grab?
The Autonomous Bougainville Government has announced that its draft mining legislation is a world-first attempt to recognise customary rights to minerals resources. But this claim does not hold up to serious scrutiny…
It has been over a decade since the Bougainville Peace Agreement was signed, putting an end to a bloody conflict that killed between 10,000 and 20,000 people. At the centre of the hostilities was the Panguna copper and gold mine operated by Rio Tinto subsidiary Bougainville Copper Limited. When landowners closed down the mine, following complaints over its socio-economic effects, Rio Tinto became embroiled in a bitter counter-insurgency campaign littered with serious human rights abuses. Two decades later, the mine is now back on the agenda and it appears Rio is set for a Bougainville return. To make way for this event, the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) has been busy drafting a mining legislation with AusAID’s assistance.
Tricky business
This is a tricky business; Bougainville’s constitution demands “recognition of customary rights of the people of Bougainville in relation to land and sea and natural, mineral and oil resources of Bougainville”. Ceding real power to communities is something governments are loathe to do, but in the context of Bougainville, where a bitter armed struggle was waged by landowners for this right to control natural resources, the ABG is under significant pressure. Not surprisingly then, the ABG announced in March 2013 that the proposed mining legislation would be a “world first”. In an interview with the ABG President, ABC Radio suggested that the draft bill, if passed, would allow “landowners and the government to share rights to sub-surface minerals”. According to the ABC report, “President Momis says landowners will have a power of veto over exploration and will also have the right to object once the development process begins”. Sounds pretty airtight, that is until one reads the actual draft bill. At the exploration stage, customary landowners do indeed have a right to object - that is legally enforceable. On the other hand, at this very preliminary stage, communities would have very few indications as to the size of the deposit, their potential share of the revenues and spin-off benefits, or the waste disposal methods. Whatever consent is given here, will be based on patchy information at best. Once landowners have agreed to exploration, their control over the resource development is entirely at the ABG’s pleasure. President Momis argues landowners have the right to object at the mine-development stage. They do, but it is not an enforceable right. The legislation is very clear in this respect. If landowners object to the granting of a mining lease, the ABG has the power to overturn their decision: “The Autonomous Bougainville Government is by force of this section empowered to override the requirement for the consents referred to in subparagraphs (1)(b)(i),(ii) and (iii) [these subparagraphs deal with landowner objections to the granting of a mining lease]”. That said, section 14 of the draft legislation does acknowledge “disputes about minerals involving the owners of customary land are to be resolved, so far as practicable, by consensus”. There is, therefore, a responsibility incumbent on the ABG to negotiate with landowners – but if agreement can’t be reached, customary owners can be sidelined. Additionally, the Bougainville government has reserved for itself other sweeping powers. For example, they possess the exclusive legal right “to determine the amount, and the allocation, of revenue from the development of minerals”. Also, the ABG is set to become kingmakers in the mine areas. Section 20 of the draft Act states that the “Bougainville Executive Council may from time to time approve one or more organisations to represent all or some of the owner: (a) of customary land that is the subject of an application for a mining lease; or (b) of customary land that the Council is satisfied is likely to be the subject of an application for a mining lease”. It would appear the big winner out of the proposed legislation is not customary landowners, but the ABG. Once consent has been given to exploration, all the cards are in their hands, they can determine the distribution of revenues, they can overrule objections, and they can determine who represents landowning communities. In a March 2013 explanatory document, the ABG justify this power-grab on paternalistic grounds. It is necessary, they argue, in order to “protect the interests of the customary landowners so they are not exploited by corrupt outsiders”. While in a speech to parliament, President Momis added that the ABG’s wide-reaching powers were needed “to promote equitable development, protect our society, culture and environment, and protect the interests of our future generations”.
Perfect storm
It would appear a perfect storm of sorts has come Rio Tinto’s way. A government intent on its return, is now set to assume full responsibility for mining related decisions. Meanwhile landowner communities have been told to mute their criticisms of Rio Tinto’s past complicity in serious human rights abuses. Mine revenues must begin flowing, the ABG claims, or autonomy/independence will be put into peril. Much the same was said in the 1960s, when landowners expressed concerns over the proposed Panguna mine, except then it was Papua New Guinea self-government whose fiscal future was at stake. And like now, the colonial administration justified its approach through appeals to the ‘greater good’, and paternalistic notions of protecting the ‘natives’. Using the same neo-colonial rhetorical tricks may bring about the mine’s reopening, but it puts at risk Bougainville’s peace and the region’s security. It would appear the draft legislation is far from revolutionary, it recognises what is already a defacto practice in Papua New Guinea, and falls short of the onerous requirements envisaged in Bougainville’s Constitution.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
ABG President DR. JOHN MOMIS last night farewelled the Japanese delegation headed by the Parliamentary Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan MR. MINORU KIUCHI and the Japanese Ambassador, HIROHARO HASHI at a dinner in Buka.
The Vice Minister and delegation arrived in Buka in the morning and had a courtesy call to the ABG President DR. JOHN MOMIS before travelling to RAWA river to the see one of the fifteen Japanese bridges before returning to Buka.
The ABG President said that he was happy and welcomes the Japanese government to Bougainville as they have a long history between Japan and the people of Bougainville.
One of the biggest thing that bonds the people of Japan with Bougainville is the crash site of the late ADMIRAL YAMAMOTO who died on the soil of Bougainville.
And every year Japanese tourists visit the crash site near Buin in South Bougainville.
The ABG President and the Bougainville administration also presented gifts to the visitors at the farewell dinner last night.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Leaders at the North Bougainville Leaders Forum welcomed to Malabolo by Hangan Elementary School students yesterday.They are Cosmas Sohia ABG Member for Tsitalato, ABG Vice President Patrick Nisira and Regional member
Source: Radio New Zealand International
No discussions on Panguna re-opening until groups funded
Despite reports in the Papua New Guinea media that negotiations to re-open the huge Panguna mine on Bougainville are ready to start, a landowner leader says there are a number of pre-conditions that must be met first.
Lawrence Daveona grew up in Guava village on the lip of the open cast mine and is closely related to Francis Ona who led the revolt against Bougainville Copper Ltd that sparked the civil war.
Mr Daveona has just been made the chair of an umbrella group representing the six land lease associations in the area affected by the mine.
He says the first of these pre-requisites is that each of these bodies be properly funded to undertake their work keeping their members informed.
LAWRENCE DAVEONA: The issue of funding has been there for close to two years, and really nothing has happened with the outstanding commitments by ABG, a lot of money. But all that’s happened is this has come to a non-attendance by the ABG on the ground. If ABG wants us to speed up the process of reopening Panguna and to start off with the negotiations, they have to get ourselves properly established.
DON WISEMAN: Once properly established, what happens after that? What’s the next thing on the agenda for you?
LAWRENCE DAVEONA: That’s the second prerequisite to starting negotiations. It’s what we call ’bel kol’ - it is the cultural compensatory practises that we practise here for parties that have gone into conflict. And this has to happen before any talks or renegotiation on the Panguna mine reopening.
DON WISEMAN: What would the nature of the ’bel kol’ be in terms of compensation? Because there has in the past, as far as the mine goes or the damage, been discussion of many millions of dollars. Is that what we’re talking about here or is that something different?
LAWRENCE DAVEONA: No, this is something different. It is something to do with the crisis in itself. And in this case the parties that must come into play for funding this cultural compensationary practise, people on the ground see it as the national government, the Australian government and the New Zealand government. This is what they say at home. It is because the Australian government supplied Iroquois helicopters during the conflict and there were pilots who were flying these Iroquois helicopters. You won’t believe this, but their way of reasoning all these things is not the way you and I would understand and reason. So what they’re saying is that the Australian and New Zealand and Papua New Guinea governments would have to fund this ’bel kol’ customary practise arrangement, which will kind of compensate the families of the deceased, the families of the injured, the families of the PNG soldiers, security force soldiers, that lost their lives or got wounded and are disabled now and all that. So that’s the second prerequisite that my association is looking at. The third is the outstanding compensation payments that BCL has not paid for 1990 titleholders compensations. And BCL has agreed already to help sort it out as soon as the details of the process as to how this payment will be sorted out are agreed to between us, the ABG and BCL.
DON WISEMAN: Alright. And once that’s done, essentially, it’ll be a matter of agreeing to reopen the mine, will it?
LAWRENCE DAVEONA: The fourth matter that we have not addressed, and we got sucked up into the quick pressure from ABG to start talks on reopening Panguna mine, is the reconciliation all over Bougainville. They say there’s about 20,000 people that have died. At present, in Panguna mine pit, there are some leaders from other areas of Bougainville who have been killed and buried there. This reconciliation orders the return of the bones, the remains of those buried there, to be undertaken. We cannot really talk about the reopening of Panguna mine unless we attend to these very important cultural practice requirements that our people believe in.
DON WISEMAN: As it’s been said before, it will be a significant number of years before that mine does reopen because there are all these stages to work through first.
LAWRENCE DAVEONA: Yes, yes, you are right. And our president is saying he’ll start negotiating in November. But I don’t believe for one moment he’ll be able to do that. And the actual reopening of Panguna mine may even take up to 2015.
DON WISEMAN: Take up to what year, did you say?
DW: Well, that’s fairly close, isn’t it?
LAWRENCE DAVEONA: If this prerequisite happened as soon as practically possible. And the other major thing we have agreed to do for our own people is this area of villages, which I did for 2 months in 2012, when I was on leave, is properly educating our people as to the ways and how foreign companies, major multi-million dollar companies, operate anywhere around the world, and what we call ’global financial literacy awareness’. When BCL came in 1972 and the first tonne of copper was shipped out and all that. How companies operate is something new to our people. And for me, at that time, too, at the university, there was really nothing I knew about. The only thing I knew about was news that had a benefit to myself. BCL was sponsoring me at the University of Papua New Guinea, but after that, I soon realised this big monster had these tentacles almost everywhere in the world. So it’s hard to explain this on the phone, but I have actually done a lot of work as to how we can educate our people in the villages to understand how multinational corporations actually operate with their relationship with whatever company that they have links with wherever around the world.
Source: Post-Courier
Bairima VA opens account
“PEACEFUL Emperor Range”, a Police operation established to deal with issues arising from the presence of Chinese workers is still continuing in the Central Region of Bougainville.
The operation was established after Police learned of the presence of Chinese nationals working in the Panguna area close to the site of the open cast mine abandoned by Rio Tinto during the conflict.
This area has been overseen by Me’ekamui since the signing of the Bougainville Peace Agreement and remains an area where any business established is likely to come under close scrutiny from landowners and the government.
Officer in charge o the operations, Senior Inspector Cletus Tsien, stated that the Bougainville Police Service are well aware of the risk of tensions or violence arising over any business commencing in the area, specifically those run, operated or owned by foreign interests.
However, Police involvement in this incident was simple – to maintain law and order.
Senior Inspector Tsien stated that Police would establish the legal status of any foreign worker in Bougainville, regardless of race, as this was part of their expected duty.
He praised the work and involvement of BPS to date, stating that they worked closely with other government agencies to ensure the laws of the country were maintained.
He also reminded the community of the importance of bringing grievances to the attention of Police instead of taking matters into their own hands, which could result in their arrest.
Mr Tsien said the BPS did not involve itself in emotion or politics and that a significant amount of planning had taken place to ensure the best course of action was followed. This was to ensure activity in the area was legal and that maintenance of the law and public order remained the primary objective of his team.
Me’ekamui leaders had been consulted and extensive negotiations had lead to the removal of four of the Chinese presently working in the area without work permits.
The remaining workers will have their future decided after further meetings between the Me’ekamui leaders who brought them here and representatives of the ABG — as their arrival in Panguna was not sanctioned by the ABG, meaning they had breached the Bougainville Peace Agreement and were illegally in the country despite their current work permits.
Mr Tsien wanted to express his thanks to the Panguna community who had shown calm and trust in the BPS to resolve these matters lawfully and stated that those involved in bringing the Chinese to Panguna needed to ensure their entire community was aware of what was happening before embarking on such ventures in future.
An increased Police presence in the area meant that anyone with concerns could approach Police at any time and a peaceful resolution to this issue was achievable.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
Panguna landowners seeking Billions in compensation
The newly-elected representative for landowner groups around the Panguna mine on autonomous Bougainville in Papua New Guinea, says he will push for a multi-Billion dollar compensation package, as a pre-condition to talks about re-opening the mine.
The Panguna copper and gold mine on PNG's Bougainville island was shut down in 1989, amid a civil war led by opponents of the mine.
Negotiations to re-open Panguna have struggled, due in part to disunity amongst the various communities living near the mine, roads and port.
Now, the six main groups have elected Lawrence Daveona as chairman of the Umbrella Panguna Landowner Association to be their voice at the negotiating table.
Presenter: Liam Cochrane
Speaker: Lawrence Deveona, chairman, Umbrella Panguna Landowner Association
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Pre-conditions need to be met before Panguna reopens - landowner
Despite reports in the Papua New Guinea media that negotiations to re-open the huge Panguna mine on Bougainville are ready to start, a landowner leader says there are a number of pre-conditions that must be met first.
Lawrence Daveona has just been made the chair of an umbrella group representing the six land lease associations in the area affected by the mine.
He says the first of these pre-requisites is that each of these bodies be properly funded to undertake their work keeping their members informed.
Mr Daveona says the associations need money for staff, phones, vehicles and the other expenses.
“If ABG [Autonomous Bougainville Government] wants us to speed up the process of re-opening Panguna and to start off the negotiations they have to get ourselves properly established.”
Lawrence Daveona says there will also need to be compensation and reconciliation and he doubts this can all be completed by the ABG’s projected start for negotiations in November.
Source: Post-Courier
Panguna landowners ready for talks with developer
THE six landowner groups of the Panguna Mine will push for a full-scale awareness on good and bad aspect of the mining industry in the mine affected areas.
According to Chairman of the Upper Tailings Association Michael Pariu, the six landowner associations of the mine affected areas have now organised, and mobilised themselves, and are now united as the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) moves to kick-off discussions to re-open the Panguna Mine.
The six landowner associations are Special Mining Lease (SML), Upper Tailings, Lower Tailings, Road Lease, Port Mine Access and Arawa Residential Lease Associations.
According to Mr Pariu, the above associations are now united and ready for open negotiations with the Bougainville Copper Limited and ABG.
Mr Pariu said the main aim of the landowner associations is to educate their people in the six associations on the good and bad sides of the mining industry.
The other important role for the associations is to get their agenda ready to negotiate with BCL in the long over-due mine restoration program.
The themes that will be taken up with BCL include environmental damages, restoration and relocation of displaced villagers in the mining lease areas, compensation or ‘bel kol’ and the round-table negotiations for the initial re-opening of the Panguna Mine.
“First things first, then we move onto discussions and negotiations of the mine’s re-opening,” Mr Pariu said, adding that the six landowners associations now have a full body of executives in place, with the successful election of experienced campaigner Lawrence Daveona as the Chairman of the Special Mining Lease (SML) Association and also the overall chairman for Panguna Landowner’s Umbrella Association (UPMALA).
Mr Pariu lauded the election of Mr Daveona as a historical moment for the Panguna Landowners Association because for far too long they (landowners) have been divided.
“Now the day of division is over.
“The day has come for all of us landowner associations to come together in unity and stand together and discuss the re-opening of the Panguna Mine for the benefit of all the people of Bougainville,” Mr Pariu said.
He added that this was the day all Bougainvilleans have been waiting for, and for which the unity of all landowner associations will now pave the way for the possibility of re-opening the giant copper-gold mine.

SOME of the representatives of the six landowner groups from the Panguna mine site area pose for a photograph. They are ready for talks on re-opening the mine.
Source: Australia Network News
Push for billions in compensation to re-open Panguna mine
Liam Cochrane
The newly-elected representative for community groups around Papua New Guinea's Panguna mine on Bougainville says he will push for a multi-billion dollar compensation package, as a pre-condition to talks about re-opening the Panguna copper mine.
Lawrence Daveona is the new chairman of the Umbrella Panguna Landowners Association, representing six groups affected by the giant copper and gold mine.
Opposition to Panguna sparked a civil war and the mine was shut down in 1989.
Mr Daveona says landowners want it to re-open, but only after a long-running demand for $4.5 billion compensation is met.
"That will come as a pre-condition to any negotiation talks," he says.
He says Australia's Bougainville Copper Limited is the best company to re-open the mine and hopes an agreement can be reached by 2015.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG Vice President, PATRICK NISIRA says ABG is moving slowly but surely despite many critics saying that nothing is happening.
Speaking at the Opening of the Regional Leaders Forum organized by the Bougainville Regional Member, JOE LERA, MR.NISIRA said that the ABG since 2005 has slowly built infrastructures to support the development of the region and its work can be seen throughout the region.
MR. NISIRA said that peace and normalcy is slowly creeping into all areas of Bougainville and credit must be given when its due and blankly saying as nothing is happening is not true.
The ABG ViCE President said that the ABG since 2005 has been allocated FIFTEEN MILLION KINA for the whole region per year and these funds are not enough for the kind of development we want for Bougainville.
He warned the participants for the North Bougainville Forum that many of them will go home frustrated if projects they have in mind is not funded from the FIVE MILLION KINA for North Bougainville under the Regional member.
The ABG Vice President said that they have been criticized for distributing similar funds that are not enough to make any big impacts in the region.
He also called on the committees and the Regional member to work with the ABG to make sure projects funded by the ABG are not funded again creating duplication and frustrations in the communities.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
PNG’s Bougainville to probe suspected education sham
The government in the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville is to investigate claims by an MP that new private education institutions are charging exorbitant fees and then issue meaningless diplomas for two weeks’ study.
New Dawn FM reports an MP Cosmas Sohia as saying the education department needs to set up a policy to monitor and control these new schools.
He says the fees are a burden and a two-week course does not lead to employment.
The president, John Momis, says if it is happening, it is a sign mainstream education services are not meeting people’s needs.
He says his government needs to think outside the box to try and accommodate those missing out.
“A lot of our students are being ejected by the current system which I consider to be expensive, and it systematically and consistently fails people. I think that system should not be supported anymore. We should look for ways of radically amending it so that we do accommodate those who need education.” New Dawn on Bougainville
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG member for Tsitalato, COSMAS SOHIA this morning welcomed participants of the One week Regional Leaders Forum to the forum at MALABOLO outside Hutjena.
As the local member, MR.SOHIA said that he was happy this meeting was been conducted in his electorate.
In his welcome address, MR. SOHIA said that the leaders must be transparent and think of projects that would benefit the people of North Bougainville and not to be blinded by self interests.
He said as the Regional member was giving them the golden opportunity to come up with projects from their communities they must make sure the people benefit from this once in a million opportunity.
MR. SOHIA said that he hope many communities benefit from this Five Million Kina for North Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Maria Laukai
Seven University of Papua New Guinea students arrived on Bougainville this afternoon on a mission to study the impact of Climate Change on Bougainville.
The students were met by the Director of the Tulele Peisa Resettlement Project, BASIL PESO and were also briefly met by the Chairman of the TULELE PEISA Board, ALOYSIUS LAUKAI at the New Dawn FM office before they visited the Coordinator for Disaster and Emergency Services on Bougainville.
The group went straight to the Caterets Resettlement Project site in Tinputz this afternoon.
They will travel to the CARTERET ISLANDS tomorrow.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Plans by the Bougainville Regional member, JOE LERA to bring the Distribution of FIFTEEN MILLION KINA to the region was completed today at the start of the North Bougainville Leaders Regional Forum at Hangan village on Buka island.
The aim of the Regional forums is for the member to allow COE, DISTRICT and ABG Members and Churches propose submissions that can be included for funding from the FIFTEEN MILLION KINA allocated to the Regional member this year.
The funds have been distributed FIVE MILLION KINA each to the three regions of Central, South and North Bougainville.
Funds for the Central and South Bougainville have been identified and already allocated whilst the North Bougainville region would allocate theirs at this meeting.
The One week meeting which started this morning would end on Saturday this week.
According to the Regional Member, JOE LERA he wants the leaders to decide on the type of development for North Bougainville whilst he just allocates the funds and supervises the progress of these projects.
He told the meeting this morning that his motto “DEVELOP PEOPLE TO DEVELOP THE NATION” aims to carry many awareness’s to the people who can then decide on the type of development they want.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Bougainville Veterans Association continue to carry out awareness on the need to secure peace and harmony in Bougainville communities as the region looks forward to the Bougainville referendum that must be held between 2015 and 2020.
Last week the Veterans met in Buin, South Bougainville and discussed issues from Weapons disposal, Law and order, Liquor and Drug consumption by youths in the region.
And today a team led by ISHMAEL TOROAMA met the people of IOKOMORI village in Tinputz.
In the IOKOMORI meeting, MR. TOROAMA stressed the need to support the Autonomous region to prepare for the referendum.
He told the meeting that the Veterans Association would be establishing a Security company to support Bougainville Police service control law and order in the region.
MR. TOROAMA said that youths of Bougainville including former combatants would be screened, recruited and trained to monitor all airports, wharves to make sure Bougainville is secured from illegal activities.
The Veterans Association awareness also discussed sorcery related killings and the need to stop all these activities.
Many villagers also had the chance to ask questions to the veterans.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Chief of Ieta village on Buka island, JOHN NALEI has thanked God to have allowed him to see another church establishment in Buka town.
MR. NALEI who is 64 years of age was born in 1948 and was baptized at the HAHELA Parish 64 years.
He said that he was born on AUGUST 15th which is the Day of Mary the Mother of God and was happy to create history by establishing another church 64 years later.
The Chief of Ieta village called on the people of Buka town to unite and move this parish forward and also remember and respect the Ieta landowners when carrying out church activities in Buka town.
MR. NALEI said that the people of Ieta will also assist wherever they can to make sure that the church in Buka town grow.
MR. NALEI officially planted a tree to show the beginning of this Buka Town Parish.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Diocese of Bougainville through BISHOP BENARD UNABALI on Pentecost Sunday declared that Buka Town will become a PARISH of its own and will cover KOKOPAU town and Sohano island.
And last Saturday the parishioners of Buka Town Parish gathered at the church ground to start up the new church by firstly having mass and later did the ground breaking ceremony with the Chief of Ieta village, JOHN NALEI and the ABG member for Tsitalato, COSMAS SOHIA.
The Parishioners also commemorated Our Lady of the Immaculate Heart feast day which has been named the Patron Saint for the Parish.
The parishioners also had speeches and activities after the church service which ended with the sharing of food by all participants and including visitors and on lookers who lured by activities on this first promotion since the announcements.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG President, DR. JOHN MOMIS last night welcomed a Chinese/HONGKONG and US delegation into Bougainville.
The delegation flew directly to Buka from BEIJING in China on a private Jet included a Priest from the Catholic Parish of Beijing and one Millionaire who is interested to invest on Bougainville.
The team had two from USA, two from China and five from HONGKONG arrived on Sunday morning had a chance to visit Tarlena and Tsiroge areas on Sunday and met with ABG Officials today before returning to Port Moresby this afternoon.
In his welcome address, PRESIDENT MOMIS said that the ABG would be finalizing its policy on investment soon and would be widely distributed for people who want to invest on Bougainville.
He said the investment policy will protect the investors and also local players to make sure Bougainville is safe secured for investments.
The ABG President said that the Investment Policy would fully detail the type of activities for locals only and on what terms investment into the region would be accepted.
Source: Post-Courier
IRC, ABG talk about taxes
THE Internal Revenue Commission recently staged an awareness campaign on tax revenue and other related topics in Buka.
The awareness, which was conducted with consultations from the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG), was mainly focused on business entities, regarding the Business Payment Tax (BPT), General Sales Tax (GST) and the Certificate of Compliance (COC).
The high powered IRC delegation from Port Moresby had earlier met with ABG members and officers from the Bougainville Administration to discuss issues of interest before conducting the awareness.
The awareness was based on the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that was previously forged between IRC and the ABG.
Speaking during the awareness, IRC’s Tax Commissioner Dr Alois Daton said the purpose of the visit was to have a close consultation with the Bougainville Administration and to provide support in accordance with the MOU.
Dr Daton said currently, the ABG does not have a Tax structure and not enough staff to implement the MOU, resulting in IRC always having quarterly meetings with ABG to analyse and make changes to the MOU.
Dr Daton also said that the IRC is also introducing a new computer online system, and the Standard Integrated Government Tax Accounting System (SIGTAS) which has already been in operation in 22 commonwealth countries around the world.
He said once this system is adopted in the country, it will mark PNG as the 23rd country in the world to adopt this system.
Dr Daton said SIGTAS will be implemented later this year.
One positive outcome of this system is that all IRC accounts will now be updated faster and more easily, therefore applicants will not have to wait for a long period of time for their applications to be processed or screened.
Team leader and adviser, Trevor Scholos, said this program will firstly be implemented in large business enterprises before moving on to smaller business entities.
He added that this system will also automatically raise penalties for late lodgment of applications, adding that all tax payers will be having one Tax Identification Number (TIN).
Speaking on behalf of the ABG, Deputy Administrator Paul Kebori said Bougainville must be tax compliant so that it will help the economy grow.
Mr Kebori said it is now time to address issues concerning tax compliances so Bougainvilleans can be involve in bigger projects on their own land instead of becoming spectators.
“In 10-20 years time we will depend on the private sector for the growth of our economy, we must look ahead, so when every business is paying tax we get higher tax revenue,” said Mr Kebori.
Source: Post-Courier
Miners face unsettled issues
GIANT mining company Rio Tinto and its subsidiary Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) have a huge task on hand to settle all outstanding issues relating to environmental damage.
This was highlighted by James Tauriko who is the chairman of the Lower Tailings Association, one of the six registered associations of the Panguna landowners.
Mr Tauriko told Post-Courier at the weekend that for the other five landowner associations the mine is closed but for the members of the Lower Tailings Association, the mine isn’t close till this day because environmental damages are still going on.
The lower tailings area is the most affected as the mining waste is dumped and deposited along the lower tailings which affected villages including pump station, Katauri, Moirue, Jaba, Mosino, Nigitang, Pokunameri, Lera, Mananau, Agabai, Koiare and all the way to the coastline of Torokina.
“BCL owes us since 1990 which it will pay for the environmental damages on the old Agreement. From 1991 to 2013, BCL will compensate us on environmental damage on the new Agreement that will be put in place with BCL soon,” Mr Tauriko said.
The main concern for the people of the lower tailings area is for BCL to sort out old compensation and go on to new negotiations on their terms (Association).
Before that happens there is a big need for landowners to sort out different kind of factions that have materialised after the Crisis, Mr Tauriko said.
He said during the crisis, people went into different kinds of groupings and if they want to start the mine, all Bougainvilleans must start trusting each other.
“We need to move back to old times where we were one people and not regionalised groupings. Also the crisis has great effects on the people, especially landowners who are still traumatised by what happened to them during the conflict.
“Many have become victims just like myself. I have been blamed for being a spy by both BRA and PNGDF and thrown into a military cell in 1994. There is a very big need for trauma counseling and rehabilitation,” said Mr Tauriko.
According to Mr Tauriko, the lower tailings region is badly affected and even though BCL has left the mine, the effects are still evident and impacting on the people’s lives.
Mr Tauriko said BCL has a huge task on hand to sort out his people who are still suffering from the effects of the mine, even though the mine was shut down 24 years ago.
“We are interested in BCL to come back and operate the mine, as only BCL will know what to do as it is the action of the company that has led to the environmental damage and its impacts that we are still facing today,” Mr Tauriko said.
BCL understands the plight of the people and has been working closely with the landowners and the government and will come up with the best possible options to sort out the problem once and for all.
Source: Post-Courier
Momis bids security firm
PRESIDENT of the Autonomous Bougainville Government, Dr John Momis is pushing for the establishment of a private security firm to work alongside the Bougainville Police Service in policing law and order in Bougainville.
According to Dr Momis, the private security firm will be made up of former combatants and other Bougainvilleans including men and women who meet the selection criteria. They will undergo security training before being assigned to perform their duties.
President Momis has already made his intention known regarding the formation of this security firm on numerous occasions.
Last week the president again reiterated this idea during the ABG Parliament session in Buka that there is now a plan in place to set up a private security firm.
He said this security firm, which will be a joint venture initiative between the ABG and an Australian company, will be collaborating with the police in maintaining law and order in Bougainville.
Chief Momis said one of the tasks to be carried out by this security firm is to monitor the movement of illegal business operators into Bougainville.
He had also recently revealed that this security firm will also be involved in normal police traffic duties like setting up roadblocks to check the validity of licences of vehicle owners.
Apart from this initiative to set up the security, Chief Momis had also previously revealed his idea of allocating about 30 percent of the ABG’s budgetary allocation to the former combatants to carryout law and order duties in Bougainville.
This announcement was made by the President during the two days Panguna mine negotiation forum which was held in Buin, South Bougainville a few months ago.
Chief Momis had planned to engage the former combatants because he saw that once they are adequately funded and supported, they will be able to carry out their duties in policing law and order in Bougainville.
Meanwhile, the decision by the President to form this security firm has already drawn criticisms from Bougainvilleans.
Many have voiced their concern, saying the President is undermining the work being done by police in Bougainville.
They said instead of establishing this security firm, the ABG should look at equipping police with the resources it needs to perform its duties.
They added that police were not able to effectively do their duties because they are not fully equipped with the necessary resources needed to perform their responsibilities.
Source: Post-Courier
Foreigners threaten Buka in business
BUKA town in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville will soon be taken over by foreigners especially the Chinese, according to the locals.
Many have been complaining that they are no longer getting the benefits they used to earn before the arrival of the Chinese in Buka town.
According to many local business operators in town, if the ABG does not address the influx of these Asians, this would lead to many Bougainvilleans closing their businesses in town.
“We were told by the ABG that Chinese businessmen and women who come to Bougainville will only concentrate on big businesses like industries and factories. “But what we are seeing is the opposite. Instead of starting big businesses, these Chinese are involved in retail businesses.
“We understand that retail businesses are meant to be owned by the locals.
“How come the ABG is allowing them to take part in retail business.
“If nothing is done, then not long we will see the Chinese taking over all the shops in town and killing our businesses,” the local business owners said.
ABG Vice President Patrick Nisira revealed during the ABG Parliament sitting in Buka last week that he has already instructed the Bougainville Commerce Division to notify the Chinese business owners in Buka town to concentrate on operating only one business, instead of opening two or more of their businesses.
Mr Nisira said those who fail to comply with this direction will be ordered to close their business and move out of Bougainville.
It is understood that the Commerce Division has already issued this direction to these Chinese business operators in town.
However, it is evident that these Chinese are not adhering to this ABG directive.
Instead many are continuing to open and operate their other businesses in town, which is a clear sign that they are not respecting the ABG as the legitimate government in Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Agreement on re-opening of Panguna mine in Bougvainville reached
Leaders, landowners and other stake holders in Papua New Guinea’s autonomous province of Bougainville have reached an agreement, after 24 years, to discuss and negotiate the re-opening of the defunct Panguna mine.
The Post Courier newspaper says landowner discontent over equitable distribution and sharing of Panguna mine benefits, led to PNG’s first serious Bougainville Crisis in May 1989 which lasted about 10 years.
The conflict led to 20,000 deaths, including men, women and children, as well as PNG soldiers, policemen and correctional officers.
According to reports from Panguna, the landowners are now ready to kick-start dialogue and negotiations with all the stakeholders, including the Autonomous Bougainville Government, the PNG Government and BCL for the re-opening of the copper-gold mine.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville joint venture ferry in service early next year
The loss of the inter island ferry service when the Rabaul Queen sank last year has prompted the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville to have its own vessel built.
At least 141 people, including dozens of Bougainvillean students, died in the disaster.
The Bougainville president, John Momis, says the province needs an appropriate form of transport as air travel is too expensive for many people.
He says his government is in a joint venture with a Port Moresby businessman, which is having a vessel built in China.
Mr Momis says the new ferry should be in service early next year.
He says it will carry 370 passengers and comply with the new, more stringent maritime laws.
“It will be a much more robust boat and the other thing is that the ship, the manager, the captain , the crew will be required to adhere to quite stringent requirements of the regulations, which should assist the crew and the passengers in the case of an accident.”
Bougainville president John Momis.
Source: The National
Bougainville schools to get kits
ONE hundred and twenty elementary schools in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville will be the first to receive the latest interactive elementary kits.
Treid Pacific Ltd general manager Wilson David told National Capital District elementary school teachers who visited Treid Pacific last Friday to inspect the kits and observe the packing that was done for Bougainville.
“The materials are useful. They would improve children’s mathematical, analytical and comprehensive abilities and make learning in the classrooms more fun-filled,” David said.
“Treid Pacific team had visited Bougainville earlier to show the materials and saw that Bougainville was keen to improve its education standard.
“Bougainville Education Division chief executive officer Bruno Babato had requested that all elementary schools in Bougainville be supplied a kit each.
“The kits are packed and will be dispatched to Bougainville this week. The kits would then be delivered to the schools for use next year.”
Treid Pacific education manager Oscar Iguarek said the kits were produced to complement the Outcome-Based Education curriculum.
“It’s an opportunity for elementary schools in NCD to plan for these Kits to be issued at your schools next year,” Iguarek told the teachers.
NCD Division of Education Services Superintendent Operations Stephen Lapan said proper resource books were hard to find.
“As we focus on elementary we must have such resources to complement new ideas and at the end of the day we achieve our goals.”
Source: Mekamui News
Panguna: Comrade one eye
by mekamui
In 1992 the PNG security force made a comeback to Mekamui/Bougainville after pulling out from the Island when the first ceasefire was signed between the BRAs and the PNG Government and its security forces. They captured most of the coastal areas from Buka Island up to Arawa Township dropping leaflets from the choppers that people must come to their bases because they will bombard jungles to flesh out the BRAs.
The villagers outside of Arawa fled to the mountains leaving their homes with whatever they could carry and worrying about their houses and other properties they couldn’t take with them. In many cases some rascals came in and helped themselves with whatever had been left behind. In our village my childhood friend Kevin [whom we called One Eye] and me decided to stay back in the village and look after the houses from any intruders or rascals.
We had no weapons just bows and arrows with sling, however it made life a little easier for the villagers when they came back to the village and their gardens with not much fear because if the soldiers were at the village we would notify them not to come for there is danger. Others saw that it’s a good idea so they came and joined us and we kind of teamed up well with no weapons but with one spirit and thoughts. We had one guitar so every night we sang songs that I wrote about the struggles and as well as love songs to keep us going and forget that we were in a war and the enemy was just less than 50 minutes walk down in Arawa.
When the security forces launched mortar from Arawa it flew over us and fell upon the mountains killing the trees and bushes. In early 1993 the war got a little hot so somehow we ended up with some kind of weapons to defend ourselves, our people and our land from the offensive undisciplined Army.
One Eye and myself slept less waking up early in the mornings to patrol around the village and the gardens nearby as we gave time and days for the villagers from the bush camps to come to the village and gardens to get food and what they needed. The lives of the villagers were in our hands in those days, if any mistake and they were killed that means we are not doing our job well.
I was on call and moved around a lot, so One Eye one day left for the Solomons when I was away in the Panguna area. When I returned they told me that One Eye left for Honiara, he would be back in one-month time. Upon his absent another comrade became my best friend, Nuna although he was from the Manetai area.
In late 1993 I was shot in an ambush by PNG security and the resistance forces and for the rest of the festive season of that year and the beginning of 1994 I laid in the bush camp of my relatives. Nuna after hearing about me came and cried over me but I told him I am ok will back to ops sometimes soon. 1994 went quickly, I didn’t say goodbye to my best comrade Nuna and left for the Solomons for medical assistance. When I arrived in Taro, Choiscel Province in the night I met One Eye but had to leave him after two days on my way to Honiara.
The war continued on the ground Panguna mine must be reopened at any cost on both waring side. While I was on the bus in Honiara a comrade from Kongara told me that one guy from my village was killed by the security forces and his body was dumped in a house and they burned the house. Tears fell from my eyes and my heart felt like a sharp object cutting me, it was my childhood friend none other than One Eye. When he returned back from the Solomons he was attending Arawa High School, so that day he was going to school in the morning when the soldiers took him away. The day before BRAs did a shootout in Arawa, so the soldiers thought he was one of them or it’s for payback again. While we were looking after our village we had been making plans that when the war was over we would start all over again with our lives and start a new life and new love.
After a couple of months another sad news reached me, Nuna my best friend was shot in Nagovis. Tears of sorrow flowed again, I questioned how long would the war goe, it’s a sad, sad situation. Much blood and tears had washed our mother Mekamui, it’s for you and your childrens freedom. My comrade’s thought will be a living memory of yesterday.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The presentation of the report on the enquiry on the TOROKINA OIL PALM project was debated by the ABG House this afternoon with many calling for the immediate halting of the project to allow for more awareness to be carried out with the people of Torokina.
The enquiry made recommendations that the project should stop to allow more awareness and also allow the landowners to sort out their land boundaries.
Most of the members wanted the project go ahead and called on the Member for Torokina to talk to his people to allow the project to continue.
The member, STEVEN SUAKO said that his people were divided over the project and have armed themselves to stop the project.
The Commerce Minister, WILFRED KOMBA also announced that the project will continue with the two clans that have allowed over 20,000 hectres of land for the project.
He said that his division will be putting some money for reconciliation between the leaders and people of Torokina.
MR. KOMBA also called on the member for Torokina to make sure that his people are ready to support the project that could change Torokina economically.
The Minister for DPI, NICKOLAS DARKU said that the people of Torokina have to come out and tell the government what project be PAWPAW or Pineapple project if they refuse oil Palm.
Other members including the member for South Nasioi, JOHN KEN and the Ex-combatants member for NORTH Bougainville FRANCO HOPPING volunteered to help with negotiating with the people.
And the newly appointed Minister for Public Service, JOEL BANAM wanted the government to be cautious and make sure any violence are avoided at all costs.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG House of representatives JUNE session of Parliament rose this afternoon after sitting starting Tuesday and ending this afternoon.
The house this week amongst other issues passed the policy on Physical Planning that will overseas that buildings are build at proper places and the structures are approved to change the face of our towns.
Other issues that the house addressed included a lot of grievances debate by ordinary members of the ABG house.
The parliament was also adjoned to allow the ABG members listen to the Commissioner of the IRC , DR. ALOIS DUTTON and his team on the need for the ABG to raise more funds to deliver services to the people of Bougainville.
At lunch time today, the members also had a privilege to listen to an officer of the NasFund on why the members need to join NASFUND.
Many of the members filled application forms after the presentation.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Private schools given the ok
By Tapo Tovilu
The minister for Education in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville has come out explaining that all currently operating private schools in the region are operating legally.
He says that the policy on the acceptance of privately run schools in the region is still in place and their legality has been cleared.
He was answering to complaints over concerns that these schools were operating illegally in Bougainville.
The minister added that it is now up to the people of Bougainville to decide whether or not them to attend these schools.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Members for KOKODA Appeals
By Tapo Tovilu
The member for KOKODA in the Central Region Joseph Bawsina has raised issues in his constitution affecting development.
He revelled that his constitution has not enough funds to carry out work on developing the area delaying development.
He also says that other issues include the destruction of sago plants by an unknown pest, sorcery related issues in the area and VTPS school teachers need for recognition.
He says that on the issue of sorcery related deaths, through the help of communities the issue has decreased and will soon be done away with.
Member Bawsina also called on the education minister to recognise the hard work of the Village Tokples School Teachers as they help greatly in the community.
He called on the DPI to send a team into the constitution to try finding ways to contain the sago disease which is killing sago plants.
The Member was speaking during the questions without notice in the third day of the June ABG Parliamentary sitting.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Community Policing for all
By Tapo Tovilu
Bougainville’s peace and growth will depend entirely on the people, the society and the rule of law in the region.
This all will begin from the roots where the rural areas are and at the village level up to the leaders of the ABG.
These were comments made by Constable Lesley Meten on their regular Community Policing Program on New Dawn FM yesterday.
Constable Meten says that the work of community policing is not just for the police but includes every individual in the society and the community as a whole.
He added that with the increasing population and growth of people coming into the region the work of community policing will be everyone’s duty to perform.
He called on people in the communities in Bougainville to head the rule of law and to help the Bougainville Police service keep the peace and normalcy in their individual areas.
Constable Meten also revealed that as part of their awareness programs they will also be visiting schools in the region.
He added that their main purpose is to try and make known to the younger generation of the dangers of being involved in illegal practices.
The topics of the awareness will include the consumption of drugs and alcohol, production and sale of homebrew, pornography and other issues affecting the society.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Bougainville is to commemorate the QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY with a Public Holiday next Monday JUNE 10th, 2013.
According to the Bougainville Chief Administrator, LAWRENCE DISIN, the one day holiday will be observed on Monday only and its normal on Tuesday.
A memo from the Chief Administrator stated that Essential and Emergency Service Staff who required to work throughout the period should have their Officer in Charges put them on roster.
New Dawn FM understands the another public holiday to commemorate the Bougainville Day on June 15th, 2003.
No official statement if the day would be commemorated on Saturday 15th June or Monday June 17th 2003 has been made from the Bougainville leaders.
Source: Radio New Zealand News
Bougainville government learning from Maori agency
Maori consultancy firm Tuia International is helping to develop an autonomous province in Papua New Guinea.
Tuia has set up an office in Bougainville, an autonomous region in Papua New Guinea, to directly engage with local leaders.
Director Mike Taitoko, of Ngati Maniapoto descent, said the Autonomous Bougainville Government is keen to learn from its Maori cousins how to strengthen their economic base, and understand how Maori and the Crown work together on their Treaty settlements.
Mr Taitoko said the support Tuia has had from the New Zealand, Australian, Papua New Guinean, and Bougainville governments has been huge - particularly in looking at significant issues on how to avoid mistakes made in the past.
He said the Autonomous Bougainville Government wants to get its legislative and economic policies right by looking at what Maori have learned.
Mr Taitoko said they want to use an "indigenous lens" to make sure they get things right the first time, as they move towards possible independence.
He said the support Tuia International has given the Bougainville political leaders has landed well with those respective governments, and their support in this project and others moving forward has been quite significant.
Source: Post-Courier
Panguna agrees
Landowners reach agreement to re-open giant gold-copper mine
AFTER 24 years, the leaders, landowners and people of Panguna mine in Bougainville have reached some sort of agreement and are ready to sit down, talk and negotiate for the re-opening of the defunct giant copper-gold mine.
Landowner discontent over equitable distribution and sharing of Panguna mine benefits led to PNG's first serious Bougainville Crisis in May 1989 that went on for about 10 years.

It left about 20,000 dead, including men, women and children, as well as PNG soldiers, policemen and correctional officers.
According to reports from Panguna, the landowners are now ready to kick-start dialogue and negotiations with all the stakeholders, including the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) led by President Fr John Momis, the PNG Government and BCL for the re-opening of the copper-gold mine.
Its is yet to be confirmed how widespread this consensus for negotiations fore the re-opening of the mine is, but it appears that Panguna landowners are now speaking the same language as pro-ABG veterans and ex-combatants
of Ishael Toroama and his group.
But one thing is certain - they want all outstanding issues to be sorted out, including bel kol or compensation payments, customary obligations for blood shed and lives lost during the 10 year crisis from May 1989 to August 2011 when the final peace agreement was signed in Arawa when Sir Julius Chan was Prime Minister.
What is coming out of Panguna is good news for everybody, especially for Dr Momis and the people of Bougainville who need money to develop the province as it moves forward to the scheduled referendum in 2015 when the people will have a say in determining their political destiny.
It also comes at a time when about 10 Chinese and US businessmen who are now in Buka for talks with Dr Momis for possible investment in Bougainville.
The Panguna landowners have elected Lawrence Daveona as chairman of the Special Mining Lease Association, one of six associations that make up the Umbrella Panguna Landowners Association. Mr Daveona automatically becomes chairman of the umbrella association.
The umbrella association has not been registered and Mr Daveona has undertaken to do have it registered as a matter of priority.
The full executive of the umbrella association is chairman Mr Daveona, deputy chairman Richard Avero, treasurer Tony Tapakau and secretary Dennis Nasia.
The association executive met yesterday (Monday) and resolved that they will be the sole representative of their people in any talks with ABG, the national government, BCL and any other interested investor.
Chairman Daveona, who comes from the same village of Guava as late Francis Ona who instigated the 10 year crisis, thanked the landowners for electing him chairman and told them he will make the re-opening of the mine his priority.
"I will fight for what is best for the landowners and for all the people of North, Central and South Bougainville, especially those who died and suffered during the Bougainville Crisis,"he said.
Source: Post-Courier
Momis: ABG not aware of Chinese
THE Autonomous Bougainville Government has distanced itself from the Chinese men who were arrested by police in Arawa last Monday.
Speaking during the ABG Parliament Sitting in Buka this week, President John Momis said he was not aware of their arrival in Bougainville until notified by the Chinese Ambassador to PNG.
Mr Momis said these Asians have been invited by those who have self-interests in their personal gains.
The ABG President said he was personally against people coming into Bougainville to conduct business activities without consulting or notifying ABG, and added that if these Chinese men are found to possess no proper work documents, they should be immediately deported back to where they came from.
Vice President Patrick Nisira, when supporting Chief Momis, said the foreigners who have been conducting their operations in Panguna have been invited by the Me’ekamui faction in the area, and not the ABG.
Mr Nisira added that these illegal investors have continued to cause problems to the people there.
He added that they have also continued to cause instability to the peace building process initiated by ABG in the Panguna area. “Their presence at Panguna is not through the ABG’s invitation, but through the invitation of the Me’ekamui, who continue to choose to remain outside of the process and challenge the ABG in its dealings,” Mr Nisira said.
Mr Nisira said the President will soon be issuing a statement to the Me’ekamui faction in Panguna directing them to advice these foreigners to move out of Panguna, as their presence has continued to cause problems there.
Minister for Mining and member representing the people of Panguna in the ABG, Michael Oni, also supported Chief Momis and Mr Nisira that these foreigners in Panguna were invited by those who had “self-interest”.
He said most of the people of Panguna had already “rejected” these foreigners, however their presence there is only being supported by a few people.
“These foreigners have not been invited into Panguna by the people there. They came into Panguna following invitation from this minority of people who see that they can benefit through the operations of these foreigners,” Mr Oni said.
He added that many Panguna people have already said that they will only be supporting those business operators invited by ABG.
Source: Post-Courier
Ex-combatants call for police intervention
FORMER combatants from the Torokina District in South Bougainville are calling on the Bougainville Police Service to intervene and address the on-going oil palm issue in their district.
The former combatants had decided to voice their plea after learning that these ongoing problems associated with the oil palm project-which has been identified by the Autonomous Bougainville Government to be conducted in their district, has led to some of those involved in this issue already arming themselves.
According to their spokesman, Thomas Kavia, they want police to intervene and disarm those armed men.
Mr Kavia said police intervention is of paramount importance to prevent injury and loss of life. He added that the situation in the area was volatile, therefore police involvement was needed before a mediation process to address this issue can take place. He said those armed men have been engaged to provide security to surveyors from the Hakau Investment Limited.
Mr Kavia said these surveyors were tasked to survey some portion of land earlier identified for this oil palm project, however, there presence in the district has received resistance from other people in the district.
He added that those responsible for inviting the surveyors had armed their men to deter those that have been against their activity.
The Torokina former combatants request was delivered to the BPS hierarchy yesterday.
This oil palm issue flared up about three weeks ago after six of the eight clans from the district that had initially agreed for their land be used to accommodate this project, had disputed the other two clans from engaging Hakau Investment Limited from conducting survey because they wanted to identify the real landowners of that piece of land which has been identified for this project.
Source: PNG Attitude
The rambunctious Leonard Roka is now in print
FOR ALL THOSE FANS OF CAPTAIN BOUGAINVILLE, the immutable champion of island verisimilitude and the sudden nightmare of the pusillanimous, Pukpuk Publications is proud to announce the publication of Leonard Fong Roka’s first volume of poetry.

The Pomong U’tau of Dreams: A Bougainvillean Collection of Poetry is vintage Roka. Every page promises a new way to subvert the English language and jar the sensibilities of the mind.
This is what Roka is famous for and his collection of poetry delivers from the first page right through to the end.
This stuff is awe-inspiring and remains wholly unleavened.
It is raw, brutal, gut-wrenching, gentle, emotional and funny poetry which has a mesmerising pulchritude that will leave you wondering about the unlimited and unrestrained power of the written word.
The poetry smells and sweats of Bougainville. It encapsulates the terror and the heart-wrenching tragedy that has driven the unquenchable spirit of these blacker than black islanders.
Understand Roka and you understand Bougainville.
This is literature in the making and the beginning of a new grand tradition in Melanesian writing.
Buy a copy now and you will own a part of history.
Four sections: Poems for the Beauty of Our Land; Poems on the Bougainville Crisis; Poems on Love and Life; and Poems on Bougainville Politics.
$US10 for 132 delicious pages on Amazon now!
Source: Post-Courier
Cleaning Buka Town
THE World Environment Day which falls on the 5th of June each year is no longer seen by many as an important annual event. Many people have already lost focus on the importance of observing this day.

It seems that educational institutions like elementary, primary, international, high and secondary schools teachers and students are the only ones who are still taking an interest in commemorating this event. Pictured are the students of Kamarau International School in Buka with their principle, Mrs Yaking Haii, collecting rubbish around the Buka town area last week, as part of their World Environment Day campaign to keep Buka town clean. Words and Picture: WINTERFORD TOREAS.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville’s Momis says talks with former army leader going well
The President of the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville, John Momis, says good progress is being made in talks with the former leader of the Bougainville Revolutionary Army, Sam Kauona.
Earlier this year Mr Kauona was strongly critical of the government’s planned mining legislation, suggesting it was being written by an Australian academic, and local Bougainvilleans had no input.
Mr Momis has stressed Bougainvilleans will have a say and will play leading roles in the sector.
He says both men have since been meeting to talk and discuss the issues.
“And in a spirit of collaboration and spirit of reaching an agreement that will get Bougainville on its feet again we have come a long way, in fact, we met again today (Monday) and tomorrow (Tues) we will continue. I am very happy with the progress we are making.”
The President of Bougainville John Momis.
Source: PNG Attitude
Panguna, Bougainville: Will the lost generation speak?
MARTYN NAMORONG | The Namorong Report
IN 2011 I TRAVELLED TO BOUGAINVILLE on an odyssey, sifting through the wreckage of predatory capitalism.
I was travelling on a Dash 8 aircraft similar to the one that had just crashed a week earlier into the rocky terrain of the Rai Coast.
In Bougainville, I saw a beautiful land scared by the decades of conflict. Beneath the turquoise waters, white sandy beaches and swaying palm trees flow the legacy of destruction.
There, beneath the façade of normalcy I met Bougainville’s ‘lost generation’ – the guys in red bandanas, black metal band t-shirts and jeans.
Fast forward to 2013 and I have observed the current discourse on Panguna’s future and have refrained from writing about it as I do not feel qualified to do so, being a ‘redskin’.
However, given how there seems to be a growing push towards the reopening of the mine by what I consider to be Bougainville’s powerful elite, I feel the voices of Bougainville’s “lost generation” need to be heard.
Tony Kevi was a young boy in high school when the crisis began in 1988. His mother is a Panguna landowner and his dad a redskin from Oro Province. His family was broken up by the crisis, like so many other Bougainvillean families.
The Bougainvilleans’ sense of loss for their ‘Me’ekamui’ or sacred land, as Tony saw it, developed as many families felt the Panguna mine couldn’t adequately compensate for their losses.
Bougainville’s ‘lost generation’, who are children forged out of a conflict, feel the pain everyday as they grapple with mental illness and substance abuse.
Tony warns that the restoration of a false sense of normalcy as has made Bougainvilleans complacent about the impacts of the crisis.
Documentary: A perspective on the reopening of Panguna Mine, filmed in 2011
Source: Mekamui News
by mekamui
The Autonomous Bougainville Government needs to get its history books out. According to the ABG, the Panguna mine was ruthlessly imposed on the people of Bougainville by Rio Tinto and the Australian colonial administration, without consultation. This time it will be different, we are told, this time Rio Tinto will have to deal with the ABG, a government of the Bougainvillean people.
What they fail to acknowledge is that nothing the scale of Panguna could have been imposed purely from the outside – there were a range of Bougainvillean and Papua New Guinea collaborators who championed the mine throughout its operation.
These were men who took the top jobs, got the fat contracts to supply services, and who seized the compensation for themselves; and it was these men who told their wantoks that without the mine there would be no development – sound familiar?
It was not only the foreign enemy which Francis Ona and Perpetua Serero rose up against with the Panguna Landowners Association in 1988, it was also the enemy within.
It was John Momis, Michael Somare, Julius Chan, Paias Wingti, Rabbie Namaliu and other fat-cat politicians who had been welcomed in the company and protected its interests. It was traditional landlords like Michael Pariu and Severinus Ampaoi who had grown rich from compensation payments, lucrative business contracts, and steering the landowner trust. It was company men like Joe Auna and Philip Mapah, who acted as BCL’s Bougainvillean face before the media, while enjoying all the executive perks.
Lets see ten years from now if those ‘courageous’ voices coming out in support of the mine today are the ones who grow rich from jobs, consultancies, and contracts, while their relatives and friends bear the burden of the environmental and social harms the mine will inevitably produce.
Self-interest always comes disguised as national-interest – watch as today’s nationalists become tomorrow’s millionaires!
Source: Mekamui News
by mekamui
The reopening of Panguna mine is very high on the Government agenda and many technocrats because of the revenue from it that will boost the economic side of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville. However, the three forums that have been held so far over the 3 Regions of the island itself have been attended by very few people who got the message and were willing and free. Otherwise the same people that travel with the ABG facilitator Raymond Masono, most of them are pro-mining people and maybe one way or the other they are getting paid or being promised payment.
The next forum, which the facilitators hope to be the biggest, has been moved to a later date. Mekamui news once again texted the Meekamui Government officers asking them what’s their latest stand and if they have given some kind of green light or would it be another company instead of the murderer of the Bougainville people during the conflict to come and reopen the mine? Their reply was in Pidgin again: “Maski kainkain forum bai kamap bai nogat mining” Though many forums are taking place there will be no mining.
The Minister for mining in the ABG Michael Oni has told the truth for him and his people in a Pacific beat programme, People have no land to plant their crops. They don't have any land for trees for housing. They have no land to make gardens.
Also the Minister for Community Development Melchior Dare who is from some kilometers from the deep hole says, We have to walk 3-6 hours just on a bush track, which is just outside Panguna because of the terrain. And when Panguna was operating what really affected us was cyanide, cyanide that was used for the industry. It affected our plants, our fruits, our birds but now because Panguna has been closed because of the conflict, now because the level of cyanide has gone down, the fruits have now come to fruiting and our environment is slowly rehabilitating.
One will wonder why they have to facilitate all these forums if they know what Panguna brought to them during its time of operation; the truth is it’s the money that makes us take a no care attitude towards our mother earth. Even though better negotiations and a good deal struck with more landowners participating the negative effects are always higher than the benefits with the mining industry.
A landowner from the area and a main figure Mr Lawrence Daveona says: Discussions on a possible re-opening of the Panguna mine are not reaching people at the village level. This is the truth, as mentioned above in the 3 forums so far most of the people who attended were the once who can travel or have been going with the facilitator above all they are pro-mining people who make money out of it somewhere somehow. Most of the villagers don’t know what’s going on and many of them are busy with their day-to-day duties trying to make their living. They will be taken by surprise when foreigners with their Bougainville counterparts start digging the hole again.
Source: ABC Radio Australia
Bougainville residents claim compensation for helping sorcery victims
Bougainville human rights body urges government not to compensate people who help sorcery victims.
The Bougainville Human Rights Committee has called on its government not to pay compensation to people who help victims of sorcery-related violence.
Committee chair Helen Hakena says claims worth more than $US125,000 have been lodged with the autonomous government of Bougainville by people who helped a victim in a recent case.
Ms Hakena has told Radio Australia's Pacific Beat there could be serious consequences if the government starts paying compensation.
"People would just stand by and watch while others are being killed or accused of sorcery without helping if they are not paid," she said.
"They will just watch while their brothers and sisters or relatives are being killed."
The Bougainville Human Rights Committee is calling on the government not to entertain the claims.
"That's not Bougainville's culture - in our culture we assist freely and do not ask for anything in return."
Ms Hakena says police have confirmed 40 sorcery-related deaths on the island in the past four years.
"The issue of women being victimised is becoming a big concern for us women leaders on Bougainville because women are unarmed, they cannot defend themselves," she said.
"So men are targeting them, communities are targeting them, particularly older women."
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville group calls for respect for sanctity of life
The Bougainville Human Rights Committee says it is up to Bougainvilleans themselves to take action and ensure an end to sorcery killings.
The Committee says it has reports of 40 murders in the past 4 years in the autonomous Papua New Guinea province.

The PNG government late last month abolished the Sorcery Act, which had shielded people from charges over alleged sorcery killings, but the Committee’s chairperson, Helen Hakena (pictured), told Don Wiseman change will only come when people respect the sanctity of human life.HELEN HAKENA: We see that it will be workable if people do the changes themselves. Like when the human rights committee of North Bougainville met today, we asked and pleaded the people of Bougainville to start to respect people’s lives and start to work together in our communities, to take action to stop people to continue to accuse people of sorcery. So I think this is the way to follow in Papua New Guinea. If the government is making laws people will not follow it, but the people themselves need to say what they want, what they will try to do in their communities.
DON WISEMAN: I guess it’s still important for governments and police to take a lead in this process, though.
HELEN HAKENA: Yes, particularly police. They need to investigate and prosecute all cases of sorcery-related killing, because here in Bougainville we have seen that the police, they’re outnumbered by criminals, they’re outnumbered by the number of cases we have, they’re outnumbered by issues. They don’t have enough vehicles or they do not have enough manpower. So that’s why we have been calling on the ABG to continue to push the Bougainville police to investigate even though they are limited in number.
DON WISEMAN: Now, there was a very high-profile incident with an elderly woman, a teacher accused of being a sorcerer earlier this year, and she was murdered. People who came to the aid of the other people that were with her have since been demanding compensation, and you see this as abhorrent.
HELEN HAKENA: Yes, we have heard last week and early this week that there are claims worth 265,000 kina. It has been lodged with the autonomous Bougainville government by individuals seeking compensation or payment for helping just one case, the related killing of the late Helen Rumbali. So there are claims coming through. So we are calling on our government, the ABG , not to entertain such claims. Because in the first place, these people were very sorry. Through their own emotions they wanted to help the family and the victim, so why now ask for compensation when it should have been just the type of help that every Bougainvillean should have been giving a sister or a brother who is in need? So we have been appalled by this report. That’s why the human rights committee of North Bougainville met to try to do something to call on the government not to entertain. Because in the past there has been compensation claims for work that has been done that the government has not budgeted for. So we do not want any govement funding that was not budgeted for to be released to those people who are claiming compensation.
Source: Post-Courier
Panguna Chinese told to leave
BOUGAINVILLE Police have instructed the ‘Panguna Chinese’ to leave the island as soon as possible.
This is because their safety is not guaranteed as frustration is brewing from locals especially ex-combatants in Arawa and elsewhere.
“The Chinese must leave Arawa and Bougainville as soon as possible,” Arawa Police Station Commander Inspector Herman Birengka warned yesterday adding that their safety and lives are of paramount importance at the moment.
Inspector Birengka wanted their local partners to immediately see him as police is now preparing to execute their plan to get rid of all foreigners in the controversial mining site.
Inspector Birengka said they (foreigners) have violated the Bougainville Peace Agreement by just coming into the region without the knowledge of legitimate authority on the ground which is no other than the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) and its police service. Even ABG’s Division of Business, Commerce Trade & Industry which regulates and control the foreigners’ business interest in the region does not know of the foreigners’ influx into Panguna. Even the Labour Department is not aware of the foreigners’ trip to Bougainville.
The no non-sense police boss has already briefed ABG President Chief Dr John Momis on the issue and current situation on the ground.
The police went through the project profile of the Chinese company Zhenyu Wang & Associates and found out that there were many loopholes in between, with some incomplete agreement and warned locals to be very careful in such deals with foreigners.
“We just want to help the locals to be very careful when dealing with such foreigners and on the same note police want to help out the foreigners by getting them out of Panguna Mine and Bougainville as much as possible.”
After thorough investigations by the police last week, they’ve found out the foreigners’ influx into Bougainville is because of arrangements with local organizations without proper processes through ABG.
“For their own good, and their safety, their lives, they must return to where they came from immediately.”
Central Bougainville veterans member Ishmael Toroama said every decision is in the hands of the police to get rid of all the foreigners’ currently in Central Bougainville, not only the Chinese. All foreigners based up in Panguna and Arawa must pack up and go home.
Police warned if Chinese or any foreigners operating in Panguna and Central Bougainville don’t want to heed orders from police will be charged and locked up.
Source: Post-Courier
Women dance for peace
PICTURED are mothers from the Suir constituency in North Bougainville swaying away to the beat of the panpipes during a reconciliation ceremony that was held in the Tinputz District last week. The reconciliation ceremony was held between police based in Tinputz and two men from Suir who had tried to attack police when they were carrying out their policing duties in March last year.

This incident had led to police canceling all their policing and patrol duties to Suir.
Other government services into Suir were also affected following this feud. However, police and other government services can now once again freely flow back into the Suir area following this reconciliation. Even though this problem was caused by men, it was again the womenfolk who were at the forefront spearheading this reconciliation, thus, showing that women always care about ensuring that peace prevails in their communities. Words and picture: WINTERFORD TOREAS.
Source: Post-Courier
Mother calls on ABG to reconcile
A Bougainvillean mother who has been widowed for the last 24 years wants authorities to fast track reconciliation of her deceased husband and those who killed him during the start of the Bougainville Conflict.
Helen Bika, wife of the late John Bika who was gunned down at Toborai Village on the night of September 10, 1989 wants reconciliation to takes its course.
Mrs Bika still carries the scar of witnessing her husband shot dead in front of her in their house. For 24 years she has lived with pain and sorrow. She struggled with raising her five children with school fees and everyday necessities. All she wants now is for the Autonomous Bougainville Government, through its relevant authorities, to fast track the reconciliation so she can have a peace of mind and heart.
Post-Courier had the privilege to talk to her at Toborai Village where she poured out her grievances. “The spiritual side is completed now,” Helen spoke of the opening of St Joseph Community Chapel at the village where her late husband was one of the instrumental people in its planning. “Now all I want is reconciliation to take place. The government, with the families of the late John Bika,” she said.
Late John Bika was the Minister for Commerce and Liquor Licensing Commission in the then North Solomon Provincial Government, under the leadership of Premier Joseph Kabui.
Before his death he was very vocal on the State Government, his version for the now Autonomous Government. It was ill-interpreted and accused him of being a government spy during that time, which led to his execution at his home at Toborai.
Mrs Bika took a swipe at the government, blaming them for turning a blind eye to her family after their father was killed. She confessed struggling with her five children to meet their school fees and other necessities. “I do market just like any other ordinary mother to pay for my children’s school fees. Responsible authorities should have helped but did not. I heard they helped the families of other leaders who were killed during the height of the Crisis. How come they overlooked me and my family?”
Central Bougainville ABG Parliamentarians including Central Bougainville Women Representative Joan Jerome, DPI Minister Nicholas Darku, Church Minister Melchior Dare, Mining Minister Michael Orni and Veteran Affairs Minister David Sisito gave the undertaking that the plight of Mrs Bika and her family will be brought to the highest decision making body, the Bougainville Executive Council (BEC) for deliberation, and will be implemented soon. They assured the family of late John Bika that their reconciliation will be prioritized.
Ex-Combatant spokesperson for Toborai Village, Dominic Babatani told the ABG delegation that there is very big need for reconciliation in their village and asked why the government has turned a blind eye to Toborai, as the village has contributed immensely in the Peace Process by setting a venue for Resistance Fighters and BRA to reconcile.
Mr Babatani want leaders to establish some development projects for his community, including his former combatants of Toborai.
Source: Post-Courier
Three Chinese without work permits
BOUGAINVILLE police have found three out of the total 17 Chinese in Panguna don’t have work permits.

Yesterday Arawa police went through their passports and found that there are 17 Chinese Nationals instead of the 16. While all their passports, work permits and visas are in place, only three of them — who turned out to be the interpreters — have no work permit. Instead, they came armed with business visas.
Arawa Police Station Commander Inspector Herman Birengka yesterday confirmed their passports, work permits and visas were thoroughly checked and screened and all were up to date. However, only the three interpreters are likely to be further questioned and charged by police.
Inspector Birengka and his team went to Panguna yesterday and observed that the 17 Chinese were camped in the mine pit workshop, which is not fit for humans.
The police also observed the Chinese and Americans up in the Panguna Mine area are invited by the local landowner groups.
Police obtained a copy of the Contract Agreement which was signed between a local landowner company called Taviranga-A Management Limited and a Chinese multi-million entity named Zhenyu Wang & Associates which is in China. The 4 page Contract Agreement titled ‘Scrap Steel Sales Contract’ was made and entered into as of December10, 2011 by the two parties. In the Contract Agreement Taviranga-A is an organization for the development of the Panguna community and is responsible for the scrap steel on all of the communal areas in Panguna, including shopping and sports areas.
Furthermore, Taviranga-A has the authority from the Panguna Community to sell on behalf of all of the people in Panguna areas where there are multiple landowners and beneficiaries of the recovered value of the scrap sale. The local company has a distribution plan that includes and benefits all of the people of Panguna community. The term of the contract is for one year unless extended by either party.
ABG President Chief Dr John Momis who was not aware of the Chinese arrival commended Inspector Herman Birengka and his team for taking a tough stand dealing with any foreigners coming into the region. He said if the Chinese are found to be breaching Immigration or Labour law, they must be deported out of the region at once.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Police in Bougainville unsure on legalilty of Chinese workers
The police in the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville are still to decide whether 17 Chinese workers found stripping scrap metal at the abandoned Panguna mine workshops will be charged.
The central Bougainville police commander, Inspector Herman Birengka, says the Chinese were brought in by one group of landowners who had formed a company to take the remaining scrap from the mine site.
He says other landowners have complained about the Chinese workers’ presence, while police are concerned that they do not have the required permission from the Bougainville or national governments to be there.
“There was no proper authorisation, approval given for these people to come into Bougainville, especially in Panguna, where it is a view by people here that it is a sensitive area, for these Chinese nationals to come and work there. And it is a very big concern for people here to have the police get them out of Bougainville before things go out of hand.”
Inspector Herman Birengka says in the meantime the Chinese have been allowed to return to the mine site.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville group says onus on people over sorcery killings
The Bougainville Human Rights Committee says it is up to Bougainvilleans themselves to take action and ensure an end to sorcery killings.
The Committee says it has reports of 40 murders in the past four years in the autonomous Papua New Guinea province.
The chairperson, Helen Hakena, says the abolition of the Sorcery Act will have no effect, and change will only come when people respect the sanctity of human life.
“We plead to the people of Bougainville to start to respect people’s lives and to start to work together in our communities to take action, to stop people from continuing to accuse people of sorcery, so I think this is they way to follow in Papua New Guinea. If the government is making laws the people will not follow it but the people themselves need to say what they want or what they will try to do in their communities.”
Helen Hakena also says the government must speak out on the issue and ensure police are directed and properly resourced to make arrests.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Human Rights stop claims
By Tapo Tovilu
The North Bougainville Human Rights Committee through Women’s groups in the region has made a call to the ABG to refuse any claims relating to sorcery related killings.
Helen Hakena Chairperson for the North Bougainville Human Rights Committee told New Dawn FM news today that many claims have been invoiced to the ABG for assistance given to the victims of the sorcery related killings in Bana District.
She made it clear that assistance given to the families of the victims should not be payed back as it was a form of help given from heart to the victims.
The committee asked the ABG to condemnany future issues which may arise from sorcery related killings.
They also requested the ABG look into setting up a human rights office here in Bougainville to help fight human rights issues.
She added that this call has been on behalf of all the mothers in the region and women’s groups adding that more must be done stop this killings in our rural areas.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Sohia calls to monitor schools
By Tapo Tovilu
Member for Tsitalato Cosmas Sohia during the question without notice expressed concerns over the number of new private schools coming into the region.
His question was based on the issue of the ever increasing number of privately owned schools currently operating in the region with very high school fees.
Directing the question to the Minister for Education, Sohia called on the education department to set up a policy to help monitor and control these new schools.
He explained that many children are given a diploma after two weeks also adding burden on the parents who are forced to pay the high school fees within the very short timeframe.
Member Sohia also added that with the lack of experience and with a two week education the students also find it very difficult in finding employment.
He made a strong call to the house to look into the matter as it was and will continue to threaten the education system in the region.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
IRC in Bougainville
By Tapo Tovilu
The Internal Revenue Commission is in Bougainville for the purpose of strengthening the region in ways it could raise more revenue through the collection of tax.
A team from the IRC in Port Moresby along with the Chief Collector of Taxes in Bougainville during an interview this afternoon on New Dawn FM carried out an awarenesson the important of Taxes in the Region.
Commissioner of Tax from the Internal Revenue Commission AloisDaton made it clear that their main purpose in coming to the region was to meet with the ABG on issues of Taxation in the to help boost the ABG’s revenue.
Chief Taxes Collector in Bougainville Peter Siana told New Dawn FM that the IRC Woking together with the Bougainville Taxation office will be carrying out awareness programs in the 3 regions later this year on taxation.
He explained further that the ABG each year relies on outside funding which makes up 90% its annual finances.
Mr Siana says that the only way Bougainville will improve on this issue would be for it to collect taxes from all profit earning entities in the region.
The team will be in Bougainville for one week and has invited the public to attend an awareness program to be held tomorrow form 9am till 4pm at the Kuri Village resort.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Disaster offices to carry out awareness
By Tapo Tovilu
The disaster office in Bougainville will be carrying out a workshop to prepare districts in dealing with a disaster or an emergency situation.
This was made clear by Coordinator of the Bougainville Disaster Office Franklin Lassie in an interview with New Dawn FM News.
He says that the 3 day orientation workshop will be based on introducing disaster management skills to help them prepare for a disaster.
Mr Lassie says that the making up of the District disaster team will include the District Executive Manager with his Technical Officer from works, Police Station Commander, a Health Officer and a Department of Primary Industry Officer.
They all form the District Disaster Committee and will include a Council of Elders Committee representative.
For the Northern Region the districts include Tinputz District Administration, Selau, Buka, Kunua Nissan and Catrets Island District Administrations.
Mr Lassie also revealed that they will also be introduced to the master plan for Bougainville which is a disaster risk reduction and disaster risk frame work for action.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Bougainville show preps underway
By Tapo Tovilu
Chief Executive Officer for Culture and Tourism Lawrence Bele has confirmed that the preparations for the planedBougainville shows are under way.
Mr Bele says that the name “Bougainville Mona Festival” has been changed to the Bougainville show to focus not just on the Mona but on our cultures and other cultural aspects of the region.
He added that the shows are planned to be on the 25th, 26th and the 28th of July at the Buka showground with preparations already underway.
He also revealed that this year will be the first Bougainville show which will have fireworks shows including two visiting bands from outside.
Mr Bele says that they are working with all stakeholders to prepare for the dates assuring the people of Bougainville that the show will be memorable.
He add also that there will be more than previous years shows and plans to set a stranded to be matched and improved over the years.
Mr Bele called on all Bougainvilleans to come along and see the showcase of our diverse culture and traditions on the days of the Bougainville Show.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Bougainville to benefit from congress
By Tapo Tovilu
Bougainville Football Association will see new changes made to incorporate more the emphasis of change in society from the Village level.
Representing the Oceania Confederation and President of the Bougainville Football association Joe Maineke today told New Dawn FM that the BFA will change for the good of the community.
Mr Maineke added that the congress which he recently attended educated and challenged him in doing more for the people of Bougainville through the sport of soccer.
He also made it clear that more women will benefit from this proposed change planed with Women’s football to be strengthened.
He explained that the Bougainville Football Association Plans on developing football in the village associations to empower and remodel our villages and society and to re-empower of our leaders.
He also revealed that through BFA FIFA plans to build a Soccer Academy in Bougainville to help youths develop their skills while receiving an education.
Maineke says that the land has already being purchased with the initial ground work to commence after the MOU’s are signed.
This all he added is part of the vision and plan he has for football in the region as a tool to help change and remould our Bougainville society.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
BFA President calls for Change in Bougainville
By Tapo Tovilu
The President of the Bougainville Football Association and Member of EX-CO committee of the Papua New Guinea Football Association Joe Maineke today called on all Bougainvillean to change through sports.
His arrival back into the region after attending the 63rd FIFA Congress held in Mauritius in Africa has prompted him to declare change to be implemented in the coming months on football in the region.
Mr Maineke says that also during the congress meeting were discussions and updates on the preparations of the FIFA World Cup which is to be held in 2014.
He added that other issues such as change in the sport were also discussed with emphasis given to more implementation in the development and change for better in the society through the sport.
President of the Bougainville Football Association Joe Maineke.
Source: Post-Courier
Duty first, mine later
ANY mining company wanting to re-open and operate the Panguna Mine will have to honour customary obligations first by settling the 20,000 lives lost and blood shed on the island during the Bougainville Crisis.
This was the stand taken by former combatants during the 4th Regional Veterans Association Forum at Kangu Beach, Buin District in South Bougainville.
All speakers who spoke on the re-opening of the Panguna Mine agenda echoed the same sentiments, most calling for the re-opening of the mine as a priority. However, before the mine is re-opened settlement for the lives lost and blood shed must be customarily sorted out.
Former combatant from Wakunai Glynn Tovirika told the forum that the re-opening of the Panguna Mine is a must as the Autonomous Bougainville Government does not have the funding capacity at the moment to carry out its obligations to provide much-needed services to its population. However, before any mining company including Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) come in to operate, the customary obligation must be met.
“All the blood shed and lives lost during the conflict must be compensated…must be settled in our Bougainville custom. We have custom and such people who want to come and re-open the Panguna Mine must settle this outstanding issue,” Mr Tovirika told hundreds of veterans gathered in Buin last week.
Mr Tovirika said Panguna Mine was central to the Bougainville Crisis thus the cultural value of this place must be upheld.
“I don’t care who comes in to re-open the Panguna Mine, whether BCL or whoever, the story is the same…you have a customary obligation to abide by….and that is to pay for the blood and lives lost before you start digging our mine pit,” Mr Tovirika stated.
Peter Naguo, another outspoken ex-combatant from Buin told the forum that Panguna Mine and our island is cursed by those thousands of lives lost during the fight. "Before the mine is re-opened we have a mammoth task on hand," he said.
"That is to gather all the remains of those who died and put them at their right places. If we don’t do that and open the mine, things will definitely go wrong again because the lives lost are still crying out for a proper burial."
Mr Naguo added that all the reconciliations must be completed before the mine is opened.
All those present shared the same sentiment that outstanding issues on the mining including lives lost, environmental damage and other customary obligations must be adhered to before the opening of the mine becomes a reality.
At the back of their minds, the veterans, like the government and people of Bougainville really want the mine to be operational because the region does not have any strong base of revenue with only funding from the National Government and donors.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Village consultations delay Bougainville forum on mine opening
A former MP in the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville says a planned forum in the Panguna region to discuss the possible reopening of the mine, has been put off until there have been more consultations on the issue at village level.
Theresa Jaintong heads the Arawa Landowners Association and is deputy chair of the Panguna Mine-Affected Landowners Association, which wants the reopening to go ahead.
Her comments come after others involved with land-owning groups in the region, including Lawrence Daveona, said many at village level knew little about and were not taking part in the forums organised by the Bougainville government.
Ms Jaintong says efforts to overcome this are already underway. She told Don Wiseman the forums have already been successfully staged in north and south of Bougainville and drawn a positive response.
THERESA JAINTONG: They are talking and speaking, representing their organisations like the ex-combatants, the Mekamuis, the original Mekamuis, the unity Mekamuis, the former combatants, the women, the youth, the council of chiefs, the churches, and everybody, the leaders, the parliamentarians, are all speaking. The landowners, we are not talking - we are listening to what the people are saying. This is a positive thing to do - not interfere, just listen to what they are saying. So people are speaking. It’s just like an informal referendum for the reopening of the mine. They’re speaking. They’re the majority.
DON WISEMAN: There has been talk of a need, still, for significant reconciliation, a compensation to be paid before you go to the next step.
THERESA JAINTONG: It is a process, so the process will also take care of some of those reconciliation programmes. Even if the mine is a process, this is also a process, the reopening. We are saying it must be opened. So it’s the beginning. When and how? We don’t know yet. As long as people are speaking and there’s rehabilitation, reconciliation and all this, it’s a process. There’s also other areas that we see that are key issues. Those are very important areas that are key issues there. (Indistinct) I’m lucky... not lucky, but happy that Lawrence Daveona is back on the ground, so he can take some leadership here. If he stays outside the box that will not help. He has to get in the system, in the structure of the leadership so that he plays some part in fixing the family unit, so that they’re able to make up their minds.
Source: News Limited Network
Bougainville Copper mine in PNG shut in 1989 on stock market

Paul Toohey | News Limited
IT is an extraordinary situation: 24 years after the world's largest copper mine was closed due to a civil war on Australia's doorstep, the majority Rio Tinto-owned Bougainville Copper Limited still floats on the Australian Stock Exchange.
Former combatants still occupy ground around Bougainville's enormous open-cut Panguna mine site, which has not seen mining activity since 1989, when Papua New Guinean forces attempted to reassert control over its province and the mine, which once contributed 20 per cent of PNG's annual income.
The civil war, which came about in part due to a demand from Bougainville rebels for higher mine royalties, and their anger at natural destruction, resulted in an estimated 10,000 to 15,000 deaths.
Since then, Bougainville has rebranded itself the Autonomous Bougainville Government, and is moving towards an independence referendum within five years.
For years, BCL has been accused of providing equipment that assisted PNG forces in attacking the rebels. BCL chairman, Peter Taylor, denies it, and remains optimistic the mine could reopen in five years.
In this edited interview, Taylor talks about the obstacles to reopening the mine and what it would mean to Australia. He warns that investors may not view Bougainville's likely independence as a positive step for the mine.
Q: It's been more than two decades since the mine was operational. Yet your annual ASX filings are optimistic. Why do you see hope?
TAYLOR: I get the impression that more people in Bougainville are coming onside with reopening the mine, but having said that, there are still some - in the minority - who are opposed to the mine reopening, for a range on reasons. Some are opposed to mining on principle. Some have a family history as a result of what happened when the crisis occurred. But I think more are coming on board with the idea of getting the economy going.
Q: The mine is still in the hands of rebel forces, some of who may be slowly surrendering some of their weapons. Is that your understanding?
TAYLOR: It's all a bit muddy, this concept of rebel forces. The original group under (deceased Bougainville Revolutionary Army leader) Francis Ona has dissipated. Those who are left from the revolution days call themselves Mekamui, a local word, so they've changed from their title. I don't think rebel army is the right term. They're ex - combatants and some are simply disenfranchised. There's nowhere for them to go. I haven't been to the mine site for a long time, I just don't think the time is right for people like me to go there. But a number of Australian diplomats have been there, and contractors can go there. But there's a big difference in someone like me going there, because of the symbolism attached to that. There is a place called Morgan Junction where a group of guys extract a toll to go up the road. But I think they're opportunists trying to extract a buck for going up the road, rather than any political philosophy.
Q: Historically, the largest royalty share from the mine went to the PNG government. It distributed a 1.25 per cent royalty payment to Bougainville (five per cent of that was distributed to land owners, the remainder going to the provincial government). Have you put an offer to Bougainville that is significantly better than that?
TAYLOR: There's been no offers made by either side, and there are more than two sides, actually. You've got the Autonomous Bougainville Government, which didn't exist in the old days, so it's a new entity and people may or may not decide whether they want it to be independent. They are the principle party that deals with the landowners. There are six identified landowner groups, and three others, who aren't on the mine lease but the fringes of it. One of them is supposed to represent the ex - combatants. The Bougainville Government's idea is to get all nine groups to form a single united body that can then negotiate with the Bougainville Government and the national government (which owns 19 per cent of BCL). We really haven't got to the stage where everyone's put their wish - list on the table, but there is jostling. Six of the landowners groups have signed up officially. The people who aren't onside yet are the people around the Panguna area.
Q: Do you in - principle agree with a larger royalty, or larger royalty equivalents through better education and health facilities?
TAYLOR: I do agree that the people of Bougainville should get a larger share of the proceeds than they did in the past. How they take it is a question for them rather than for me. They've got to decide: is the royalty the way to go? Shares in the mine? Royalties upfront? We used to pay it to the national government, which would distribute it to the provincial government. The dispute wasn't about the quantum, but the distribution.
Q: Are you satisfied that allegations that Rio/BCL provided equipment to the PNG forces during the war have been put to rest?
TAYLOR: This is the allegation in a US court case that BCL provided helicopter gunships? It's not true. BCL never owned a helicopter. We chartered them, we never had them. The helicopters that get most attention are ex - Australian military helicopters that were given to PNG on the condition they be used only for humanitarian purposes. My understanding is the PNG government ignored that and put guns on them.
Q: How would Bougainville's independence affect your operations?
TAYLOR: It's an important question for me as a potential investor. When I need to raise the money for this mine, by going to banks and investors, wanting to raise billions of dollars, they're going to say: "Tell me about Bougainville." If Bougainville is the world's newest nation, with no track record of managing projects, as opposed to PNG which has a long track record, it's going to be easier to raise the money if Bougainville doesn't go down the independence route. I wouldn't even go to the market at this stage, because I can't tell the market what they're investing in.
Q: But isn't independence an inevitability?
TAYLOR: I don't know. You'll get Bougainvilleans who'll say, "We spilt blood for independence." There is an element that will say, "We don't want to be part of Papua New Guinea." But if you're an economic rationalist, you might be better off having big brother in Port Moresby bankrolling you. And even if Bougainville votes for independence, the PNG government still has to change its constitution to allow it to happen. And there's a question as whether they'll do it.
Q: You're a mine chairman with no mine. Is your daily work a constant push to restart the mine?
TAYLOR: Absolutely. On a daily basis we're talking to PNG, Bougainville and landowners. There's process to begin ethnographic surveys of the landowners around the mine site so we actually know who our constituents are. That hasn't been done. That's just one project. And we know a lot about the ore body, but it won't be the same technology as before. We'll modernise.
Q: Have you tried to negotiate directly with the intransigent ex - combatant group? What is their bottom line?
TAYLOR: They're not organised. You're dealing with individuals who have particular wants. Some want to be included in the workforce. Some want a school. A hospital. Most of what they want are not things I find unusual. If you take away the title "combatant", it's the sort of stuff you'd expect anybody who's having a major operation like this moved into their area to be asking for.
Q: This long - lasting event so close to our shores was horrific. How did it feel to be part of it?
TAYLOR: I think it took not just the company but the Australian Government by surprise. I don't think anybody saw it coming. I've thought about it many times: "How did it actually happen?" There's no simple answer. A whole lot of things aligned. I don't believe Francis Ona, the leader of the rebel group, wanted to close the mine. He wanted a bigger share. He didn't think landowners were getting a fair cut.
Q: BCL continues to trade at around 50 cents a share when the mine has been closed 24 years. That's unusual, isn't it?
TAYLOR: I think there's more justification for the BCL share price than I do a lot of other speculative companies in the mining sector who haven't even discovered anything. We know what the value of our ore body is, based on current metal prices. The punters are saying, "Well, if we can ever commercialise that, it'll be a good return."
Q: Australia has taken the view since the time of Whitlam that there should be fewer smaller states in our region that could potentially fail. Is that your understanding?
TAYLOR: I've never heard Australia say it that way but I think it's right. There's this division throughout the region, of which first nation looks after which developing nation. If you look at Australia's patch, its got some pretty terrible examples small nations: it has this dilemma with Fiji, it's still pouring money into the Solomon Islands, it's got Bougainville and other micro states which depend almost entirely on Australian and New Zealand aid. And at the political level, all these little states have one vote at the UN, which creates another dynamic: who is going to be the influential power, China or the West?
Q: How do you keep going, day to day, when the project is still so far off?
TAYLOR: This is not a job for someone who wants a result by Friday. In our industry, we take a long - term view. We have projects which can last 50 to 100 years. You don't want to be in a screaming rush, you've to get it right. And there's a pretty salutary lesson to be had from when we didn't get Bougainville right.
Q: BCL is a PNG company, though listed on the ASX for historical reasons. If I was a prospective PM, such as Tony Abbott, why would I care about the success of the reopening of this mine?
TAYLOR: There's not a cash flow to the Australian government. What there is, is PNG being closer to self-sufficiency so Australia doesn't have to keep providing aid. The idea is to make them economically sustainable, rather than keep having to hand out money. That's what's in it for Australia.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville’s government wants veterans to be opposition
The Autonomous Bougainville Government’s Veteran’s affairs minister, David Sisito, says he wants the region’s war veterans to act as the opposition to the Bougainville government.
Mr Sisito says the veterans must play their part in advising the government of its direction in the absence of any formal oppostion in the Bougainville House of Representatives.
The Post-Courier reports him saying the veterans fought for freedom and should be advising and challenging the government and talking openly about issues such as law and order and weapons disposal.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville mother wants reconciliation
A Bougainvillean mother who has been widowed for the last 24 years wants authorities to fast track reconciliation of her deceased husband and those who killed him during the start of the Bougainville Conflict.
Helen Bika, wife of the late John Bika who was gunned down at Toborai Village on the night of 10th September, 1989 want reconciliation to takes its course.
Mrs Bika still carries the scar of witnessing her husband shot dead in front of her in their house. For 24 years she had lived with pain and sorrow.
She struggled with raising of her five children with school fees and everyday necessities.
All she wants now is for the Autonomous Bougainville Government through its relevant authorities to fast track the reconciliation so she could have a peace of mind and heart.
Post-Courier had the privilege to talk to her at Toborai Village where she poured out her grievances.
“The spiritual side is completed now,” Helen spoke of the opening of St Joseph Community Chapel at the village where her late husband was one of the instrumental people in planning the Chapel establishment.
“Now all I want is reconciliation to take place. The government, with the families of the late John Bika,” she said.Late John Bika was the Minister for Commerce and Liquor Licensing Commission in the North Solomon Provincial Government under the leadership of Premier Joseph Kabui.
During his death he was very vocal on the State Government, his version for the now Autonomous Government.
It was ill-interpreted and accused him of being a government spy during that time which led to his execution at his home at Toborai.
Mrs Bika took a swipe at the government blaming them for turning a blind eye to her family after their father murder.
She confessed struggling in taking care of her five children.
I do market just like any other ordinary mothers to pay for my children’s school fees.
Responsible authorities should have helped but did not.
I heard they helped the families of other leaders who were killed during the height of the Crisis. Why do they overlooked me and my family.”
Central Bougainville ABG Parliamentarians including Central Bougainville Women Representative Joan Jerome, DPI Minister Nicholas Darku, Church Minister Melchior Dare, Mining Minister Michael Orni and Veteran Affairs Minister David Sisito gave the undertaking that the plight of Mrs Bika and her family will be brought to the highest decision making body, the Bougainville Executive Council (BEC) for deliberation and will be implemented soon. They assured the family of late John Bika that their reconciliation will be prioritised.
Ex-Combatant spokesperson for Toborai Village Dominic Babatani told the ABG delegation that there is very big need for reconciliation in their village and why is the government turning a blind eye to Toborai as the village has contributed immensely in the Peace Process by setting a venue for Resistance Fighters and BRA to reconcile.
Mr Babatani want leaders to establish some form of development projects for his community including his former combatants of Toborai.
Source: Post-Courier
Police, Suir people reconcile
PEOPLE in the Suir Constituency in North Bougainville can now look forward to seeing the presence of police again in their area after staging a big reconciliation ceremony with police last Friday.
It has been over a year since police in the Tinputz District had decided to call off all their community policing duties and patrols into the Suir area following an incident where they were ambushed and shot at by one of the youths from Suir in March last year.
According to the former Tinputz police commander First Constable Roger Tarataon, they were returning to Tinputz after locking up a suspect at the Buka Police Station cell, when they came across a roadblock which was setup by some disgruntled people from Suir.
Their leader, Recobert Sibon. was given the order by another man from his village to ambush police because they were not happy with them for transporting the suspect to Buka.
The suspect from another village in Suir had raped a small girl from Sibon’s village before murdering her.
This resulted in the girl’s relatives deciding that the accused should be handed over to them so they would kill him in retaliation over what he did.
However, the relatives became very angry after learning that they were very late with their plan as police had already transported the suspect to Buka, which led to them setting up the ambush.
As the police vehicle came to a stop at the roadblock Sibon, who was armed with a homemade and modified 303 rifle fired a shot at the police before running off into the bushes, with the bullet penetrating through the bonnet of the vehicle.
The incident led to police withdrawing all their service to the Suir area. Other Government services into the area were also affected.
Though police and the former combatants from Tinputz had wanted to arm themselves and travel to Suir to arrest those responsible, they were told not to do so as this would have led to more problems.
However, this feud between police and those responsible from Suir finally came to an end last Friday.
During the reconciliation ceremony, Jeffery Yansi who gave the order to setup the roadblock and Sibon finally came face to face with Const Tarataon and other policemen.
Both parties then reconciled with the other after Yansi and Sibon’s plea for forgiveness was accepted by Const Tarataon and police.
The gun which Sibon had used was also handed over to police during the reconciliation.
Invited guests who witnessed the reconciliation included North Bougainville police commander Snr Insp Cletus Tsien, representatives of the New Zealand police based in Buka, ABG members Luke Karaston (Suir Constituency) and Micah Mose (Taonita Teop) and the chiefs and Government representatives from Tinputz and Suir areas.
Source: Australia Network News
Chinese nationals taken into custody in Bougainville
by Jemima Garrett for Pacific Beat
Police on Papua New Guinea's island of Bougainville have taken 16 Chinese nationals into custody near the site of the Rio Tinto owned Panguna copper mine.
The men, believed to be working with a small North American company operating in the Panguna tailings and selling scrap metal, are being investigated for work permit violations.
Bougainville Police chief inspector, Herman Birengka, led the party of police who made the arrests.
He says the group has been taken into custody for further questioning about their visas and work permits.
"This is normal police duty to interview them, to know why they are in Bougainville and who invited them," he said.
He says Panguna is a sensitive area and his role is to ensure foreign nationals comply with all the necessary processes.
The chief inspector says it should take 24 hours to complete the work permit and visa checks.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Village consultations delay Bougainville forum on mine opening
A former MP in the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville says a planned forum in the Panguna region to discuss the possible re-opening of the mine, has been put off until there have been more consultations on the issue at village level.
Theresa Jaintong, who heads the Arawa Landowners Association and is deputy chair of the Panguna Mine-Affected Landowners Association, says the Forum has been put aside indefinitely.
Her comments come after others involved with landowning groups in the region raised concerns that there is still a need for reconcilation and compensation before opening of the mine is discussed.
Ms Jaintong says this is all part of the wider exercise.
“We are saying it must be open so it is the beginning [of the process]. To say when and how we don’t know yet, as long as people are speaking, and then rehabilitation and reconciliation and all this - it’s a process.”
Theresa Jaintong
Source: Post-Courier
16 Chinese in Panguna mine
CENTRAL Bougainville police and ex-combatants will move into Panguna today to pick up 16 Chinese nationals in the mine area.
They will be brought to Arawa Police Station for questioning and screening of their work documents.
Central Bougainville Police Commander Inspector Herman Birengka gave this undertaking yesterday when the Post-Courier asked him how the Chinese ended up in the blocked off, controversial mining area.
Police and ex-combatants will make the move as tension is brewing now from locals who are questioning those in authority how foreigners can just walk into Panguna under the eyes of authorities on the ground, including the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) and the Bougainville Police Service.
Locals, especially ex-combatants, took a swipe at Immigration officials in Port Moresby over the arrival of the 16 Chinese nationals.
The 16 Chinese – three of them interpreters – will have all their work permits, passports and visas thoroughly screened and checked at the Arawa Police Station to see if they are genuine.
If they are found to be illegally here, they will be locked up at the Arawa Police Station cells, Insp Birengka told the Post-Courier.
According to police intelligence, the Chinese have been recruited by a group of Americans (company named) based at Panguna to come over and ‘help’ out in their operations.
By today police should have a clear indication whether the group is involved in the gold business or scrap metal operations at the Panguna mine site.
The group arrived last week from Port Moresby through Buka and then to Arawa where they went to Panguna.
Insp Birengka believes the Chinese have been recruited and employed by the Americans based in Panguna.
“Right now we have two groups of nationals up in Panguna – the Americans and the Chinese. This is a very serious issue on the ground as the legitimate authority on the ground, including ABG through its Bougainville Police Service does not have a fair idea on the arrival of these people,” Insp Birengka said.
When quizzed if locals are masterminding the influx of the foreigners, Insp Birengka could not confirm this, but he said this was possible.
He warned that local organisations must go through the right channels and proper processes as stipulated under the Bougainville Constitution instead of doing things on their own.
“They must report to the legitimate authorities instead of coming into the region on their own will.”
Inspector Birengka is also appealing to locals or any organisation wanting to bring in foreigners for whatever reasons that they must alert authorities on the ground, especially ABG and its police.
Central Bougainville Veterans Association spokesperson Junior Dake when giving a briefing on the presence of the 16 Chinese to former combatants in Buin, said the Chinese if processed and found to be illegally in Bougainville, will be locked up at the Arawa Police Station.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville veterans challenged
AUTONOMOUS Bougainville Government Minister for Veteran Affairs David Sisito wants the veterans to act as the Opposition for ABG.
Mr Sisito made the call at the 4th Bougainville Regional Veterans Meeting at Kangu Beach, Buin District, in South Bougainville yesterday.
He said the veterans must play the part of Opposition in the decisions of ABG to advise which way the Government should follow in the absence of an Opposition in the Autonomous Bougainville Government House of Representatives.
Mr Sisito outlined this day as an historical day as this was the first time a formal meeting was being held by the three regional veterans association.
He urged the veterans to talk openly on the issue of weapons disposal and conduct more awareness and also explain to the people how this issue was to be addressed and move on from there, stating that “you’re the owner of the fight to freedom and you’re the only one who will progress or dump this young nation’’.
“You are the ones who fought this war for freedom, you are the ones who will decide and advice the government what to do,” Mr Sisito said.
He highlighted ABG’s plan for referendum to be held in 2016 and no later than that.
He also challenged the veterans to take ownership of law and order issues by working with the chiefs and police as they were the ones who had fought for freedom for Bougainville.
Mr Sisito told hundreds of veterans from North, Central and South Bougainville that he was more than positive and confident that Bougainville would achieve full referendum.
“When we achieve that referendum, then we will see the real freedom. Therefore, in this meeting we must tell and advice the Government on how Bougainville should go on from here,’’ he said.
Mr Sisito gave directives to his Chief Executive Officer Aaron Peter to immediately fast track three officers to be situated at North, Central and South.
Source: Post-Courier
Drunkards, mothers arrested
BUKA town in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville is now being described by many as a ‘drunkard town’.
This is because nearly everyday drunkards can be seen freely consuming alcohol and causing nuisance to the general public.
Most of these drunkards, especially those consuming locally brewed alcohol, have revealed that they have been buying homebrew from mothers at the Buka town buai market.
Though police have always tried their best in conducting awareness to discourage people from consuming alcohol, many drunkards have not heeded these calls.
This has resulted in police deciding to take a tougher stand on those consuming alcohol in public places.
Last Friday saw many drunkards being arrested by police and locked up at the Buka police station cell.
Police also staged a road block near the Buka Airport and confiscated a number of 500ml coca-cola soft drink containers filled with homebrew.
The homebrew were confiscated from mothers who were trying to smuggle them to sell with their other market produce at the market.
One of these women was also arrested earlier on Tuesday after being caught by police selling homebrew at the market.
Apart from Buka town, Kokopau town in the northern tip of Bougainville is also now being seen as a haven for drunkards.
Nearly in every public place, drunkards can be seen happily consuming alcohol and causing fear to others, especially mothers.
Meanwhile, the four mothers from Solos in the Peit constituency of Buka, who were arrested by police last week for selling homebrew at the Buka town buai market, will appear at the Buka District Court this Wednesday.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville President says new passenger ship is part-owned by Government
The President of the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville has confirmed the island will soon have its very own passenger ship for services to and from PNG.
Dr John Momis made the comments while defending the Bougainville government against accusations regarding its work with outside investors.
New Dawn reports the accusations claim the proposed new passenger vessel will be owned by PNG businessman Sir Henry Chow.
Dr Momis says the ship will come under the joint partnership of the government and Sir Henry.
He says both his government and Sir Henry put in 3 million US dollars each, meeting the cost of the new 6 million US dollar vessel which is currently still under construction in China.
Mr Momis says other memorandum’s of understanding signed by the Bougainville delegation that visited China in 2010 have no legal or financial implications on the government, but through them Bougainville can seek assistance and guidance in developing industries to boost its economy.