News 09.2010
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Minister for Bougainville Affairs and Regional member for Bougainville FIDELIS SEMOSO last week called on the people of Atamo to refrain from taking drugs and support the ABG in its efforts to develop Bougainville.
MR. SEMOSO said that if there is no law and order no investor would want to come to Bougainville.
He told the people of Atamo that even though Bougainville is blessed with all kinds of minerals as long as there is no law and order we will remain the same.
The Bougainville Affairs Minister was in Atamo Primary School at the invitation of the School’s Board of Management.
Semoso gave Five Thousand Kina to the Atamo Women’s Association and also the Atamo Primary School.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tom Kathoa
Parents and guardians of Grade Ten students attending the Devare Seventh Day Adventist High School in the Tinputz District have been urged to complete their 2010 school fee payments before the end of the school year.
Failure by to pay the total school fee would result in the withholding of the student’s school certificates by the school.
This is the stern warning from the Devare High School Principal, Mr. Enoch David to parents, guardians and students during the school’s first grade ten graduation ceremony yesterday.
Mr. David said grade ten students owe the school more than twenty-thousand kina in outstanding school fees.
He also said parents and guardians owe the school more than fifty-Thousand kina for this year.
And, he warned that the school may be forced to close early due to lack of money to keep it operating till its normal closure in December.
Mr. David said the money has been worsened by the empty promise of the ABG Government to pay its 40% subsidy for the student’s school fees.
The ABG school fee assistance will not be possible this year, due to financial problem faced by the government.
Grade ten students with outstanding school fees would not be given their school certificates until they have completed all outstanding.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tom Kathoa
The two year old Devare SDA High School in Tinputz, North Bougainville saw its first grade ten student’s graduate from the school this week.
More than eighty pioneer students both male and female passed out of the school after a two year stint at the school.
Their graduation was witnessed by several leaders including the Member for North Bougainville in the National Parliament and Minister for Higher Education, Hon Michael Ogio.
The graduates were presented with the school’s own grade ten certificates during the ceremony.
It was explained that the National Grade Ten School Certificates would be presented to them when they arrive in December.
Education Minister Ogio and other speakers challenged students to strive for the best while studying.
An educated population would result in a progressive and prosperous Papua New Guinea.
Source: Post-Courier
Panguna mine answer to reviving economy
BOUGAINVILLE seriously needs a major impact project to pump its economy back to reality especially when the region has less than 10 years already towards referendum and independence, Bougainville Affairs Minister Fidelis Semoso said.
And Mr Semoso says the Bougainville copper mine is an ideal answer for Bougainville’s economy, provided all issues are sorted out quickly and the Autonomous Bougainville Government in conjunction with the National Government address the issues surrounding it.
Mr Semoso has been singing out everywhere that Bougainville can boast about the cocoa and coconut it has, or the marine resources it brags about, but the autonomous government still needs the copper mine to re-open so that all problems on economy of the region can be solved.
“Yes, revenue from copra and cocoa before the crisis used to bring to Bougainville’s economy K60 to K70 million a year.
“We also speak about seven other mines not yet operated in Bougainville and many more things that we talk about that can bring money into Bougainville.
“These new mines will take may be 10 years, agriculture can help but not so much at this time, the Panguna mine will take about three to five years and surely we can get back to where we were or better before the crisis.
“Our education system has gone really down, our health services are just picking up, classrooms in all remote and town schools are run down, no libraries or no computer labs and we seriously need an impact project like the mine to get us back to our feet, this time more than what he used to gain before the crisis,” Mr Semoso said.
Semoso echoed how the Bougainville Copper Agreement was still one of the best blue prints in place and appealed for all stakeholders in PNG and the ABG to come together and seriously address the BCL issue so that real development can start taking place.
He said it was a serious matter for the landowners and the PNG Government should seriously come to one table and review the Agreement or talk about the issues at stake so they see what they can do.
Mr Semoso is planning on making a visit to meet with the landowners and stakeholders of Panguna to seek first hand their views. He wants to do that before the getting to the National Government for any updates.
Source: Post-Courier
Semoso: Respect mothers
WITHOUT women, Bougainville will not be where it is today. Imagine if the women of Bougainville went on strike for one day and refused to cook for the family, what will be the result? Families will go hungry and many more criminal activities will come about!
“People of Bougainville, mama istap na yumi stap!” this is the line of message Minister for Bougainville Affairs Fidelis Semoso has been sending out to the whole of Bougainville everywhere he goes for his electoral visits.
He has been carrying out his own awareness for the youths and children of Bougainville to listen to their mothers or the women of Bougainville when they speak about issues affecting the communities they live in.
How children, youth and men should listen and pay respect to women of Bougainville when they talk about saying no to marijuana and the threats and problems the weapons and the drugs create for women of Bougainville and the society.
Mr Semoso has been appealing to the people of Bougainville to respect women and mothers who are working tirelessly to help create awareness on a safer community for the young and the future of their communities.
For the past two years, Mr Semoso has changed his way of allocating funds for communities projects - he’s pumped mini funds into womens groups in most communities especially in most rural areas where the government cannot easily reach and funding their small or in Bougainville they call them Liklik Kristen Komuniti (LKK or BKK).
He’s financed women groups in remote Pinepel and Nissan islands, women groups in Buka, women groups in Manetai, women groups in Tinputz and women groups in Kieta and is already got a line-up to visit to women groups in south Bougainville.
“I have a lot of respect and a lot of confidence in women or ol mama bilong yumi,” Mr Semoso said. “My presentation of funds to these womens groups all over Bougainville is to empower them, give them money to hold so that they start little projects that will keep their community, their families and the region at peace.
“It’s time now we recognise women of Bougainville from right down to village level so that they too can help us create awareness and help move Bougainville forward.”
Source: Post-Courier's Drum
High and dry
Buka is running dry. There is no rain. For a long while that even all water tanks in town have run dry. Yesterday a company took to a nearby fast flowing creek to fetch water, only to confront a non-Bougainvillean charging K5 for every container container filled. Talking about turning a bad situation around to make some quick money.
Cats and dogs
And while those in Buka town are running to their creeks for water, it is raining cats and dogs on the other side of the Buka Passage. It has been raining on mainland Bougainville for months, that flooding is a serious concern now. Nature certainly works in mysterious ways.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville shows the way
BOUGAINVILLE’S peace process program officially known as “the Bougainville solution”, one that helped resolve the 10-year conflict may be a good example for neighbouring countries to adopt, a human rights activist has advised.
The activist has referred to the conflicts in Fiji, Indonesia and West Papua. The Bougainville solution process was used in Solomon Islands, when former rebel leader Harold Keke took Honiara under siege.
The United Nations has also praised the manner in which Bougainville helped resolve its crisis problems. Offers are now being made for these war-ravaged neighbouring countries to use the Bougainville solution to resolve their conflicts, depending on the issues surrounding them.
In a statement this week from New Zealand, one of the human rights activist Maire Leadbeater, who talked about Indonesia and West Papua, said while there was no offer from the New Zealand government to mediate talks between representatives of these areas, she was confident Wellington could draw on similar diplomacy tools which helped to resolve the 10-year Bougainville civil war.
“New Zealand needs to follow the ‘Bougainville solution’ and facilitate peaceful dialogue between representatives of Indonesia and West Papua instead of supporting the status quo and ongoing repression of West Papuans,” she said in a statement.
“There is still time for New Zealand to make a new beginning and put the aspirations of the Papuan people first, before the need to please Indonesia,” says Leadbeater.
Source: Post-Courier
Jail at Bekut to open for Bougainville
CS Minister Tony Aimo and Bougainville President John Momis to sign MOA
THE Autonomous Region of Bougainville will soon have a new jail.
A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between Papua New Guinea Correctional Service and the Autonomous Government of Bougainville will be signed this week by the Minister for Correctional Service Tony Aimo and President of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville John Momis to pave way for the opening of the new jail.
The MOA comes after almost 21 years since the burning down of Kuveria prison at the start of the Bougainville crisis in 1989.
Mr Aimo is confirmed to travel to the region and the signing will take place on Thursday
The MOA document is basically on the operation and establishment of Bekut Correctional Institution facility on the land of Gengan called Bekut, on Southeast of Buka Island.
It identifies which areas of responsibilities CS and ABG administration will be responsible for after the establishment and operation of the prison. It is believed that ABG will look into infrastructure maintenance, accommodation of detainees and staff, perimeter fencing and electrical lightings plus water supplies.
CS is providing custodial staff, salaries, rations and uniforms, office stationeries and training for both staff and detainees.
A temporary jail is now under construction in Bekut on Buka Island that will accommodate 40 low risk detainees while awaiting the full construction of a permanent prison facility.
Currently construction work on staff accommodation, administration block, temporary compound perimeter fence, a double dormitory for detainees, temporary mess , and toilet and shower facilities are is underway.
Construction of this temporary jail came about after the National Court made an order against CS, police and ABG, citing human rights violation of prisoners stemming from overcrowding and unhygienic condition at the police cells in Buka which holds both convicts and remandees.
Source: Post-Courier
Forum in Arawa
THE veteran affairs ministry in the Autonomous Bougainville Government will be hosting a public forum in Arawa tomorrow.
The forum will cover weapons disposal, Veterans Holdings Limited report, law and order, and update to ex-combatants about the ABG parliament house.
Pioneer Bougainville provincial government member, and former Defence minister in Me’ekamui, and present Veterans affairs minister David Sisito said the main aim of the forum is for combatants and the public to express their views and to ask questions.
“Apart from public opinions we will also be telling the public on the latest of the veteran’s affairs, and weapons disposal,” Mr Sisito said. “More importantly I as the veteran’s minister will stress the importance of weapons disposal.
Mr Sisito said it is now time to invite investors into Bougainville as soon as possible, and invest in a gun-free Bougainville and our people have to enjoy life.
The speaker of the ABG parliament Andrew Miriki will also be present at the forum, to tell the people about the ABG parliament
Source: Panguna Landowner Association (PLA)
Still under construction, but already online :
The brand-new homepage of the Panguna Landowners !
Noch im Aufbau, aber schon online :
Die brandneue Homepage der Panguna Landowners !

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Veronica Hannette
The Minister for Correctional Service, Tony Aimo and Deputy Commissioner Operations, Henry Wavik arrived in Buka this morning on official visit to Bougainville.
The team was welcomed at the Buka airport by the Acting Chief administrator, Raymond Masono and a cultural group from Hangan Village who performed the traditional welcome ceremony of washing feet.
The team would be visiting the Bekut Prison cells on Buka island before the newly completed facility can be declared for official Gazettal.
The team returns to Port Moresby on Friday.
Tony Aimo and Henry Wavik at Buka Airport
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Food safety awareness in Buka
THE National Health Department will conduct a 1 day awareness on the new food safety law tomorrow in Buka. Food Safety Technical Advisor Rose Kavanamur was in Buka for a week and has been working with Environment Health officers to identify food borne issues.
Speaking on Bougainvilee’s New Dawn FM today, Mrs. Kavanamur said many new diseases has evolved nowadays due to the effects of climate change and global warming, that created the need for the enactment of new food laws to protect our people.
All food retailers, hoteliers, restaurants, food bars and even street vendors are urged to attend the 1 day workshop. Food inspectors from the Health Department will be inspecting all food sellers after the awareness workshop. Those who are found to breach the new law will be penalized accordingly.
Mrs. Kavanamur said one very important aspects of food safety is how food is prepared before its being sold for public consumption.
The National Government has signed an agreement with the world trade organization allowing free trade between countries in the world. Many imported food come into country and the Health Department need to regulate these food imports.
The new Food Law was passed by the National Executive Council in 2007. It aims to protect food that the public consumed.
Source: ESBC
Die wundersame Börsenwelt der Baader Bank.
von Axel G. Sturm
Die Resonanz auf die Initiative der ESBC, den permanenten XETRA-Handel für Bougainville Copper einzuführen, ließ nicht lange auf sich warten: Alarmiert durch die Fülle des Posteingangs meldete sich am Montag ein Sachbearbeiter der Baader Bank München per Email und forderte kategorisch die Entfernung der Mailadresse der Bank von der ESBC Homepage. Begründung: Die Bank sei ausschließlich für den Parketthandel, nicht aber für die Änderung des XETRA-Handels zuständig. Das mag so sein.
Ein Telefonanruf brachte indes weitere Aufklärung: Die Baader Bank habe “überhaupt kein Interesse daran, an der derzeitigen Situation etwas zu ändern“, schließlich verdiene man ja am Parketthandel, was bei XETRA eben nicht so wäre. Anders gesagt: Die Baader Bank hat offensichtlich keinerlei Interesse daran, unterstützend dabei mitzuwirken, nationalen und internationalen Investoren an den deutschen Börsen eine geeignete, zukunftsorientierte Handelsplattform zur Verfügung zu stellen. Und dies, obwohl einige andere Aktien, die sowohl auf dem Parkett, als auch permanent auf Xetra mit vergleichbar hohen Umsätzen gehandelt werden, durchaus als erfolgreiches Beispiel dafür herhalten könnten, dass ein harmonisches Nebeneinander beider Märkte möglich ist.
Auch die Nachfrage der ESBC, wer denn als Marketmaker für Bougainville Copper zuständig sei, wurde seitens Baader mit Ignoranz quittiert: Man habe keinerlei Grund, solche Informationen weiterzugeben.
Derartige Geheimniskrämerei und kurzsichtiges Denken ermutigen wahrhaft nicht, Vertrauen bei Investoren aufzubauen. Eher lässt beides den Verdacht aufkeimen, dass zu Lasten der Anleger die eigene Pfründe um jeden Preis verteidigt werden soll - selbst um den Preis, der eigenen Glaubwürdigkeit. Transparenz und Fair Play in finanziellen Angelegenheiten scheint offensichtlich im Hause Baader Bank nicht gerade zu den Generaltugenden zu gehören. Wen mag es da noch wundern, dass es gerade die Banken waren, die die jüngste Finanzkrise ausgelöst haben.
Tröstlich ist da allenfalls die Aussicht, dass das Geschäftsmodell derartiger Institute mittelfristig ein Auslaufmodell sein dürfte, das sich bald, sehr bald überholt haben wird.
Nun ist es an der Deutschen Börse AG, die entscheidenden Schritte zu unternehmen, um allen Anlegern exakt die Plattform anzubieten, die sie wünschen.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Regional member for Bougainville and Minister for Bougainville Affairs, FIDELIS SEMOSO has committed FIFTY THOUSAND KINA towards the setting up of a Bougainville’s Disaster and Emergency Fund for Bougainville.
He told a press conference this morning that he supported the move by the Bougainville Disaster and Emergency office to raise funds on Bougainville for emergency programs.
Last week, six COE chairmen’s on Buka island and the Atolls announced the setting up of the Disaster fund to be managed by the Disaster and Emergency section of the Division of Local Level Government.
Launching for the fundraising drive would be announced soon with plans for Wheelbarrow push in all COE’s on Buka island.
The Regional member will be heading the wheelbarrow push in Buka town.
Meanwhile the Regional member has called on the Business Houses in Buka town to support the fundraising drive.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Soditha Lavett
The National Minister for Correctional Services Tony Aimo will arrive in Buka tomorrow, to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Beikut Land owners in the Peit Constituency.
The minister will inspect the site where the government will construct a prison cell in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
Upon his arrival, the minister will pay a courtesy call to the president of the ABG Chief John Momis, Minister for Police, Correctional Services Law and Justice Leo Hannett and the Bougainville Chief Administrator Lawrence Disin..
The Ministerial delegation will then travel to Beikut on Thursday accompanied by Minister Hannet and the Bougainville Administration Officials.
A welcome ceremony has been organized by the land owners and village chief Paul Kerouh.
The delegation returns to Port Moresby on Friday.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Regional Member for Bougainville and Bougainville Affairs Minister, FIDELIS SEMOSO today appealed to Bougainville leaders especially the ABG members and the National parliamentarians to support the fundraising drive to raise funds for Emergency purposes.
MR. SEMOSO said that Bougainville is prone to Natural and man made disasters and must have funds ready available if disaster strikes.
He said many deaths occur not because of the disaster but because the assistance needed is not immediately at hand.
MR. SEMOSO also said that Bougainville must stop begging and try to raise its own revenue to help its people.
He said Bougainvilleans used to be self reliant until the crises that has completely made them became beggers’ on their own land.
The Minister wants the people to change from these negative attitudes.
Source: Post-Courier
Help continue program
AT least 50 per cent or more of marriages in Bougainville during the war period were forced and maintained under the barrel of a gun, a peace foundation non-government organisation executive has confirmed.
Most of these marriages are falling apart and families are facing a lot of problems because of the way they were forced to marry.
At least every community in the region will have experienced rape and murder between the periods of the war and peace-building in Bougainville.
This is from the Bougainville centre for peace executive Clarence Dency, who echoed this last week when speaking about how the organisation was struggling financially to maintain it’s operations in the region.
It was initially called Peace Foundation but changed it’s name to suit Bougainville. The programs are still the same and with an aim to carry out major awareness programs on reconciliation training, awareness on issues affecting the community and families, crisis related issues, solving problems within the community and families, and the issues concerning Wisai — one of the problem areas of Bougainville.
Mr Dency told the Post-Courier from Manetai last week that they were not getting any more support from the Law and Justice Sector Program, the ABG and the National Government.
Mr Dency said their program on Wisai was slowing down because there were no funds to carry out awareness there.
Mr Dency also said that not much effort was given to the drug and alcohol awareness that the centre was engaged and that literally their operations were coming to a halt .
Mr Dency cornered Minister for Bougainville Affairs Fidelis Semoso in Manetai to ask him for funds to continue their awareness on peace, reconciliation, weapons disposal and drugs in all of Bougainville.
“Over the years, we’ve talked to families who have talked about how they were falling apart,” Mr Dency said.
“Yes, many of the marriages in Bougainville between 1989 and 2000 have been forced marriages (under the barrel of a gun).
“We’ve found them to be mostly BRAs and these marriages are now facing problems.
“We’ve also found out there are many rape cases and murders in all of these years.
“It is now time to rebuild and create total peace among all Bougainvilleans and we need a concerted effort to solve this once and for all,” said Mr Dency.
Source: Post-Courier
Manetai children get special visit
For as long as they live, these young kids of Manetai in Central Bougainville will remember their Regional MP and Minister for Bougainville Affairs Fidelis Semoso.
There are two reasons for this: first, the children heard about the Minister coming to their remote hamlet, and made it their business to meet him; and secondly, they put their leader on the spot with a special heartfelt plea to be educated.
Mr Semoso was so touched by the efforts of the children that he gave them K100 each to buy books, pencils and rulers so they could attend the nearest school.
The boys are Edmun carried by John Dovitupa (left); Mr Fidelis Semoso carrying little Luke Dovitupa, his big brother Alex Dovitupa (right) with their friend Brendon. To understand their dilemma, we have to figure out their location. Their village is Atamo which is in Manetai, a mountain region in Central Bougainville. During the Bougainville crisis, Manetai was a rebel stronghold and hot spot for armed conflict. Now that normalcy has returned, the children of the crisis are anxious to receive education.
But the conflict exacted a terrible price on the local population as well as the government established public utilities including schools, many of which were burnt to the ground.
Under a rebuilding and healing process, Government services are slowly returning to many remote communities like Atamo but the process is painfully slow, exacerbated by bureaucratic red tape in Waigani and Buka.
The nearest school for these children is Atamo Primary School, located on top of a high mountain. To get to school, John and Alex have to trudge up the forested mountain for nearly four hours. But the boys are willing and the Minister was forgiving.
To help them make their dreams come true, the Minister forked out enough cash for the children to buy themselves some decent clothes and some school material for the daily assault on Mount Atamo.
However, the nearest shop is in Arawa and that is another long challenge for the boys.
The case of the Dovitupa brothers is not isolated to Manetai. It is familiar all over Bougainville and has a far reaching consequence all over Papua New Guinea.
Also to help other kids attending Atamo, Minister Semoso increased his funding for remote schools from K10,000 to K25,000 per year.
The two little boys Edmun and Brendon, who only speak their local Asikopan language, told Mr Semoso that when they finish school, they would like to be politicians like him.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tom Kathoa
Increased revenue and wealth created by the LNG Project in the Highlands Region has forced the National Government to prepare a Supplementary Budget says the Member for North Bougainville, Hon Michael Ogio.
The LNG Gas Project is in the Southern Highlands Province and is the single largest revenue earner for the country.
Papua New Guinea stands to earn billions of kina from the project which will start selling its gas products to overseas buyers in 2014.
Mr. Ogio who is also the National Minister for Higher Education Science and Technology said Papua New Guinea stands to earn K553 billion from the project.
This is a huge amount of money for the country and its people.
Due to this big money coming into the country, the national government is preparing a supplementary budget.
He told the people of Tinputz that a supplementary budget is prepared only when there is surplus money around.
Minister Ogio predicts the next annual budget for Papua New Guinea to be around the eight billion kina mark.
The minister was in Tinputz to present an Ambulance to the Tearuki Health Centre and some water tanks to the people of Kovanis and surrounding coastal villages.
A total of seventeen (17) water tanks costing more than K70, 000.00 would be delivered to these areas including the Six (6) presented at the weekend.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Veronica Hannette
The outgoing team leader and development specialist for AUSAID Edwina Betts thanked the Former Acting President JOHN Tabinaman, former President JAMES Tanis and the current President John MOMIS for encouraging Bougainville strategic policy that encourages donor and development partners to work as a team.
She was speaking at the farewell ceremony at the Kuri Village Resort last Thursday.
She said that she enjoyed working with development partners and the government of Bougainville during her short stint on Bougainville.
As a team leader for Ausaid she worked with development partners UNDP, VSA, CARE INTERNATIONAL, WORLD VISION, NZ police and the Churches.
Ms Betts also commended the ABG for spear heading new approaches so that all Donor in Bougainville can collaborate and work to develop Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Veronica Hannette
The team leader and development specialist for Aus Aid, Edwina Betts was fare welled last Thursday at the Kuri village resort.
Deputy Administrator Raymond Masono while at the farewell said that it seems that only a short while ago we gathered to farewell the first time officer that was posted to Buka on a full time basis, REBECCA WARNER who was later replaced by Edwina Betts.
This replacement has shown that Aus Aid and the Autonomous Bougainville Government are working closely to develop Bougainville.
The Administration of Bougainville also extended their gratitude to Aus Aid and New Zealand Aid for their additional resources provided through the Government Implementation Fund (GIF) in helping in the re-building process on Bougainville.
He also thanked Ms Betts for her effort in helping Bougainville return to normalcy.
She was replaced by another woman, MADELEINE MOSS.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tom Kathoa
The Member for Taunita/Tinputz and Minister for Works and Communications in the Autonomous Bougainville Government, Hon Carolus Ketsimur has publicly announced that he would work closely with the Member for North Bougainville and Minister for Higher Education in the National Parliament, Hon Michael Ogio to develop the Tinputz area.
Mr. Ketsimur made the pledge during the presentation of an ambulance and several water tanks to people of Tinputz by Mr. Ogio at the weekend.
In accepting the ambulance and water tanks, Mr. Ketsimur said he would now be working in partnership with Mr. Ogio and urged the people of the area to do the same.
He said only through a collaborative effort the people of Tinputz can develop and bring the area back to its former glory days as the region’s highest cocoa producing area.
Turning to the youth and young generation, Mr. Ketsimur appealed to them to refrain from what they are doing and work together with their leaders and village elders.
Mr. Ketsimur said Tinputz is known as the most trouble sport area of Bougainville and appealed for a change in this regard.
The people of Tinputz would have to raise above all these in order the invite economic activity into the area.
Mr. Kestimur’s statement was supported by the Sister In Charge of the Teauroki Health Centre who appealed to support politicians who delivered something to them and not false prophets
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tom Kathoa
The Minister for Higher Education, Hon Michael Ogio wants people to look after public institutions and properties in their areas.
Mr. Ogio who is also the Member for North Bougainville, said both the ABG and the National Government spent millions of kina in providing and setting up institutions like health and education for the people and they must look after these things.
The Member for North Bougainville said this when handing over an ambulance and some water tanks to people in the Tinputz area last week.
In Tinputz there are twelve primary schools, ten of which is still operating; two suspended while another four are on the verge of being suspended.
Schools are suspended only because of lack of community support in looking after the buildings.
On many occasions government leaders have been appealing to people to look after these infrastructures and to take ownership of them.
Mr. Ogio says these public institutions are constructed and given to people for their betterment.
They are meant for them and their children and not for the government and therefore they should be responsible for their upkeep.
Source: Post-Courier
Arawa hospital pleads for help
ARAWA hospital, serving Bougainville’s former capital and the population of south Bougainville, is in dire need of electricity, repair and “stock up”, as it has been neglected over the years by the authorities.
The hospital, before the Bougainville crisis, was the best in the country and most probably in the Pacific. It was more than 10 hectares and burnt to ashes during the war.
Minister for Bougainville Affairs Fidelis Semoso called into Arawa to overnight, after his electoral visit to Atamo, in Manetai, central Bougainville dishing out mini funds for women groups, youth groups and schools, and was approached by the Arawa Hospital head Charles Tawora and his nursing staff who heard that he was in town, so desparate for a “hear out” on issues regarding the hospital.
Arawa hospital does not have an ambulance despite serving the population of Siwai, Bana, Buin and many remote areas of central and south Bougainville. Referrals by the hospital to Buka for further medication, costs a lot of money because they either hire a vehicle or get patients to go on PMVs.
And as if the burden was not enough, the hospital has been without electricity for several months because there are no funds to purchase fuel for the two generators. This has affected operation of patients, the dental, birthing center and basically the whole hospital operation.
Furthermore, beds at the hospital are rotting and without mattresses, the birthing center desperately needs attention and an increase from two (beds), signboards are wearing away, dental and outpatients need a stock up and repair.
Even the reel water hose had been cut short by thieves affecting water flow for patients.
“Gees, I came at the wrong time here, I didn’t plan my trip to Arawa for this, I am here from Manetai and tomorrow I will leave for Wakunai and back to Buka,” Minister Semoso said shaking his head.
“No, minister, this is not the wrong time, you came at the right time because someone sent you here to save us. We are in desperate need.
“You are the only one we feel will hear our cries because other leaders, including ABG for years have not attended to our plea for this hospital to be maintained so we could serve our people better.You see, this hospital does not serve only Arawa, they come as far as Paruparu, Nagovis, Siwai, Buin - you look at two of those patients, they are from Paruparu,” said Mr Tawora.
Source: Post-Courier
No ‘shortcut’ for Bougainville
BOUGAINVILLE will not prosper if two major issues are not seriously addressed - the law and order situation and the right political leadership.
And Bougainville does not need drug addicts or marijuana to run this nation. Furthermore, the future of Bougainville is in the children’s hands and the card must be played right to move the region forward and educate children to the best.
This are the word from Bougainville Affairs Minister, Regional MP Fidelis Semoso who addressed the students of Atamo Primary School yesterday and the people of Torokina and Paruparu.
"There is no shortcut, Bougainville people! There is no shortcut, children of Bougainville, in developing Bougainville. There is no short cut to prosperity," Mr Semoso screamed to the crowd who eagerly listened to his speech. "Bougainville will not prosper if we do not address two things, the law and order and the right political leadership. We don’t need gun-minded leaders, we don’t need drug addicts, we don’t need marijuana to run this region.
We need a good, strong, practical and vibrant leadership, people and children of Bougainville. Please children of Atamo and our children of Bougainville, I am begging you, do not lose hope, do not give up, we have the resource for Bougainville to become a semi independent nation in the whole of the Pacific. That’s why I am asking, please children of Bougainville, please youth of Bougainville, refrain or forget marijuana and think about your future, think about the future of Bougainville and let’s move Bougainville forward."
On the same note, New Zealand police on duty in Central Bougainville also echoed the same sentiments. NZ Police said Bougainville was blessed and did not need drug addicts in the region and that it was not good for the future of Bougainville.
Source: ESBC
Better Trading of Bougainville Copper Shares
on XETRA (Frankfurt/Germany) from abroad !
Within the last months, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange became more and more important for the exchange in Bougainville Copper shares. Unfortunately, until now, the high volume in exchange in this security was generated on the Frankfurt OTC market only. XETRA – the actual online broking platform of the German stock exchange – allows only little exchange because of one price fixing per day at 1:30 GMT+1 and the fact that online brokers do not provide access to such little traded shares.
The European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC) claim for a more investor friendly solution of continuous trading in BOC shares on the XETRA trading platform.
If you are interested to support the ESBC’s claim, please copy the following lines into an e-mail and send it to and to the market maker as well. Please seperate the email addresses by " ; " ! If you don't: your mail server may not deliver your mail correctly!
Dear Sirs,
I am interested in trading Bougainville Copper shares (PG0008526520) online on XETRA. Unfortunately this is not yet possible because of the low exchange in this security due to the fact that most exchange in this share is executed OTC. As I am living outside Germany I do not have access to the OTC market through my online banking provider. In consequence, I am not able to trade in Bougainville Copper shares in Frankfurt as I want to. Until now I am obliged to buy and sell Bougainville Copper shares in Sydney only.
Please, could you be so kind as to change your trading settings in a way that Non-German investors from abroad are also able to buy and sell Bougainville Copper shares on XETRA continuously during the XETRA opening hours as Germans are. This would be very welcome!
Best regards,
(name, name)
Town, country, date
The ESBC would appreciate a lot if you could keep us informed on your initiative by sending a blind copy to .
Source: ESBC
Die ESBC fordern die Deutsche Börse AG auf, Bougainville Copper Aktien für den permanenten Handel auf der elektronischen Handelsplattform XETRA einzurichten:
Einrichtung eines permanenten Handels
von Bougainville Copper Aktien (ISIN: PG0008526520) auf XETRA
Sehr geehrter Herr Turba,
recht herzlichen Dank erst einmal für das ausführliche und aufschlußreiche Telefonat, das ich mit Ihnen führen durfte.
Wie schon am Telefon gesagt: Es ist nicht Aufgabe der ESBC den Markt so zu gestalten, dass möglichst große Umsätze an der Börse Frankfurt getätigt werden. Wir können nur Sie und den Marketmaker, in diesem Falle die Baader Bank AG, München, darauf aufmerksam machen, dass es im europäischen Raum, möglicherweise sogar weltweit, ein großes Interesse gibt, dass die Bougainville Copper Aktie einfacher zu handeln ist. Dies bezieht sich speziell auch auf die Online Broker.
Die derzeitige Situation bei XETRA mit jweils einem Preisfixing pro Tag ist absolut investorenfeindlich, da zudem ausländischen Investoren kaum bekannt ist, dass Bougainville Copper auch auf dem Parkett gehandelt wird. Selbst wenn aber dieses bekannt sein sollte, bieten viele Tradingplattformen diesen Service gar nicht erst als Option an. Daraus resultiert, dass die Umsätze, die bei Xetra gemacht werden quasi gegen Null tendieren. Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass dies im Sinne der Deutschen Börse war, als sie die elektronische Handelsplattform XETRA ins Leben gerufen hat. Ich denke mir, dass die Deutsche Börse alles daran setzen sollte, die Umsätze in Bougainville Copper auf XETRA nachhaltig zu steigern. Das ist nur möglich, wenn die Aktie auf XETRA permanent gehandelt werden kann. Angesichts der Tatsache, dass der weitaus überwiegende Teil der im Freefloat verfügbaren Bougainville Copper Aktien in europäischen Händen liegt, ist es geradzu ein Muss für XETRA speziell auch im Hinblick auf außerdeutsche, europäische Investoren ihre Dienstleistung zu verbessern, indem ein permanenter Handel auf XETRA möglich wird. Wie Sie oder Sie zusammen mit der Baader Bank das organisieren, ist einzig Ihre Sache. Schlussendlich sind es auch Sie beide, die von den höheren Umsatzvolumina auf XETRA profitieren.
Dass die Umsätze in Bougainville Copper massiv ansteigen werden, resultiert hauptsächlich aus zwei Gründen:
Erstens verlagert sich der Investorenfokus zunehmend auf die Originalaktie Bougainville Copper, nachdem die Bougainville Copper ADRs vom Markt verschwunden sind.
Zweitens wird die sich abzeichnende Wiedereröffnung der Bougainville Copper gehörenden Pangunamine sowohl die Preise, als auch die Umsätze befeuern.
Vor der bürgerkriegsbedingten Schliessung im Jahr 1989 war die Mine eine der drei größten Kupfer-, Gold- und Silberminen der Welt. Weitere Detailinformationen entnehmen Sie bitte der ESBC Homepage .
Ein Vergleich der Umsätze in Bougainville Copper in Deutschland mit den Zahlen der ASX in Sydney belegt, dass in Deutschland höhere Umsätze in dieser Aktie gemacht werden, als in Australien.
Wenn sich also die Deutsche Börse bereit finden würde, den elektronischen Handel in Bougainville Copper durchgehend zu ermöglichen, erwarte ich, dass Frankfurt kurzfristig die Börse Sydney als Leitbörse in Sachen Bougainville Copper spielend ablösen wird. Es ist sogar sehr wahrscheinlich, dass sich neben den europäischen Investoren dann auch Investoren in Australien und Asien in Frankfurt eindecken werden. Diese Chance würde ich mir an Ihrer Stelle nicht entgehen lassen.
Abschliessend möchte ich Ihnen sagen, dass wir die Besucher unserer Homepage auffordern werden, ihr Interesse an einer Verbesserung des XETRA Handels in Bougainville Copper per E-mail zu bekunden. Dazu werde ich den Investoren empfehlen an Ihre Adresse zu schreiben. Sie und Ihre Kollegen, sehr geehrter Herr Turba, bitte ich, die Mails dann an die geeigneten Stellen in Ihrem Hause und bei der Baader Bank AG weiterzuleiten.
Ich bin zuversichtlich, dass mit etwas gutem Willen aller Seiten, die derzeit unbefriedigende Situation in Kürze zu allseitiger Zufriedenheit verbessert werden kann.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Axel G. Sturm
Escaldes-Engordany, 24.09.2010
Bitte unterstützen Sie diese Aktion, indem Sie eine entsprechende E-Mail an die Deutsche Börse AG ( ) sowie an die BAADER BANK AG, München ( schicken. Danke!
Hier ein Textvorschlag:
Betr.: Einrichtung eines permanenten Handels von Bougainville Copper Aktien (ISIN: PG0008526520) auf XETRA
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
im Hinblick auf eine Vereinfachung des Onlinehandels mit Aktien der Bougainville Copper Limited (ISIN: PG0008526520) unterstütze ich die Initiative der European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC) und bitte Sie hiermit, den permanenten Handel dieser Aktie auf XETRA zu ermöglichen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
(Namen und Datum nicht vergessen!)
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Autonomous Bougainville Government House of Representatives adjourned to December for the Budget Session.
The House met on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week and deliberated on many issues which is affecting the region.
They included Policy statements on public affairs from the President, HON JOHN MOMIS and members of the Bougainville Executive Council.
Parliament also received a petition from the Women’s member for Central Bougainville JOAN JEROME expressing the people’s concern on the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between NEW BOUGAINVILLE MINING and EXPLORATION Company and its foreign partners a matter of public importance on the Jaba Delta Tailings disaster raised by the member for Bolave Lawrence Uakai.
There was another report from the Parliamentary Committee on Local Level Government and Customary Authority and Peace, Reconciliation and Weapons Disposal.
Speaker ANDREW MIRIKI said that the House also passed a motion tabled by the member of Atolls, Frank Pasini Marena requesting the Autonomous Bougainville Government to allocate a separate emergency budget for the Atolls on an annual basis beginning in 2011.
This allocation would be parked as a development component of the Atolls District Administration.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Member for North Bougainville and Minister for Higher Education, MICHAEL OGIO today presented another Ambulance, this time to Tearouki Health Centre in Tinputz.
Minister Ogio personally presented the Ambulance as part of his ongoing assistance to Police and Health centres in North Bougainville.
The Minister was accompanied by two ABG Ministers, Works and Communications minister CAROLUS KETSIMUR and Education Minister JOHN Tabinaman.
The Minister appealed to the people to look after the Ambulance that will serve the people especially the sick in the area.
Meanwhile, WOMEN representative, MRS MARIANA ABABA whilst thanking the Minister on behalf of the women and children of Tearouki said that her people have suffered for a long time for such service.
New Dawn FM understands that the Minister’s donation to Police has helped in the escorting of the National Court judge to Arawa for the first National Court Sitting in Arawa.
The two vehicles have helped the Police in its mobility to serve the community.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
National Court End
By Aloysius Laukai
National court judge, JUSTICE JOHN KAWI says Bougainville will continue to use Judges and Court Officials until such time it develops its own judicial system.
Justice Kawi made these comments at the official launching of the National Court sitting in Arawa this week.
He said under the Bougainville Constitution, Bougainville will have its own Judges and Magistrates to run its own judiciary on Bougainville.
Justice John Kawai this week became the first judge to hear National Court cases that had been outstanding for many years in Arawa.
The last time the National Court sat in Arawa was in 1985.
The National court sitting ended yesterday and the court officials returned to Buka today.
On the way back to Buka, the judge carried out awareness talks in Wakunai and Tinputz today.
Justice Kawi said that he would be having another National Court sitting in Buin early next year.
Source: Panguna Landowner Association (PLA)
I refer to the above press write up by Ms Gorethy Kenneth (Thursday 23rd Post Courier) and wish to make it quite clear that Mr. Brent Walton should not use Panguna Landowners as a cover up for his law firm’s ignorance in the first place when they initiated the above court case as Panguna Landowners were never a party to this litigation. I know about this case as my family members were approached by Mr. Paul Stocker when he was initiating this move after failing with his bet to buy BCL off as Rio Tinto would not sell.
Mr. Paul Stocker who was a major player in this litigation about 10 to 12 years ago consulted with Non-Panguna landowners in the likes of Dr Alexis Sarei and as can be seen from the case, the Class case in the States is really between “Alexis Sarei Vs. Rio Tinto” NOT Panguna Landowners and in this respect PLA on behalf of all the landowners of Panguna Mine leases stand is:
The proceedings in the United States has now taken 10 years just for the court to decide on where to hear the case and even today the court has still got to come to this decision. Any person with a little bit of savvy will know that this case will take many years to materialize and even if it does there will be nothing worth all the wait for all the Bougainvilleans in pursuing this case. I might also add that I know for sure Rio Tinto will fight this case all the way and as such this case will drag on for many more years to come. Bougainvilleans here have a choice, I. e. to wait another ten to twenty years and get nothing or support our President with his and Panguna landowners call to re-open the Panguna mine and after three years get K5 Million every day the mine is open for business.
PLA is fully in support of our President and his Government’s move toward re-opening the Panguna mine after the review of Bougainville Copper Agreement. This case in the United States will hinder the progress that our government under the leadership of President Momis and also the National Government has made in the first 100 days in moving towards Bougainville Copper Agreement review.
Lawrence Daveona
PLA Executive
Port Moresby 23rd September 2010
Source: Post-Courier
Rio Tinto lawsuit heard in the US
BOUGAINVILLE landowners who took mining giant Rio Tinto to court over human rights violations have had their long-standing case heard in the United States appeal court on Tuesday.
One of the lawyers representing the landowners, Brent Walton of Berman’s law firm said from the US yesterday that a full panel of 11 appellate judges convened to hear the case, which Rio Tinto was trying to have dismissed.
Walton said mining giant Rio Tinto also tried to persuade the court to dismiss the lawsuit, and that Rio Tinto argued that the Bougainvilleans should have taken legal action in Papua New Guinea first.
Walton highlights that at the time the landowners filed their lawsuit there was a war going on, the Bougainville crisis, and for most of the plaintiffs there was a bounty on their head so for them to walk in and file a lawsuit would have been a highly dangerous act.
“And the second reason is that there’s this statue that says any alien who’s been injured by a violation of international law can sue in US courts.”
According to the lawsuit, Rio Tinto decimated the island and forced its native workers to live in “slave like” conditions.
When workers sabotaged the mine, Rio Tinto allegedly goaded the Papua New Guinea government into exacting bloody retribution against residents of Bougainville, court documents said.
Walton said the lawyers are positive the case will be permitted to proceed to the Supreme Court.
Source: Bougainville Copper Limited (
After months of agony the homepage of Bougainville Copper Limited has been re-vitalized today by being updated! The outlook given by BCL is promising. Please find out here:
Nach Monaten der Agonie ist die Homepage der Bougainville Copper Limited heute mit einem Update revitalisiert worden. Die darin enthaltenen Informationen sind vielversprechend, aber lesen Sie bitte selbst:
A year of progress for Bougainville Copper
2010 is proving to be another year of positive development leading to the re-commencement of operations at the Panguna mine, owned and previously operated by Bougainville Copper Limited.
With copper reserves estimated at almost 3 million tonnes and gold production in the range of 400,000 ounces per annum, Panguna is one of the world’s largest potential producers of both metals. Unexplored neighbouring tenements are also very prospective, and will be explored when a moratorium on exploration is lifted.
Present market values for both copper and gold are significantly higher than at the time of mine closure in 1990. The political situation within the Autonomous Bougainville Region has stabilised, and there is considerable appetite for development being expressed by the people. BCL is seen by many as the preferred operator of a re-started mine, and holds a very large bank of mine data.
The Board is operating a comprehensive rolling plan with the vision of returning to active exploration and profitable mining.
Recent events
In July, BCL offered its congratulations to the newly elected President of the Autonomous Bougainville Region, John Momis, and assured him of the company’s willingness to contribute in appropriate ways to economic development in the region, to the benefit of the people of Bougainville and the company’s shareholders.
President Momis has indicated his preparedness to see the Panguna mine re-opened, with BCL as operator, provided the assent and involvement of local landowners is achieved. The President has further said that it was his belief that landowners at Panguna and elsewhere were generally committed to the re-start process.
It is expected that the Bougainville Copper Agreement re-negotiation will be actively pursued towards the end of 2010, with all sides committed to making significant progress. At the August meeting of the Joint Supervisory Body, principal agency implementing the Bougainville Peace Process, re-negotiation of the BCA was placed on the formal agenda, for immediate progress.
If the main stakeholders are to gain mutual economic benefit from Bougainville's mineral potential a framework such as a re-negotiated BCA needs to be in place. Variations in copper and gold prices indicate that opportunities need to be taken up without undue delay.
Positive factors
Work continued evaluating the comprehensive Order of Magnitude study commissioned by BCL in 2008.
The OOM Study makes assumptions about the size of a re-started mining operation, based on a re-processing of the data base, and taking into account the existing assets including the port at Loloho and the port-mine access road.
An important component in achieving the vision will be an environmental plan that is not only based on best practice but also meets the expectations of the local community. Work will continue to identify the key issues and solutions. Secure access to the mine site and surrounding areas of previous operations will be welcomed, to assist the environmental assessment and future planning.
The company has made known to both the Autonomous Bougainville Government and the National Government of Papua New Guinea its willingness to conduct safety and environmental audits on the island as soon as access can be facilitated.
Other issues
Other issues in focus include the resolution of a taxation issue, and a mine asset stock take. Existing mine assets have not until now been accessible to the company, and to understand the present value of these assets and the extent to which they may be used for future mining and exploration, access to the mine site is needed. For this BCL welcomes the support expressed by local landowners and will continue to work alongside them, and give practical assistance to the processes of reconciliation and social stability. BCL welcomes the growing consensus of landowner support for resumed exploration and mining, expressed in regular dialogue with landowner leaders.
During the year more work has been undertaken in preparation for the possible lifting of the moratorium on new exploration and mining. It is intended to identify targets within the company licences and how best to manage an exploration program. That may involve entering into an exploration agreement with others. Work will also continue to ensure that the extensive mine database is able to be utilised quickly and effectively if a return to mining at Panguna is agreed.
BCL works closely with the PNG Mineral Resources Authority (MRA), which acts as a statutory authority managing and regulating the industry. The company expects that the Authority will play an active and guiding role in facilitating the Bougainville Copper Agreement re-negotiation, and a number of studies will be undertaken in preparation for negotiations. The company is also in regular touch with the National Government of Papua New Guinea at a high level.
The second half of 2010
The company remains focussed on preparing for a formal engagement with landowners and the National and Bougainville Government over the future of the mine and settling all outstanding issues between the parties.
The Autonomous Bougainville Government and the body representing the PNG National Government on Bougainville Affairs have indicated their willingness to participate in such talks.
All parties have agreed that it is necessary to maintain a landowner group that can represent all landowner interests during negotiations.
The Bougainville Government is taking the lead and the company has offered its assistance where appropriate.
Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) is owned 53.58% by Rio Tinto Limited. The Papua New Guinea Government owns 19.06% while public shareholders hold the remaining 27.36% of the share capital.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Guns are a major threat to full autonomy – ACP Eluh
By REUBEN KALAUNG in Buka on 17th Sept. 2010
THE Autonomous Region of Bougainville (AROB) is not prepared for full autonomy if guns are still within the communities. Those were the remarks made by recently appointed Assistant Commissioner of Bougainville Police Service (ACP) Thomas Eluh.
He sounded the warning when handing over a police vehicle to Tinputz police. The vehicle was purchased by Minister for Higher Education and Member for North Bougainville Michael Ogio under the national government’s District Services Improvement Program (DSIP).
ACP Eluh told police men, women and the people at the Tinputz district station that although the vehicle will greatly assist in police mobility, it will not curb lawlessness in their communities. He said law and order can only be maintained and sustained by the people and not police alone. “Police can do so much but the solutions are with you the people of Bougainville. If you desire full restoration of peace and normalcy, you have to take the lead at your own communities, “ACP Eluh stressed.
With 35 years distinguished service with the Royal PNG Constabulary, Mr. Eluh told of many discouraging advices he received from his colleagues not to take up the ACP post in Bougainville. “If there is any province that needed my service then there is no other place but Bougainville,” Mr. Eluh said.
Mr. Eluh applauded efforts by the National Government, Autonomous Bougainville Government, and other partners in trying to rid guns from the region but emphasized more needs to be done if full independence is to be acquired through peaceful means. “Guns will always remain a threat in the region and pose serious ramifications and threat to the nation’s sovereignty,” Mr. Eluh stressed.
During his short speech, Provincial Police Commander Inspector Cletus Tsien, who is from the Tinputz area, however, he said the law and order in the area is more conducive for development after 2005. He said illicit drugs such as marijuana and homebrew is widely consumed in Bougainville and is the catalyst for problems in the communities.
Moreover, Mr. Eluh echoed similar sentiments at Hantoa in the Selau district during the country’s 35th Independence celebrations. Over a thousand people marked the day with various activities. Some groups traveled to Hantoa from as far as the Buka Atolls and Malasang village in small Buka to celebrate the Independence with the people of Selau/Suir.
MP for North Bougainville Michael Ogio spent the whole day during the celebrations. He told those who gathered that Bougainville is still an integral part of PNG.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Traditional ties between Bougainville and Solomon Islands would strengthened by the ABG through trade and investments between Solomon Islands and Bougainville in consultation with the government of Papua New Guinea and inline with the Bougainville Peace Agreement.
ABG President Chief John Momis made this known at a press conference in Buka.
He was speaking after returning from Solomon Islands where he was the guest speaker at the Inauguration of the newly elected Solomon Islands parliament.
MR. MOMIS said the entire Western province of Solomon islands are related to the people of Central and South Bougainville and it was only natural for the government of Papua New Guinea and Solomon islands recognize this relationship.
President Momis said that his government would be opening new opportunities for trade and investment with the Solomon Islands in the future, especially on large scale fishing and tourism.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Veronica Hannette
Warning is hereby issued for the public to watch out for fake monies that are in circulation in Buka town.
New Dawn FM has reports from people who have been conned with fake monies in exchange for goods and services.
David Tsika, an employee of Elutu investment told New Dawn FM that they received a fake K20 on Saturday from a lady who came in to shop.
When they asked where she got the money she said that she got it in exchange for copra she sold.
From that day, they kept a closer eye on customers and again yesterday a customer came with another fake ONE HUNDRED KINA note which was rejected outright.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville ready to say thank you
BOUGAINVILLE will say thank you to Solomon Islands and East New Britain Province next year for looking after Bougainvilleans during the height of the conflict between 1989 and 2000.
ABG President John Momis on his return from Solomon Islands said that thousands of Bougainvilleans who sought refuge in the Solomon Islands and the East New Briatin province would be given the opportunity to show their appreciation and gratitude towards the governments and people of Solomon Islands and East New Britain next year, when the Autonomous Bougainville Government is expected to host a “thank you” get together.
President Momis made this undertaking soon after arriving home from a hectic one week program of meetings with leaders of Solomon Islands government, including its new Prime Minister Danny Philip, Opposition leader Steven Abana, Independent Group leader Clay Forao Soanao-oi and Speaker Sir Allen Kemakesa.
President Momis was also able to visit the Island’s Rove prison in Honiara where he met and talked to three Bougainville former combatants, who are presently serving a life sentence each for crimes committed during the crisis while engaged by the government authorities in the Solomon Islands.
Mr Momis was invited last month by the former Solomon Islands Speaker Sir Peter Kenilorea to officiate the induction of newly elected members of the its national parliament.
Source: DER AKTIONÄR #39 / 2010

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Security in Arawa
Two New Zealand Police Officers with one Vanuatu Police Officer stationed in Arawa under New Zealand Police.
Who are the advisors on Bougainville Community Policing.

Ruben Mccormark, Su Robinson and Tony Blue from Vanuatu.
Three Policewomen for Arawa

From left to right Catherine Onaisi, Magdalen Pone and Genevieve Kepino
Source: Reuters
US court hears suit over Rio Tinto PNG mine
Mining giant Rio Tinto Plc tried to persuade an appeals court on Tuesday to dismiss a long running human rights lawsuit, one of a number of cases to test the reach of U.S. judges over corporations operating on foreign soil.
The lawsuit, a proposed class action, involves Rio Tinto's operations on the island of Bougainville in the South Pacific nation of Papua New Guinea, where it once ran one of the world's largest mines for copper and gold.
According to the lawsuit, Rio Tinto decimated the island and forced its native workers to live in "slave like" conditions. When workers sabotaged the mine, Rio Tinto allegedly goaded the Papua New Guinea government into exacting bloody retribution against residents of Bougainville, court documents said.
Current and former residents of Bougainville are seeking punitive damages and disgorgement of all profits earned from the mine under an 18th century law which allows foreigners to sue in U.S. courts in some matters.
The Rio Tinto case has ping-ponged between the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and a federal trial court for eight years. The hearing on Tuesday was the second before an 11-judge appellate panel, after a lower court allowed some of the claims against Rio Tinto to proceed. Rio Tinto shuttered the Papua New Guinea mine in 1989.
In a hearing before the 9th Circuit on Tuesday, Rio Tinto attorney Sri Srinivasan said the plaintiffs should have tried to bring their lawsuit in Papua New Guinea before being allowed into an American courtroom.
Because London-based Rio Tinto is not a domestic company and its alleged actions didn't occur on American soil, the case should be thrown out, he said.
"All the facts and evidence are in Papua New Guinea," he said.
The case seeks damages under the Alien Tort Statute, which recently has gained favor among plaintiffs as a vehicle to haul companies into U.S. courts for acts committed overseas.
Last week the 2nd Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in New York ruled that liability under the law should only apply to individuals, not corporations. Its decision dealt a blow to litigation against Royal Dutch Shell Plc arising from the company's Nigerian operations in the 1990s.
Steve Berman, who represents the Rio Tinto plaintiffs, told the 9th Circuit panel that his clients could not have filed the lawsuit in Papua New Guinea because they left with bounties upon their heads.
"They weren't willing to subject themselves to personal injury to go file a lawsuit in Papua New Guinea," he said.
The 9th Circuit could decide the Rio Tinto suit on narrow grounds, or it could follow the 2nd Circuit and issue broad guidance on how the human rights law applies to corporations.
Source: ESBC
Confirmed: JSB meeting already this week!
The next Supervisory Board Meeting (JSB) will take place unexpectedly on Friday, September 24th, 2010 in Buka (North Bougainville). As already reported in the past, one of the major issues on the agenda will be the steps towards the Bougainville Copper Agreement Review (BCA). This information just reached us from Port Moresby.
Bestätigt: JSB Meeting schon diese Woche!
Das nächstes JSB Meeting wird unerwartet am Freitag dieser Woche, am 24.09.2010 in Buka (Nord Bougainville) stattfinden. Wie schon früher berichtet sollen dabei die nächsten Schritte in Richtung der Überarbeitung des Bougainville Copper Agreements (BCA) in Angriff genommen werden. Diese Nachricht erreichte uns soeben aus Port Moresby.
Source: Radion New Dawn on Bougainville
By Joyce Tohui
ABG Members of Parliament from other centers of the Region of Bougainville are in Buka for the second meeting of the ABG which started today.
New Dawn FM News was informed that today’s meeting was delayed and adjourned to tomorrow because of the BEC meeting that went beyond time.
Agendas of the meeting have not been made available to the Media but we believe that Members will discuss important issues affecting the Region during their meeting.
This is the second meeting since this Government was inaugurated in June this year.
Meanwhile, the Government has also reached its 100 days in office early this month, September 2010.
Although the government has reached its first three months in office, questions is still being raised as to what has the new government achieved during this time.
Some government critics say the president has made too many trips out of Bougainville, but these trips have not achieved any positive results.
Source: Post-Courier
Judge declares Arawa ‘normal’
National Court judge Justice John Kawi has declared Arawa a normal town.
He made the remarks during his speech at the Independence Park in Arawa yesterday, to mark the first national court circuit in Arawa after more than 20 years following the Bougainville Crisis.
Almost all business activities and government services in Bougainville were destroyed when the crisis ravaged throughout the island province.
The crisis which lasted almost 10 years resulted in the loss of thousand of lives and properties.
But now Bougainville is different various business activities and government services have been restored. Buka township is a hive of activity while Arawa is also emerging.
Judge Kawi says his presence in Bougainville resembles the rule of law in the autonomous region while declaring that peace and normalcy has returned to Bougainville.
He said court sittings signifies problems in the communities that needs to be resolved.
Justice Kawi spent two weeks in Buka before travelling to Arawa late yesterday, accompanied by Assistant Commissioner of Bougainville Police Service Thomas Eluh and officers from the Public Prosecutors and Solicitors office.
Justice Kawi was given a guard of honour by the Bougainville Police Service at his welcome at Arawa’s Independence Park yesterday.
Various village and political leaders from Central Bougainville, the Autonomous Bougainville Government and the National Government supported and welcomed the move by the National Judiciary Services for organising the national court circuit in Arawa.
Source: Post-Courier
Project funds probe on
INVESTIGATIONS into the alleged misuse of the K2 million Torokina Oil Palm project funds started yesterday, with Agriculture head Sam Rangai and project coordinator Gayle Tatsi appearing for questioning before the investigators.
This is part of the K10 million earmarked for the project which is now in its first phase.
Details of the investigation were sketchy and a detailed report would be tabled later as the investigation has just started.
But while the investigation was being heard at the region’s Kubu House of Representatives yesterday, a group of concerned Torokina villagers led by Peter Magei warned that the project should not be politicised. Magei said that his people were aware that a foreign-owned company was also making its way to Torokina to run this project and warned that they did not want another Bougainville crisis.
They said already there were locals working on this project and the leaders involved should sit down and sort this issue once and for all.
Source: Post-Courier
National Court to sit in Arawa
ARAWA, Bougainville’s former capital will for the first time hold a National Court sitting after 20 years.
Justice John Kawi, will be the first National Court judge to start the court circuit in Arawa today.
Judicial services came to a halt after the town was torched down in 1989 during the height of the Bougainville crisis.
Yesterday Justice Kawi was accorded a guard of honour by the Bougainville police and general salute at Arawa oval.
Bougainville’s police head ACP Thomas Eluh was present to witness the ceremony.
Other notable people were Veterans Affairs Minister ABG, David Sisito, Central Bougainville National MP Jimmy Miringtoro, Me’ekamui head William Mungta, chief Linus Dake, Arawa town mayor Paul Nagara, executive manager, Panguna district Otto Noruka and Kieta district manager Lucy Traverts.
In a moving speech, Justice Kawi said when he arrived in Arawa on Sunday and slept that night, it was a peaceful and sound sleep, and he woke up yesterday morning a very eased person.
He said it was unlike Port Moresby where one had to be vigilant daily because of the lawlessness in the city.
Justice Kawi said the people had to be made aware that the place was peaceful and was picking up with business and general actvities.
He said the town was rebuilding itself from the ashes of the crisis.
The judge appealed to the children, students and youth of Bougainville to take education seriously and work towards becoming a judge like him or leaders in their communities one day.
Leaders of Central Bougainville – Kieta and Panguna were happy to welcome the National Court judge in their area.
They said they wanted to prove to the outside world that Arawa was now being rebuilt and normalcy was returning, therefore businesses were picking up like many other small centres in Papua New Guinea.
The court sessions will be completed by the end of this week.

Judge John Kawi during a court session in Arawa.
Source: Post-Courier
NGOs get set for two-day fair
NON-government organisations in Bougainville are preparing for a major community awareness fair which is coming up at the end of this month.
This is the first awareness fair to be held in front of the Buka police station, spearheaded by the Bougainville Community Policing Project in conjunction with the Bougainville Police Service.
Organiser Karley Western, from the New Zealand Police told said yesterday that there were more than 25 NGOs that had applied to take part in the event next week, including AusAID and NZAid.
“This will be big and a major community awareness fair which is being staged in Buka on Thursday and Friday for all NGOs operating in the region,” Ms Western said. The fair led by community policing and NZ Police will be to provide the public on a wide range of topics on social issues on Bougainville, roles of these NGOs, the community and what they can offer for the communities.
“This fair will be a valuable tool for providing the community of Buka and the wider Bougainville area’s information on a wide range of awareness topics by various government and NGOs, as their roles in the community, assistance they can offer.”
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Judge Comments
By Aloysius Laukai
National Court Judge, Justice John Kawi says that Bougainville is safe and just like another Province in Papua New Guinea with its own problems.
And that he was happy to take the National Court sit in Arawa this week.
He told a gathering in Arawa this morning that when he saw a list of cases for Arawa and South Bougainville he decided to have them heard in Arawa taking the court system closer to the people.
He said that alot of cases on Bougainville concerned families cases of
Sexual abuses within families was on the rise on Bougainville and he called on families to control and reduce the number.
Justice Kawi said that Bougainville needs to address these problems peace and justice can be felt to be working on Bougainville.

Arawa: Here comes the Judge! Ceremony for Justice John Kawi.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The member for Central Bougainville in the National Parliament, JIMMY MIRINGTORO today commented JUDGE JOHN KAWI for taking the bold move to take the National Court hearing in Arawa this week.
MR. MIRINGTORO was speaking at the welcome ceremony in Arawa this morning.
The member said that for Bougainville to develop it must first address its Law and Order problems.
He said the move by the National Court to sit in Arawa also is an indicator in itself that peace and normalcy is slowly reaching Bougainville.
The member also called on the people of Central Bougainville to respect the rule of law and allow the justice system to do its work without fear or favour.
Meanwhile the Veterans Affairs Minister in the ABG DAVID SISITO said that Bougainville is one of the safest places on earth.
He said that he would be holding a meeting with all former combatants next week to address final weapons disposal for Bougainville.
Minister SISITO says that weapons that are still in the hands of former combatants would discussed and destroyed to pave way for investment and development to take place on Bougainville.
Source: ESBC
The German investor magazine DER AKTIONÄR will update its recommendation for Bougainville Copper on Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010. Subscribers will receive a PDF copy already on Tuesday.
Das deutsche Investoren Magazin DER AKTIONÄR wird seine Bougainville Copper Empfehlung am Mittwoch, den 22. September 2010 updaten. Abonnenten erhalten die Ausgabe als PDF schon am Dienstag.
Source: Post-Courier
Training to aid women
A LEADERSHIP training will now help Bougainville women.
The week-long training was held in South Bougainville at the Jeal Centre for rehabilitation last week at Siwai.
The leadership training was officially opened by Siwai District office executive manager, Joseph Noro in the presence of the UN co-ordinator for South Bougainville Peter Siunai.
The training started from the September 6 to the 12 to help the women identify their roles in the society.
Three facilitators from the Nazareth Rehabilitation Centre including Anne Rangai who co-ordinated the training, gave skills on community mobilisation.
This training was funded by the Government Implementations Fund (GIF) through the Division of Community Development.
There were 36 participants from Siwai, Buin and the Bana district.
The main aim is to recognise the local needs for family structure and empowerment of women especially after the crisis that had destroy so many families.
Source: Post-Courier
PNG in ruins, says pioneer
ONE of Bougainville and Papua New Guinea’s first MPs who helped Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare shape and take the country to independence in 1975 says “PNG em i bagarap pinis”.
In an angry tone, Bougainville’s first North Bougainville MP and the country’s first Information and Extension (communication) minister and also Commerce and Business Development and Health minister Donatus Mola, is blaming too many consultants and university educated elites for running Papua New Guinea down today. He is also blaming too many advisers who claim they are doing justice but are ruining the country. Mr Mola also decried the service delivery into rural areas which he says is poor and at some stage, none at all.
“I am cross, I want to talk to Somare, I can get angry with him because he is my brother. I have not had the chance to talk to him for a long time. I want to go and see him in Moresby and talk to him about all this. I want him to buy my ticket and I will fly to go and see him,” Mr Mola says with his head down. You know, my bubu, he lifts his head up to speak, we only had enough money in the past, not much as we see today, and Bougainville Copper was helping us big time, that’s why I had the upper hand.
“We also did not need or had no university degrees and no PHDs to run this nation, but we had a very effective delivery service and we were delivering service right through to rural areas on time, now, there is very little or at some instances, none at all and people are complaining, begging and everything else,” Mr Mola says: “I am really cross because I don’t know what happened? is Somare’s advisers na planti save man blong tudei, giamanim Somare tumas na stealim olgeta mani blo pipol blong yumi.
“I get cross many times I think about how the Government and the people are being treated today,” Mr Mola reciprocates his pidgin and English accent fluently.
In an interview on the eve of Papua New Guinea’s 35 independence anniversary celebrations, Mr Mola, who proudly talks about how Sir Michael Somare vested on him and Sir Paul Lapun - first south Bougainville MP to negotiate PNG into independence and how they played instrumental roles in negotiating for factions to vote for independence.
“I have every reason to get angry, I know people will say that time and technology have changed but the policies and laws to deliver should not have changed.
“When Papua New Guinea was preparing to go into independence, the whole Highlands faction was against it because the kiaps brainwashed them and told them that “ol nambis bai rulim kantri na yupla bai nogat”.”
“Somare at that time lost hope in negotiating these highlanders coming to terms with the southern, New Guinea islands and the Momase for independence.
“He sent me to Mount Hagen and Sir Paul Lapun to Goroka. I basically told the blokes in Hagen, if you don’t agree with us now, we Bougainvilleans will break up and take our copper mine money away and you will suffer. That’s what I told Sir Paul Lapun to relay to the Goroka group too. We both successfully returned to Somare with good news and that’s it! We gained independence from Australia. I am also the person that chose the flag we fly today. The Highlands, Momase and southern regions settled for a blue and white and some other coloured flag. I refused them because there was no representation of Bougainville inside-the colour black. So when I saw the one we fly today, I told Somare to fly with me to Kerema and officially bring it and announce it because it contained the colour I was after - black!”
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Arawa Case
By Aloysius Laukai in Arawa
The former Bougainville capital Arawa came alive this morning with the National Court Sitting starting in Arawa after more than 25 years.
National Court Judge JOHN KAWI AND COURT officials arrived in Arawa last night to prepare for the first National court sitting which starts in Arawa this morning and ends on Friday.
This is also the first time for a National Court Judge to visit Arawa.
According to the newly promoted ACP for Bougainville THOMAS ELUH this was one of his tasks since taking office in Bougainville last year.
He told New Dawn FM that he always wanted the courts to go closer to the people and this is the begining.
This morning an official welcome ceremony will be performed at the Independence Park Arawa
New Dawn FM will be broadcasting live from Arawa to its Buka listeners this morning.

Arawa: National Court Judge John Kawi inspecting the guards.
Source: Profit Hunter
A spike in Bougainville
Speaking about making new highs, Bougainville Copper (BOC AU) has been on a run again. The stock was up as high as 1.30 AUD earlier in the week, the high point of a massive move of +46% since the start of September. It’s since settled back to close at 1.125 AUD in the latest session.
Again volumes are stronger than usual as well, supporting the move. No news has been reported as far as we can tell. Copper prices are still strong, though, and may soon test the highs of April this year. Also one factor behind the move in BOC may be increased risk appetite in general among market participants. We’re watching this ultra-speculative stock with interest.
That wraps it up for this week.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Acting ABG President, PATRICK NISIRA wants the Bougainville Administration to budget for celebrations to commemorate PNG’s Independence Day.
MR. NISIRA was speaking at the Hutjena Oval yesterday to mark PNG’s 35th Independence.
The ABG Vice President said that Bougainville administration must liase with the National Government’s events committee to make sure that funds for celebrations are secured.
MR. NISIRA said that he was disappointed at the low turnout of people at yesterday’s ceremony.
Meanwhile,former Member for North Bougainville during Pre independence days, DONATUS MOLA yesterday questioned the National Government for not allocating funds to celebrate PNG Independence celebrations on Bougainville.
MR. MOLA was one of the Speakers at yesterday’s celebration in Buka.
He said that Bougainville supported Papua New Guinea to gain independence in 1975 and Bougainville still remains to be part of the beautiful nation despite Bougainville gaining Autonomy.
MR. MOLA said Bougainville will continue to commemorate Papua New Guinea’s Independence however funding must be allocated to the Autonomous Bougainville Government to organize celebrations in the districts.
New Dawn FM understands this could be the first time Bougainville celebrated Papua New Guinea day in many years.
Source: Post-Courier
A pioneer recounts his days
THIS is Donatus Mola, Bougainville’s remaining senior statesman and one of the pioneer national Member of Parliament who helped shape PNG.
Mr Mola, the late Sir Paul Lapun and ABG president John Momis worked alongside Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare when PNG gained independence and even before that.
Celebrating 35 years, Mr Mola recalls the hardship they went through in securing independence for PNG from Australia. Mr Mola was once Foreign Minister, and at some stage acted in Sir Michael’s shoes representing PNG abroad.
The ABG always makes sure Mr Mola is picked up from his Haria, Lemankoa home every Independencence day as was Sir Paul Lapun - to thank them and make them feel part of the community and show respect as Bougainville’s pioneer MPs. Mr Mola stood tall in front of the PNG flag in Buka yesterday, saluting it remembering the days of the formation of self government even the choosing of the PNG flag.
Read about Mr Mola’s life next week, as an MP, as the first Bougainvillean to own a telephone in remote Lemankoa village, a farmer and how he adopted, now one of Papua New Guinea’s top gynecologists Dr Glen Mola.
Source: Post-Courier
K10,000 for Bougainville Foundation
THE German president of the European shareholders of Bougainville Copper, Axel G. Sturm, donated K10,000 to the Bougainville Copper Foundation this week.
Mr Sturm who celebrated his 60th birthday recently in Rome in a statement advised instead of his friends bringing presents to him, he did a fundraiser to raise funds for unfortunate Bougainvilleans.
These funds were disbursed with the hope to help the needy Bougainvilleans who are still suffering - his main agenda is help educating unfortunate students and to better health services in the region.
“When I’ve been to Port Moresby two years ago I met a couple of very well educated Bougainvilleans who are engaged in the island’s future,” Mr Sturm said.
“I also learnt that some of them had received BCF support for education. That’s why I decided to raise funds on my birthday party instead of receiving gifts.
“I am determined to improve the BCF’s charity work on the island with this donation and I strongly hope that others will do the same.” As one of Bougainville Copper’s major shareholders Mr Sturm knows very well that the foundation disposes of little money since the Panguna mine was closed 21 years ago.
“So my dearest wish is that the mine will be re-opened as soon as possible. Under condition that Bougainville Copper Foundation will receive enough money from the company’s earnings to provide much more sustainable services to the people of Bougainville,” Mr Sturm said.
“There is nothing better than to invest into the youths’ education and into health care. I am absolutely convinced that our company secretary Mr Paul Coleman will give the funds to those in Bougainville who are really in a need.”
The Bougainville Copper Foundation has been sponsoring many students of Bougainville into tertiary institutions especially those that come from the mining area.
A lot of elite Bougainvilleans now holding top jobs in the public and private sectors have benefited from this foundation.
Source: The National
ARB seeks closer ties with Honiara
PRESIDENT of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (ARB) John Momis says Bougainville has plans to further strengthen its historical ties with Solomon Islands under a more formal arrangement.
The Honiara-based Solomon Star newspaper reported yesterday that Momis outlined the plan when speaking at the Solomon Islands members of parliament’s induction programme in the capital on Wednesday.
“We must jointly examine approaches to cementing some form of an agreement to further facilitate and foster the already close relationship which our two people enjoy in terms of commercial and social services,” the newspaper quoted him as saying.
“I have given directions to my officials to begin exploring the possibility of such an agreement.”
At the same time, Momis said funding had been secured for a fully operational border post at Kangu in south Bougainville which would make it easier for people to move back and forth.
According to the newspaper, Momis also extended his invitation to the Solomon Islands government to attend the upcoming proposed signing ceremony in Buka next month.
The signing was purposely for a portfolio of memorandum of understanding recording the transfer of the core administrative powers and functions from the PNG national government to the autonomous Bougainville government.
“We are on target for the referendum on the future of Bougainville, the threshold of which is 2015 with 2020 being the outside date by which it must be held,” he said
Meanwhile, Solomons prime minister Danny Philip has appointed PNG-trained journalist and former politician, Alfred Sasako, as his press secretary.
The Solomon Star reported special secretary to prime minister Andrew Muaki confirming that Sasako took up his new job this week.
Sasako had contested the recent national general elections in East Kwaio but lost to current MP Standly Sofu.
He campaigned under Direct Development Party led by new minister for education and human resources Dick Ha’amori.
Bougainville Seeks Legal Adviser
Source: Solomon Star
MPs reminded of their roles.
The PRESIDENT of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, Chief John Momis has reminded Members of Parliament of their roles as leaders.
Speaking as an invited guest at the MPs Induction Programme Tuesday in Parliament, President Momis said the privilege of serving one's people in such a high office is granted to only a few.
"It is a sacred calling and you must take your obligations and responsibilities very seriously," he said.
President Momis said this leadership is both individual and collective.
"At the individual level, you represent your constituencies in the towns and villages across this beautiful archipelago that comprises the Solomon Islands.
"You have been chosen by them to represent their interests in this place," he said.
"It is an extreme honour dating as far back in time and history when man - with his natural ability of choice and reason - agreed among themselves that the will of the majority should prevail in politics as opposed to the forces of tyranny of a few.
"This is the essence of democracy," he said.
President Momis said on the collective level, MPs have also been chosen not only to represent their particular constituents but also through their participation in the business of parliament.
Mr Momis was sworn in as President of Bougainville on 10 June 2010, after defeating his predecessor, former President James Tanis, and five other challengers by a landslide in the 2010 presidential election.
During his inauguration speech in Bougainville, he said: "I had to observe that in all societies, the sacred task of leadership is bestowed on few."
He said it is a sacred trust bestowed by the people and in return for this act of trust, much will be required.
"I said this further that a leader becomes the servant of the many.
"Leadership is a partnership between the people, and we the elected ones.
"It must be your first duty to honour this sacred trust to serve," he said.
Mr Momis, who served as a Catholic priest from 1970 until 1993 and co-writer of the Constitution of Papua New Guinea, previously held posts as the Governor of Bougainville from 1999 until 2005 and the former Papua New Guinean ambassador to the People's Republic of China.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville

ABG Acting President PATRICK NISIRA inspecting Police Guard of Honour in Buka.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Former Member for North Bougainville during Pre independence days, DONATUS MOLA today questioned the National Government why no funding has been allocated to celebrate PNG Independence celebrations on Bougainville.
MR. MOLA was one of the Speakers at today’s celebration in Buka.
He said that Bougainville supported Papua New Guinea to gain independence in 1975 and Bougainville still remains to be part of the beautiful nation despite Bougainville gaining Autonomy.
MR. MOLA said Bougainville will continue to commemorate Papua New Guinea’s Independence however funding must be allocated to the Autonomous Bougainville Government
Pictured is the former member DONATUS MOLA

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Veronica Hannette
Police station commander and Assistant liquor inspector for Central Bougainville, Herman Birengka is implementing Operation Hamamas in Arawa to curb increased crime in the district.
They are continuously doing these operations every Fridays to deal with the rising issue of Homebrew and other drug related problems in Arawa.
Mr Birengka said that the operation is proceeding and while at work on last Friday they confiscated 5 five liter container homebrew including three sellers when others fled.
He said that a meeting was held between the police and the liquor outlet owners last week to try to control liquor sales and other related problems in the area.
Meanwhile they are planning another meeting with the option of total banning liquor in the Central district to try to stabilize the situation.
The next programme is that police are launching anti Homebrew campaigns into the COE areas.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tom Kathoa
The small township of Buka in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville will play host to more than a thousand women pilgrims next week.
Women from several provinces in Papua New Guinea will start arriving in Buka on Monday for their weeklong conference to be staged on Sohano Island next week.
These women are members of the Christian Life Centre throughout the country.
The first batch of women to arrive would be the 150 strong delegates from Goroka in the Eastern Highlands Province who would arrive on a chartered aircraft on the twentieth of this month.
Delegates from other provinces are expected to arrive midweek before the conference proper starts on the twenty-fourth of this month.
Meanwhile, the hosting church members have been busy with the preparation which has been progressing well.
The arrival and presence of this large number of women from other parts of Papua New Guinea is a sign of confidence that peace and stability is in the region.
Their presence also means they will spend money while here and provide an opportunity for the women of Bougainville to make money through the sale of their market produce.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tom Kathoa
Reports of damage and destruction of public properties in public institutions like health and educational buildings must be of great concern to every Bougainvilleans.
The Minister for Higher Education and Member for North Bougainville, Hon Michael Ogio said he is sad to hear that equipments provided by the government to public institutions for the good of the people have been damaged or stolen.
Mr. Ogio said this must be stopped for the good of every citizen who are users of such equipments.
The Member for North Bougainville said this when presenting an Ambulance to the Gagan Health Centre today.
Earlier speakers including the Catholic Health Secretary, Claris HAREPA spoke of the need to protect such public properties.
She said some building materials for the Health Centre have been stolen, the building damaged and urged the community to look after the centre including the new ambulance.
Upon hearing this, the Member for North Bougainville said these things cost the government a lot of money and they must be well looked after.
Mr. Ogio told the people that he has spent part of his sectoral funds to purchase three ambulance and two police vehicles
The three vehicles have been allocated to Lemanmanu, Gagan and Teaoruki Health Centers while the two police vehicles have been given to Kokopau and Tinputz Police.
These vehicles are for the maintenance of law and order and to help police and health workers to carryout their duties effectively and efficiently.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Bougainville will celebrate PNG 35th independence celebrations tomorrow at the Hutjena Oval on Buka island.
According to the program for tomorrow the celebration would start at eight o’clock and end at four o’clock in the afternoon.
Most of the activities would be performed by students of Primary Schools around Buka town.
Official welcome would be made by the member for Tsitalato in the ABG, HON. Cosmas Sohia.
Speakers at tomorrow’s celebration will include the newly appointed Chief Administrator for Bougainville, MR. LAWRENCE DISING.
New Dawn FM will carry live Broadcast of the activities for the benefit of its listeners in Buka Town and nearby villages.
Meanwhile the main boat stop near the main Buka market would be closed tomorrow to allow participants of the Bougainville Pikinini Aquathon and Open Triathalon 2010.
This is to make sure that no boat disturbs activities at this area and to avoid accidents.
Boats would be allowed to get passengers to Kamarau wharf and near the temporary market.
Source: Solomon Star
Bougainville wants ties stronger
BOUGAINVILLE plans to further strengthen its historical ties with Solomon Islands in a more formal arrangement.
Newly elected President of Autonomous Region of Bougainville, Chief John Momis confirmed this when speaking at the Solomon Islands Members of Parliament's induction programme yesterday.
"We must jointly examine approaches to cementing some form of an agreement to further facilitate and foster the already close relationship which our two people enjoy in terms of commercial and social services,” he said.
"I have given directions to my officials to begin exploring the possibility of such an agreement.”
At the same time, President Momis said funding has been secured for a fully operational border post at Kangu in South Bougainville which will make it easier for people to move back and forth.
President Momis also extends his invitation to Solomon Islands Government to attend the upcoming proposed signing ceremony in Buka in October.
The signing is purposely for a portfolio of Memorandum of Understanding recoding the transfer of the core administrative powers and functions from the Papua New Guinea National Government to the ABG.
"We are on target for the Referendum on the future of Bougainville, the threshold of which is 2015 with 2020 being the outside date by which it must be held," he said
Source: Post-Courier
Misused K2m investigated
BOUGAINVILLE’S K10 million Torokina Oil Palm project is being debated among politicians and bureaucrats.
ABG’s Agriculture chief executive officer Sam Rangai was officially suspended last week after allegations of misuse of K2 million from the project. The ABG administration confirmed his suspension and an acting chief executive officer has appointed while investigations are being carried out.
They said his suspension was over allegations of misuse of K2 million but they could not elaborate.
This project was started by Bougainville Affairs Minister Fidelis Semoso five years ago.
The administration and DPI office could not detail the problems surrounding it. Last Friday Torokina villagers presented a petition to ABG President John Momis regarding the project.
They were led by young men and the council of elders. They wanted an explanation from President Momis as to why he engaged a foreign company to work on the project when there were local experts already on the ground.
Source: Post-Courier
Fundraising for hungry starts in Buka
THE Bougainville Disaster office and several non-government organisations operating in Buka yesterday officially kicked off a fundraising drive to raise funds for the unfortunates of the region.
The fundraising drive was for the 10,000 people of Buka Islanders, the Atolls, low-lying islands of Petats, Matsungan, Pororan and those of Haku, Halia, Tsitalato and Hagogohe, including Mahari. They are suffering because of the unpredicted weather patterns in the region. Franklyn Lacey and his officials started the fundraising drive in front of the Buka town’s Isa Beach and advised that they would accept donations in cash or kind.
Official records show more than 10,000 people from Buka Island are hungry and need urgent medical assistance from the Government. Reports from Buka detail that frequent heavy rains had caused food shortage.
Source: Post-Courier
Police get tough
By Veronica Hannette
POLICE in Arawa are doing an “Operation Hamamas” as a continuous operation to deal with homebrew issues on Fridays in Central Bougainville.
Kieta police station commander and assistant liquor inspector in Arawa Herman Birengka said homebrew production in the villages and then selling them in the towns and streets in Arawa was a big concern.
He said the police in Arawa came up with the initiative to carry out such operations to stop people destroying themselves..
He said the operations had been progressing well so far.
Mr Birengka said while they were carrying out their operations last Friday, they successfully confiscated five containers of homebrew with three sells. There were others but they fled.
Last week Mr Birengka held a meeting with the liquor owners in Arawa on resolutions to control liquor consumption.
The Arawa police will be having another meeting to get suggestions on whether to ban liquor in Kieta and they are planning to take the initiative and this will control the law and order problems.
The policemen’s next program will be to launch an anti-homebrew awareness.
He said program police teams will be divided to serve the villagers and as well as urban centres in Central Bougainville.
Mr Birengka says police are enforcing law and order with this operation and it has helped in slowing down liquor consumption.
Source: Post-Courier
MP funds electoral projects
By Veronica Hannette
CENTRAL Bougainville National MP Jimmy Miringtoro is funding many projects under the District Service Implementation Program (DSIP) in his Electorate.
DSIP is a seven sector program that consists education, health, transport, water supply, law and justice, churches, women and youth.
Mr Miringtoro gave K1 million for renovation of Arawa Secondary School, K1 million for restoration of electricity in Arawa, K1 million for the Arawa town sewerage and plus many other projects not detailed.
The National Government created the DSIP five years ago when it realised that they had not spent enough in rural areas and it is focusing on rural areas now. It is through DSIP that the MP funded school buildings and helped in school fee assistance to vocational schools.
There are DSIP funds for transport to fix existing roads like Mapearo road in Wakunai, Main-trunk road at Koromira and Biangpa/Sikoreva road in Kieta district.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville eyes NSL in 2011
SOCCER players and enthusiasts in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville can look forward to competitive football at the national level in the months to come.
This is true following the establishment of a regional bid team, who will work towards entering a team from Bougainville in the semi-professional National Soccer League (NSL) by 2011.
The announcement was made in Buka over the weekend by the executives of the newly established Bougainville United Football Club Limited (BUFCL).
Chairman of the bid team Peter Tareasi explained that the BUFCL has been registered as a corporate entity, which will buy a franchise in the NSL.
The announcement was witnessed by the executives of the Bougainville Soccer Federation.
President Justin Helele thanked the bid team for the initiative that will allow football players in the region to show their talents in the semi professional competition. Tareasi explained that the bulk of the players in the proposed BUFCL franchise will be Bougainvilleans.
The operation of bid team was given a healthy head-start by Gannei Holdings Limited with an initial injection of K30,000.
The announcement was made by owner Gerard Masa and Justin Helele of Bougainville Soccer Federation also backed the initiative with K20,000. Gannei Holdings and Bougainville Soccer Federation are now shareholders in the proposed BUFCL.
Tareasi called on business houses in Bougainville to support the bid team in its endeavours to enter NSL on behalf of young footballers from the region.
The bid team will also be approaching the ABG and the Government to back the initiative.
Records showed that Bougainville had produced top football players in the national team before the crisis.
A few players have played on contracts overseas. Meanwhile, the Bougainville Soccer Federation has announced that a piece of land has been approved at Hahela for the development of a mini soccer stadium.
Neuer Kommentar (German) !
Source: Börse Frankfurt
Bougainville Copper shares soar in Frankfurt with huge turn-over!
Bougainville Copper Aktien haussieren in Frankfurt mit großen Umsätzen.
Hausse des actions de Bougainville Copper à Francfort avec un niveau d'échange très élevé!
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Buka Branch of Bank South Pacific is organizing Clean up of Buka Town as part of the BANK’s overall GO GREEN campaign throughout PNG.
Branch Manager, BENJAMIN KIWAI told New Dawn FM that the Go green campaign is targeting Ten schools in Buka and is also targeting the business community in Buka town.
The Go green campaign would involve the ten schools around Buka on Friday 17TH September whilst the community at large would take to the streets of Buka town on Saturday morning 18th September.
MR. KIWAI said that the Bank would like the public to also participate in removing plastics and other rubbish around Buka town to help beautify Buka town.
He said plastic bags would be provided to participants of the Go Green campaign.
Persons who wish to participate in this exercise can pick up forms from the BSP branch in Buka.
The forms are just to collect data on how many people would be participating in this exercise.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Veronica Hannette
Member for Central Bougainville, Jimmy Miringtoro is funding a lot of projects under the District Service Implementation Programme (DSIP) in his Electorate.
The DSIP is a seven sector programme that consists of Education, Health, Transport, Water-supply, Law & Justice, and Churches, Women and youth.
The National Government created the DSIP five years ago when it realized that they have not been spending enough in rural areas there for it is now focusing into rural areas.
And it is through the DSIP funds that the member funded school buildings (i.e.: a four in one two stories buildings) and has also help in school fee assistance to vocational schools in the region.
Meanwhile there are some funds in the DSIP under transport that has been set to face lift the existing roads like Mapearo road in Wakunai, Main-trunk road at Koromira and the Biangpa/Sikoreva road in the Kieta district.
Using the DSIP funds, Mr Miringtoto will also assist Health centres in Wakunai, Manetai and Sipuru with erecting of staff houses and make it possible for the centres to have health workers.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
A chief from Haku, SYLVESTER NIU is calling on the Minister for Works to immediately engage earthmoving equipments to fix the road that is in its worst stage due to continuous rains in the area.
The chief told New Dawn FM last night that trucks from Haku have been finding it difficult to travel to Buka since last week due to the deteriorating road conditions.
He said that if nothing is done to fix the roads it would be very difficult for trucks from Haku to reach Buka by the end of this week.
MR. NIU who operates a PMV truck between Haku and Buka town said that it is costing a lot of funds for PMV operators to operate in such conditions.
Meanwhile NEW DAWN FM also understands that the recent heavy rains have completely destroyed the road network between Buka, Arawa and Buin.
And some rivers have completely removed drainage pipes and destroyed most of the work that the Japanese bridge builders have already put in.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Veronica Hannette
The District games in Central Bougainville have been moved from September to October this year
There have been hold ups due to bad weather and financial constraints.
The central region will play 12 codes excluding Paralympics, softball, bodybuilding, tae kwando which will be played in the seven (7) COEs of Central district.
From the dates 4th to the 8th of October that will serve the District games as their Referee in each code will part take in a workshop from the 30th of September to the 1st of October 2010.
According to the Secretary for sports in Central, Philip Kamuka he said that he has approached the Member for Central to seek assistance to commit funds to assist the game because this is the way to strengthen peace in Bougainville.
He says that since the games started drug consumption has decreased as sport interest increased.
So far so good the games are still on despite the weather problem..
Source: ASX Sydney at 11:12 am
Bougainville Copper Limited (BOC) : UP 14.81% = AU$ 1.24 !
Source: Post-Courier
Daltron signs deal with Bougainville firm
BOUGAINVILLEANS will no longer have to spend money repairing their computers by sending them to Port Moresby because they will have this service right at their doorstep.
The Bougainville Microfinance Association (BMA) last Friday signed a memorandum of understanding with major PNG information technology company Daltron Limited.
BMA is the first local Bougainvillean company to sign an agreement with a major investor to Bougainville, Daltron Electronics Limited, which is a part of WR Carpenters.
BMA general manager Joe Bepa and Daltron Limited general manager Rob Chard signed the agreement with two government ministers as witnesses including the ABG Minister for Communications Carolus Ketsimur, and Wilfred Komba.
Mr Bepa on behalf to BMA said service delivery and satisfaction of customer service was very vital in modern day business, especially here on Bougainville.
“We started with the microfinance mini bank and then started an It store to provide It support to people, and Daltron was our main supplier.
At the same time since we were their major clients here on Bougainville we were also promoting a lot of Daltron products.” Mr. Bepa said.
Source: Post-Courier
Where there are no doctors
In the light of a torch made from burning coconut leaves, mothers deliver their newborn babies, sometimes without the aid of a birthing kit, clean water or proper equipment . . .
A simple village couple is doing an extraordinary deed to save the lives of pregnant mothers in remote villages on Nissan Island.
The couple, Louis Nicky, 48, and Liza, in her late 40s, have been delivering babies since 2003.
Liza and Louis have five children and they are like any other village family whose daily life revolves around gardening, fishing and going to church on Sundays. They rarely travel to Buka town, in fact, Liza has not set foot in Buka since she started delivering babies in 2003.
Liza is the unofficial nurse on the island. She also has knowledge in “bush medicine.”
This knowledge was complimented with a course she took in 2002 when a non-government organisation travelled to Balil Island to train mothers on safe motherhood and how to deliver babies in remote villages.
The course was vital for mothers who had no access to proper health facilities, mainly areas such as Balil, Siar and Sirot, where proper health facilities are lacking. The course was only for a month and within that short period, Liza learned a lot for a simple villager. She is now the unofficial nurse saving many multi-parous (mothers already given birth) and primi-para (first-time mothers) of Balil 1, 2, 3, Sirot and Siar. With a population of about 700 to 1000, Liza and her husband do the best they can for the women who come to them. Liza has delivered, to date, 66 babies - about 40 new mothers and 20 who had other children. Pregnant women on Balil, Siar and Sirot are most times referred to the Nissan Island Health Centre if complications arise with their pregnancies, but due to the island’s proximity and remoteness, Liza and Louis most often take in these women, and use the skills they have learnt to ensure a safe delivery for mother and child. There is an aid post on Balil that is supervised by two male aid post orderlies (APO). But with traditional taboos, mothers often shy away from using the aid post when it is time to deliver their babies. And it is not just Liza who is saving lives, her husband Louis is by her side 24/7, even at odd hours of the night, without a single complaint. Having seen his wife at work, Louis knows all too well the pain pregnant mothers go through and the hardship they face in bringing a newborn baby into this world.
“On several occasions, say many times, because my wife delivers mothers at very odd times, say 1am, 2am, 3am or even 4am and 5am, I have to play my role as her other half, light up the coconut leaves that we gather and prepare in advance - because we don’t have torches or lamps - and I provide the light while she delivers in coconut-lit leaves. That has been our operation since 2003,” Louis said. He is now in Buka, trying to negotiate with the Health Department and the ABG to assist his wife Liza with an allowance every month. All Louis is asking for is K50 a month. This is so his wife can buy birthing kits, torches for light, or even some buckets or dishes to fetch water for the mothers as Liza doesn’t have a tank for the mothers to wash or to use during birth. The Balil Council of Elders and the APOs have written to the authorities to at least provide K50 a month for Liza, but their calls have fallen on deaf ears at the Health Department.
Last month, Liza was told by Nissan Health Centre not to deliver any more babies. But mothers are still going to her for help, despite the ban, because without Liza, these women have no-one else who will help them.
Source: Post-Courier
Hunger grips 10,000 in Buka
OFFICIAL records show more than 10,000 people from Buka Island are hungry and need urgent assistance from the Government.
Reports from the disaster office in Buka show that continuous heavy rains in Buka have caused a food shortage in atoll islands, low-lying islands of Buka, villages in Buka and many other places in north Bougainville.
Franklyne Lacey of the disaster office said yesterday that the Government at this stage was ill-equipped and was not in a position to immediately assist financially but confirmed that there were people now going hungry and living on sea food, store goods or what they could lay their hands on.
The disaster office in Buka has also confirmed initial reports that all districts of north Bougainville are facing food shortages due to the prolonged heavy rains during the months of March, April, May, June, July and August, severely affecting all food gardens in the Buka districts.
There is a report undertaken by the disaster officers led by Mr Lacey, and that report was based on the experiences of villages like Pororan Island, the Tsitalato, Halia and Peit constituencies.
Already, there are complaints from the Haku, Tonsu, Mah-ari, Tinputs and Selau, Suir and the Atolls on the issue of vegetable gardens going bad and people going hungry.
The report based on the inspection conducted last month and presented to the Department of Primary Ind-ustry and the disaster office in Buka detailed that there are possible threats in:
* THE outbreak of different diseases or sicknesses because of the continuous wet weather which will result in deaths of children;
* THE increased rate of criminal activities;
* Increased prostitution leading to family problems;
* Increased rate of HIV/AIDS.
The report also showed that children in Buka schools are forced to stay away from school because the classrooms are flooded, children are hungry or the environments are not conducive anymore.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville women form group
BOUGAINVILLE now has an effective women’s group, Autonomous Bougainville Government Women’s Affairs Minister Rose Pihei has announced.
Mrs Pihei said recently that this federation covers women from all over south Bougainville and north, but has not fully covered Central Bougainville because there are still some problems to sort out there.
“This is a very effective women’s federation, which is going to be affiliated to the National Council of Women until we are capable of running it ourselves and then we can operate the same as the NCW,” Mrs Pihei said.
“This is the avenue to discuss, address and sort out outstanding issues for women of Bougainville. Their grievances, their cries, their pleas and any problems that they face will be addressed through this group. Also apart from problems, this is the group that will be moving women of Bougainville forward in terms of projects for them, development issues for women and many others concerning just about every women of Bougainville.”
Source: Post-Courier
NGOs gear up for fair
Non-government organisations in Bougainville are bracing for a major community awareness at the end of this month.
This is the first awareness fair to be held in front of the Buka police station, spearheaded by the Bougainville community policing project in conjunction with the Bougainville Police Service.
Organiser Karley Western, from the New Zealand police, said yesterday that more than 25 NGO groups have applied to take part in the event next week, including AusAID and NZAid. “This will be big and a major community awareness fair which is being staged in Buka for two days for all NGOs in the region,” Ms Western said.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tom Kathoa
The ABG Minister for Community Development, Women, Youth, Sports and Religion, Hon. Rose PIHEI says radio plays a very important role in disseminating information to the rural people.
Ms PIHEI said the use of radio for community mobilization is very important to peace building and stability in Bougainville.
The minister said this at the close of a one week workshop on Community Learning in which she was a participant herself at the Kuri Village Resort last week.
Minister Pihei said the workshop was an eye opener for her and has helped her in her role as a minister.
She told the closing ceremony that her minister would be launching an Integrated Community Learning Center soon and the Community Learning through the use of radio would be a perfect model to use in implementing the program.
.The minister said the most important outcome of the workshop is that it brought together people from all sectors of the community with an interest in dealing with women’s health to find answers and ways to minimize them.
Participants at the workshop were drawn from the Health Profession, Community Workers, especially from the Non-Government sector, Media personal, especially radio and policy makers.
It was conducted by officers from the Commonwealth of Learning in Canada.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tom Kathoa
Users of the Lemanmanu Health Center in the Haku Constituency, Buka District will at last take delivery of a new ambulance.
The new ambulance has been purchased by the Member for North Bougainville and Minister for Higher Education Science and Technology, Hon Michael Ogio through his allocation.
The Lemanmanu Ceremony will be held at the Health Center tomorrow and would be presided over by the Member for Hagogohe Constituency, Hon Robert Hamal Sawa who is also the Deputy Chairman of the North Bougainville JDP Committee
A similar ceremony is planned for Gagan Health Center in the Peit Constituency on Wednesday this week.
The third ambulance allocated to the Tearoki Health Center in the Tinputz area would be presented to the centre by the Member for North Bougainville himself, Hon Michael Ogio on the twenty-sixth of this month.
Minister Ogio told an earlier ceremony to present these vehicles and four police vehicles said the ambulance would greatly assist mothers and other patients in their locality.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tom Kathoa
The people of Malasang Village on Buka Island are mourning the death of one of their sons who passed away early this morning.
Former Member for Tsitalato Constituency in the Autonomous Bougainville Government, Mr. Hillary Laris passed away early this morning.
The late Laris represented the people of Tsitalato in the first ABG House of Representatives from 2005 to this year.
The late Laris did not defend his seat due to his court conviction. Meanwhile, the body of the late broadcaster, Aloysius Nase was taken to Nissan Island yesterday for burial.
Nase spent most of his life in Malasang where he was married.
Staffs of New Dawn Station send their condolence to the family and relatives of the late Nase and Laris.
Our thoughts are with you all in this time of sorrow.
Source: Post-Courier
Post-Courier reports on ESBC warning (PDF here)
Locals warned of foreigners
EUROPEAN shareholders of Bougainville Copper, one of the largest organisations comprising private shareholders of BCL, have issued a stern warning to Papua New Guineans entering into business deals with "questionable" European individuals.
Their warning comes at a time when the Autonomous Region of Bougainville is being flooded with so-called investors from all over the world including Australia, USA, England and Canada who are after all sorts of things worth making money out of.
Many of these investors are entering into joint venture partnerships with the locals to ship out what was leii behind including scrap metal, by Bougainville Copper Limited.
lt is understood that some Canadians are in Panguna teaching Bougainvilleans how to extract gold from waste rock and the Java River.
They expect to be paid back in gold bullion for their services and investment on equipment.
The British High Commission in Port Moresby has said that the UK legislation encourages all British companies to operate with integrity and to the highest international corporate and social standards.
"We continue to work closely with the PNG and Bougainville governments to identify commercial opportunities and attract and maintain quality long term investment partners from the UK,"
British High Commissioner to PNG David Dunn said.
President of ESBC Axel Sturm advised Papua New Guineans and Bougainvilleans to be extremely careful if they intended to do any business with people from Europe.
"Very often these people have an extremely doubtful career at home and only come to small Pacific (Island) countries to trick the local people," Mr Sturm said.
"Do not become a victim of these people without any scruples! Do not be misled by their declarations or ihe fact that these people keep up good private relations to locals. Very often these people only pretend to maintain good worldwide relations to top governmental institutions etc. - in most of these cases this is absolutely false."
He advised potential local partners to be aware that these people would only come to them to steal money.
In case of any doubt please ask the representatives of the European Community, the French Embassy or the British High Commissioner for help," Mr Sturm said. "They are a12 based in Port Moresby. You can also contact the German Embassy in Canberra; Australia far references. Especially if you are intending to do any contract with these individuals: inform yourself on the reputation of your partners in their home countries first. Do protect yourself against fraud," Mr. Sturm said.
Source: Post-Courier
Drugs, alcohol causes of crime
ALMOST all criminal activities on Bougainville are alcohol and drug related, leaders of Bougainville have announced.
Bougainville police minister Leo Hannett during his official welcome together with the commissioning of Bougainville’s new Assistant Commissioner of Police Thomas Eluh announced that a report has been completed on the restructure of the Bougainville Police Service.
Mr Hannett said that the consultations and research from this report indicated that much of the crime on Bougainville was alcohol related and they included assaults, public drunkenness, fighting and disorder with stealing also being a problem as well as sexual offences such as incest and rape being frequently mentioned during community consultations.
The Buka courthouse on the other hand has an increased data of rape and incest cases in north Bougainville, in south and central Bougainville the number court cases of incest and murder is on the increase. These had been because of alleged high alcohol and drug consumption in those regions.
Mr Hannett said that community groups had confirmed the need for policing services to be improved generally as well as a desire for rural police posts to be established to provide support to local leaders and village courts and to coordinate and better manage the community auxiliary police working in village communities. He said with the Bougainville Police Service, now that a re-structure report had been tabled to him, they would have a serious look into it and with the appointment of Assistant Commissioner Thomas Eluh, it was timely as the ABG had faith and hope in him to ease the problems.
“There is a need to improve investigations and prosecutions as well as management and supervision of police, including the provision of a proper rank structure and a greater number of women in policing. Discipline and professional standards need to be greatly improved as do the policing of road safety awareness around Bougainville,” he said.
Source: Post-Courier
‘Bush doctors’ recognised
ABOUT 30 Bougainvilleans graduated as “bush doctors” last Friday, officially recognised by the National Government and Autonomous Bougainville Government as alternative health aides.
Dr Prem Rai from the mental health and rehabilitation unit of the Health Department last Friday did the honours with Health Minister, also the acting President Patrick Nisira, presenting certificates to these participants.
The bush doctors who deal with traditional or herbal medicine every day of their lives and are from all over Bougainville, have formed an association, now headed by a president and have been recognised fully for their jobs in the community.
In most remote parts of Bougainville, as well as other parts of Papua New Guinea, where modern medical treatment is scarce and not available, bush medicines or traditional/herbal medicine have been the alternative, healing the people. Bougainville became the eighth province in PNG to establish a traditional medicine association; the others are Chimbu, Oro, Milne Bay, Madang, Morobe, Abau in Central and Eastern Highlands Province.
Mr Nisira pledged his support and recognition for these people who have now been fully recognised for their help to their communities.
Dr Rai explained the PNG Government was supportive of this program, forming a traditional medicine task force and supporting this programs through the national department of health and launching the national policy on traditional medicine in 2008 and including the program in the National Health Plan (2001-2010).
“Indigenous traditional medicine is an important resource providing relief to a vast segment of our population in variety of afflictions and ailments,” Dr Rai said.
Source: The National
10,000 in Bougainville starving
MORE than 10,000 people in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville are in need of food and medical assistance after continuous rainfall destroyed food gardens and devastated roads.
Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) President John Momis highlighted the problem last Friday when accepting 4,000 cartons of biscuits worth K180, 000 from the Lae Biscuit Co Ltd.
The company will ship the biscuits in two containers to the ABG office this week. Weather experts had linked the continuous rainfall to the change in climate as a result of global warming.
According to the website, the months prior to July were hot and dry in Bougainville.
“Rainwater storage tanks were running low and any rainfall was occasional and light.
“However, in the last couple of weeks, there has been a major change – rain is now heavy and frequent,” the website said.
Many Bougainvilleans lead a mostly subsistence lifestyle growing most of their own food in gardens. Others rely on generating income through growing cash crops like cocoa and coconuts.
According to locals, people grow crops fit for the climate, and the crops are grown according to the seasons.
“If weather patterns start to change and crops do not grow, many people have little safety net and will struggle for income and food,” the website added.
Typically, July is part of the dry season but, this year, the wet season came early and the heavy monsoon rains were having a massive impact.
“Only small sections of the roads in Bougainville are sealed and the remainder has quickly turned to a series of deep water-filled potholes.
“The rain also caused slips and landslides, creating road blocks that the government in Bougainville does not yet have the capacity to clear quickly,” the website added.
This had impacted greatly on the local communities, as the poor roads meant they could not take their cocoa and copra to the buyers.
Many government and non-governmental projects and programmes had also been affected, officials said.
The rains had not stopped since last month.
“We express our sympathy for the hardships and the life-threatening situations in the affected areas.
“We assure the president and other leaders of the ABG that we are happy to provide whatever we can for the health and safety of the victims of the natural disaster,” Lae Biscuit southern region manager Fabian Chow said.
He also called on the good people of Bougainville around the country to assist their families as much as possible.
“The leaders of Bougainville and other stakeholders can only do so much but it is the families that must now stand together to assist in any way possible your relatives back home,” Chow added.
Also present to receive the donation with Momis were the Minister for Higher Education and North Bougainville MP Michael Ogio and director of the national coordination office of Bougainville affairs Ellison Towollom.
“We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Lae Biscuit. Thank you for the tremendous help you have given us in our time of need,” Momis said.
Ogio echoed similar sentiments and emphasised on the importance of strengthening partnership in all sectors of development.
“I call on the people of Bougainville to encourage partnership in your business so that, in times of need, this partnership exists,” he said.
Source: The Australian Financial Review
Interest reawakens in Panguna copper mine
The political situation in the Bougainville region of Papua New Guinea is showing signs of improvement, boosting the stock of Bougainville Copper. While the off-shoot of resources company Rio Tinto is still listed in Australia, it has not been able to operate its major Panguna copper mine in the area since civil war erupted in 1989. Executive chair Peter Taylor has held talks with the new leaders in Bougainville and says they are keen to have production restart. The news is combining with expected strong demand and price rises for copper to lift the share price.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
on air
By Aloysius Laukai
The first introductory programme on Bougainville Women's Health Issues went on air on time last Friday at 4pm on New Dawn FM.
This was after two days of deliberations between Health Officials Community Health workers and NGO groups who were also dealing with Health issues affecting Bougainville today.
The workshop organized by local Station New Dawn FM in Association with participation from the Ministry of Community Development, Division of Health, Buka General Hospital, Bougainville Interchurch women's forum, CARE international, United Church Health Office, Bougainville Police Service, Buka Urban Council's Environmental health, World Vision, NBC Bougainville, with sponsorship and training by the Commonwealth of Learning based in Canada and the Regional Media Centre of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community based in Fiji.
The workshop concentrated on dealing with Women's Health issues affecting Bougainville women and children today.
They were able to design a 12 month radio Programme that would address these issues with face to face learning programmes for targeted audiences.
Participants of the workshop were very pleased to use the message matrix tool to identify different issues.
Issues that would be addressed by the Radio programme would cover, Malaria prevention and treatment, Teenage pregnancy, HIV/AIDS and STI's, Tuberculosis and Pneumonia, Nutrition and Life style diseases, Obesity and Traditional medicine.
The workshop was officially closed by the CEO for the Health Division DR. JOE BUMPARA who was very happy to work with the Community partners to address health issues.
The Minister for Community Development, Women, Youth, Sports and Churches, HON. ROSE PIHEI and her Officer, Magdalene Toroansi attended the workshop.
The programme would start in one we ek's time and would be aired on New Dawn FM and NBC Radio Bougainville.
Time of Broadcast would be announced later.
A senior Broadcaster with NBC Bougainville, ADRIAN RASIN also attended the workshop and would be one of the co-producers of the programme WITH New Dawn FM's SODITHA LAVETT.
This would be the first time for the two local Radio Stations to collaborate with Community Partners and Health Professionals to address Health Issues affecting Bougainville today.
New Dawn FM's Manager also thanked the facilitators for choosing Bougainville for this workshop as they concentrate more in Asia and Africa in such programmes.
Pictures are participants of the workshop with the course facilitators.
(Standing) Joyce Tohui, Reuben Kalaung, Adrian Rasin, Maria Laukai, Graeme Binin, Mary Kololi, Dr.Barnabas Matanu, Clarence Vinoko, Aren Baoa, Lawrencia Kumis, Ian Pringle(COL)
From Left to Right(sitting) Soditha Lavett, Magdalen Toroansi, Minister Rose Pihei, Constable Leslie Meten, Magareth Kukupe, Aloysius Laukai

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Veronica Hannette
Today makes a significant day for the New Commander for Bougainville police service and the Royal PNG Constabulary.
Police commissioner, Garry Baki installed a new rank to the ACP Bougainville Thomas Eluh in a parade of guard’s witness.
He congratulated Thomas Eluh for taking the rank.
Mr Baki said with this appointment, Bougainville peace service will be able to protect and serve the people of Bougainville.
Law and Order should be promoted within the community development for the future prosperity for Bougainville.
He says the ranks given to him is a privilege and this is through commitment responsibility and dedication.
Mr Eluh was challenged that he is now a public figure and will be held accountable for those who are under his command.
Mr Baki mentioned that this is also a sign of commitment and anticipation to provide for more police personals for a prosperous future for Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tom Kathoa
The Autonomous Bougainville Government has been called upon to speed up the process of Draw down of powers from the National Government.
The call has been prompted by the low wages paid to employees of private companies operating in Bougainville.
An angry Chief from Bana in South Bougainville, Chief Peter Kengs in an unsigned letter to New Dawn and copied to his constituency member said employers were not paying the right labour wage to their employees.
Chief Kengs said he has witnessed employers paying their employees very low wages even lower than the agreed labour wage.
He says he has witnessed workers of a particular company named worked long hours, but are rewarded with very little pay, comes payday.
Mr. Kengs described this as inhuman and wants the authorities to immediately look into the matter.
He also claims that these workers are not paid their final entitlements of FINISH PAY when they leave.
And, he wants the ABG Government to bring in the Labour Department into Bougainville to look into this situation.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tom Kathoa
Peace is what all the people of Bougainville want, according to the Bougainville Police Minister, Hon Leo Hannett.
Mr. Hannett said peace is the desired outcome of our collective energies in Bougainville today.
Minister Hannett told a police parade in Buka today that the people of Bougainville want normalcy and a ‘NO GUN ERA” to enable people to conduct business activity to move the region forward..
He said only peace and bring about an environment conducive to positive change and a peaceful Bougainville starts with restoration of law and order.
The ABG Police Minister said the threat presented by the presence of unlicensed guns in our midst, alcohol; drug abuse and other law and order issues present us with a challenge that needs to be addressed.
Mr. Hannett said his transfer of Eluh to Bougainville is timely with the completion of the re-structure of the Bougainville Police Service.
Chief Superintendent Eluh will as Assistant Commissioner head the work of police in the region.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tom Kathoa
A former school teacher from South Bougainville, Mr. Luke Deukari has challenged the Autonomous Bougainville Government to implement the stated education policy objectives.
Mr. Deukari said the ABG has failed miserably to implement that stated policy on education.
He said section 32 sub-sections 2 of this policy says that all aged school children have a right to be taught to read and write in their own language (TOKPLES).
While sub-section 3 of this section requires the ABG Government to continue to consult with traditional chiefs and other community leaders on the development and effectiveness of the curriculum in all levels and kinds of education.
Mr. Deukari who runs such a school at Siwai says the government and the education division have failed the Bougainville constitution in this regard.
He said he started this school twenty years ago without any government assistance.
On the question of salary for his teachers, Mr. Deukari says he pays his eight teaching staff out of his own money.
Mr. Deukari said some of his students have gained tertiary level of education.
Some have even reached university level.
He challenged the new ABG Government to recruit the best qualified teachers to teach in elementary schools.
He said most of his teachers are village based teachers who have completed grade 10 studies.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tom Kathoa
Head of Police in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville; Mr. Thomas Eluh has been promoted to the rank of Chief Superintendent.
Mr. Eluh was bestowed with his new title by the Papua New Guinea Police Commissioner, Mr. Gary Baki in ceremony in front of the Buka Police Station today.
ABG Police Minister, Hon Leo Hannett described Chief Superintendent Eluh as a committed police officer and deserved his elevation to the highest police post in the region.
Minister Hannett said Mr. Eluh served the Police Force and Papua New Guinea with distinction and he is confident he would continue the good work here in Bougainville.
Mr. Hannett said the transfer of Mr. Eluh to Bougainville is a loss to Papua New Guinea, but a gain for Bougainville and its people.
Autonomous Bougainville Government President, Hon Chief John Momis, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon Andrew Miriki was among officials who attended and witnessed the pinning of the new title on Chief Superintendent Thomas Eluh.
Source: Post-Courier
Momis calls for change
AUTONOMOUS Bougainville Government President John Momis wants to create a new Bougainville where everyone, locals as well as foreigners, will be accorded human respect, freedom and security.
President Momis said this in his keynote address to a Bougainville police parade to mark the appointment of the new police minister and the confirmation of the Assistant Commissioner of Police - Leo Hannett and Thomas Eluh respectively. Justice John Kawi, Police Commissioner and all other dignitaries were present for the occasion at the Buka police station area.
“I congratulate the new Assistant Commissioner of Police on his appointment and thank him and his men for their contributions to the normalisation of our society in Bougainville,” Mr Momis said.
“We want to create a new Bougainville where all of us, locals as well as foreigners, will be accorded human respect, freedom and security. The new-look Bougainville will require us to experience a new paradigm shift, a new culture of peace, justice and hope as we stand together and work hand in hand to rise out of the ashes and reigns of the deadly bloody civil war.
“The people of Bougainville must now embrace and promote both intellectual and moral enlightenment in the new look Bougainville.
“We cannot afford to have ignorant and ill-informed people with no moral values in the new society we envision and hope to create for ourselves.
When things are still fluid and tractable in our region, despite the lingering post crisis culture, we must take deliberate proactive actions to raise the awareness of the people regarding the tremendous human potential inherit in them that can be utilsed to transform Bougainville.
“We can transform Bougainville if we empower our people as active agents of change and development.”
Source: Post-Courier
Chief administrator’s appointment clarified
BOUGAINVILLE President John Momis and legal adviser Chris Siriosi yesterday explained that the Bougainville Peace Agreement and the National Constitution were not “silent” on the appointment of the chief administrator.
Mr Siriosi in his legal advice to the ABG and the National Government said: “the procedural arrangements agreed to by the ABG with the National Government were merely arrangements of ‘political convenience’ and do not change the reading of section 14 of the Organic Law on Peace-Building in Bougainville. The law which provides the process for the appointment of a person to the office of the Bougainville chief administrator is provided by the combined operations of the Bougainville Peace Agreement, the National Constitution and the Organic Law on peace building in Bougainville. The specific provisions are clause 197 of the Bougainville Peace Agreement and section 14 and 16 (2) (b) of the Organic Law on peace building in Bougainville. Section 297 (2) of the National Constitution provides for the minimum requirements for the consultation between the National Government.” Mr Siriosi explained that the laws used by the ABG to appoint Lawrence Disin as the region’s new chief administrator were correct. Mr Momis sought his advice from Mr Siriosi and made the appointment. “Bougainville is not a provincial government any more. As far as I am concerned, as far as the legal advisers are concerned, it is the ABG that is only the legal and legitimate authority that can appoint the chief administrator.
“The Provincial and Local Level Government laws do not apply. Bougainville now has a special arrangement. The Provincial and Local Level Government law has no effect on Bougainville. The Provincial and LLG do not have any jurisdiction in Bougainville. The National Constitution was amended by us to exclude Bougainville from the application of the Organic Law on Provincial and Local Level Government,” Mr Momis said.
Source: ASX
12:19 p.m. local time ASX Sydney :
Bougainville Copper UP 16,40% = AU$ 1.10 !
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville

ABG Minister for Community Development Youth Women and Churches ROSE PIHEI at the Official Opening ceremony.
New Dawn FM in collaboration with Commonwealth of Learning and Secretariat of the Pacific Community are running a five day design workshop to develop a Community Learning Program on Health Issues on Bougainville.
The Workshop started with Welcome on Monday and will end on Friday with airing of the first Program on NEW DAWN FM at 4pm.
Pictured are Workshop participants who are in this workshop,
Participants are from all the key partners who carry out programs on Health Issues.
Participants are from the NBC Radio Bougainville, Bougainville Interchurch Women's Forum, Care International, World Vision, United Church Health Program, Bougainville Police Service, UPNG Buka Open Campus, Buka General Hospital, Buka Urban Council and the Ministry of Community Development Women Youth, Sports and Churches which has its Minister attending.

Source: Post-Courier
Continuous rain causes flooding
CONTINUOUS heavy rain in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville has forced the authorities to issue warning to the travelling public to take precautionary measures on the road between Buka and Arawa.
Heavy rain of late has caused rivers to overflow their banks and cause flooding, making it difficult for vehicles to cross.
Travellers have lost food rations and other goods carried away by the heavy floods.
Head of police in Bougainville, Assistant Commissioner Thomas Eluh is concerned about the lives of people travelling during this time and appealed to road users to take precautions.
Mr Eluh said this is not the right time for travelling, for it is now risky especially when there is flood and currents are fast.
Source: Post-Courier
Japanese assaulted
JAPANESE workers who are in Bougainville building bridges must be treated with respect and fairness.
Police in Buka have received reports of people assaulting the Japanese workers.
A man arrested and charged with assaulting a Japanese worker was released on bail and failed to turn up for court in Arawa.
Head of police in Buka Assistant Commissioner Thomas Eluh warned if the assaults continued it could be disastrous for the province.
The Japanese Embassy in Port Moresby has threatened to pull out workers because of assaults and harassments.
Mr Eluh said these people “are trying to deliver services to us and with this attitude we will lose in a big way”.
He said that they should be respected and appeal to the public to report if they are not happy with something concerning the contractors.
Mr Eluh said a repeat incident will be disastrous for Bougainville as well as the Government due to the fact that contractors will consider the behaviour not suitable to live with.
Source: Post-Courier
Liquor trading disturbs peace
LIQUOR trading and consumption are causing a lot of inconveniences for people in nearby residential areas in Buka and all over Bougainville.
Liquor outlets have been extending their trading hours making it impossible for residents to have peace in their neighbourhood.
Liquor licensing should reconsider the location of liquor outlets and give trading hours. Trading liquor is not safe especially near residential areas.
There are problems like shouting, swearing, teasing and harassment happening in towns and villages.
The concern was raised after an incident by a father who wants to remain anonymous fought with a man for swearing at his daughter.
The ACP Buka Thomas Eluh told the Post-Courier that Liquor Licencing Commissioners must be strict on the trading hours.
Police will be inspecting liquor outlets therefore it is a must for the outlets to display their licence.
He also appealed to nearby residents to report anyone who breaches the laws and regulation to the police so police can take appropriate actions.
Source: ESBC
Inform yourself about Bougainville Copper based CFDs here !
Informieren Sie sich hier über Bougainville Copper basierte CFDs !
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Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tom Kathoa
A reception and welcome ceremony by Bougainvilleans living and working in East New Britain touched the heart of the President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government, Hon Chief John Momis.
President Momis visited Bougainvilleans living in Rabaul at the weekend in respond to an invitation from the East New Britain Governor, Hon Leo Dion.
Momis told a press conference on his return to Buka yesterday that he was very surprised to see so many Bougainvilleans living and working in Rabaul.
He described the welcome by his people there as the biggest welcome ceremony in his political career.
The president said he was touched and moved by their action in performing our traditions away from home.
The large number of Bougainvilleans living outside the region is evident and proof that the ABG has not provided and met the people’s need like as making educational facilities available locally.
Many of our people flock to Rabaul in search for educational institutions and employment opportunities for their children and themselves, something that they cannot find here on Bougainville.
The president said these students and others spent a lot of money outside of Bougainville, money that the ABG badly needs to establish these institutions
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tom Kathoa
Regular passengers between Buka and Rabaul in East New Britain and other provinces in the New Guinea Islands Region would soon be traveling in comfort if moves by the Islands Governments become a reality.
Many passengers have on numerous occasions voiced their dissatisfactions about the condition and treatment offered by the only shipping company that provides that service.
The Autonomous Bougainville Government President, Hon Chief John Momis revealed at the press conference that a discussion on a better passenger shipping service has already began.
President Momis this issue has already been started during talks with the East New Britain Governor, Hon Leo Dion.
He said shipping companies should not treat people like animals, but provide them with proper amenities while traveling in their boats.
He said the proposed move would also pave way for joint business ventures to be established between the New Guinea Islands Governments.
Such partnership would contribute to greater stability and economic growth in the Islands region.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tom Kathoa
Bougainville’s Minister for Community Development, Women, Youth, Church and Sports, Hon Rose PIHEI highly commended radio for its effort in dissemination of information.
The minister said radio played a very important role in creating awareness on health issues affecting the people of Bougainville and Papua New Guinea as a whole.
Minister PIHEI singled out New Dawn FM as one such radio station that is really behind all these.
She made the statement when officially welcoming officials from the Commonwealth of Learning Center at a welcome dinner at the Kuri Village Resort last night.
The minister urged the media to continue to be an active partner in the move to make people aware of the different diseases affecting us today.
Sickness like HIV AIDS, TB, SICK SUGAR and many others could be avoided only if people are made aware of their dangers and on the best way of avoiding it.
Minister Pihei said the ABG Government is looking forward to working closely with the media in this area and would ensure the media gets government support.
Source: ESBC and BCF
Please find out more about the Bougainville Copper Foundation here !
Bitte informieren Sie sich hier über die Bougainville Copper Foundation !
Découvrez ici la Fondation Bougainville Copper s.v.p. !
Source: Post-Courier
Rains cause havoc in Buka
PASSENGERS to and from Arawa, Buin and Buka are having trouble crossing the flooded rivers, and this has been going on for the last couple of days.
On Sunday several truckloads of passengers were stranded at the Asitavi river, the Bakanobi and Pukarobi rivers because of the weather.
Travelling passengers and PMV owners said that the problem had caused a downfall in business for small scale-PMV owners and those coming to do business in Buka.
Buin PMV trucks have also been subjected to floods in their area, and affected the same as those in Central Bougainville. One of Kieta’s instrumental businessmen, Michael Tanei, who passed away early last week and whose body was kept in the Buka Hospital morgue because of the flooded river, had to be taken to Kieta on a boat.
Because they could not transport the coffin on the road, the family and relatives chartered MV Nukumanu to take the body home to Kieta. They left at 5pm on Saturday afternoon and would have arrived at the Kieta wharf by 6pm last night.
This is due to the weather and engine problems. The weather in Buka has been varying, one day rain, one day sun but most nights raining. This weather pattern has not only affected the rivers and the sea, but the population of Bougainville, especially islanders and several inland villages, who are complaining their garden produce is not bearing well and they are going hungry.
Kitano, a Japanese company contracted to build 15 high tech bridges on the island, advised they should complete all bridges by 2013, and that because the weather cannot be determined at most times, they are building all bridges and attending to them at the same time.
Source: Post-Courier
A vision beyond blindness
He was a headmaster and could have made a difference in teaching future leaders. Instead he opted to retire and help his son who is blind. Gorethy Kenneth reports on Steven Binna’s undying love for his son . . .
THIS is a story of one of Bougainville’s aspiring leaders, a headmaster who could have made a difference in educating the elites of Bougainville.
But he opted to quit the job early because he had to play his role as a father to his disabled son who spent all his childhood years at the Goroka Blind Centre, even through the Bougainville crisis. A Post-Courier article last Tuesday may have this disabled person’s dream of becoming a teacher come to reality.
Tarciscius Binna is 28 years old and blind. He lost his sight at the age of four from severe malaria which could not be treated because his father was teaching at a remote school and they could not seek proper medical help on time. Steven Binna, the father, was a headmaster at the time Tarcisius was pronounced blind and 20 years after his visual impairment, Mr Binna (dad) resigned from his post to look after him in the house.
His mother Regina is also in the village helping Steven look after the affairs of Tarcisius. Altogether their family consists of seven siblings and Tars as he is known to his peers is the fifth in the family. His elder sister Celine and the author of this article went to the same school until the Bougainville crisis destroyed the education years.
“I know I made a big mistake by quitting my job, because at the moment we struggle but who doesn’t struggle?” Mr Binna said smiling. Tarcisius has grown into a man and his needs and demands have also increased and I wanted to give him special attention so he will not be left out in our family and our community.”
Soon after Tars’ dilemma was detected in 1985, his father stumbled into an era where it dawned on him that he now had a disabled child who needed extra care and more support from him and his family. For a year Tars stayed at home until Steven started making arrangements and found him a place at the Goroka Blind Centre, now Mt Zion School of the Blind, the following year - 1987. Tars entered the blind school when he was only five years old and for the next eight years, called it home. When the Bougainville crisis erupted in 1989, Tars was up at Goroka, with his teachers and peers. He would only ask them to check if his parents were alive or shot dead already. Tars spent seven years in Goroka from 1987 to 1994 and could not continue his education there because his father faced a financial problem.
Tars was taken out from school because of a reason the father still wants to know about - Tars doesn’t want to tell.
Tarcisius is eyeing a scholarship in Japan as he really wants to be a Braille teacher. If he wasn’t blind he says he would have become a captain of a plane.
Tarcisius has on many occasions been used by Callan Service as a resource person for the blind and disabled in Bougainville. Steven also wants to further his son’s education but cannot do that because he has quit his job and is still financially strapped. But last week in the Post-Courier he spotted a news article that advised Japan was sponsoring education for special disabled people from the Asia and Pacific.
Tarcisius and his dad were the first to enquire at the Post-Courier office and yesterday he received an application. His dreams of becoming a Braille teacher may soon be realised as he fills the applications for a scholarship from Japan with the hope he will qualify to further his career. Tars borrows the Callan service Braille machine and spends his time typing in Braille.
Source: Post-Courier - Yutok
Plucking money from would-be-pickers
JOBS picking fruit in Australia and New Zealand must seem like a gift from Heaven, to many people who are lining up for the chance.
The stories abound about the great pay rates on offer and the wide open options of lifestyle while in those Down South countries.
Now comes the latest account of business opportunists who are trying to cash in on the wave of expectation from our people.
Our report from Bougainville highlights the rampant interest from rural people in the Autonomous Region, but it is known that recruiters have been active in other parts of the country.
Recruiters are charging individuals up to K850 to be listed and to get one of these jobs.
Yet the high commissions for both countries have recently made it clear that such jobs are not yet available and that people should not be signing up applicants at this stage.
The Australians recently voiced the view that, while it was not their direct responsibility, they believed no companies had been approved by the PNG government to accept fees for the processing of potential workers. A spokesman urged caution against dealing with any companies or individuals claiming to be able to provide such a service.
“All enquiries regarding the participation of PNG workers in the pilot scheme should be directed to the International Relations Division, PNG Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.”
And that is where the issue rests, with our own bureaucrats.
The issue of fruit picking in Australia has been in the grasp of those officers for a long time, while the ministers have been dealing with it at the top level.
Both sides are anxious to make sure that the scheme, when it begins, works well.
We cannot afford to be sloppy about the process because we want both the pickers and the hosts to be happy with the arrangement.
It would be bad for both parties if we approved people without briefing them properly and find that a combination of big money and a lack of knowledge about local customs and expectations produces some nasty results.
For example, the conduct at a Buka or Goroka public bar might not go down well with proprietors of drinking holes in Mackay or Bundaberg or similar coastal cities in Queensland.
Other Pacific island countries have done very well out of such seasonal work in New Zealand, especially.
Small islands sometimes survive on the remittances sent home by their people working in New Zealand.
Coming back to the issue of the recruitment agents signing up people, it is a major worry at this stage.
Such recruitment can only be done within the framework of an official government to government deal. Such a deal must set down firm rules for what is agreed to.
We need to ensure that recruiters will do what they are paid for. Then, that their deals are approved and will be accepted by the authorities. Finally, that these arrangements are followed through in practice and that the human beings in the middle get the work they seek and are given the conditions that line up with expectations.
It will be worthwhile for the governments or the workers to get to a rural location and find that conditions are poor or that the workers do not fit in with expectations.
The Australian fruit industry can afford to pay well because their own citizens refuse to do such work. We can fulfil a major need of industry if our people are looked after well and are prepared for the work and the conditions.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tom Kathoa
A local chief from the Nova area of Tonsu has called on Bougainville’s two political heavies to stop their media war and work towards bringing development to Bougainville.
Chief Elai Kikit appealed to the ABG President, Hon Chief John Momis and Regional Member and Minister for Bougainville Affairs, Hon Fidelis Semoso to refrain from criticizing each other on the radio.
Kikit was referring to recent media war between the two leaders during the past weeks over certain issues such as the cancelled JSB meeting and the appointment of the Chief Administrator.
Chief Kikit wants the president and minister to discuss such issues face to face in a round table conference.
And, he has called on the two leaders to concentrate on peace building and progressing the region towards it goal of referendum and independence
He said the people of Bougainville are crying for peace.
All the people of Bougainville gave the two leaders the same mandate to represent them at these two different levels of government to fight for their needs.
Mr. Kikit said what the people of Bougainville need is money to undertake economic activities in the region.
He said money is power and having a lot of it means progress and development for the people of Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tom Kathoa
One of the pioneer Bougainville Radio Broadcaster has passed away.
The deceased, the late Aloysius Nase of Nissan Island passed away at the Buka General Hospital yesterday.
The news of his death shocked his former workmates, relatives and family friends.
The late Nase joined the then Department of Information and Extension Services DIES in the mid during sixties and served with Radio Bougainville.
His working career he served as the Assistant Director at the head office before moving to Madang and Goroka in the Eastern Highlands as Station Manager of these two stations.
He was employed by the Bougainville Affairs Minister at the time of his death.
He leaves behind a wife and children.
Meanwhile, staff of New Dawn FM sends their condolence message to the wife, family and relatives of the late Aloysius Nase.
We equally share your sorrow for the loss of your loved one.
Source: Post-Courier
Tussle far from over
THE BOUGAINVILLE admin-istrator position and the controversies surrounding it, are far from over.
Yesterday, Bougainville Affairs Minister Fidelis Semoso announced that as far as he was concerned Patrick Koles was still the chief administrator of Bougainville as his appointment had not been revoked by National Executive Council and the process was till under the National Government authority bodies like the Department of Personnel Management, the Central Agency Co-ordinating Committee and the Cabinet.
He said there was no vacancy for the position of the chief administrator and as a result, Bougainville’s hand-over take-over ceremony last week between Mr Koles and incoming chief administrator Lawrence Disin was improper.
Bougainville Chief Magistrate Peter Toliken last week swore in Mr Disin as the new chief administrator for Bougainville, chaired by ABG President John Momis who advised that the appointment was proper because ABG was the legitimate appointing authority.
Mr Momis that the National Government was ill-advised by the legal advisers on the issue of ABG’s administrator’s position.
But the Attorney-General’s office in Port Moresby on Friday denied allegations from Mr Momis last Friday that they gave bad advise to the National Government and the Autonomous Bougainville Government on the law surrounding the appointment of the chief administrator.
“The National Government has top legal advisers who work on the Bougainville issue and cannot be accused of ill-advising the National Government.
The office of the Attorney-General said the ABG is the appointing authority, but ‘‘the powers have not been fully drawn down for Bougainville.”
Source: Post-Courier - Reader’s Comment
Show these visitors we appreciate them
THERE is a marvellous sense of goodwill about our country and its people from many people of other lands. It is a goodwill that we must promote and protect.
Currently, we have two major efforts going on in our rural areas to help the welfare of our less fortunate citizens.
One is the Youth With a Mission group and their Mercy Ship service to the Gulf Province.
The other is the combining of military forces from Australia, the United States of America and our own Defence Force, in East New Britain.
Many people in Madang and other parts will remember the excellent assistance from the American armed forces visit there a couple of years ago.
Also at this time, Japanese road and bridge builders are doing it hard in the tough conditions of rural Bougainville, spearheading a major rebuilding campaign in that crisis-ravaged domain.
There have been attacks on the Japanese in Bougainville, reportedly from drunken young men. Other foreign workers have been assailed by the tiny minority of troublemakers in the past, also.
This is where our leaders at all levels have to make their presence felt. When these people come to our country, working on projects that help our people, we must be able to guarantee their safety and freedom from interference.
We in the news industry can do our bit, but it really requires the on-the-spot efforts of those who have accepted leadership roles in our society, to influence our people.
From national government ministers and MPs, down through the provincial government and local level ranks, to village court officers and village “committees’’, we need these leaders to welcome the foreigners and to ensure that all of our people are understanding of the sacrifice being made by the visitors.
It is the visits of people such as these that can go a long way to countering the effects of our well known urban “rascal gangs’’ and the barbed wire mentality of those who visit Port Moresby, Lae and Mt Hagen.
When foreigners come to help our rural people with, for example, reading glasses, dental work, roads and bridges, rice-growing and tropical crops, we who are to benefit should do our utmost to protect the visitors.
It is not good enough to say, in effect, “oh, they’re going to our neighbours down the road, it’s not our project’’ and then rob them or vandalise their property.
The right attitude to take is the attitude that any such development work will help all of us, in one way or the other. When these aid workers return home, they will take impressions of us.
If we have shown our best side, we will benefit as a nation and as a people.
However, if we allow our discontented layabouts in the village, the ones who spend much of their time getting high on home-brewed alcohol or smoking marijuana, to wreak harm on the visitors, we will lose the great benefits that come from these visitors.
Let us not kid ourselves. For the many in our rural settings, things like dental repair, reading glasses for the elderly and the like, are precious services.
These are things that are extremely hard to get from our own government services.
This is why people come to help us, when they get to hear about our shortcomings.
If you have an elderly uncle or grandfather who has been struggling to survive in the village without good sight, or somebody who has been enduring dental agony for weeks or months, you will appreciate what such help can do.
For those who are living where these services are being rendered, we urge you to do your bit to protect and welcome these people. Show them we appreciate what they are doing.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville set for games
By Veronica Hannette
Bougainville is geared up for the ABG Games that are to be held in Buin in December.
This is the third ABG Games; the first was at Arawa while the second was held in Buka.
There are games going on in each constituency within the three regions. The constituency games will be held from the 13th to the 17th of this month for the chance to participate in the regional games on the 13th to the 17th of October.
The October games will be for each region and will also be for the Governors cup for North Bougainville. At the regional games in October selection of the players will be done to go to the ABG Games.
According to the Acting President for the Autonomous Bougainville Sports Foundation (ABSF), Joseph Mobisi the ABG Games were supposed to be in June to celebrate the Inauguration Day but due to the ABG elections it was deferred to December.
The ABG Games is supported by the Autonomous Bougainville Government which uses sports to bring everyone together.
The main purpose of the ABG Games is to combine the youths in sports and at the same time strengthen peace and reconciliation.
Mr Mobisi said that they are trying to include the Atoll Islands to take part take in the games as well. Meanwhile there are many codes that have been chosen for the coming ABG Games. They are: athletics, basketball, boxing, darts, kickboxing, netball, paralympics, rugby 9s and 7s, rugby touch, soccer, softball, taekwondo and volleyball.
The Regional Member helped with K50,000 towards the preparation of the sports grounds in Buin and so far the progress is good.
Mr Mobisi says Bougainville has only three months to go and they are looking forward to the games from December 13 to 17.
Source: Post-Courier
Tigers reign on island
BOUGAINVILLE’S island of Petats was packed over the weekend to witness a soccer grand final on their island.
For the first time, the islanders had a minister to witness the game- Bougainville Affairs Minister Fidelis Semoso took his family on an island outing and stumbled onto this grand final. He kicked off the game between Pilco Tigers and Zoller Seagulls on Saturday.
The game was made bigger than usual with highly recognised referees to run the matches.
Pilco Tigers retained their title as reigning champions, defeating Zoller Seagulls 2-0.
The game was tough in the first half which saw no goals scored because both teams showed good soccer skills and played hard to cover their opponents.
Pilco Tigers had to break the deadlock and 15 minutes before the end of the game, they scored their first goal. The following ten minutes saw Seagulls with a chance for a goal through a penalty kick. But a score was not possible as Tigers goal keeper Malele Barahun moved fast to deny the attempt.
It was Tigers game throughout the final, Seagulls had their share of opportunities but couldn’t find the goal.
Source: The National
Rains cause food shortage in Buka
HEAVY rainfall in the past four months has destroyed food crops and caused food shortage with many resorting to stealing from food gardens in the Haku area of Buka Island, Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
Haku council of elders (COE) chairman Timothy Lagom said the stealing of garden food was disrupting the harmonious relationships of families in the area.
“It is a big problem for my assembly because we do not want the community fighting over their gardens once they realise their gardens had been dug up by thieves,” Lagom said, adding that the COE had dispatched a team of village assembly officers to the affected areas last week and reports confirmed that thieves were stealing food crops from gardens.
He said a full report would be sent to the region’s disaster office for assistance.
He said while a response from the Buka disaster office is yet to be received, families were making contact with their relatives around the country for financial support until the remaining food crops were ready for harvesting later this year.
Vivian Kurangik, mother of three, pleaded to local authorities to address the situation immediately before people start attacking each other or starve.
Kurangik, whose garden was dug up by thieves, said the increase of store goods added with the shortage of food
was putting more strain on families.
Source: Radio: New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tom Kathoa
Regional Member for Bougainville and Minster for Bougainville Affairs, Hon Fidelis Semoso has called on public servants to keep out of politics.
Minister Semoso said this when calling for unity among all Bougainville politicians and bureaucrats to be united in their struggle for peace on Bougainville.
He said every Bougainvillean should make it their business to work towards peace that would lead to the conduct of the referendum and eventual independence.
The Minister strongly called on all Bougainvillean public servants to stop playing politics urging them to leave politics to politicians.
Mr. Semoso says political discussions between the national and ABG Governments should be left only to politicians like himself and the ABG President.
Public servants should remain neutral and not to take sides with politicians.
Source: Radio: New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Regional member for Bougainville FIDELIS SEMOSO today explained that he has no authority to access ABG funds.
He was replying allegations that he has been using funds.
Monies allocated to the ABG under the Budget is the responsibility of the ABG on how and where to spend it.
MR. SEMOSO said that whatever funds he is using are from his own allocation as the Regional member for Bougainville.
The Regional member also said that he was working with the ABG to secure more funds to develop the region.
03.09.2010 16:00 Uhr
Source: Der Aktionär online
Axel G. Sturm: „Die Bougainville-Copper-Aktie wird sich langfristig extrem verteuern“
Martin Münzenmayer
Die australische Bergbaugesellschaft Bougainville Copper besitzt eine stillgelegte Kupfermine, deren Wiedereröffnung noch in diesem Jahr beschlossen werden könnte. Diese Aussichten nahm der AKTIONÄR als Anlass für ein Interview mit dem Präsidenten der European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC).
Bougainville ist eine etwa 8.800 Quadratkilometer große Insel im Pazifischen Ozean. Gemeinsam mit der 500 Quadratkilometer großen Nachbarinsel Buka bildet sie die einzige autonome Region in Papua Neuguinea. Auf Bougainville befindet sich die Panguna-Mine, die der australischen Bergbaugesellschaft Bougainville Copper gehört. Diese Kupfermine wurde 1989 wegen eines Bürgerkriegs stillgelegt. Eine Wiedereröffnung der Mine könnte noch in diesem Jahr vertraglich besiegelt werden, da der neue Insel-Präsident John Momis an einem solchen Beschluss stark interessiert ist. Diese Aussichten nahm der AKTIONÄR als Anlass für ein Interview mit dem Präsidenten der European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC), Herrn Axel G. Sturm. Die von ihm geführte Vereinigung vertritt die Interessen der europäischen Aktionäre von Bougainville Copper.
DER AKTIONÄR: Am 9. Juni 2010 hat John Momis als Nachfolger von James Tanis das Amt des Präsidenten auf der Insel Bougainville angetreten. Warum will sich Momis für eine Wiedereröffnung der Panguna-Mine einsetzen?
Axel G. Sturm: Die Wiederaufnahme des Minings ist eines der wichtigsten Ziele von Momis, weil er weiß, dass die Inselbewohner nur dadurch zu Wohlstand kommen können. Positiv zu werten ist diesbezüglich, dass Momis bis Anfang dieses Jahres Botschafter von Papua-Neuguinea in China war. Deshalb könnte er eventuell einen Deal mit der chinesischen Regierung bezüglich der Finanzierung der Investitionen vermitteln, die notwendig sind, um die Mine wieder in Betrieb nehmen zu können.
Weiß man schon über die Höhe dieser Investitionen Bescheid?
Gemäß einer Studie, die von der renommierten Beratungsgesellschaft Hatch erstellt wurde, müssen circa drei Milliarden US-Dollar investiert werden, um die Panguna-Mine in Betrieb nehmen zu können. Dieser Betrag ist jedoch aus meiner Sicht eine zu hohe Schätzung. Denn alleine die Kosten für die Unterkünfte der Minenarbeiter wurden zu hoch veranschlagt. Laut Hatch-Kalkulation könnte man dafür Arbeiterwohnungen errichten, deren Standard dem eines 5-Sterne-Hotels entspricht. Da dies aber nicht notwendig ist, rechne ich lediglich mit Kosten von circa 1,5 bis zwei Milliarden US-Dollar.
Wer könnte Ihrer Meinung nach diese Kosten übernehmen?
Eventuell werden die Bergbaukonzerne Rio Tinto und BHP Billiton gemeinsam die Kosten tragen. In diesem Fall dürfte jedoch Rio Tinto den größeren Teil der Kosten übernehmen, da das Unternehmen ohnehin schon mit mehr als 53 Prozent an Bougainville Copper beteiligt ist. Möglich ist aber auch, dass die Weltbank im Rahmen eines Entwicklungshilfeprojekts einen Kredit gewährt oder vermittelt. Auch denkbar ist, dass die Regierung Chinas ein Darlehen zu attraktiven Konditionen gewährt, falls Bougainville Copper im Gegenzug bereit ist, nach der Wiedereröffnung der Mine, Kupfer an China zu Preisen zu liefern, die merklich unter den jeweiligen Marktpreisen liegen. Für die letztgenannte Variante könnte vor allem die örtliche Nähe zwischen dem Lieferanten Papua Neuguinea und dem Abnehmer China sprechen.
Bekanntlich nutzen viele Firmen den Kapitalmarkt, um Geld zu günstigen Konditionen zu beschaffen. Wie wahrscheinlich ist dieses Szenario bei Bougainville Copper bezüglich der Wiederinbetriebnahme der Panguna-Mine?
Eine Kapitalerhöhung und die damit verbundene Gewinnverwässerung würde bei den Kleinaktionären von Bougainville Copper nicht gut ankommen. Möglicherweise läge sie aber auch nicht im Interesse des Großaktionärs Papua Neuguinea oder dessen wahrscheinlichen Rechtsnachfolgers der Autonomen Regierung Bougainvilles. In der Konsequenz hieße das nämlich, dass jeder Aktionär (ob Haupt- oder Kleinaktionär) genötigt wäre, in teils erheblichem Umfang Mittel zur Verfügung zu stellen, um seinen bisherigen prozentualen Beteiligungsanteil zu erhalten. Deshalb glaube ich nicht, dass eine Kapitalerhöhung durchgeführt wird, um das Geld für die notwendigen Investitionen zu beschaffen. Zudem: Viele von den Kleinaktionären sind Bewohner der Insel Bougainville – und mit denen möchte es sich der Mehrheitsaktionär Rio Tinto ganz sicher nicht verscherzen.
Wann könnte der Beschluss für eine Wiedereröffnung der Mine gefasst werden?
Das könnte sogar noch in diesem Jahr passieren. Das sogenannte Bougainville Copper Agreement, das in den kommenden Monaten verhandelt wird, regelt die wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen der Reaktivierung und des Betriebs Panguna-Mine. Für eine aktualisierte Fassung der bislang gültigen Vereinbarung gibt es bereits passable Entwürfe. Sofern alle Beteiligten (Landeigner, die Regierungen Papua Neuguineas und Bougainvilles sowie Rio Tinto) mit einem dieser Entwürfe einverstanden sind, könnte das neue Bougainville Copper Agreement innerhalb weniger Tage verabschiedet werden.
Was spricht dafür, dass sich der neue Präsident der Insel Bougainville für eine Wiederaufnahme des Minings einsetzen wird?
In den vergangenen Jahren wurde im Rahmen der Friedensverhandlungen auf Bougainville festgelegt, dass die Bevölkerung spätestens 2015 im Rahmen einer Volksabstimmung über die volle Unabhängigkeit der Insel von Papua Neuguinea entscheiden kann. Eine solche Abstimmung kann aber nur durchgeführt werden, wenn die wirtschaftliche Unabhängigkeit der Insel sichergestellt ist. Dies ist jedoch nur möglich durch Einkünfte durch das Mining, denn mit Tourismus und Landwirtschaft können die Inselbewohner allenfalls geringe Einkünfte erzielen. Allein schon die Entscheidung für eine Wiedereröffnung der Mine würde ein beispielsloses Investitionsvolumen generieren, das den Bürgern Bougainvilles binnen Kürze einen Aufschwung bescheren würde. Und dieser schon Jahre vor der Förderung der ersten Tonne Kupfer beziehungsweise der ersten Unze Gold und Silber greifen. Angesichts dieses Sachverhalts ist John Momis hochmotiviert, sich für eine Wiedereröffnung der Panguna-Mine einzusetzen.
Wie lange wird es dauern, die Panguna-Mine zu sanieren und die für den Minenbetrieb notwendige Infrastruktur zu schaffen?
Dies wird gemäß meiner Schätzung circa drei bis vier Jahre dauern. Von großer Bedeutung ist aus meiner Sicht, dass die Investitionen für die Sanierung der Mine und die Schaffung der Infrastruktur zunächst einmal eine deutliche Verbesserung des Lebensstandards auf der Insel Bougainville zur Folge haben werden. Denn die notwendigen Arbeiten werden voraussichtlich zu einem großen Teil von Inselbewohnern ausgeführt. Daher bin ich davon überzeugt, dass die Wirtschaft auf Bougainville bereits lange vor der Wiedereröffnung der Panguna-Mine florieren wird. John Momis sieht das sicherlich genauso.
Wie schätzen Sie das Risiko ein, dass Widerstandskämpfer die Wiederinbetriebnahme der Mine verhindern werden?
Dieses Risiko ist aus meiner Sicht eher gering. Zum einen, weil es nur noch wenige gewaltbereite Inselbewohner gibt, die gegen eine erneute Eröffnung der Mine sind. Um zum anderen, weil Momis den wenigen noch verbliebenen Gegnern klar machen wird, dass sie letztendlich von der Wiederaufnahme des Minings auch persönlich enorm profitieren werden. Schon vor zwei Jahren haben die europäischen Aktionäre vorgeschlagen, ehemalige Widerstandskämpfer als Sicherheitsdienstmitarbeiter in der Mine einzusetzen. Ich nehme an, dass der erfahrene Diplomat Momis schon eine geeignete Strategie ausgearbeitet hat, um alle Seiten zufrieden zu stellen.
In welchem Zeitraum könnte Bougainville Copper Kredite tilgen, die für die Wiedereröffnung der Panguna-Mine gewährt werden?
Ich gehe davon aus, dass das Unternehmen die Kredite innerhalb von fünf Jahren tilgen kann, sofern während dieses Zeitraums keine Dividenden ausgeschüttet werden. Nach der Tilgung der Kredite dürfte Bougainville Copper dann eine stattliche Dividende zahlen.
Was hat das Rio Tinto-Management bislang bezüglich einer möglichen Wiedereröffnung der Panguna-Mine gesagt?
Diesbezüglich haben sich die Vorstände des britisch-australischen Bergbauunternehmens bis vor Kurzem vollkommen bedeckt gehalten. Vor wenigen Tagen hat allerdings Rio Tinto-Vorstandschef Tom Albanese in einem Interview mit dem Wirtschaftsmagazin Business Standard eingeräumt, dass die Kupferpreise auf mittlere und längere Sicht weit über den Produktionskosten liegen werden. Der Business Standard folgert daraus, dass das Rio Tinto-Management zukünftig die Bemühungen um eine Wiedereröffnung der Panguna-Mine aktiv vorantreiben wird. Schon vor Jahren hatte der Rohstoffkonzern Rio Tinto verlauten lassen, dass sein Bougainville-Copper-Aktienpaket die „Perle“ in seinem Beteiligungsportfolio sei. Dafür, dass diese Einschätzung noch immer aktuell ist, spricht dass Rio Tinto seinen Anteil an Bougainville Copper im vergangenen Jahr klammheimlich um eine Million Aktien erhöht hat.
Warum sollten Anleger jetzt bei Bougainville Copper einsteigen?
Fakt ist, dass der aktuelle Kurs der Aktie deren inneren Wert keineswegs widerspiegelt. In diesem Zusammenhang muss man bedenken, dass Bougainville Copper mit der Panguna-Mine über eine der weltweit größten Kupferminen verfügt. Schätzungen zufolge kann in der Mine nach ihrer Wiederinbetriebnahme noch mindestens 35 Jahre lang Kupfer abgebaut werden. Von großer Bedeutung ist zudem, dass Bougainville Copper Schürflizenzen für weitere sieben Gebiete auf der Insel besitzt. Eines davon ist das Atamo-Areal, dessen Reserven laut Expertenmeinungen noch größer sein könnten als die des Panguna-Gebiets. Der Clou ist, dass bislang über das Unternehmen in australischen Medien kaum berichtet wurde und sich nur wenige Analysten mit Bougainville Copper beschäftigen. Dies könnte sich jedoch mittelfristig ändern, was einen merklichen Kursanstieg der Aktie zur Folge haben dürfte.
Wie schätzen Sie das Chance-Risiko-Verhältnis der Aktie ein?
In den kommenden fünf Jahren wird sich die Aktie gemäß meiner Einschätzung extrem verteuern. Aber unabhängig davon müssen Anleger, die sich Bougainville-Copper-Aktien ins Depot packen, immer auch mit einer sehr volatilen Kursentwicklung rechnen. Denn auch in Zukunft kann es bei dem Unternehmen sowohl positive Überraschungen als auch Verzögerungen geben. Alles in allem sind die Perspektiven von Bougainville Copper derzeit aber positiver denn je.
Viele interessante Hintergrundinformationen zu Bougainville Copper finden Anleger auf der Internetseite der European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC).
Source: ESBC
Neues Interview zu Bougainville Copper in DER AKTIONÄR online !
Dem Vernehmen nach soll heute Abend oder morgen erneut ein Interview mit ESBC-Präsident Axel G. Sturm auf der Homepage des AKTIONÄR erscheinen. Nach den Erfahrungen mit der Veröffentlichung des Print Artikels in DER AKTIONÄR vor zwei Wochen ist dann möglicherweise wieder mit einem üppigen Kursaufschlag Anfang der nächsten Woche zu rechnen. Investoren sollten also ernsthaft überlegen, ob sie die günstigen heutigen Kurse für einen Nachkauf nutzen.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Autonomous Region is currently having heavy rain and flooding in all its rivers.
Cars are having trouble coming into Buka from Buin and Arawa.
Yesterday many cars were stranded on both side of the Asitavi river.
This morning two cars were nearly washed away as they were trying to cross the Asitavi river.
Cars from Arawa managed to reach Buka very late in the afternoon yesterday.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The power to appoint the Chief Administrator for Bougainville rests solely on the Autonomous Bougainville Government according to the ABG President JOHN MOMIS.
He says section 14 on the Organic Law on Peace building provides that the Bougainville Government shall consult the Departmental Head of the Department responsible for Personal Management matters before appointing a person to be the most senior Public officer responsible for public service matters on Bougainville.
The ABG president made these remarks at the hand over take over ceremony of the new Bougainville Chief Administrator, LAWRENCE DISING this morning.
He told the gathering that the ABG did consult before the decision was made by the BEC to appoint the Chief Administrator.
MR. MOMIS said that before the new ABG government can move forward it must address the issue of the chief administrator which has been hanging in the last three years.
The new Administrator was sworn in by Bougainville’s Provincial Magistrate Peter Toliken.

Police Chief Eluh, Lawrence Dising, Patrick Koles and President John Momis

New Administrator Lawrence Dising (left) swears in front of Magistrate Peter Toliken
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The newly appointed Chief Administrator for Bougainville LAWRENCE DISING has vowed to install discipline in the Bougainville Administration.
MR. DISING said that the Administration has lost its focus after the death of the former Administrator, Late PETER TSIAMALILI three years ago.
He made these remarks at the Handover take over ceremony at the Administrator’s Office Conference Room this morning.
MR. DISING said that the Bougainville Administration would continue to support the ABG in its endeavours to move the region forward.
MR. DISING whilst thanking the Acting Chief Administrator PATRICK KOLES and RAYMOND MASONO for their work said that he would still need them as his senior officers in the Bougainville Administration.
The new Chief Administrator said that the Administrations immediate task was to support the ABG to implement its policies on Peace and Weapons disposal so that there is conducive environment for Referendum to take place.
MR. DISING also said that he would be looking at improving the performance of the Administration without making any new recruitment.
He promised also to review the job of the Regional Commissioners within the Administration structure.

Lawyer Chris Siriosi signs the handover instruments as the NEW CHIEF WATCHES (LEFT) with the outgoing Chief Patrick Koles (right)
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Koles support
By Aloysius Laukai
The outgoing Acting Chief Administrator for Bougainville, PATRICK KOLES has vowed to work with the new Chief Administrator in his substantive position as the Deputy Administrator for Bougainville.
MR. KOLES said that he accepted the decision of the Bougainville Executive Council to appoint MR. DISING as the new Administrator for Bougainville.
He was speaking at the handover ceremony this morning.
MR. KOLES said that he has been working with MR. Dising since and during the reconstruction and rebuilding days after the Bougainville conflict as the CEO for Health to re-establish Health services throughout the region.
Source: ESBC
HERE: Download the PDF of the ESBC Glossary - edition 09-2010 !
HIER: Downloaden Sie das PDF des ESBC Glossar - Edition 09-2010 !
ICI: Téléchargez le PDF du glossaire ESBC - édition 09-2010 !
Source: ESBC
The European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC) hereby establish and release an URGENT ALERT concerning all individuals from Europe trying to make business on Bougainville or other countries in the Pacific region. Due to ESBC research on this matter, the ESBC states as follows:
Source: Post-Courier
Appointment not proper
THE Department of Personnel Management in Port Moresby yesterday advised the process for the appointment of the chief administrator was still being carried out, therefore the announcement of the new head was improper.
But DPM also advised that because the issue of the appointment of the chief administrator for Bougainville was sensitive, they did not want to get themselves involved in the controversy. Officials advised they would seek explanation and clarification from the Autonomous Bougainville Government. This was because the chief administrator is the National Government representative on the ground and the National Executive Council will have to recommend to the ABG, which will then approve and Cabinet will announce the appointment. Yesterday DPM officials also explained that last year, out of the official list submitted, containing names such as Kapeatu Puaria, Dr Rodney Kameata, Damien Rapese and Lawrence Dising to name a few, NEC made a recommendation to the last ABG House of Representative but the choice was rejected. That’s why they had to get back to the drawing board to re-advertise the position. Last week ABG provincial executive council chairman and President John Momis said a new administrator had been appointed and would take office on September 1.
A press release was issued to news organsations regarding the appointment of Lawrence Dising as the new administrator. But Bougainville Affairs Minister Fidelis Semoso said this had to be discussed first.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The office of the Border Development Authority is recruiting Crews in preparation of the launching of a new ship that is to service Bougainville and the Atolls.
The 500 Tonne and 45metre ship to be operational in November this year has been named as MV BOUGAINVILLE ATOLLS.
A statement from the Border Development Office in Buka states that they want a Captain (master a Chief Engineer, Second Engineer, a chief Officer, two Bosuns, two able seamen (Deck hand) one Motor man and one cook.
Applications for these positions can be collected from the Buka office.
Applicants must apply to the Regional Cordinator, Border Development Authority P.O.BOX 808, BUKA.
The Coordinator can be contacted on telephone 9480877 OR BMobile 76842179.
Persons who have lodged their applications are also requested to go the office and get their applications and re-submit their applications.
They should also include their CVs and referees.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Handover ceremony for the Newly appointed Bougainville’s chief Administrator did not eventuate as scheduled this morning.
The programme was scheduled to TEN AM this morning but when our reporter arrived at the venue there was no one to be seen.
We got reports that the ceremony was deferred to a later date.
No reasons were given for the sudden postponement.
New Dawn FM understands that the deferral could be to further consult with the National Government the appointment.
The Regional member last week told a press conference citing irregularities in making the appointment.
Source: Panguna Landowner Association (PLA)
FInancial evaluation of Bougainville Copper Limited established in January 2010.
Finanzielle Bewertung von Bougainville Copper Limited, erstellt im Januar 2010.