News 01.2011
Source: Post-Courier
Landowners set for Panguna
By Fabian Gatana
PANGUNA landowners are now incorporating their associations in preparation for the selection of their umbrella association to kickstart the review of the Bougainville Copper Agreement and negotiations for the mine re-opening.
Two landowner associations from the six Panguna special mine lease areas have registered their associations with the Investment Promotion Authority. Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association and the Lower Tailings Landowners Association have incorporated their associations while the other four lease areas are still to register.
Landowner groups still to register include the Upper Tailings Lease Landowners, the Port-Mine Access Road Lease Landowners, Uruawa Lease Landowners and the Arawa Urban Lease Landowners communities. The associations were formed to promote peace and co-operation amongst landowners in the special lease areas. It should enable them to participate, encourage, facilitate and monitor the sustainable utilisation and exploitation of the natural resources in and around the Panguna mine area. It aims to provide for the collective benefit of all Panguna Landowners. The associations also intend to carry out education, training and awareness campaigns on environmental issues, development, human rights and land and resource rights for the Panguna people.
The ABG Mining department is currently assisting the special mine lease landowners in incorporating their associations.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
BOUGAINVILLEANS have shed concern s over the unsettled debts and outstanding claims left behind by the former North Bougainville MP, Michael OGIO.
The unsettled debts and outstanding claims, which have allegedly been collecting dust in the member’s office, have drawn a serious concern among the people of North Bougainville.
And they are questioning Mr. OGIO on how these funds would be settled.
They claimed he has not settled outstanding claims stemmed from projects not funded over the years since 2007 which also includes service providers’ invoices.
A complainant said a lot of these projects with their allocated funds promised by Mr. OGIO were not fulfilled.
He said as a service provider assisting Mr. OGIO since he came into power as the member for North Bougainville, so far nothing has been done to settle debts.
He added many outstanding issues are yet to be settled and the North Bougainville people are still waiting patiently.
He said some of Mr. OGIO’s special commitments including overdue claims still remain pending and this also includes the DSIP funded projects that has not benefited the people.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
ACP for the Bougainville Police Service, THOMAS ELUH has issued a stern warning to all police officers serving on Bougainville.
He said any member of the police service caught involved in police brutality and humiliation of any member of the public will be penalised.
ACP ELUH said zero tolerance will be given to police officers found in any form of brutality, humiliation and abuse to any member of the public.
Mr. ELUH said the police primary role is to protect life, property and to serve the community with utmost trust and respect under any circumstances.
He added the law only allows for reasonable force to be used in circumstances of imminent threat to life and property when in danger of permanent injury or death.
ACP ELUH said now is an opportune time to rethink our police approach to policing on Bougainville due to the painful lessons learnt in the Bougainville crisis.
Mr. ELUH strongly believes that a combination of traditional and community policing is the best way forward for the Bougainville Police Service.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
A senior Doctor from the Buka General Hospital is calling on the people of Bougainville to eat good healthy food to remain healthy.
DR. JOSEPH VILOSI told New Dawn FM that diabetes was on the increase in young youths due to the heavy consumption of homebrew.
He said that the problem was on the rise and questioned how Bougainville will become independent without a healthy workforce.
DR. VILOSI also called on the leaders and chiefs to make sure that young under-aged are not allowed to drink any form of alcohol.
He said that the law to punish under-aged youths for drinking alcohol must be enforced on Bougainville.
DR.Vilosi said that he was very concerned to see young school-aged youths drinking alcohol and becoming a nuisance in the communities.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
A New Day High School in the Haku area, North Bougainville will open its doors for the first time when School begins on 7th of February.
This was revealed by the ABG Minister for Education, JOHN TABINAMAN.
He said that Ninety students were selected from the six primary schools within the Haku Constituency to occupy two grade 9 classes, with four teachers appointed to facilitate learning in the new high school.
Last Tuesday Minister Tabinaman visited the school to assess whether infrastructure was in place for student intakes this year and also see the physical site of the total land area of the high school.
He was convinced that the new infrastructure was ready to cater for Haku Day High School.
Most importantly Mr. Tabinaman was impressed with the size of land allocated for the high school by the landowners of that area.
He said a four-in-one classroom building and two teacher’s houses provided by the Tanamalo Primary School would cater for the first grade 9 intakes.
Mr. Tabinaman added little work is still needed on the current four-in-one classroom building to improve its condition.
He requested the people of Haku Constituency especially the communities who benefited from the high school to co-operate with the Education Division and complete the necessary preparation work to meet target date for 2011 classes.
The new Haku Day High School came as a request from the people of Haku Constituency during the first ABG and 2011 was earmarked for the commencement of the high school.
It is located within Tanamalo Primary School, a United Church Agency School.
Source: ESBC Research
BCL and ESBC investigate on algorithmic trading activities on the ASX.
Today BCL's company secretary Paul Coleman confirmed that Bougainville Copper Limited is aware of suspicious trading activities in BOC shares on the Australian stock market in Sydney (ASX). BCL and the ESBC took the necessary steps to investigate the actual situation. Mr. Coleman is confident that the ASX will find out if there is fraudulent market manipulation behind the algorithmic trading that made plunge the BOC share price sensibly within the last days.
Algorithmic trading is often an indication for Hedge funds activities. In consequence the volatility has nothing to do with any positive or negative facts from the ground in Bougainville! As only 27 percent of Bougainville Copper shares are in free float, the BOC share is an ideal target for share price manipulation – either UP or DOWN.
The ESBC invites all investors in Bougainville Copper shares to keep cool and not to panic. The experience shows that algorithmic trading can cause strong temporary losses but very strong gains as well. A turn-around to soaring share price may be very near.
If you are interested to find out more about algorithmic trading please click here!
Source: ESBC Research
BCL und ESBC lassen automatisierte Handelsaktivtäten an der ASX überprüfen.
Wie BCL Company Secretary Paul Coleman heute bestätigte ist Bougainville Copper Ltd. (BCL) bekannt, dass es verdächtige Handelsaktivitäten in BOC Aktien an der australischen Börse in Sydney (ASX) gibt. BCL und die ESBC haben die notwendigen Schritte eingeleitet, die aktuelle Situation untersuchen zu lassen. Coleman ist zuversichtlich, dass die ASX herausfinden wird, ob betrügerische Marktmanipulationen hinter dem automatisierten Handel stecken, der den BOC Aktienpreis in den letzten Tagen merklich fallen ließ.
Automatisierter Handel ist oft ein Hinweis auf Aktivitäten von Hedge-Fonds. Daraus folgt, dass die offenkundige Volatilität weder mit positiven oder negativen Nachrichten aus Bougainville selbst zu tun hat. Da nur etwa 27 Prozent der Bougainville Copper Aktien auf dem Markt frei zu handeln sind, ist die BOC Aktie ein ideales Angriffsziel von Preismanipulationen – nach oben, wie auch nach unten.
Die ESBC raten allen in Bougainville Copper Investierten, einen kühlen Kopf zu bewahren und nicht in Panik zu geraten. Die Erfahrung lehrt, dass automatisierter Handel sowohl große Verluste als auch große Gewinne zeitigen kann. Eine Trendwende zu steigenden Preisen könnte sogar unmittelbar bevorstehen.
Wer mehr über automatisierten Handel wissen möchte sollte hier klicken!
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Mekamui soldiers in the Konnou area of Buin this morning raided Mongai village killing one youth and wounding several others.
According to reports from Buin, the people of Mongai were having a soccer competition when they were attacked.
The South Bougainville Police Commander, Inspector Paul Kamuai whilst confirming the attack said that this localized fighting in the Konnou area must be stopped quickly before more deaths occur.
He said from Buin this afternoon, that there have been peace talks between the Mekamui and Freedom Fighters since the end of last year and today’s killing has jeopardized this peace initiative.
New Dawn FM understands that nearly all killings by the so called mekamui in the Konnou area have been during peace negotiations.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Chief Executive Officer for Nissan District, GEORGE TARALA this afternoon thanked the Health Division for involving them in the Health Division’s Five Year Plan 2011-2015.
He said that Health Division was the only division that was functioning well and performing its duties to deliver Health Services to the rural communities.
MR. TARALA said that by involving the CEO’s from the Districts, it was making them more aware of the division’s activities in the districts.
He says that the District CEO’s will continue to work with the Health Division to make sure that Health service is delivered to the communities.
MR. TARALA was speaking at the closing of the Health Planning workshop on Sohano island.
He also called on other divisions to follow the example of the Health Division to involve other stakeholders in their programs.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The CEO for Health on Bougainville, DR. ANTHONY PUMPARA today thanked participants of the HEALTH PLANNING WORKSHOP for their contribution towards setting the road map for the division.
He said that their contribution in putting flesh to the skeleton plan has made it possible for his office to finalize the Bougainville Health Strategic Plan 2011 to 2015.
DR. PUMPARA said that the draft plan would be presented to the National Health Department when they visit Bougainville on February 21st this year.
He said that the final draft for the plan would be completed by March this year.
The CEO for Health was speaking at the closing of the Health Planning workshop which started on Monday this week.
He also thanked Chief Executive Officers from the Districts for participating and contributing towards the Bougainville Health Plan.
DR. PUMPARA said the aim of involving them was to make sure that as heads in the districts, they must know how the Health facilities are operating.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Safety first
By Aloysius Laukai
Safety Advisor on Bougainville, Ex Savior Tsiwa is calling on the residents of Buka Town to be safety conscious at all times.
MR. TSIWA who runs safety first courses in Buka town told New Dawn FM that he was very concerned at the safety standards being exercised in Buka town.
He said that the small town of Buka is packed by people especially students going back to school that they must think of safety when crossing roads and rushing to make last minute shopping.
MR. SIWA said that as a Safety advisor he wants to remind the public to be safety conscious at all times.
He said that accidents occur because people do not adhere to small safety precautions.
Source: Malum Nalu (PNG)
Nexus between Bougainville crisis and National Alliance Party crisis: Panguna Mine
BOUGAINVILLE Copper Agreement (BCA) was entered into between Australian Government and Rio Tinto Zinc subsidiary Conzinc Rio Australia in 1969.
Many Bougainville leaders and people objected but the United Nations had wanted transfer of government rule to Port Moresby.
A major economic project was needed to underpin a new nation’s economy. So was born the Panguna mine.
In 1974, only two years after mine production, Michael Somare led a team of young nationalist leaders in John Kaputin, John Momis and others to renegotiate the BCA.
Then after further 14 years new generation leaders from Panguna mine led a revolt on Bougainville.
It took 10 years of war for Bougainville leaders to make a stand.
A special regime for Bougainville was agreed to in 2001.
The significance of this Agreement was that Bougainville Government would be responsible for mines on Bougainville.
However, in 2005 National Alliance government enacted the Mineral Resources Authority Act 2005 that in essence took back the power the government of Bougainville had.
Now Autonomous Bougainville Government is lost and confused.
Somare and Momis are now on either side of the mining power divide on Bougainville.
In time PNG will come to know Somare well.
At independence he led Pangu Pati to national fame.
In the last 10 years of his political career he gathered a group of leaders who formed an alliance.
An alliance is not an entity at law.
It is a group of individuals coming together to share common interest.
In 2002 the National Alliance Party was born.
It was not out of necessity.
Rather it was out of convenience.
Pangu Pati had young leaders who resisted Somare leading it again.
He formed National Alliance Party and destabilised Pangu Pati.
Now he has destabilised the National Alliance Party.
By appointing Sam Abal who is not a deputy leader of National Alliance Party as the deputy Prime Minister, Somare has clearly rejected the deputy leaders of his party.
Somare’s leadership is painted with leadership of lust for power.
Power play politics Somare used as his way of neutralising and ejecting leaders with potential Prime Minister material.
PNG is proud to have St Michael the Archangel as its Patron Saint.
He led an army of angels to defeat Lucifer in heaven.
Now he will see PNG being free of political power play and denial of development for all.
Source: Post-Courier
North Bougainville by-election set
THERE will still be a by-election held for the North Bougainville Open Electorate seat, the office of the Papua New Guinea Electoral Commission (PNGEC) has confirmed.
The North Bougainville seat was left vacant by current Governor- General elect Michael Ogio after he was elected by Parliament on January 14.
PNG Electoral Commission by virtue of Section 106 of the Constitution is obliged as the election management body of PNG to plan and conduct a by- election for the vacant North Bougainville Open electorate.
Section 106 of the Constitution states that a by-election must be conducted as soon as a vacancy exists in the seat of a Member of Parliament which is now the case for North Bougainville.
This means that there is now a vacancy in the office of the North Bougainville MP in Parliament and Section 106 of the Constitution must now be given effect to and a by-election must be conducted.
The vacancy occurred outside of the 12 months period before the fifth anniversary of the date fixed for the return of writs for the previous general election which was July 30, 2007.
Electoral Commissioner Andrew Trawen who is on holiday said: “It is safe for PNGEC to conduct a by-election now for North Bougainville.”
Mr Trawen has directed his senior officers to work out the costs involved and draw up a by-election program as well as communicate with the people on the ground in Bougainville on logistics.
Meanwhile Acting Bougainville Electoral Commissioner Mathew Kusa said they have already allocated a budget of K2.1 million for the by-election.
Mr Kusa said the Bougainville Electoral office has drawn up an election program that will be as follows:
nMarch 21: Issue of Writs
nApril 20: Nominations close
nMay 14: Start of pooling
nMay 20: End of pooling and
nJune 10: Return of Writs
Mr Kusa said Electoral Commission is an independent body that has to fulfil the law on National Elections and to maintain and protect the Organic Law of the National and Local Level Governments Elections.
Source: Post-Courier
‘Mi Gat Pawa’ a success in Bougainville
THE previous visits carried out by the Bougainville HIV/AIDS Task Force through the HIV Operation “Mi Gat Pawa” in the communities of Haku and Halia constituencies have been hailed a success which pushes for the continuation of such programs.
This is according to the HIV/ AIDS Response co-ordinator for the Bougainville Aids Committee Ray Himata
“Through positive responses received from the communities of Haku and Halia constituencies resulting in the number of people turning up for voluntary counselling and testing,” Mr Himata said.
He said this paved the way forward for the HIV/AIDS Task Force to carry out more programs to help rural communities throughout Bougainville. “Bringing HIV mass testing and counselling to their door steps gives the people more chance in receiving the service,” he said.
He said during the last visits, they concentrated on the test for HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI).
He said this year they planned to include other health issues such as testing of sugar levels, Tuberculosis (TB) and provide family planning and dental services.
“These health services can be accessible and cheaper for people when put in one basket during the constituency visits where people in the rural communities have difficulty in seeking such services,” he said.
Mr Himata said during Christmas they have carried out these combined health awareness in the Fead Island in the Atolls constituency.
He said this coincided with the HIV and Syphilis testing and it proved to be successful.
He said people in the Atolls appreciated the health services provided to them, saying it would have cost them K600-K700 for them to come to Buka General Hospital to receive such services.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Bougainville visits
By Aloysius Laukai
The Division of Health on Bougainville is very concerned at the number of groups entering Bougainville either to carry out awareness on Health Issues and also to sell medical drugs to the stores.
CEO for Health Division, DR. ANTHONY PUMPARA says that his division is aware of these activities but cannot do anything about them until the Health Powers are drawn down to Bougainville.
He told New Dawn FM that many groups are coming from outside and going to the villages instead of reporting to the authorities the purpose of their visit to Bougainville.
The CEO said that once the powers are drawn down, they would make it their priority to make sure that all good friends of Bougainville and NGO follow strict guidelines on how they should operate on Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Put in second place
By Aloysius Laukai
A Bougainville chief is calling on the Electoral office to use avenues available to declare the runner up for the last National Elections to temporarily take of office instead of conducting the By-election.
The Chief who wants to remain anonymous told New Dawn FM in Buka that when the LPV voting system was introduced there was a talk of saving expensive by-elections by appointing the runner- up if the member resigns or dies.
He said and due to the time in which the General Election will be conducted the best option is to appoint the runner up from the last election.
The chief said that the Electoral Office is yet to settle outstanding commitments from the ABG Elections and would find it difficult to get assistance until it settles these bills first.
New Dawn FM understands that the runner up for the North Bougainville seat and former National member died at the end of last year.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The people of North Bougainville will be able to put in their new member to the National Parliament by June this year.
The Acting Bougainville Electoral Commissioner, MATHEW KUSA has announced.
MR. KUSA said that he has already done costing for the North Bougainville seat By election at TWO POINT ONE MILLION KINA.
The Bougainville Acting Electoral Commissioner has also set date for the coming by-election.
He says that Writs would be issued on March 21st, Nominations will close on April 20th,May 14th start of polling and June 10th will be the return of writs.
Meanwhile, Outstanding from the last ABG General Election is said to be about TWO MIILION KINA.
And according to an Electoral office staff these out-standings must be met so that the coming by-election can run smoothly.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Delayed Joint Supervisory Meetings between the Papua New Government and the Autonomous Bougainville Government is further delaying draw down of powers and Health functions to Bougainville.
The CEO for Health division, DR. ANTHONY PUMPARA told New Dawn FM in Buka today that the ABG on August 24th last year gave notice to the National Government its intention to draw down powers and functions in relation to rural health services and HIV Aids.
He said that this was done after several consultations with their national counterparts which led to the development of a final draft of the MOU for presenting to the JSB meeting.
DR. PUMPARA says that the draft MOU is hanging waiting for the JSB meeting to see.
New Dawn FM understands that since the inauguration of ABG President John Momis in June last year, there has been only one JSB meeting.
This is the forum where major issues affecting Bougainville can be addressed.
Source: ESBC
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Source: Post-Courier
Ex-rebel challenges government
By Peterson Tseraha
FORMER Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA) Chief of Operations Peter Naguo has challenged the Autonomous Bougainville Government members to work together with President John Momis.
He said it was too early and not right for a lot of ABG members to form opposition groups within the government.
“This is very disappointing, especially with the new and second ABG house. I as an ex combatant don’t want to see the President go astray without support from his members. They have to be in the same boat. The very important thing is the outstanding issue of the K50 million. If we all stick together, that money will come in,” Mr. Naguo said.
Mr Naguo said the auditors have already done their job and which department that hasn’t acquitted has to be dealt with accordingly.
“Everything the government does has to come out to the media so that everybody on Bougainville will know and understand the situation we are in. The National Government says we have to acquit funds so do it because it is a requirement and whoever does not acquit has to go to court. The time has come for us now to be transparent and committed,” he said.
Mr Naguo said whoever is being investigated in government has to be suspended and if found guilty of wrong doings, they should be published in the media so that everyone will know the culprit misusing public funds.
“The President has got the mandate from the people of Bougainville and is trying his best for the people and deserves to be supported by his members who are his right hand men,” Mr Naguo said.
“Even the national members of Parliament have to attend ABG sittings and know what is going on out here on Bougainville instead of hugging and embracing Waigani all the time.” he said.
Source: Post-Courier
Public Servants work together
By Fabian Gatana
BOUGAINVILLE’S New Bougainville Party (NBP) is ready to see that the region’s public service undergoes a major overhaul.
Speaking in a recent article in the Post-Courier about public servants in Bougainville engaging in private business activities, NBP secretary, Chris Bengko described this act as “stealing” from the public and said Bougainville pubic service needed to be completely revamped for it to function better.
Mr Bengko said the public service was currently employing the wrong people in the various departments. People he says who are not qualified to be in those departments.
“The Bougainville public service needs a major overhaul starting from the HR department to the departmental heads right down to the people being employed in each department.
“A proper system of screening public service employees should also be established to ensure that the right qualified persons are selected to the right departments,” he said.
He also added that the restructuring and overhauling of the public service was one of NBP’s promises to the people when campaigning for Party Chairman and Bougainville President John Momis.
Mr Bengko said the NBP would like to see that this promises are carried through by the Momis government and a better and more effective public service is established in the region for service delivery.
Source: ESBC Research
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Source: Post-Courier
‘North Bougainville needs MP’
MORE than 104,000 people in the North Bougainville region have the constitutional right to have a representative in the National Parliament.
This is according to Mr Nixon Tamana, from Inus area in the Taonita Teop constituency in the Tinputz district, who thinks the majority of the people share the same sentiment.
Representing the silent majority, Mr Taman said that the people in the North Bougainville will be like sheep without a shepherd over the next 18 months until its former MP, Michael Ogio the Governor General-elect of PNG is replaced through a constitutionally acceptable process.
“While we are proud of one of our sons putting the flag of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville on the world map, we feel very upset about not having a representative in the National parliament,” said Mr Tamana.
“Unless we have a political leader to represent the 104,000 people, it is a denial of natural justice.”
Governor General-elect Ogio was elected by Parliament to replace former G-G Sir Paulius Matane.
Many people from Bougainville including the regional member Fidelis Semoso congratulated Mr Ogio on his elevation.
However, there are still many people who believe the legislature in this country never critically considered the current Bougainville situation.
“With the national elections are just around the corner, most of us in the North Bougainville region believe that we need a member of our own in government to represent us over the next 18 months,” he said.
“Furthermore we think and feel that conducting by-elections would be very expensive. The fact of the matter is that such an exercise has not been budgeted for nor appropriated by the National Parliament,” Mr Tamana said.
“Therefore, it is important to critically consider other costs saving measures to ensure our people have a mouthpiece in the National Parliament.
“We the voters have been let down and denied by the action taken in the Parliament, suggest John Sisiesi who challenged to occupy the North Bougainville seat since he was the third runner up in the last national elections, trailing behind the late James Togel despite the fact Sisiesi was a first time contestant in the national election.”
Mr Tamana said if there was a by-election conducted; many think that Mr Sisiesi will be their choice.
“We strongly believe having John Sisiesi would make a very strong leader to continue from where Mr Ogio has left,” Mr Tamana said.
“By doing what he did, Mr Ogio forfeited the mandate given to him by the 104,000 people of North Bougainville. There is still so much work left to be done and accomplished in the electorate. Therefore, keeping the entire population of North Bougainville in suspense by the national Government and ABG, for the matter was a slap on everyone’s face, so to speak.”
Mr Tamana called on the National Government and the ABG to fast- track the process of replacing Mr Ogio because “justice delayed is justice denied”.
Source: Post-Courier
Semoso, Momis agree to work together
BOUGAINVILLE’S two key leaders last Friday came together and shook hands to show their people they were “one again” and working together to move Bougainville forward.
Autonomous Bougainville Govern-ment President John Momis and Bougainville Affairs and Trade Minister Fidelis Semoso jointly held a press conference on Friday to tell the people of Papua New Guinea and Bougainville that they were together in moving the region forward this year and in the years to come.
Witnessed by divisional chief executive officers, ministers and Parliament members, the media was called in to a joint press conference to show the world these two leaders have made peace and that they no longer had any issues.
“We have a renewed partnership and friendship and we want to tell the people of Bougainville that we will now have a good working relationship to move Bougainville forward for the next five years,” Mr Momis said.
“Mi nogat hevi long Minister Semoso. I want to tell the National Government that we don’t have a hidden agenda. This year, we will now have to concentrate on the Bougainville Peace Agreement.”
Mr Semoso said Bougainville had no choice but to honour the Peace Agreement and work towards it, Momis advised he now had a renewed working relationship with Semoso and basically the National Government to move Bougainville towards referendum and address the issue of the Panguna mine.
“We don’t have a choice, we are bound by the Bougainville Peace Agreement,” Mr Semoso said.
“We don’t have much time anymore, we have a specific timeframe. Our core function is to discuss the delivery of goods and services to the people who gave us the mandate to lead them.”
The National Government and the ABG are partners and they are bound by the BPA to move Bougainville forward.
Source: Post-Courier
Court enters drugs fight
COMMUNITIES in most parts of Bougainville are calling on authorities to address drugs and alcohol problems.
The abuse of drugs and alcohol is a major problem facing Bougainville, along with the weapons disposal program.
Authorities are providing awareness to curtail the problem.
Buka District Court senior magistrate Peter Toliken sentenced a man, Norman Kikiman, 28 from Koatoroi of Kunua North Bougainville for nine months in jail with hard labour.
The court was told that he had in his possession 51 rolls of marijuana reefers packed in bamboo tubes.
In similar case, Jephson Porep was also charged with possession of illicit spirit (JJ) and was fined K500 or 90 days imprisonment.
Mr Toliken said the court will come heavy on offenders to control the abuse of drugs and alcohol.
Mr Toliken said the court will jail young offenders but that will not help to rehabilitate them.
He appealed to the government and authorities to provide alternatives like the Nazarene Rehabilitation Centres to help young offenders.
Source: Weekend-Courier
A breathtaking rest house:
Cultural Gem in Bougainville
By Jaive SMARE
The Manee Resource Center is a brilliant project in the middle of the Kongara mountain forests being built for the preservation of certain old traditional knowledge of people in this area. It is entirely self funded.
Two brothers David Onari and Leo Orino, felt that the young people and the generations after them would forget their culture and the importance of the forests and jungles, so they have been building this place to preserve what could easily be lost.
Their work began in 2007 and their father, Thomas Orino has also become involved, using his knowledge and memories and that of the older generation to construct the special traditional houses that you will see there.
I was invited by the local Elders (Council of Chiefs) to write about the center.
So on the last Sunday of November this year, I sat at the back of 4×4 open back PMV as we headed out of Arawa, past Kieta, taking a right turn before the Aropa airport and headed up into the mighty hills of Kongara.
It’s a beautiful drive. A bit rocky and uncomfortable in places but you are over-compensated with the scenery.
Cold mountain streams,clear and fresh dash over rock beds awash with the colors of flowers. Birds sun themselves on rocks in the clearings. Lush green jungle, rich dark soil, and orange clay line the way. Panoramic views of the Arawa and Kieta bay suddenly appear out of the trees as you wind your way up the mountain side. (Sadly my trusty cheap digital camera had died by this time).
Forty minutes later, we reached our destination.
The Manee Resource Center is a clearing in the forest with a house on a shimmering large pond that looks like a miniature winding river-lake.
I could see two traditional houses further up the hillside, flower gardens and ferns, running water, kids swimming in the pond with large fish swimming around them, and birds fluttering about, two young boys paddling a bamboo raft on their own little journey, the whole area surrounded by a misty jungle.
The amazing thing is that this project is totally self funded by one brother and physically created by the other.
David, who has a small operation selling and renting CD’s & DVDs in Arawa, funded the construction of the center, providing fuel and meeting other costs.
His brother Leo, did most of the physical work.
Beginning in 2007, they cleared some of the forest, blocked of an existing stream to form a pond in the gully and cleared the sites needed for the orchards, ferns and traditional buildings and traditional medicines.
They didn’t clear more than they needed for their purpose.
Their father, with his traditional knowledge has taken over building the traditional houses on display.
The following is a description of everything there, beginning with the pond.
The fish pond is known as a ‘Tavinara.’ These ponds existed in traditional Bougainville societies. The Tavinara is well stocked with healthy and very large fish. The kids love swimming with them.
The house built on the pond is known a ‘Waunava,’ a shelter to rest in. Basically it is a rest house over the water. This house is built with a combination of old and modern material. It has thatched walls with sawn and nailed wooden floors. The Waunava is for the guests to relax in.
Up on the hillside are the two interesting traditional houses.
These are examples of houses that were built in the past as part of the initiation/rite of passage for the ‘Chief Meri’ (Female Chief) of Bougainville villages.
Bougainville is mainly a matrilineal society where women are chiefs. It’s the first daughter of the chief who is next in line.
In the past, several special traditional houses like these were built for the young girl as she made the passage to woman hood and assumed the role as the chief.
The first house on the hills side at Manee is a ‘Kongonava’ (correct me if I spelt this wrong). This house represents the first stage of the young girl’s passage. She stays here, growing up, learning and being a child, before her first menstruation.
After her first menstruation, she is moved to the second house, which is the second stage of her passage. This house is the ‘Dorinava’. At this house, she will be constantly surrounded by older women. She will be kept hidden as much as possible. If she leaves the house she will be shaded with ferns. She will be fed good traditional foods such as ‘Tamatama’ and her skin will be oiled.
Here, she will also learn the traditions and responsibilities of being chief. When the time is right, a great feast will be prepared and she will leave this house for another house which has a kitchen.
This shows that she is ready to be married. She is already traditionally engaged at this point.
At Manee this house for the third stage was not yet constructed.
The houses for the ‘Chief Meri’ are built in a unique style. The houses are built around 2 meters of the ground and accessible by a wooden ladder. They use jungle ropes and stripped bark to lash the supports and frames together. The roof and walls are thatched sago while the floor is made out of ‘limbum’ from palms (I have no idea what the English word is for limbum).
The raised supports of these houses consist of intricate series of logs lashed together.
You have to see the pictures to understand what I mean.
This design not only looks great, but also keeps anyone from sitting under the houses.
They were in the process of building the other traditional ‘Chief Meri’ houses and more when I was there.
At Manee they have also planted traditional medicinal herbs, orchards, ferns and other plants both in the cleared places as well as in the forests around the center.
Many of the school children from Arawa and their teachers visit the center.
The children have a great time as well as learn new things.
David said they charge around K5 per head for visitors to spend a day.
This money helps improve the centre.
They plan to build a small guest house here to accommodate visitors who want to spend more than a day up in the cool climate.
It is their hope that the Government can provide tourism assistance, such as training or funding, to assist them to achieve the vision of an eco-friendly, cultural center that preserves and passes on traditional knowledge to both locals and visitors.
Visit’ to see more of his adventures!
Source: ESBC
Halb so tragisch ?
Der Versuch eines Ausblicks auf die kommenden Monate.
von ESBC Präsident Axel G. Sturm
Natürlich, wenn Kurse binnen 10 Tagen um 25 Prozent abschmieren, kommt nicht gerade gute Laune auf. Besonders nicht bei den Investoren, die auf dem Scheitelpunkt gekauft haben.
Ein Blick auf den Chartverlauf der letzten 12 Monate stimmt dann doch eher positiv, um nicht zu sagen: euphorisch!
Die Gründe sind leicht zu finden: Seit circa einem halben Jahr hat Bougainville Copper einen eindrucksvollen Aufwärtstrendkanal ausgebildet (siehe Grafik). Zudem boten die 30-Tages-Linie (rot) wie auch die 60-Tages-Linie (blau teils vom grünen Balken verdeckt) bislang zuverlässige Widerstände, die nicht nach unten durchbrochen wurden. Im Gegenteil: Wurden sie touchiert, ging es steil bergauf.

Noch beeindruckender ist das Bild im 5-Jahres-Chart :

Schon mehrfach habe ich in der Vergangenheit darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass wir - je näher wir der Wiedereröffnung unserer Mine kommen - mit zunehmender Volatilität zu tun haben werden. Dass solche Marktszenarien anziehend auf Trader wirken, braucht nicht weiter erörtert zu werden.
Doch, wohin geht die Reise ?
Momentan liegt der Kurs in Australien exakt auf der 30-Tages-Linie und damit auf seinem ersten Widerstand. Sollte dieser nicht halten, ist ein weiteres Abgleiten des Kurses bis auf ca. 1.60 AUD möglich, wo die 60-Tages-Linie verläuft. Ein Hinweis auf einen weiteren, kurzfristigen Rücksetzer auf dieses Niveau könnte die Kurshistorie der letzten Nacht sein: Dort sind nämlich seltsame Trades enthalten, die als eine Art „geheimer Code“ unter Tradern interpretiert werden könnten, den Kurs bis auf 1.601 AUD fallen zu lassen Siehe Auszug aus ASX Course of Sales BOC 21.01.2011 :
Course of Sales for BOC
as at 1/21/2011 4:55:48 PM
Time Quantity Price Reference
10:00:13 758 1.840 0
10:00:13 192 1.840 0
10:00:13 1,601 1.840 0
10:00:13 1,399 1.840 0
10:00:13 1,601 1.840 0
10:00:13 1,399 1.840 0
10:00:13 1,601 1.840 0
10:00:13 4 1.820 0
10:00:14 1 1.820 0
10:03:16 13 1.825 0
10:03:16 5,000 1.830 0
Danach allerdings bietet der dann immer noch intakte Aufwärtskanal die hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit eines neuerlichen Ausbruchs in Richtung 2.60 bis 2.80 AUD.
Diese Wahrscheinlichkeit wird untermauert von den zu erwartenden positiven Nachrichten zu BOC:
1. Das JSB Meeting wird vermutlich im Februar stattfinden und den Weg zum Bougainville Copper Agreement ebnen.
2. Die Landeigner werden weitere Fortschritte hin zu einer gemeinsamen Vertretung machen.
3. Um den 20. Februar 2011 erwarten wir die Vorabzahlen zum Geschäftsjahr 2010.
4. Angesichts des allgemeinen börslichen Aufwärtstrends dürften die Investments von Bougainville Copper massiv an Wert gewonnen haben.
5. Um den 20. März 2011 dürfte dann der Geschäftsbericht 2010 vorliegen.
6. Die Hauptversammlung 2011 ist für den 19. April 2011 geplant. Das traditionelle Statement des Vorstandsvorsitzenden dürfte in diesem Jahr noch zuversichtlicher als im letzten Jahr stimmen. Peter Taylors Einlassungen im THE AUSTRALIAN vom 28.12.2010 dürften nur ein Vorgeschmack gewesen sein.
Zudem: Wie ich diese Woche aus Port Moresby erfuhr, rechnet man dort sogar mit „dem besten Jahr“ für Bougainville Copper seit langem.
Aus all dem schließe ich, dass unsere Aktien etwa Mitte dieses Jahres zu 3.00 AUD gehandelt werden. Selbst wenn man technische Rückschläge einkalkuliert, ist der heutige Preis immer noch interessant oder vielleicht gerade deshalb sogar ein „Schnäppchenpreis“.
Viele Indikatoren sprechen für diese These.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Bougainville’s heavies, Regional Member and Minister for Bougainville Affairs and the ABG President John Momis this afternoon made a joint statement pledging full and united commitment for Bougainville.
In their speeches at a Joint Press conference they brushed aside past differences and vowed to work together for the development of Bougainville.
ABG President John Momis said that the Bougainville Peace Agreement is a joint creation of Bougainville and PNG and the National government cannot just walk away from its obligations.
Regional member, FIDELIS SEMOSO said that the people of Bougainville want to see development reach their communities.
They said that in politics they can have differences in ideas and opinions but these should not come to a stage that the people are denied from getting basic services which the governments must deliver to its people.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG President JOHN MOMIS said that he does not have anything against the Regional Member, FIDELIS SEMOSO that he has to reconcile with him for.
He made these comments at a Press conference in Buka this afternoon.
ABG President was responding to comments made to the two to reconcile so that the people of Bougainville can see them as working together.
These follows media comments made against each other at the end of last year concerning the delay of JSB meetings.
MR. MOMIS said that the two can have different ideas and issues on matters of importance to Bougainville but this does not mean that the two are not working together.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Regional Member for Bougainville and Minister for Bougainville Affairs and Trade, FIDELIS SEMOSO has assured the ABG President that he was working on the fifteen million kina still owed to the ABG by the National Government.
He said that he was hoping that the Treasurer could hand deliver the check during the Opening of the Buka market which is scheduled for the second week of February.
Mr. Semoso made these remarks at the Joint Press Conference in Buka this afternoon.
He said that he hoped that processes for the draw down of all powers needed by the ABG can be implemented this year.
Source: The National
China’s role more negative in Pacific, says think-tank
CHINA is no longer a force for good in the Pacific, including links with criminal activities in Papua New Guinea, according to an Australian think-tank.
The director of the Melanesia Program at the Lowy Institute in Sydney Jenny Hayward-Jones said that the negatives attached to Chinese involvement outweighed the positives.
Speaking on Radio Australia on Wednesday, she added that her conclusion was based on her observations of Chinese activity during last year, especially in Papua New Guinea and Fiji.
The Lowy Institute is an independent international policy think-tank whose objective is to generate new ideas and dialogue on international developments and Australia’s role in the world.
“I previously thought that Chinese investment trade and aid was generally a good thing for the Pacific, but Chinese behaviour I believe has altered over the last year,” Hayward-Jones said, making reference to the behaviour of the Chinese-owned and operated Ramu nickel mine in Madang where resentment had been growing over outstanding landowner demands.
“I believe this is a sign of a lack of Chinese control over its protection power in the Pacific, which is beginning to worry me.”
On rising crime, she told presenter Jemima Garrett she was not sure if there was a link with the Chinese government, “but certainly there’s a perception that a lot of the crime in Papua New Guinea is organised by Chinese gangs or triads or Chinese illegal immigration”.
“While I don’t believe this is coordinated actively from Beijing there, the failure or the lack of capacity of the government in Beijing to see the consequences of this and the damage to China’s image, results in a widespread perception that this is Chinese crime, and a Chinese wave of crime that’s affecting Papua New Guinea and some other parts of the Pacific which have suffered from trafficking from Chinese sources.
“So I think certainly it’s incumbent on the government in Beijing to do more about its image.”
On the economic front, she agreed that China had been increasing the amount of loan money it sends to the Pacific.
“China’s preference for soft loans over grants in the Pacific, I think, has the potential to cause serious economic hardship for a number of Pacific Island countries,” she said, adding that Tonga, Samoa and the Cook Islands in particular had high debt to GDP ratios as a result of the loans.
“The capacity of those countries to service those loans has to be questioned, given that they’re not generating sufficient economic growth”.
Source: The National
Unresolved issues on mine reopening
Resolutions from recent talks on the reopening of the Panguna mine in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville between shareholders of Bougainville Copper Ltd (BCL), the Panguna landowners and the state will not be pursued unless the Bougainville mining review is carried out and agreed upon.
Former mining minister and MP for Central Bougainville Sam Akoitai told reporters that only when the Bougainville mining agreement was reviewed could there be a possible reopening.
He said two important aspects of the BCL agreement review were the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) and the landowners’ interest in the mining agreement.
“At the moment, the landowners are not organised and formed their integrated landowner groups yet from the mine’s impact area to be able to participate in the reopening negotiation,” Akoita said.
He said although shareholder BCL operator Rio Tinto and the national government had said there was the possibility of reopening of one the world’s largest copper mines, there were very serious issues on the ground yet to be resolved.
They included issues such as landowners’ participation, review of benefit sharing among impacted landowners, the ABG’s stake, the Mekumai faction’s resistance on the reopening and many more.
Source: Post-Courier
Mortlock Island needs help
Mortlock Island 180 miles east of Buka Island in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville desperately needs basic government services. A team of medical experts from Port Moresby who were on the island on a medical mission recently hardly saw any government services existing. The existing ones have deteriorated from bad to worse and abandoned. Only Mortlock Primary School and Telikom PNG’s small aperture terminal system are serving about 600 islanders. Dr Momia Teariki-Tautea who lead led the team of medical professionals last week said the island was denied government services. “This was our second trip to the island. The first was in 1996. Four doctors and three nurses went there and spent 10 days on the island.” He said they had the heart to do that and would become their ongoing program to provide medical services to the islanders. Dr Teariki-Tautea, his elder brother and relatives in Port Moresby funded the trip and also bought the medical supplies worth K10, 000.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
A Chief from Tinputz Gregory Kumis says that the move to make the former member for North Bougainville become Governor General was a good move but would affect the development of North Bougainville.
MR. KUMIS told New Dawn FM this morning that although he supported the move, his people were now realizing what this elevation of their member actually means to the North Bougainville Electorate.
He said that the promised and approved projects will not eventuate.
On the question of having a by election , MR. KUMIS said that due to the time remaining before the next General Election, the new member would not have time to deliver.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Members questioned
By Aloysius Laukai
The former national member for Central Bougainville and Bougainville Affairs and Mining minister, SAM AKOITAI today questioned why Bougainville issues were not being raised in the National parliament.
He told New Dawn FM that as a former member of parliament he was also not happy that the four Bougainville members are not utilizing the Chamber and raising issues of National importance concerning Bougainville.
MR. AKOITAI said that the four members should be supporting the ABG and raising issues on the floor of the National parliament
He said that matters of National Importance must be raised in parliament by our representatives to move the Bougainville Peace Agreement and Autonomy implementation forward.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Former National Member for Central Bougainville and Bougainville affairs and mining minister Sam Akoitai today called on the two mandated Bougainville leaders to forget their differences and work for the development of Bougainville.
MR. AKOITAI told New Dawn FM from Port Moresby that as a private citizen , he was very concerned at the current pace the Region was moving.
He said that there should not be any difference as their roles are completely different from each other.
MR. AKOITAI said that the position of Governor does not apply on Bougainville as Bougainville is operating on a separate National Government law from those applied by other PNG Provinces.
He said that the role of the Regional Member is to make sure that the National Government supports the ABG with funds and other issues concerning Bougainville whilst the ABG President Momis makes sure that the ABG is properly functioning and implementing its programs.
Mr.Akoitai also called on the Ombudsman Commission to investigate into the affairs and management of the Office of Bougainville Affairs (OBA).
He charged that OBA was not fulfilling its constitutional duties and functions.
Source: Post-Courier
BCL agreement needs to be reviewed: Akoitai
Only when the Bougainville Copper Agreement is reviewed to include parties like the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) and landowners and a better understanding with the developer on benefits and addressing outstanding issues can the mine be re-opened successfully.
Regardless of the hype among shareholders and people sparked by Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare’s intention to see the mine opened, it will never happen until all parties are involved.
Former Mining Minister Sam Akoitai believes BCL, the National Government and the ABG, must assist the landowners to establish landowner associations to participate in the mine. Reports from Buka yesterday indicate that six landowner groups have already registered their associations.
“Landowners are willing to open the mine but the Bougainville Copper Agreement must be reviewed to involve all parties because that is the issue that sparked the Bougainville crisis,” Mr Akoitai said yesterday, adding he was happy for the stand of ABG president John Momis.
He said economic recovery was paramount for Bougainville to take it to a stage of physical self reliance before issues of referendum can be discussed.
“Bougainville is not prepared well for referendum in 2015 because with about K30 million in recurrent expenditure from the national government and less than K10 million in internal revenue, we are nowhere close to physical self reliance and people must rise up to the benchmark,” Mr Akoitai said. He said leaders and the people were relaxed after the ABG but those perception were wrong because recurrent budget will increase from K30m-K50m when Bougainville draws power as capacity will increase.
“It is time to take the bull by the horns with determination to raise Bougainville to a level of physical self reliance because we have a long way to go,” he said.
Mr Akoitai also saluted the elders of Bougainville for imposing the moratorium on future explorations although there are more potential mines on the island.
He said BCL must be on the Government’s radar because during pre-independence up, Bougainville alone kept this country growing into what it is today.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville top cop on peace mission
BOUGAINVILLE’S Police Commissioner Thomas Eluh is on a peace mission to Kieta in Central Bougainville.
Mr Eluh has held serious discussions on resolving problems with ex-combatants and rebel leaders including former Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA) commander Ismael Toroama and Mekamui Defence Force (MDF) commander Chris Uma.
“The purpose of my peace vision is to negotiate for peace. Peace that can bind the Kieta people and also the rebel leaders together that will move Bougainville forward as one people, one Bougainville,” Mr Eluh said.
Mr Eluh said two issues that threaten peace on the island are weapons disposal and general law and order, and they need to be resolved.
He said with many weapons still in the hands of people and the current law and order situation not improving, it is important peace negotiations continue in the Bougainville communities.
“What worries me is the handling of weapons and the current law and order in Bougainville. If the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) fails to address and implement these issues, then this puts a big question mark on the autonomy Bougainville is trying to achieve,”
“I am calling on the ABG and all bureaucrats to advocate for peace by going right through the communities, consult the people, including combatant controlled areas and approach them in a cordial manner,” he said.
“We should not just sit in our office and wait for independence. It is our duty to reach out to our people and speak for what concerns our journey towards autonomy.”
He said before the clock strikes 2015, when Bougainville will decide on full autonomy, there has to be a massive clean-up of weapons and improvement if the law and order situation.
MrEluh said weapons disposal and law and order situation make up a component of the Bougainville Peace Agreement (BPA) which the ABG has to honour.
Mr Eluh said it is important that agreements are reached in conflict areas to allow lasting peace. He said weapons disposal and reconciliation are mutually reinforcing and necessary to lasting peace on the island.
“As Bougainvilleans we should corporate in promoting reconciliation among ex-combatants and in wider community, restoring our civil authority,” Mr Eluh said.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville Education Dept prepares for new staff appointments
By Veronica Hannette
BOUGAINVILLE’S Education Department is preparing for new staff appointments this year.
One of the first of these appointments would be a permanent guidance officer. The position of guidance officer has been vacant since August last year when former guidance officer Kevin Marimias was made chief of staff in the office of the President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
The position is still vacant and two names of nominees have been submitted but an appointment is still pending.
It is understood that this and all other appointments would be made by the National Department of Education because Bougainville is yet to draw down powers for such appointments from the national Department of Education.
ABG Minister for Education John Tabinaman said another important position in the department, that of an examination officer, is being occupied by one James Salanin.
He said the permanent appointment of the guidance officer will be made by the appointing authorities when the process is complete.
Source: Post-Courier
Government officials off to Buckingham Palace
GOVERNMENT officials are flying to Buckingham Palace in England this weekend to present the Governor-General elect’s papers to Queen Elizabeth.
Cabinet has endorsed the official travel of the team to Buckingham Palace for the presentation of the papers to the Queen.
Govenor-General elect Michael Ogio will have his papers presented to Queen Elizabeth by next Monday, and it will take a week for the process.
Once papers are presented and the Queen officially signs them, Ogio will be made a Knight of the British empire, and will be called Sir Michael Ogio.
But the process will not end there, the Government will have to recall Parliament to witness the swearing in of Mr Ogio as the Governor-General by Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia.
Private Secretary to the Governor-General elect Joe Elijah yesterday said preparations are still being arranged for the official presentation of Mr Ogio to the Queen.
He said Mr Ogio is still living in a private residence and is expected to move into the Government House next month because outgoing governor general Sir Paulias Matane is still moving out.
Source: The National
Akoitai: Bougainville not ready for self-rule
FORMER Bougainville affairs and mining minister Sam Akoitai yesterday said the Autonomous Region of Bougainville will not become independent in 2015 because of the slow progress on work towards staging a referendum.
Akoitai said in-fighting between the regional member and the president would also take its toll on the agreed timetable of 2015.
The Bougainville Peace Agreement (BPA) contains a clause calling for a regional-wide referendum to have the people decide their political future and set 2015 as the date for that ultimate decision.
Akoitai said: “I am very concerned about the way things are progressing on the part of the office of Bougainville affairs to fast track the BPA and the path to a referendum as agreed in the BPA.
“In the agreement, there are three pillars that form the basis of BPA. They are: weapons disposal, autonomy and a referendum,” the former Bougainville resistance fighter-cum politician said.
Akoitai who now considers himself as a private and corporate citizen said the three pillars are not fully addressed and the weapons disposal is not complete and still needs to be addressed.
He acknowledged that the government has honoured the second pillar in granting Bougainville autonomy but work is yet to be done that would lead to a referendum.
Akoitai said the government through the office of the Bougainville affairs has an obligation to fulfill to the people of Bougainville to effect the referendum which is a prerequisite to independence.
“It is duty-bound under the BPA to prepare Bougainville for a referendum. I can’t see and hear any progressive report on the referendum which is the most important pillar of the BPA.
“If fiscal independence is lacking, I don’t see an independent Bougainville.
“ABG’s internal revenue could be less than K30 million and that is not enough to be an independent nation.
He also said the infighting between current Bougainville Affairs Minister and Regional MP Fedelis Semeso and Bougainville president John Momis will drag the progress of the implementation of the BPA.
“It’s a sad situation for the people of Bougainville when their political heads are fighting amongst themselves. I would like to see the two leaders come to terms to implement and fast track the BPA,” he said.
Akoitai also called on the Ombudsman Commission to investigate into the affairs and management of Office of Bougainville Affairs (OBA).
He charged that OBA was not fulfilling its constitutional duties and functions.
He also alleged that there was double dipping and misuse of public funds by OBA.
Source: ESBC Research
Made the ESBC's inquiry the ASX move?
In the past several months the ESBC repeatedly informed the ASX supervisory board about suspicious trades in Bougainville Copper. Within the last days (today included) such trades were visible in the BOC trade history. Today, an Australian member of the ESBC sent us this article that appeared yesterday in THE AUSTRALIAN:
Source: The Australian
Sharemarket watchdog targets computer trading
by Andrew Main
RECENTLY appointed sharemarket surveillance manager ASIC is planning a crackdown on potentially dangerous algorithmic share trading as the worldwide trend to automated orders takes hold here.
In its first supervision report since taking over from ASX Limited on August 1, ASIC commissioner Shane Tregillis warned of "a number of potential market abuses" and noted that algorithms can damage the integrity of the market.
The regulator appears to be battling two problems as algorithmic trading spreads: incorrect orders, both deliberately and accidentally placed.
"We're working actively with people who we believe are using anything from inefficient to defective algorithms," said Greg Yanco, the former ASX executive who now heads ASIC's surveillance operation.
He said one defective order he had seen would automatically cancel itself, removing a trade and then re-ordering it, in a "feedback loop" at a rate of 1000 times a second.
The federal government is close to awarding a market operator's licence to international group Chi-X Global, which will specialise in algorithmic trades. The removal of ASX Ltd's real time surveillance responsibilities last year was a part of that process, since, if there is more than one sharemarket in Australia, it would be impractical and undesirable for ASX to conduct surveillance on itself and a new rival.
"What we want is for brokers to look at the procedures they're introducing for new algorithms and to make sure that they're not going to impact market integrity," Mr Yanco said.
The 15-page report says that if needed, ASIC will take enforcement action against any market participant whose trading system interferes with the market's integrity.
An unspoken element of ASIC policy is to avoid the notorious "flash crash" that struck US markets on May 6 last year when a carelessly priced "sell program" algorithmic trade made by a US institution on a bad trading day sent the Dow Jones Industrial Average down by over 1000 points, briefly wiping $US1 trillion from the value of US stocks.
Elsewhere in its report, ASIC noted that although the number of suspicious trading alerts (about 300 a day) put up by surveillance staff since last August is in line with the previous ASX-managed regime, ASIC had been able to cut the amount of time needed to start investigations into suspicious market conduct.
About 25 surveillance staff were rehired in the move from ASX to ASIC, to maximise continuity. Under the old ASX-ASIC regime it took up to three months for ASX to send referrals to ASIC, whereas the regulator is now hoping to cut that time by 30 per cent, particularly as they usually refer to insider trading.
The Australian understands that because they are under the same roof, the surveillance and enforcement arms of ASIC can meet unofficially at least once a week to discuss possible and ongoing investigations.
Source: ABC Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
China's role in the Pacific more negative than positive now
The Director of the Melanesia Program at the Lowy Institute in Sydney, believes China is no longer a force for good in the Pacific.
Despite the truce with Taiwan in the destructive battle for diplomatic recognition, and growing Chinese investment, Jenny Hayward-Jones argues that the negatives attached to Chinese involvement outweigh the positives.
Ms Hayward Jones says the change in her thinking is based on her observations of Chinese activity during last year, particularly in Papua New Guinea and Fiji.
Presenter: Jemima Garrett
Speaker: Jenny Hayward-Jones, Director of the Myer Foundation Melanesia Program at the Lowy Institute, in Sydney
Listen here!
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Regional Member for Bougainville and Minister for Bougainville Affairs and Trade, FIDELIS SEMOSO has assured the people of North Bougainville that their DISTRICT SUPPORT IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Funds would not be affected by the recent elevation of their member to the Head of state.
He told a news conference in Buka that these funds would be made available to the electorate by the National Government for the remaining term of this parliament.
MR. SEMOSO said however the National government would establish a mechanism in which these funds would be dispersed to the North Bougainville electorate.
He said that in the meantime he would oversee the affairs of the electorate as the Regional Member for Bougainville.
On the question of having a by election for the North Bougainville seat, MR. SEMOSO said that it was up to the National Government to decide on that as the GENERAL election is just around the corner.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
A call has been made today in Buka for the Autonomous Bougainville Government to immediately follow up the recent agreements with the Chinese to improve and upgrade the electricity requirements for Bougainville.
The Businessman who traveled to China with the ABG delegation told New Dawn FM that the HUNAN HYDRO POWER DESIGN AND ENGINEERING Company was capable of providing reliable Hydro power if given the green light by the ABG.
He said that the recent extension of Power supply to Kokopau on mainland Bougainville has completely downgraded the supply level resulting in power load shedding being experienced in Buka town.
He says that the PNG POWER LIMITED should explain to the electricity consumers why there is continuous black outs in Buka Town.
Attempts by New Dawn FM to get some answers to these queries were referred to the head office in Port Moresby.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The General Manager for National Aviation Services, JOHN IMAKA is calling on the Bougainville Police to arrest people who running vehicles on the Buka airport runway.
MR. IMAKA made these calls after seeing many private vehicles running on the runway.
He said that these vehicles are unlawfully using the runway and under the Civil Aviation laws should be charged by Police and Civil Aviation Authorities.
Several months ago office of the Civil Aviation has been charging drivers for illegally driving on the runway.
New Dawn FM understands Buka airport does not have security fence around it and makes it difficult for authorities to stop illegal crossers on the runway.
Source: The National
Ogio commended for GG job
PRIME Minister Sir Michael Somare has congratulated North Bougainville MP Michael Ogio on his appointment as the ninth governor-general of Papua New Guinea.
Ogio collected 65 votes to win the vice-regal post ahead of Sir Pato Kakaraya, who polled 23 votes, occupying the position left vacant by Sir Paulias Matane following a Supreme Court decision on Dec 22 last year.
Sir Michael said the government was confident that Ogio would serve the office of the governor-general well and would continue to uphold the integrity of this high office.
Meanwhile, Ogio had not moved to Government House to conduct official duties.
He had moved to Holiday Inn while awaiting his swearing-in expected in May when parliament resumes.
He would then travel to England to meet the queen.
Parliament would resume on May 10.
Government House secretary Tipo Vuatha said the clerk of parliament would set the date for the swearing-in which, traditionally, would be held in parliament during a sitting day.
Source: The National
Five months without a GG
UNWITTINGLY, the opposition has forced a situation where the country will go for five months without the new governor-general, Michael Ogio, taking up office.
This is so because the threat of a motion of no-confidence forced the government to quickly move for parliament to rise as soon as the election of Ogio was concluded.
Although elected, it is a constitutional requirement that “before entering upon the duties of his office, a governor-general shall take the oath of allegiance and make the declaration of loyalty and the declaration of office before the chief justice and in the presence of the parliament”.
Only during a state of national emergency can this mandatory provision of the constitution (section 90) be not complied with.
Should this, or any other governor-general discharge the duties of his office without being officially sworn in, he will be suspended form office until such time he does and, if he does not do so at the first reasonably available opportunity, he may be dismissed from office.
This also fits into parliament’s own timetable which was that it would have elected the GG when it met at its scheduled date in May.
Parliament’s hand might have been forced by the courts to meet and elect a governor-general, but he cannot take office until parliament has met and witnessed his taking the oath of office.
To have sworn the governor-general-elect in at the last sitting, it would have meant parliament would have had to sit for two weeks at the very least – enough time for the opposition to move a motion of no-confidence.
Parliament cannot just elect a GG and then swear him in on the same afternoon, or the next day, because the head of state, Her Majesty the Queen, will have to be informed and she will have to give her assent.
As you read this, the cabinet secretary is travelling to England to inform Her Majesty of the decision of parliament.
Only after the head of state has given her assent is the governor-general-elect eligible to be sworn in.
That being the case, a rather curious situation arises which the law is silent about and which
is left to conjecture.
Is the governor-general-elect entitled to enjoy the privileges and benefits of the office to which he has been appointed but which, under the law, he is not yet fully and officially vested with the powers and functions thereof?
If the governor-general is prohibited by the constitution from discharging the duties of his office, by rights he should not be entitled to the benefits of that office.
He should not occupy Government House and he should not be paid. That will mean going five months without any official residence and without any means of income.
That has to be so because the provision for declaration of office is not sub-serviant to the election of the GG. They are equal.
If a person is not elected by parliament, he will not be GG. If a person, who has been elected as GG by parliament, does not take his oath of allegiance and declaration of loyalty etc, he will still not be GG.
Both acts must be performed and one must follow the other to elevate a person to the vice-regal post.
That said, how long a time is it reasonable for a GG to wait before he is sworn into office to begin his duties.
Again, the law spells out that there shall be an acting governor-general only when there is a vacancy in the office of the GG which, in our case, there is not. There is a governor-general elected and waiting anxiously to serve his office.
There can be an acting GG also if the substantive office holder is suspended from office. Of course, Ogio is not suspended from office.
He is not absent from the country, which is another reason why there should be an acting GG, or out of speedy and effective communication which, again, he is not.
The only provision where he is eligible is flimsy to say the least. That states that an acting GG may be take office if the substantive office holder is “otherwise unable to perform, or is not readily available to perform the duties of his office”.
This is flimsy because Ogio is able to perform and is readily available. He just has not been sworn in.
For all the forgoing concerns, it is incumbent that parliament meets earlier than May to ensure the governor-general is properly installed by swearing him in.
Source: The National
Security command centre a must
THE impounded ship, UBT Fjord, a tanker which had allegedly been illegally shipping out crude oil from Bougainville, last week slipped out of Rabaul’s Simpson Harbour and is said to be steaming towards Singapore.
There is little PNG can do except inform the Singaporean authorities of the fact that the ship has been detained by PNG Customs for alleged illegal activities.
The UBT Fjord was detained for up to seven months at Simpson Harbour while its owners fought a furious legal battle with the PNG Customs haggling over the amount it was to pay PNG.
It offered variously amounts in the vicinity of US$600,000, we gather, but Customs was certain the ship was worth US$5 million.
The haggling lasted seven months and, in the end, the ship slipped out without having paid a toea to the PNG government.
It paid, though, in every hour it was detained in the harbour. Boats and aircraft doing nothing in the water or on the ground always incur high costs.
ENB provincial police commander Sylvester Kalaut is decrying the length of time it took for the court matter to be concluded so that the state could be paid and the ship released.
He reckons that seven months is a long time for a case to be brought to conclusion.
We agree.
Kalaut also described the slipping away on Jan 8 this year as “an invasion of the sovereignty of the country” and said it showed that PNG is unable to defend its borders.
He said when the ship slipped from the harbour, there was nothing state agencies, including his own police force, could do to stop it.
“The point here is it simply shows that the country has a weak security response,” Kalaut said.
Along with the runaway ship goes some K14 million worth of crude oil, the property of the people of PNG.
An important point is that there is no strategic command centre for response to security concerns.
Individual agencies handle their own emergencies and only come together with other security and border agencies on an ad hoc basis.
This must be changed. The national security council needs to set up a command centre from with police, defence, national intelligence organisation, customs and other agencies concerned with national security monitor events and issues 24/7.
After 34 years of independence, PNG deserves and should have such a centre. It deserves and should have a fully equipped military and police force to respond to emergencies.
Security concerns in the region, including multinational crime and terrorism, require that this be given top priority.
The other concern is the long delay in court cases. This will also require closer scrutiny and allocation of resources.
The onus is on the courts of the land to deal with matters efficiently and effectively so that justice is dispensed with speedily so that aggrieved parties are compensated for and those which run foul of the law can go back to business – hopefully having learnt from the experience.
Retiring court judge Justice Graham Ellis last week complained of the major court cases, including matters over leadership tribunals, which are being delayed in court for many months.
Ellis said the gag on the report of the commission of inquiry into the Finance Department, Arthur Somare and Patrick Pruaitch challenging the appointment of their respective leadership tribunals and Sir Michael Somare’s Supreme Court appeal in the Motigate Affair were all gathering dust in Waigani.
These high profile cases require the courts to move decisively.
Justice delayed is justice denied.
Today we carry another retiring justice’s regrets that he adds to the growing number some 40 cases which he will now not be able to hear.
Justice Mark Sevua, whose application to remain on the bench was refused by the judicial and legal services commission, has also said that matters are taking an unnecessarily long time to complete.
If it is additional judges that is required then an honest assessment must be made and new judges be added to the National and Supreme Court benches to cater for the increased work force.
As the country expands and more and more people are educated and become aware of and are willing to fight for their rights and can afford the legal fees the number of cases before the courts will increase.
Source: The National
Buka soap maker returns to Moresby
AFTER a year of absence from the streets of Port Moresby, the only seller of the much sought after Buka soap has returned and is now offering his product to individuals and retail outlets.
John Tamaku from Bougainville, who is a familiar face in the city, said that as the only distributor of Buka soap in Port Moresby, selling his soap to interested buyers to resell was a way of reaching out to more customers.
Tamaku said interested persons could contact Buka Metal Fabricators and become financial members to sell the soap.
According to Tamaku, the soap which is made from coconut, lemon grass with traditional bush medicinal herbs heals common skin infections such as grille and rashes.
“Many people have come to me with testimonies of how the soap has helped them. I also sell the soap to try help promote PNG-made products,” said Tamaku.
He said a carton, which cost around K140, would generate K60 in profit which Tamaku says was a good way to help sustain unemployed individuals like himself who had been in the business for 6 years.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Several people who have attended Business Meetings with the visiting Chinese delegation are happy that Bougainville would greatly benefit from assistance by the Chinese people.
The CEO for Peace and Reconciliation, NICK PENIAI told one of the meetings that he was satisfied that China can assist Bougainville.
MR. PENIAI said that if China can assist with building materials and Business opportunities for the people of Bougainville then Bougainville should support the program.
He said that Bougainville desperately needed technical and financial assistance to move forward and China was one country that is willing to assist.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
China meet ABG
By Aloysius Laukai
Since the seven MOU’s between the ABG and China last year, Chinese companies are already visiting Bougainville to talk to possible Business Partners on Bougainville.
Last week the Owner of a Chinese Building Design Company visited Bougainville with two other team members.
They held several meetings with the Bougainville Administration Chief Executive Officers and Business Community in Buka before traveling to Arawa and Buin.
The Delegation is led by the ABG’s Trade Representative in China JASON FONG.
The group would return to Port Moresby this Friday.
New Dawn FM understands that the ABG’s policy on Investment is that NO STAND ALONE Business would be operated on Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Nissan airstrip became the 3rd airstrip to be used by the National Aviation Services since it started operating on Bougainville at the end of last year.
And Nissan could become the main port of operation as it has been facing transport difficulties since the end of the conflict.
Since there was no reliable and safe means of transportation many Nissan people have either lost their valuables at sea or even drifted for many days. Sometimes even for months.
Since President MOMIS came in he made this transportation a priority. And although the business is not good NAS has vowed to support the ABG to achieve its goals.
Recently the ABG delegation that visited China signed seven MOU's one for the Aviation Industry.
AVIC International a Aircraft builder has offered to give two planes on full loan to Bougainville.
A team from AVIC international are on Bougainville and would formalize this arrangement in Buka during this visit.

Pictured is ABG President Momis welcomed by Nehan Chief MICHAEL TITUS at the Nissan Aistrip.
Pic by Tapo Tovilu
Source: The National
Ogio as GG a bonus for Bougainville
THE election of North Bougainville MP Michael Ogio as Governor-General was according to an MP, a bonus for the people of Bougainville.
Member for Central Bougainville, Jimmy Miringtoro made the remark during a press conference over the weekend in Port Moresby.
Miringtoro said Bougainville was privileged and honoured to have one of its sons in the highly esteemed office.
He thanked the NA-led coalition on behalf of the people of Bougainville for nominating and voting for Ogio to be the ninth governor-general of the country.
Enga Governor Peter Ipatas, along with other leaders were, also thanked for nominating and
pushing for Ogio to be considered for the governor-general’s post.
Ogio, who was the Peoples Democratic Movement (PDM) Party strongman, has now left the political arena, consequently leaving his Higher Education, Science and Technology portfolio, along with the party leadership.
It was announced at that occasion that Obura-Wonenara MP John Boito would take up the leadership of PDM.
Source: Post-Courier
Semoso praises G-G Ogio
BOUGAINVLLE Governor and Minister for Bougainville Affairs, Fidelis Semoso (pictured) has applauded Michael Ogio on his appointment as the Governor-General elect of Papua New Guinea.
At a press conference organised by the Governor on Saturday at the Buka Airport VIP Lounge, Mr Semoso told reporters that the Government caucus last Monday agreed to Mr Ogio as the final and only nominee for the vice-regal post.
He said the appointment of Mr Ogio as the head of the Independent State of PNG made history for PNG and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
“As the Governor and Bougainville Affairs Minister, it is fitting to see for one of Bougainville’s own sons to be elevated to the G-Gs post. Bougainville deserves this recognition because it is always in the forefront of changes in development,” Mr Semoso said.
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank the National Government, MPs for giving the recognition to Bougainville for Mr Ogio as G-G.”
Mr Semoso said the appointment of Mr Ogio as GG strengthens the relationships between of Bougainville and PNG.
Responding to questions raised by reporters on the vacancy of the North Bougainville Open seat, Mr Semoso said; “With the General Election just around the corner, it is not clear whether or not a by-election would be conducted to fill the vacancy.
“The North Bougainville Open seat will remain vacant. To conduct a by-election is a very expensive exercise.”
Mr Semoso has assured that funds for the North Bougainville Electorate projects will continue with arrangements with the National Government – either fund will be handled and dispersed by the ABG or the Bougainville Governor.
Meanwhile the K15 million Bougainville Restoration and Development Grant will not be released by the National Government unless the ABG and its administration acquit all funds to date.
It is understood that all financial accounts should be acquitted in line with the Public Finances Management Act.
Mr Semoso said that the National Government could have dispersed the K15 million, but because of the ABG’s failure to produce and submit acquittals, the money still remains at Waigani.
“I am calling on all public servants to be 100 per cent committed to their duties and not to spend holidays in the office,” Mr Semoso said.
“Public servants do the right thing now and get the acquittals ready to be dispatched to Waigani.”
Mr Semoso said he will insist on Waigani to release the K15 million Bougainville Restoration and Development Grant.
Source: Post-Courier
‘Alcohol and drugs cause problems’
BOUGAINVILLE police chief, Assistant Commissioner of Police Thomas Eluh said resorting to drugs and homebrew will not solve problems but cause more problems.
Using drugs and homebrew to solve problems has been of great concern in the Autonomous Bougainville Government and Mr Eluh is taking a stand against this.
He appealed to Bougainvilleans to find peaceful means to solve their problems.
Mr Eluh was speaking at a Gospel Music Show conducted by former Bougainville Revolutionary Army commander Ishmael Toroama at the Bel Isi Park in Buka.
Mr Toroama shared similar sentiments and urged Bougainvilleans to strengthen their faith in order for Bougainville to prosper.
“Bougainville, as a sinking ship, needs to be reconditioned through attitude and behavioural change – from bad to good,” he said.
Mr Eluh said in order for Bougainville to achieve its dreams to gain full autonomy, the Bougainville population should be educated “first”.
“Education is a way forward. We need to have an educated population so that we can prosper.
“I urge the National Government and the ABG to put education as the top priority for the future of the region’s youth.”
The top cop also challenged the youths of Bougainville to make 2011 a year of reflection and change for the betterment of Bougainville.
Meanwhile Mr Eluh was also disappointed that K6 million was not released by the National Treasury.
The K6 million should fund the initial phase of the Bougainville Police Service Restructure Program.
“The non-release of the K6 million kina a causing a set back to the Bougainville Police Service and we could not do anything,” he said.
Mr Eluh called upon the National Government to seriously honour the Bougainville Peace Agreement.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville welcomes new SDA leader
THE Seventh Day Adventists Church in Bougainville has a new president to head the region for the next five years, starting this year.
President Kove Tau was appointed as the shepherd of SDA followers in the region.
He replaces former president Richard Rikis.
Last Friday, President Tau arrived in Bougainville to begin his mission.
He was given a gesture of welcome in the Bougainvillean way – tsutsu (or the washing of the feet in Halia dialect) which signifies his high status in the church.
The tsutsu is a traditional ritual performed to first time visitors mainly to those having higher status in the clan. At the Buka Airport he was met by Speaker of the Bougainville House of Representative Andrew Miriki, senior protocol officer Philip Kiha and members of the SDA church.
During a conference at the Buka Airport VIP Lounge, Mr Miriki welcomed President Tau to the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
He said President Tau’s mission to the region is part and parcel of the peace and reconciliation program leading towards Bougainville’s dream to gaining full autonomy, achieving independence.
“President Tau, on behalf of the ABG and its people, we welcome you and your family and we hope your mission will greatly contribute towards shaping Bougainville,” Mr Miriki said.
President Tau thanked the ABG and the Bougainville people for welcoming him to the autonomous region and said that he will mainly focus on ministry work.
He said for 22 years, he was not given such a welcome, and with such greetings with smiles from the people of Bougainville, this reveals a great challenge and work.
Mr Miriki also pointed out that in this referendum stage when Bougainville is still at the uncharted seas, undecided for full autonomy, it is important the Government has to collaborate with the churches and work together.
“It is important that the Government has a cordial relationship with the churches because churches guide and give direction to what is right and wrong.” said Miriki.
Source: Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
PNG's vice-regal election accused of being politicised
A Papua New Guinea politician is calling for the removal of powers to nominate and elect a Governor General from politicians and parliament.
PNG's Supreme Court, on December 10th last year, annulled the re-appointment of Sir Paulias Matane and ordered the election of a new GG this month.
Parliament on Friday elected the ruling National Alliance party's favoured candidate, Michael Ogio,
The Governor of Port Moresby city, Powes Parkop says the integrity and the reputation of the vice regal's office has being politicised and eroded.
He says he will ask parliament to amend the laws on the election of the Governor General so as to remove the powers and vest it in an Eminent Persons Group soon.
Presenter: Firmin Nanol
Speaker: Port Moresby city Governor, Powes Parkop
Listen here!
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Ban partially lifted
BY SONIA KENU DWU Journalism Student
The ban on the sale of ice-blocks will soon be lifted by the Buka Urban Council and the Regional Cholera Task Force.
The Environmental Health officer with Buka Urban Council Deluts Semoso says they will partially lift the ban as the team is looking at regulating the sale of ice-blocks.
Ms Semoso says the regulation will help them monitor the sale of ice-blocks.
She adds that with the regulation, they aim to issue trading license to 10 suppliers of ice-blocks.
She says those interested in supplying ice-blocks are expected to meet certain health requirements in order to get a trading license.
Ms Semoso says that ice-blocks will only be sold at designated market areas.
Meanwhile, she says a meeting will be held by the Buka Urban Council and the Cholera task force including other stakeholders and individuals on the lifting of the ban.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Buka chiefs and the people of North Bougainville electorate last Saturday commended the National Government for appointing MICHAEL OGIO as the head of state and Governor General of Papua New Guinea.
Chairman of the Buka Council of Elders Chief ROMEO TOHIANA in a press statement said that the people of North Bougainville were very happy and want to commend the Somare-Abal led government for choosing MR. OGIO.
Mr.Tohiana said that the Buka chiefs see this as another historical achievement for the Autonomous Region of Bougainville and also strengthens the relationship between Papua New Guinea and Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Regional member for Bougainville and Minister for Bougainville Affairs and Trade, FIDELIS SEMOSO is appealing to the people of North Bougainville not to disturb the new Governor General elect.
MR. SEMOSO said in Buka that the position of Governor General does not have any funds for handout and the people must stop calling the former member.
He said that people who have been associating with the former member for North Bougainville for projects should stop calling MR. OGIO as he is no longer the member for North Bougainville.
Source: The National
Ogio elected as new GG
THE National Parliament has elected Member for North Bougainville and Minister for Higher Education, Science and Technology Michael Ogio as the ninth Governor-General of Papua New Guinea.
Voting for the new GG went ahead last Friday despite a notice of appeal being served to the acting speaker, the clerk of parliament, the acting Prime Minister and the state solicitor.
The government, with its strength in numbers, elected Ogio defeating his rival Sir Pato Kakaraya 65-23 while another eight votes were declared informal.
Before taking the vote, Western Governor Bob Danaya raised a point of order if Ogio was going
to vote himself, but the speaker ruled it out of order after giving several references of the elections of Sir John Guise and
Sir Wiwa Korowi who were elected governor-general while being members of the House of Assembly and parliament.
Deputy opposition leader Bart Philemon also raised a point of order, asking the acting speaker if he was aware of any notice of appeal documents being served but the acting speaker Francis Marus said he was not aware of any court proceedings or order being served.
Vanimo-Green MP and PNG party leader Belden Namah also asked the chair to explain if Sir Paulias Matane qualified to be voted, but the acting speaker said he did not qualify.
As the vote was about to be taken, Ogio upon the point order raised on his eligibility to vote, sought leave of parliament and walked out of the chamber.
Before he takes up his post as GG, Ogio will travel to England to meet the Queen.
However, it is not known when this will happen.
This now leaves a vacancy in the ministry of higher education and the office of the member for North Bougainville.
A by-election is likely to take place as 18 months remains before the general elections next year when the writs will be expected out in May.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainvilleans applaud gesture
THE Buka chiefs and the people of North Bougainville Open Electorate have commended the Government for appointing one of Bougainville’s very own sons Michael Ogio as the Head of State and Governo-General of Papua New Guinea.
For the first time in history a Bougainvillean Michael Ogio, the Member for North Bougainville and Minister for Higher Education, has filled the vice-regal post.
Buka Council of Elders chair-man Chief Romeo Tohiana in congratulating the G-G elect, expressed his gratefulness and support shortly after the appointment and announcement of Michael Ogio as the new G-G.
“The North Bougainville Open Electorate chiefs and its people take this opportunity to commend the National Executive Council and the Somare/Abal led Government for the appointment of Mr Ogio as the new G-G of PNG,” Mr Tohiana said.
Mr Ogio as a former teacher and politician contributed enormously to PNG and his electorate through his services.
“The people of Buka would once again commend the National Government and its people for having the confidence in bestowing Mr Ogio the role, as the PNG Head of State.” he said.
Source: Post-Courier
Ogio is new G-G
MICHAEL Ogio on Friday became the new Governor-General of Papua New Guinea.
The North Bougainvillean mustered the support of 65 Members of Parliament through a secret ballot which saw just 23 votes for only rival and former politician Pato Kakarya.
There were eight informal votes from the conduct of the secret ballot which to many people was only a formality as the Government had maintained its numerical strength from Monday when nominations opened.
Mr Ogio now becomes the ninth Governor-General of the country since Independence.
Not only that but he is now required to vacate his North Bougainville seat in order to take up his new position.
It is not clear at this stage whether or not a by-election can be held to fill the vacancy, considering the next national elections are less than two years away now.
Other potential candidates for the post failed to muster the required support of 15 Members of Parliament in order to be eligible for the election.
They included former governor- general, Sir Paulias Matane, who did not get the required support despite the serious efforts senior members of Government had earlier sought his concurrence to re-run for office.
This was unlike the previous June 25, 2010 election when Sir Paulias initially got the support of MPs who voted him to qualify to run for another term.
However, a snap declaration of his eligibility for office without having to formally be voted through the required secret ballot caused an uproar resulting in a Supreme Court reference taken out by the Morobe Provincial Executive Council, which overturned the appointment on December 10, 2010.
The Court then ordered Parliament’s recall to elect a new governor-general within 40 days from its decision date.
The Government caucus had on Monday agreed to Mr Ogio as its final and only nominee for the vice-regal position, rejecting Sir Paulias.
Acting Speaker of Parliament, Francis Marus, presided over the election and wasted no time in its conduct as it was the only official business of Parliament.
Earlier, a point of order was raised questioning claims that a court order had been taken out preventing Parliament from progressing the secret ballot.
Mr Marus said his office and Parliament had not received any such orders or documents and as far as he was concerned the secret ballot would progress as scheduled.
Mr Marus also explained that Sir Paulias had not mastered the required 15 MPs’ support to be considered eligible for the secret ballot following a point of order raised by PNG Party Leader Belden Namah.
Following his announcement of the result of the secret ballot, Mr Marus declared Mr Ogio the new Governor-General.
Leader of Government Business and National Planning Minister Paul Tiensten then successfully moved for adjournment of the House to May 10.
As a formality Mr Ogio will be inaugurated by the Queen who is symbolically the Head of State as PNG is a member of the Commonwealth of nations.
A date is yet to be finalised for the event.
Source: Post-Courier
Buka effects tax scheme
ALL public and private sector businesses operating within the boundaries of Buka Town have been issued with notices to pay their corporate and personal head tax starting this month.
The notice was issued by Buka Urban Council and serves all business houses, companies, Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) administrative divisions, Parliamentary Services and National Government agency offices operating in jurisdictional areas including Buka Town (CBD, Manguru, Katsinkuri, Ieta, and Airport Area), Sohano Island, Kokopau, Kubu, Hahela and Hutjena/ Tsonmona.
Buka Urban Council Town Manageress, Brenda Tohiana told the Post-Courier that the ABG Corporate and Personal Head Tax (2006) is the enabling Act that empowers Urban Councils and Council of Elders (COE) to impose and collect tax within the areas of their jurisdiction.
Mrs Tohiana said COEs Head Tax Rule 2009, of Buka Urban Council was approved by the Bougainville Executive Council (BEC) and gazetted in the Bougainville Gazette number ABG 2 (2009) dated Friday May 15 2009.
The rule, she said, empowers Buka Urban Council to impose and collect head tax from eligible tax payers.
“Buka Urban Council has taken the initiative issuing public notices to all these public and private sectors operating in the jurisdiction areas of Buka Town commencing this month, January to pay their corporate and personal head tax.” she said. Tohiana said; “If they fail to pay these taxes, a grace period will be given and they have to inform the office of the Buka Urban Council.”
“If the grace period expires, penalties will apply if they continuously fail to pay.” Tohiana said.
n CORPORATE Head Tax: A fee of K100 on any business that has been operating in Buka Town and areas stipulated in the jurisdictional boundary of Buka Town including the Kokopau Growth Centre for six months or more to pay a head tax to the Buka Urban Council
n PERSONAL Head Tax: K20 per fiscal year by any persons who is 18 years or more either male or female who has resided in Buka Town and its ward areas for more than six months.
Mrs Tohiana said for the purpose of Personal Head Tax, business and Government entities are directed to provide to the office of the Buka Urban Council a list of all their employees, their residential and their dates of employment by the company.
A fee of K100 for the Corporate Head Tax should be directly paid to the office of the Buka Urban Council.
Meanwhile all COE in Bougainville are qualified under the Corporate and Personal Head Tax Act.
Source: Post-Courier
Leaders be disciplined
BOUGAINVILLE leaders have been urged to instil good discipline and behaviour in their communities. A concerned Bougainville citizen who wanted to remain annymous told the Post-Courier that leaders should uphold laws and integrity of their leadership roles under the code of conducts through leading by example. She said leaders sometimes “step out of their leadership shoes” and act silly in public places.
“It is frustrating seeing leaders acting like small kids when they are drunk in public places. Or involving themselves in conflicts where they (leaders) should be neutral and making decisions that should benefit both parties.” she said.
She said some leaders have to grow both in person and mind as they still had childish manners.
“As a leader of any organisation, especially in the Government hierarchy, it is very shameful seeing leader’s activity like this in public areas.
“If leaders do not uphold their leadership quality, they deserve disrespect from the communities.”
She said such practices in public places was illegal and leaders found doing this should be dealt with accordingly under the law.
“Leaders must abide by laws and not breach them.”
Meanwhile leaders have also been urged to be servant leaders. She said there is no cordial relationship among the leaders and people because there is no bottom up approach.
“Always consult and work with your people in that way you will be accorded the respect and trust,” she said.
“Leadership is about “having a listening heart” and this, she said requires patients and time.
“I am calling on all Bougainville leaders, please work together with your people for the benefit and development of Bougainville, she said.
Source: Post-Courier
Torokina booster
IT’S a timely New Year gift for Torokina Primary School in Bougainville.
The school is located in one of the most remote parts of Bougainville was the proud recipient of a K50,000 donation, thanks to the National Education Department .
The K50,000 will go towards funding the new school library that will help students with their reading skills, knowledge and scientific research methods.
Officer representing Education Department Marie Muganawa last Tuesday presented the cheque to headmaster Melchior Sebelei.
Mr Sebelei upon receiving the cheque thanked the Education Department for the donation as “it was first of its kind” for the school.
He said the library was one very important facilities in learning institution and with the timely gift of K50,000, this would boost the children’s’ learning ability.
“Torokina Primary School has always been left out.
“In our submission to the Education Department, we asked them if they could assist us with funding to build a library. And upon our request, we were given a blessing with a New Year gift of K50,000.
“This money will cater for materials to construct the library building and other facilities required, including books,
“Our school’s Board of Management will open a Trust Account and deposit the money into this account. The money will only cater for library materials and other facilities and nothing else, making sure that we acquit for the money. Our aims and objective is to complete the library by the end of this year so it allows us to look at other needed projects within the school area.” Mr Sebelei said.
Meanwhile Torokina Primary School chairman Paul Damo thanked the Education Department and appealed to Torokina communities to work together to achieve the project.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
System Okay
By Aloysius Laukai
The Telikom System that New Dawn FM uses to update online viewers came on last night.
The system has been off for more than two weeks resulting in us having difficulty updating our site.
Reports from the Local Telikom office said that the system failure resulted from a error message coming from their main system in Port Moresby.
Our Online team will update the site as of today.
Source: Goldschmiede Zeitung
Papua Neuguinea
Hoffnung auf Wiederaufnahme der Arbeit in der Panguna-Mine
von Peter Henselder
Frankfurt/M. – Die nördlich von Australien gelegene, 8800 Quadratkilometer große Insel Bougainville, die politisch zu Papua Neuguinea gehört und rund 200 000 Einwohner hat, musste die hier befindliche Panguna-Mine seit 21 Jahren aus politischen Gründen geschlossen halten.
In den Jahren 1972 bis 1989 zählte sie zu den größten kombinierten Kupfer- und Goldminen der Welt. Die noch nicht geförderten Reserven von 3 bis 3,5 Millionen Tonnen Kupfer und knapp 13 Millionen Unzen Gold sind auf Basis der aktuellen Rohstoffpreise rund 50 Mrd. US-Dollar wert. Die jährliche Förderkapazität wird auf 170 000 Tonnen Kupfer und 500 000 Unzen Gold geschätzt. Auf Basis dieser Annahmen könnte die Mine noch rund 20 Jahre betrieben werden. Ende 2010 haben sich die in sechs Gruppen zusammen geschlossenen Landeigentümer nun darauf geeinigt, die Verhandlungen über eine Wiederbelebung von Panguna voranzutreiben. Ende Januar sollen die Gespräche beginnen. Getrieben werden sie von Spekulationen über noch nicht bekannte, in der Mine vermutete Reserven. Bislang wurde hier ausschließlich im Tagebau gearbeitet. Bei einer Wiederaufnahme der Produktion könnte auch eine ergänzende Untertageerschließung mit Hilfe modernster Verfahren zum Zuge kommen. Auch gehört zur Mine noch Land außerhalb der bis jetzt erschlossenen Vorkommen, in dem sich ebenfalls Rohstoffe finden lassen dürften.
Source: Canadian TV
Copper Market
The commodity cycle speeds up
Nothing remains of the peak of Copper Mountain in southern British Columbia, destroyed by decades of mining that have left behind three gaping pits about 1,000 metres above sea level.
But it’s been quiet up here since the mid-1990s, when the last operation was shuttered because of low commodity prices.
That’s about to change, thanks to a roaring comeback in the price of the main metal produced here. Copper, used in everything from construction and cars to telecommunications and power, is on a record run.
This week, amid blustery winds and a fresh blanket of snow, the trucks and shovels rumble again at this site, home to the Copper Mountain project, located 270 kilometres east of the Port Metro Vancouver, where copper concentrate will be shipped to Japan for smelting.
Sparks from welders’ torches crackle and fly inside the massive hangar-like processing mill that stands 10 storeys tall. Outside, several 240-tonne, seven-metre-tall trucks – price tag $3.5-million each – bump along at 15 kilometres an hour, hauling away waste rock from the once-prolific pit 3, to once again get after the suddenly valuable copper-speckled ore.
“The best copper is the copper that has already been found,” says Bill Dodds, the mine general manager. “And it’s where you probably find more of it.”
The Copper Mountain mine is one of a growing number of old, shuttered mines around the world that are being revisited, refurbished and reopened by companies hoping to cash in on the current surge in prices for copper, gold, nickel and a host of other metals.
The revival of old mines is part of the industry’s push to meet soaring demand from China and other fast-growing nations that use the various metals in their surging industrial exports and to build out their own infrastructure.
Mining companies are spending billions to boost production, in a race to meet that demand as quickly as possible before the next downturn hits the notoriously cyclical industry.
Today, with copper trading comfortably above $4 a pound, it appears that the comeback of the Copper Mountain mine couldn’t have been better timed.
“We are extremely excited to be starting production this year,” says Copper Mountain Mining Corp. chief executive officer Jim O’Rourke, who was also head of the former company that made the decision to shut the mine in the mid-1990s.
Copper Mountain has a rocky history. Ore was discovered by a father-and-son prospecting team in the 1880s. The first claim staked at Copper Mountain was by a fur buyer, R.A. Brown, in 1895, but it wasn’t until 1920 that the first ore was shipped out from a mine. Low copper prices forced the nascent operation to shut down just two months later - the first of four times in the next eight decades that whipsaw commodity prices closed the doors.
When the mine officially reopens this summer, after some $438-million of reconstruction spending, it will be the first commercial production to come out of the site in 15 years. When the mine last closed in 1996, copper was struggling to stay above $1 (U.S.) a pound, making it difficult to not only turn a profit but replace the 20-year-old trucks and aging infrastructure.
Around the world, old mines like Copper Mountain are new again. Mine reopenings are running at a brisk clip - an average of about two per month over the past 21 months worldwide, according to Halifax-based Metals Economics Group. That includes four reopenings in March last year and three in each July and April.
The revitalization is bringing a variety of mines back to life. Once-dormant gold mines have been restarted in several resource-rich locations, including Northern Ontario, as the soaring metal trades near record highs. Canadian mining giant Teck Resources Ltd. is considering reopening an old metallurgical coal mine in B.C. amid relentless demand for the raw material used in steel making. In Papua New Guinea, talks are under way to reopen the massive Bougainville copper mine, closed for 20 years, at a cost of $3-billion. Old uranium mines are reopening in parts of the western United States after years of sitting idle, as the price of the metal used as fuel for nuclear reactors climbs alongside rising global demand for energy.
While old mines reopen, mining companies are also furiously consolidating, in order to combine resources and capital to speed up development of new mines. In the past week alone, four substantial mining deals involving Canadian firms were announced, all with the goal of rapid growth.
Inmet Mining Corp., for example, characterized its merger with Lundin Mining Corp. as a must to “survive and thrive” in the copper business, while Cliffs Natural Resources Inc.’s $4.7-billion bid for Consolidated Thompson Iron Mines Ltd. opens the door for Cliffs to the crucial Chinese market. HudBay Minerals Inc. is hoping to revitalize its growth plans by reaching into copper-rich Peru with a $520-million deal for Norsemont Mining Inc.
But the rush to get bigger, faster brings risks. All the new waves of supply from reopened mines and new projects are likely to weigh on the market in coming years, some industry experts warn. Prices for copper, aluminum, nickel, coal and iron ore may still rise for a year or two, but amid the fast growth in supply, many predict demand to level off, followed by prices. The possibility of a slowdown in China, as the country takes steps to rein in inflation and credit growth, adds to the risk.
In the case of copper, “as more supply comes on, the price will slowly come down,” says Peter Campbell, a mining analyst with Jennings Capital. After a near-term rise, he sees copper prices tumbling back down to about $2.50 a pound by 2015.
As prices decline, higher-cost producers will be hurt “because the margins are just too skinny,” Mr. Campbell says.
“They don’t call it a commodity cycle for nothing,” he says. “Sometimes it ends in tears.”
Mine values
Old mines, though, can become company makers.
Vancouver-based Quadra FNX Mining Ltd. got its start from a once-shuttered mine discarded by mining giant BHP Billiton Ltd.
Australian-based BHP closed the Robinson copper mine in Nevada in 1999, when the 70-cent copper price meant the open-pit operation was no longer making enough money to satisfy its growth plans.
The state’s Robinson Mining District had been producing copper since the early 1900s, and Quadra, confident copper would eventually rebound, bought the mine in April, 2004. Production began a few months later and has been operating since, with an expected mine life until 2016.
Today, Quadra FNX has mines and development projects in North America, Chile and Greenland.
“Robinson was a great starting project for a new company at the time,” says Quadra FNX CEO Paul Blythe. But timing is everything, and Mr. Blythe says valuations of mine projects today have soared. Mines for sale today “tend to be sold by auction and they tend to command a price that would make a person cautious, I think, as to whether you wanted to get into a bid situation or not.”
Consider Baffinland Iron Mines Corp.’s Mary River iron ore project in Canada's high Arctic. Construction hasn’t even started and it already has sparked a bidding war between steel giant ArcelorMittal and a U.S. private equity firm. On Friday, the two companies came together to make a joint offer at $1.50 a share, which is nearly double the original bid price made last fall.
Seizing the advantage
Copper Mountain Mining’s Mr. O’Rourke has lived through a number of commodity cycles in his more than 30 years of operating and developing mines across North and South America.
It’s knowing just how quickly prices can fluctuate that has Mr. O’Rourke and his team working around the clock to ensure that the Copper Mountain mine is completed on time and on budget. With copper currently trading around $4.30 a pound and forecasts it could surpass $5 next year as demand outstrips supply, the months ahead could the company’s best chance to reap rich profits.
“If we take advantage of the time, take advantage of the revenue, do lots of exploration, the mine could be there for 15 to 20 years,” says Mr. O’Rourke, who came out of “retirement” to make the project a reality.
Copper Mountain Mining is far ahead from where it started after buying the mine in 2006. Its production decision was based on a price of $1.80 a pound.
“The extra $2.50-per-pound margin on our planned 100-million-pound-per-year production provides huge upside for the mine,” Mr. O’Rourke says.
What’s more, the company is estimating production costs at the mine of around $1.30 a pound. At today’s prices, that’s a gain of $3 a pound, or about $300-million a year in cash flow. While the company still has to pay off debt and other expenses, the higher the margin the more money it can set aside for future growth, including possibly a future acquisition.
“It’s a great base for a junior company – to form the base for us to grow from,” Mr. O’Rourke says.
Time pressure
If the commodity picture plays out as some predict over the next few years, Copper Mountain Mining has about 18 months to squeeze higher profits out from the revival of its B.C. mine. That’s if there are no problems and production begins on time.
At the Copper Mountain site, about 350 construction workers are busy on the sprawling 18,000-acre property (7,300 hectares) amid the undulating mountain top above steep slopes.
The concrete was first poured last February. Crews know the pressure is on to make sure the June 1 opening date is not missed. “Getting it going June 1 is the minimum,” says mine general manager Mr. Dodds.
One great advantage of resurrecting a dead mine is that some important infrastructure is already in place. Copper Mountain was already connected to the BC Hydro grid and, much more importantly, already had a tailing lake. At three kilometres long, this key but often controversial storage pit for mine processing waste – some 34,000 tonnes of ground ore dust each day – was the huge stumbling block that eventually sunk Taseko Mines Ltd.’s proposed Prosperity copper-gold mine in B.C. last fall.
While much of the work is done at the Copper Mountain mine, there are “lots of bits and pieces to go.” Pieces come from everywhere. The shovels from Germany, the trucks from Illinois, loaders from Japan, the 34-tonne grinders in the mill made in Paraguay.
Seven of the big 240-tonne Komatsu 830E trucks are on site, with the other half dozen to arrive by February. They show up in pieces and are assembled on site. Stacked piles of $40,000 tires, haul boxes in two, and truck chassis/frame/engine sit in the snow outside a maintenance shop. The trucks are part of 23 pieces of heavy equipment, worth a total of $85-million.
On the precipice of pit 3, across the 200-metre deep chasm, drillers are at work to poke holes to fill with explosives to blow away waste rock, the last preparations for mining. It is on this flat ground, above the pit, that once existed the town of Copper Mountain, back when Granby Consolidated Mining operated an underground mine below. There’s no hint left of the buildings that housed the men who toiled below ground, the first to haul copper ore out of here.
The current plan calls for the mine to be in business until 2028. There’s already hope for longer production, particularly after more positive exploration results were released on Thursday. Pits 1, 2 and 3 are individual gashes in the land; when Copper Mountain Mining Corp. is done, it will be one massive superpit.
Looking at the hardrock below, Mr. Dodds says: “In 17 years there’ll be no trace of it.”
Source: the star online
Jungle paradise in the South Pacific
By Tan Wee Kiat
An old-timer reminisces about an engineering assignment he took on once upon a time in the South Pacific.
The South Sea island in question is Bougainville, which was part of the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific before World War I. From April to October 1966, it was my highland paradise.
I was hired to work there as a mining engineer. To get to Bougainville, I was given a long and curious route — by plane from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore, and then on to Perth. Then by rail for two days across the continental desert from Perth to Melbourne.
Here, I had to admit my four-year-old daughter into the ICU of Melbourne Hospital because the trans-continental train gave her gastroenteritis. Afterwards, I got my wife and daughter settled down in an apartment.
Then it was on with the journey: a plane to Sydney, then a commercial flight to Papua New Guinea, landing in Kieta on Bougainville. During my winding journey there, I got hold of Nietzche, a 700-page volume called The Portable Nietzche. It was lying on a seat, discarded or forgotten by a traveller departing Sydney airport.
So with only Nietzche in my hand, I left Australia and headed northeast into the relatively unknown Papua New Guinea — and cannibals!
The plane landed in the late afternoon on the airstrip of Kieta. Very early the next morning, Rio Tinto’s Bell helicopter whisked me — a sole passenger — off towards the mountains and away from the many conventional “wants”. Once in the aircraft, I was totally in the “Rio Tinto system”. No one told me where I was being taken or what I would be doing. It was thrilling — actually unnerving — to be helplessly lifted off the ground and flown above the fast-rising mountains.
I could see all this because the chopper had a see-through bottom. After a “long” time and many miles, it became apparent we were heading towards a large clearing. It was a welcome and beautiful oasis in the midst of a dense jungle. I got out of the helicopter and, with body bent low to avoid the whirling blades, headed for the main building.

It was a neat thatched hut like all the others, but larger and with a verandah. The chopper, the instant I was clear of its blades, rose from the ground and departed. Once it disappeared, the loud silence and the cool spring-fresh air hit me — pleasantly.
Ray, a genial and always-smiling German, was engaged in short-wave radio talk when I entered the “mess”. He was the 24-hour-guardian of the radio. He was also the de-facto camp supervisor. During a break in his radio talk, he gave me a quick “briefing” on the place.
Patrick, the “Number One and also ever-smiling House Boy”, carried my things to the long house and dropped them in my room. There were altogether some 14 rooms in the longhouse, and they were only for diamond drill operators. Patrick also showed me the camp facilities: food store, kitchen, hot showers, laundry, etc.
This oasis, called Barapinang, was the base camp established to support and service the men who operated the diamond drills in the area. Within two years, up to July 1968, over 64km of holes were completed by the men to bring up, from deep in the ground, data sufficient to change the status of the copper-gold ore-body from “prospect” to “potential mine” with proven ore reserves.
The first drill was human-carried to site in 1965. Soon after that, choppers were hired to move heavy equipment.
When I was at Barapinang, I found the services excellent. Even the scenery, nearby and distant, were beautiful. The Barapinang base-camp facilities were set up adjacent to a long-existing native village. It was a natural meeting place in the forested mountains. It was also a walk-through “highway” in the jungle.
Diamond drilling was carried out deep into the ground to bring up rock-cores to be evaluated according to type and metal (gold and copper) content. The men operating the diamond drilling operations were a hardy and special breed. They were focused only on getting out as much successful rock cores as possible. They did not want unnecessary talk. They were after good “footage” and the better money that came with it.
They got up very early in the morning, walked along jungle tracks to their own drill sites, finished what drilling they had to do . . . and I don’t know what they did after that. Perhaps they retired to bed in the long house. I never saw them hanging around. I saw them only when I went out of the way to seek them as part of my work. I respected their need for privacy.
Even in the long house which we shared, I never went or looked inside beyond my front room and the entrance. This privacy was also what I liked.
Transportation at Barapinang was restricted to steep jungle tracks — always kept in good repair — and log-bridges across streams. Only for long distance travelling and moving heavy equipment did we use the hired Bell choppers, which cost Rio Tinto a pile, on an hourly basis.
While I was still there (mid-1966) a huge Sikorski helicopter was used to bring up the dismantled parts of a bulldozer. The parts were put back together while still in the chopper pad.
The Caterpillar then started bulldozing a temporary access track down to the coast. This was completed in mid-1967. The result can be seen in Rio Tinto’s magnificent photo. It shows the completed temporary access track and the spectacular nature of the terrain at Bougainville about mid-1967.
But Barapinang, the oasis, was swallowed up by later mining activities. My highland paradise was no more. I hope it remains a treasure in the hearts of the others who also enjoyed Barapinang.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
PNG elects Ogio as Governor General
The Government’s candidate, Michael Ogio, has been elected Papua New Guinea’s new governor general.
The vote comes after the Supreme Court ruled in December that the June election of Sir Paulias Matane was unconstitutional.
Our correspondent Alex Rheeney says one of the candidates who didn’t manage to secure the required 15 MPs’ signatures for nomination had threatened court action, but the vote went ahead.
“He is currently the minister for higher education in the Somare Cabinet, and he is also the North Bougainville MP. Now that he has been elected by the PNG Parliament to be PNG’s next Governor General, it subsequently means that he has to resign from office and there has to be a by-election for the North Bougainville open electorate.”
Alex Rheeney says Michael Ogio will now fly to London to receive Buckingham Palace’s approval, and is expected to take up the appointment by March.

New PNG Governor General:
Michael Ogio from Bougainville
Source: Radio Australia - Pacific Beat
PNG elects new Governor General
Papua New Guinea's parliament has elected a new Governor General.
The ruling National Alliance party's favoured candidate, Michael Ogio (Bougainville), has overwhelmingly defeated the opposition's nomination, Sir Pato Kakaraya, by 65 votes to 23.
Radio Australia reporters in Port Moresby say parliament was adjourned until May the 10th immediately after Mr Ogio's election.
The new Governor won't be sworn in till then.
Our reporter in Port Moresby, Liam Fox, explains why a new Governor-General was needed in the first place.
Listen here!
Presenter: Bruce Hill
Speaker: PNG correspondent Liam Fox
Source: Post-Courier
Islanders get help
THE Autonomous Bougainville Government is now working on the final draft for an agreement which will enable part of more than 2000 plus Carterets Islanders resettle in their new location.
The Agreement, which is still being finalised by the ABG resettlement team led by Ephraim Eminoni will allow the islanders to build new homes and settle at Karoola Plantation.
This month the team is working together with local people of Halia and Peit Constituencies to finalise the arrangements.
This is the ABG’s resettlement part of carterets, where about K10 million was needed to complete the full resettlement - but the first five families moved to Tinputz in 2009 under the non-government organisation Tulelei Peisa arrangements in conjunction with the Catholic Church.
Chairman of the Carterets Resettlement committee – Halia Constituency- Maurice Hotsia told the Post-Courier the Carterets Resettlement Integrated Program Report 2010 is already complete and should be available for implementation once a final agreement is signed. This will allow about 100 families from Carterets Island to make their new homes in the once famous Karoola Plantation – at Hanahan in the Halia Constituency but also falls within the Peit constituency in Buka.
“The Carterets Resettlement Integrated Program Report 2010 is another world major project falling in the hands of our government to closely analyse and create its domestic resettlement programs which would address this unique natural disaster to its minimum requirement,” Hotsia said.
Hotsia, the appointed person with the mandatory functions and responsibilities heading a committee from one ethnic part of Buka, started all resettlement program work in March 2010 and is now coming to an end, which will see new comers into their land.
“As far as my committee is concerned, K4 million has been disclosed for this special project according to the ABG associated project officer at our right hands. AusAID also poured in some million kinas towards the exercise likewise the European Union organisation. The monies are now accessible to the appropriate manpower whom the ABG continually and co-operatively supervises for the great and successful results.
“I pledge to the ABG, church communities, businesses, ethnic Bougainvilleans and individuals to signify their humanitarian support aligned with the United Nations Charter on Human Rights as well as the divine nature.”
Source: Post-Courier
World Vision to bring water to ABG
WORLD Vision is helping rural communities throughout the Autonomous Region of Bougainville through its Water and Sanitation (WAS) Projects initiated in various communities in the region.
The Water and Sanitation Projects (WAS) by World Vision are hygiene projects providing clean and safe drinking water closer to homes; building proper toilets and giving trainings hygiene to educate people more on healthy living.
The current World Vision Buka was Project Manager Gail Pigolo told the Post Courier that before implementing a project, assessments are carried out in communities and the project is designed accordingly to the assessment reports then a proposal is written up to seek funding from World vision donors overseas such as World Vision Australia, World Vision New Zealand and World Vision Japan just to name a few. These donor agencies fund the projects through the World Vision office in Bougainville.
“Through the funding then we carry out these projects with the support of the communities contributing 5 percent and World Vision itself provides 95 percent,” said Ms Pigolo.
“And since World Vision established its office in Bougainville in 2003, Water and Sanitation hygiene projects are of paramount concern and in 2004 these projects were carried out to many parts of Bougainville. Mainly we have covered areas in North Bougainville including parts of North East side of Buka and areas in the West coast of Buka covering the Peit and Tonsu constituencies and currently we are working on projects in the West Coast of Bougainville”, she said.
“The projects in the West coast of Bougainville covers three constituencies and that is Mahari, Teua and Torokina constituencies, in these constituencies 18 communities are covered and because these are 3 year planned projects so we started the projects in 2009 and its nearing its completion in June this year (2011),” added Ms Pigolo.
“When seeing projects successfully rolled out into communities of Bougainville, I strongly believe that this will have a great impact on the lives of people, improving their standard of living and promoting good hygiene and the general well being of every human being. Even though Bougainville is blessed with rivers and water to drink however mothers walk long distances to fetch water to sustain their daily needs. Also we are not really sure if the water is safe for drinking and cooking. So World Vision aims to help the people to have access to proper water and sanitation in maintaining good health ,” Ms Pigolo explained.
The Project Manager said similar projects will be carried out in ten communities of Central Bougainville. Work will commence this year. Several visits have been carried out to the project sites.
Meanwhile the projects currently underway are funded by World Vision Australia and World Vision New Zealand.
Source: Post-Courier
Workers to work and not business
BOUGAINVILLEANS want authorities on Bougainville to explain why senior public servants were defying their the Public Service Act and engaging themselves in business deals.
These concerns were raised by the Bougainville public that a lot of public servants including senior ones were running businesses and spend more time in these businesses and do not give 100 per cent to their duties.
Two elite Bougaivnilleans, one from Buka and another from Central Bougainville said these responsible people should make up their minds whether they want to serve one master or two. They also have to face justice for breaching their own oaths they swore when assuming public offices.
“We are questioning why many serving Bougainville public servants are running businesses at the same time working. We don’t mind them running businesses but they chose to be public servants. They can’t risk having businesses unless they are absolutely clear and they have signed declarations with due respect to following the process,” the concerned Bougainvilleans said. “We know very senior public servants have their businesses. They’re no threats to us but we all have to abide by the laws we signed to follow. I am a public servant too and I want to start my business in Kieta but I cannot because I chose to be a simple public servant, to serve the people and not cheat on them.”
Source: Post-Courier
VSAT links up PNG
EARLY warning system to warn people of approaching disasters is still being researched, says the National Disaster and Emergency Centre Director, Martin Mose.
Mr Moses was grateful for Telikom PNG Limited’s very small aperture terminal satellite (VSAT) communication system being installed in various disaster prone sites in PNG.
He said it has been difficult for the centre to immediately inform communities of approaching disaster and mobilise people to move to safe ground has been difficult for the centre for some time with HF radios.
“Given the country’s rugged terrain and isolation of some island communities, communication is vital for early warning and VSAT systems installed by Telikom PNG in various disaster prone sites in PNG will help the centre,” he said.
Mr Mose said VSAT service was to help disaster and emergency response communication but communities were the systems were installed could also use that to enrich their lives where basic services and infrastructure were lacking.
He said Suddest, the furthest island in Milne Bay Province, was one of the communities that was far from Alotau but takes a day to reach once in a fortnight to replenish stock back home.
The Rural District Officer in Milne Bay, Miriam Wanye said the rising sea level was eroding the coastline affecting livelihood of the islanders while the closest district to access basic goods and services was a six-hour dinghy ride to Misima.
“To communicate their needs and order supplies or schedule appointments with those in town for a trip once a fortnight is now convenient and save cost for the islanders when planning their trips to town,” Ms Wanye said.
About 31 from 44 identified sites had been installed with VSATs last month.
The sites installed in March in Madang Province were Manam, Karkar, Bagbag and Gaubin and on Tunnel Hill in East New Britain in April.
The sites where VSAT systems were installed in Manus Province in April were Bundrahi, Bundralis, Baluan and Lou Islands and later in Makiri and Ulamona in West New Britain.
The Tasman Island in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville had theirs installed in May connecting the islanders to the outside world.
VSAT was also installed at Emirau and Tigalop in New Ireland in September while the communities in Ambasi, Oro Bay, Wanigela district office and Kira Health Centre in Northern Province got their’s installed later in the same month.
In October Kobalu, Magarima, Dauli Teachers’ College and Hewaii Falls in Southern Highlands together with Lengdati and Fasu in Morobe Province had their VSATs installed.
The other sites that were installed earlier in the year were Bjem Island in East Sepik Province.
About K13 million was earmarked by the Minister for Inter-Government Relations, Job Pomat to fund the installation of VSAT satellite systems in his province in 2009.
The Telikom CEO, Peter Loko said the objective of the project was to ensure modern communication systems were available to communities in remote areas.
He said this would be to report any national disaster and emergency cases quickly to NDES office in Port Moresby.
Mr Loko acknowledged Mr Pomat for funding the successful implementation of phase one of the rollout while Telikom was awaiting funds to be release by the ministry to complete the second phase of the program for the remaining 13 sites.
Source: The National
Sir Pato tipped for GG post
STATESMAN Sir Pato Kakaraya is tipped to become the new governor-general as parliament meets this morning to conduct a secret ballot.
Sir Pato now has a supporter from Sepik in Wewak MP Moses Manwau.
A statement from Manwau appealed to members of parliament not to vote on party lines.
Manwau is a member of Enga Governor Peter Ipatas’ People’s Party, who had refuted claims that he joined the opposition.
Manwau’s statement spoke volumes although critics had accused Ipatas of not supporting Sir Pato in the past.
Ipatas said last night that he would be happy if Michael Ogio or Sir Pato wins the race.
He said it was the government caucus decision to support Ogio as the Speaker of Parliament Jeffrey Nape, Chief Justice Sir Salamo
Injia and the acting Prime Minister, Sam Abal, were
from the highlands.
He said as governor, he was also a national leader and member of the government coalition to support the government position on a candidate.
“We did not want to embarrass ourselves again and, when the caucus made the decision, I picked up the form and automatically the sponsor.”
Ipatas said the government caucus decided that for the sake of stability, and considering that Bougainville referendum is coming up, decided to nominate Bougainville’s very experienced leader Ogio.
“Bougainville is part of the country and the government caucus made a commitment that Bougainville will still be part of PNG.”
Ipatas said he had reasons why he should not be supporting a highlands candidate as the three Sir Pato, Ronald Rimbao and Sir Matiabe Yuwi were Hela brothers and his support for one would not go down well with the other two.
Manwau stated that the governor general’s office was the highest office in the land and it should be accorded respect, dignity, integrity and principle, and he appealled to members of parliament voting today to vote on conscience and not on party lines.
“The office of the governor-general is the most neutral office for all citizens, and must be kept above party politics.
“Party politics has been responsible for a lot of problems and inefficiencies in the government delivery mechanism in recent times.
“It is not difficult for members of parliament to see that there are certain candidates with distinguished credentials who are vying for the vice-regal office. They do not necessarily align with parties, and we must respect that and not drag their candidature into party politics.
“The vice-regal office must be kept above dirty party politics. It should not be dragged down,” Manwau said.
Source: The Profit Hunter
Increasing speculation sends Bougainville Copper shares flying
Lastly today, we notice that shares in Bougainville Copper BOC.AX have been very volatile in the last few weeks. They hit a high of A$2.15 on 6 January, rising more than 20% on the say and taking out previous highs from November 2007.
The reason is simply increasing speculation. This follows further discussion of the possibility of the huge Panguna copper and gold mine re-opening. Several newspapers have recently written articles about the mine and Bougainville Copper’s chairman, Peter Taylor, has painted a more and more positive picture of the situation.
It looks like slowly but surely all parties are coming closer to an agreement. This is exciting to see and is what everybody is waiting for. There are still plenty of outstanding issues, though. These include profit sharing, ownership, environmental issues, finances, feasibility studies of the mine, etc. It’s a long list and there will be more news flow to come for sure. With that will come more volatility, so be prepared.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Pic of these trio who left for China on Monday.
They went as far as Buin and came back before returning to Beijing
Picture of Raymond and Wife Hellen with Kristoff taken just before they boarded the Airniugini flight to Pom on Monday

They pose for this AL picture with Member for Hagogohe Robert Hamal and the President of New Bougainville Party Linus Sahoto and Mrs Momis
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai

Jason Fong and his delegation pose for this AL Picture with Businessman WILLIAM NAKIN and Member for ABG Franco Hoping member for Ex Combatants for North Bougainville
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Chinese Businessmen are committed to partner with Bougainville Businessmen and have made several visits to Bougainville since the ABG Delegation visited China at the end of last year.
The ABG Special Business Representative to China, MR. JASON FONG and another delegation arrived in Buka this morning to have several meetings with the ABG and local Business groups to discuss how the two groups can work together in Business as partners.
According to their Program, the group would meet with the Bougainville Administration tomorrow morning and in the afternoon they would meet the Business Community.
They would visit Pororan Island on Saturday.
The group would then travel to Arawa on Sunday and meet with the Administration and the Arawa Business Community before traveling to Buin.
In Buin they will see the Kangu wharf and also visit the Likui farm in Siwai.
The Chinese delegation will return to Port Moresby on Friday January 21st.
Source: Post-Courier
Leaders cite funds misuse
ONE constituency in north Bougainville has raised major concerns over the manner in which a National Parliament Member’s District Service Improvement (DSIP) funds are being used in the region.
Teua Constituency leaders and elites yesterday told the Post-Courier the report on a particular MPs DSIP funds for Bougainville that was missing was only the tip of an iceberg.
The leaders said yesterday that all appropriations for the Teua Constituency by the North Bougainville Budget Committee were not being honoured and it had been three years since empty promises were entertained.
“Enough is enough,” they said.
“Projects for our Teua constituency are long overdue. Every time we visit the office of the MP they tell us next week, next week and again next week and this next week never comes. This is people’s money and the committee members are not supposed to suppress our communities with these projects that we have applied for and that we legally and by right are entitled to. These actions warrant further investigations and those or whoever is implicated must be brought before justice, they should face the full force of justice.
“We are now dealing with a new Bougainville, the paradigm shift of a new Bougainville and these type of actions are uncalled for and not welcomed in our region, this is Papua New Guinea’s politics brought into Bougainville and should immediately be banned from being entertained.
“For so long we’ve been suppressed by these coward acts.
“The Teua people have been deprived for so many years…and you know what, because of the actions by the committee members on a district level, the particular leader’s mandate becomes meaningless.
“Bougainvilleans, let’s think twice before we do something, let’s not create another war, it’s our responsibility to serve with utmost respect and loyalty and to the MPs, all of them in the National Parliament, we the people voted you in, not the committee members, so think twice before you do anything because the 2012 elections is just around the corner.”
Source: Post-Courier
Lack of funds affects police
By Fabian Gatana
BOUGAINVILLE’s top cop Thomas Eluh has strongly raised his frustrations over the manner in which the Police force in Bougainville is being left to “fend for itself” under harsh conditions.
Assistant Commissioner of Police Eluh said he was very frustrated that he could not move his operations in Bougainville forward because of financial stringencies.
Mr Eluh, who looks after a young and aspiring police force, trained under the PNG Government specifically for Bougainville, but who has a big task ahead of him – with the serious crack in the law and order in the region said that he needed all the funds earmarked for his Bougainville Police Service to basically move the force effectively and forward.
“I am already frustrated and I can’t just sit down and do nothing. I want to do many things that will benefit the force in the long run, but I can’t because there are no funds to work with,” an irate Mr Eluh said.
The Bougainville Police Service still has to receive millions of kina including the K6 million earmarked for the force last year for the work to begin this year.
Mr Eluh said that he seriously wanted to work on training his policemen further, build and commission many more police posts in the region especially in central and south Bougainville and most of all renovate police houses so that his policemen can give 100 per cent of their time to their duties in the region.
Bougainville is now faced with a serious law and order ordeal – the issue of guns and drugs.
Source: Post-Courier
Sir Pato vs Ogio for G-G seat
By yehiura Hriehwazi
FORMER Wapenamanda MP and Knight of the realm Sir Pato Kakaraya appears set to become the next Governor-General if Clerk of Parliament, Don Pandan, is persuaded to reject North Bougainville MP Mr Michael Ogio’s candidacy.
Sir Pato was nominated by the Opposition members of Parliament yesterday after failing to get more MPs to sign up for women leaders Enny Moaits, Winnia Kiap and Sir Makena Geno.
They went through an elimination process within their offices yesterday in which they dropped nominations which had only a handful of MPs signed up and eventually Sir Pato came out with more than 15 signing up for him.
Four Morobe MPs Sam Basil (Bulolo), Vincent Michael (Tewai-Siassi), Tony Iguan (Markham) and Theo Zurecnuoc (Finchhafen) told the media they had to withdraw their support for Mrs Moaitz and apologised to her because they were not supported by Morobe Governor Luther Wenge, Defence Minister Bob Dadae and Health Minister Sasa Zibe who had signed up for Mr Ogio with the government.
The 4 MPs and their deputy Opposition leader Mr Bart Philemon (Lae) all signed up for Sir Pato, along with Sir Puka Temu who had to drop his nominee Sir Makena because he could not get any more MPs to back him. Mr Philemon had initially nominated and supported Ms Winnie Kiap but he only got nine MPs to sign in for her and therefore had to drop her and shifted their allegiance to Sir Pato.
Sir Pato and Mr Ogio were the only two candidates at close of nominations yesterday. Mr Ogio was nominated by Enga Governor Mr Peter Ipatas and seconded by Maprik MP and Commerce and Industry Minister Gabriel Kapris during the government caucus on Tuesday.
Inside sources told Post-Courier that a total 43 candidates signed on Mr Ogio’s nomination form.
Mr Ipatas’ support for Mr Ogio, instead of his fellow Engan candidates Ronald Rimbao and Sir Pato, is expected to cause some political under-currents in their province.
And the Opposition’s backing of Sir Pato could be tactical move to sway Engan and Highlands support to the Opposition in the event of a no-confidence motion against the sidelined Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare, according to a political observer last night.
The Opposition was yesterday very critical of the government’s handling of nominations for vice regal office.
Opposition MPs led by leader Sir Mekere Morauta fired a broadside at the government accusing it of politicising the office and undemocratically and unnecessarily signing up more MPs than was required and leaving out the other candidates.
An MP is allowed to sign up for only one nominee and not withdraw their name after it was handed in to the Clerk. The government lock-up the MPs which otherwise could have offered support for other candidates.
If the Clerk refused to accept Mr Ogio’s nomination based on allegations raised by the Opposition, Mr Ogio would be given the right to appeal to a court of law which was now in recess until early February.
If Mr Ogio accepted his rejection as a candidate, then Sir Pato would be declared the Parliament’s nominee and would be sworn into office as Governor-General Elect until Buckingham Palace is notified and formal appointment is made by the Queen. That done, PNG will have an Engan GG, Engan Acting PM, Engan Chief Justice and Engan Clerk of Parliament.
Source: Post-Courier
Ogio not ‘fit and proper’ for G-G post
By Yehiura Hriehwazi
The Government candidate for the position for Governor General— Michael Ogio — is not a “fit and proper person” for the post, according to the Opposition.
By close of nomination for the G-G’s office, the Opposition was to have delivered a letter to the Clerk of Parliament pointing out reasons why Mr Ogio should not be a nominee.
Among reasons stated were Mr Ogio’s alleged controversial decisions as Forest Minister in 2002 relating to the Wawoi Guavi Timber Permit, Kunga Aimbak logging project, Josephstaal logging concession and Timber Authorities 1-8 in Western Province.
PNG Party leader Belden Namah, immediate past Forest Minister, told a media conference that Mr Ogio and did not have the credibility and respect of the community. He said investigations into controversial timber permits, licences and concessions issued during Mr Ogio’s term as Forest minister were still ongoing and he should not be elected into the G-G’s office.
Opposition leader Sir Mekere Morauta, Sir Puka Temu and Mr Namah urged all MPs to vote for a candidate whose standing and integrity is above the level of Prime Minister. The leaders noted that the Constitution was explicit on this and stated that those seeking the vice regal office must be “a mature person of good standing who enjoys the general respect of the community.”
This qualification implied that the nominee was not meant to be a political nominee, in any way the National Alliance party has “unashamedly” declared its allegiance and signed up 43 MPs on Tuesday for Mr Ogio. They said with Mr Ogio’s alleged history of controversial decisions in logging he therefore failed to qualify for the “very important and high office”
Deputy Opposition leader Bart Philemon said those embroiled in controversy “past or present” should not be nominated or even act in it temporarily.
“Parliamentary process and Parliament’s nominee must reflect the dignity and decorum associated with Queen Elizabeth 11. We must not be seen to be rewarding or promoting the worst among ourselves instead of the best among our citizens.”
He said when he was Treasury and Finance Minister, the World Bank used 30 timber and logging cases as a bargaining point for PNG to correct the wrongs before it bailed out PNG. Those timber issues related to the time when Mr Ogio was Forest Minister.
Source: The Straits Times
ANALYSIS: Minefield at PNG copper mine
SINGAPORE, Jan 12, 2011 (The Straits Times - McClatchy-Tribune Information Services via COMTEX) --
Will Rio Tinto, the major investor in one of the world's richest copper mines, get it right this time? Spiralling global copper prices are prompting investors to consider reopening a controversial copper mine on Papua New Guinea's (PNG) Bougainville Island that triggered almost a decade of civil war in the 1990s.
The closure of the Panguna copper mine run by Rio Tinto subsidiary Bougainville Copper Ltd (BCL) in 1989 led to important changes in the way large mining companies deal with host communities all over the world. Current moves to reopen it are therefore likely to be closely watched.
Located off the west coast of PNG, Bougainville Island is rich in copper and gold. It is also geographically and ethnically distinct from the rest of the country, a factor that has long encouraged secessionist sentiment.
Disputes over the mine date from the late 1960s. At the time, Australian colonial officials actively encouraged Rio Tinto's endeavour, believing the mine would become an important source of revenue for the soon-to-be-independent nation. In this at least, it had some success. From 1972 to 1989, the mine contributed about 44 per cent of PNG's exports and about 17 per cent of the government's revenue. Bougainvilleans also enjoyed the highest living standard in the country.
But the mine had been built in the face of strong landowner opposition. Tensions simmered throughout the 1970s as women -- through whom land in much of Bougainville is inherited -- lay down in front of bulldozers. Widespread violence erupted in 1988, forcing the mine to close the following year.
By 1990, the situation had deteriorated into a full-scale civil war. Hostilities ended with a truce in 1997 and a peace agreement in 2001. Under current arrangements, the government in Bougainville is responsible for all activities except defence and foreign affairs. A referendum on independence is scheduled for some time between 2015 and 2020. The mine remains closed.
But with the global copper price now four times higher than what it was in the late 1980s, the pressure to reopen the mine is growing. Along with BCL's shareholders, company chairman John Taylor agrees. But his cautious tone and reluctance to provide a timetable reflect the company's bitter experience.
"We must ensure the landowners retain No. 1 importance," he said. "And the Bougainville government's support is also critical," he told the Australian media last month. Mr Taylor also acknowledges the fact that everything will need to be renegotiated, including issues such as ownership, the employment of local people and tailings disposal.
Bougainville's new president, Mr John Momis, elected for five years in June, also wants the mine opened. But he may impose tough conditions on the company. Campaigning during the PNG elections in 1987, he demanded that BCL hand over 3 per cent of its gross income to the Bougainville provincial government. BCL's subsequent refusal contributed significantly to the tensions that triggered the civil war.
Several disagreements among Bougainvilleans regarding the conditions under which they would accept the mine's reopening also need to be resolved.
Some activists have been insisting that all demands made by the rebels during the fighting, including those involving environmental compensation, must be met before the mine is opened.
On balance, however, the outlook seems hopeful. Apart from the current focus on the concerns of landowners, technological developments now allow tailings to be stored more safely. Previously, they were dumped in the Jaba River, a practice that triggered considerable controversy.
The World Bank is also funding a programme to help the Bougainville government develop the necessary regulatory environment.
Meanwhile, with the nation's attention focused elsewhere, there is less likelihood that politicians in the capital would attempt to interfere. Economic planners are currently preoccupied with a huge multi-billion-dollar ExxonMobil project to pipe natural gas from the Southern Highlands to Port Moresby for export to Asia.
All that remains is to raise the estimated US$3 billion that reopening the mine is expected to cost. That should not be too difficult.
Resource-hungry China is widely believed to be interested. And anyone seriously considering reopening the mine would surely be aware that the project already has access to a port via a 30km access road. There is also a reported 200 million tonnes of pre-stripped ore ready for extraction.
Reopening the mine would also help cement investor confidence in the rest of the PNG economy, which is already on the cusp of a resources boom as a result of other mining-related projects. Last year the PNG economy grew by 6 per cent. It is expected to expand by another 8 per cent this year.
For BCL, however, the Bougainville landowners remain key. Nothing will happen, Mr Taylor told Australian radio last month, "until they say to BCL, as a united group, 'We want the mine and we want you to run it'".
It is hard to disagree with that.
Source: The National
Govt settles for Ogio
THE government will endorse North Bougainville MP and Higher Education Minister Michael Ogio for the position of governor-general.
The parliament resumed yesterday afternoon and called for nominations.
Soon after, the government caucus met and penned 47 signatures on the nomination form for Ogio to contest as its candidate for the GG’s post.
Parliament was recalled to vote in a new governor-general following a Supreme Court ruling last month declaring the reappointment of Sir Paulias Matane as unconstitutional.
If Ogio wins the secret ballot election, he would automatically resign as member for North Bougainville and lose his ministerial portfolio.
Names of three other candidates – Sir Paulias, Sir Makena Geno and Winnie Kiap – were also tossed in alongside Ogio for the caucus to consider, however, they would now have to look for support elsewhere to nominate.
Acting parliament Speaker Francis Marus fixed Friday at 10am as the time and day for the secret ballot to be conducted.
The clerk’s office was swamped with more than 15 candidates rushing to obtain the nomination forms to be filled and handed in by 4pm today after complying with all the requirements.
Those seen in the clerk’s office included Sir Makena, Sir Matiabe Yuwi, Sir Pita Lus, Akoka Doi, Ronald Rimbao and Kagul Korowa.
Marus said while the Organic Law did make provisions for the proposal forms to be returned at anytime before the start of voting, as a matter of good administrative practice and taking into account the Supreme Court interpretation of the law, it was recommended that the forms be submitted to the clerk in sufficient time.
“This will allow him to scrutinise the forms and make informed decisions on the requirements under the Organic Law.
“Should a proposal for nomination be rejected, the aggrieved person will have sufficient time to appeal to the National Court.”
Under law, a candidate must have no less than 15 members of parliament supporting him.
“If we comply with all the requirements, I expect no more than six proposals to be handed to the clerk by tomorrow (today),” the acting speaker told parliament.
“Similarly, I urge all members to act responsibly when proposing or signing on behalf of a candidate.
“Careless writing on these forms will have dramatic consequences,” he warned.
On Dec 10 last year, the Supreme Court declared the June 25, 2010, election of Sir Paulias null and void.
The bench also ordered the acting speaker, in accordance with section 88(4) of the constitution, to call a meeting of parliament to elect a new governor-general within 40 days of the order.
Source: Post-Courier
Govt names Ogio as G-G candidate
THE Somare Government has unanimously endorsed Minister for Higher Education and Member for North Bougainville Michael Ogio as its candidate for the vacant Governor-General’s seat.
The decision was taken in a caucus meeting after Parliament was adjourned yesterday at the B3 Conference room.
The Post-Courier understands that the leader of the Peoples Party and Governor for Enga Peter Ipatas was the proposer while Minister for Commerce and Industry and Maprik Open MP Gabriel Kapris seconded it.
Sources in government also confirmed last night that 15 members of the coalition parties in government endorsed Mr Ogio’s application for the GG post.
However, the insider said Governor Ipatas move to propose Mr Ogio for the job has not gone down well with his other Highlands colleague MPs within the government when their own man Sir Pato Kakaraya has made his intention known to contest.
Sir Pato was a former politician and Cabinet Minister who contested the previous elections for Governor-General in 2004 against ousted GG Sir Paulias Matane.
Meanwhile, Vanimo Green MP Belden Namah who leads the largest party in the Opposition, the PNG Party last night said there are reputable and capable citizens in the country who can occupy the Vice-Regal position.
Mr Namah said the country should do away with the idea of electing current and former politicians for the post.
He said such decision by the government was unhealthy and its actions show they are desperate to serve their own interests. “Are there no more credible Papua New Guineans left that the government decides to nominate a serving politician for the Vice-Regal job?” Mr Namah asked.
Mr Namah said Opposition believed retired Supreme Court Judge Mark Sevua, former secretary to the Prime Minister and National Executive Council (NEC) Winnie Kiap and Sir Makena Geno were more suitable for the job.
“We have already made a mockery of ourselves when the Supreme Court found many breaches of the Constitution by the Government.”
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
A Buka Businessman is calling on the PNG POWER LIMITED to upgrade the KUBU Power House instead of lighting up new places.
The Buka Businessman who wants to remain anonymous questioned why PNG Power continues to connect into the rural areas when it can not provide adequate electricity to Buka town, Hutjena and Kubu.
The Businessman said that since power was connected to Kokopau and Sohano island the main power house at Kubu has been facing continuous blackouts which is a major concern to the Business community.
Our attempts to get comments from the local PNG POWER office were referred to their Headquarters.
Meanwhile, the Businessman also called on the member for North Bougainville to use funds from the rural electrification program by the National Government to get a bigger Generator for Buka.
He said that it was illogical for the members to pay for Power Poles and Power Lines instead of fixing the source of power first.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Police Chief New Year Appeal
BY SONIA KENU DWU Journalism Student
Bougainville Assistant Police Commissioner Thomas Eluh appeals to all Bougainvilleans to find peaceful solutions to their problems instead of resorting to marijuana and homebrew.
Mr Eluh gave this message during a gospel Music Show conducted by former Bougainville Revolutionary Army Commander Ishmael Toroama at the Bel Isi Park in Buka Town last Friday.
He says marijuana and homebrew does not solve anything but brings more problems into the society.
He describes Bougainville as a sinking ship that needs to be reconditioned by way of change from bad to good attitude.
The Police Chief urged the National Government and ABG to put education as the top priority for the future of the region’s youth.
He also challenged the youth of Bougainville to make the New Year 2011 as a year of reflection and change for the betterment of Bougainville.
Meanwhile, Mr Toroama shared similar sentiments and urged Bougainvilleans to strengthen their Christian faith in order to prosper.
Source: The National
Bougainville to get air service
A SERVICE to restore air transport in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville is expected to be up and running within the next two to four weeks.
Radio New Zealand International this week reported that the president’s office said Bougainville had been without a domestic air service since 1989.
Its chief of staff, Kevin Marimyas, said the initiative was part of the goal of president John Momis to restore many services the province had been without for a long time.
Marimyas said the private company, National Air Services, would provide the service in a joint venture arrangement with the government, which would also be a share holder in the company.
He said the much needed service should begin once airstrips were upgraded.
“Most of the form of transport at the moment is either sea transport, big vessels, rigger boats or outboard motors and we’d like to change that so people travel a little bit more in comfort rather than travelling in those oily boats or bumpy roads.”
Marimyas said people had little money at the moment but he was optimistic that people would chose air transport as it would be quicker.
Source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ)
Das Drama von Bougainville
Die Panguna-Mine ist seit 21 Jahren aus politischen Gründen geschlossen. Das könnte sich ändern
gb. FRANKFURT, 6. Januar. Der Ort: die nördlich von Australien gelegene, 8800 Quadratkilometer große Insel Bougainville, die politisch zu Papua-Neuguinea gehört und knapp 200000 Einwohner zählt. Die Zeit: Mitte Mai 1989. Das Unternehmen Bougainville Copper sieht sich gezwungen, die von ihm betriebene Panguna-Mine zu schließen. Der Grund ist ein auf Bougainville ausgebrochener Bürgerkrieg. Aufständische, die für die staatliche Unabhängigkeit der Insel eintreten, stören den Betrieb der Mine, die ihnen unter anderem wegen extremer Umweltverschmutzung und ihres ausländischen Großaktionärs unwillkommen ist.
Seit gut zwei Jahrzehnten wird in der Panguna-Mine nun nicht mehr gearbeitet. Die teure Infrastruktur ist verrottet oder zerstört. Dabei zählte Panguna in den Jahren 1972 bis 1989, in denen sie in Betrieb war, zu den größten kombinierten Kupfer- und Goldminen in der Welt. In der Weltrangliste der größten Minen befände sie sich heute zwar nicht mehr auf einem vorderen Platz. Aber die auf 3 bis 3,5 Millionen Tonnen Kupfer und knapp 13 Millionen Unzen Gold geschätzten Reserven wären auf der Basis der aktuellen Rohstoffpreise rund 50 Milliarden Dollar wert. Die jährliche Förderkapazität wird auf 170000 Tonnen Kupfer und 500000 Unzen Gold geschätzt. Selbst wenn keine zusätzlichen Reserven entdeckt würden, ließe sich die Mine auf der Basis der aktuellen Reservenschätzung rund 20 Jahre betreiben.
Die alte Betreibergesellschaft Bougainville Copper existiert immer noch. Ihre Aktie wird in Australien und in Deutschland gehandelt. Wer hier einsteigt, baut auf eine Wiedereröffnung der Panguna-Mine. Es handelt sich somit um ein extrem spekulatives Papier mit der Gefahr starker Kursschwankungen, da das Unternehmen derzeit nichts produziert, sondern nur ein geringes Restvermögen verwaltet und der Börsenwert überwiegend von der Hoffnung lebt. Das Kapital von Bougainville Copper befindet sich zu 54 Prozent im Besitz des Rohstoffriesen Rio Tinto. 19 Prozent hält die Regierung von Papua-Neuguinea. Die verbleibenden 27 Prozent gehören Privatanlegern, darunter nicht wenigen Bewohnern Bougainvilles. Der aktuelle Börsenwert des Unternehmens beträgt 645 Millionen Euro.
Die Panguna-Mine war für die Wirtschaft Papua-Neuguineas einmal sehr wichtig. Nach ihrer Schließung gingen die Staatseinnahmen um immerhin 20 Prozent zurück. Ein Grund des Bürgerkriegs bestand in der Praxis der Zentralregierung Papua-Neuguineas, die von Bougainville Copper seinerzeit ausgeschütteten Dividenden nur zu einem sehr geringen Teil nach Bougainville umzuleiten.
Spekulationen über eine Wiedereröffnung von Panguna hat es in früheren Jahren mehrfach gegeben. Diese Spekulationen sind daher mit Vorsicht zu genießen. Seit einigen Wochen sieht es nun so aus, als sollte ein neuer Vorstoß beginnen, begünstigt durch den Rohstoffhunger Chinas und die Erkenntnis der Politik auf Bougainville, dass ein Minenbetrieb die wohl einzige Möglichkeit für die bitter arme Insel darstellt, nennenswerte Einnahmen zu verbuchen. Zudem sind die alten Bürgerkriegskämpfer entweder nicht mehr am Leben oder müde geworden. Bougainville besitzt heute den Status einer autonomen Region innerhalb Papua-Neuguineas. Die Bevölkerung kann bis zum Jahr 2015 in einer Volksabstimmung über eine vollständige Unabhängigkeit entscheiden.
Vorbedingung für eine Wiederaufnahme der Förderung ist jedoch eine vertragliche Vereinbarung, der auch die bis vor kurzem ablehnenden Landeigentümer rund um die Mine zustimmen müssten. John Momis, der Präsident von Bougainville, sagt: "Wir wollen Panguna wieder eröffnen und reden darüber mit den Landeigentümern." Der Vorstandschef von Bougainville Copper, Peter Taylor, meint: "Der Schlüssel befindet sich bei den Landeigentümern."
Ende November 2010 haben sich die in sechs Gruppen zusammengeschlossenen Landeigentümer darauf geeinigt, sich an Verhandlungen über eine Wiederbelebung von Panguna zu beteiligen. Diese Gespräche könnten Ende Januar beginnen. Um das Projekt voranzubringen, erwägt die Regierung von PapuaNeuguinea, ihren Anteil von 19 Prozent an Bougainville Copper an die autonome Regierung in Bougainville und die Landeigentümer zu übertragen. Der Ausgang der Gespräche über ein neues Förderabkommen muss derzeit als offen gelten, zumal abzuwarten bleibt, welche Forderungen die Landeigentümer stellen werden.
Auch hat sich Rio Tinto noch nicht erklärt. Zeitungsberichte, wonach sich Rio Tinto hinter verschlossenen Türen um eine 21 Jahre währende Förderlizenz bemühe, wurden bislang nicht bestätigt. Momis berichtete nach einer Reise nach Peking von chinesischem Interesse an der Mine, allerdings scheint es, als bevorzugten die Landeigentümer Rio Tinto als Hauptaktionär. Die Entwicklung des Aktienkurses von Bougainville Copper in den vergangenen Wochen zeigt eine wachsende Hoffnung von Privatanlegern auf einen glücklichen Ausgang der Gespräche. Hin und wieder werden von interessierter Seite auch astronomische Kursziele für die Aktie genannt.
Getrieben wird diese Spekulation natürlich von den in der Mine vermuteten Reserven. Bislang wurden die Rohstoffe ausschließlich im Tagebau abgebaut. Bei einer Wiederaufnahme der Produktion könnte auch ein ergänzender Untertagebau mit modernsten Verfahren erwogen werden. Zudem gehört Bougainville Copper auch noch Land außerhalb der Mine, unter dem sich eventuell ebenfalls Rohstoffe befinden. Der Grundbesitz beläuft sich auf 57000 Hektar Land; zuzüglich besitzt das Unternehmen noch sechs weitere Explorationslizenzen auf der Insel. Insofern ist Bougainville Copper zweifellos ein potentiell reiches Unternehmen.
Neben der Aktivseite existiert allerdings auch eine Passivseite. Die Kosten einer Wiederaufnahme der Produktion werden auf 3 bis 4 Milliarden Dollar geschätzt. Im Falle einer - vollständigen oder teilweisen - Finanzierung durch eine Kapitalerhöhung käme es daher zu einer massiven Verwässerung des Aktienkapitals. Zudem könnte die Mine frühestens im Jahr 2012 in Betrieb gehen. Bis dahin wird sich allerdings auch das Angebot an Kupfer aus anderen neuen Quellen erhöhen, so dass eine Fortsetzung der Hausse des Kupferpreises nicht selbstverständlich erscheint. Schließlich bleibt auch die Stabilität der politischen Lage in Bougainville zu hinterfragen. Nach Statistiken ist die Korruption dort sehr hoch.
Source: Post-Courier
Peaceful celebrations
By Veronica Hannette
CHRISTMAS and New Year celebrations in Bougainville was peaceful due to the hard work of the police force.
Police Station Commander Alex Gunan said the police festive operations were launched during the first week of the festive period and the operations took on a community approach. He said the operations helped in slowing down public drinking and he commended the people of Bougainville. “So far so good. The celebrations in Bougainville were peaceful,” he said. There was only one attempted murder and one murder case reported.
A suspect from Telatu village in Peit constituency of North Bougainville was under the influence of alcohol and argued with another friend over homebrew and he punched his friend who died instantly.
Meanwhile, the people of Selau have been commended for co-operating with the people of Bougainville for their behaviour during the festive season which has resulted in a peaceful celebration. Assistant Bougainville Police Commander Thomas Eluh thanked the people for their behaviour during the festive season.
He said this was a good sign and gave credit to the people and urged them to continue to work together with the police to create a peaceful society.
Source: Post-Courier
Escapees cause fear in Buka
ASSISTANT Commissioner for Police in Bougainville Thomas Eluh is calling on all communities in the region to forward reports of prisoner’s roaming freely, to the police.
Mr Eluh made the appeal following recent complaints from the communities in Buka and mainland Bougainville to the media, that some of these prisoners were roaming freely in public, including villages.
It is understood that detainees at cell one in Buka are kept there to await their trial while those in cell two are the convicts, where the court have already sentenced them and are serving their terms behind bars.
Whether convicted or not, these prisoners are not allowed out of the prison cells until released in court.
Because of this, concerned mothers said they were seen waking around in the villages and town areas at their own will.
These detainees, they said, were causing great fear in the communities particularly the safety of young girls. A policeman said they had send orders for these prisoners to return, but they have not done so.
He said this meant that their stay would be extended in the cells.
How these prisoners were released is not known and ACP Eluh assured the police would investigate the matter and provide a full detail.
Mr Eluh said, after investigations a police team would be sent to recapture the prisoners.
He urged all communities throughout Bougainville to feel responsible and report any prisoners roaming freely in their villages, communities and even the towns.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Still off
By Aloysius Laukai
Sorry, we are still off Maybe tomorrow we will come on line.
Some news
The body of the late William Takaku arrives in Buka tomorrow morning at 10 am. Then straight to Arawa.
Our system is playing up and we are unable to get comments online.
We will continue to try to post your comments tonight.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
New Dawn FM has switched off for urgent Maintenance and upgrading.
Repairs are being made to the Antennae this morning by Technicians from TE PNG.
Source: ESBC Research
New Rules!
Bougainville Copper Limited applies the Rio Tinto Group's
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Source: ESBC Research
Positive Panic !
ASX: BOC UP 28.4 Percent !
as at 12:57:25 PM Wednesday, January 5, 2011
BOUGAINVILLE COPPER Trade Summary - Status
Indicative Open Price 2.170 Volume Surplus 0
Last Change % Volume Trades Open High Low
2.170 0.480 28.40 318,741 103 1.720 2.200 1.720
Last Traded 12 @ 2.17 - 11:57:08
BOC Buyers
Level Buy Quantity Price
1 1 12 2.160
2 1 12 2.140
3 1 14,400 2.000
4 1 30,000 1.900
5 1 2,365 1.780
6 1 10,000 1.750
7 1 30,000 1.720
8 1 30,000 1.710
9 2 55,000 1.700
10 1 5,000 1.670
11 1 13,244 1.650
12 1 3,000 1.620
13 1 8,000 1.610
14 1 500 1.600
15 1 12,500 1.590
16 2 30,000 1.560
17 1 500 1.550
18 2 11,724 1.540
19 1 7,000 1.510
20 1 3,000 1.500
21 2 10,000 1.450
22 1 3,000 1.430
23 3 5,200 1.405
24 1 6,000 1.400
25 2 34,500 1.395
26 1 10,000 1.350
27 1 2,000 1.280
28 2 24,000 1.250
BOC Sellers
Price Quantity Sell Level
2.170 1,652 1 1
2.200 4,375 1 2
2.300 13,000 2 3
2.500 40,000 1 4
9.000 5,000 1 5
15.150 663,000 2 6
15.990 30,000 1 7
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Successful festive ops
By Veronica Hannette
The Christmas and New Year operation carried out by the Bougainville Police service has been hailed a success.
Acting Police Station Commander, Alex Gunan says, the festive operations through out North Bougainville was satisfactory.
He says that the operations were launched during the first week of the festive season which resulted in a good Christmas and New Year celebrations.
He added that during that time alone, police carried out 25 arrests and reported more than 50 minor cases.
Meanwhile the people of Selau have also been commended for being cooperative in handing over a fire arm to the police during the festive celebrations.
The Police are now in possession of the weapon which, Mr. Gunan says; is the type of response they want communities to exercise.
The Commander also congratulated the Bougainville police and the general public for the quiet peaceful celebrations.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
ACP thanks people
By Tapo Tovilu DWU Journalism student
Assistant Police Commissioner Thomas Elu today thanked the people of Bougainville for the peaceful trouble free festive celebrations.
In making the comments Commissioner Elu confirmed that there were no major cases from North Central and South Bougainville during the festive celebrations.
He says that through the help of the people and their cooperation the police were able to carry out there duties effectively.
Commissioner Elu says that police during the New Year celebrations carried out their usual police checks, setting up roadblocks and checking vehicles.
He says unlike the past New Year celebrations this year was the quietest.
He thanked the business houses general public and people of Bougainville for the support during the Christmas and New Year period.
He says this has shown that the people have celebrated the festive season in its true sense despite hiccups in police manpower during the operations.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tom Kathoa
Several ABG Members from North Bougainville including village chiefs and influential leaders are conducting separate meetings with the voters to gauge their opinion on the future of their Member and Minister for Higher Education Science and Technology, Hon Michael Ogio.
The National Executive Council has recently appointed Mr. Ogio as the Acting Governor General of Papua New Guinea.
He will act on that position until the new Governor General is elected, next Tuesday, 11th January 2011.
Whilst, they appreciate the national government’s recognition of Mr. Ogio to hold such a very important position of Vice Regal, they are not happy with the move to make him permanent in that position
Upon learning of the government’s move to support him for the GG post, they immediately mobilised and held discussions with the voters to get their views on this.
Leader of the group and Chairman of the ABG Northern Committee and also Member for Hagogohe Constituency, Hon Robert Hamal Sawa people were briefed on the advantage and disadvantages of their member becoming a Governor General.
It is the common view of the majority of the voters of North Bougainville that the region stands to lose more than gain from Mr. Ogio becoming the Governor General.
Mr. Sawa says the people of North Bougainville are worried about what would happen to their projects.
They are worried that many impact projects in the areas of Education, Health, Road infrastructure and the proposed Ramazon Hydro Power may not eventuate without Ogio being around.
Voters have asked their member to reconsider his position and stay on as their elected member of parliament and Not as Governor General.
Mr. Sawa said attempts have been made for the acting GG to come to Buka and hear for himself what his voters want him to do.
But, due to his busy work schedule a delegation is expected to travel to Port Moresby to relay the people’s views to him.
Mr. Sawa said people are entitled to express their views and the delegation would present this to Mr. Ogio who will make the final decision.
He said the final decision rests with Mr. Ogio himself and the voters would respect that decision.
Meanwhile, the group has also been scouting for a possible replacement for Mr. Ogio should he decides to take up the government’s offer of the Vice Regal post.
They have already identified several possible names as potential candidates to replace Mr. Ogio.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
BGH sent patients home
By Joyce Tohui
The Buka General hospital is facing water shortage problems.
The Acting Director Medical Services, Dr. Joe Vilosi says starting today sick patients with minor illnesses are being sent home.
He says the hospital will only cater for emergency cases as to the availability of water at the hospital.
He adds the operating theater will attend only to emergency cases.
Dr. Vilosi says admissions are to be cut down due to poor sanitation at the hospital because toilets are blocked.
He is calling on patients with minor illnesses to refrain from going to the hospital as admissions will receive only urgent cases.
The doctor says water is very vital for the hospital because it is needed to carry out its work.
And since the hospital has no water supply it will only return to its normal service with the blessing of rain water.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Calls for development
By Tapo Tovilu DWU Journalism student
Calls have been made to the ABG to improve its service delivery into the Wisai area of Konou Constituency in South Bougainville.
The call was made by John Tonilau a village elder in the Wisai area.
Mr Tonilau says he has seen very little development over the years since Bougainville got its Autonomy.
He says many of the basic services like health and education and infrastructure like good road networks to the area are lacking.
He says for too long the area has been neglected and has made the call to improve service delivery in the area.
Attempts by New Dawn FM to contact the Member for Konou for comments were unsuccessful.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
BPS awaits funds
BY SONIA KENU DWU Journalism Student
The Bougainville Police Service re-structure program in plan to start off this year is awaiting funds from the National Government.
The Bougainville Assistant Police Commissioner Thomas Eluh says they’re still waiting for the K6 million to begin work on the initial phase of the impact project.
Mr Eluh says the initial phase includes training of managers and supervisors for managerial capacity positions, specialist training for CIDs and Prosecutors and recruit training for policemen.
Mr Eluh says that the delay of funds will only slow down the progress of the re-structure program.
He adds that it would be a serious setback for the Bougainville Police as it’s a major infrastructure program.
The Bougainville Police Service re-structure program is a four phase program which begins this year with the initial phase and ends in 2020 with the final phase.
Meanwhile, Mr Eluh says they hope the funds come in quickly so they can proceed with the restructure program.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Bougainvillean actor who acted in the Robinson Crusoe film man Friday died in Port Moresby today.
Reports reaching our office said he died from heart attack.
He was on the Buka Port Moresby flight when he developed severe chest pains which resulted in his death.
More report would be made available once we get some more reports.
New Dawn FM wishes to send its condolence to the family and relatives of the late William Takaku.
The late William Takaku has been very vocal of the preserving of Bougainville’s culture and started Training School for culture in Arawa.
His trainees then performed at the REEDS Festival which was becoming very popular.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tom Kathoa
The Member for Taunita/Tinputz in the Autonomous Bougainville Government, Hon Carolus Ketsimur has made available a Cup to the Tinputz Soccer Competetion.
The cup which bears the name Ketsimur Cup engraved on it is worth more than K800.
It will be presented to the champion soccer team every year for five years.
The first soccer team to win the Ketsimur Cup is Under 16 boys ‘White Wave’ of Teabes village who defeated Island a team from neighbouring Taunita/Teop Constituency by one goal to nil.
Minister Ketsimur explained that the Cup would be awarded to the top soccer team in the competition every year for five years.
He said the team that winners it for 5 years would keep it for itself.
The minister told the people who witnessed the grand final matches that he would continue to assist sports because the majority of our young people are engaged in sporting activity.
The ABG Government also sees sports as a to promoting peace and unity among the people of the region.
Mr. Ketsimur commended business houses and individuals who contributed towards the successful staging of the soccer tournament and hopes the competition would get bigger and better each year.
He presented the three top soccer teams with cash prizes and of course the Ketsimur Cup.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tom Kathoa
The people of Tinputz District in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville have been praised for celebrating the Christmas and New Year festive periods peacefully.
ABG Member for Taunita/Tinputz and Minister for Works Transport and Communication, Hon Carolus Ketsimur commended the people for their behaviour in ensuring a trouble free festive period.
Addressing the closing a week long soccer tournament at Tinputz station on Sunday, Mr Ketsimur said the people of Tinputz have shown others that they can be trusted as law abiding citizens.
The Member for Taunita/Tinputz also praised for Police in the areas for a job well done over these two periods.
Meanwhile, Police in Tinputz have reported a trouble free Christmas and New Year period.
There are three regular police personal on the station assisted by fifteen Auxiliary members.
Police say the whole Tinputz District was throughout the festive periods.
There were two deaths recorded, but these were not related to any trouble.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Doctor Appeals for change
By Joyce Tohui
A call has been made for young Bougainvilleans to take responsibility and change for the betterment of Bougainville.
A Senior Health Practitioner with Buka General Hospital, Dr. Joe Vilosi told New Dawn FM News that this year 2011 must be a year of change for youths.
He appeals strongly to young women to be mindful of their sex life to avoid unwanted pregnancies.
Dr. Vilosi says abortion is illegal by law therefore doctors are not allowed to carry out abortion.
He says careless sex life leads to unwanted pregnancy and increases the risk of contracting STI and HIV.
The doctor says family planning service is provided and urged young women to get help from the clinics.
Meanwhile, he is calling on youths to stop smoking marijuana as many young men are mentally affected.
Dr. Vilosi says more youths involved with marijuana are from the Wakunai/Tinputz and Kunua/Kereaka districts.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Meanwhile the General Manager of National Aviation Services, JOHN IMAKA says that flight costs will be reduced once the service is fully restored throughout the region.
He was responding to calls by Lawyer Joel Minsipi to reduce the airfares throughout Bougainville.
MR. IMAKA said that since the resumption of flights to Bougainville,
National Aviation service has been flying to Buin airstrip.
The General Manager says that negotiations for the use of the Aropa Airport is in progress with Nissan and Torokina as the next airstrips the company is looking at.
New Dawn FM understands the first flight into Aropa airport was also made last Friday.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The move to restore Air Services to all parts of Bougainville is a positive move in the restoration of services to Bougainville according to a Bougainvillean Lawyer based in Port Moresby, Joel Nava Minsipi .
Mr. Minsipi told New Dawn FM that This shows that the ABG under the Momis is moving forward to deliver and restore much needed services to parts of Bougainville such as Nissan, Buin, and Torokina - areas that have been missing out on services for too long.
However, on the other hand, he says that Bougainville still remains as one of the MOST expensive places in PNG.
The prices of goods in shops are very expensive. The cost of road transport from Buka to South Bougainville is also very high.
It costs K120. per passenger to travel to Buin from Buka. K100 to travel to Siwai from Buka and K50 from Buka to Arawa.
He said that with Bougainvilleans still struggling to recover economically, the high cost of road transport is still far from reach.
This cost in road transport is still too excessive compared to other provinces in PNG. We hope that upon the completion of the 15 bridges by the Japanese Engineers, the cost of road transport particularly on the Mainland Bougainville is going to drop.
With the arrival of the National Air Services to Bougainville bringing with it an even high cost of air fare within Bougainville, Ordinary Bougainvilleans surely can not meet the cost of air fare.
For a passenger to travel to Buin from Buka, he/she has to pay K600. This amount is even too excessive compared to that of other provinces operated by other aircrafts
For example, From Port Moresby to Lae on an Airlines PNG, one has to travel so many kilometers compared to traveling from Buka to Buin. It costs only K300 to travel from Port Moresby to Lae on Airlines PNG.
National Air Services has to justify to Bougainvilleans as to why its proposed air fare within Bougainville is too excessive.
However, while the National Air Services and the ABG are commended for taking the move to provide much needed air services in Bougainville, I am calling on them to also liase with the Civil Aviation Authorities to open up Tonu Airstrip in Siwai, South Bougainville.
The Tonu Airstrip is located on a State land and as such the airstrip should be cleared quickly by the Government to provide the Air Services in South Bougainville said MR. NAWA.
Source: ESBC Research
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Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The people of Bougainville celebrated New Year peacefully.
Reports gathered by New Dawn FM team states that the streets of Buka town were deserted just before midnight and the noise made at 12midnight was not so loud as in past years.
Police fired some flares into the sky to mark the arrival of 2011 as people shouted from their homes.
The weather was just fine with new moon just coming up.
New Dawn FM put in ABG President live ON AIR from Port Moresby who said that there was thunderstorms and blackouts in the city of Port Moresby last night.
MR. MOMIS wished his people Happy New Year and called on all Bougainvilleans to put their differences aside and work to develop the Autonomous Region of Bougainville
President Momis is returning from a private trip to Singapore where he went for medical check.
He returns to Bougainville this Wednesday.