News 03.2010
Source : Post-Courier
Nominations slow in ABG elections
By Winterford Toreas
THE second ABG presidential election in the Buin district of south Bougainville is moving at a snail’s pace.
Since the issue of writs last Friday, only seven candidates have nominated to contest the various constituency and regional seats of Buin district. Out of these seven candidates, one has nominated to contest the south Bougainville regional woman’s seat, three for the Makis constituency seat while the other three candidates will be contesting the Konnou constituency seat. In the Makis constituency seat, sitting member and former Communications Minister in the then Kabui/Tabinaman government Jeffery Nabuai nominated on Monday to defend his seat while John Pisiai and Joe Bailou nominated yesterday to try to unseat Mr Nabuai. Leo Paupau, Willie Masiu and another candidate have already nominated for the Konnou constituency seat, while Rose Pihei is the only candidate that has already nominated to contest the south Bougainville regional women’s seat currently held by Minister for Women Affairs Laura Ampa. However, according to the assistant returning officer for the Buin district, Mathew Mau, many candidates have already indicated that they will be coming in to nominate today and tomorrow.
Mr Mau added that he is expecting many more candidates to nominate before the close of nominations this Friday.
Source : Post-Courier
Bougainville man nominates in Lae
THE second general election of the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) has attracted yet another contestant, but this time living outside of Bougainville.
On Monday, Martin Bonai, a passionate Bougainvillean and longtime Lae resident, put pen to paper at the electoral office in Lae, under the watchful eyes of assistant returning officer of Bougainville outside Bougainville (BOB) Simon Sinai to nominate in contesting the Bolave seat in Bana district, South Bougainville.
Accompanied by wife Hildegard, a fellow Bougainvillean and witness James Narokai and another young supporter Jonathan Mameri, the 61-year-old Panam villager in the Nagovisi area, handed over a cheque of K500 paid into the Bank South Pacific as nomination fees.
In a low-key ceremony, Mr Bonai said that he was confident in the race for the Bolave seat. Determined to bring better changes for his people, this giant hearted man, with a wealth of experience and education under his belt from working in various high positions in the government, now heads the Sir Paul Lapun Foundation for Community Development, a charity non-government organisation as the chief executive officer.
He is campaigning for the need for ABG to legislate by an act of Parliament “Zero Gun Tolerance Bougainville” making possession of, access to and availability of guns anywhere within the territorial boundaries and jurisdictions of the region, illegal.
He would also fight for the need to design and develop sustainable gender equity model political, social, economical and cultural development structures, for ABG parliament.
Source : Post-Courier
Fate of five Aussies hangs
THE fate of five Australians including Home and Away star Putu Winchester could hang on a court examination of their yacht in the waters of Bougainville today.
The court, under Magistrate Peter Toliken, will move to the nearby anchoring point in the Buka Passage, about two minutes by outboard powered boat from Buka town. The court yesterday heard evidence from five police witnesses about finding two containers allegedly containing marijuana on the yacht.
Police produced in court two separate samples containing marijuana allegedly found in the yacht on March 18.
The court heard the evidence over six hours. A honey jar containing almost two grams was allegedly found in the captain’s drawer by police constable Pascal Seima and a green bag containing 470 grams of the drug was allegedly found by Senior Constable Michael Kukubak at the front of the yacht. Sen Const Kukubak told the court yesterday that police impounded the boat between Inus and Yom, on north Bougainville waters. Sen Const Kukubak served the search warrant on the captain, Michael Northcote. The captain understood the search warrant and allowed for the operation. He was present when police conducted the search.
“I saw a bottle of hot stuff and jokingly said: ’that is nice stuff’. The captain replied that the hot stuff belonged to the yacht. I continued with the search and found the bag and the captain told me he didn’t know anything about the bag. The captain said: “Take this and leave the bag.” (He offered me the hot stuff). I replied: ’Sorry, I am not interested in that. He asked me the second time and said: “please take this and leave that bag because I don’t want to be in trouble.” I opened the bag and there I could see marijuana or cannabis.”
The first witness was the person who allegedly found the honey jar of marijuana in the captain’s drawer. The second, Hilary Rigamu was the person who confirmed that it was marijuana in the container. The third, First Constable Reuben Baloiloi was the investigator who kept the items as exhibits, Sen Const Kukubak was the fourth witness and the last was First Constable Sheena Cook who was the officer who also asked the Australians about the drugs. All denied having any knowledge of the seized goods. She carried the impounded containers to the Post Office in Buka to weigh them.
At 9am today the court under the leadership of Magistrate Toliken and police and the lawyers representing the Australians will view the yacht before convening the case to take in submissions from the Australians
Source : Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Election update: 74 candidates nominate so far
A total of 74 candidates have nominated for the Bougainville general elections since writs were issued last Friday.
Five candidates have nominated for the Presidential seat and more are expected before nominations close this Friday.
The presidential candidates are current President, James Tanis, the first woman candidate Magdalen Toroansi, Reuben Siara, John Momis and Martin Miriori.
In the constituency seats, three candidates have nominated for the Terra seat in Wakunai. They are the sitting member Leo Reivasi as well as Justin Kungkam and former kiap Jacob Rerevate.
In the Southern Region, three nominations have been received for the Kopii seat in Siwai, one for the Ramu seat and five for the Motuna Huyono seat also in the Siwai district.
Only one nomination has been received for the Bolave seat in Bana district from a candidate who nominated at the Electoral Commission Office in Lae.
Five women have so far nominated to run in the election, although more are expected in coming days.
The five are Magdalen Toroansi, Elizabeth Sukina in the Kopii seat in the Siwai district currently held by Michael Komoiki, and three in the Northern Region women’s seat - Hona Holand, Cecily Kiots Kekun and Anastasia Lapointe.
In the Northern Region 56 nominations have been received including three for the women’s seat and two for the Ex-Combatants’ Seat.
The two candidates that have nominated for the Ex-Combatants are Franco Hoppin and sitting member Marcellin G Laris.
Five candidates have nominated for Suir, five for Selau, three for the Atolls, five for Peit, ten for Haku, four for Halia, two for Tonsu, three for Tsitalato, five for Hagogohe, three for Taunita/Tinputz and two for Taunita/Teop.
By close of nominations we will know and be able to provide the names of all candidates.

Presidential candidate Martin Miriori and former Bougainville Premier Dr Alexis Sarei, candidate for Peit, parade through the streets of in Buka on their way to nominate.
Source : Post-Courier
Landowners stand firm
PANGUNA landowners stand firm with their decision for the mine to remain closed until their demands of compensation and a review of the Bougainville Copper Agreement (BCA) are met.
Landowner and chairman of the Me’ekamui Government of Unity Philip Miriori spoke on behalf of his people and said that speculation surrounding the re-opening of the mine and future talks to be held between landowners and BCL, were not true and not forth coming. Mr Miriori said the Mining Department of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville had been fuelling the speculation with its awareness on mining but failed to talk with landowners and BCL to review the agreement.
“The landowners and my government are not about to allow BCL to return and re-open the Panguna mine,” he said.
Mr Miriori said landowners were not prepared to enter into talks to review the agreement until their compensation demands of K10 billion were paid.
“My government and people want to reaffirm that my brother Francis Ona’s original demand of K10 billion for compensation will be maintained with new vigour.”
He said the agreement was a “bad law” enacted in 1969.
“We were never included in this bad agreement.
“They paid us an insulting 0.025 per cent,” he said.
Mr Mirioiri said the closure of the Panguna mine was a result of failed attempts by the landowners and the North Solomons Provincial Government to seek a review of the BCA with BCL and the PNG Government.
10 billion Kina represent approximately 58 times the 2010 ABG budjet for Bougainville !
Source : Post-Courier
AGB vice stands for Peit
THE Autonomous Bougainville Government vice president Ezekiel Massat was one of the 29 candidates who nominated in their constituencies yesterday.
Mr Massat is also the Information and Culture Minister and nominated in a low-key ceremony, accompanied by his guards and officers in the Peit Constituency seat.
Bougainville’s radio guru, Peter Sohia, also nominated for the Hagogohe constituency. Woman representative for North Bougainville seat Anastasia Lapointe was among these candidates that nominated in Buka yesterday.
Town mayor and businessman Leo Kehali also nominated yesterday for the Hagogohe Constituency seat including the current sitting MP Marceline Getsi under the ex-combatants seat for north Bougaivnille.
Returning officers for north Bougainville yesterday released that about 29 candidates nominated yesterday from 16 recorded since the issue of Writs last Friday.
The total number of candidates that have nominated in Buka under the constituency, ex-combatants and women’s representative seats stands at 45.
Yesterday was day three of the nomination period. Nominations will close on April 2.
In central Bougainville, more than 15 candidates were recorded in Arawa and reports are sketchy on the members.
For South Bougainville as of close of business yesterday more than 10 candidates had nominated in constituency seats including women and ex-combatant seats.
More candidates were expected today and until the close of nominations in north, central and south Bougainville.
Source : Post-Courier
Supporters witness Momis’s nomination
HUNDREDS of people from all over Bougainville gathered before Kenny’s Hall in Buka yesterday to witness the nomination of one of the region’s oldest leaders, John Momis.
The former Ambassador to China and longtime leader of Bougainville nominated at 11:22am before presidential returning officer George Tarala accompanied by his wife Elizabeth and hundreds of supporters from all over Bougainville.
Mr Momis was carried by his supporters from the start of the traditional ritual accorded him by cultural groups from Nissan Island, who dressed him traditionally, the Upe boys from Kunua, those from Hagogohe, Tinputz, Wakunai, Siwai, Buin, Kieta and all over Buka. They danced with him right through to the electoral office to nominate.
Former South Bougainville national MP Michael Laimo was also present to witness Mr Momis nominate in Buka yesterday including former FM 100 managing director Peter Tareasi.
On his platforms distributed yesterday, Mr Momis stands for:
* Strong, honest and transparent leadership,
* Good governance
* Respect the rule of law and maintain law and order
* Good investment climate for businesses and encourage foreign investors
* Promote joint venture business entities and
* Work hard and be ready for referendum and independence, to name a few.
They officially launched his New Bougainville Party at the Isa beach front yesterday. In the afternoon another presidential candidate Martin Miriori, younger brother to the region’s first ABG president the late Joseph Kabui, also nominated. He also had hundreds of supporters trailing him to witness his nomination.
The two join the other three candidates that nominated since the issue of writs on Friday afternoon. They include current ABG President James Tanis, lawyer and Me’ekamui candidate Reuben Siara, and woman leader Magdalene Toroansi.
Source : Post-Courier
Home and Away actor in marijuana drama

Putu Winchester
A FORMER Australian TV star is among the Australians facing trial in Buka today on drug possession charges.
Putu Winchester, 33, was an actor in the long running TV series Home and Away, also the Heartbreak High show and police series Water Rats. He once played a surfer called Pongo on Home and Away and now, before facing charges in Buka since March 19, he has been with his friends Thomas Olsen (44), Clayton McDonald (33), and Michael O’Neill (42) and captain Michael Northcote (46) sailing parts of the Pacific for the last six months and surfing.
The ship’s captain Michael Northcote (46) has distanced himself from the four – he’s taken a different legal representative, appealing the seizure of his boat last Friday by the PNG Customs officials.
PNG Customs office manager in Buka John Kiu confirmed yesterday they issued a seizure notice to Mr Northcote on Friday advising the yacht was now forfeited to the State.
But Mr Northcote is appealing the seizure and his case goes before the Buka District Court today.
The four appear for a full district court trial before Buka Magistrate Peter Toliken today for a possible decision.
But lawyers for these four, from Blake Dawson who flew in from Port Moresby over the weekend to represent them are confident the case will be successful.
The five Australians pleaded not guilty to the charges of drug possession yesterday and are appealing their case, while the captain is appealing the seizure of the yacht in court in Buka. Captain Northcote is living with friends in Buka town while the four Australians are still residing at the Kuri Village Resort. Police are carrying out investigations while the case goes before full trial today.
Source : Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
John Momis nominates for Bougainville presidency
Former Bougainville Regional member and PNG Ambassador to China, John Momis, has become the fourth candidate to nominate for the presidential seat in the second ABG general election.
He was accompanied by a huge crowd of supporters including the sacred Upe group from Wakunai.
Mr Momis will lead the New Bougainville Party in the election.
The other three presidential candidates are current president, James Tanis, Ruben Siara and a woman candidate, Magdalen Toroansi.
President Tanis became the first presidential candidate when he nominated after the issuing of writs last Friday.
He started his campaigning at Gogohe at the weekend and is now in Arawa, Central Bougainville.

Wearing traditional clothing and a precious golden Swiss ROLEX watch : 69 years old former catholic priest, Bougainville Regional member and PNG Ambassador to China John Momis signing his nomination for presidency.

John Momis in casual wear.
Source : Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Blood machine arrives at Buka hospital
ABG President James Tanis has delivered a much needed blood machine to Buka General Hospital.
The machine which was bought at a cost of K55,000 came through a donation from the Bougainville Copper Foundation after a request was made by the President when a BCL representative visited Bougainville last year.
Dr Matanu thanked the President and said the machine can help save many lives by carrying out tests previously was done in other PNG hospitals.
He said that the hospital still needs a heart machine to check the many people with heart problems on Bougainville.
Source : Post-Courier
Nominations open . . .
THE race for the second presidential elections kicked off on Friday afternoon, when writs were officially issued by Autonomous Bougainville Government Speaker Andrew Miriki and regional Electoral Commissioner Reitama Taravaru.
The nominations had now opened in what could be the last election for Bougainville before a referendum on Independence.
Last Friday at 4pm, writs were officially issued and signed at the Kubu House of Representatives.
More than 128,000 of the 200,000 Bougainvilleans will be able to vote at the second general election when polling begins on May 7
Speaker Miriki announced current Sitting MPs would remain as leaders under their constituencies and seats and that they would cease to be MPs come June 9, when writs get officially returned.
Mr Taravaru said a completely new common roll had been prepared for this election and that he was pleased there were no security issues faced and no threats from factions so far.
He said the issue of the writs was for the election of a president for the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, an election in each of the single member constituencies represented in the house of representatives, an election in each of the three regional constituencies of a woman member and an election in each of the three regional constituencies of a former combatant member.
“A new electoral roll has been prepared for this election. I took a decision to undertake a zero-based approach to preparing the electoral roll. Electoral officials have visited all parts of Bougainville to gather data from which a completely new electoral roll has been compiled,” Mr Taravaru said.
Source : Post-Courier
Election on for Bougainville
CURRENT sitting President James Tanis could not wait for another day to nominate. As soon as the writs were issued and officially signed by Autonomous Bougainville Government Speaker Andrew Miriki and Electoral Commissioner Reitama Taravaru, Mr Tanis sped to the Electoral Commission office in Buka town to nominate for the presidential seat. He was the first to nominate.
Little did he know a big group of supporters from the Hagogohe constituency awaited his arrival and to his surprise a traditional singsing group, organised by the MP for Hagogohe constituency and Peace Minister Robert Hamal Sawa traditionally escorted him to the electoral commission to nominate. President Tanis was in tears after the nomination because he echoed that none of his relatives, nor his mother and other supporters from Central Bougainville were present to see him nominate, but his wife and son Junior were present to witness the occasion. His lone party executive Ishmael Toroama was also by his side to witness his nomination. The issue of writs on Friday ended at five o’clock and at 5:45 pm he signed off on his application to nominate and he endorsed by Mr Sawa.
Mr Tanis in a press briefing that Friday night, outside the electoral office, told the crowd he hoped to retain his position with a referendum being a major issue. He appealed to be given the next five years to complete what he had started and to take the region and its people to referendum.
“I will never hide. I will never sit in my office when my people suffer. I was the first to walk and cross the rivers of Kieta, one that no leaders have walked and swam. I was the first to successfully negotiate for an agreement between the Me’ekamui leaders and resolved to come together for peace in the region. I have walked the corridors of PNG and Australia and I have talked to the British government for the sake of building international relations with these countries and for the sake of my people,” Mr Tanis said.
Source : Post-Courier
Women in mining conference begins
The “Women In Mining” (WIM) conference being held in the Divine Word University in Madang kicked off on a high note on Wednesday last week with more than 200 women participants attending from all resource provinces nationwide.
The objective of the conference is to bring together women from mining and petroleum communities, the Government and other stakeholders to share their experiences and views about the impact of mining and petroleum on women. This conference is a follow up of two similar conferences held in 2003 and 2005 and aims specifically to review the outcomes of the two conferences.
Representatives of women associations and interest groups from as far as the Autonomous Region of Bougainville and the Western Province travelled to Madang for the conference. Others include Porgera Women’s Authority, Petztorme Women’s Association of Lihir and Moran Women Association.
Madang Governor Sir Arnold Amet when officially opening the conference pointed out that there was no mining or petroleum policy specifically to address women and children’s socio-economic issues resulting from resource projects. He challenged the government agencies responsible and stakeholders to develop such policies so that women and children’s issues can be properly addressed.
However, the WIM Steering Committee comprising government agencies such as the Mineral Resources Authority (MRA), National Planning and Monitoring Department and the Department of Mineral Policy and Geohazards Management (DMPGM), said that the WIM project and the WIM National Action Plan which the NEC recently approved, would now effectively address women’s issues and concerns.
The committee said that a lot of work involving women in project areas had already been implemented by most stakeholders and that the WIM Action Plan would better enhance the efficiency of program delivery to mine impacted areas.
Source : Post-Courier (Reader’s letter/Leserbrief)
Bougainville needs financial independence
FROM media reports over the last two decades regarding Bougainville’s self determination I have been cautious in making comments about issues on the island, especially Independence for Bougainville.
As a Bougainvillean living and working outside the island I want to make a few comments on the issue of political independent and financial independents. I think in order for Bougainville to prosper as an independent island nation, it must realise its financial independency before political independence. Bougainville should gain financial independence before a political independence, because;
* Once Bougainville becomes independent the free PNG grant to Bougainville will stop and it will rely on its own internal matters similar to 1975 for PNG where Australia stoped free money to PNG. PNG will provide aid to Bougainville at a price similar to what other countries are doing to PNG.
* Bougainville is a small economy and will not sustain future development. It will still depend on donor funding.
John Takuna
Port Moresby
Source : The National
ABG now accepting election candidates
WRITS for the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) second general election were issued last Friday by the House of Representatives Speaker Andrew Miriki upon the advice of the Bougainville Electoral Commissioner Reitama Taravaru.
This means nominations for the elections are now open and will close on April 2.
ABG President James Tanis was the first nominated candidate for the presidential seat.
Two candidates for the Atolls seat, one candidate for the Mahari seat and candidates for the Haku seats were also named.
Last Saturday, Hagogohe incumbent MP and Minister for Peace and Reconciliation Robert Hamal Sawa was nominated.
The Tsitalato seat saw the nomination of businessman Cosmas Sohia Ceetow.
Former Bougainville governor John Momis is expected to be nominated today along with with several other hopefuls.
Most candidates for the seats in central and south Bougainville will also receive nominations in their respective districts.
A total of 40 seats are up for grabs in this general election.
There are 33 single constituency seats, three seats for women representatives for north, central and south Bougainville.
Source : Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Writs issued for Bougainville general election
Writs for the second ABG general election were issued on Friday by House of Representative Speaker Andrew Miriki upon the advice of Bougainville Electoral Commissioner, Reitama Taravaru.
This means nominations for the elections are now open and will close on Friday 2 April.
The ABG President, James Tanis, became the first presidential candidate to nominate and began campaigning after nominating.
Two other candidates nominated for the Atolls seat while one candidate nominated for the Mahari and Haku seat.
On Saturday, sitting member for Hagogohe and Minister for Peace and reconciliation, Robert Hamal Sawa, nominated as a candidate for the Tsitalato seat as did businessman, Cosmas Sohia Ceetow.
Former Bougainville Governor, Ambassador John Momis, is expected to nominate today with several other intending candidates.
In addition, most candidates for the seats in Central and South Bougainville will nominate in their respective districts.
A total of 40 seats are up for grabs in the election: 33 single constituency seats; three seats for women; three seats for former combatants and one extra seat for the President who is voted for directly by the people.

ABG Parliament worker. Kanaheta [left] with Speaker Andrew Miriki signing the writs
at ABG House whilst Electoral Commissioner Reitama Taravaru watches.
Source : Post-Courier
PNG mining industry set to blossom
PAPUA New Guinea’s mining industry is set to blossom as the world’s leading miners set their sights on entering the country’s lucrative mineral exploration and mining sector.
World’s leading miners Rio Tinto and Brazilian Vale Inco have expressed interest to come to Papua New Guinea during the recently ended Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada conference.
Rio Tinto is the major shareholder of Bougainville Copper Limited, the owner and once operator of the abandoned Panguna copper and gold mine in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville. The announcement by Rio Tinto comes at a time when preparations are underway to start the Bougainville Copper Agreement review and the Panguna landowners are also preparing to hold elections for office bearers for the Panguna Landowners’ Association. Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) and PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum jointly arranged the conference activities for PDAC 2010; under the banner, Papua New Guinea. The PDAC 2010 attracted about 24,000 global participants, and participants were registered as miners, explorers, investors (financiers, investors, and bankers), scientists, academics, social scientists, environmentalists, service providers in mining and exploration activities, students and general public.
Papua New Guinea has been showcasing its geological and mineral information plus other information that is, Government’s mining fiscal regimes, tenements information, relating to the mining industry in the country at the PDAC since 2002. The PNG booth hosts both the Government and the industry, with exploration companies displaying the mineral resources and prospectivity of areas under their exploration licenses.
The PDAC 2010 was special in that this is the first time PNG had also organised a presentation session. At this session, new generation exploration companies presented updates of their projects. Companies represented were; Marengo Ltd, Papuan Precious Metals Ltd, Woodlark Mining Ltd, Titan Mines and Titan Mineral Ltd, Nautilus Ltd, Allied Gold Ltd, Gold Anomaly Ltd, New Guinea Gold.
Executive director of the PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum Greg Anderson said Papua New Guinea was the only country that had both the Government and the industry together at one conference to assist investors interested in developing the country’s mineral resources.
He reiterated that most of the current miners and investors of the current projects in the country were found at this conference, the PDAC.
Source : Australian Broadcasting (ABC)
Nominations open for Bougainville election
Created: Fri, 26 Mar 14:39:07 UTC+0100 2010
Liam Fox, PNG correspondent
Last Updated: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 15:05:00 +1100
Nominations have opened in what could be the last elections on the Papua New Guinea island of Bougainville before a referendum on independence.
Writs have been issued for the autonomous Bougainville government's second elections since a peace agreement ended a decade-long civil war in 2001.
The agreement allowed for a referendum on independence from PNG to be held sometime in the next five years.
The current ABG president James Tanis is hoping to retain his position and says the referendum will be a major issue.
"The way the vote goes will give an early indication of how the referendum might shape up," he said.
The future of the derelict Panguna copper mine, which was at the heart of the civil conflict, is also expected to an important issue during the campaign.
Voting is due to start on May 7.
Port Moresby (POM) to Become an Asian-Pacific Hub in Future ?
Wird Port Moresby (POM) in Zukunft ein asiatisch-pazifischer Hub ?
The National :
Flying high in Asia-Pacific
PORT Moresby’s Jackson International Airport will be expanded and upgraded into an international-class aviation facility in the Asia-Pacific region.
The development is estimated to cost K1.4 billion.
The airport expansion follows pressures from the liquefied natural gas (LNG) project, which will increase passenger and aircraft traffic volume into and out of Port Moresby tremendously.
National Airport Corporation (NAC) managing director Joseph Kintau yesterday accepted the Port Moresby International Airport (PMIA) master plan from Jacobs Consultancy.
Mr Kintau said the current demand for aviation services had put a strain on the existing facilities. “The LNG project, expansions by airlines and booming economic activities are factors that forced us to come up with the plan to raise the airport’s standards to meet the expectations of the air industry,” Mr Kintau said.
“The airport is also strategically located in the region where LNG project developers and consumers from the United States, Europe and Asia can have a convenient transit and exit from Port Moresby to other destinations.”
He said the current airport, constructed in 1989, was designed to serve an annual capacity of 300,000 passengers.
“After 20 years, we are now serving 1.4 million passengers a year.
“That’s a significant strain on the airport’s facilities and infrastructure.”
Highlighting one of the key objectives of the organisation’s reforms, Mr Kintau said the 2010 project was to ensure infrastructure development was based on a comprehensive master plan which PMIA was giving priority.
The plan covers the development of infrastructure and facilities over the next 20 years – from 2010 to 2030.
“It is based on passenger and aircraft movements’ forecast and growth in the aviation industry,” he added.
Mr Kintau said the new airport would feature dual domestic and international terminals, extension of runways, redevelopment of apron and taxiways and also the commercial development of the aerodrome land.
Asked how it would be implemented, he said: “The most probable implementation method NAC will be pursuing is a possible public-private partnership arrangement.
“We are looking at a possible concession agreement to implement the capital programme to deliver the infrastructures, management capacity building and improved financial viability for regional airports through PMIA.”
He said the plan also covered the scope of work and, after deliberation by the NAC board, it would be submitted to NEC for approval.

Source : The National /AAP
China, China, China
By Ilya Gridneff, Papua New Guinea Correspondent
PORT MORESBY, March 23 AAP - The tiny Pacific island of Bougainville is preparing for presidential elections that could make its dream of independence a reality.
Papua New Guinea's Autonomous Region of Bougainville will issue election writs on Friday and next month goes into campaign mode. Polling for 44 seats kicks off between May 7 and 21 with a president expected to be announced in early June.
This presidential race is touted as a make or break for Bougainville's secessionist movement as the winner's job will be to ready Bougainville for a 2015 referendum vote to fully cede from PNG.
Despite a list of hopefuls the election will be an inter-generational race between current president James Tanis and the older John Momis, who has recently returned from China where he was PNG's ambassador.
Mr Tanis, 43, a lawyer and former rebel, fighting PNG's defence force, replaced rebel leader-cum-president the late Joseph Kabui, who died of a heart attack in 2008.
Mr Momis, 71, is a popular former Catholic priest, former Bougainville governor and former PNG MP who polled well against Kabui in the region's first presidential race in 2005.
Both men would have the huge task of exorcising ghosts still haunting Bougainville despite the end of a decade-long pyrrhic war over the Australian-owned Bougainville Copper Limited's (BCL) Panguna mine in 1997.
Panguna once had the world's largest gold and copper mines, making Bougainville PNG's most prosperous province, providing a quarter of the country's GDP.
Now the once impressive infrastructure is decayed and dilapidated and some believe Bougainville will not be ready to go it alone.
But while the Panguna mine sparked the struggle, it is now seen as a key to unlocking Bougainville's independent future. Especially since BCL reported to the Australian Stock Exchange last year that more than a billion tonnes of gold and copper ore remains in the Panguna site.
Mr Tanis has signalled reopening Panguna but landowners remain divided and the post-conflict politics would be quite complex for any president.
Mr Momis, with closer connections to PNG and China, is seen to be more cautious of the push for independence.
His status as an elder may help resolve the raft of disputes that continue to block prosperity in Bougainville.
Source : Post-Courier
Buka business face debt worries
SEVERAL business houses in Bougainville owe other major businesses in Papua New Guinea millions of kina, debts dating back more than five years ago.
Four major business house debt collectors from East New Britain, Lae and Port Moresby are in Buka trying to negotiate with these major clients to immediately sort out their messy debts incurred five to six years ago.
One of the debt collectors told the Post-Courier yesterday that he was in Buka to negotiate with one of the major wholesalers to find a way to settle their bill of about K600,000 incurred four years ago. The other had been ordered by his executives in Lae to travel to Buka and negotiate with the company that owed them close to K1 million. Some business houses in Buka (named) have had arrangements with outside businesses to purchase cargo from their shop, wholesales, warehouse and or other entities to sell in Buka or Bougainville.
These businesses are being operated in Buka and scattered throughout the region while several others are just operating in the region’s temporary capital, Buka.
“I have been here many times because we can’t seem to get the money owed to us by these major businesses,” one of the debt collectors sent in from Lae told the Post-Courier yesterday.
“These two companies that have had an arrangement with us to purchase goods on a credit basis have breached their contractual agreement with us because it is now hard for them to pay back these monies owing to us,” he said.
Another executive who flew in from Kokopo, East New Britain said this week he was chasing several business houses in Buka, Arawa, Siwai and Buin who had been purchasing goods to the value of more than K500,000, some K100,000 and above while others had a small amount of debt that they cannot pay.
“We tried coming up with an arrangement for them to pay each month or on installments but this has also failed. Not all business houses in Bougainville owe us money, it’s only a minority and they are major entities in the region.”
Source : Post-Courier
Stamp features sinking Carterets
AWARENESS on climate change in Papua New Guinea has gone a step ahead in creating awareness on a wider scope.
Climate change has affected many lives globally and will affect more if the world’s governments fail to do something about it.
PNG is taking a bold initiative in addressing the problem with Post PNG in partnership with the Department of Environment and Conservation launching a stamp issue featuring the sinking Carteret Islands in Bougainville as a result of climate change.
The stamps were launched yesterday and will create awareness in PNG and overseas.
The chief executive officer of Post PNG, Peter Maiden said the effect of climate change was visible and its impact was widely experienced.
“The climate change is a global issue. Post PNG realising the significance of the issue, included climate change as its third stamp issue this year,” said Mr Maiden.
He said the stamps featured the rising sea levels and its effects on the Carteret Atolls located 86 kilometres northeast of Bougainville.
Mr Maiden said after 150 countries met in Canada to discuss how to combat the global warming and rising sea levels, the Carteret people were the first ones in the world to be evacuated and relocated as sea levels rise and their atolls were in danger.
He said as per the resettlement plan, 10 families would be moved at a time to mainland Bougainville.
“PPNG’s partnership with DEC and various non government organisations over the years have resulted in us producing and issuing stamps on various endangered animals and plants species including our rich flora and fauna,” he said.
Mr Maiden said PPNG believed these stamps issue would assist relevant stakeholders to maximize awareness on climate change.
Source : Post-Courier
Criminal causing fear in village
PEOPLE of Dusei village in the Siwai district of South Bougainville are living in fear after they have been repeatedly terrorised by a notorious criminal from the area.
According to some villagers from the area, this criminal (named) has been causing fear among the villagers since the beginning of this month.
They said he had been destroying their food gardens and other properties to show his frustration after an unsuccessful raid conducted by Buin police at his hiding place about a fortnight ago.
“This person has been causing fear among the villagers after the police raided his village. After the police left, this criminal returned and started terrorising some of the people whom he suspected of informing police of his hiding place,” they said. The criminal is wanted by police for other criminal activities he committed in his village.
He is also part of the group of prisoners who walked out of the Buka police cell a few years ago. The people also expressed their disappointment with the Buin police after one of them fired a warning shot when they failed to capture the suspect.
They said the action of this police officer was uncalled for, especially when there was a reconciliation process still going on in their village.
“There is a reconciliation process still going on in our village and the action taken by this officer can tarnish this reconciliation process,” they said.
Source : Post-Courier
ABG gears up for election
AUTONOMOUS Bougainville’s second presidential election is set for March 26, when writs get issued for the start of polling.
This election will cost the National Government and the ABG more than K6 million to run, but that is immaterial as it is not the duty of the ordinary people of Bougainville to fund this election.
Bougainvilleans have two weeks before they know who will be contesting which seats. There are 40 seats to be contested - 33 member seats, three women seats, three ex-combatant seats and the presidential seat.
These are the dates when polling starts:
* Issue of writs – March 26
* Close of nominations – April 2
* Polling starts - May 7
* Polling ends – May 21
* Return of writs – June 9
Bougainville has more than 121,000 voter population but the 2000 census figure for the population is still 185,000. These figures have increased over the years and sooner or later a new common roll will be announced when writs are just about issued and after the completion of the update to ascertain the full voter population of Bougainville.
Leaders in the likes of former national parliamentarian John Momis have come back to Bougainville. Momis cut short his term in office as the Ambassador of Papua New Guinea to China to return to the region and contest this second presidential election. Momis resigned the Bougainville Regional seat in 2005 to contest the first ABG presidential elections against rebel leader Joseph Kabui.
He was beaten and soon after took off to Port Moresby and later offered the diplomat position in China. Late last year Momis resigned as Ambassador in China to come back and contest the second ABG presidential election, this time up against sitting MP James Tanis.
Others to contest the seat will include businessman and Bougainville’s Business Association president Robert Atsir.
Atsir is also the face behind the famous CDA Finance and currently the Bougainville Resource Development Corporation (BRDC) chairman. Lawyer Reuben Siara will also battle for the same seat with Kabui’s own brother Martin Miriori, to name a few.
The rest will probably be number splitters – as always the Haku constituency again provides the highest presidential candidate numbers.
Five years ago Bougainvilleans voted for their leaders, be it constituencies, ex-combatants, woman representative and or the president. This election the Bougainvilleans who voted five years ago will vote again – this time with an idea whether the leader they voted for in their constituency, the ex-combatant they put their mark on or the woman representative they voted for should be retained or changed depending on whatever judgment they can make.
Bougainvilleans should not be “fooled” by the picture of an airplane that’s depicted in the highest K100 notes tucked in bundles if hand-fed by these sitting MPs or the upcoming candidates. They should also not be fooled by the money handed out as “service delivery” or “thank you gifts” that some are about to or already have been delivering or receiving. They should also not be fooled about the nonsense language many Bougainvillean leaders will say.
Bougainvilleans should be allowed their freedom to choose which ever leader they think should govern, implement and lead with utmost respect and with the knowledge that he/she stands for one purpose and that is the future of Bougainville and its children. This is the time to choose.
Bougainville has five years before referendum and eventually independence – a leader that is needed is one that can bring about development.
New initiatives to create a better Bougainville, a leader that hears or sees the cry of the ordinary people is what matters most – not someone who spends half of his century time flying in, flying out, partying, knee jerking and or dressed in three piece suits locking his door to every person wanting assistance.
Bougainvilleans, this is a critical time for all - it is not the time to rethink, but a time to reflect, to look back at the five years your leaders spent in that Tsuhana of yours – (the House of Representative)…to see whether in these five years, your leaders put back something in your constituency, a time to see whether your aid post has been repaired, your schools have been properly kept up, the cries of your mothers and children have been heard, the needs of a community fulfilled, the farmers cry at least although not fully met but looked at. The rural roads at least maintained or your leaders at least sit with you in your communities to advise how much money he/she had been allocated, how much money he/she has spent on impact projects in your community or simply if ever he/she had an impact in your community over these five years, one way or another – and then you can make your mark.
This is the time for Bougainvilleans to choose your leaders that will hear your cries and look and act on them, leaders that will look into your eyes to see the suffering you are going through and leaders who will stand for you, your children and the development of Bougainville.
Over to you Bougainvilleans! this is the day for you to make your mark for the betterment of Bougainville.
Source : Post-Courier
TB on the rise in Buka Island
TUBERCULOSIS (TB) is on the rise in the Solos area of Buka Island and unless effective health measures are taken, it will reach the stage of an outbreak.
Solos area, in the Peit Constituency has about 11,000 people — about 5341 families.
Sr Stella Toahei, a nursing officer overseeing the TB program at Gagan, said depending on who turns up at the health centre they do about eight sputum tests. She said TB has spread due to poor sanitation, water, sharing of drinking cups and chewing betel nut. Some patients have not been up-to-date with their treatments.
“The people are just ignorant of the diseases. If we tell them to keep to safe methods of avoiding the disease, nobody is listening. Villages severely affected are Gagan, Bekut, Kohiso and Hapan. Hapan has 800 people and almost 50 per cent of the families have their children showing symptoms related to TB,” Sr Toahei said.
Health officers are also pressed with a lack of funds to effectively counter the resurgence of the disease in their area.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville creates firsts
By Tom Kathoa
THE Speaker of the Autonomous Bougainville Government House of Representatives Andrew Miriki says Bougainville is known for making history.
According to Mr Miriki, the first local level government was established in Bougainville, and again in 1975, Bougainville became the first provincial government in the country.
In 2005, Bougainville was granted autonomy status by the National Government and formed the first ABG Government under the leadership of then President Joseph Kabui.
Several provinces in the country, particularly New Ireland and East New Britain, are working towards having an autonomy status of some sort.
While they will be given partial autonomy, Bougainville’s case is different with the conduct of a referendum, a step towards eventual independence from Papua New Guinea.
The ABG Government and its constitution is also the first to have reserved seats for women, something the National Government is trying to copy, but is yet to make it a law.
In the ABG House, the deputy speaker is also a woman and it has a woman in Cabinet who has also acted in the position of President and Vice President.
The Speaker said Bougainville was again the first to end its term on the day the ABG president James Tanis celebrates his birthday.
Parliament was adjourned to allow members of the outgoing government, their staff, senior government officers and friends to attend what they termed as the “last and farewell” function. He congratulated all members of Parliament for their good performance, saying they did what they were able to do during their time in public office.
The Speaker challenged all members to remain united and appealed to the general public to seriously screen the candidates in order to return more of the sitting members.
Speaker Miriki joined Administrator Raymond Masono in saluting the members and urged them to walk, talk and hold their heads high.
Source: Post-Courier
Economic policy sets path for autonomy
BOUGAINVILLE’S Minister for Business and Consumer Affairs Joseph Watawi tabled the Bougainville economic development policy, a blueprint for Bougainville autonomy in last week’s historical and final sitting for this government.
The policy was developed in consultation with the leaders, the public at large and the civil society.
Mr Watawi in his ministerial statement said that the new Bougainville economic development policy was a major step towards implementing that mission statement and as such was history in the making.
“For the first time we have a clear and unambiguous statement of what we are seeking to achieve and how we intend to go about achieving it,” said Mr Watawi.
“The economic policy also advocates broad based sustainable economic development based on agriculture and other natural resources such as forestry, fisheries and tourism.
“If well managed this can include the majority of the people, is sustainable and as research and development proceeds, can provide rising returns.
“To implement the new policy effectively we will require the government and the administration to think and act innovatively outside the box of the pedestrian and usual ways and means. Potential investors are already lining up and knocking on our door to invest on our terms.
“To ensure that the ABG gets the best out of this policy it will, amongst many other things, need a root and branch change in organisation and structures of the ABG and a serious overhaul of our financial management systems such that the budget is driven by the policy and the programs of the divisions, not the funding.
“The policy states the aim and objectives, it is up to us as the government to mobilise and manage all the resource which we can command to achieve those objectives with all possible dispatch. The incoming government must make hard decisions on its budget expenditure,” said Mr Watawi.
Source: Post-Courier
Vital aid from Japan
JAPAN has increased PNG’s technical and scientific ability to properly take stock and detail its forestry resources, data bases and baseline studies with the provision of a K20 million grant for the Forest Preservation Program.
This is in line with current efforts to create an official, accurate and undisputable information system on PNG’s preserved forest areas, and set up an internationally compatible management system.
The program will also contribute to the Government’s final policy on climate change and carbon trading.
Japan and PNG formally signed an exchange of notes in Port Moresby on Friday in what is seen as the first positive move within a short time since the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December.
Japan’s Ambassador to PNG, Hajime Nishiyama, signed on behalf of his government while Foreign Secretary Michael Maue signed on behalf of PNG, witnessed by PNG Forest Authority managing director, Kanawi Pouru, senior diplomats, government agency representatives and the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
Mr Nishiyama said the grant signified Japan’s emphasis on the importance of forest management and climate change issues, including low carbon emissions as expressed in Copenhagen. Mr Nishiyama said he hoped the assistance was a step forward to embrace both climate change issues and bilateral relations between the two countries.
Mr Nishiyama expressed confidence in the country’s economy, adding it was going through a resources boom with the LNG project of which Japanese investors were involved too.
Mr Maue said Japan had always played a significant role in the development of PNG, which included funding of major infrastructure projects around the country worth millions and now pouring money into the infrastructure rehabilitation of Bougainville.
He said climate change and carbon trading issues were critically important to the country and the world.
He thanked the people and Government of Japan on behalf of the people and State of PNG for the generous support as in the past and currently ongoing.
Mr Pouru said projects under the grant would be formulated by the PNGFA, Planning and JICA in conjunction with other stakeholders.
He said the grant would enable the purchasing and utilisation of state-of-the-art equipment for the collection of information, data, proper identification of forest resources and location, affects of climate change and both aerial and satellite surveys.
Source: The National
Bougainville writs to open on Friday
THE writs for the second general election for the Autonomous Region of Bougainville will be issued on Friday and will be returned on June 4.
ABG electoral commissioner Reitama Taravaru last Friday announced that Bougainville was well prepared to conduct its second general election.
Mr Taravaru told reporters nominations would close at 4pm on April 2 and polling would start from May 7 to May 21.
“Nominations for candidates can be lodged at the respective constituencies with the returning officers while the candidates for the president can be lodged with Bougainville returning officer George Tarala at the commission office in Buka.
“The new common roll updates have been completed and will be printed soon with more than 100,000 eligible voters registered,” he said.
Mr Taravaru said a breakthrough and success stories for this election were the embracing of the coming election by the Mekamui faction of the no-go-zone in Paguna and Tonu areas in South Bougainville.
On security, Mr Taravaru said: “I assure you this is not an issue at the moment.
“Everyone is looking forward to a meaningful election and there is no threatening situation,” he added.
However, Mr Taravaru is concerned that Treasury has yet to release the K6.8 million from the National Government while K1.8 million from ABG had been used.
Source: The National
Bougainville mine reopening still remote
PREPARATIONS to resume active exploration and mining at the Panguna copper mine in the autonomous region of Bougainville are in progress.
The mine will cost about US$3 billion (K8 billion) to reopen.
But access to the mine by the company, Bougainville Copper Ltd (BCL), is still not possible, according to BCL as stated in its annual report for the year ending Dec 31, 2009.
“Nevertheless there have been regular and positive interactions with landowners and the Bougainville (ABG) Government,” it said.
In its financial report for the same period, BCL chairman and managing director Peter Taylor said BCL posted a net profit of K8.7 million (A$4.3 million) last year compared with a loss of K4.8mil (A$2.3 millionl) in 2008.
The higher net profit last year was on the back of realised gains on the sale of investments and exchange gains.
In addition, there was an unrealised K63.6 million capital gain which, together with the net profit, amounts to a 24.6% increase in shareholder funds.
Operating expenses during the period in review were in line with those of 2008, he said.
And due to the relatively modest profit and the need to preserve cash for future development, BCL will not pay a dividend.
In investments, he said BCL’s liquid assets continue to be cash and Australian equities. The weak Australian equity market in the previous reporting period resulted in an adverse impact on both value of and return on investments.
“It is pleasing to report that despite the global financial crisis, the company was able to maintain its portfolio save for modest sales for operating purposes and is now benefiting from the recent strong growth in the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) 200.
Hier die Dokumentation "Der bukacarsten Disput"
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville to get new airline
BOUGAINVILLEANS can breathe a sigh of relief because a major assistance for effective service delivery in the region is soon to be established.
A new airline industry is being formed, to service the whole of Bougainville and Solomon Islands in the next two months.
Air Bougainville, as it will be called, is the new airline for Bougainville which is scheduled to make its inaugural run throughout the region in two months.
Local operator and executive Albert Magoi told the Post-Courier yesterday they are going into partnership with Australian long-time pilot Robert Keys who also owns and runs the Solomon Islands Sea Planes Limited to run the operation.
In an interview at the office, Mr Keys and Magoi announced they are finalizing arrangements including the licence issue with the Papua New Guinea Civil Aviation Authority in Port Moresby before they start their service operation in Bougainville and the Solomon Islands.
Two Embraer Bandeirante planes have already been bought and are going through a full maintenance check in Australia, ready for use in the region once all papers are in place. A Grumman Goose flying boat is already servicing Solomon Islands and is also ready to make its inaugural flight to Bougainville once licences and documentation are complete.
“We are ready to start within the next two months…basically to service all airstrips in the region and across to Solomon Islands,” Keys said yesterday.
The War Relics operation team in Torokina, the frontliners of this airline, have already cleared the Torokina airstrip, where the main base will be and checks have already been made to clear that airstrip.
All offices will be established in all airstrips around Bougainville including Nissan, Buin, Tonu, Siwai, Buka, Arawa and Solomon Islands and the full program will be released once approval of licences have been sought from PNG CAA office.
Source: Post-Courier
New project officer for ABG
THE acting chief administrator for the Autonomous Region of Bougainville this week announced the appointment of John Kolan as a project liaison officer to the JICA funded Bougainville bridges project along the eastern coastal trunk road.
The JICA funded project involves the construction of 15 bridges over wet crossings from Kokopau to Arawa. This project is a key economic project for the ABG and the people of Bougainville and requires a fulltime officer to be located on site.
“The administration considers this project, in particular its successful completion as important and crucial for future assistance from the Japanese government and as much as possible any disruptions which might cause delayed completion must be minimised,” Mr Masono said.
Mr Kolan who was the CEO for Works on Bougainville has been with the project since its inception and is the most suitable person to liaise between the Bougainville administration and the major contractors. Kitano Engineering Consultants of Japan and the community co-ordination committees have been established at each of the bridge sites to ensure that the project progresses on schedule. Mr Kolan is already involved in the project and the appointment formalises the arrangement, enabling him to devote all his time to the project. He will be required to report on a regular basis on the progress of the project through the office of the chief administrator. The ground breaking ceremony has already happened on the March 16 at the Rawa River bridge site.
Mr Masono appealed to the chairman, members of the community, co-ordination committees and the people to co-operate with Mr Kolan.
Source: Post-Courier
Minister queries college operations
By Tom Kathoa
AUTONOMOUS Bougainville Works minister Patrick Nisira has raised a series of questions on the management and operations of the Bismarck Teacher Training College in Buka.
The Minister wanted to know what the future holds for students who have completed their two years study and paid huge amounts of money to the institution.
He also wanted the school’s top management to furnish a report to the ABG Government outlining how they had spent the money allocated to it by the ABG Government.
In respond to this question, founder of the Bismarck Teachers College, and Member for Tsitalato, Hilary Laris said the principal of the institution took over the overall running of the institute and single handedly ran the institution.
On the other question, Mr Laris said the Rabaul base branch of the college is in the process of registering the college with the appropriate authorities.
Discussions are still continuing with the National Government and the national Department of Education to get the college legally recognised.
Mr Laris said he would advise affected students and those wanting to continue their studies at the college in due course.
Source: Post-Courier
Panguna mine still closed: ABG
By Gorethy Kenneth
THERE is no decision as to which mining company will be allowed to operate at the Panguna copper mine in Central Bougainville.
ABG Vice President Ezekiel Masatt told parliament that the AB Government had not made any firm decision on the re-opening of the closed Panguna mine nor which mining company was to come and mine the mineral deposits.
The Member for Mahari John Tabinaman wanted to know if it was true that Bougainville Copper Ltd had been allowed to return to Panguna and if it was true that the company did not intend to build a township for its employees but to engage in a fly-in fly-out scheme. The vice president said anything to do with the operations of the mine would require serious and careful consideration and to date the Government had not made any commitment on the matter. He said as a concerned government it would carefully study and deal with any issues that would adversely affect its people with great concern and care. The Autonomous Government maintains that the future and re-opening of the Panguna copper mine is to be decided by the Panguna landowners themselves. The views of other stakeholders must also be considered and taken into account. The Bougainville Executive Council in its decision of February 23 approved the inclusion of ABG, landowners and the three regions as the additional stakeholders in the proposed review of the Bougainville Copper Agreement (BCA).
Source: Post-Courier
Me’ekamui and ABG do deal to work together
By Peterson Tseraha
THE people of Bougainville, its leadership and Papua New Guinea should breathe a sigh of relief because the original Me’ekamui group and the Autonomous Bougainville Government signed an agreement for continuous dialogue and an alliance to work together for Bougainville’s future.
Me’ekamui defence force general Chris Uma, Robin Tekapu of the Me’ekamui government of unity and ABG President James Tanis signed this historic agreement on Wednesday night.
It paves the way for the factions to join the peace process.
This also paved the pathway for the ABG and the Me’ekamui to set up another good working relationship because both governments have set an historical benchmark.
This also cleared the way for other peace opportunities on Bougainville between and within the Me’ekamui, the ABG and the people of the region.
Also present to witness the ceremony was PNG’s international actor William Takaku who said the importance of Me’ekamui’s strong pillars was culture. Acting Administrator Raymond Masono and other ABG ministers and MPs were also there to witness the occasion. Mr Tekapu said factions needed to join hands like they had just done with the ABG.
“Time is running out for us here on Bougainville and especially for factions, there is no time for factions anymore now and let’s all work together so we can prove that we all struggled for something productive and not for greed,” Mr Tekapu said.
Also present was prominent women leader Theresa Jaintong who expressed her satisfaction on the historical signing.

ABG and Me'ekamui: Historical Signing
“Behind the scenes I was hanging on the back drop always. I used to go and talk to Chris Uma, whom I can call my son. He was sometimes very aggressive and wanted to fight me but I am happy he has come out and I appeal to all administrators that the dialogue with the original Me’ekamui faction has to be intact,’’ Mrs Jaintong said.
A very emotional General Uma said Bougainville was a matrilineal society and the power belonged to the women.
“I fought this war for power and the authority to go back to women, our mothers. I also fought for our culture to survive. I want to bring the power back to women.’’
President Tanis expressed his gratitude to the original Me’ekamui faction for their cooperation with the dialogue team led by chief legal adviser Chris Siriosi.
“This is now the conclusion of an arrangement which was a brainchild long ago and I, as the President for the ABG and a freedom fighter, I would like to see all my other colleague freedom fighters be united together in one spot.” Mr Tanis said.
“It was so sad to see Chris Uma go his own way, Moses Pipiro his own way and Ishmael Toroama walk off on his own as well.
“No one will use the name of ABG, the name of Chris Uma, and the name of the Government of Unity and the Me’ekamui name to do illegal activities,” he said.
Mr Tanis acknowledged the presence of the house of lords of Me’ekamui and appealed to the administration not to close doors on him, suspecting that he might use funds for campaign because it was election time.
“Since we have signed this agreement today, we need to work together so please don’t close your doors on me when I come knocking,” President Tanis said.
Source: Blog niugini – land of the unexpected
Hier die Dokumentation "Der bukacarsten Disput"
Neues von der Börsenfront
Verfasst von bukacarsten am März 19, 2010
Im Forum der Anleger von Bougainville Copper Ltd geht es zurzeit heiß her. Da sich der Aktienkurs der BCL-Aktie schon seit zwanzig Jahren im 20-bis-50-Cent-Bereich bewegt (seit Bürgerkriegs-bedingter Totalstilllegung der ehemals ertragreichsten Kupfermine), sollte man meinen, dass sich niemand mehr für die wertlosen Papierchen interessieren würde. Pustekuchen.
Ein paar aufrechte Gallier kämpfen um jeden Cent Kursgewinn. Ein jeder träumt von den gigantischen Gewinnen von mehreren tausend Prozent, die bei Wiedereröffnung des Tagebaus fällig würden (seit zwanzig Jahren!).
Die Gallier haben einen Club, der nennt sich ESBC. Das steht für European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper Ltd. Der Club sitzt in Andorra und hat sogar einen richtigen „Präsidenten“, den Axel Sturm. Sturm ist Präsident weil er die meisten Aktien, eine PR-Maschine namens „Sturmpresse“ und genug Zeit die Website zu pflegen hat – trotz allen Murrens wählen seine Untertanen ihren König daher nicht ab, sondern emigrieren in die Vereinslosigkeit.
Die verbleibenden Mitglieder dieses Clubs von Eigentümern wertloser Aktien verfügen dadurch nur noch über den bedeutungslosen Anteil von drei Prozent am Aktienvermögen von BCL. Drei Prozent die bei Herrn Sturm die Erwartung geweckt hatten er könne eine Privataudienz beim Chairman (das ist sowas wie der Ober-König der Aktiengesellschaft BCL) bekommen. Als er die nicht bekam, verlangte er beleidigt dessen Absetzung.
Die Mitgliedsbeiträge („Steuern“) investiert König Sturm u.a. in einen „Korrespondenten“ vor Ort und in Redegeld für einen Kollegen, den seit zwanzig Jahren nicht mehr neu gewählten „Präsidenten“ der Panguna Landowner Assoziation (PLA). Dafür lässt der König sich gelegentlich mit ein paar netten Herren ablichten, anderen männlichen Landeigentümern (wohlgemerkt, das Land wird hier in weiblicher Linie vererbt), und lässt die Welt ahnen, er habe diese Herren dazu verleitet sich für die Wiedereröffnung der gigantischen Panguna-Mine auszusprechen (nebenbei, auch diese Herren haben vermutlich Aktien und wollen deren Kurs raketenmässig steigen sehen). „Nekro“, einem der eifrigen Anleger aus dem Forum, sind diese Zahlungen offenbar nicht genug und er sponsort die gleichen Leute noch einmal mit regelmässigen (sic!) 300 Euro. Das entspricht hier in etwa dem Monatsgehalt eines Project Managers oder eines Guesthouse Managers. Was ebenfalls nicht genug ist – ein paar tausend sollen her, verlautbart er.
Einschub: Der Bürgerkrieg war überhaupt erst ausgebrochen, weil eine Gruppe junger Frauen und Männer der Minengesellschaft und den Herren von der PLA ungerechte Verteilung der Bergwerksabgaben vorwarf. Diese jungen Leute, vertreten von einer jungen Frau Perpetua und ihrem Kousin Francis Ona, nannten sich die „New PLA“. Als die Minengesellschaft ihre Beschwerden v.a. ökologischer, sozialer und monetärer Art nicht in geforderter Form behandelte, explodierte irgendwann die Lage, bzw. die ersten Strommasten. Irgendwie wurde aus der NPLA die BRA, die Bougainvill’sche Revolutions-Armee, und ein chaotischer zehnjähriger Bürgerkrieg, „The Crisis“, begann. Dieser endete erst 1997 mit einem Friedensschluss aller mit allen. Heute 2010 sind laut Nekro und Co. (die ihre Infos von denen bekommen, die die Kurse steigen sehen wollen) alle wichtigen Versöhnungen abgeschlossen, was in fünf Jahren fast zwangsläufig den Weg zu neuen Kupfer- und Gold-Tagebaus führe.
Jetzt kommt diese kleine Truppe daher und versucht die öffentliche Meinung in Bougainville durch „Spenden“ an Privatpersonen in vermeintlichen Schlüsselpositionen zu beeinflussen. Vor zwanzig Jahren, als noch nicht jeder Familienvater eine M16 oder SLR im Schrank hatte, haben solche (vermeintlichen oder wirklichen) Zahlungen schon für Neider gesorgt. Wie sollen sie sich heute positiv auswirken? Die Minengesellschaft selbst ist da smarter: Deren angeschlossene Stiftung Bougainville Copper Foundation (BCF) lässt ihre Gelder lieber in Krankenhäuser und Schulen fließen, während die Locals nach und nach die Minengebäude auseinandersägen und als Altmetall nach Asien verschiffen.
Wer denn am Ende Recht gehabt hat, dazu hab ich übrigens nun wirklich keine Meinung. Genauso wenig wie ich mir anmaße zu wissen, ob eine Wiedereröffnung der Mine jetzt, bald, in ein paar Jahren, Jahrzehnten oder nie gut ist für Bougainville. Aber da wissen andere ja mehr.
Dieser Eintrag wurde erstellt am März 19, 2010 um 7:14 am und ist abgelegt unter Papua New Guinea.
Source: The National
Bougainville mine reopening still remote
PREPARATIONS to resume active exploration and mining at the Panguna copper mine in the autonomous region of Bougainville are in progress.
The mine will cost about US$3 billion (K8 billion) to reopen.
But access to the mine by the company, Bougainville Copper Ltd (BCL), is still not possible, according to BCL as stated in its annual report for the year ending Dec 31, 2009.
“Nevertheless there have been regular and positive interactions with landowners and the Bougainville (ABG) Government,” it said.
In its financial report for the same period, BCL chairman and managing director Peter Taylor said BCL posted a net profit of K8.7 million (A$4.3 million) last year compared with a loss of K4.8mil (A$2.3 millionl) in 2008.
The higher net profit last year was on the back of realised gains on the sale of investments and exchange gains.
In addition, there was an unrealised K63.6 million capital gain which, together with the net profit, amounts to a 24.6% increase in shareholder funds.
Operating expenses during the period in review were in line with those of 2008, he said.
And due to the relatively modest profit and the need to preserve cash for future development, BCL will not pay a dividend.
In investments, he said BCL’s liquid assets continue to be cash and Australian equities. The weak Australian equity market in the previous reporting period resulted in an adverse impact on both value of and return on investments.
“It is pleasing to report that despite the global financial crisis, the company was able to maintain its portfolio save for modest sales for operating purposes and is now benefiting from the recent strong growth in the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) 200.
Source: Post-Courier
ABG to get own taxes
BOUGAINVILLE will soon administer and collect its own tax, but it will not be possible until the regional government is ready, chief collector of taxes in Bougainville Peter Siana said yesterday.
On Tuesday night the Autonomous Bougainville Government and the Internal Revenue Commission signed an agreement at the Kuri Village Resort to develop the capacity on tax administration for Bougainville and also increase or improve ABG’s tax administration. IRC Commissioner-General Betty Palaso signed the agreement together with acting ABG Administrator Raymond Masono witnessed by ABG President James Tanis and National Coordination Office of Bougainville Affairs director Ellison ToWalom. Deputy Prime Minsiter Sir Puka Temu was scheduled to witness this signing but called it off because he was attending the late Bernard Narokobi’s funeral.
The agreement paves the way for a two-way development strategy and to improve both the ABG and IRC’s relationship and co-operation. “The agreement signed was between the ABG and the IRC and that was basically an assistance whereby we will be sharing tax until such time as Bougainville is ready,” Mr Siana said yesterday.
“The major tax which is the Goods and Services Tax – the National Government still collects 70 per cent of the tax while Bougainville has 30 per cent and also the company tax and for the personal income tax, Bougainville collects 100 per cent of it,” he said.
“The National Government will collect the taxes until such time as Bougainville is ready, then ABG can collect 100 per cent of its taxes and that includes GST, but it will take time. “
Mr Siana said that at the same time the National Government would be responsible for training ABG tax officials and the ABG would provide other development opportunities.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Watawi: Government did what it could in hard conditions
Members of the Autonomous Bougainville Government have attended the first meeting day of parliament this year.
This session of parliament is also the last for the current government, as writs for the second ABG general election will be issued next week.
In presenting his last ministerial statement, Minister for Consumer Affairs, Joseph Watawi, said the outgoing government has done what it was able to do during its time, adding that, as a new government, it was not able to do everything in its first term in office.
He said the first five years has not been all that smooth.
Mr Watawi said Bougainville has lost its first president, the late Joseph Kabui, and Administrator Peter Tsiamalili. Only recently it had lost a government minister, the late Dr Benedict Pisi.
Before ending his speech, Mr Watawi wished all the members of the House of Representatives good luck in their election campaigns.
Real peace comes from the heart, says Minister
Bougainville depends more heavily for reconciliation rituals on cash than traditional items like shell money and pigs, according to the Minister for Peace, Reconciliation and Weapons Disposal, Robert Hamal Sawa.
Mr Sawa said that since its establishment, his new ministry had facilitated 138 reconciliation ceremonies, three weapons disposals, four rehabilitations through sports, 11 dialogues and mediations, six meetings and workshops and one project.
The Minister said peace building on Bougainville has now become a money driven activity and the responsibility of the ABG.
He said although tradition and religion form the basis of Bougainville culture, money is seen as the only resource for facilitating reconciliation activities.
Mr Sawa called on the people of Bougainville to freely give from the heart as real peace comes from the heart.
Bougainville peace – how money was spent
The Minister for Reconciliation and Weapons Disposal, Robert Hamal Sawa, has presented a detailed report on the spending of the K4 million allocated by the PNG national government for peace and reconciliation activities in the Autonomous Region.
He told the ABG House of Representatives that a total of K5 million was received from three different sources for the peace building activities, including K250,000 from the ABG and another K750,000 from UNDP.
He said K460,000 was used to establish and operate the newly created Peace Office.
Other big expenditures on peace processes and reconciliations were: Lower Tailings K73,000, Buin K193,000, Panguna K550,000, Siwai K138,000, Torokina K194,000 and Mekamui K100,000.
Other divisional programs cost K800,000, weapons disposal advocacy K120,000, the Office of Peace Ministry K314,000 and former BPC members were given a total of K400,000.
Masono appeals for cooperation on bridge building
Bougainville’s Acting Chief Administrator, Raymond Masono, has announced the appointment of John Kolan as full time project liaison officer to the Japanese-funded Bougainville bridges project along the eastern Bougainville coastal trunk road.
The JICA funded project involves the construction of 15 bridges over wet crossings between Buka and Arawa.
Mr Masono said this is one of ABG’s key economic projects and therefore requires a fulltime officer to be located on site.
He told New Dawn FM that the Administration considers this project’s successful completion as crucial for future assistance from the Japanese Government and disruptions which might cause delay must be minimised.
He appealed to the people of Bougainville to support the work and not to disturb the workers on the project.
Mr Masono said the ground breaking ceremony is scheduled for Friday 16 April.
Funds not policy holding up rural development
Members of the Autonomous Bougainville Government have been told there is no separate policy for the less developed areas of Bougainville.
Works Minister, Patrick Nisira, said many areas throughout the region have missed out on funding not because of policy but because of lack of government funds.
He said the government wants to assist and fund all projects in every constituency in the region and it will do so when money becomes available.
He also said that work on the bridge on the Siara to Koripovi road will soon begin.
Mr Nisira also announce that the Tender Board will is meeting this week to award several contracts.
He informed parliament of the progress on the construction of the 15 bridges throughout the region funded by a Japanese Government grant of K30 million.
Source: The National
Bougainville gets ready for polls, census
THE Autonomous Region of Bougainville (ARB) is doing all it can to keep the people informed of two major events – the 2010 National Population and Housing Census and the ARB General Election.
ARB census coordinator Joseph Jeraha said the provincial administration had been very helpful in raising public awareness on the difference between the census and the coming general election.
Radio Bougainville has already produced announcements for the census to be aired every day.
Mr Jeraha said the radio had also made public announcements to help people understand the differences between a census and an election.
The main difference is, in an election, only eligible voters participate while in a census every living person is counted.
However, since not all households have a radio, Mr Jeraha said he was hoping to receive assistance in the form of information, education and communication (IEC) material from the National Statistical Office headquarters and partner with organized groups and public institutions to help keep the people of Bougainville fully-informed of the two major events.
“We are constantly informing district administrators to help people understand the events through public announcements, and making census and election an issue of discussion in their families and communities.
“Individuals at the district level have already been identified to undergo the training as master trainers to carry out the listing exercise.
“The results of this year’s census will be more accurate in Bougainville because we will have access to every little place in the region.
“That was not the case in the year 2000 where districts like Panguna and Bana became inaccessible under its No Go Zone declaration,” Mr Jeraha said.
He said some local level government (LLG) areas were inaccessible by road after bridges were washed away in the recent floods.
The areas are, however, still accessible by sea.
The national census will be conducted from July 11-17.
The Annual Report 2009 has been released!
Please click here!
Der Geschäftsbericht 2009 ist veröffentlicht worden!
Bitte klicken Sie hier!
Le rapport de gestion 2009 vient d'être publié!
Cliquez ici s'il vous plaît!
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Tanis concerned about Bougainville election violence
With two weeks left to the issuing of writs for the second Autonomous Bougainville Government elections, election-related violence has begun to occur.
At the weekend, supporters and employees of a senior ABG Minister physically assaulted a senior Administration officer and intending candidate, resulting in the man being admitted to Buka Hospital with serious wounds.
He is now recovering at home.
ABG President James Tanis condemned the attack and said that such action by Ministerial staff was shameful and should not occur again.
He said such actions will not help the Minister as the victim might win on sympathy votes.
Mr Tanis says he is also concerned at how the people of Bougainville will stay united and work together after the election is over.
He said that as a bridge builder he is not worried about who wins the election, but only that leaders will work together after the election.
He challenged the women of Bougainville to continue to work together after the election.
Mr Tanis said in the last twelve months he had done a lot of travelling to try and bring peace and reconciliation throughout Bougainville and with the leaders of PNG.
He said that he wants to see his bridge building efforts strengthened after the election.
Source : Post-Courier
Panguna reconciliation continues
THE Panguna District Reconciliation Steering Committee (PDRSC) has developed a district five-year reconciliation plan with a budget for more than 200 crisis related cases which are well documented on their database.
The Bougainville Veterans Affairs office has completed an executive summary of the Bougainville Peace Building report - a division of veterans affairs project in collaboration with AusAID’s democratic governance program transition phase and this was where the recommendations have been instilled.
According to the report, there are four phases to this strategy and the details are spelt out in volume II: annexes of the Bougainville Peace Building Report. The report also details that ABG and the National Government have agreed to facilitate funding to the Panguna cases as a special and priority case. generally, the situation in Panguna is quiet and calm at this stage, according to the report and details are that:
• Me’ekamui Government are responsive, supportive, cooperative towards peace and reconciliation process in their newly established district
• Since the signing of the Panguna Communiqué on August 30, 2007, the people of Panguna/Ioro Constituency, MDF and ex-combatants and the different factional groups and organisations are determined and committed towards maintaining stability and creating conducive peace building environment in their communities
• Panguna district administration has its own district reconciliation steering committee (PDRSC) which is responsible for addressing the conflict cases, internally and externally. At the time of the drafting of this report, the PDRSC has identified and prioritised three impact cases.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Buka town (headquarters of the Autonomous Bougainville Government) is experiencing major torrential rains. Roads are flooded as there is no drainage system in the town. Many houses are under water.
Sintflutartige Regenfälle sind über Buka (Sitz der Autonomen Regierung Bougainvilles) niedergegangen. Da die Strassen Bukas über keine Abwasserkanäle verfügen, stehen sie wie auch viele der Häuser unter Wasser.

Source: Post-Courier
Panguna peace committee develops five-year district plan
By Gorethy Kenneth
THE Panguna District Reconciliation Steering Committee has developed a five-year reconciliation plan with a budget for more than 200 crisis-related conflict cases which are now well documented in a database.
The Bougainville Veterans Affairs office has completed an executive summary of the Bougainville Peace Building Report - a Division of Veterans Affairs project in collaboration with the AusAID Democratic Governance Program Transition Phase and this is where the recommendations had been instilled.
According to the report there are four phases to this strategy and the details are spelt out in Volume II: annexes of the Bougainville Peace Building Report. The report also details that ABG and the National Government have agreed to allocate funds to the Panguna case as a special and high priority one. The situation in Panguna is calm and the report states that;
* ME’EKAMUI Government is very responsive, supportive, and cooperative towards the peace and reconciliation process in their newly-established district,
* SINCE the signing of the Panguna Communiqué on August 30, 2007 the people of Panguna/Ioro Constituency, MDF and ex-combatants and the different factional groups and organisations are determined and committed towards maintaining stability and creating conducive peace building environment in their communities and that the,
* PANGUNA district administration has its own district reconciliation steering committee (PDRSC) which is responsible for addressing the conflict cases, internally and externally. The committee has identified and prioritised three impact cases.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Time for parties to register for Bougainville election
Political parties wishing to endorse candidates in the coming ABG general election are requested to register with the acting Registrar of Political Parties before the writs for the election are issued on Friday 26 March.
Parties that registered in 2005 and for the 2008 presidential by-election must provide evidence that they have continued to actively operate until this year.
Guidelines and application forms for registration can be obtained from the office of the Acting Political Party Registrar at PO Box 322, Buka or phone 7151 5645 or fax 973 9797.
In another development, Bougainville’s acting Electoral Commissioner, Reitama Taravaru has said the recall provision in Bougainville election law operates to provide extra power to voters to continue to monitor their members of parliament.
He said this provision had not been used in the last five years but could be in future if members were seen to be corrupt or had broken the law.
He said that the grace period for a new parliament is 18 months after a general election.
Mr Taravaru said voters and candidates still have time to get their names are on the common roll. The new roll is being updated with the involvement of Councils of Elders, as they are the authority in their areas.
He said in the past only Government employers were engaged in updating common rolls which were not one hundred percent accurate.
On the question of people voting in areas where they work and not in their constituencies, Mr Taravaru said the law is very clear that persons who are voting must vote where they are registered.
He said it was the responsibility of voters to make sure their names are on the common roll before polling begins.
Writs for the ABG general elections will be issued on 26 March, nominations close on 2 April and polling starts on Wednesday 7 April.
Polling will continue until 21 May and writs will be returned on 9 June.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Bougainville election on track; will cost K6 million
Planning for the Autonomous Bougainville Government general election is on schedule and writs will be issued on 26 March, says Bougainville Electoral Commissioner, Reitama Taravaru.
Mr Taravaru said the common roll update is also on schedule and the roll will be ready two weeks before polling.
He said Bougainville will use its own home-grown electoral roll for this year’s election, which will cost K6 million to run.
Bougainville women encouraged to run for parliament
Bougainville Electoral Commissioner, Leitama Taravaru, says more women should be engaged in election work on Bougainville.
Speaking at the official opening of a Gender and Election workshop in Buka, Mr Taravaru said he strongly believes more women should be administrators during election preparation and polling.
He said during past elections women had proven to be impartial and good workers.
The workshop, sponsored by Fiji-based UNIFEM, is encouraging more women to stand in the ABG general election this year.
New Dawn FM understands that many of the 50 participants are intending candidates.
The workshop also aims to raise media awareness of the issue of gender balance.

New Background Story: My Ordeal
Neue Hintergrund Story: Mein Martyrium
Nouveau témoignage d'arrière plan: mon martyre
Axel G. Sturm:
The Big Sell-Out.
While most German investors who held unsponsored Bougainville Copper American Deposit Receipts (ADR) changed their equities into ordinary Bougainville Copper shares, American investors seem to be dumb and ignorant and did not. In consequence ADR emitting companies are actually getting rid of their Bougainville Copper shares for a ridiculous price of more or less AU$ 0.50. This scenario was first seen in February 2010. But now international hedge funds seem watching out for an excellent deal: In the fourth biggest exchange in Bougainville Copper shares ever, more than 1.2 million shares were traded yesterday, Monday March 8th in Sydney. Therefore, investors should not be surprised if there should be bigger blocks of shares exchanged within the next days or even weeks. It is also possible that there are Chinese investors behind that scheme: As everybody knows, the “8” is the Chinese lucky number!
Der große Ausverkauf.
Während die meisten deutsche Investoren, die ungesponsorte Bougainville Copper ADRs hielten, von ihrem Recht Gebrauch machten, diese in Original Aktien zu tauschen, scheinen amerikanische Anleger taub und ignorant gewesen zu sein. Sie unternahmen offensichtlich nichts. Demzufolge verschleudern derzeit diejenigen Banken, die ADRs herausgegeben haben, ihre Restbestände an Originalaktien zum lächerlichen Preis von +/- AU$ 0,50. Ein Szenario, das erstmalig im Februar 2010 zu beobachten war. Doch schon scheinen auch internationale Hedgefonds ein gutes Geschäft zu wittern: So wurden gestern, am Montag den 8. März in Sydney - im viertgrößten Umsatz in Bougainville Copper Aktien aller Zeiten - sage und schreibe mehr als 1,2 Millionen Aktien umgesetzt. Anleger sollten deshalb nicht überrascht sein, wenn in den nächsten Tagen und Wochen größere Aktienpakete ihren Besitzer wechseln. Es könnten auch chinesische Investoren hinter diesen Aktionen stecken: Bekanntlich ist die „8“ die chinesische Glückszahl schlechthin!
It's time for a change...and it's time to change the time!
Die Zeiten ändern sich...und es ist Zeit, die Zeit zu ändern!
Source: Post-Courier
NEC approves five powers
CABINET last week approved the transfer of five symbolic powers to the Autonomous Bougainville Government, President James Tanis has announced.
The five symbolic powers are:
* Public holidays
* Home affairs including youth and social welfare,
* Time zones
* Sports and recreation and
* liquor.
This means that immediately after the transfer, Bougainville will now have its own time zone, public holidays and will run its own affairs on the other issues detailed above.
Deputy Prime Minister Dr Puka Temu announced the transfer last week and conferred the message to ABG President Tanis who then announced it to the people of Bougainville yesterday.
“I will comment on the NEC’s approval when I see the actual NEC decision on the transfer of the five powers to the ABG,” Mr Tanis said when briefing the BEC meeting recently. The ABG made its request recommending to the NEC to immediately transfer the five symbolic powers during the Joint Supervisory Body meeting held at Gaire village, outside of Port Moresby on February 12, 2009.” The other matters which have been resolved in the last JSB recently and are subjected to implementation.
Giant Exchange in Bougainville Copper (BOC) on ASX (Sydney):
Volume: 1.204.132 shares (AU$ 582,193)
Riesenumsatz in Bougainville Copper (BOC) an der ASX (Sydney):
Volumen: 1.204.132 Aktien (AU$ 582,193)
NEW: All BCL Annual Reports as PDF here!
NEU: Alle BCL Geschäftsberichte hier als PDF!
NOUVEAU: Tous les rapports de gestion de BCL comme PDF!
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville referendum on path
PREPARATIONS for the referendum on the future political status of Bougainville are now before the drawing board, Autonomous Bougainville President James Tanis announced this week.
“At its last meeting, the JSB (Joint Supervisory Body) agreed to establish a working group,” Mr Tanis said.
The working group was directed to keep the two governments fully informed through annual reports to the JSB on issues that needed the two governments’ attention over the next two to three years.
He advised the working group, made up of the Chief Secretary, the Bougainville chief administrator, the Director of the National Co-ordinating office of Bougainville Affairs, the principal legal advisor to the ABG, the National Electoral Commissioner and the Bougainville Electoral Commissioner.
Their task is to investigate constitutional, legal, administrative and financial matters that may need to be considered in preparing for the conduct of referendum on the future political status of Bougainville.
The matters on which the working group is required to provide the two governments informed through annual reports include:
l THE date for staging the referendum
l WEAPONS disposal and compliance with internationally accepted standards of good governance in the context
l ENACTMENT of legislative framework establishing the qualifications for non-resident Bougainvilleans to cast vote in the referendum,
l THE administrative arrangements for the conduct of the referendum and the
l EVALUATION of the adequacy of the constitutional/legal framework for the conduct of referendum.
“The working group has to date not had the opportunity to meet to consider these matters.
“It is anticipated that the working group will meet during the course of the year to consider proposals developed by the ABG, which will constitute the starting point for the discussions of an annual report, at this stage, expected by the working group to be ready for presentations to the JSB before the end of 2010,” Mr Tanis said.
PNG to feature in mining convention
Papua New Guinea’s profile as the preferred destination for mineral investment, will be featured prominently at the 2010 mining convention in Toronto, Canada from today to Thursday.
The mining convention is a prestigious annual global mining convention which is hosted by the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC).
The convention features:
* Exchange forum, offering up-to-the minute information on the activities and investment potential of the hottest exploration and development companies
* Over 350 trade show exhibits showcasing non mining companies and governments from around the globe
* Over 550 resource companies exhibiting in the investors exchange
* Dynamic luncheon speakers
*Superb social programme offering the industry’s best networking opportunities and more
PNG is one of many countries that will wave out to the market, its mineral potential at this event, which normally attracts more than 120 countries, 20,000 attendees and over 1000 exhibitors annually.
The PNG delegation which left on Thursday for Toronto, comprised representatives from the Mineral Resources Authority, the department of Mineral Policy and Geohazards Management and other government agencies.Members of the PNG mining industry are participating at the event include the PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum, Marengo Mining Ltd, Woodlark Mining, Allied Gold, Highlands Pacific, Titan Mines, Papuan Precious Metals, Vangold and Niugini Guinea Gold. PNG is attending with a lot of optimism and excitement about the opportunities that will be available, in terms of successfully promoting
PNG as the preferred destination for mineral exploration and mining, and ultimately attracting more mineral investment into PNG. The country has a huge mineral resource base that will be marketed.
The PNG delegation said they were confident given the positive investment climate, market prices and the international demand for minerals, in the countrywill be promoted and marketed.
The delegation will promote and encourage the concept of responsible and sustainable mining.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
PNG set to transfer powers to Bougainville government
The National Executive Council (NEC) has finally approved the Five Symbolic Powers to be transferred to the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
The NEC made the approval at a special sitting to address the issue following the completion of the last JSB meeting in Port Moresby.
President James Tanis in a press conference that the NEC was now in session to address the five powers to be transferred to Bougainville.
However he told New Dawn FM that the Deputy Prime Minister had communicated with him the result of the NEC meeting which was in favour of Bougainville.
A date would then be set on the formal announcement and when the implementation would be implemented.
Other areas discussed by the JSB also include capacity building for the Mining division and the initial draw down of mining power to the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
Posted at 10:52 AM
Vice-president reassures on ABG risk allowance
ABG Vice President, Izikiel Massat, says his Government will support Bougainville public servants to get their long awaited risk allowance.
He told a press conference that the issue was not with the ABG as the risk allowance was an issue discussed between the PEA and the PNG national government.
Mr Massat said PEA members have agreed not to disturb the Bougainville elections as the matter is now with the Department of Personnel Management.
He explained that the Department had different dates from the dates by which the PEA wants its members paid, resulting in the deadlock.
The Vice President said that if these issues are settled payment could be made.
He said that the Human Resources Division of ABG has done its bit to identify all public servants that are entitled to this Risk Allowance.
Posted at 10:49 AM
Power, budget talks between Bougainville, PNG governments
ABG President, James Tanis, and his delegation have returned from Port Moresby after attending the last Joint Supervisory Board meeting.
In a press conference at Buka Airport, Mr Tanis said that the last JSB meeting addressed the drawdown of the five symbolic powers already agreed upon.
He said it also cemented talks on the K15 million shortfall from the national budget.
The first K5 million will be transferred urgently to cover immediate issues like preparations for the general election.
Mr Tanis said he was satisfied that within the last twelve months his cabinet had been able to do many things despite its limited capacity.
He said that the NEC was deliberating on the drawdown of power and an announcement would be made soon on the date of implementation.
Posted at 10:46 AM
Panguna dialogue resumes after death of Minister
Officials from the Mining Division and their Port Moresby counterparts have visited Panguna to continue dialogue with the landowners.
This was the second visit to Panguna for the team who were invited by former Natural Resources Minister and Member for Ioro, the late Dr Benedict Pisi.
Dr Pisi had earlier invited Deputy Prime Minister Sir Puka Temu to visit Panguna.
But the visit was the first since Dr Pisi’s death and was designed to continue the earlier dialogue.
ABG President, James Tanis, also accompanied the team to Arawa.
Posted at 10:42 AM
Source: Post-Courier
ABG election warning
By Peterson Tseraha
THE Autonomous Bougainville Government received a stern warning yesterday that there will be no elections unless they pay the money they promised to factions in South Bougainville who were loyal to the Government.
The factions in Buin who were working alongside police are as follows, the Buin freedom fighters (BFF), Mongai home guards (MHG) Wisai liberation movement (WILMO) and the Peace Struggling Force (PSF) all made a joint media statement yesterday.
Mongai home guards spokes person Geroge Kiu said ABG president James Tanis made a promise of K200,000 to them and the other factions as well and never payed up.
“We are now tired of hearing empty promises and we are tired of being used as laborers of the ABG, we have worked with the Bougainville police to uphold law and order, and we were promised allowances in which we were never paid and that is so frustrating, so before the elections we must get paid if not then forget about the elections.” Mr Kiu said.
“We can stop this election and we know how to stop it, ABG is being entertaining other people and completely forgot about us, the very people who are looking after ABG in Buin.”He said.
These factions in south Bougainville were formed by mainly ex combatant’s former Resistance and BRA fighters when lawlessness went out of hand in South.
The factions formed have worked alongside the police ever since and on the president’s visit they were promised money and up to this day they never got anything.
“We were in the middle of a big operation in Buin when the ABG president intervened and stopped us, as a result of the operation being stopped some killings were committed by the perpetrators of the Mekamui faction.” Mr Kiu said.
“We could have already being in our own home now if we were being paid our promised money and if we do not get paid we will stop the election from going on in our area.” he said.
“This can be seen as a possible threat towards the ABG but we had respect because the president is our leader that is why we stopped fighting with the Mekamui”. Mr Kiu said.
Business booms as Bougainville steps ahead
SINCE peace was first brokered between the warring factions on Bougainville, small entrepreneurs saw the opportunity to help them rebuild from the ruins of the 20-year conflict.
These are the years when the banks were non-existent and you started a business with whatever money you had hidden under your pillows.
Small businesses especially trade stores sprung in nearly all corners of Buka Island and throughout Bougainville. The bigger players during those years expanded quickly while the smaller ones also had a part to play in the economy rebuilding process on Bougainville.
Companies that started small and became big time players include Buka Metal Fabricators, Eagle Hardware and many in the hospitality industry including Kuri Lodge, Hani’s Inn to name a few.
These companies have become household names on Bougainville. Then there are companies from other parts of Papua New Guinea that have been operating on the island mainly in the copra and cocoa buying businesses. These companies also helped in the rebuilding of lives shattered by the war.
Autonomous Bougainville Government President James Tanis has applauded the commitment of these small businesses owned by Bougainvilleans saying “what we should all be proud of is that these businesses are 100 per cent owned by Bougainvilleans”.
He says these companies are also providing employment opportunities for Bougainvilleans and will be the backbone of the economy of Bougainville into the future.
“I am happy to say that these small businesses are owned and operated by Bougainvilleans and we should all be proud of them,” Mr Tanis said.
“At the same time I am encouraging our small businessmen and women to register their businesses with the Investment Promotion Authority and also with the Internal Revenue Commission and start paying taxes to the Government.”
He said if the businesses were properly registered and pay their taxes, the Government could be in a better position to assist them by reinvesting the money paid as taxes into schemes that could expand small businesses.
Despite the many obstacles they face, many small businesses on Bougainville still open their doors to serve Bougainvilleans.
Small businessmen and women from Bougainville have ventured into selling trade store goods, second hand clothes, hardware, liquor and also have small workshops for fixing motor vehicles.
They have an association known as the Bougainville Business Association headed and run by Bougainvilleans.
Today, with the establishment of the Bank South Pacific branch on Buka Island, small businessmen and women are recognised as playing an important role in the society and they have easy access to getting loans and doing banking transactions.
The establishment of the Nation- wide Micro bank is also a bonus for the small businessmen and women as it will now be easier to have access to small loans.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Bougainville is to get a permanent Administrator
The issue of a permanent administrator for Bougainville is to be settled once and for all.
This was the assurance given by ABG President, James Tanis, who said applications will be called and a permanent appointment made.
Mr Tanis said a new job description has been issued for the position.
He said that previously the job description was not suited to Bougainville and it was useful that no appointment had been made until now.
Bougainville general election will cost K6.6M
The second ABG general election WILL cost K6.6 million according to acting Bougainville Administrator, Raymond Masono.
Mr Masono said that one million kina has been already spent preparing for the election, including common roll updates and awareness programs.
He said other major issues, including security, have not yet been addressed.
Mr Masono said funds will be sourced from the ABG, the PNG national government and donor partners.
As in the past, independent observers from the United States, Australia and New Zealand will be present during the election.
The writ for the election will be issued on Friday 26 March.
Source: Radio New Zealand international
Posted at 18:23 on 04 March, 2010 UTC
Bougainville Involves all the Community in Peace Building Initiatives
The autonomous government in the Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville has taken a new approach to peace building.
Dennis Kuiai, who heads the newly established Division of Peace, Reconciliation and Weapons Disposal, says they are trying to ensure the entire community is involved, rather than focussing solely on the ex-combatants.
He says there’s more knowledge now of how violence is often a sparked by those sidelined by development.
Before, the ABG had little to do with militant rebel communities but Mr Kuiai says they are now intervening and it’s having positive results.
“By intervention I mean that we intervene with projects that would address the real needs that would then make way or give way for the weapons to be considered or looked into,, leading onto weapons disposal. That approach seems to be working very well in central and south Bougainville.”
A Career in Bougainville
Eine Karriere in Bougainville
Source: Post-Courier
From Mr Shit to Mr Prosperity
IT’S been 12 years since this humble Buka man collected cans and bottles to sell for a living and six years of being Buka town’s Mr Shit, collecting faeces for K300 a day, to get to where he is now.
A grade six dropout, even through college of distance education, 46-year-old Philip Kunes had hopes he would prosper in life.
He comes from Hanpan village in Buka. This area is one of the three least developed villages in North Bougainville.
This was a factor that pushed Kunes to move further and look for greener pastures, especially to develop his area.
He completed grade six in 1979 and being one of the youngest, he did not want to miss out in life.
The following year he started to cut grass for the local church and collected rubbish in the school to earn himself a PMV fare to Arawa, where his sister was working.
He managed to secure a job at the then Arawa Enterprises Limited, one of the biggest supermarkets in the region, as a shop assistant where he worked until early 1984.
He left AEL to join Burns Philp, still as a shop assistant in Arawa.
In that year he enrolled at the Arawa College of Distance Education (CODE) under the leadership of John Masiu to upgrade his grade six, seven and eight marks.
He did CODE for three years and couldn’t continue to grade nine because of school fee problems.
“I had at least some experience in my English-speaking or I could understand English with my upgrade of grade six, seven and eight. But I could not get my certificates because I had to complete grades nine and 10 in order to get my certificates.
“I gave up my education but still had high hopes in securing little jobs that could sustain my living in Arawa,” Kunes explained in tok pisin.
In 1986, Kunes left Burns Philp and moved on to the Bougainville Bakery where he became a driver, at times the delivery boy and several occasions as a baker or pastry chef. He worked there until the Bougainville cisis broke out in 1989. The bakery was still operational the following year until the ceasefire when all businesses were ordered to close down. That’s when he took to the bushes of Kieta to join the rebels to fight the soldiers.
He patrolled the roads of Kieta-Kokopau and the bushes of Kieta as one of the fighters from 1990 until 1992 when he surrendered and travelled back home to Hanpan where he started his coconut plantation. He was a plantation boy from 1992 to 1997.
“I felt it was time for me to go look for a job in town as I had had enough of working in the plantation,” Mr Kunes said.
“I landed myself a job with Buka Enterprises as a baker, in fact I started their Buka Bakery in 1997 and in 1998 I ran away and left the company to start my own little business.”
In 1998 Kunes started collecting cans and bottles all over Buka town. He managed to secure a 24-foot container where he kept his bottles and cans and in that year he acquired a piece of land which he now runs his business from.
He bought this piece of land in 1998 for K300 as a bond fee and a year later he started leasing it from the landowners for K100 a month. He also started building two saksak houses and a canvas house to live in and a year later he bought two ovens and started baking 50 bread a day to sell for K2 each to shops. He was making K100 a day to supplement his bottle and can collection.
“I would also cook food for the government workers during election periods and on other occasions that helped me supplement my bottle collection business,” he said.
He would also bake cakes to sell and this little business was gaining momentum until 2004, when he had enough money to buy himself a tractor at K2500 from the Buka Town Council. With the tractor, he secured a small contract with the Buka General Hospital for K300 day doing plumbing work and from then on, he started collecting faeces in the whole of Buka town for K300 a day until he managed to build himself an empire.
“I learnt to be a plumber on the job and two years later I built myself a guest house with 21 rooms to rent to corporate houses, an office space and three shops that I am renting out to customers,” he said.
“With this shit business I managed to send three of my children to international school. My business dropped a bit two years later and I had to pull my children out of the school and put them in government schools for a year but this year, I am considering the international school again because I want the best for my children,” he said.
“I did not have the luxury of education and through my children they will have to complete all grades and I will invest in their education because I did not have the opportunity.
“What I have now, as my major business, all started from bottle/can collecting, being Mr Shit and being humble to prosper,” he said shyly.
“I’ve learnt something in life, you don’t need a degree from university to start a business, a thought that always haunted me. I’ve proven anyone can become a businessman or woman only through sheer hard work and commitment,” he said.