News 11.2012
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG President chief JOHN MOMIS (picture) wants the closed PANGUNA Copper mine on Bougainville island to reopen to support the ABG with much needed funds to deliver much needed services to the people of Bougainville.
Speaking on his weekly Radio Talk on Radio New Dawn on Bougainville FM, chief Momis said that PANGUNA was a single impact project that can bail out Bougainville from its financial problems.

He explained this however would happen after a completely new agreement is negotiated with BCL and other stakeholders like the landowners. ABG and the PNG government.
ABG president Momis said that with the draw down of powers to the ABG it was becoming evident that only PANGUNA mine can provide that sort of funds.
Last week the deputy president of Meekamui unity government, PHILIP TAKAUNG called on President Momis to continue his work as they were behind his leadership.
And the MOU Awareness workshop in Tarlena was told by all the presenters that they could not fast tract preparations for the draw down due to funding constraints.
NEW DAWN FM understands that most of the funds allocated under the ABG 2012 appropriation arrived this week with only two weeks remaining to the close of all Government Accounts.
And most funds would be carried forward to next year or returned to the National Governments consolidated funds as un-used funds.
Source: ESBC
ESBC press release 20121129_EN
Reuters to decorate ESBC
Today, the European Shareholder’s (ESBC) homepage had been recognized by international news service provider Reuters. As long as Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) does not provide an own investor relations site the news network will refer to the ESBC’s site as research source for investors. Currently the official site of Bougainville Copper Limited is under construction due to major technical problems of its IT service provider. During this period of time the ESBC homepage provides the only information pool worldwide on BCL. The homepage contains 700 pages with comprehensive updates on news and documents.

Reuters' Investor Relations Link!
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
World Vision launches BEIP
By Tapo Tovilu
With the high rate of illiteracy in the Autonomous region of Bougainville and especially in the Central Region Manetai was fortunate enough to have launched a new Basic Education Improvement Plan.
The program initiated by World Vision is a way communities plan their own ways of creating programs to help the illiterate both young and old learn the basics of numeracy and literacy.
Untara community learning center were the Basic Education Improvement Plan was launched will be were the learning center will be based.
When opening the center Education Project Coordinator with World Vision Helen Teviri told people present that the BEIP was aimed at improving basic education skills like reading and writing which
many in the community lacked mainly due to the Bougainville conflict which made many school aged children miss school.
She says that all plans were drawn up and carefully put together by the communities themselves with funding and assistance coming from World Vision.
The center now caters for 40 plus students who have been enrolled to begin with BEIP training.
Mrs Teviri challenged the community of Untara to work together to maintain the learning center and to help it grow.
She recalled that other similar programs started by other NGO’s in the area had failed earlier due to the non-cooperation of people in the communities.
The launching ended with a feast and songs and dances presented by the people of the Manetai area.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The women groups from the Hagogohe Constituency on Buka island celebrated their deffered WORLD FOOD DAY yesterday and today at the Hoko Sports Field.
The women's groups yesterday marched in a float in their colours and displayed their items and stall which they decorated according to their colours.
The women used this year's world food day to show off their garden produce addressing food security in their area. We will show you some of their presentations
Source: PNG Attitude
Scared out of my wits: A redskin on Small Buka
THIS MONTH I WAS ABOUT to make my maiden trip to the Autonomous Region of Bougainville. I entered the airport boarding lounge and found a seat beside some young men from Divine Word University who were on their way back home for holidays.
In the midst of the students was Bougainville’s most creative writer, Leonard Fong Roka. He greeted me and asked where I was going. ‘Bougainville, with you,’ I said.
He was surprised upon hearing this. ‘What are you doing there?’ he asked. I said ‘I am going with UNFPA for a HIV prevention and sexuality education program for out-of-school youths.
The boarding call disturbed the rest of our conversation and we joined the queue.
At Buka Passage, Leonard hopped on a dingy and was off to his village. I wanted to meet him and chat with him at the Kuri Guest House and quench our thirst with a few stubbies but that was unlikely.
He said land and sea transport fares were sky high so he couldn’t come back and forth. He went his way and I told him we might meet again at the 2013 Crocodile Prize literature awards.
I settled into the Malabolo Guest House run by one of Bougainville’s renowned leaders, Martin Miriori. The rest of the team slept at the Kuri Guest House.
Malabolo Guest House is just above Hutjena Secondary School on Small Buka. At Malabolo one has a good view of the entrance to the Buka Passage to the east. The sunrise from Malabolo is a breathtaking experience.
The waves crashing on the coral reefs and limestone walls to the north-east were awesome as well.
Martin Miriori from Kavarongnau in South Bougainville has settled amicably at Malabolo and consistently provides guests with absolute comfort and tranquillity while away from home.
He was formerly secretary of the Bougainville Interim Government, based in the Solomon Islands and later in the Netherlands, during the crisis. He was also once the secretary and international representative of the Bougainville People’s Congress.
Brothers Martin and Kabui have been actively involved in Panguna landowners’ issues against the mining giant Rio Tinto since 1982. That is the reason I decided to sleep at his guest house, so I could have the opportunity to chat with him.
During the crisis, PNG politicians called for the Miriori brothers to be hanged or shot.
Martin told me about his dreams for Bougainville and about the late Joseph Kabui, who he said succumbed to lifestyle diseases.
Martin, as wise as he is, did not tell me directly that Bougainville will one day be independent from PNG but I could decipher from our conversation that one day they will not be part of PNG.
I also noted in our conversation that most of Bougainville’s leaders, politicians and businessmen were all taught and educated by the Roman Catholic Church. Therefore rationalisation, debates and critical analysis of any situations are first and foremost in their daily endeavours. Martin himself is an ex-seminarian.
Furthermore, I met five Bougainville politicians; one of whom was a woman. They all look forward to one day running a country called the Republic of Bougainville.
They have a right to a referendum on the issue but must remember that PNG is a nation-state and their destiny ultimately lies with the wishes of the government of PNG. This is something that you and I don’t want to go into.
Then all these good experiences vanished and I was confronted with a scary situation. The episode at Kuri Guest House made me recall the tone of Leonard’s writings in PNG Attitude. The thought that some Bougainvilleans do not like redskins was brought home that evening.
I sat with two gentlemen from Bougainville and soon another highlander who has been living and working in Bougainville joined us.
We had a few stubbies and talked about Obama and Mitt. Suddenly one of the three Bougainvillean women sitting at the opposite table and who was really drunk approached our table.
She was about 55 years old and yelled with ferocity at one of the Bougainvillean men, shouting, ‘You are not supposed to be with redskins’.
She repeated this over and over between sobs and occasionally punched the man on his shoulders and arms.
The gentleman replied calmly, ‘Enough! Go back to your friends.’
The other thing I noticed in the fiasco was that the guest house security guards did not remove her, which was a bit strange.
That was enough of a sign of danger for a Simbu man who is familiar with tribal warfare. I cordially excused myself and left them.
Just a minute after I left I heard a thud and, when I looked back, the other highlander had blood gushing out of his right eyebrow. He had been hit by the other Bougainvillean man who was with us.
I was perplexed whether to betray my fellow highlander and go my way or to come back and help him.
I had pain in my heart and returned for my wantok. The culprit yelled, ‘If I like I can kill you right now. I am used to killing.’
Sadly, the hotel security guards didn’t help to quell the situation. I stood helpless and watched with tears rolling down my cheeks for my bleeding wantok. My wantok and I conceded defeat.
The experience at the Kuri Guest House scared me to bits and I cancelled my trip to Arawa to see my father-in-law’s house so I could take a photograph of it, if it still existed, and take it back for my mother-in-law and my wife. That was their request but I couldn’t fulfil it due to that horror.
Maybe my father-in-law is dead because my mother-in-law hasn’t heard from him since the crisis. You see it is only human to reconnect with those loved ones who have departed from us or are separated.
My father-in-law decided to join his countrymen in the fight and my mother-in-law took her daughter when she was five years old and left for the Aroma Coast where she belongs.
That small girl who left with her mother leaving their husband and father behind in Arawa is now my wife.
I have had five children with her and, without any further information, have concluded that her father and the children’s grandfather must have been killed during the war.
My redskin family and I in many ways were hurt as much by that headstrong lady at the Kuri Guest House as was my wantok.
She might have lost some relatives as well but it is painful to the heart to be treated that way, especially since she had not one iota of an idea about who I was.
Also, from the outset, the man who gave blood to my wantok looked well-polished and intelligent and I couldn’t fathom why he did what he did.
The indiscriminate hatred of innocent redskins on Bougainville is totally irrational. I don’t think the Bougainvilleans dislike the Australians or the Kiwis who roam freely around, including on Small Buka and at the Kuri Guest House.
Yet they see fit not to give the same consideration to the natives of the island of New Guinea.
Nobody now bashes a German anywhere in the world because of the Nazis and their Aryan ideology.
I have a Bougainvillean family living up the road from where I live in Morata. I wouldn’t confront them and intimidate or punch them for the treatment I got at the Kuri Guest House. They are absolutely innocent.
I hope the headstrong couple in Bougainville will one day have the foresight and commonsense to respect all innocent redskins that go there.
Their indiscriminate hatred of redskins is totally uncalled for.
Source: Papua New Guinea Minewatch
Two parts to Bougainville Copper Agreement review
The Bougainville Copper Agreement (BCA) review process will take on two phases as explained by the legal brains behind the planning.
Autonomous Bougainville Government legal chief executive officer and Tony Reagan, the Australian legal adviser in a recent meeting on the review of the BCA, explained that phase 1 would include preparation now until 2013 and this would involve the following:
■ Incorporation of individual Lease area associations and the umbrella landowner association;
■ Conflict resolution work in central and south Bougainville;
■ Conduct of baseline studies on Environmental, social, health and other baseline studies in the Mine Lease areas;
■ Public Awareness throughout the region and development of appropriate capacity and negotiation position by each party including a joint position by the ABG and Panguna Landowners Association and;
■* Reaching an agreed process for conduct off negotiations and conclusion of agreement.
Phase two (2) will include Conduct of Review and negotiations which will also include:
■ Each party to be represented by a negotiating team, led by an appropriately authorized lead negotiator;
■ ABG/PLA joint negotiating team;
■ Each team to be supported by appropriate technical advice;
■ Separate negotiation tables to deal with environment, social, and the financial aspects of negotiations.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
by Aloysius Laukai
The three-days MOU Awareness workshop for COE Chairmen and officers in North Bougainville district ended this afternoon with COE Chairmen’s feeling satisfied at the contents from this workshop.
The workshop amongst other this allowed ABG divisions to present their papers to the COE chairmen’s outlining their own preparations for the draw-down of Powers from the National Government.
This has now created a good position for the Local Level Government leaders to appreciate how far Bougainville has gone in so far as the preparation for the draw- down of power is concerned.
The leaders told New Dawn FM that there must be continuous awareness so that the people know how their Government was addressing these issues.
The participants also called on the Human Resources Division to make sure that training for officers including COE members are trained to carry out their work.
They claimed that they have not had any induction into the government since they took over as members of the COE’s.The workshop was organized by the Autonomy Division of the ABG
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
With only two years left to Referendum in 2015, the Papua New Guinea National Government and the Autonomous Bougainville Government Referendum Committee have already requested that a review be made to the arms disposal program, one of the three pillars of the Bougainville Peace Agreement signed by leaders on August 31st,2001.
And an International team of United Nations experts are already in Bougainville to conduct an evaluation of the arms disposal program on Bougainville.
The team is visiting every district to hold consultations with Government, Chiefs, Youths, Women, Former Combatants, Me’ekamui and other such groups.
The ABG has communicated and directed all district administrations to facilitate the exercise in their respective districts and to ensure that all relevant stakeholders have this opportunity to share their views to the team.
The experts are tasked to conduct consultations and make recommendations to the ABG and National Government Referendum Committee for its immediate engagements in light of the 2015 referendum and beyond.The team will be in
Arawa, Central Bougainville on November 28 and 29th.
Buin on 29th November to First of December,
Siwai from 2nd December to 3rd December.
Bana district from 3rd December to 4th December.
Panguna and Kieta from 4th to 5th December.
Wakunai, Kunua and Tinputz between December 5th to 8th December,2012.
Torokina on December 9th.
Buka, Nissan and Atolls from December 10th and 11th.
And final briefing between the ABG leaders on December 12th December,2012.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Autonomous Bougainville Government will sit for the 2013 Appropriation Budget on Monday 17th December, 2012 starting at 2pm.
The ABG speaker, ANDREW MIRIKI announced the date on 21st November stating that this would be the final sitting for this year, 2012.
According to a memo from the ABG Parliament speaker, the house is also expected to deal with other executive Government Business and Parliamentary Committee reports.
As usual, New Dawn FM will carry the budget session live to its Buka listeners.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Division of Lands and Physical Planning office is to move ahead of all divisions to Arawa the former capital of Bougainville.
This was revealed by the Officer in charge of Customary land, SAMUEL ROROGA yesterday during the presentation for the lands division at the MOU awareness workshop at the Bishop Wade Secondary School.
MR. ROROGA said that Lands division was one of the first powers to be transferred to the ABG however due to no accommodation and office space they are unable to transfer these powers.
He said that despite these difficulties, his division has already gone ahead to prepare lands policy to be approved by the ABG Parliament early next year.
On the keeping of title for lands he said that until such time they have a secured room for safe keeping files, all files will still be kept in Port Moresby.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
A high level team from the Department of Agriculture and Livestock is in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville to discuss and promote Agriculture development initiatives.
The department of Agriculture and Livestock officers are holding discussions with officers from the Primary Industry division and other related divisions and would also meet the chief Administrator and ABG Parliamentarians.
This follows the recent visit to DAL headquarters by a team from Bougainville seeking national government support on a number of issues, from the Agriculture rehabilitation to finalization of the ABG Agriculture structure and preparation for the Memorandum of Understanding.
The issues to be discussed include finalization of a working group and its terms of reference, the proposed organizational structure for the division of Primary industry’s proposed agricultural plans and strategies, establishment of the agriculture commodity boards and the finalization of the MOU.
The DAL team led by Acting deputy secretary for corporate services, MR. MAWE GONAPA is also expected to visit a number of cocoa and coconut plantations and other impact project sites in Bougainville.
The team comprises of agriculture project advisors from the DAL Islands regional office in Rabaul and DAL headquarters in Port Moresby.
The team arrived the morning November 28th and will spend three days before returning home.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Call for Coordinated efforts
by Aloysius Laukai
Unity and team work is the key to strentghtening the Autonomy process and development throughout Bougainville according to the Acting Deputy Administrator operations,Paul Kebori.
He was speaking at the closing ceremony of the MOU awareness workshop in Tarlena this afternoon.
Mr. Kebori said that all persons including the COE chairmen's and their village assemblies are part of this government system.
He said because Autonomy is a new philosopy with no guidelines from anywhere in the world, we are going through trials and errors but eventually we will get there.
Meanwhile, the ABG member for Selau, TERRY MOSE who attended the workshop fulltime said that he had gain wealth of information from presentations from the various divisions.
He said that as a member he was now in a better position to debate on issues in parliament.
The member said that the workshop has cleared alot of mis-conceptions on the issue of autonomy implementation process by individual divisions.
The workshop was officialy closed by the ABG member for Selau, TERRY MOSE.
Source: ABC Radio Australia Network
PNG PM wants more Australian investment, China aid
Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister, Peter O'Neill, says Australia and China should examine each other's models for assistance to the Pacific.
Jim interviews Peter O'Neill, the current Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea.
They discuss the recent policy changes which have been introduced in PNG.
Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister, Peter O'Neill, says Australia and China should examine each other's models for assistance to the Pacific.
PNG is the second largest recipient of Australian aid after Indonesia, with the majority of it spent on good governance and health programs.
Mr O'Neil says most of the Australian aid currently goes towards health and education, while China's model of low-interest loans tends to target infrastructure.
He's told Australia Network's Newsline both countries could learn from the other's model.
"China doesn't invest in education, China doesn't invest in health programs in our country," he said.
"They invest in infrastructure through a loan scheme, which we need to build I see these two programs as two separate programs.
"But I'm also trying to encourage the Chinese to engage in more aid."
Australia gives $500 million in aid to PNG each year.
Mr O'Neill says he wants Australia's aid program to reflect his government's focus on rebuilding the country's crumbling infrastructure, including roads, airports and ports.
"We see that the Australian taxpayers also wanting some accountability and the AusAid program in Papua New Guinea, and they want to see visibility in the projects that they have done through these funds," he said.
"So we are talking to the Australian Government that we become partners in some of these major infrastructure programs that we are embarking on, so Australian taxpayers and also the Papua New Guineans can see projects that are visible.
"We are spreading the development program too thinly and although the program is very much appreciated, the effect of it is not being felt by the population of Papua New Guinea."
Mr O'Neill says while there's substantial Australian investment in PNG's mining sector, he'd also like to see investment in sectors where there's little competition, like agriculture and construction.
He says he would also like to see more of the money and ownership from those projects stay in PNG.
"In terms of resource development, we would like to encourage partnership, rather than investing directly and taking full ownership of those programs and projects themselves," he said.
Source: Post-Courier
ABG to review deal
THE Autonomous Bougainville Government may have erred in its decision to invite a wholesale company from China to come and start up their business in Bougainville.
The above revelation was made by the ABG Minister for Trade and Industry Wilfred Komba while delivering his speech during the launching of a new vessel, the MV Kute Trader in Buka last Friday.
Mr Komba said the ABG had initially invited Chinese investors to come and establish their business whether wholesaling or manufacturing on Bougainville.
One of the conditions outlined by the ABG was that these companies should concentrate on selling their products at wholesale prices, while the retail businesses would be reserved for Bougainvilleans. However, instead of honouring the condition outlined by the ABG, the Chinese company concerned has been selling their products at retail basis.
It is also understood that the company was supposed to have leased out its shares to Bougainvilleans so they too can become shareholders in the company, which also did not eventuate.
The ABG Division of Commerce, Trade and Industry is currently going through a restructure process to change these original shareholding arrangements.
Meanwhile, the announcement by Mr Komba has drawn support from many Bougainvilleans.
Many said they have been confused because instead of this company operating as a wholesale supplier, it is operating as a retail business.
Source: Post-Courier
Training program aids prisoners
TWENTY prisoners who have previously been locked up at the Buka police cell but were later released into their communities to serve their terms, are now equipped with skills on how to look after their small cocoa blocks back home.
Thanks to the Law and Justice Sector Project (LJSP) office for funding a week-long cocoa training program which was recently attended by these prisoners.
The training which was facilitated by officers from the Bougainville Cocoa Board and the Cocoa and Coconut Research station based at the research station at Kubu, was coordinated by the officer in-charge of Community Base Corrections (CBC) in Bougainville, Martin Tisivua.
The twenty prisoners who come from villages in Buka and other villages in North Bougainville include ten who were released on parole, 3 juveniles and seven who have been placed on probation.
The prisoners were taught skills on budding, cloning, pruning, nursery and cocoa pod borer (CPB) management.
Mr Tisivua said the aim of having this training is to impart knowledge and skills on cocoa management to these prisoners so they can return to their village and utilise them at their own cocoa blocks.
He said these skills will help them concentrate on their small cocoa blocks so they would forget about engaging in criminal activities again.
Mr Tisivua said this is the second time for his office to organise such a training for prisoners. The first one was held last year and was also attended by other prisoners.
He said he has plans to have another training program next year, adding that it will be better organised and will be attended by prisoners from all the regions of Bougainville.
Source: Post-Courier
New library for Bougainville
Celebrated New Zealand author Lloyd Jones was in Arawa on Monday to raise awareness about Bougainville’s new public library set to open next March.
Jones, best-known for his Bougainville-based novel Mister Pip, first came up with the idea of a new public library in Arawa more than four years ago. But he says even now that the building is almost complete, most Bougainvillians still don’t know the library is for everyone.
“People aren’t aware that this building is for them. That’s the first task, to make them realize this is their place. They can walk through that door in the same way they can walk through the door at home,” said Jones.
Part of the problem is the library’s location is behind a fence on the grounds of Arawa Secondary, which has given up its sports field for the building.
“There will always be that fence around it for security reasons, but I would like the metaphorical fence, that is there right now, not to be there,” said Jones.
All Bougainvillians will have access to the library’s 15,000 books, large haus win, and five outdoor reading rooms.
Barry Binding, with New Zealand’s Volunteer Services Abroad, has led construction of the building and has long been trying to get that message out.
“All the time I’m trying to get across that it’s a public library,” said Binding. “So many people still think it belongs to this high school but it doesn’t.
Jones and Binding met with regional school principals Monday to help spread the word that everyone is welcome.
James Koibo, Regional Commissioner for the ABG, chairs the Bougainville Heritage Foundation that will take control of the project once construction is complete. He says the building could become the cultural heart of Arawa.
“This building doesn’t only house the books. It will have stories. It will have artefacts. It will be a stage for performances so that young people can be educated on the traditional ways and cultures of Bougainville itself.”
The new building comes at a cost of about K350,000. Most of the money comes from fundraising efforts in New Zealand. But Jones has also put in K60,000 of his own money.
Still Jones maintenance of the library won’t be a typical Western library, and instead will takes on a shape that is uniquely Bougainvillean.

James Koibo (left) and Lloyd Jones at the entrance to the new library.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville all set

The Bougainville Red Cross Branch is gearing up for a big day this Friday. Preparations are already underway for the annual world Aids Day-Wear Red Day, which falls on December 1. Pictured are Red Cross volunteers in Bougainville, making sure that everything is set for this major event, so wear red and join in the celebrations.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Kokopau today
picture by Aloysius Laukai

Kokopau in the strait between Buka Island and Bougainville
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The UN Special Project advisor on Bougainville, ANTHONY AGYENTA (picture) has called for the removal of all arms of destructions from Bougainville.

Speaking at the reconciliation ceremony in Tinputz last week, MR. AGYENTA questioned why former fighters were still holding on to their weapons.
He said that the fight was over and the fighters must now go back to their respective communities and assist with the reconstruction of the region.
The UN Chief said that if the former fighters were still terrorizing communities he wonders how Bougainville will attain full autonomy and independence in future.
On the soldiers who kidnapped PRESIDENT MOMIS, MR. AGYENTA called on them to go back and support their families in developing the region.
He said they should not be celebrating with alcohol as Bougainville has been celebrating very small achievements and slowing the overall peace process.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
by Aloysius Laukai
The day former public servants have been waiting for has finally arrived with Christmas.
Reports reaching New Dawn FM office says that the much talked about HARDSHIP Allowance for
former public servants who risked their lives to deliver much needed government services during the Bougainville conflict has now been set to Monday December 3rd, 2012.
According to the Chief Executive Officer for the Human Resources Division, PUARA KAMARIKI a programme has been set to fast tract the payments.
He said they will make payments districts by districts starting with Buka district.
MR. KAMARIKI said that those people whose names are not on the list will also be paid after they have completed names that are on the lists.
New Dawn FM understands this news comes as a relief as many former government workers have been calling for the payment to be made quickly.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG President Chief JOHN MOMIS says every Bougainvillean has a role to play in the development of the region.
He was speaking at the reconciliation ceremony in Tinputz last week.
Chief Momis said that Bougainville has a special opportunity because of the Autonomous arrangement but the people must all play their part in contributing to the development of Autonomy.
The Chief said that Bougainville needs the combined effort of all players including former combatants, Chiefs, Politicians including youth, women and children.
On the question of leadership role by leaders, Chief Momis said that elected leaders are supposed to be servants of the people and they must always put the people as their priorities in the cause of their duties.
Source. Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
by Aloysius Laukai
In preparedness for draw down of powers from the PNG national Government to the Autonomous Bougainville Government Seven MoU's have already being signed.
PAUL KEBORI Deputy Administrator Operations revealed this at the opening ceremony of MoU's awareness workshop in Tarlena this morning.
He said that all the ABG divisions are working to make sure that they have the capacity to perform ttheir duties once powers have been drawn down to them.
Mr. Kebori said that the Autonomy Implementation division has held two workshops in Arawa and Buin and this was the 3rd workshop on Autonomy Implementation.
Source. Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG member for Selau, TERRY MOSE this morning officially opened the MoU Awareness workshop being organized by the Autonomy Implementation Division at the Bishop Wade secondary hall.
The workshop aims to make COE chairmen's and their officers aware of how the ABG divisions are gearing up for draw down of powers to their various divisions.
The workshop this morning received presentations from Law and Justice divisions, Health, Primary Industry and fisheries.
This has opened the eyes of the COE members and the officers asked alot of questions on these presentations.The workshop will end thus Thursday.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville to look to training aspiring politicians
The government in the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville is considering training aspiring politicians.
A former rebel leader, Ishmael Toroama, made the call during a reconciliation ceremony for the province’s president, John Momis, who 15 years ago was held hostage for a month by rebels.
Mr Momis has embraced the call and says it is incumbent on leaders to pass on their experience and guide younger leaders.
He says in this way they will understand why certain actions have been taken.
“The need for democracy, for negotiations, for empowering people in a structural way and agiving them a voice and I think the call by Ishmael Toroama is a good one and we will very seriously, not only seriously consider it but in fact I believe we should budget for it, if we have the money budget it for it and start next year.”
Bougainville President John Momis.
Source: EMTV News
Negotiations underway for Panguna Mine reopening
Strong recommendations have been made by the North Bougainville Panguna Mine Negotiations Forum, for the world’s largest open cut mine, to be reopened.
All three districts in North Bougainville are supporting the mine’s reopening, but that must proceed only, if proper negotiations are completed.
The Bougainville Copper Limited will be the first partner.
It was also recommended, that all parties be represented fairly, in negotiations between the Bougainville Copper Limited, Autonomous Bougainville Government, and the PNG Government including the Landowners.
Source: EMTV News
Momis reconciles with Bougainville Revolutionary Army
Bougainville President Chief John Momis has reconciled with former Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA) combatants of Tinputz in the North Bougainville area.
He reconciled with the BRA soldiers who nearly killed him 15 years ago.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville youths commended for deciding to quit marijuana
A SMALL but important reconciliation ceremony was held last Friday in the remote village of Ivu in the Wakunai district of Central Bougainville.
This ceremony saw the surrendering and accepting of 28 marijuana-consumption youths back into the community by the Ivu villagers especially the chiefs, parents and citizens of the area.
The event was witnessed by the Wakunai rural police commander Sergeant Oscar Tugein and the media personals.
Speaking during the reconciliation event, women representative Rita Martin commended the youths for the bold move taken.
“You must not smoke marijuana because you will hurt me. We should all live together in peace and harmony. If you do wrong you will hurt my feelings,” Mrs Martin said.
Ivu council of elders’ representative in the Terra COE assembly, Amfri Poukato, also congratulated the youths for their decision.
Mr Poukato then called on the Wakunai district administration to recognise the Ivu youths for their initiative and assist them with whatever projects that can keep them occupied.
Sergeant Oscar Tugein also congratulated the youths for their initiatives taken in giving up on the consumption of marijuana and locally brewed alcohol.
He highlighted to the youths and people of Ivu that the consumption of marijuana and alcohol was the main cause of all the problems currently happening in Wakunai district.
“You must change your mind-set. When you are selling marijuana to others, you are killing them. Marijuana is like sorcery,” Mr Tugein said.
Mr Tugein also revealed that many youths are now traveling to the Solomon Islands to exchange marijuana with other items like keyboard, generators and radios.
Mr Tugein concluded his speech by challenging the youths to be faithful to their decision.
Some of the youths from Ivu revealed to this paper that they have been acting as “middle men” by getting the drugs from Aita village and supplying it to the other nearby villages.
Source: PNG Attitude / Business Advantage International
Oz mining conference: Industry to meet PNG govt
SENIOR PNG FIGURES will come face-to-face with members of Australia’s largest industry for the first time at the Papua New Guinea Mining and Petroleum Conference in Sydney next week.
“It’s the perfect venue for the new O’Neill Government to present itself internationally and to provide the industry with an understanding of the range of new policies and proposals it is considering,” said Greg Anderson, executive director of the PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum.
PNG’s prime minister Peter O’Neill is scheduled to address the conference on Monday morning with Mining Minister Byron Chan and Petroleum and Energy Minister William Duma also on the program.
While Mr Anderson noted “the Government's attitude to the industry is key”, the conference’s principle function is to act as a showcase for the developments in the industry, with all major producers and exploration companies expected to provide an update on their PNG activities.
“We want to show the investment community how much progress has been made, both in terms of current projects but also the emergence of interesting new prospects. There have been very substantial achievements both in hydrocarbons and mining,” said Mr Anderson.
There should be particular interest among the 1,100-plus delegates in the future of two high profile resources projects—Nautilus Minerals’ deep sea mining project in the Bismarck Sea, which appears to have come into difficulty, and InterOil’s long-anticipated Gulf liquefied natural gas project, which has just received Cabinet approval.
Mr Anderson said he is hoping that both companies will be able to provide ‘more clarity’ on their contrasting situations.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Reconciliation for Bougainville leader 15 years after he was taken hostage by rebels
The president of Papua New Guinea’s autonomous Bougainville Government, John Momis, says a reconciliation for him, held over the weekend, was vitally important for the province.
In 1997, during the Bougainville Civil War Mr Momis was taken hostage by rebels allied to the separatist leader, Francis Ona, and held for about a month.
At the time he was Bougainville’s regional member in the national parliament and Mr Momis says the rebels held him responsible for the PNG Defence Force being used to put down the insurrection.
Mr Momis says he forgave his captors long ago but the weekend’s formal ceremony at Tinputz was important.
“The leaders wanted to have the reconciliation soon after I was released but it took such a long time because the member who represented them, for some reason or other, was not really committed, so it was important that this public demonstration of reconciliation be held and in a formal way and also in a traditional way, following the traditional ritual.”
Source: Post-Courier
Ex-BRAs say sorry to Momis
A HISTORIC and significant reconciliation ceremony took place last Saturday in the Tinputz District of North Bougainville between the President of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville Chief Dr John Momis and the former combatants from the area.
The ceremony which took place at the Tinputz Catholic Mission follows an incident that occurred in 1997 involving Mr Momis and the former Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA) members from Tinputz.
At that time, President Momis who was then the Bougainville Regional MP was conducting his campaign during the National Election at the Tinputz Catholic Mission when he was kidnapped by the former combatants and taken to the late Francis Ona’s Guava village in the Panguna District of Central Bougainville.
During his stay at Guava village, Mr Momis was continuously questioned by the late Mr Ona regarding his stand and position on the crisis issue and on other issues concerning the political future of Bougainville.
Mr Momis was later released by Mr Ona after staying at Guava village for nearly a month and continued with his campaign trail resulting in him retaining his Regional MP seat.
Speaking during the reconciliation event, President Momis thanked all the leaders, especially those from Tinputz for arranging this ceremony.
He said this event had taken place because of the collective will of the people.
Mr Momis said during his stay at Guava, he had found Mr Ona as a man of integrity and understanding.
He said he had come to realise the late leader as someone who orchestrated the crisis because he had visions for the future of Bougainville.
President Momis also thanked his kidnappers for treating him well during the duration of his captivity.
Former BRA commander Ismael Toroama, who was also present to witness the event, said he was happy to see that the Tinputz chiefs had finally returned the authority back to President Momis.
He said this incident had come about as a result of politics in Bougainville, adding that this event marked the progress of Bougainville politics to new level.
Mr Toroama, who spoke on behalf of the former combatants, said this reconciliation would lead them to work together with Mr Momis.
Other leaders present to witness the event included the ABG leaders, vice president of the Me’ekamui Government of Unity Philip Takaung, Bougainville Police chief Thomas Eluh, UN representative in Bougainville Tony Agyenta and other chiefs from Bougainville.

A HISTORIC and significant reconciliation ceremony took place last Saturday in the Tinputz District of North Bougainville between the President of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville Chief Dr John Momis and the former combatants from the area. Pictured is ABG President Chief Dr John Momis being led to the stage by the BRA members who had kidnapped him in 1997.

< Some of the youths and a police officer who were present at the gathering.
Source: The National
Mining, oil info package targets policy decisions
AN information package on the mining and petroleum industries’ contributions to the economy that was released to members of parliament was aimed to influence government decisions on the industry’s activities, a senior mining official says.
The package provides specific information on different projects such as production levels, the revenues they make, how much tax they pay and number of employees.
“We are quite pleased with this information pack and we are hoping that it will provide useful information to the members of parliament,” PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum president Dr Ila Temu said.
Temu is hopeful that the information package will inform the members in terms of their responsible duties and the decisions that they will make regarding the activities in the industry.
Some of the information that was presented to the MPs will also be discussed during the PNG Mining and Petroleum Conference in Sydney, Australia from Dec 3-5.
He said the information package was given to Prime Minister Peter O’Neill ahead of the MPs.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Vice President of the MEEKAMUI UNITY Government in PANGUNA, PHILIP TAKAUNG (picture) yesterday called on the ABG President Chief John Momis to stand firm and lead Bougainville into the future as the people of Bougainville including the MEEKAMUI were behind him.

Speaking at the reconciliation ceremony. MR. TAKAUNG said that it was very critical for all Bougainvilleans to work together as they have only one goal at the end of the day.
He said that his group recognized his leadership and also called on other factions to rally behind this leadership to see Bougainville archieve its goals.
Before speaking, The Vice President of the Mekamui group showed remorse at what his soldiers did to the leader and bowed at the foot of President Momis in front of an very emotional crowd.
At this some people shed tears as this was one high level reconciliation since all reconciliations began.
This ceremony was arranged by the chiefs from Buin and Tinputz and was the first district to district reconciliations.
Source: PNG Attitude
Forum says re-open Panguna mine with BCL
by ALOYSIUS LAUKAI | Radio New Dawn
A TWO-DAY PANGUNA NEGOTIATION forum held at Hutjena Secondary School in Buka has strongly recommended that the closed Panguna copper mine be reopened by the former partner, Bougainville Copper Ltd.
The regional forum for the North Bougainville districts of Buka, Atolls and Nissan ended with all three districts supporting the reopening of the mine.
In a seven point recommendation, the three districts said the mine should reopen only after a new deal has been negotiated between all parties.
They called on the Autonomous Bougainville Government to make sure all parties are represented when the new deal is negotiated between BCL, ABG, the PNG government and the landowners.
The Division of Mining organised the meeting to get the views of the leaders and people of North Bougainville, Nissan and the Atolls District that includes the islands of Carteret, Motlock, Tasman and Fead. The forum was hailed a success.
Three more forums will be hosted in Central Bougainville and South Bougainville to get responses from other districts.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG President. Chief John Momis today forgave former BRA soldiers who nearly killed him 15 years ago.
In an emotional speech in front of more than 5thousand people who gathered at the Tinputz Catholic Mission to witness the reconciliation ceremony he said that he has no hatred for these young soldiers who did this to him.
Mr. Momis was given the chance to speak if he so decided to as this part was the most emotional part of the reconciliation process announced the Master of Ceremony, LEONAS SAMBURE.
The President then explained that he was well looked after during his nearly one week walk up the hills from Tinputz to Panguna to meet the late FRANCIS ONA (picture).

He said that after a lot of discussions with Mr. Ona and his group he was then allowed to return home after a month.
MR. Momis also described the late FRANCIS ONA as a man of intergrity and respect who also realized that the best option to persue his goal of attaining independence was to work with all Bougainvileans on both side of the conflict.
And the road map to reach this goal was through the Bougainville Peace Agreement and the vehicle was the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
President Momis was captured when he was campaigning to defend his Bougainville Regional seat in June 1997.
People from South Central and North Bougainville all gathered to witness this very important ceremony including representatives from the United Nations in New York and local NGO's and development partners.

President Momis pictured giving his speech:
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Tinputz
Former Bougainville Revolutionary Army General. ISHMAEL TOROAMA (picture) today congratulated the people of Tinputz and Buin for initiating the peace reconciliation between the people of Buin and Tinputz district.

He said for Bougainville to move forward it must complete all outstanding reconciliations and work with their mandated government, ABG.
On the ABG , MR TOROAMA called on the President to establish a political school where aspiring Bougainville politicians can be trained to replace aging politicians.
He said now that traditional ceremony has reinstated his chieftian leadership removed when they captured him by the fighters fifteen years ago he should prepare to pass on this leadership to the young generation.
On the law and order, MR TOROAMA called all former combatants to respect and look after government assets and properties.
He warned those still seizing vehicles that this year should be the end of these activities as this is not the reason for fighting this revolution.
Mr Toroama was speaking at the reconciliation ceremony in Tinputz today.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
by Aloysius Laukai in Tinputz
Reconciliation ceremony between ABG President Chief John Momis and the Tinputz former combatants starts shortly.

Pictured are UN team ready to witness the traditional ceremony at the Tinputz Catholic Mission. This is where the President was taken hostage by the BRA members in 1997.
Source: PNG Attitude
Bougainville has economic capability with cocoa, copra
BOUGAINVILLE IS SAID TO BE the largest and richest island of the Solomon archipelago. In the dream days, oral history claims that traditional trade goods from as far as Malaita Island ended up in Bougainville.
In fact, this is still a mutual practice today for the people divided between two countries. There are always traders from all over the southern Solomon in many Bougainvillean markets.
This is one indicator that, in economic terms, Bougainville has the potential—without a large scale mining project—to be an economic power house to its citizens and its sister islands.
In Bougainville’s economic history, the year 1989 should be noted as the year that the island economy that was driving the state of Papua New Guinea came to a standstill due to the armed secessionist conflict.
This crisis was the outcome of the systematic denial of Bougainville freedom of decision-making; rather Bougainville was a slave to aliens that exploited her and gave back nothing tangible in economic terms.
To Bougainville and its people, subsistence economic activity was the mainstay through the pre-colonial days until today. Bougainvilleans live by tilling their customary land, growing food crops and domesticating animals for food in the ongoing art of survival.
However, for the sole benefit of PNG, colonialism introduced mining into the Bougainville psyche. This made many Bougainvilleans believe that a massive export-oriented resource extraction industry was the only way for economic progress.
Leaders in the ABG, and even external advisors, want to see the reopening of the Panguna mine as an impact project to kick-start the Bougainville economy.
But what most Bougainvilleans should learn is the massive scale of resource extraction industries in PNG that provide no physical evidence of positive change to the society and the people.
Everywhere one travels in PNG there is urban decay, pothole infested public roads and streets, fearful squatter settlements, massive unemployment, crime and an Asian takeover of cottage businesses.
But to Papua New Guineans this is positive development despite the fact that the economic growth rate is outstripped by population growth.
Bougainville’s future economic success must solely depend on an agricultural base. This is well documented in W W Rostow’s 1960’s book, The 5 Stages of Economic Growth, that emphasises the significance of an agricultural base to kick-start economic growth and development in developing countries.
The Bougainville government and people should invest in any cash crop the land of Bougainville can support. Two such crops that have long economic impacts in Bougainville are cocoa and copra.
In the 2008 research paper by Ian Scales and Raoul Craemer, Market Chain Development in Peace Building, it was noted that Bougainville was the major producer of cocoa for the PNG economy.
The paper noted that production ceased in 1990 with the spread of the crisis. But from 1997, as peace began gaining momentum, cocoa production rose significantly. By 2006 this growth had reached its average pre-crisis mark of 15,000 tonnes per year.
But to Bougainville’s disadvantage this is recorded as East New Britain cocoa since all buyers of Bougainville cocoa are Rabaul based.
Among the most rascals of Bougainville cocoa and copra are non-Bougainville companies such as Outspan, Garamut and Agmark. They have local Bougainvillean agents who buy cocoa or copra under licence.
There will be significant revenue for Bougainville if Bougainvilleans can establish local companies for the direct export of their resources to international markets instead of feeding PNG’s East New Britain province and others.
Bougainville’s small scale alluvial gold mining industry is also not benefiting Bougainville but generating income for PNG.
According to Martyn Namorong’s 2011 article, Bougainville’s weak government unable to stop looting, an estimated K300 million worth of gold is leaving Bougainville illicitly.
This figure could be supported by a 2010 story by Satish Chand, Bougainville bouncing back, that noted a local assayer as smelting 1.5 to 2 kilograms of gold per week. This converts to up to US$86,000 valued worth of production a week.
These natural resources are not generating socio-economic change for Bougainvilleans because Bougainvilleans are not working to take full entrepreneurial ownership of their labour and resources.
With full control of these few major resources, Bougainville could develop other still idle agricultural resources that are struggling.
All these problems are the fruit of our leaders playing Bougainville politics in Papua New Guinea shoes despite the fact that the island lost 20,000 people under PNG politics.
Bougainville does not really need a massive impact project to kick-start development. All Bougainville needs is responsible management skills and a visionary political leadership.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The two-days Panguna negotiations Forum held at the Hutjena Secondary School Hall this week has strongly recommended that the closed PANGUNA Copper Mine be re- opened with BCL as their first partner.
The Regional forum for the North Bougainville Districts of Buka, Atolls and Nissan ended with all the three districts supporting the reopening of the Panguna Copper Mine by the old partner BCL .
In their seven Points recommendations all three districts said they supported the reopening of the Panguna Copper mine only after a new deal has been negotiated between all parties concerned.
They called on the ABG to make sure all parties are represented when the new deal will be negotiated between the BCL, ABG and the PNG Government and of course the Landowners.
The Division of Mining organized this meeting to get the views from the leaders and people of North Bougainville, Nissan and the Atolls District that includes the islands of Carteret, Motlock , Tasman and Fead Islands. The forum was hailed a success.
Three more forums would be hosted in Central Bougainville and South Bougainville to get the responses from these other districts.The two-day forum was broadcasted live on New Dawn FM, Bougainville's Community Radio Network.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Chairlady of the Bougainville Human Rights Committee, Helen Hakena (picture) is calling on the citizens of Buka town to attend the free Human Rights Films that would be screened to the public starting tomorrow.

The special screening would start at Kuri Village Resort tomorrow at 9 am to 5 pm,
On Sunday 25th November Screening will be at the Hutjena Secondary School starting at 12.30pm to 5pm.
And at the Kennys Hall between 9 am to 2 pm MRS. HAKENA said that all the screenings will be free and all are welcomed.
She said that these special films are educational and promote human rights issues which are affecting Papua New Guinea and Bougainville.
She said that this was the first time the festival is held outside Port Moresby.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG Minister for Natural Resources which covers mining, MICHAEL ONI says Panguna leadership is united and ready to negotiate an agreement with BCL on how the new mining agreement will be made.
He made these remarks when responding to questions from the participants of the Panguna negotiation forum in Buka yesterday.
MR. ONI said that through the Panguna Communique signed by the late Kabui government the people of Panguna are now ready to discuss their differences and find a common ground to start negotiations.
Minister said that the ABG is looking with working with BCL as it knows the issues the people of
Bougainville have been talking about in the few years. Minister Oni said other outstanding issues would be discussed during the negotiations.
He said that the ABG through the mining division has been having meetings with the landowners and would continue until everything is settled.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG President Chief JOHN MOMIS (picture) is showing example again by continuing his unificationProgramme which he announced at his swear-in ceremony at his inauguration ceremony in June 2010.

He will be reconciling with his captors in Tinputz tomorrow.
President JOHN MOMIS was captured by BRA members in 1997 when he was the member for Bougainville Regional in the National Parliament and was campaigning for the 1997 National Elections.
He was campaigning after church on Sunday at the Tinputz Catholic Mission station when he was captured by the rebels. Even all his close friends left him, but some brave women argued with the captors but to no avail.
He was then forced to walk the steep mountains for days to get to Francis Ona in Panguna.
He was later released from PANGUNA and was picked up by a chartered Helicopter from Panguna.
The reconciliation ceremony would be held at the Tinputz District office.
Source: ESBC
Technical problems of BCL's internet provider in PNG caused major irritation to the markets during the last days. The current homepage crashed! Instead of putting online a simple UNDER CONSTRUCTION text, the technicians unfortunately uploaded an ancient version containing the absolute misleading phrase "Company policy is still to ultimately divest the Bougainville assets".
This was absolutely wrong as BCL's management actually works hard to resume mining in Bougainville as soon as possible!
ESBC President Axel G. Sturm intervened promptly and asked BCL company secretary Paul Coleman to replace the PNG internet service provider immediately. Within one day only a new Australian based provider was found and an interim site (picture) went online. It reflects the positive progress on the ground that will lead to the re-opening in the near future.
Quite obviously such fatal crash was needed to replace the frumpy overaged BCL homepage by a contemporary and fresh version that will be online soon!
Click on the picture to read the promising text:

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai

ABG Minister for Culture and Tourism, ROSE PIHEI has called for unity of all Bougainvilleans to fulfill ABG President's number one pillar of unification of all Bougainvillean's despite of their affiliations.
She made these comments when she was speaking at the close of the two-days Panguna negotiations forum this afternoon.
She also said that culture and Tourism including Agriculture should also be given prominence by the authorities.
She said that Agriculture and Tourism can become Bougainvile's biggest revenue earner if given the attention it deserves.
The forum ended this afternoon.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai

Panguna landowners representative, Michael Pariu says that this forum has helped the landowners to know where other Bougainvilleans are standing on the Panguna issue.
He said Panguna landowners are ready to work with the Autonomous Bougainville Government as the legitimate government for Bougainville and other factions are already working with them to join the team so that Bougainville can voice their grievances as one Bougainville.
He said Panguna mine will be opened as soon as all the negotiations are completed.
Mr. Pariu says that Panguna gave independence to PNG and should now be opened to give the necessary funds for Bougainville to move forward.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG Minister for Primary Industry. NICHOLAS DARKU says that Bougainville must have an aim why it wants the Panguna mine will achieve if it is finally opened.
He says that Bougainville must now plan what it wants to achieve with all the funds it will get from the Gold and Copper mine.
The minister says that as the Minister for Primary Industries he wants Bougainville to invest in Agriculture with funds that will come out of the mine.
This would in turn address the long term sustainability of Bougainville as minerals are non renewable resources and would be depleted for good once operation starts.
He said that Bougainville needs to look and plan for the future generation now.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
by Aloysius Laukai
Assistant Commissioner for Police on Bougainville,ACP Thomas Eluh this morning warned Bougainvilleans on how the issues like Compensation and the first calm down payment could destroy Bougainville if not handled properly.
He was presenting Police's views on the Panguna issues.
ACP Eluh said that if looking at compensation there must be values put in for individual issues like death.person loosing one eye.loosing both legs etc.
He warned that if this is not handled properly Bougainville could get into much more trouble in future.
ACP Eluh said whats happening currently in Central Bougainville was illegal as more foreigners are involved with alluvial mining and scrap metals.
He said all these must be sorted out so that Bougainville can be united to work on the issue of reopening the mine.
ACP Eluh said that his team has been finding hard to address law and order issues in the central Bougainville and he wants this trend reversed.

Assistant Commissioner for Police in Bougainville Thomas Eluh talking to the Panguna Negotiations Forum
Source: The National
Sydney mining, petroleum meeting
A GOVERNMENT delegation will meet members Australia’s largest industry for the first time at the Papua New Guinea mining and petroleum conference in Sydney, Australia from Dec 3-5.
PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum executive director Greg Anderson told Business Advantage PNG that it is the right venue for the O’Neill government to present itself before the internationally community and the mining and petroleum industry.
“And to provide the industry with an understanding of the range of new policies and proposals it is considering – indeed, its aims for the industry for the next five years”, he added.
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill is scheduled to address the conference on the first day of the conference.
Mining Minister Byron Chan and Minister for Petroleum and Energy William Duma are also on the programme.
The conference’s main function is to act as a showcase for developments in the industry.
Since the last conference in 2010, all major producers and exploration companies expected to provide an update on their PNG activities.
‘We want to show the investment community how much progress has been made, both in terms of current projects and also the emergence of interesting new prospects.
“There have been very substantial achievements both in hydrocarbons and mining,” Anderson said.
“There should be particular interest among the 1,100-plus delegates in the future of two high profile resources projects – Nautilus Minerals’ deep-sea mining project in the Bismarck Sea, which appears to have come into difficulty, and InterOil’s long-anticipated Gulf liquefied natural gas project, which has just received cabinet approval.
Source: Post-Courier
MSF work praised
THE medical service providing organisation, Doctors without Borders (MSF), has been highly praised for a tremendous job its staff had done in improving the health system in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
According to the Chief Executive Officer for the Division of Health in Bougainville Dr Anthony Pumpara, MSF had played a major role in the rehabilitation and improvement in the delivery of medical service in Bougainville.
Dr Pumpara admitted that it was hard for the Bougainville administration to improve the facilities and delivery of medical services at the Buin Health Centre in South Bougainville.
However, MSF came and addressed these problems after accepting an invitation given to them for assistance.
World Health Organisation country representative Dr William Adu-Krow also supported Dr Pumpara’s call by praising MSF for their tireless efforts.
He said their assistance, especially at the Buin Health Centre had resulted in many developments taking place there.
Meanwhile, Dr Adu-Krow is calling on the Autonomous Bougainville Government to have a plan in place to pursue because MSF will be leaving Bougainville next year.
He said Bougainville should move on from where MSF had left, and not “sitting back” because it would affect the delivery of health services.
Dr Adu-Krow also pleaded with MSF to continue to provide assistance to Bougainville.
Both Dr Pumpara and Dr Adu-Krow had delivered these remarks during the launching of medical equipment donated by WHO to Buin Health Centre last week.
Source: Post-Courier
WHO helps health centres
TWO health centres in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville were proud recipients of medical equipment, thanks to the World Health Organisation for the timely help.
The more than 30 cartons of hematology equipment were shared and delivered to Arawa Health Centre in Central Bougainville and Buin Health Centre in South Bougainville.
These equipment were personally delivered to these health centres by the WHO country representative Dr Adu-Krow and other senior WHO officers last Friday.
Kieta District executive manager Lucy Traverts, when receiving the equipment for Arawa Health Centre, thanked WHO for the delivery of these much-needed medical equipment.
She, however, pleaded with the Chief Executive Officer for the Division of Health in Bougainville, Dr Anthony Pumpara, to ensure that there are specialists available to use these equipment.
Dr Adu-Krow, before handing the equipment to Mrs Traverts, said the cost of these equipment was not important.
He said what really mattered was that these equipment should be used in saving the lives of patients.
Buin District health officer James Roberts, when receiving the equipment for Buin Health Centre, also thanked WHO for the assistance. Mr Roberts said the quipment would greatly help them in providing medical help to their patients.
Apart from Arawa and Buin health centres, WHO also presented microbiology equipment to Buka General Hospital. These equipment cost more than K600,000.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai

The Director of Panguna Negotiations, RAYMOND MASONO (picture) has told the participants of the Panguna negotiations forum in North Bougainville today that the forum wants to get ideas from all Bougainvilleans on what issues should be covered or included during negotiation for the new Bougainville Copper Agreement.
He said that they were not talking on reviewing the Panguna Peace Agreement but on negotiating a new Agreement through negotiations between all stakeholders on Bougainville.
MR.MASONO said that this first forum was one of the several meetings that will be held throughout Bougainville.
He made these remarks when commenting on the aim and outcome they expect from this two-days Forum currently in progress in Buka.

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG Acting President, JOE NOPE says that the second phase of the Panguna negotiations is consulting the wider Bougainville community.
He was speaking at the launching of the Panguna negotiations forum on Buka island this morning.
MR. NOPE said involving the entire Bougainville region on issues that affected the region and continues to affect the region.

Pictured is Joe Nope at the Forum
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Panguna Negotiations Forum for North Bougainville region started this morning at the Hutjena Secondary School Hall.
The Forum was officially opened by the Acting ABG President and member for Kunua,JOE NOPE.
The forum will get views from the leaders of North Bougainville on what they think on the future of Bougainville including the negotiations for a new Bougainville Copper Agreement and the opening of the now closed Panguna Copper and Gold Mine.
Source: Post-Courier
Health CEO: Achieve health plan
THE Autonomous Region of Bougainville has a health plan in place which needs to be achieved annually.
This health plan, if fully achieved, will result in improvements in the delivery of health services on the island.
Chief Executive Officer of the Division of Health in Bougainville, Dr Anthony Pumpara, said the only way to achieve this plan is for all health staff to commit themselves in carrying out their duties and responsibilities.
Dr Pumpara stressed that the onus was on the health officials to be faithful in their duties.
He said the division of health is aiming to achieve a certain percentage of the health plans already in place.
Dr Pumpara also warned the staff of the Division of Health that those who do not perform “should not waste their time but must ship out”.
Meanwhile, Dr Pumpara is congratulating those health officers in Bougainville who have tirelessly carried out their duties and responsibilities.
He said their hard work has resulted in Bougainville now being ranked third in the country in terms of medical service delivery.
This, he said is a great improvement. In 2006 Bougainville was ranked 12 in the country. Dr Pumpara said this improvement shows that health staffs are committing themselves to carrying out their duties. Dr Pumpara was delivering this speech during the presentation of hematology equipment donated by the World Health Organisation to Buin Health Centre, last Friday.
Source: Post-Courier
Dancing dwarves

GOGOHE Primary School in Buka Island came alive yesterday as the students, teachers and the communities there celebrated the International Children’s Day in style. The students were able to showcase different types of activities like disco dances to commemorate the day. Buka-based NGO, Leitana Nehan Women’s Development Agency representative, Francis Semoso, while delivering his speech, challenged parents to take pride in their children by ensuring that their children have everything they may need in school. He said parents should not bring their children to school and forget about equipping them with the basic needs they may need during the school year. Gogohe Primary School parents also participated in the celebrations by presenting different gifts to their children. Apart from Gogohe, other primary schools in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville also celebrated the day with different types of activities. Pictured are two students from Gogohe primary school performing an activity known as the ‘kirin (dwarf) dance’.
Source: Post-Courier
AROB aim to improve
TEAM Autonomous Region of Bougainville (AROB) wants to improve on their performance from the last PNG Games in Port Moresby.
They plan to win medals in the martial arts codes in the next few days.
The last time they went for the 4th PNG Games in Port Moresby in 2009, the team was placed 6th out of all provinces participated. AROB General Manager Willie Masiu said between 300 and 400 athletes and team officials were sent in 2009 but the number increased to 540 this year.
“We are one of East New Britain’s closest neighbours and it was easy to send in a large number of players and team officials for the games,” he said.
Team AROB is the second largest provincial contingent followed by NCD with 500. Host Team East New Britain has over 600 athletes and players.
Masiu said two ships were chartered to bring the team over from the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
“We got two ships to bring the team over. One of the ships came from the Solomon Islands,” he said.
The AROB athletes will be participating in 17 sporting codes in the next couple of days and Masiu is confident, the team will perform exceptionally well.
“We hope to win medals in taekwondo, karate, boxing and kick boxing,” he said.
Team AROB is currently being accommodated at the Malaguna Technical Secondary School in Rabaul. During the opening ceremony on Monday this week, a total of 22 vehicles were hired to bring the team to the official venue at the new Kokopo Sports Ground.
The team looked spectacular in their sky blue official wear.
Source: The National
Resource-rich provinces and landowners get K626 million
THE government has allocated K626 million to fixed commitments through the 2013 national budget handed down by Treasury Minister Don Polye yesterday.
Secretary to Treasury Department Simon Tosali said during the press budget lockup that the commitments were fixed grant allocations for resource-rich provinces and landowners.
He said in the 2013 Budget, the infrastructure development grants for the Southern Highlands, Hela, Gulf and Central provinces were K120 million.
He said the district support grants were K56 million and K86 million for the special support grants.
The memorandum of agreement was allocated K27 million.
The other landowner grants are the Lihir IDG MoA of K3 million, the high impact projects as per the UBSA of K50 million, an annual funding of K100 million plus K15 million restoration development grants for the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
The government has also allocated K170 million as a loan counterpart funding.
Source: The National - Reader's letter
Bougainville has final say on mining
The Autonomous Region of Bougainville, under President John Momis, is now writing a mineral policy and legislative regime to put the government and its people at the pinnacle of resource development.
This is a regime in which the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) and its resource owners are equal partners.
The ABG is the ultimate authority in determining policy and legislative framework on resource development in Bougainville, including the future of Panguna mine.
The resource owners are ABG’s cohesive partners in this regime, where they recognise
and respect their government’s authority and the government recognises the owners’ rights through the constitutional framework.
There are important considerations and aspirations in the mineral sector which many do not understand.
Firstly, under the PNG constitutional framework, the ABG is fully mandated to exercise its mining, oil and gas powers from the national government, of which this process is actively under way.
During the Alotau Accord of 2008, the national government and ABG agreed upon 15 steps, which the ABG shall fully comply with.
In line with this, the national government has agreed not to assume mining, oil and gas powers in relation to Bougainville without ABG’s request or agreement.
The 15 steps also include the reviewing of the Bougainville copper agreement and lifting the current blanket moratorium on any exploration in the autonomous region.
Secondly, the ABG is now in the process of legislating a Bougainville transitional mining arrangement act.
The main purpose is to monitor some of the recent activities where dubious foreign companies are mining in Bougainville by luring local resource owners through joint-venture companies.
In this instance, the ABG has a moral and legal duty to pass this law to protect its citizens from
the sweet-talk by foreigners and their local cronies who go around misleading and promising landowners huge financial returns.
Whilst this law is temporarily in place, the ABG will continue its consultations with its people and mineral policy and technical experts to develop a responsible, sustainable mineral extraction legislative framework.
Thirdly, the future of Panguna mine will be determined after a full consultation with landowners, impacted communities and the people.
The ABG and its people will not accept any resource development deal struck outside the shores of Bougainville.
With the Panguna mine, the ABG is currently undergoing an unprecedented approach where consultations with landowners are winding down, consultations with ex-combatants have been completed and discussions and awareness with the people will kick off this month through regional forums.
To sum it up, the ABG is the legal authority to make decisions on mining and the Panguna
It is currently in consultation with all stakeholders to develop
a mineral policy and legislative regime that puts the government and its people in the forefront with responsible mineral extraction.
If investors are serious in contributing meaningfully to this process, they are invited to come to Bougainville.
Kearnneth Kolynnopo Nanei
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
by Aloysius Laukai
The first Regional forum on Panguna negotiations for the North Bougainville districts of Buka island, Atolls and Nissan district is scheduled for Wednesday November 21st,2012 at the Hutjena secondary school.
The two-day forum is the first of a number of forums to be held in North. Central and South Bougainville.
For North Bougainville. there will be a second forum for mainland Bougainville of Selau/Suir, Kunua and Tinputz at a date to be set.
These forums are being organized from the office of the newly appointed Director for Panguna negotiations RAYMOND MASONO.
According to the programme the forum would be both informative and consultative in which presentations would be made by ABG officials and members of the house of representatives.
New Dawn FM will carry live some of the important sessions of the forum.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
by Aloysius Laukai
Business houses owed by the PNG Electoral Commission for services rendered in Bougainville during the June General elections have given the Bougainville Electoral Officials untill tomorrow Tuesday November 20th,2012 to response to their demands or take other cause of actions if nothing happens.
A quick check by New Dawn FM this morning found out that Electoral Officials were still trying to communicate with Port Moresby to settle these outstanding monies.
Committee for the Business houses advised other members that tommorrows planned meeting has been post phoned until next week.
Their last meeting two weeks ago demanded that the Electoral Commission pay them by tomorrow.
If not they will not allow the ABG BY ELECTION to go ahead and that in any future elections. services must be paid for first as under the User Pay service.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Opening ceremony of the 5th PNG Grassroots games in Rabaul this afternoon was marred by strong winds,lightning and rain which resulted in power outage.
NEW DAWN FM was monitoring the ceremony from Buka and could not get the Prime minister's speech as the power went off cutting off live broadcasts and disconnecting mobile phone service for several minutes.
Source: Post-Courier
AGB makes budget process arrangements
THE Autonomous Bougainville Government’s Parliamentary Service Commission (PSC) has already approved a budget process that will be used to deal with the Bougainville House of Representative’s annual budget.
According to the ABG Members Update weekly newsletter, this budget process, when fully implemented, will separate debates on the House of Representatives budget from the administrative and development budgets.
ABG Speaker Andrew Miriki, who is also the PSC chairman, said the Commission noted that prior to each fiscal year, the PSC must direct the ABG clerk to prepare an estimated budget of the expenses of the House and its members during each fiscal year.
The Bougainville Executive Council (BEC) will also be informed on the estimated amount required to provide for the payment of the expenses of the House.
The Clerk must prepare the estimates for the House within the ceiling established for the House for each fiscal year which is approved by BEC.
The annual appropriation of the Bougainville House of Representatives will be the first budget to be tabled, followed by the administration and development budgets.
Meanwhile, the current ABG financial status is affecting the operations of the House and the parliamentary select committees.
The recurrent operations of the ABG are currently funded through revenue earned from sources like the group tax, general sales tax and the liquor sales tax.
It is predicted that the House will continue to face financial problems unless there is an improvement in revenues earned.
Source: Post-Courier
Computers stolen at wharf
COMPUTER accessories purchased for the Bougainville House of Representatives by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association’s (CPA) Education Trust Fund were stolen at the Buka wharf about a week ago.
The ABG Members Update states that the shipment included a HP computer monitor, two Microsoft Office software CDs, HP Desktop Hard Drive computer, two Kyocera printers, a HP laptop computer and eight tonners. The matter has already been reported to PNG Ports Corporation and the local stevedoring company at the wharf.
CPA Education Trust Fund, the organisation that supplied the computer accessories have also been notified of the theft.
CPA Education Trust Fund provides on-going support to the Bougainville House of Representatives in terms of equipment and staff training.
It has been providing assistance to the Bougainville House of Representatives since the ABG became a CPA member in September 2006.
Source: Post-Courier
Tonu receives ambulance
TONU health centre in the Siwai District of South Bougainville now has a new ambulance, thanks to the World Health Organisation (WHO) for funding and delivering the vehicle to the health centre.
The presentation of the ambulance, which took place at Tonu last Thursday, will no doubt improve Tonu health centre’s medical service delivery programmes.
The ambulance which cost K100,000 was officially delivered and presented to the United Church Bougainville Bishop, Tim Arthur on behalf of Tonu health centre, by the WHO country representative Dr William Adu-Krow.
Invited guests present to witness the occasion included other senior WHO officers, Siwai District executive manager Joseph Noro, staff of Tonu health centre and the people living near the Tonu area.
Bishop Tim, before receiving the key of the ambulance thanked Dr Adu-Krow and WHO for the timely donation.
He said he hopes that the presentation of the ambulance will not be the first and last assistance that they will get from WHO, adding that he hopes to get more assistance in the future.
Bishop Tim further challenged the health staff and people of Siwai to look after the ambulance.
Dr Adu-Krow also challenged the staff of Tonu health centre and the people of Siwai District to take good care of the ambulance.
He said WHO will not hesitate to remove the ambulance if they learn that it is continuously misused.

Dr Adu-Krow (left) presenting the ambulance key to Bishop Tim Arthur while Siwai District executive manager Joseph Noro looks on.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The remaining Bougainville team members who travelled on the second chartered boat MV BOUGAINVILLE ATOLLS arrived early this morning at 1.30am.
According to the General Manager for tthe Team Bougainville,WILLIE MASIU, the team disembarked at 3am.
He expressed in Kuanua language Saying and I quote "RABAUL ITUT MULAI" which means that the sleepy town of Rabaul is alive again as participants for the games start arriving into East New Britain province from all over PAPUA NEW GUINEA.
MR.MASIU said that it seems that Bougainville has arrived with the largest contingent totaling 540 in total and only the host province East New Britain will field in more.
He said that Bougainville was confident of doing well at this year's PNG Grassroots games.
NEW DAWN FM understands that Bougainville came fourth at the Lae and Goroka games and came sixth at the more recent Port Moresby games.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Olympus donate
by Aloysius Laukai
The Buka general hospital this morning benefited from a donation of a Surgical equipment worth One Million kina from Olympus Hongkong and China Limited.
The donation from Olympus was the second for PNG as the first was donated to thebPort Moresby General Hospital eight years ago.
The donation this morning was witnessed by the Acting ABG Health minister, JOE NOPE who thanked olympus for the kind donation to the Buka District Hospital.
Ms AMY SHEK the company director told New Dawn FM that this is their first donation for the Buka Hospital.
She said the Buka Hospital was reccomended by ttheir network doctors from Port Moresby who have been working with them over the past years.
A doctor based at the Buka hospital will be trained to operate the equipment.
The latest laproscope will use a monitor to see inside the patients stomach without cutting the patient.
According to Dr.Joe Vilosi the Hospital's long serving doctors from the Buka hospital this equipment will greatly assist them at the theatre. pictured is Minister JOE NOPE cutting ribbon of the equipment.

Source: The National
PM says K2-K3bil for infrastructure
BETWEEN K2 billion and K3 billion of the 2013 Budget will go towards improvement of infrastructure, Prime Minister Peter O’Neill said yesterday.
Addressing the provincial governors’ conference at the March Girls Resort outside Port Moresby.
O’Neill said the government was committed to improving infrastructure such as road network, bridges, telecommunication, and education and health facilities.
There was no mention of the US$6 billion loan to be raised from China, which O’Neill earlier said was needed for the deteriorating infrastructure in the country.
Although the budget, to be delivered on Tuesday, is expected to be much higher than this year’s K10.4 billion, the prime minister said for the first time, it would empower governors and the open members to focus on improving their districts and provinces.
Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Leo Dion, who is the chairman of the governors’ conference, said the government would be committing K2 billion to development grants for provincial governments, where governors would have a lot of money to cater for their development agendas.
O’Neill said the provinces would be getting direct funding through the budget but it would come with strict guidelines to improve the government’s development agendas such as education, health, law and order, infrastructure and small to medium enterprises.
He said the country had missed many opportunities over the years with good economic growth but, this government was committed to improving districts and provinces where the bigger population was based.
O’Neill said there would be a small deficit in the budget, but strategies were in place to address it. It was unlikely to have great repercussions on the economy and development of the country.
He also revealed that the economy was likely to drag when the PNG LNG construction phase scaled down before the export of gas.
He said the construction of the project had added 3% to the 9% increase in the GDP but that would decrease and affect the economy and many people would lose jobs. However, the onus was on the provincial and national governments to focus and plan long-term sustainable programmes, with emphasis on infrastructure.
The issue of autonomy for Bougainville would be considered but not before considering how it has progressed, O’Neill said.

Provincial governors with Prime Minister Peter O’Neill and his deputy Leo Dion at the March Girls Resort outside Port Moresby yesterday. Standing from left: Western’s Governor Ati Wobiro, Jim Kas of Madang, Titus Philemon (Milne Bay), William Powi (Southern Highlands), Amkat Mai (West Sepik), Joe Lera (Bougainville), Havila Kavo (Gulf), Ereman ToBaining Jr (East New Britain), Noah Kool (Chimbu), Sasindran Muthuvel (West New Britain), Dr William Tongamp (Jiwaka) and Powes Parkop (NCD). Seated (left): Nuku MP Joe Sungi, Eastern Highlands Governor Julie Soso, Kila Haoda (Central), O’Neill, Dion and Enga Governor Peter Ipatas.
Source: Post-Courier
Hospitals get equipment
BUKA General Hospital, Arawa and Buin health centres in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville are the proud recipients of microbiology and hematology equipments, thanks to the World Health Organisation (WHO) for the timely donation.
The equipments, worth about K600, 000, were delivered to the hospital and health centres by the WHO country representative, Dr William Adu-Krow on Wednesday.
Buka General Hospital chief executive officer Dr Cyril Imako, before receiving the equipments for Buka hospital, thanked Dr Adu-Krow and WHO for the timely donation.
He said these equipments were greatly needed by the hospital.
However, he highlighted that the lack of a proper laboratory at the hospital to store these equipments was another immediate problem that they would face.
Dr Imako said he has already spoken to the chief executive officer in the Division of Planning in Bougainville to immediately release K150,000 to the hospital so they can construct a lab to house these equipments.
Dr Imako later assured Dr Adu-Krow that the lab should be ready by next year.
WHO country representative Dr William Adu-Krow said their donation stems from a visit they had made to Bougainville in 2010.
He said during that visit, they had discussed with the authorities concerned on what assistance they could provide to Bougainville, adding that the donation of these microbiology equipments is a result of that meeting.
Dr Adu-Krow also supported Dr Imako’s call by calling on the ABG finance CEO to release the K150,000 to the hospital to construct the lab.
He also acknowledged the contributions from other WHO donor partners like AusAID, saying that their assistances has enabled them to buy equipments similar to the one they had presented.
Dr Adu-Krow also clarified that WHO will continue to have their office and representative on Bougainville.
He announced to those present that though they will also be supporting other provinces in the country, their main focus will be on Bougainville.
ABG vice president and Minister for Health Patrick Nisira, who was also present to witness the handover of the microbiology equipments also thanked Dr Adu-Krow for the timely donation. Meanwhile, Mr Nisira is calling on the ABG chief administrator, ABG CEO for planning and the CEO for health to make up a budget that will address the needs and current problems that the hospital is currently facing.
Some of the immediate needs of the hospital that Mr Nisira highlighted include an intensive care unit (ICU), a lab and other facilities and services greatly needed to save lives.
Source: PNG Attitude / Catholic News Service
What a great idea: 10 trees to promote new life
WHEN BISHOP BERNARD UNABALI of Bougainville performs a baptism, confirmation or ordination, he asks churchgoers to plant 10 trees to promote new life.

Bishop Unabali (picture) considers the link between respecting the environment and the sacramental life of the church as inseparable.
Tree-planting is one way the bishop encourages people to respond to the rapid pace of climate change.
He was the keynote speaker at a three-day symposium on climate change held last week at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.
In 2007, Bishop Unabali spent two weeks with the Halia people in the Carteret Islands and saw for himself evidence of the rising ocean.
The Washington meeting highlighted urgent calls from Pope Benedict XVI for Catholics to respond to this planetary crisis.
Australische Aktien: Sicherer Hafen
von Larsen Kusick
Während Aktien in den Vereinigten Staaten und Europa in den letzten Wochen gefallen sind, präsentieren sich australische Aktien als einer der wenigen "sicheren Häfen" auf dem Markt.
Vor einiger Zeit Früher schrieb Steve Sjuggerud, dass Australien weltweit "das letzte sichere Land für Ihr Geld sein könnte." Anders als die meisten anderen entwickelten Nationen hat Australien wenig Schulden und eine gesunde Wirtschaftsentwicklung (das BIP liegt über 3 % jährlich).
Dies spiegelt sich auch auf dem Aktienmarkt wieder. Nachdem der S&P 500 in den ersten neun Monaten gut gelaufen ist, musste er in den letzten zwei Monaten mehr als 6 Prozent abgeben. Gleichzeitig konnte sich der iShares MSCI Index von Australien (EWA) dieser Marktschwäche entziehen. Dieser Fonds umfasst zum Beispiel große Anteile der Rohstoffgiganten BHP Billiton und Rio Tinto sowie der Commonwealth-Bank (Australiens größte Bank) und des Pharmariesen CSL Limited.

Wie Sie im heutigen Chart erkennen, sind australische Aktien in einem stabilen Aufwärtstrend (schwarze Linie). Noch wichtiger: Sie haben sich während der gegenwärtigen Korrektur des S&P 500 (blaue Linie) kaum bewegt.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
You may call it the LAST FRONTIER, Yes the KUNUA District will be connected to the entire world starting next week thanks to the private Mobile Phone company, DIGICEL.

This was revealed by the research officer for the Local Level Government and Communications division SAMUEL TORORIA this afternoon.
MR TORORIA said that the launching was to be have occured today, !5th November however this did not eventuate as the contracter was required to complete the final touches to the tower.

MR TORORIA whilst thanking DIGICEL for making it possible by building a Tower for Kunua said that this was a relief for the people of KUNUA who have being disconnected to the world since independence. He said with the communication problem addressed the district would now focus on developing the road network in the district.
NEW DAWN FM understands that the ABG and the Kunua district administration would be happy with this development as they have been struggling to open up communications to the district for a long time.
Digicel network will now cover the West Coast of Bougainville (map) as Digicel as lately built three additional towers in Togarau, Wakunai, the Kunua district and the TOROKINA district which was commissioned last week.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Only one ship carrying team Bougainville contingent arrived in Rabaul today.
General Manager for Team Bougainville,WILLIE MASIU told New Dawn FM from Rabaul at 5pm this afternoon that Solomon islands Chartered Boat, MV DAY STAR arrived this afternoon whilst the MV BOUGAINVILLE ATOLLS is expected into Rabaul later tonight.

MR.MASIU said that those who arrived in RABAUL have already settled at Malaguna where they will be staying during the entire games.
He also stated that the visitors briefly visited some areas within East New Britain province this afternoon.
New Dawn FM will be providing daily updates of the games starting next week Monday.
Source: Post-Courier
Investor breaches deal
THE Autonomous Bougainville Government may have erred in its decision to invite a wholesale company from China to come and start up their business in Bougainville.
The above revelation was made by the ABG Minister for Trade and Industry, Wilfred Komba while delivering his speech during the launching of a new vessel, the MV Kute Trader in Buka last Friday.
Mr Komba said the ABG had initially invited Chinese investors to come and establish their business, whether wholesaling or manufacturing, on Bougainville.
One of the conditions outlined by the ABG was that these companies should concentrate on selling their products at wholesale prices, while the retail businesses would be reserved for Bougainvilleans. However, instead of honouring the condition outlined by the ABG, the Chinese company concerned has been selling their products on retail bases.
It is also understood that this company was supposed to have leased out its shares to Bougainvilleans so they too can become shareholders in the company, which also did not eventuate. The ABG Division of Commerce, Trade and Industry is currently going through a restructure process to change these original shareholding arrangements.
Meanwhile, the announcement by Mr Komba has drawn support from many Bougainvilleans.
Many said they have been confused because instead of this company operating as a wholesale supplier, it was operating as a retail business company.
Source: PNG Industry News
Bridging troubled waters

A BOUGAINVILLEAN couple has reportedly bought a freighter vessel to service the region, which comes after three ships were torched off neighbouring Buka Island a few months ago.
According to The National, Michael and Christine Boko paid 1.7 million kina ($A790,000) for the MV Kute Trader using money they earned from selling petroleum products in Buka.
Michael Boko reportedly said he was confident the vessel would provide much-needed freight services at an affordable cost to the people.
Back in March the MV Solomon Queen, Kopra 3 and Kopra 4 vessels, owned by Rabaul Shipping, were torched at sea off Buka island by armed men (picture).
They were angered by the lives lost in the shipping company’s MV Rabaul Queen ferry disaster the previous month.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Day Star has left
Day Star has left for Rabaul..its gonna be a night star...

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Boat leaving
by Aloysius Laukai
The first 400 athletes from Bougainville are leaving for Rabaul tonight aboard a Solomon Island passenger boat MV DAY STAR.
The boat will make several runs in Bougainville whilst waiting for the ten day games in Rabaul.
The remaining 140 will travel on MV BOUGAINVILLE ATOLLS tomorrow.
According to the Captain SAMUEL SULUKA they will be travelliing on ten knots meaning they will reach Rabaul tomorrow morning.
Normally in Solomons the Day star runs between Auki and Honiara.

Pictured are members of the Kunua Cultural group loading their cargoes.
Source: Mekamui News
by mekamui

There are still big talks going on in regards to the reopening of Panguna mine. The leaders who worry so much about the wheels to run the Island region are more into it.
Many people with the Top former Ex-Combatants come out in the media saying it is still a sensitive issue. The main focus now is to reopen the mine to bring much needed economy, which will make the Island Region enough to fulfill the peoples cry for political independence.
Yes mining can bring development like Hospitals, roads and schools but in many cases this development does not reach the rural people that need it most. It can bring money and give political independence to Mekamui/Bougainville as some leaders and ESBC are claiming, but the lesson learnt is that the effects of it are forever and can never be recovered or replaced. It outweighs the benefits too.

In the last environmental work carried out by BCL in 1988, their modeling indicated that river water quality, once the tailings were no longer in the river, would meet drinking standards below the Jaba/Kawerong confluence but would have sufficiently high copper levels and would be toxic to sensitive aquatic species.

With the God given wisdom and knowledge when we see a rotten frog, snake or human waste etc at the head of the stream we know we can’t drink that water. The Panguna hole is like a big sore at the head, so people will not drink the river, which is tested ok with Western technology.
We live on the land and our future children will live on the land. We don’t want to repeat the same mistake again and thousands of our people will die fighting to close it down. We don’t want to be left with our Island turned into gravels and empty rusty skeletons, therefore Panguna mine should be out of mind and out of the lips of crazy greedy politicians and Rio Tinto BCL.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville MPs to benefit
THE members of the Bougainville House of Representatives will soon benefit from the Parliamentarians Medical, Life and Personal Accidents Care scheme.
The establishment of this scheme is one of the initiatives currently undertaken by the Speaker of the Bougainville House of Representatives Andrew Miriki.
Speaker Andrew Miriki has already engaged a local consultancy firm, Para Projects Marketing and Management Consultants to consult and provide a report on the establishment of this scheme.
The ABG Parliamentary Service Commission (PSC) has also been briefed early this month regarding the establishment of this scheme.
It is understood that this firm has already submitted a brief phase one report of this project which identifies which insurance firms are available and are able to provide the medical, life and personal care to the ABG leaders.
Phase two of this project will involve the registration of the ABG members, which will then be documented and submitted to the Insurance firm approved by ABG.
The ABG parliamentary staff will also be trained to manage the scheme under this phase two project.
This scheme will call for its own management within emolument services given the strong opinion in establishing a stand-alone finance and administration of the House of Representatives with the management of the health scheme as starting point. The PSC has already directed the ABG Clerk to include K200,000 for the medical, life and personal care for the members in the 2013 ABG budget.
And Information Paper on the scheme is ready to be presented to the Bougainville Executive Council for consideration.
Source: The National
New ship to serve Bougainville
THE Autonomous Region of Bougainville has a new vessel to transport goods from Papua New Guinea to the region.
Thanks to a Bougainvillean couple, Michael and Christine Boko, who after earning enough money from selling petroleum products in Buka, bought the freighter.
The mv Kute Trader was bought for K1.7 million and arrived in Bougainville last Friday to a warm welcome from the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG), the Bougainville business community and people in Buka.
Owner Michael Boko said it was the proudest moment in the history of the company.
He said his family had bought the vessel with some reservation as it was a new business environment they were entering.
But he was assured of the ABG and the Bougainville business community support, they were confident the vessel would provide much-needed freight services at an affordable cost to the people.
ABG Minister for Commerce Wilfred Komba thanked the Boko family for having the courage to venture into the shipping industry.
He described the couple as “patriotic” in their contribution towards building the economy.
“We need Bougainvilleans to start thinking along the lines of what can I do for Bougainville instead of relying on the ABG.
“Think of Bougainville as a child and you are the parents. The responsibility of building Bougainville belongs to every individual as well as the ABG,” Komba said.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Trad troupe
by Aloysius Laukai
The ABG President chief John Momis has just launched team Bougainville team to take part in the PNG Games.
President Momis called on the team to represent Bougainville with pride and come back with medals.
He said that although the ABG had limited funds it gave FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND KINA towards the team. Chief Momis said his government believes in its youth and committed funds to the TEAM BOUGAINVILLE. 540 participants will represent Bougainville at this year's game in Rabaul.
The team leaves Bougainville tommorrow on two boats, MV BOUGAINVILLE ATOLL and passenger boat MV Kikori from the Solomon islands.

Bougainville team ready for the PNG GAMES in Rabaul. They are ready to sail tomorrow.
They assembled for the ABG PRESIDENTT JOHN MOMIS to farewell them to Rabaul.
Source: ESBC
Please help us to acquire more indepth information about the Bougainville Kina scam!
Please tell us…
…who told you about “Bougainville Kina”?
…where did you find promotional material or articles about “Bougainville Kina”?
…if you have contacted the fraudulent Bank of Me’ekamui (IBOM)?
…if you did contract in “Bougainville Kina”?
…if you did contact the police or other financial supervisory boards?
Please help us to dry out this scam and send an email to us:
Source: Post-Courier
Independence - ARB not ready
A LEADING woman leader and founder of the Nazarene Rehabilitation Centre on Bougainville, Sr Lorraine Garasu, now claims that Bougainville is not ready for a vote on possible independence.
In an interview with Radio New Zealand, Sister Lorraine Garasu, who has been running a centre caring for victims of domestic violence in the province for more than 10 years, said that more education was needed as part of the peace agreement ending the civil war on Bougainville.
“…more education was needed as part of the peace agreement ending the civil war. Bougainvilleans are to vote in a referendum after 2015 on whether to have full independence,” Sr Lorraine said.
“It is a road Bougainville can walk, but first, what the people want is for the provincial government to show what can be achieved through the autonomy status in place since 2005.
“So that is what the people want. And also, the problem that I see in Bougainville today is that people have not been educated enough about autonomy and referendum. I don’t think the government in Bougainville is ready for referendum because they don’t have the means - there’s no economic means to sustain what they need to do,” she said. Sr Lorraine is very concerned about the way Bougainville is now being run. This woman, was awarded an Honor of Australia Award in recognision of her role in promoting rehabilitation and reconciliation throughout the years. The award is bestowed only to Australian citizens by the Australian government.
Sr Lorraine has been talking in many parts of the world, highlighting issues that must be addressed on Bougainville following the conflict on the island.
Her role in running the rehabilitation centre had given her the experience to claim that Bougainville is not ready for self-government.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville not ready for independence referendum, says nun
There is a claim that the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville is not ready for a vote on possible independence.
A nun, Sister Lorraine Garasu, who has been running a centre caring for victims of domestic violence in the province for more than 10 years, says more education is needed.
As part of the peace agreement ending the civil war, Bougainvilleans are to vote in a referendum after 2015 on whether to have full independence.
Sister Garasu says it is a road Bougainville can walk but first what the people want is for the provincial government to show what can be achieved through the autonomy status in place since 2005.
“So that is what the people want. And also the problem that I see in Bougainville today is the people have not been educated enough about autonomy, referendum. Also the government in Bougainville, I don’t think they are ready fo referendum because they don’t have the means - there’s no economic means to sustain what they need to do.”
Sister Lorraine Garasu from the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville
Source: Post-Courier
Priest, seminarian die in car crash
A MARIST Priest and a seminarian were killed after the vehicle they were traveling in overturned in Buka Island on Wednesday.
The vehicle, a two wheel drive fifth element single cab, was driven by the priest when the accident took place near Hakets primary school in the Halia constituency, resulting in the two deaths.
Another three passengers who were also on the vehicle also received injuries on their bodies, but survived the accident. However, one of the three had to be admitted to the Buka General Hospital after sustaining severe injuries to his head.
The priest from Tonga was the Parish Priest for Hanahan Parish, and was also looking after the Lemanmanu Parish at the time of his death.
Former Bougainville Regional MP Fidelis Semoso who was one of the first to arrive at the scene, transported the priest to the Buka Hospital but was pronounced dead upon arrival by the doctor and nurses on duty at the hospital.
According to an eyewitness, the vehicle was traveling at a very high speed when it hit a tree at the side of the road and then overturned several times resulting in the death of the priest and the seminarian.
The eyewitness said the survivors were lucky to be alive after jumping off the vehicle before it overturned.
He also confirmed that the five were alleged to have been drunk during the time of the accident.
The bodies of the late priest and the seminarian are still at the Buka hospital morgue awaiting funeral arrangements.
Police in Buka also confirmed that the priest was allegedly under the influence of alcohol, resulting in the accident. They are now appealing to vehicle drivers to be sober and to take extra precautions when driving. This is to avoid traffic accidents during this festive period.
Meanwhile, a man was struck to death by lighting yesterday.
Source: Post-Courier
Nurses step up in faith
PATIENTS at the Buka General Hospital can now expect to see some positive changes taking place in the attitudes of the nurses working there.
This follows a three-day session which was held at he hospital on how nurses can improve their performances both physically, mentally and spiritually.
The sessions, which were held over the weekend, was conducted by the executives of the Inter-Denominational Nurses Christian Fellowship (IDNCF) in the New Guinea Islands region.
According to the president of IDNCF NGI region, Diana Mavoko, the purpose of their trip to Bougainville was to encourage the nurses in Bougainville to join IDNCF.
Sr Mavoko stressed that the establishment of IDNCF is to promote spiritual approaches by the nurses towards their patients.
She said many a time nurses always showed negative outlooks towards their patients.
Sr Mavoko emphasised that in order for nurses to effectively carry out their duties, they should invite the Lord Jesus into their lives.
IDNCF NGI deputy president Rebecca Peneia also supported Sr Mavoko, saying that many nurses never showed any love towards the patients that they are treating.
She then invited the nurses in Bougainville to join IDNCF, saying that this would spiritually help them in carrying out their duties.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
ABG President,Chief John Momis will start a weekly radio programme on New Dawn FM starting this week.
The weekly talk program will address individual issues affecting affecting the region.
The program will have the President addressing the people of the region and will also include several talk back shows live on New Dawn Fm.
ABG President chief Momis wants to interact more with his people as he wants the people of Bougainville know exactly what was happening in the region.
He said the local information office has not been doing enough to promote Bougainville although they have been around for a long time.
The program will be podcasted for our interested listeners overseas and the web address will be announced shortly.
NBC Radio Bougainville will be asked to also air this program.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Bougainville's long serving Matron, FLORENCE KANAU has died after a long illness at the Buka General Hospital this afternoon.
SR.FLORENCE KANAU graduated from the Papuan Medical College 1968 as a Nursing Sister.
She was first posted after graduation to Daru, Rabaul before coming to Bougainville.
She became the Matron for the Arawa Hospital in 1975
taking the position from an expatriate Matron Thompson.
Since then she has been the matron in charge of the Arawa General Hospital until the hospital closed at the height of the Bougainville conflict in 1990.
During the Bougainville conflict she went home to Buin
but continued to help the communities on Buin.
When services resumed in Buka after the conflict, she started again as the Matron orgarnizing and recruiting new staff for the SOHANO HOSPITAL now moved to the Buka town.
She retired as the matron for the Buka General Hospital in 2010 and was replaced but she continued working untill she felt ill some months ago.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Bechdemer report
By Aloysius Laukai
The Bougainville Fisheries Division has just completed a survey to find out if the number of Sea Cucumbers have increased within the waters of North Bougainville since harvest of beachdemer were banned two years ago.
Officer from the Fisheries section, JINRO BOISEN revealed this to New Dawn FM this afternoon.
MR. BOISEN said that the survey was done in Nissan island, Catrets island, Pororan, Taiof, Ton island Saposa ,Teop Island and Irue point in Tinputz.
He said that survey found out some improvements in number of Sea Cucumbers but still lack the size needed to reproduce.
MR. BOISEN said that the report has been sent to the National Fisheries office in Port Moresby for proper analyzing before any decision to remove the ban on the harvest of these marine products again.
He said that under the Bougainville constitution distance from the beach to 3 mile out to sea is under the Autonomous Bougainville Government’s control however due to the non availability of manpower and policy they are still working with the National Fisheries Authority.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Another newly established private school in Buka town, KUMUL TRAINING INSTITUTE graduated its second batch of students this afternoon.
Forty six students from the Kumul Training Institute in Buka town graduated with certificates in eight disciplines.
They are Accounting, Diploma in Accounting, Human Resources, Office Administration, Information Technology, Computing and Sales and Marketing.
Last week more than 20 students graduated with certificates in Heavy Equipment Operators course from the Master Skills Consultants also based in Buka.
In this afternoon’s graduation attended by parents and students of the school. All speakers spoke on the need to have skilled manpower to develop Bougainville.
They said that the School is committed to producing some skilled manpower who can contribute to the overall development of the region.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
ABG President chief JOHN MOMIS yesterday send his condolences to the Speaker of ABG, ANDREW MIRIKI for the death of his daughter the late ELAINE MIRIKI who died in Port Moresby last week.
The late ELAINE MIRIKI was a student at a private school in Port Moresby at the time of her death.
Her body was brought to the Speaker’s house for a brief stop- over before she was brought to Paghui village in South Bougainville which will be her final resting place.
Chief Momis said that he was saddened to see another young Bougainvillean’s life end in a tragic way.
He said although we may have plans for the future the creator has his final say.
The body of the Late Elaine Miriki was laid to rest today.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
New Zealand, Japan and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) have come together to help reach power to remote communities in Papua New Guinea’s Northern Province, West Britain and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
Last week, the three parties signed a grant agreement to support the Government of PNG, through PNG Power, to expand a community-based project, which will deliver electricity to remote rural communities for the first time.
The project will trial the use of labour from local communities to install power lines, and provide training to households on the cost effective use of power to support new livelihood opportunities. It will be co-financed by grants of $2.5 million from the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction and $2.5 million from the New Zealand government, with the Government of Papua New Guinea providing $1 million.
Some 10% of PNG’s population has access to electricity, with relatively fewer connections in rural areas. New hydro generating facilities and transmission lines are being rolled out by PNG
Power to provincial centers under a separate ADB-financed electrification programme, but the cost of linking rural communities remains prohibitively high, in part due to the expense of bringing in external contractors. The project aims to tackle the cost barrier by using local work teams to install distribution lines to remote communities.
PNG Power will provide training and supervision for local labor hired to do construction work under the project.
PNG Power will also conduct safety and energy efficiency campaigns targeting local people. A critical component of the project is the installation of prepaid power meters in about 4,500 households, as well as community training to raise awareness on income generating opportunities and how to access
microfinance. Workshops will be held on the safe use of power and effective budgeting, according to a media release from the Asian Development Bank.
The project is targeting new connections to about 4,500 households, 20 schools and 20 medical facilities in the three provinces by its completion date of 2014.
On Bougainville work has already started on the Togarau Hydro power project funded by the PNG Sustainable Development and PNG POWER is also working on the RAMAZON Hydro power near Tinputz which will provide power for Tinputz population and Buka island.
Source: The Georgia Bulletin
Bishop links respect for environment to church's sacramental life
WASHINGTON D.C. (CNS) -- The link between respecting the environment and the sacramental life of the church is inseparable for one bishop overseeing a diocese that encompasses a collection of small islands in the South Pacific. Bishop Bernard Unabali of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, considers the link so unfaltering that when he baptizes a new member of the church or confirms someone or even when he ordains a priest, he asks individuals to plant 10 trees as a way to give rise to new life. Such an act of faith, he told Catholic News Service Nov. 8, is one way he prayerfully encourages people to pursue to help stem the rapid pace of climate change. "(I) use this situation, which is going to be affecting us more drastically than probably in the past, to help people recapture our relationship to the environment," he said. "We must entrench something in our lives to continue this environmental concern, respect and care." Bishop Unabali was in Washington to open a three-day symposium highlighting the urgent calls from Pope Benedict XVI on the importance of Catholics acting on behalf of an increasingly fragile environment in the face of climate change. The event, hosted by The Catholic University of America Nov. 8-10, brought together a dozen Catholic theologians and philosophers to discuss the implications of Pope Benedict's biblically-based ecological vision for the Catholic Church, particularly in the United States. The symposium was sponsored by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Catholic Coalition on Climate Change, and the university and its Institute for Policy Research and Catholic Studies. Bishop Unabali explained that care for the environment and encouragement of sustainable development for Bougainville have become priorities under the pastoral plan he developed alongside lay parishioners. The plan, he said, is helping foster a greater awareness of the generations-long relationship with the environment that he believes each person is responsible for maintaining.
Source: PNG Industry News
ABG mining laws loom: report
TENSIONS seem to be arising between the Autonomous Bougainville government and the PNG government, with ABG president John Momis reportedly aiming to introduce mining laws before the end of 2012.
According to The National, Momis will not attend a PNG government proposed meeting in Port Moresby tomorrow over “matters related to reopening” the long-troubled Panguna copper-gold mine in Bougainville.
Momis told the newspaper that the ABG should initiate actions in relation to Panguna and warned the PNG government to “recognise that authority”.
He reportedly said the ABG had the clear moral authority to make all decisions about the future of Panguna.
“Further, we are far advanced in the process of transferring mining powers to Bougainville agreed in 2008,” Momis reportedly said.
“The ABG envisages passing its own mining law before the end of the year.”
Gaining community approval is a major hurdle that Rio Tinto subsidiary Bougainville Copper needs to overcome to reopen the Panguna mine.
There were about 600 landowners or landowner representatives of the 1980 compensation agreement for the mine – providing plenty of scope for differences of opinion.
Panguna was the world’s fourth-largest copper mine in the months before it closed in 1989, with Bougainville Island subsequently embroiled in years of civil war.
The mine produced 9 million ounces of gold and 3 million tonnes of copper from 1972.
The Panguna permits under the existing Bougainville Copper Act allow for mining up to 2032.
The orebody at Panguna is only partially mined, with large available reserves.
In the mine’s last year of operation, estimated mill feed was at 691Mt at 0.4% copper and 0.47 grams per tonne gold.
Rio Tinto owns about 54% of Bougainville Copper.
Source: The National
Bougainville has legal power
THE Autonomous Region of Bougainville says it has a legal and moral authority – not the national government – to make decisions on the Panguna mine.
ARB President chief Dr John Momis will not attend a meeting in Port Moresby tomorrow proposed by the national government to discuss matters related to the reopening of the mine in Bougainville.
Momis said because the Bougainville crisis originated from the conflict over Panguna, it was the ABG that had a “clear moral authority” to make all decisions about the future of the Panguna mine.
“Further, we are far advanced in the process of transferring mining powers to Bougainville agreed in 2008. The ABG envisages passing its own mining law before the end of the year,” Momis said.
He said the ABG should be the one to initiate actions in relation to Panguna and urged the national government to “recognise that authority”.
He said the ABG was building its capacity to deal with mining issues by establishing a mining department, an office for Panguna negotiations and a cabinet committee on Panguna negotiations.
“All decisions about the future of Panguna will be made utilising this home-grown capacity,” Momis said.
He said they welcomed any suggestions from the national government on the mine but any discussions on these should be held in Bougainville, not Port Moresby.
The invitation for the Port Moresby meeting tomorrow came from the Minister for Petroleum, Oil and Gas William Duma in collaboration with Bougainville Regional MP Joseph Lera, Minister for Bougainville Affairs Steven Pirika Kamma and Minister for Communication Jimmy Miringtoro.
The discussions are expected to be on:
Possible Panguna mine ownership concepts; benefit-sharing models available for consideration by the ABG and the national government on the Panguna mine; and, options for possible mine developers from Brazil, Venezuela and other South American nations other than Bougainville Copper Ltd.
Source: Radio New Zealand International
Bougainville nun says abuse now gets to court
A nun running a centre caring for abused women and children in the Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville says having access to the courts is a major breakthrough.

Sister Lorraine Garasu (pictured) of the Nazareth Rehabilitation Centre in Buka says it has been providing a refuge for victims of domestic violence for more than ten years.
She says it remains a big problem but a programme called ’Women - Access to Justice’ has had a major impact.
Sister Garasu says with the help of a legal advisor provided by New Zealand’s Volunteer Service Abroad, the centre has been able to put the necessary legal infrastructure in place.
“So that now women can actually access justice. Like in the past when they were coming to us we were just providing care and counselling. And then they go back to the village, so they go back home and they face the problem all over again. Now women can actually get protection, access protection from the courts.”
Sister Lorraine Garasu says there are cases being taken to court every week.
She is in Wellington to give the keynote address at VSA’s 50th anniversary Congress.
Source: The National
Unreliable services affect Gr 8 exams on Bougainville atolls
UNRELIABLE shipping services to the atolls of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville have resulted in Grade 8 students missing on the national examinations in the past four years.
Education chief executive officer Bruno Babato yesterday said the atoll schools affected were Carterets, Nuguria, Yiangain and Tasman primary.
Babato said instead, students from atolls were selected to Grade 9 based on their internal marks.
“This, however, is not fair to other students who have to sit for the exams and although we would like to give students on the atolls the same opportunity, we are not able to as we have no way of getting the exam papers over due to the lack of a reliable shipping service.
“This is a very serious issue that the government has overlooked in its priorities,” Babato said.
He said over the years, government officers in the education sector had found it difficult to visit schools in the atolls.
“Teachers take the risk travelling on dinghies to Buka for holidays from Tasman and Mortlock islands, the journey takes about eight to 10 hours.”
Babato said there had been no reliable shipping service to the area and he called for attention from government authorities.
About 3,000 students in the region sat for the examinations early this week.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Regional member for Bougainville, JOE LERA has committed FIVE THOUSAND KINA to support the Buka women’s groups to stage their WORLD FOOD DAY celebration now post-phoned to the end of this month.
He made this commitment during one of his visits to the Hagogohe constituency recently.
During one of his COE visits and in the HAGOGOHE COE he was welcomed by the chairman PIO BISIA former ABG member LAWRENCE BELLEH, village elders and students from the Tahetahe Primary School.
MR. LERA has been using these meetings to communicate his five year development plan for Bougainville during his term as the Regional Member for Bougainville.
The two day Hagogohe World Food Day activities will be coordinated by ABG’s Primary Industry Division will be held at the HOKO Sports Field on 28th and 29th November, 2012.
This year’s theme is Agricultural cooperatives- is the key to feeding the world.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Malamo supports Kapu
By Aloysius Laukai
The principal of the Buin Secondary School TONY MALAMO has supported calls made by Sewing Machine repairer and trainer, PIUS KAPU for funding support from the authorities.
MR. MALAMO made his comments on the New Dawn FM website saying that the School’s Home economic department has been utilizing MR. KAPU to repair the school’s sewing machines.
He said the person needs to be supported to carry out his work in other parts of Buin district and not just
MR. MALAMO said what MR. KAPU has been doing is really a individual effort to help the communities.
Last week, MR. KAPU called on the member for Konnou WILFRED KOMBA to give financial assistance so that his training can cover all areas of Konnou COE as a peace project for the Konnou COE.
He has already run trainings in Eight villages within the Konnou COE.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
At least three passengers including the driver of the vehicle died yesterday near Hakets Primary School
near Hanahan parish on Buka island.
The car driven by a Tongan priest was driving at high speed and lost control of the car resulting in the
can overturning several times killing at least one passenger instantly.
The driver and the other passenger died on their way to the Buka General Hospital.
Just yesterday New Dawn FM released a Buka Police report on the increasing number of road accidents on Buka island involving drunk drivers.
Police believe the driver was also under the influence of liquor.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Public servants on Bougainville who have been waiting for their risk allowance have been told to remain calm as the date for payment is not yet confirmed.
Chief Executive Officer for the HUMAN RESOURCE DIVISION, PUARA KAMARIKI today said that the final payments for risk allowance will be paid before the end of November.
He told New Dawn FM that he does not know anything about next Tuesday 13th November as the payment day.
MR. KAMARIKI said that all calculations have been completed but a date will be set once everything is in place. He said that he sympathized with the officers however this matter was beyond his control.
Source: Post-Courier
Villagers urged to help catch escapees from Tinputz, Kieta
SEVEN suspects who escaped from the Buka Police cell a fortnight ago are expected to be recaptured and taken back to the cell today.
According to the North Bougainville Provincial Police Commander Senior Inspector Cletus Tsien, the escapees are currently camping at Iaun village in the Tinputz district of North Bougainville.
Mr Tsien said members of the community there have already organised themselves and will be moving into the area where the escapees are camping to recapture them.
The members had volunteered to assist police following a series of meetings Mr Tsien had with them over the weekend.
Out of the seven escapees, two are from the Tinputz area and the rest are from Kieta district in Central Bougainville.
They were earlier captured and locked up at the Buka police cell for alleged involvement in a series of arm robberies at one of the Chinese-owned stores (named) in Buka town.
Mr Tsien said he had received word that the seven prisoners had escaped because they did not want to be transferred to Kerevat Jail in East New Britain Province.
However, Mr Tsien said the decision to transfer them was because the Buka cell was meant for fresh cases only.
He added that such prison escapes would not have happened if the construction of the Bekut Jail had been fast-tracked.
Meanwhile, Arawa police station commander Senior Sergeant Herman Birengka is appealing to the communities where these escapees are camping to hand them over to police.
He said the escapees are a threat to the communities.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Nurses fellowship strengthened
By Tapo Tovilu
The Nurses Fellowship in the Buka General Hospital over the weekend completed a
three day religious gathering.
The gathering which was attended by a small group of nurses from Rabaul and Kimbe
was part of the Nurses fellowship group.
They came to Bougainville to help strengthen ties both in work as colleagues and in
the spirit as fellow Christians.
They began with the arrival of fellow colleagues on Friday and closed on Sunday with
a closing diner at the Buka General Hospital.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Grade eights sit for exams
By Tapo Tovilu
Grade eights all around the country this week will be siting for their exams to
determine whether they get a space in grade nine.
Bougainville grade eights kicked off on Monday with language and will end on Friday with
With the controversial Outcome Based Education curriculum in the region the outcome
of this year’s exams will be examined to better improve the education system in
the region.
Education experts have called on a review of the OBE system in the region to better help
in the education of the region.
The grade eight exams will end as of this Friday with the all primary schools to commence normal classes next week.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Chinese to respect culture
By Tapo Tovilu
Chinese investors in the region have been called on by NGO’s to also recognize
traditional ways of conducting their business in Bougainville.
From a meeting held in Fiji on Asian influence in the Pacific region a report was released outlining the ongoing non recognition of local and indigenous ways of conducting business by foreign investors in the Pacific.
From this NGO’s in the region will be looking at better ways of incorporating the two in bringing out the maximum results in terms of revenue earnings from both sides.
The report released on the pacific watch website stated that mainly investors from the super powers failed to recognise local ways of conducting business.
Also there was an alarming rate of frustrated locals who were not happy with investors simply because they distanced themselves from the people of the land.
From this report Bougainville was a main area of concern due to its relations with Chinese and other Asian investors.
The report will be filed and presented to the ABG as to help in the proper establishment of investor groups in the region.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Bougainville Electoral Commissioner, and Provincial Returning officer for the 2012 National Elections, REITAMA TARAVARU has apologized to all Bougainville service providers in the 2012 National elections for the long delay in settling their bills.
He was speaking at a small gathering with Service Providers at the Lumankoa Guest House this morning.
MR. TARAVARU said that all bills have been calculated for payment however the funds from the National Government is yet to come.
He said that the National Government knows this shortfall in the funding for the 2012 National election but is very slow in funding all provinces who have outstanding bills.MR. TARAVARU said that Bougainville Service Providers are owed a total of ONE POINT SEVEN MILLION KINA.
MR. TARAVARU said because the National Government has not met all its commitment this will now affect the conduct of the ABG By election scheduled for December this year.
The By election is to replace members who resigned from the ABG to contest in the National Elections.
The ABG currently has vacant positions for the HAGOGOHE seat left by the former ROBERT HAMAL SAWA who vacated this seat to stand in the National Election.
The KONGARA seat was also vacated by the former member DOMINIC ITTA who resigned to contest the Central Bougainville seat in the last Election, the LULE seat was left vacant when the former member the late PAUL MITU died and the PEIT seat which is to replace the current member who is in ill health, DR. ALEXIS SAREI.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The owner of LUMANKOA Guest House, JAMES RENGET wants the governments to respect the business houses and pay them in time for services they provide.
He was speaking at the meeting between the Electoral Commission and Service Providers for the 2012 National Election.
MR. RENGET said that Business houses provide services to the government however the government takes months to settle these bills crippling the operations of small businesses.
He was commenting on bills that are yet to be paid by the Electoral Commission for services rendered by his company during the 2012 General Elections.
Lumankoa Guest House is owed more than ONE HUNDRED TWENTY THOUSAND KINA by the commission.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
A Sewing Machine repairman who has been running trainings in the Konnou COE in South Bougainville, PIUS KAPU says that there is a need to train women’s groups and other interested groups proper ways of caring for their Sewing Machines.
He said as part of peace bonus for the troubled Konnou COE he has been travelling to individual villages running trainings on repair and maintenance of sewing machines in the village.
PIUS KAPU there is a growing demand to carry out proper trainings in other areas of the region but he would like some financial support from the constituency member for Konnou, WILFRED KOMBA and other donors.
He said he has travelled to other areas in the Buin district and he has come to realize that
some machines a thrown away due to no maintenance.
MR. KAPU said that he has been providing such services to the Buin Secondary School’s economic department and the Buin Vocational centre.
He also stated that Sewing machines need small maintenance to keep them operational.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Bougainville Electoral office was yesterday served a petition by service providers for the 2012 General Election for non payment of bills for services rendered during the
Election period.
The service providers mainly Guest Houses, Catering Services and Transport providers briefly met with the Electoral Manager, REITAMA TARAVARU to present the grievances at the Lumankoa Guest House this morning.
The three point petition demanded that the Papua New Guinea Electoral Commission immediately pay the Bougainville Service Providers within the next two weeks as from today.
Second was that all bills from the 2012 National Election must be settled before the Electoral Office can run the ABG By election scheduled for December this year.and 3rd that all service providers be paid their invoices prior to getting services in all future Elections similar to the Government’s User Pay Policy.
The two weeks demand would end on Tuesday November 20th,2012.
New Dawn FM understands that Bougainville service Providers are owed a total of ONE POINT SEVEN MILLION KINA from the 2012 National Elections.
Source: Post-Courier
Reopening of Panguna
PRESIDENT of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville Chief Dr John Momis has been invited to attend an urgent mining meeting in Port Moresby this Saturday (November 10th, 2012).
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the issue on the possible reopening of the Panguna Mine.
This meeting has been organised by the National Minister for Petroleum, Oil and Gas, William Duma, Bougainville Affairs Minister and South Bougainville MP Steven Pirika Kamma, Communication and Information Minister and Central Bougainville MP Jimmy Miringtoro and Bougainville Regional MP Joe Lera.
The issues that will be discussed during this meeting include;
► The possible Panguna Mine ownership concepts.
► The benefit sharing models available for consideration by ABG and the National Government on the Panguna Mine.
► Options for possible mine developers from Brazil, Venezuela to see and consult with possible South American based developers.
► Other issues relating to mining.
According to the copy of the invitation letter which was given to President Momis by Mr Lera, the above issues that will be discussed is another alternative that the ABG and National Government can consider other than the one with BCL which the ABG is currently pursuing.
Mr Lera said this is an opportunity for the National Government and the ABG to explore other mining options available to PNG through partnership with other mining companies in other countries especially South America.
ABG Mining Minister Michael Oni and ABG Finance Minister Albert Punghau are also expected to accompany Mr Momis to this meeting.
ESBC: On November 12th and 13th, 2012 the Board of Directors of Bougainville Copper Limited meets in Port Moresby !
Source: Post-Courier
Schools in Bougainville missing out on exams due to problems
GRADE eight students attending three primary schools in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville will not be able to sit for their exams this year.
The examinations which started on Monday and ends tomorrow will see students from these three schools namely Sipi, Tsitovi and Torpanos primary schools missing out on their exams.
Both Sipi primary school which is located in the Bana district and Tsitovi primary school situated in the Torokina district are located in South Bougainville while Torpanos primary school is located in the Tinputz District of North Bougainville.
According to the acting chief executive officer for the division of education in Bougainville, James Salanin, Sipi and Tsitovi students will not sit for the exams because they did not have any grade 8 students.
“Sipi primary school missed out because they did not have any grade eight students. Though they had enrolled grade eight students at the beginning of the year, the number continued to decrease resulting with only three students left at the beginning of this term. But these three remaining students had also decided to leave the school.
“Tsitovi also has a similar case as Sipi. And because these students did not cover all the syllabus, they are not eligible to sit for the exams,” Mr Salanin said
Mr Salanin said Torpanos students will miss out because they did not have a teacher since the beginning of this academic year. “The teacher at Torpanos had left school since term one because of housing problem. The other reason why he left is because of the disturbances that those youths who consume marijuana and alcohol had been causing to the school,” added Mr Salanin.
Mr Salanin said the Torpanos primary school case will be decided by the Bougainville Education Board.
He said this is because the root cause of students missing out lies with both the teacher concerned and the communities.
He however stressed that these students too are not able to sit for their exams because their learning’s had been affected because they did not fulfil all the syllabus learning components.
Mr Salanin also added that students from the Atolls of Bougainville might also be affected because they have not yet received their exam papers.
This is due to no shipping companies servicing the atoll districts of Bougainville.
These atoll schools affected are Carterets, Nuguria, Yiangain and Tasman primary schools.
Mr Salanin said the atolls district education officer had earlier assured him that the North Bougainville MP Lauta Atoi will be chartering a boat or ship to transport their exam papers.
However, by the way preparations are going, there is also a possibility that some of these atoll schools, especially Tasman primary school students will also miss out on their exams.
Source: SCOOP New Zealand / Press Release: Asian Development Bank
ADB, Japan, NZ To Help Papua New Guinea Rural Power Up
PORT MORESBY, PAPUA NEW GUINEA (31 October, 2012) – A grant agreement was signed today to support the Government of Papua New Guinea (PNG), through PNG Power, to expand a community-based project which will deliver electricity to remote rural communities for the first time. The grant will be financed by the Government of New Zealand and the Government of Japan through the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
The signing ceremony was attended by Don Polye, PNG Treasurer, Murray McCully, New Zealand’s Foreign Minister, Satoshi Abe, Charged’ Affaires ad interim Embassy of Japan in Papua New Guinea and Marcelo Minc, Country Director of ADB’s Papua New Guinea Resident Mission.
“Helping communities tap their own resources to link to power grids and use electricity for income generating activities is critically important for stimulating growth and cutting poverty in rural areas,” said Anthony Maxwell, Senior Energy Specialist with ADB.
The project will trial the use of labor from local communities to install power lines, and provide training to households on the cost effective use of power to support new livelihood opportunities. It will be co-financed by grants of $2.5 million from the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction and $2.5 million from the New Zealand government, with the Government of Papua New Guinea providing $1 million.
“New Zealand is proud to support this project which improves lives by delivering electricity to rural areas,” said Murray McCully, Foreign Minister of the New Zealand Government.
Around 10% of PNG’s population has access to electricity, with relatively fewer connections in rural areas. New hydro generating facilities and transmission lines are being rolled out by PNG Power to provincial centers under a separate ADB-financed electrification program, but the cost of linking rural communities remains prohibitively high, in part due to the expense of bringing in external contractors. The project aims to tackle the cost barrier by using local work teams to install distribution lines to remote communities.
“The use of local labor will contribute a direct injection of income to rural communities,” said Mr. Satoshi Abe, Charged’ Affaires ad interim, Embassy of Japan in Papua New Guinea.
The project will take place in the provinces of Northern Province, West Britain and Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
PNG Power will provide training and supervision for local labor hired to do construction work under the project. PNG Power will also conduct safety and energy efficiency campaigns targeting local people.
An equally critical component of the project is the installation of prepaid power meters in about 4,500 households, as well as community training to raise awareness on income generating opportunities and how to access microfinance. Workshops will be held on the safe use of power and effective budgeting.
The project is targeting new connections to about 4,500 households, 20 schools and 20 medical facilities in the three provinces by its completion date of 2014. The goal is to increase the percentage of the population with access to electricity from 3% to 9% in Northern Province; 4% to 8% in West New Britain; and 1% to 5% in Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
ADB, based in Manila, is dedicated to reducing poverty in Asia and the Pacific through inclusive economic growth, environmentally sustainable growth, and regional integration. Established in 1966, it is owned by 67 members – 48 from the region. In 2011, ADB approvals including co-financing totaled $21.7 billion.
Source: The National
Chan eyes longer tenure for mining, exploration licences
INCREASING tenure of exploration and mining retention licences will make Papua New Guinea’s mining sector globally competitive, according to Minister for Mining Byron Chan.
Chan said he would propose to introduce changes to deal with these mining issues to enable the country to become globally competitive in the mining sector.
“Expeditious processing of tenement application and social mapping are some of the changes to be made to enable global competitiveness in the mining sector,” he said.
“I will be introducing amendments to parliament on the reviews to mineral policy and legislations to position PNG to be competitive globally in the mineral sector.”
These changes will include;
► Consideration to increase tenure of exploration licences to 3 or 5 year terms;
► Introduction of mining retention licences to enable developers to apply for land that will be required for their purpose; and
► Expeditious processing of tenement applications within a specified time frame that will be in-
ternationally competitive,
► social mapping and landowner identification to be included as a legal requirement.
Chan will also propose introduce an additional policy on relocation, offshore mining, coal seam methane and geothermal.
He also confirmed that further work has been done to improve the outlook on fiscal provisions, equity, royalty and compensation.
He said many of the additional policy initiatives which he is undertaking will be delivered over the next six to twelve months.
Source: Me'ekamui
I have travelled to PNG, Tabubil and Lihir and lately we talked with the three landowner associations in Guadalcanal province where there is the first and only Mine in the Solomon Islands.
Up in Ok Tedi, the biggest development that I saw is the road from Kiunga to Tabubil. I was told that before the mine was up at Tabubil there was no road and the people from those areas walked for days to Kiunga for basic needs. Kiunga town was a small government station. These days it is a busy and bigger town because it has become the Mining Port.
In Lihir it is the same story, it was a government station before the project. Now it’s a busy island with a modern hospital and daily air service to the island from other major centres in PNG and Australia. In Gold Ridge, the wife of the chairman of the mining area told us that she is happy with the project because she now has a permanent house; before she lived in a leaf house.
In my Island yes the only development I see is the road to the mine site in Panguna which links the people from the Panguna area with the rest of Bougainville, otherwise they would walk for hours and days up and down the mountains. The conflict which started as Landowners differences, sharing of royalties and not reviewing the mining agreement became the war for Independence.
When the mine finally closed down in May 1989, the PNG security forces were fighting the offensive war to re-open the mine as their main objective. On the ground Bougainvilleans fought a defensive war for no more mining and breaking away from the rest of PNG.
Bougainvilleans are saying no to mining, for the simple reason that mining can come later, after the Independence, so that all the revenue from the mining will develop Bougainville and not go to PNG. As one writer stated in his article for the grassroots, Bougainvilleans think and believe that Panguna Kina developed Waigani and other parts of PNG.
This in fact is true because the PNG national government took the biggest cake; we will see that when we are independent the biggest cake will float around the island itself and that Promised Land someone talks about will come. But my instinct tells me that this is the Promised Land we are living in now, when the mine re-opens it will be wasteland.
ESBC: Me'ekamui are facing reality - even if they are slow. It is one step only to understand that independence depends on BCL!
Source: The National
Chan: Mining driving PNG economy
MINING continues to be the driving force of Papua New Guinea’s economy and it is important for the government to attend investment forums to attract investors.
This is according to the Minister for Mining Byron Chan (pictured) at the China Mining Conference and exhibition yesterday.

He said Papua New Guinea is a secure mineral investment destination because of the immense mineral and exploration prospects and opportunities in the country.
“Asia and particularly China are having a profound impact on the way business is being conducted globally.
“This is where mining investment and exploration funds are sourced to develop the resource sector globally and I am leading a delegation from PNG to position ourselves to be able to attract these investment funds here at one of the largest international premier mining events worldwide,” Chan said.
He held discussions with his Chinese counterpart – minister for Natural Resources – to discuss prospects for technical assistance and cooperation between China and PNG to further enhance the development of the mining and exploration sector through the exchange of knowledge, skills and technology.
Chan updated his Chinese counterpart on the operations of the Ramu nickel project and the opportunity to develop additional impact projects such as infrastructure to service both the mine and the Madang province.
He also witnessed the signing of the first of such technical cooperation between the China Geological Survey and the Mineral Resource Authority’s (MRA) geological survey which will allow for comprehensive assessment of the mineral potential of PNG.
Once the assessment is completed, it will enhance the understanding of the country’s mineral potential.
Source: Post-Courier
Chan attends conference in China
MINISTER for Mining Byron Chan in his keynote address at the Ministerial Forum session at the China Mining conference held in Tianjin, highlighted the immense mineral exploration prospects and opportunity that PNG can offer the global market.
Mr Chan said that Asia and particularly China is having a profound impact on the way business is being conducted globally and this is where mining investment and exploration funds are sourced to develop the resource sector globally.
“I’m leading a delegation from PNG to position ourselves to be able to attract these investment funds here by one of the largest international premier mining events worldwide,” Mr Chan said.
Minister Chan is also scheduled to hold bilateral discussions with his Chinese counterpart Minister for Natural Resources to discuss prospects for technical assistance and cooperation between China and PNG to further enhance the development of the mining and exploration sector through the exchange of knowledge, skills and technology.
Mr Chan is expected to witness the signing of the first of such technical co-operation between the China Geological Survey and the MRA Geological Survey.
Among other co-operation activities, the MOU will allow for a comprehensive assessment of the mineral potential of PNG. This information is currently vague and once developed will no doubt enhance our understanding and appreciation of the country’s mineral potential.
He will also update his Chinese counterpart on the operations of the Ramu nickel project and the opportunity to develop additional impact projects such as infrastructure to service both the mine and the Madang province as a whole.
“The O’Neill-Dion Government now has a full five year term and is committed to enhancing the responsible development of PNG’s exploration and mining sector,” Mr Chan said.
“As Minister responsible for Mining, I will be introducing amendments to Parliament on the reviews to the mineral policy and legislations to position PNG to be competitive globally in the mineral sector and some of these changes will include the following
1. Consideration to increase tenure of exploration licences to 3 or 5 year terms.
2. Introduction of mining retention licences to enable developers to apply for land that will be required for their purpose.
3. Expeditious processing of tenement applications within a specified time frame that will be internationally competitive.
4. Social mapping and landowner identification to be included as a legal requirement.”
The Minister will also be introducing additional policy on relocation, offshore mining, coal seam methane and geothermal. The Minister confirmed that further work is being done to improve outlook on fiscal provisions, equity, royalty and compensation and work is in progress on many of these additional policy initiatives to be delivered over the next 6-12 months.
This is the third year in a row that the Mineral Resource Authority (MRA) has organised participation at the China mining conference and already there are indications that Chinese interest in the mineral sector in PNG is high evidenced by the number of official meetings that the Minister has held since arriving in Tianjin over the last two days.
“Mining continues to be the driving force of the PNG economy and it is important that the government is out here at investment forums such as this to attract new investors into the mineral sector,” Mr Chan said.
Prior to China, Minister Chan also delivered a similar keynote address at the Ministerial forum for the Asia Indaba mining conference in Singapore which was held from October 29-31.
Source: Post-Courier
A sign of peace
KONNOU constituency in the Buin district of South Bougainville has always been viewed by many as an area where lawlessness is always rife.
This is due to the ongoing war in the area between the Me’ekamui soldiers, Buin Freedom Fighters (BFF), the Wilmo force and other factions that were formed in the area.
However, that in-fighting is now a thing of the past with the restoration of peace and normalcy in the area.
This follows a significant breakthrough in the form of a reconciliation ceremony held towards the end of November last year.
During that event, all the factions engaged in battle including the Me’ekamui soldiers converged at Mogoroi village to settle their disputes.
The occasion was a milestone achievement because it was the first time for these groups to come face to face with their enemies.
Many of these former combatants are now involved in church activities and have already started visiting communities in Bougainville to conduct church-outreach programs.
Another event signifying the return of peace, was a trip taken by the former combatants from Konnou to Lae, Morobe Province yesterday.
The group was led by the former Cocoa and Coconut Research Institute’s (CCRI) accountant and chairman of the Konnou peace and reconciliation committee, Chris Mota.
These former combatants are traveling to Lae to witness the ordination of a priest from Tabago in Buin.

Former combatants led by Chris Mota (left), Martin Kongkei (second left), George Nabam (fourth from left) and other former fighters standing in front of the MV Marunga 2 before boarding the vessel to Lae yesterday. Assistant Me’ekamui commander Daniel Konnou who was also part of the group is pictured on the right.
Source: Xinhua English News Service
China, Papua New Guinea pledge to boost cooperation
CHINA AND PAPUA NEW GUINEA have agreed to step up bilateral cooperation in various fields.
The pledge was made during a meeting between senior Chinese legislator Zhou Tienong and Papua New Guinea's prime minister Peter O'Neill.
Zhou, deputy chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), said the two countries have broad prospects for reciprocal cooperation, given the fact that they share similar positions on political affairs, have a highly complementary economy and could learn from each other culturally.
He said the NPC is ready to work with its counterpart to let the parliamentary exchanges play an important role in boosting bilateral ties.
O'Neill said his country highly values its relations with China and regard Beijing as an important cooperation partner.
"We are pleased to see that the bilateral ties have developed smoothly and economic and trade cooperation has been advanced steadily," said the prime minister, who visited China this September.
Papua New Guinea, he said, is willing to strengthen bilateral exchanges and cooperation with China in all fields.
Zhou is visiting Australia and Papua New Guinea at the invitation of the two countries' parliaments.
Source: The National
More girls leaving school
THE Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) and the national government have vital roles to play if they are serious about addressing the increased rate in which girls are dropping out of school, ABG education head Bruno Babato says.
This was a cross cutting issue regarding the progress of the Universal Basic Education in Bougainville since the policy was introduced a few years ago.
“Although girls’ enrolment rates are similar to boys at the basic education level, they drop in higher grades,” Babato said
“Female admissions will continue to be closely monitored, particularly with regard to age.
“It is expected that female retention and achievement will improve as more girls enrol at the age of six and so are able to complete a full basic education before they reach puberty.”
Babato said inadequate water supply and insufficient toilets were often quoted as reasons for children, particularly girls, dropping out of school.
“There will need to be a large number of toilets constructed – about 270
in each district – in order to satisfy a
ratio of one toilet for every 25 children.”
He said other issues were schools in remote parts were disadvantaged in staffing, professional development opportunities for teachers and the availability of school materials.
Babato said the Department of Education was applying for support from the Global Fund to further the progress being made in the implementation of the national HIV/AIDS strategic plan 2006-10 and HIV/AIDS and STI implementation plan 2007-12.
“Interventions would be in two areas - firstly, to strengthen the Department of Education’s HIV/ AIDS response management and coordination, and secondly to accelerate the training of teachers in HIV/AIDS reproductive and sexual health.”
Source: The National
Deaths raises concern
FORMER deputy speaker of the Autonomous Bougainville Government Francisca Semoso has raised concerns after the death of two Bougainvillean students this month, one of whom was her own nephew.

Semoso (pictured) was concerned at the way many students were socialising after the end of the academic year.
Her nephew was a student at the Madang Teachers’ College and was killed in Madang. Semoso did not know any details regarding the death.
The news of her nephew’s death came after she and her relatives completed a five-day ceremonial feast for another student who was killed at the University of Papua New Guinea last month.
“I urge all the students to take extra care when going out and drinking,” Semoso said.
“We are not far from Christmas and we should celebrate in peace and unity, not by mourning.”
She reminded students that they were future leaders of the country and should keep themselves out of harm’s way.
Source: ABG New Bougainville Bulletin
ABG prepares for Panguna Mine Negotiations
MUCH work has been done in preparing the ABG and landowners to negotiate the future of the Panguna Mine, said Bougainville President Chief, Dr. John Momis. In a ministerial statement presented to members of the Bougainville House of Representatives in parliament last month, Momis reiterated the need to have the Panguna Mine reopened as soon as practicable to support the government’s economic development strategy and fiscal self-reliance.

[He said the Bougainville Administration and the ABG Mining Department has been preparing the ABG and the mine affected and impacted landowners for these negotiations.] “Work on preparing the initial six landowner associations are 98 per cent complete with only the Rorovana association still awaiting its certificate of incorporation. “An interim Umbrella Landowner organization, the United Panguna Resource Owners Association (UPROA) has also been established with the appointment of interim committees comprising of the initial six landowner associations as well as the additional three landowner associations,” said Momis. In addition, the President highlighted several progressive developments that have taken place including; the conduct of a workshop to evaluate ABG objectives and options on future mining development in Bougainville in March, 2011. This workshop was jointly facilitated by Bougainvillean and International experts in the mining industry. The workshop indicated widespread support to re-open the Panguna Mine. The appointment of one of the facilitators of the workshop, professor Ciaran O’Fairchealaigh of Griffith University (Brisbane, Australia) as negotiation advisor to the ABG. This person has been assisting the ABG steering group to ensure that the ABG and landowners are ready to negotiate with the National Government, BCL and other investors when actual negotiations start. The Bougainville Administration’s Panguna negotiating steering group has been to coordinate and manage ABG’s and the landowner’s preparations for the negotiations, along with and a two person secretariat to support the steering group. The development of a rolling work plan containing work streams emanating from the mining workshop on the steps required to progress ABG’s and landowner’s preparation for negotiations. The establishment of a BEC (Ministerial) committee comprising the President, Vice President, Minister for Natural Resources, Minister for Finance, Planning and Treasury and the Minister for Works will oversee and provide political direction to the steering group. The agreement by the National government to the ABG’s request to establish the Panguna Negotiation Coordination Committee comprising the ABG, National Government, Landowners, BCL and other investors, to coordinate preparation for the negotiations, including the baseline studies on the environment, social and economic conditions in and around Panguna Mine. This coordination committee would be formally endorsed at the next JSB meeting. “Now that preparing the mine and impacted landowners is all but complete, the steering group in 2013 will focus on engaging with the wider Bougainville community including interest groups that believe that they also have a role to play in the negotiations,” said Momis. He explained that three regional forums are planned for the latter part of the year in each of the regions of North, Central and South. “These forums are to inform the Bougainville population on what the government is doing to progress negotiations for the possible reopening of the Panguna Mine. “Further, the ministerial committee overseeing the preparations for negotiations is currently considering a draft negotiation structure, which it intends to put to the Bougainville Executive Council for deliberation and approval before the end of this year,” said the President. He assured the people of Bougainville that he would continue to inform them on the progress of negotiating the possible reopening of the Panguna Mine. “This is because my government believes that as the Panguna Mine helped bankroll Papua New Guinea’s independence in the 1970s, it too can again bankroll Bougainville’s autonomy and independence,” said Momis.
Source: PNG Attitude
Kamari nanka - the cold and cowardly people (Kieta)
This longish short story by LEONARD FONG ROKA tells the story of a military engagement during the Bougainville civil war. It contains language that may displease some readers. The story has been slightly abbreviated and lightly edited
THE CHOPPER LANDED in the heart of the square setting off a storm of spiralling dust. A dozen metres away the elephant grass that surrounded the PNGDF camp lay flat on the ground as if in fear of the spinning rotors.
‘We had an hour of fire exchange, yesterday,’ Nukuitu, a red eyed resistance commander chatted with the new PNGDF commander. ‘They came hot for us and went away.’

‘Did they get anyone?’ the commander asked.
‘No, but it was the worst screwing ever.’
By the look of him, he was from the Highlands of Papua New Guinea. The very people who the Kietas of Bougainville refer to as ‘kau’mintung po’nanka’ or ‘legs with intestine’. This is because they have very large calves, they say. And his built was great. He was tall and built and comparing him to Nukuitu, the Bougainvillean was just a little child.
The commander stood up and took a stroll around the camp. He was amazed by the number of thatched huts across the little drop. Just a stone’s throw away was the first hut. It was walled by government supplied blue canvass.
Every dawn in these homesteads you needed to have your chats with various gods quickly. For the home guards are not concerned about your gods; they just come waking you to cut grass till midday.
In the distance, but not too safe from the bullet’s reach, is Taunu, Turiboiru’s sister camp. With the dusty airstrip alongside her, she suffers from dust storms created by army planes and choppers.
Thus everywhere there are coughing children who play around the guns, telling the world that they are victims of this situation. Because of these free children, sometimes gossip floats through the air of these care centres that a particular couple have being interrupted making love by the children engaged in the game of hide-and-seek.
The space between the camps is very great. Covered with swaying elephant grass and criss-crossed by gullies that meet the Loruru river in the westward forest.
A gravel road runs through this land. From the north comes another road that links the latter in no-man’s land and runs south to Taunu. People fear this land, as the rebels regularly set ambushes there.
The next morning the commander, christened Fatnose because of his large nose, woke with the cock at early dawn and marched into the hut of the civilian Bougainvillean cook, who was still snoring away.
‘Hey you bastard, you suppose to be cooking,’ he fired. ‘You what, a fat lady? Fuckin’ yu, go kuk.’ The cook was following old rules, though he knew the Bible passage that read: ‘The old has gone and the new has come.’ With a new person you ought to apply new rules. He got the fire crackling under the black camp teapot.
‘Thank you,’ the Commanding Officer exulted, ‘you Bougainvilleans have sweet hands, especially your black girls. You must arrange one for me.’
At the fringe of the camp perimeter a gang of teenage girls strolled pass as the sun reflected on their smooth skin.
‘E, there they go again. The sun is also romantically inclined for them,’ he told himself as he ran his tongue along the cup rim his mind full of kissing scenes.
‘Girls here are unique,’ he said to his batman, ‘they are black, soft and cunning. What word can I use to describe their pubic?’ They laughed.
As an afterthought, he added: ‘Our relatives grow wrinkled too early whilst a Buin girl is still going strong even with five children.’
The cup of coffee was endless when his mind was clouded with a dozen girls making love to him, a middle aged Eastern Highlander. Though he was father of three back in his country, he believe it was worthwhile in Bougainville tasting a black woman’s pussy, as the Americans call it.
As he drifted through his oblivion, an uproar of gunfire went off somewhere to the north. The OC spilled his coffee on his naked left thigh and it burned like fire.
‘Cover up, you bastards!’ he shouted as he dashed into the bunker.
‘Those fuckin’ waterproof rebels again,’ Jimmy the batman said as they watched a pillar of smoke rising into the air. ‘You see, another hut belonging to the people who love Papua New Guinea is down to ashes again. The bushmen attack us with kerosene.’
As the contact ceased the OC ordered his troops to inspect. They manoeuvred through the thousand eyes that were glaring at them as if saying, ‘What are you looking for amidst our innocent presence? The ones you looking for are beyond Bogisago.’
Somewhere amongst the mass of terrified people, Private Robin spotted a familiar girl flat on the ground as they moved towards the envisaged battle front, her conical breasts prominent. He stared at her thinking the gun he held in hand would command the right for his gaze, but angry eyes scared him away.
The rebels were already gone in the bush and they were laughing, ‘what are these cowards doing in the middle of us? The people often wonder.’
‘Two brave fighters are down,’ Nukuitu snarled and cursed the BRA men.
‘From where, did they shoot?’ someone asked him.
‘The elephant grass.’
The two resistance fighters were on the ground, dead. Flies orbited around them as the women folk wailed over the lost children.
‘Our brother will every day slaughter us,’ cried old Kebau, in own language to keep the Ivitul in the dark, ‘since we have built a shield for these pests. Damn dastards! A country’s army for nothing; they are a personal security guards deployed here on a mission beyond their knowledge.’
Someone added: ‘You see them; they are here while our children track the killers into the bush. Better for them to be in the bush where the BRA will skin them alive instead of acting like commandos in front of our girls.’
Later in the afternoon, the tracking resistance fighters returned with casualties.
‘Two men have being lost and three wounded. Three issued rifles gone to the bushmen,’ a PNGDF soldier reported to the OC.
‘These idiots must have given those guns to their brothers and are telling lies around the place,’ Fatnose said, ordering a bystanding soldier to call Loloho for a chopper.
An enormous colony of nimbus piled in the north-east as the buzzing sound of the flying machine made it for the camp. Eyes skimmed the clouds competing to see who would be the first to see the helicopter.
‘Now you see those clouds there, the rebels are forcing their wives onto beds for sex,’ Fatnose said to Minsipi as he stood looking for the chopper. What the OC didn’t know was that Minsipi was a BRA insider.
‘Yes, they are,’ the rebel Minsipi snapped, and walked away.
The chopper, picked up the cargo and left for Buka as the people stood watching her fading towards Siwai.
The evening was fine. The sun was on the western horizon tired and sleepy. Far inland the Deu’ro range was wet but clear. Birds were high; warming up and hunting for the last meal of wild fruits and insects.
But the care centre was silent, she was in mourning and fear. Why do Bougainvilleans kill each other? The Kietas who started it should tell us. But they too are killing each other.
‘Tomorrow, they’ll bury the men,’ said Major Mosi, who oversaw the care centre, ‘so please take part in the funeral rituals. Many girls will be there.’
This did not interest Fatnose very much. ‘Funerals are where boys and girls screw most of the time,’ he said, sounding a tired man. ‘These Bougainvilleans are too nasty for me. So many things are now in my head. Who are we fighting?’
‘Why you say this chief?’ the batman asked.
‘Go back home and fuck your Sepik cunt, my partner,’ the OC said and laid down for sleep.
Major Mosi was listening from his bed to the conversation. ‘In the night there is high probability a bullet can give you a kissogram. Our government’s divide and conquer is not working out.’
The night was cold and clear with the moon high in the sky. Fatnose could not sleep, and went outside.
Seated on a stool he stared into the dark, wondering what tomorrow could bring. Fireflies wandered here and there in the dark without bothering him. He sneezed, stood up and strolled into the open as a bat relieved its grip from a coconut frond and left.
Somewhere in the dark a stereo was playing local songs. Fatnose thought it was the sentry people, but it wasn’t, it was the Mekeo Private Robin’s bunk corner.
‘Big ball, didn’t you heard about the funerals,’ the OC shouted, ‘what will the people say to me and you? They won’t tell us anything, but just pick up your gun, shoot you and off into the jungle they go.’
The music went off without hesitation followed by a weak echo of gunfire somewhere in the northern jungle. The rebels were celebrating their successes of the day just gone by. Was killing a human being worth jubilation? For Bougainvilleans it could be so because they are striving for their rights. And for PNG? Fatnose was lost to his questions.
A cool breeze consumed Fatnose as a straying firefly orbited him. ‘What do you want?’ he asked the insect as he approached the sentry. The distant chorus of traditional funeral songs was sweeping through the camp loudly enough to keep every one awake.
‘What do think of those songs?’ a sentry asked, as he welcomed him.
‘They are best. Bougainville is best just like her sister islands in the Solomons.’
Nobody talked but kept silent as if consuming the OC’s statement word by word.
Major Mosi was interrupted at dawn by the take-off blasts of the mortar cells. In his dirtiest dream since arriving in Bougainville he had been making love to a Buin girl. He eagerly rummaged his bed but nowhere was the girl.
‘Fuckin’ cells, kiss your operator’s grubby arse,’ he cursed after the reality got on him.
As the burial went on the mortar platoon was kept busy shelling the northern belt that was infested by BRA elements. This was in preparation for the operation to eliminate the regular attacks and infiltrations of the care centre. Fatnose had doubts: this is their home, with ‘elimination’ what do we meant?
Far inland, the resultant explosions were tremendous. A myriad of echoes swept across the plains. Scared were those innocent hearts; even nature wept in the sky. Is pain shared in nature?
It was a busy day for the occupying forces. A company just flown in from Kieta was preparing alongside their friends, the pro-PNG resistance groups.
Private Robin was refitting his M16 at the same time telling Minsipi tales.
‘This brat once jammed as I was about to shoot down a BRA man upstream along the Bovo river,’ he said. ‘The beast got a lucky escape after sending a private from the Delta Company to heaven.’
‘Why didn’t the others get him?’ Minsipi asked.
‘The pricks were shocked; and stood there watching like boles. But thank heaven the bullets missed their big heads.’
Minsipi chuckled helping himself to more bullets. ‘Years of the training and still you get shocked by terror.’ Both men laughed at that.
Though prepared for the operation, Jimmy the batman kept his distance the whole day. Hardly, was he seen on the outside but remained in bed thinking about home. Only once in a while was he popping up to respond to orders from the OC.
Mosi watched him enter the dining area and took a seat next to him. ‘Good afternoon, brother. Are you prepared?’
‘Yes brother, going to put my best foot forward. And what about you, soldier?’ The batman turned to face his mate who seems to be occupied with something bad.
‘I am thinking about my wife?’ Mosi said, swallowing a spoon of steaming rice.
‘Well, decide whether you’ll be—dead or alive.’ Mosi’s voice began trembling.
Tears rolled freely down Mosi’s cheeks. Jimmy was surprised because this fellow always preached loyalty and bravery in the army. Anyway, people do change when faced with contrasting circumstances. So he just sat there for his friend.
‘Brother, we’ll be alright,’ Jimmy said. ‘You are not alone; we are all suffering that same pain.’
The night was very long for Jimmy. His mind was on the pendulum, moving back and forth. He was visiting his family in Kerema—chatting with them—and then back on Bougainville facing the BRA man who is rushing at him to have him dead.
‘Wake up, men,’ some sentry shouted. ‘Take-off hour and where is that OC, still sleeping like a fat lady?’ The voice of the sentry was more of a duty teacher in a high school down history lane.
The OC jumped out of his bed, shouting, ‘Get moving. Move it!’ without realising he was the last to disengage from his mattress.
‘Fuckin’ you!’ someone scolded him out.
Realising that he was the last to leave the ‘cool lady’ he kept silent for he knew he had failed in his duty and if kept talking he would make it worse.
Major Mosi glanced at his wrist watch. It was 2am as the troops forced their way through to the main road. A wandering insect crashed into his neck and shocked him. ‘Lucky not a human being we can sort out with our fists,’ he told himself with a chuckle.
Some hours later the warmth of the sun poured on them in the thick undergrowth, off the north road.
‘What is this river?’ the OC asked Nukuitu.
‘Loruru,’ the resistance fighter said as he slowed his pace to decode the scout’s gestures. Has he spotted something?
The wilderness was so sweet. High in the trees, birds sang morning songs. Somewhere nearby a hornbill, startled by the presence of human beings, left with a very heavy flapping of its wings followed by load cackling of crows. All this made the OC frustrated.
‘Shit, you bastards!’ Fatnose, warned nature, ‘get lost, you panty-less lunatics.’
Far across a fallowed area—the length of a soccer pitch—a young hunter aimed his catapult at a noisy party of parrots. To Fatnose, he was no ordinary man but a hardcore guerrilla fighter. He was alone and vulnerable to 120 men. But was he actually alone?
‘Company split,’ Fatnose instructed, ‘one gets the rear and strike if he comes running into us.’
The orders were passed through the lines as the bushes behind the lone, bare-chested hunter came to life. Men were talking and smoke from a fire was visible as it crept under the shade of the canopy.
The scouts of the rear strike force led their men through a dense tangle, clearing their way with gun muzzles. They manoeuvred cautiously as insects shrilled in their ears, mosquitoes feasting on them in millions. But all they concentrated on was that they must get there and kill that problem to PNG.
A falling dried leaf spun and brushed the point scout’s helmet, passed down his belly, recessed for a few seconds on the gun barrel and went on to the ground to rest. He eyed it suspiciously, but then forced himself to forget it.
Suddenly, a flapping sound intersected his route and off into the air it went—a megapod. After it came an exhausted mongrel, in fruitless desire to slaughter its prey. Here beside him were smells he never came across. He halted and scanned the odours—they were new. To the death of the scout’s consciousness, the dog watched him furiously.
‘What is that?’ the second scout asked through the tangle.
‘That dog had me dead.’
It was still there watching the scouts. But, slowly it secured its tail to its abdomen and, to the men’s heartache, it gave an angry bark and dashed into the tangle.
In the distance, the irate dog never ceased howling. The echo travelled and shook the entire jungle. The locale they were to attack was now where the dog sat and was calling to the gods that the ivitu are here with us, trying to kill us in our own land.
‘My god, that dog,’ Nukuitu cried.
Minsipi, who was not disturbed by all this, stood relaxed watching Nukuitu. ‘Don’t be bothered by a naked puppy, man.’
Someone in the midst of the targeted area gave a shout for withdrawal; the dog was also pacified.
‘Thanks, Jesus,’ the point scout relieved himself of the enveloping fear. He was an inmate walking to freedom.
The other troopers led by Fatnose crossed the cold Loruru and positioned themselves on the edges of the fallow area. For it was here that the enemy would come running when attacked from the rear.
They waited silently in anticipation for the moment to squeeze the trigger. Every soldier longed to kill one Bougainvillean rebel for the country. They have caused Port Moresby so much trouble.
They waited as the rear strike force struggled through a vast bamboo cluster. Evident was human activity. Ahead the land was getting higher so the soldiers edged forward more carefully so as not to be spotted.
To the left of the creeping government men, and amidst impenetrable undergrowth, were their enemies.
Nande, the point scout of Sepik origin who was renowned for his tales of training with Australian soldiers, sprang over a huge rotting log with deepening heartbeats after catching something with his sharp ears. He brushed pass a spiky pile of pandanus leaves that were hanging loose on their mother palm to get a clear view of the rebel position.
With sweat dripping down his face and blood veins clear on his nose, he halted and gestured his second man forward.
A soft conversation was audible some 50 metres away under the thick undergrowth. A bluish fire smoke was also visible and smelling.
‘They are here,’ the scouts concluded and ordered the rest into position.
Overhead, a lone crow flapped its way through the shade of the canopy as Nukuitu took a few steps forward escorted by Minsipi, the wolf in sheep’s clothing.
A light wind swept the jungle to life. Mosquitoes swarmed. In the distance, a branch cracked.
‘The wind must be mad,’ thought Nukuitu.
Cautiously, the soldiers moved forward in barricade formation for attack. With his heart pounding, Nukuitu didn’t know who was minding the back, what he wanted was the blood that was in front of him. There they were talking without knowing that death crept in silently.
The wind allowed the shrubs to sway in a leisurely manner. Manu, a Morobean soldier serving his fifth year in the Defence Force, was hard hit by mosquitoes. The blood suckers were trying their best to attack his neck. Then he saw it—who? The rebel! He moved in a jerk to his right.
‘There, he pointed! Shoot… shoot!’ he ordered as he landed on the moist earth chasing away an army of moths. The troops fired heavily. Bullets had the leaves and tree branches fall like rain to the mother earth. To boost their bravery, not a response came.
Firing, the troops moved forward. Reloading and firing they went to see who the beast was there that cost them so much energy to get him down.
Minsipi, the end-man on the far left of the barricade and the first in front of the talking enemy, halted fire after hearing a radio playing. It was a broadcast on environmental issues from Australia.
Heart pounding to identify a gap for him to escape and meet his kinsmen, he swore at the radio loudly, ‘Fuck you,’ and switched it off. It belongs to his cousin—a resistance fighter turned rebel by the PNGDF.
On the other side, Fatnose and the men were firing into the fallow area. Yet it was clear that through this zone no being could cross without been spotted. Nothing but fear was taking a toll on this Australian-trained army. Good for nothing pricks!
‘Keep shooting,’ Fatnose ordered. ‘These men are like ghosts, they can cross this way without you seeing them, boys.’
Under the deafening blast of guns and grenades, Minsipi stood still watching his mates. They without restrain kept wasting Australian ammunition on the innocent plants. While the bush boys had only one formula which was: ‘One shot equals one kill’ and then they were gone into the jungle.
As he stood lost in thought, a soldier kneeling before him was hit. He heard the piercing ‘thud’ of a bullet breaking through the human flesh and was shocked. What if they—my very relatives—took me down with their supply of ammunition still with me? My gracious God, don’t you ever be so rude to me.
The ivitu landed on the ground; gave a struggle thinking he could still retain precious life but didn’t make it. Minsipi just stared at the man hopelessly.
‘Heaven; or hell, my friend’ Minsipi prayed for him, ‘is up to you and God, at least if He knows who you are, you bastard.’
This casualty, it was obvious to Minsipi and his uncle Kepa, was taken from the rear and to his, joy, no one minded the back except hi. He was the one controlling the backyard.
Minsipi eye-signalled Kepa to come forward to him as he fired their agreed pattern of shots to indicate to the rebels their presence in this operation and the exact position they were in.
‘Hey, that one is shot,’ Kepa said to Nukuitu and two other soldiers, who were so surprised and halted fire in perplexity.
The rest were, also shocked that one of their men was down without them even knowing from where the killer took this shot. Out of anger or sympathy, some of the men began shooting everywhere. On the other side, Fatnose, after a short radio briefing, kept shooting the trees.
Men gathered around the dead soldier. Some were weeping for the comrade; others kept shooting, just to drive the fear out of their spine.
‘It won’t be long,’ Minsipi instructed Kepa on the steps they ought to be taking.
A sudden heavy round of gunfire came sweeping through the sad jungle. Missiles smashed rotting boles, tore through leaves and knocked down branches. Government men ran in all directions to save their lives and not the nation.
Amidst the muzzle smoke, a dreadlocked rebel stood up behind the line and shouted angrily at the redskins to return to PNG and fuck their mothers.
A dozen soldiers were lost in thought. Others sprinted off like wild pigs, crashing into giant boles, landing hard and then getting up and crashing off again. Not a soldier thought of the weapon in his hand when the rebels—so determined for a kill—jumped forward firing.
Some of the men were heard screaming ‘mama’ as they headed into the fallow ground.
‘Where are they shooting from?’ a soldier with blood bubbling out of one of his eye sockets, shouted as he landed on the ground before a resistance fighter who just laughed, ‘Mate, you’ve been fucked.’
Minsipi and Kepa jerked away from the troop body under the cover of the bullets.
‘Fire the pattern, again,’ Minsipi ordered his teen uncle as he unveiled an ammo box of bullets for his jungle relatives. ‘One shotgun round and two M16 shots. And please do repeat.’
As they waited for a response from the jungle men, they heard another death-scream from the men they had come with.
Seconds later it came, two dreadlocked men came running towards them whilst the rest kept pushing the government puppets towards the Loruru.
Minsipi admired them as they fought their way through the tangle. ‘If only you were not my partners, you would be my catches of the day,’ he thought to himself and laughed.
‘Hey, you fuckers!’ Minsipi’s exhausted cousin almost shouted. ‘So, it’s you that my female dog nearly stripped.’
‘Yes,’ Kepa said laughing. ‘Where is it so that I’ll kick his arse.’
‘No, not that way,’ another rebel cried happily, ‘that’s my bodyguard.’
The rebels ceased firing but the government forces were so occupied with rage and carelessly attacked the bush.
Regularly the rebels ducked to the ground to avoid stray bullets from the Loruru.
‘Brothers, you know we didn’t come looking for you,’ Ivini, the BRA commander said, nursing a captured rifle in hand. ‘But as we were shooting, someone lost his senses and darted towards us; I got this rifle.’
‘We need to disengage for the good of you brothers,’ Ivini directed. ‘We will fire shots over your heads and you run towards the Loruru.’
‘That’s it,’ Kepa agreed, ‘otherwise, Nukuitu beheads Minsipi.’
‘Whether peace dawns or not, that’s the man I want to kill,’ Ivini hissed like a serpent. ‘Okay, go men!’
Minsipi and Kepa sprinted like thieves. Overhead bullets smashed into the trees and wild bananas. Both fired into the air as they ran for the safety of the Loruru.
They crashed into the Loruru, speechless and exhausted; dragging with them shrubs and creepers.
‘Boys, there are hundreds of rebels!’ Kepa shouted at the positioned men. ‘They are coming this way probably.
The great resistance commander, Nukuitu, lay cold on the bank.
‘Just answer confidently at the junction of heaven and hell,’ Minsipi told Nukuitu’s dead body, surrounded by buzzing flies and hungry ants. ‘Never beat around the bush.’
The place was quiet. Only a few cicadas shrilled the bush as sat dreaming in wonder of the things unfolding before their eyes.
‘See you sometime,’ a rebel shouted from a hillock above them. The soldiers responded with fire and swear words.
‘Are we fighting humans or ghosts?’ the wounded Fatnose murmured in agony. ‘Let’s go, men.’
The company lay four dead resistance fighters and a soldier on stretchers and carefully tracked down the Loruru’s sandy banks headed for the road further downstream.
Defeated and hopeless, Fatnose and his men—the good and the bad—staggered along the thick undergrowths of the river bank avoiding the road.
Far inland, shouts of jubilations and gun shots were audible answering the mortar explosions and concussion that rumbled the hideouts.
In camp, Minsipi sat quietly looking towards the Deuro ranges.
‘This is my country, Bougainville, bomb her but you shall never get to her heart,’ he said to himself and wiped tears from his eyes.