News 11.2010
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Autonomous Bougainville Government will be able to meet some of its outstanding commitments before Christmas, thanks to the Prime Minister, Chief SIR MICHAEL SOMARE’s intervention last week to ensure that the FIFTEEN MILLION KINA for Bougainville’s Restoration Grant was released by the Department for Finance.
The FIFTEEN MILLION KINA restoration grant is allocated to the ABG by the National Government under Section 49 of the Bougainville Peace Agreement and Section 326, subsection 11 of the Organic Law on Peace Building in Bougainville.
However this year, 2010 AND ALSO next year 2011 the National Government has not included this into the National Budget.
ABG PRESIDENT, JOHN MOMIS when thanking the Prime Minister, SIR MICHAEL SOMARE and Treasurer, O ‘Neil for approving this year’s grant said that Bougainville was fortunate that some National Leaders who were involved in putting together the Bougainville Peace Agreement are still there and were prepared to help Bougainville achieve its full Autonomy and then move towards Referendum to decide its future political status.
MR. MOMIS said that the Restoration and Development Grant provided by the National Government each year was important to the ABG as this was the only money that the ABG has control over its usage, as others funds are controlled by its agents on Bougainville.
Other funds under the ABG’s control are the SEVEN MILLION KINA Internal Revenue.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Regional Member for Bougainville and Minister for Bougainville Affairs, FIDELIS SEMOSO says that he was happy to work with the ABG to make sure that the six Landowners groups of Panguna establish their Associations and including their Umbrella Association before any review of the Bougainville Copper Agreement is undertaken.
He told New Dawn FM that one party in the Bougainville Copper Agreement are the Panguna Landowners who are yet to organize themselves and register their Associations.
The Minister said that for the first time he was able to understand them better as all the six landowner groups presented their grievances before their joint resolution was presented.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Aloysius Laukai
ABG President CHIEF JOHN MOMIS is calling on all Bougainville media to be sensitive in their reporting of important issues on Bougainville.
He told a Press conference yesterday afternoon that whilst he supported the moves made by the Regional member, FIDELIS SEMOSO to unite the Panguna Landowners he was not happy on how it was reported by a daily newspaper.
MR. MOMIS said that PANGUNA started the Bougainville conflict and all cautions must be taken to report any activities surrounding Panguna.
He says that the ABG since its inception in 2005 has continuously worked with the Landowners and even created Panguna District as a special district on Bougainville.
MR. MOMIS said that to say that the ABG has done nothing to address Panguna Landowners grievances were not true.
The President said that the Panguna Mine had generated a lot of money for Papua New Guinea and Bougainville in the past, and its reopening would be welcomed by the people of Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
ESBC press release 20101130
What are China's Real Intentions on Bougainville?
On Friday, November 19th, 2010 the following email reached the European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC):
" This is a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Hong Kong, China.
On November.16, 2010, we received an application from MEIHUA Group requested "bougainville-copper" as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names. But after checking ,we find this name is conflict with your company's name or trademark. In order to deal with this issue better, it's necessary to send this email to you and confirm with your company whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China?
If you did not authorize, please let us know within 7 workdays, so that we will handle this issue better. "
Why is a giant Chinese industrial group so much interested in acquiring the name of "Bougainville Copper" for their own purpose? Why are they contacting the European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper and not our company itself or even better: Rio Tinto? What are the true intentions of this MEIHUA Group? Many questions…
The European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper asked these questions to Linda Wang from Hong Kong China Technology Ltd, a domain provider, but did not get any response until now.
Source: Australian Financial Review (AFR)
Click here:
Bougainville mine could reopen by 2011
Source: ESBC Research
Time Frame.
PLOA representatives have been given two months to formalize their respective lease associations including the Umbrella Association-UPLA. The first step has now been taken and each forward step now must be taken as follows:
1. Each Lease Association will have to be formally established and registered as a legal body,
2. Interim "UPLA" -United Panguna Landowners Association must be put in place with representatives of each of the six lease associations. This having been put in place UPLA's draft constitution must be discussed and approved and using this draft constitution,
3. UPLA office establishment will be undertaken at the same time including identifying staff to manned this office which will need to be properly resourced to be effective. Apart from this there has to be established a "UPLA BCA Review Secretariat" made up of professional support staff from our own lease areas educated people. Some of these people have already been identified. This Secretariat will identify consultants who we will be required to assist PLOA during our BCA Review negotiations.
The Panguna landowners have to accomplish all of the above within the two months time frame.
For more in-depth information, please read here:
Source: The National
Talks to review Panguna deal
DISCUSSIONS to allow for a review of the Bougainville Copper Agreement is in progress with landowners from the mining lease areas of the Panguna mine encouraged to unite under one umbrella company.
President John Momis said the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) was working hard to encourage the landowners to unite so that they could speak and be heard in one voice.
“I am satisfied we are doing okay,” he said, adding that he believed a memorandum of understanding would be reached soon with the Panguna landowners as part of the process towards allowing for a review of the Bougainville Copper Agreement.
“We need to get the mine reopened. It will kick-start developments in Bougainville,” Momis said.
“At this time, we have not negotiated with potential developers but we have spoken with the chairman of Bougainville Copper Ltd and made known to him to respect the interest of the stakeholders, including the PNG government.”
He said he was confident that the government, with a vast mining industry, would extend its support to the autonomous region “to access the reservoir of knowledge and experience with regards to mine issues”.
Momis appealed to landowners on Bougainville to work together in re-building its peace and economy.
He added that the last thing he wanted was instability on Bougainville.
Bougainville deputy administrator for policy Raymond Masono said money was needed to conduct awareness on various ABG programmes, including weapons disposal and reconciliation.
“Weapons disposal remains a priority for the ABG.
“What it requires now is a weapons disposal plan and funding of about K6 million,” he said.
Masono said the reconciliation programme was also a priority which would require about the same amount of funding.
“Without peace and weapons disposal, economic development will not progress,” he added.
Source : The National
Bougainville mine ‘to reopen next year’
THE European shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC) have welcomed the breakthrough achieved by the Panguna landowners’ conference in Buka regarding the re-opening of the Panguna mine.
This historical decision was reached on Sunday when landowners agreed to re-open the mine towards the end of next year.
ESBC president Axel Sturm said they were very satisfied with this outcome.
“This gives Bougainville the chance to recover financially from all suffering in the last 20 years.
“I am very grateful to the Minister of Bougainville Affairs Fidelis Semoso that he finally pushed things cogently forward by organising this conference.
“We are also glad that the Autonomous Bougainville Government assisted in this important undertaking,” he said.
Sturm said he appreciated Semoso’s courage to face this sensitive issue “without any fear or prejudice”.
“Next year would bring giant investment to the island and many people who are jobless now would soon find work,” Sturm said.
“This makes me very happy especially for the young generation on Bougainville who would benefit from the decisions on this historic weekend,” he said.
Source: The National
2011 ABG budget next month
THE Autonomous Bougainville Government Finance Minister Albert Punghau will table the 2011 ABG Budget in the next meeting of the House of Representatives scheduled for Dec 14.
Parliamentary members from Bougainville converged in Buka last week to discuss the budget before its tabling next month.
House of Representative Speaker Andrew Miriki issued a statement last week confirming the date.
It said K62 million was allocated by the national government as constitutional grant to Bougainville this year while the region’s internal revenue stands at K4 million – far from adequate to finance the thriving public service machinery and many other impact economic projects there.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Panguna Landowners this morning returned to their homes satisfied on the weekend meeting.
They are meeting at Panguna in two weeks time New Dawn FM will cover live from Panguna this next meeting by the Panguna Landowners.
Picture are the Landowners after the meeting.
More stories on the meeting shortly.

Panguna gets the nod
“A MAJOR step to Bougainville’s economic recovery has unfolded.
Panguna landowners now want the mine to open but on their terms.
About 100 representatives from the six Panguna mine lease affected areas met in Buka for two days at the Kuri Village Resort to start the official negotiation process to review the Bougainville Copper Agreement.
They said for the first time in six years all six mine lease holders had met, thanks to the effort by Minister for Bougainville Affairs Fidelis Semoso who financed and brought all of them together to meet on these issues. The six lease areas are Siokate, Port lease, Port Mine Access Road lease, special mining lease, Upper Tailings and Lower Tailings.
Resolutions were passed and presented to Mr Semoso for further action.
“Reopening of the Panguna Mine - as a combined group and with difference to the rest of the people of Bougainville, we the six Panguna mine affected landowner associations (PMALA) through our proposed umbrella landowner executive are of the firm position that the following must be resolved to our satisfaction prior to any re-opening and return to mining in Panguna.”
* BCL take into account terms and conditions of the PMALA during the BCA review,
* PMALA must be included as an equitable partner in all aspects of the BCA review proc0ess, especially as they relate to social and environmental issues,
* Appropriate technical advisory support and funding must be provided to the PMALA during the course of the BCA review process,
* Sufficient funding must be provided to carry out comprehensive island-wide awareness by teams representing all parties, including the National Government,
* BCL must provide analysis and assessment of the magnitude of all affected areas but in particular the ongoing social and environmental impact on the lower tailings and,
* A more robust and expansive consultative briefings on the ground by ABG Mining Department as well as relevant National authorities in this sector in terms of PMALA concerns and interests.
"Any statement relating to the future of the Panguna Mine must respect the views and concerns of the people within the PMALA areas.
“We reiterate that PMALA is a critical party to the BCA review and as a recognition to this position, the associations must be, properly and thoroughly briefed of all preparations leading to the commencement of the review and on all stages of the review after it commences."
Initially the Lower Tailings, those badly affected by the mine closure, destruction and environmental, social damage gave their recommendation that they do not want any other companies to come and mine except BCL.
Mr Semoso was labelled a hero for uniting all six mining lease areas and for moving the negotiations forward.
The mine affected landowners associations were given two months to sort themselves out and an estimated timeframe of December 2011- the mine operation should officially begin if all goes well.
Landowners begin dialogue
Bougainville Affairs Minister Fidelis Semoso has made a breakthrough in uniting all six mining lease area landowners to discuss the possibilities of re-opening the Panguna mine.
About 100 representatives, both men, women and children from the mine lease affected areas of Siokate, port mine access road, special mining lease, upper and lower tailings, have come together to discuss the future of the Panguna mine and to kick start stage three of the process to review the Bougainville Copper Agreement, thanks to efforts by Mr Semoso.
Mr Semoso was told that he should lead the review and negotiations right through with support from ABG and the National Government.
He committed K300,000 last night to kick off the review and operations of the landowners and strongly appealed to all leaders, the ABG, Central Bougainville MP Jimmy Miringtoro, South Bougainville MP Steven Pirika Kama and North Bougainville MP Michael Ogio to give a hand and financially support the operation for the betterment of Bougainville’s economy.
ABG vice president Patrick Nisira announced that once the K15 million from the National Government reaches Boug-ainville, they will also throw in their support. All representatives agreed that the six associations should be fully established in their lease areas and that all pending reconciliations that are impediments to the formation and establishment of the these associations be dealt with.
Agreements on the preparation, timing and resources support towards umbrella landowner association executive elections comprising and representing the six lease area associations should be supported by the ABG and National governments.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
BCL Shareholders Welcome Breakthrough!
The European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC) welcomed the breakthrough achieved by the Panguna landowners on their conference in Buka (Bougainville) : "We are very satisfied on the meeting's outcome," said ESBC President Axel G. Sturm on Sunday evening in Bangkok, "This gives Bougainville the chance to recover financially from all suffering in the last twenty years. I am very grateful to the Minister of Bougainville Affairs, Hon. Fidelis Semoso that he finally pushed things cogently forward by organizing this conference. We are also glad that the Autonomous Bougainville Government assisted this important act." Furthermore Mr. Sturm outlined that he appreciates very much Mr. Semoso's courage to face this sensitive issue without any prejudice or fear. As the local network Radio New Dawn on Bougainville reported on Sunday the re-opening of the world class Panguna mine has been scheduled for the end of 2011. "Next year will already bring giant investment to the island and many people who are jobless now will soon find work, "said Mr. Sturm, "this makes me very happy especially for the young generation on Bougainville who will take benefit of the decisions on this historical week-end."
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Landowners set pace for Bougainville Copper Agreement review
By Reuben Kalaung in Buka
ALMOST two hundred landowners representing six Mining Lease Area in Bougainville have reached a common understanding to allow the review of the Bougainville Copper Agreement, with the view to open the closed down giant Panguna mine in the future.
That meeting was history in the making for the Panguna Mine landowners, being the first for everyone to attend since the civil crisis. Landowners travelled in from Central and South Bougainville while a handful travelled in from other parts of PNG over the weekend.
The meeting was funded by the Regional Member and Minister for Bougainville Affairs Fidelis Semoso, was broadcasted live by Bougainville’s community radio station New Dawn FM.
The landowner groups did not spent much time in their deliberations before making their presentation today. All resolutions tabled before themselves were unanimously endorsed. Several issues were highlight
Minister Semos oapplauded the deliberations of the meeting and urged the landowner groups to come with their decision to review the Bougainville Copper Agreement within two months. Mr. Semoso committed K300, 000 to assist the landowner groups to fast track their discussions.
Vice President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government Patrick Nisira accepted a challenge by Mr. Semoso to assist the landowners with an additional funding of K600, 000. Member for Central Bougainville Jimmy Miringtoro was also challenged to assist with another K300, 000.
The landowners have been challenged to work together to allow the mine re-opening by the end of next year. All land groups have made an under taking to work with all stakeholders, however, have made it known that they prefer working with mine owner Rio Tinto than any other mining companies. They say it’s better to deal with the devil they know than the devil they do not know.

Presentation of mobile phones to the 6 Interim Chairmen of the Panguna Mine Lease Areas at the end of the meeting today in Buka. The phones were donated by the European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper, to enable communication between them.
Words by Reuben Kalaung & Picture by Tani Tulo of Bougainville Affairs Ministry
Leaders at todays meeting
By Aloysius Laukai

ABG Vice President PATRICK NISIRA with Regional Member FIDELIS SEMOSO

Interim Chairman of Panguna Landowners CHRIS DAMANA makes his presentation.
Source: ESBC Research
The Arduous and Expensive Way to Resume Mining on Bougainville
Once there was unrest between the people, the Melanesian culture asks for extensive reconcilition before getting back to normal life.
These documents recently established by the Panguna landowners show how difficult and delicate it is:
These documents had been kindly provided by the Panguna Landowner Association.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Panguna landowners meet in Buka
By Reuben Kalaung
Landowners representing various groups of the closed down Panguna mine in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville are now in Buka to discuss the possible re-opening of the once cash flashed Bougainville Copper Mine.

Female landowners attending the Buka meeting.
The meeting is scheduled for Sunday 28th November 2010
Landowners travelled in from Central and South Bougainville. Some travelled in from other Provinces in Papua New Guinea today. The meeting organized by the Regional Member and Minister for Bougainville Affairs Fidelis Semoso, is aimed at getting all the landowner groups together to come up with a common position to review the Bougainville Copper Agreement.
Speaking on New Dawn FM this afternoon, Mr. Semoso says the meeting has no agenda as it was up to the landowners to decide the outcome. He believes the meeting will provide the roadmap for the possible review of the Bougainville Copper Agreement.
The President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government Chief John Momis and his Cabinet members were also invited for the meeting. The Bougainville Mining Division was applauded by the Regional Member for their efforts in spearheading work on mining in the region.
All landowners attended a dinner hosted by the Ministry of Bougainville Affairs tonight. Most Interim Chairperson who spoke at the dinner welcome the move by Minister Semoso.
Source: ESBC Research
The Big Ones
These persons are meeting on November 26th to 28th, 2010 in Buka and decide on the future of the Panguna mine.
Please forgive us if this listing is not yet complete! It will be updated progressively!
Representatives of the State of Papua New Guinea (PNG) | Representatives from the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (AROB/ABG) | Representatives of the Panguna Landowners (PLOA) |
 Hon. Peter O'Neill PNG Minister of Treasury & Finance | Hon. John Momis President of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville | 
Chris Damana Panguna Landowners Interim Chairman |
 Hon. Fidelis Semoso PNG Minister of Bougainville Affairs | Hon. Patrick Nisira Vice President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government | 
Michael Pariu Panguna Landowners Interim Deputy Chairman |
 Hon. Arthur Somare PNG Minister of Public Enterprises | 
Hon. Andrew Miriki * Speaker of the Autonomous Bougainville Government | 
Lawrence Daveona Panguna Landowners Interim Secretary |

Hon. Paul Tiensten PNG Minister of Planning | 
Hon. Michael Oni ABG Minister of Natural Resources | 
Martin Miriori Panguna Landowners |
National Government Institutions | Other representatives of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville and other Organizations | Participating Landowners without pictures available |
MRA NCOBA | Otto Noruka Central Regional Commissioner Lucy Traverz
Kieta District Manager Robin Tekapu
Panguna District Manager Simon Kamai
Wakunai District Manager Stan Basiu - AUSAID ABG Mining Division | Bernard Devata-Interim Member Maggie Clason-Interim Member Anthony Tapakau-Interim Member Wendelinus Bitanuma-Interim Member Tony Anung-Interim Member Steven Tampura-Pakia Josephine Noke-Moroni Andrew Kukomo-Lower Tailings Bernadene Kiraha-Lower Tailings Andrew Taburiko-Lower Tailings Raphael Evinu-SML Ambrose Sipui-Road Charles Atabe-Road Joseph Inaui-Arawa Customary Cyril Tavore-Arawa Customary Priscilla Bisiro-Arawa Customary Jude Genu-Port (Uruaba) Leonard Babatani-Port (Uruaba) Dennis Vitou- POM (Lower Tailings) Lohial Nuau- POM (Port-Uruaba) William Basiku-POM (Administration) Dominic Ampa’oi Simon Pentanu-Meeting Facilitator Oxen Innocent Camillus Kabui- Lihir Philip Miriori-MGU Landowner |
* participation not yet officially confirmed
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Cocoa Pod Bora in Bougainville
By Cynthia Tokiapron
The Cocoa Pod Bora is decreasing in affected areas in Bougainville since the introduction of training on cocoa block management.
This was reveled by CPB program coordinator for North Bougainville Jude Murava.
He says all farmers had given up in producing cocoa after CPB has affected their areas.
This however has changed since training on cocoa management was introduced to farmers. The CPB training that is underway is a COE based program.
Jude Murava says the Cocoa pod bora is being observed as a seasonal pest. He believes that the CPB was not brought in from outside of Bougainville but originated in Bougainville. Samples were taken but still waiting for results.
It is believed that the plant the CPB insect feeds on is extinct as a result of climate change and it now feeds on cocoa.
He says people are using their cocoa blocks as an ATM, calling on people to start managing their blocks to avoid the CPB.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The people of Bougainville have been called on to stop the habit of having several sexual partners thus creating too many unplanned and neglected children in the society.
MRS. AGNES TITUS from the UNIFEM office in Buka made these remarks at the White Ribbon celebration yesterday.
She said that the habit of men having several mistresses was not helping at all with the increasing population of Bougainville.
MRS. TITUS said that even many families were having more than five kids which they are unable to look after.
The Unifem representative also called on the ABG to formulate some laws to try to control the increasing population of Bougainville.
She said that violence against women and children comes in many forms and having so many children and not caring for them is one serious form that must be addressed.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Students urged to behave
BY SONIA KENU DWU Journalism Student
Bougainville’s Provincial Police Commander Inspector Cletus Tsien has warned graduating students from Secondary and Primary Schools in Bougainville not to be too emotional and get into trouble.
Inspector Tsien says students tend to think that graduating from primary and secondary school is the end of school life and end up with ‘wild’ celebrations.
He adds that graduation from those education institution is just a chapter in life and it ends when a person dies.
The Commander is referring to the arrest of a student from Hutjena Secondary School yesterday afternoon for being in possession of marijuana.
The student from a mixed parentage of Buka and Central Province had just graduated from grade 10 yesterday.
The student was warned and arrested. He will appear before the Buka District Court on November 29 2010.
Meanwhile, Inspector Tsien adds that it has come to his notice that discipline is very low at Hutjena Secondary School.
He urges the teachers to be professional in their duties and parents to take responsibility for the discipline of their children.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Buka Police investigated
By Tapo Tovilu DWU Journalism student
Several officers at the Buka Police station are currently under investigation in relation to the killing of a young man along the Buka/Hutjena Highway early this year.
Last week an angry mob caused damage to the house of a public solicitor in Buka alleging that the government lawyer had conspired with certain members of the police service to cover up and destroy evidence related to the killing.
Certain police officers were suspected of having been involved in the killing which led to the Bougainville Police Hierarchy to call in an independent investigator from the East New Britain Province Police service to come and take charge of the case.
Bougainville Police Media has confirmed that the investigator has finalized his investigations but still has certain missing links in that particular case.
Attempts by New Dawn FM News to contact ENBP fro comments were unsuccessful.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
2010 School year is ending and many schools are making final visits to sites of interests before they break.
Today Grade 8 Students of Wakunai Primary School visited the ABG Parliament, the NBC office and several other offices.
The students also visited New Dawn FM Studio in Buka Town.
They are pictured here outside NEW DAWN FM office in Buka.
New Dawn FM has been training alot on Bougainville Students who have been studying Jounalism studies at Divine Word University since its inception in 2008.
Many students have already graduated with degrees and gone out on the field.
This year we have three second year students doing practical during Christmas Holidays.
They are Tapo Tovilu and Sonia Kenu with Fidelis Lucio... Others that have graduated include Tony Kaybing who started with us and took the interest and this year he graduated with Degree.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Non Government Organizations united to celebrate the White Ribbon Day to commemorate the day and advocate for the stop in violence against women and Children throughout the world.
The Celebration in Buka was spearheaded by the NGO group Leitana Nehan Development Agency and with the support of UNIFEM, WORLD VISION, CARE INTERNATIONAL and other stake holders on Bougainville.
Speakers at the ceremony highlighted the need to stop violence against women and children in homes.
Speaker, HELLEN HAKENA spoke on the need for men to respect women and advocate more on this.
UNIFEM representative, AGNES TITUS said that women are more vulnerable to violence describing the life of woman as vulnerable from womb to the tomb.
MRS. TITUS said that respect for women and girls should start at home with the family.
And she called on the people of Bougainville to advocate for violence against women and children.
Other Speakers that spoke included two University Students who spoke on the different rights for women and children.
A woman Police Officer, Senior Constable Joyce Tseraha called on women to report domestic violence to Police.
She said that this was one way of stopping the occurrence of domestic Violence.
Police woman TSERAHA also called on women not to withdraw cases once they are in the hands of law.
She said that out of about 20 cases reported to Police only 10 would go to the courts.
Constable Tseraha CALLED on the women to make sure that they are not forced by men to withdraw cases as they could end up in major problems if their husbands are not made to pay for their actions.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG Minister for Community Development, Women and Youth, ROSE PIHEI today challenged Bougainville youth to prepare well before thinking of marrying.
The Minister said that many of today’s youth marry when they are not yet ready to be parents.
She said that new couples must make it their priority to make sure they have House, Garden and finance before they make that decision.
She said that a lot of parents would be asking uncles and aunties for school fees assistance at the start of 2011 school year as they are not prepared to pay for their children’s school fees.
The Minister was speaking at the White Ribbon Day celebration in Buka today.
Minister said that violence against women and children comes in many forms and that the people of Bougainville must unite to stop all these forms of violence.
The minister also mentioned that her division was working with Law and Justice sector to formulate some activities to carry out awareness in the communities.
Source: The National
Masono:Supplies ready for Bougainville atolls
FOOD and medical supplies for people affected by rising sea level on the atolls of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville will soon be delivered, assures Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) deputy administrator for policy Raymond Masono.
Masono said K200,000 had been secured for the transportation and supply of relief assistance to the people of Cartarets, Mortlock, Tasman and Fead Islands.
“We will be transporting the supplies of rice, biscuits, flour and medicine to the 3,000 people affected as soon as the vessel, mv Solfish, which we hired from the Solomon Islands arrives,” he said.
He added that officers from the health, education, community development, primary industries and technical services divisions would be also be onboard mv Solfish.
“Officers from these respective divisions will be assisting with delivery of the relief assistance and at the same time assess the food security situation and the people’s health status,” Masono said.
He also pointed out that food shortage was a critical issue for the people on these atolls, saying: “Local food supply is dwindling due to the rise in sea level destroying food gardens.
“Also, the lack of proper shipping services to the atolls has not helped the situation.
“The people rely on trade store goods from Buka Island.
“But with ships making irregular trips to the atolls, this has added to the food security concerns of the people,” he said.
On Buka Island, more than 2,000 islanders are still recovering from the impact of more than four months of heavy downpour.
The rain destroyed food gardens and water wells and brought about a rise in thieves stealing from village gardens.
Masono said relief funding had yet to be secured depending on the recommendation of the Bougainville disaster office, which has yet to assess the situation and determine the level of assistance required.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
BUC attacks Liquor Commission
By Joyce Tohui
The Bougainville Liquor Commission is not working closely with the Buka Urban Council before issuing liquor licenses. That has resulted in the uncontrolled increase in the number of liquor outlets in the township of Buka.
Noise pollution is also a concern to residence affected by those outlets.
Buka Urban Council Manageress Brenda Tohiana blasted Bougainville’s Liquor Licensing Inspector Luke Tarea for blaming the Town Council for the uncontrolled increase of liquor outlets everywhere.
She says it was the duty of the Liquor Commission to issue liquor trading licenses; however, the town council must approve the location of any beer outlets.
Mr. Tarea tells New Dawn FM News last night that the Liquor Commission could not regulate the numerous beer outlets as they were situated on customary land.
But the town council boss say it was the duty of the Liquor Commission to remove liquor trading licenses when the outlets breached sanctioned trading hours.
The town council also blames the Liquor Commission for not consulting its environment health section before approving licenses.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Prepare youth for future
BY SONIA KENU DWU Journalism Student
Leaders of Tonsu constituency were surprised when results of a youth survey was revealed to them by a Care International Survey team in Bougainville.
Care International Program Coordinator David Haputo tells New Dawn FM News that according to a survey conducted recently, many youths in that area have multiple sex partners and practiced some form of prostitution.
He says the information was new to the leaders as they do not consider the current trend amongst their youths.
Mr Haputo says the team believes that is issue in the communities as youths were not normally involved in decision making.
The community leaders were advised to involve youths in future decision making so that issues affecting youths can be addressed.
The CARE Program Coordinator says the involvement of youths in decision making today, will greatly assist them to prepare for the future.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Young population lacks knowledge on HIV
BY SONIA KENU DWU Journalism Student
A health survey on youths in Bougainville has revealed that young people are most vulnerable to contract HIV/STI.
Care International HIV/AIDS Program Coordinator David Haputo says results from a survey in the region have indicated that youths lack knowledge on safe sex as well as knowledge about HIV transmission and prevention.
He adds that half of the youth population has their first sexual encounter in the age of 19.
It was also found that most communities dispute the usage of condoms and don’t support discussions on issues regarding sex.
The survey was carried out in Buka and Tinputz by Care International program office in Bougainville.
Meanwhile, analysis recommends that condom usage can be increased by promoting better knowledge, access and social acceptance of condoms.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Power outages affecting businesses
By Tapo Tovilu DWU Journalism Student
Business houses in Buka are feeling the effects of constant power outages in the town area.
The normal flow of business is affected greatly with the power cuts done by PNG power.
There are no prior warnings before power cuts and the duration of the blackout is never made known to the public.
They are now calling on PNG Power to step up in its power supply delivery service to the people of Buka.
Attempts by New Dawn FM news to reach PNG Power for comments were unsuccessful.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Promote women rights
By Veronica Hannette
A celebration themed UNITE TO ELIMINATE VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN will be held to promote women’s right.
Executive Director for Leitana Nehan womens Development Agency Helen Hakena says these celebrations are done yearly but in smaller scale.
The one day celebration is funded by the Port Moresby-based Family Support Committee. Several activities have been planned for the celebration tomorrow in Buka town.
Meantime, women worldwide will also be in white tomorrow to mark the White Ribbon Day.
The day is celebrated on November 25. It resembles the plight of women in every society.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
K15M Hand shake for Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The two-men delegation from ABG to meet the Papua New Guinea Prime Minister in Port Moresby at the weekend has been successful.
The ABG President JOHN MOMIS and his Finance Minister, ALBERT PUNGHAU last Friday left Buka for Port Moresby to have urgent discussions concerning financial matters affecting the ABG.
Reports reaching New Dawn FM News today said that the discussion with the Prime Ministers was good and the two would be returning with the FIFTEEN MILLION KINA development grant which was omitted from ABG’s budget last year.
Under the Bougainville Peace Agreement this development grant of FIFTEEN MILLION KINA should be included to the ABG Budget annually so that the Autonomous Bougainville Government can work on some development projects in the region.
And the removal of these grant this year has nearly crippled the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
New Dawn FM understands that since last year the ABG has been complaining to the National Government to include these FIFTEEN MILLION KINA but all cries have fallen on deaf ears.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Care presents data analysis on youth survey
BY SONIA KENU DWU Journalism Student
The Care International regional office in Bogainville has begun the presentation of its findings on youth behaviors and their accessibility to health services.
The findings were done between April and June this year.
The survey targeted alcohol and drug use by youths, their livelihood and HIV/AIDS and their attitude to sex; especially multiple sex partners and their age during their face sexual encounter.
The survey also discovered youths’ knowledge on those issues and their accessibility to health services.
Care International Program Coordinator David Haputo says the survey was done in the 13 communities of Buka and Tinputz.
Data collected will be presented to health service providers, affected communities and policy makers to assist them make better decision for the future.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Authorized Trading hours
By Joyce Tohui
A call has been made to every liquor outlets to strictly observe hours of trading.
The Bougainville Liquor Commission prescribed separate trading hours for urban and rural areas.
Mr. Tarea says many bottle shops breached the normal trading hours due to threats by consumers after hours. He adds such attitudes by beer consumers contributed a lot to the breach of liquor trading hours.
Beer outlets have been warned to lower their musical entertainment to minimize noise disturbance to residences.
Mr. Tarea says loud music is only allowed at taverns, clubs and hotels that provide entertainment to customers.
He is calling on Liquor License holders in Bougainville to follow trading rules or face the loss of their license.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Tom Kathoa
The Member for North Bougainville and Minister for Higher Education Science and Technology, Hon. Michael Ogio says, Papua New Guinea would be flushed with a lot of money as a result of the mineral boom being experienced in the country.
The Minister said this during his tour of some areas in his electorate recently.
Minister Ogio said Papua New Guinea stands to make billions of kina from the LNG Gas Project in the Southern Highlands Province in three years time.
He said the first sale of gas from the project to overseas buyers would occur in 2014, three years away.
He said the country would earn K53 billion US Dollars from the project, money that would greatly impact on the lives of the people of this country.
To do this, the government would inject more money into the Southern Highlands province to avoid any disruption to the project.
The Minister also told the people that the Autonomous Region of Bougainville will also benefit from this windfall.
Minister Ogio visited Kekesu in the Taunita/Tinputz Constituency Siara in the Sealu area and Hoko in the Hagogohe Constituency.
He returned to Port Moresby today for the Budget Session of Parliament.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Special Observations by FR. JOHN KORAN SM
A. The Urbanisation Revolution & Evolution:
Urban planning within the provincial cities and towns tries to ensure that there is a harmonious co-existence between the farmers and white collar workers . That the building constructors and building vertically (skyscrapers). In this way there is more land made available for large-scale farming in order to provide enough food to sustain the big population.
In this way the farmers are empowered to be involved in large-scale and commercial farming. All are employed and earn a living and feel secured with such arrangements. There is care and support for each other. This is to emphasize the fact that money is not the only focus of their labour, but wealth comes in different forms: good and balanced diet, good health and healthy living. There is more sea food and more meat to maintain that health supply of protein. The farmers, and the middle class of the educated population are all committed.
The road systems also try to have that same kind of understanding. There are multiple railway lines and multiple highways and freeways. These are also vertically built.
B. Leadership & Management Skills:
There seems to be that close relationship and understanding between those with leadership and management skills. There is space for the institutions to be actively involved in the planning and strategizing of the companies fulfilling of the industrial goals and their continuous development.
C. Intellectuals and Academics are a vital components in the success of the businesses and industries. Bougainville needs to learn from such arrangements and understandings.
(My Personal Reflections ...........)
9. I want to further analyse my reflections of China. I begin by asking this simple question. Like china how will the Autonomous Government of Bougainville go about this Economic Recovery as she tries to move forward and achieve a better life for all in Bougainville?
The Autonomous Bougainville Government on the 4th of March this year 2010 came up with the “Bougainville Economic Development Policy” and “Investing In Bougainville”. These two documents are well thought and written with grate insights.
As I skimmed through these important documents, I found out that the fundamental component is missing. The documents immediately deal with the Economic Development of Bougainville . I would describe it as a body without a head, without a mind and a spirit. The spirit becomes the energy that empowers all in Bougainville to work towards achieving a better life. It becomes that fundamental and foundational part of the way forward in Bougainville.
The Chinese Experience shows that all companies and industries begin with their spirit and vision. It is the vision of their province and of their nation. This ensures that there is the same spirit that energizes and empowers them to continue fulfilling that national vision: “To achieve a harmonious society and a peaceful environment”
The danger of dealing with the body only is that there is no energy in reserve to keep on moving forward. The vision and spirit ensures that there is continuous growth and development.
10. My humble appeal to all Bougainvilleans is to discover that Vision of Bougainville. In order to achieve a better life in Bougainville, we all need to have the same vision, mission and goals. That all persons, communities, institutions and all businesses own that vision and dream. We need to go through that kind of transformation. There is a need for a Paradigm Shift and a New World View. There is need for an attitudinal change. This will enable us and lead us to have a new mind set and come up with the economic recovery needed to achieve that better life for all in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
11. Are we able to have that same dream and vision? Are we prepared to commit ourselves and be united in achieving it within a certain period of time? I believe that “Where there is a will there is way”. There is certainly a way that will lead us forward to achieve a better life.
12. I fully support and endorse the “Bougainville Economic Development Policy” and “Investing In Bougainville” documents. These are very basic and fundamental principles in the economic recovery and development program in Bougainville.
Reflections of China Visit
(Fr. John Koran)
My personal reflections on my fourteen days in China.
I will present my experience of China in two parts. Part A will deal
with the Historical Journey of China. I will also try my best to insert the equivalent of the Bougainville Story.
Stage One: The Origin and Creation of Chinese People and Society.
1.1. In this stage we learn about the origin of the Chinese People. We come know
about their culture and what makes them unique from other cultures in the world. Such uniqueness determines their identity and existence on this planet earth.
1.2. We know that Chinese people belong to Asia and share in the Asian way of life. They are a closed knit society. Family is the fundamental unit of their existence. Relationships are very important in all dimensions of their life. They live and work as a unit. Everything depends on this social system among Asian Peoples.
1.3. Bougainville also has its stories of origin. Many anthropologist have tried to trace the early settlers of Bougainville. We have our own cultural background, others can identify us and describe our character and the way we behaviour and organize ourselves. We belong to the Melanesian Cultures. The basis of our existence is family, and community. Relationships among ourselves is very important. We maintain this through our tribal and clan relationships.
Stage Two: The Evolution of Chinese People and Society.
2.1. The Chinese People and Society have evolved for thousands and hundreds of years. In
this evolution they created their own political, economic, social, and cultural systems. Their existence depended very much on these systems. It makes them stand apart from other peoples in the world.
2.2. Their systems of organizing themselves enabled other peoples in the world to identify
them and come to know their character. Chinese are Asians and this Asian Character connects them with other Asian Cultures. They value the family unit which becomes the basis of their existence, their identity and their security. So relationships are of paramount importance. They succeed and excel in life not as individuals but as a family, community and society.
2.3. The Bougainville People and Society have evolved for thousands and hundreds of years.
In this evolution they created their own political, economic, social and cultural systems.
Like the Chinese, Bougainvillians have a culture which identifies who they are and how they organize their lives. They value the family unit which connects them to the tribe and clan.
Stage Three: The Invasion of China and The Revolution it Caused
From Outside and Inside.
3.1. This was the stage of curiosity in the world. Different Peoples became explorers and
trying to understand the world as a whole. In the process they discovered certain wealth which they obtained and exploited for their own gains.
3.2. The wealth and resources which the foreigners exploited was done unjustly. The Chinese
did not benefit from such activities. In the end the Chinese People revolted against these unjust exploiters and decided to get them out of their country.
3.3. After the economic revolution, the cultural revolution began. Tribes and groups with
certain philosophy of life got into confrontations. These divided the nation. China also had its doors closed to the outside world.. In the end there was no development.
3.4. Bougainville was colonized by the outsiders who indiscriminately exploited their wealth
and resources. The people did not benefit much and these foreign business did not make a difference in the lives of the people. In the end the people rebelled and the foreign investors left, but the cultural revolution began soon after.
Stage Four: Reform and Re-Creation.
4.1. China had a new leader whose dream was to open up China to the world.
Which resulted in the open-door policy. This resulted in the economic reformation which continues to be experienced today.
4.2. So thirty years ago China moved into a new level of organizing its life. The model
city was Zhenzhen. This particular city has four pillars of development and organizing the life of the people there. The Four Pillars of Development consists of: High Technological Industry, Modern Logistics, Finance and Service Industry and Cultural development.
4.3. Bougainville is now in the process of reforming its life: Politically, Economically, Socially, and Culturally. Bougainville needs a Vision, Mission and Goals to move forward and develop.
5. In these fourteen days the questions that kept on coming into my mind was:
a) Where do they get this energy to continue developing and changing China?
b) What are the fundamental values that enable them to achieve so much in a short period of time?
6. China has a Philosophy of Life. This philosophy or spirit enables them to be committed to a common purpose in life. That is, they have a common vision of life.
a) I would describe their vision of life as:
To create a harmonious society and a peaceful environment.
b) In order to create this harmonious society and a peaceful environment there must be respect and trust among all peoples. This would lead me to come up with a mission statement:
That Respect and Trust becomes the values to create a harmonious society. That the people of China have one vision, mission, and goals; and are committed to acquire a greater quality of life and improve their standard of living.
c) I got the impression that all are united to achieving these goals to acquire a better home and a better life. The aim is to:
To share their resources:
i. Spiritual resources –
ii. Intellectual resources –
iii. Psychological resources –
iv. Physical resources.
7. In order to make this vision, mission, and goals become a reality, China seem to have the following strategy:
a)They operate from solid bases.
i. The first unit is composed of several families. They form a community which organizes their lives around the same vision, mission and goals.
ii. These communities try to share among themselves all their resources. This enables them to economize and use wisely their resources to acquire the Basic Human Needs and the Basic Social Services.
iii. The communities make sure that all families acquire their basic human needs of : food, clothing and share. This will enable each family and the community to have a better home and live a better life. All must be united, respect and trust each other to achieve these fundamental basic needs and services in their lives.
iv. The communities make sure that all families acquire their basic and fundamental social services. These would include:- Health, Education, Water Supply, Power Supply, Transportation, and Mass Media Communication.
b).. These communities are connected to the districts and then to the counties. The
counties are connected to the Provinces,. These Provinces are finally connected to the Nation as a whole.
i) Each district plans its development according to the directives from the counties and the province. They share the national vision, mission and goals of the nation.
ii) Each Province has its own approach to achieving the vision, mission and goals. So the province determines its own development strategies but is always connected to the national vision, mission and goals.
iii) The model province is Zhenzhen. This province was where the present vision of China was realized. It has Four Pillars as its basis of existence and development as a city and province. These four pillars include: High Technological Industry, Modern Logistic Industry, Finance and Service Industry and Cultural Industry. Zhenzhen is the only economic zone for trading in China. Other provinces develop themselves using the Zhenzhen Model.
8. In order to acquire these fundamental needs and services in such a nation, there was a need to have an efficient and an effective financial strategy. The Socialist Society such as China has a Social Structure which assists them in using their wealth and resource to build up each community. In the last thirty years (30)China had to develop its foreign policies:
i. Initially China had a closed-door policy. They were not able to deal with other
nations. This made themselves look inward and were not able to move forward and progress in life.
ii.. Thirty years ago China had adopted an open-door policy. Entrepreneurs from outside were invited to invest in China. China learnt from them and is now leading in economic development in the world.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
South ready for Bougainville Games
By Reuben Kalaung
A cultural spectacular is planned for the opening of the 3rd Bougainville Games on December 12 as communities in South Bougainville unite in partnership to host all participating zones.
Electricity Company PNG Power is also set to light up Buin township in time for the Games. Games Event Chairman Joe Maineke brushed aside security fears on New Dawn FM Sports Trek today.
He says the Games organizers are working in partnership with the districts of Siwai, Bana and Torokina to ensure all athletes enjoy the true South Bougainville hospital during the one week of sporting fiasco.
Police personnel, Buin athletes and ex-combatants form the full team that will ensure a trouble free event. Security personnel will also be out on the highway for those travelling by vehicle while the infamous Kangu Beach will receive athletes travelling by ship.
Mr. Maineke says final touches are being done to polish up all venues.
Sporting codes from nine zones throughout the region will clash in the Games this season representing Buka Atolls, North, Central and the host South Bougainville.
The Games is aimed at promoting unification amongst all Bougainvilleans as part of the overall peace building process in the once crisis ravaged island.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
We’re coming – Rugby & Taekwondo
By Reuben Kalaung
Balls skills, speed and stamina are high on the training agenda as Buka and Central zone Rugby Sevens Football teams prepare for the upcoming Bougainville Games in Buin, South Bougainville next month.
Pure raw talents from the village level will be showcased at the Buin clash.
Buka Zone Rugby Coordinator Aloysius Kusi says training sessions have revealed some potential talents for selection into Bougainville’s team Black Orchids for representative duties outside the region.
The Black Orchids need two more players for the National Rugby Sevens Championship in Rabaul next month prior to the Bougainville Games.
Running sessions have been the norm in the recent training sessions before ball handling takes over in the remaining weeks.
To martial arts; 32 fighters comprising 16 males and 16 females from the Buka zone are currently sharpening their Taekwondo skills for the Buin battle.
The development squad will enter specific combat skills in the weeks leading to the final showdown.
Source: ESBC Research
Landowner Meeting next week !
The announced Panguna landowner meeting in Buka has been postponed to the next week-end because of enduring national budget negociations in Port Moresby. This has to be considered as positive as more trustful figures for planning will be available then.
Quelle: ESBC Research
Landeignerkonferenz nächste Woche !
Die für dieses Wochende geplante Landeignerkonferenz in Buka ist um eine Woche verschoben worden. Dies wurde durch die andauernden nationalen Haushaltsverhandlungen in Port Moresby nötig. Die ESBC sehen darin einen erheblichen Vorteil, denn dann werden zu Tagungsbeginn verläßliche finanzielle Planungseckdaten zur Verfügung stehen.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
2011 ABG Budget lock-up
The ABG Minister for Finance Albert Punghau will table the 2011 ABG Budget in the next meeting of the House of Representatives scheduled for December 14.
Parliamentary Members from Bougainville converged in Buka this week to discuss the budget before its tabling next month.
House of Representative Speaker Andrew Miriki issued a statement this week confirming the meeting date.
Sixty-two million kina was allocated by the national government as constitutional grant to Bougainville this year while the region’s internal revenue stands at four million kina – inadequate to finance the thriving public service machinery and many other impact economic projects.
The National Government is understood to have allocated almost 70 million kina for Bougainville in the 2011 budget.
Meantime, ABG President John Momis and Finance Minister Albert Punghau left for Port Moresby today. It is understood, they were requested by Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare to sit a meeting with representatives from the Australian Government.
New Dawn FM News understands a recent visit by a Bougainville delegation to China led by President Momis, may have raised eye brows in Australia.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Bougainville copper share price increase
By Reuben Kalaung
Shares in Bougainville Copper have witnessed a dramatic increase by 20 percent in the last 2 trading days.
Australian daily newspaper The Australian and the Wall Street Journal reported the increase in their publication today.
The publications reports, the current copper and gold prices and some foreign players particularly Chinese may have sparked the increase in the share price.
Mine owner Rio Tinto owns 54 percent of the shares, the national government 19 percent and while passive shareholder Vanguard owns 2 million shares at 5 percent.
The closed down Panguna Mine comprise a resource value ofalmost 4 million tonnes of copper and approximately 13 million ounces of gold.
The European Shareholders website ESBC reports 12 billion US dollars as the value of the Panguna Mine.
Mine re-opening and full production will cost a hefty 4 billion US dollars – that’s approximately 12 billion kina.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Oil Palm progress
BY SONIA KENU DWU Journalism Student
The ABG Cabinet has appointed a team to investigate and report on the Torokina Oil Palm project due to management issues.
This is according to Chief Executive Officer for Commerce Trade Albert Kinani.
Mr Kinani says the report will be tabled before the Cabinet to make decisions on the progress of the project.
He says in the meantime, the Bougainville Administration has issued instructions to the CEO for DPI to hand over the management of the project to the Commerce Trade division.
Mr Kinani adds that the two divisions met last week for the handing over of the Oil Palm project documents.
Meanwhile, the Division of Commerce Trade is doing a review on the planning and implementation of the project awaiting Cabinet decision.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Workshop targets male advocacy
By Joyce Tohui
Men in Bougainville are now better informed and prepared to carry out awareness on Human Rights issues in their communities.
A five day workshop on Gender Human Rights and Masculine’ which aims at educating men to understand the women’s rights ended today in Buka.
Executive Director for Leitana Nehan Women’s Development Agency Helen Hakena says big turnouts by men resemble their choice to support women, fight violence in the society.
She says the workshop taught men factors and issues which contribute to violence against women and children.
Male participants acquired knowledge and identified weaknesses that will help them advocate for women’s rights.
Source: ESBC Research and Analyses
Big BOC Bang ahead?
Since Bougainville’s President, John Momis recently made an announcement of a strong Chinese interest to buy out Bougainville Copper; the BOC share prices shot up dramatically. This reminds us of the failed attempt of the BCL takeover by American Pritzker group during the civil war in 1991. Pritzker offered then a reported price of 3.75 USD per stock. Gold prices were about 350 USD per ounce as well as 80 percent lower for copper at the time. Also silver was much lower in 1991.
The Pritzker offer was rejected at the time by Rio Tinto with the furious words, ‘’we do not give away our crown jewels!’’. Compared to today’s market prices the equivalent virtual bid should be round about USD 20 per share. Therefore, any offer that might lure Rio Tinto has to be at 30 USD per stock or maybe even higher. That makes BCL an enterprise valued at 12 billion USD. However, it is still the fact that the mine only needs to start running and needs not to be opened completely once again. Besides, it might give rise to lure seven rich mining licenses more. As China disposes more US dollars than economically reasonable, the takeover could turn out to be a good possibility to get hard base and precious metals for some soft printed green paper.
Read here Swen Lorenz' latest expertise on Bougainville Copper Limited!
Big-BOC-Bang ante portas?
Seit Bougainvilles Präsident John Momis Rio Tinto unlängst öffentlich einen Übernahmewunsch Chinas an Bougainville Copper übermittelt hat, schießen die Kurse dramatisch nach oben. Erinnerungen an den fehlgeschlagenen Übernahmeversuch durch die US-amerikanische Pritzker Group werden wach: 1991 hatte Pritzker dem Vernehmen nach USD 3,75 je Aktie geboten – mitten im Bürgerkrieg und bei Goldpreisen um die USD 350 je Unze sowie 80 Prozent niedrigeren Kupferpreisen. Auch Silber gab es damals noch zum Schnäppchenpreis.
Rechnet man das damalige Angebot, das von Rio Tinto erbost mit den Worten „Wir verschenken unsere Kronjuwelen nicht!“ abgelehnt wurde, auf die heutige Marktsituation hoch, ergibt sich ein virtueller Angebotspreis von USD 20 je Aktie. Demzufolge dürfte heute ein bedenkenswertes Angebot, das Rio Tinto aus der Reserve locken könnte, eher bei USD 30 pro Aktie oder höher liegen. Daraus ergäbe sich ein Unternehmenswert von circa 12 Milliarden USD. Kein Sonderangebot aber dennoch attraktiv im Hinblick darauf, dass die Mine nur noch in Betrieb genommen werden und nicht vollends neu erschlossen werden muss. Zudem lockt die Aussicht auf weitere ertragreiche sieben Minenlizenzen. Da China ohnehin über mehr US-Dollars verfügt als ökonomisch vertretbar, könnte sich die Übernahme als gute Möglichkeit erweisen, für weiches grün bedrucktes Papier harte Basis- und Edelmetalle zu bekommen.
Lesen Sie hier die jüngste Expertise von Swen Lorenz über Bougainville Copper Limited !
Source: The Australian with WALL STREET JOURNAL
'Bogeys' running red hot
AND talking of hot mining stocks, Bougainville Copper shares have run up 29c or 20 per cent from $1.39 to $1.68 in the last two trading days. This is a company whose operations closed down 21 years ago in 1989 during a civil insurrection and whose controller Rio Tinto's chairman Paul Skinner made it clear at the May AGM that there were "no plans" to reopen the Panguna mine.
Rio owns 54 per cent of "Bogeys" and the PNG government, not universally adored on Bougainville, has another 19 per cent. There are however two other influences to consider. One is of course the burgeoning copper and gold prices and the other is the possibility that some resource-starved overseas (most particularly Chinese) player may take a different perspective on the risks involved.
There's a total resource there of 3.5 million tonnes of copper and 12.7 million ounces of gold. That said, there are reportedly six separate landowner associations that will need to be brought to common agreement before anyone starts spending the $US3-$US4bn required to get the mine back into production. The biggest passive shareholder we could track down was index-hugger Vanguard with 2 million shares or five per cent. They're clearly betting that one day it will be back in the major indices.
Source: Post-Courier
ABG explains agreements
THE Autonomous Bougainville Government said agreements signed with business houses in China was only meant to invite them to visit and see where they can help.
ABG President John Momis and his 34-member delegation returned from China last week.
In a press conference Mr Momis announced that they signed seven Memoranda of Understanding in China with several businesses, inviting them to visit Bougainville and see for themselves where they can tap in help grow the economy of Bougainville.
The ABG said the MOUs signed were between:
* THE Shanghai Chamber of Commerce on issues of manufacture and supply of building materials;
* THREE major engineering and design companies in Beijing who would do a feasibility study on housing, sports complex and stadium, infrastructure, power generation and hydro, to name a few;
* REAL estate businesses in Shanghai and Beijing;
* Shanghai Chamber of Commerce on issues of civil engineering and construction;
* Shanghai Chamber of Commerce on a shipping company
* China Oriental Green on tourism; and
* Shanghai Fujian Chamber of Commerce on waste recycle plant, water sewerage treatment plant, agriculture and livestock.
The ABG delegation also spoke to businesses about mining issues on Bougainville but because it is still a sensitive issue, Mr Momis said the options were open.
The ABG said Mr Momis signed these MOUs to invite Chinese companies and the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce to Bougainville upon an invitation by the government to explore possibilities of investing here through joint venture partnerships.
The ABG said these were just understandings between these companies and the ABG has already prepared invitation papers so they could start making their way to Bougainville for a courtesy visit.
The ABG is seriously thinking about an immediate recovery of Bougainville’s economy, it said.
Source: The National
Man shot dead in Bougainville tribal conflict
BOUGAINVILLE police confirmed that a man was shot dead and an unspecified number of houses burnt down near Oria in the Konou constituency of South Bougainville last Thursday.
The killing and burning were believed to be in retaliation for the wounding of a civilian, who was part of a community work party from Oria, early last week.
The retaliatory attack had caused two Autonomous Bougainville house of assembly members to call once again for both parties in the long running tribal feud to sort out their differences through peaceful means.
South Nasioi member and chairman of the Law and Justice Advisory Committee John Ken teamed up with Member for Selau and vice-chairman of the Peace and Reconciliation Committee Pr Terry Mose to appeal for peace in the area.
The two leaders met with acting Assistant Commissioner of Police in Bougainville last Friday to discuss possible ways of ending bloodshed in Bougainville’s southern trouble-spot.
Ken called on the local militia group from Oria, Wilmo, and the opposing party believed to be followers of rebel leader Damien Koike to lay down their arms and let the law take its course.
Mose, who has been heavily involved in trying to find a peaceful solution to the conflict, had called on all parties to reconcile for the sake of referendum and independence on Bougainville.
He urged all Bougainvilleans not to wait upon the government for reconciliation funding but continue with the process using whatever resources available in the villages.
Meanwhile, acting Bougainville police chief Tohua said they had with the Bougainville Police Service established police posts in every constituency in the autonomous region.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
BY SONIA KENU DWU Journalism Student
A Memorandum of Understanding for the trading of scrap metal has been signed between MALCO PNC Limited, Panguna Scrap Metals, Panguna Landowners and the Autonomous Bougainville government early this week.
This has followed a proposal by the Panguna Landowners and Malco PNC Limited who want to work in partnership in purchasing scrap metals in Bougainville.
Chief Executive Officer for Commerce & Trade Albert Kinani says the MOU is a biggest achievement for the ABG.
Mr. Kinani says the scrap metal business has always been a sensitive issue particularly in Central Bougainville as many buyers were untrustworthy.
He says for the last five years ABG has tried to provide the service especially to those who are eager to enter the scrap metal business.
Mr Kinani adds that the ABG is happy with this arrangement because it’s one of its first break through that will benefit the landowners and business partners.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Bank fees affects Bougainville
By SONIA KENU DWU Journalism Student
Bougainvilleans have joined the rest of PNG to be affected by the new commercial banking fees charged by the Bank South Pacific Limited.
Bank users have expressed concerns about the new bank fees set by the bank. BSP is the only commercial bank that serves the region of Bougainville.
Chief Executive Officer for Commerce Trade Albert Kinani tells New Dawn FM News that ABG has discussed with other commercial banks such as Wespac and ANZ to set up in the region.
He says, however, they’ve only succeeded in bringing Nationwide Micro Bank which is currently operating in the region.
He adds that Wespac and ANZ were reluctant to establish in Bougainville due to the region’s low economic scale.
Mr Kinani says the only way to attract more commercial banks, is to increase Bougainville’s current revenue by establishing major impact projects.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Juvenile court establish
By Veronica Hannette
The Magisterial Service in Bougainville is planning to establish a Juvenile Court in the Kieta District.
Port Moresby’s Deputy Chief Magistrate Iova Geita conducted a week long workshop on Mediation and Diversion for the magisterial services in the region.
The meeting was part of a series of workshops aimed at equipping law enforcers in Arawa to identify and separate juvenile courts from the main criminal justice system.
The juvenile court system was endorsed by the National Juvenile Justice Working group, which hopes to have the system established by the end of this year.
25 participants from the law and justice sector attended the UNICEF funded workshop.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Control population growth
By Joyce Tohui
The population in Bougainville is growing at an alarming rate.
The increase has come about because people are not informed about family planning methods.
Most people are ignorant about family planning practices as the community sees it as a women’s duty to consult planning methods.
A senior health practitioner in Buka Dr. Joe Vilosi says the family planning services are available at every health center for couples and young people.
He says these health services will assist everyone to better plan their family size.
Dr. Vilosi says many families in the past exercise family planning methods compared to families nowadays. Unplanned pregnancies by sexually active teenagers in schools have contributed tremendously to the population increase.
The medical practitioner is urging all Bougainvilleans to tackle the population issue before it gets out of control.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Population affects service delivery
By Joyce Tohui
A call has been made to the ABG Government to support the family planning awareness in Bougainville.
Dr. Joe Vilosi made this call when outlining the impacts of population during an interview with New Dawn FM News.
He says an increase population will affect government’s service delivery if the issue of family planning is not seriously looked at by the government.
Dr. Vilosi says this is a major issue the government must address before it is too late. A big population has adverse effects of hunger, poverty and land shortage.
Meanwhile, the doctor says new born babies born throughout PNG within a year are equivalent to the population of Eastern Highlands.
That statistic poses serious concern to the Bougainville dream of achieving full Autonomy.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Workshop helps Bougainville
By Joyce Tohui
A “Gender Human Rights Masculine Training workshop” is underway in Buka to help Bougainvilleans understands their rights.
The workshop is aimed at educating men to understand the rights of women in any decision making and equal participation.
Sixty participants representing various sectors in the fourteen districts of Bougainville are attending the five day workshop which ends tomorrow.
The workshop is facilitated by the Leitana Nehan Women’s Development Agency through the New Zealand AID.
Source: The National
Soldiers recover remains of Bougainville MIA trio
THE remains of three PNGDF soldiers who were reported missing in action (MIA) during the Bougainville crisis have been recovered.
Defence Minister Bob Dadae revealed the findings to reporters in Port Moresby yesterday.
He said the remains of Cpl Horace Maino, Pte Jimmy Jula and Pte Raymond Waia of Alpha Company, 1RPIR, were identified with the assistance and expertise from the Australian Defence Force’s unrecovered war casualties army (UWC-A) forensic team.
In early 2006, PNGDF was informed of the remains of the three MIA soldiers in North Bougainville may have been found.
According to the press statement, in late 2009, the PNGDF started negotiating with the Autonomous Region of Bougainville Government (ARB) representatives and former combatants (Bougainville Revolutionary Army) to establish the whereabouts of the remains and to commence the identification process.
Following the request, a UWC-A investigator conducted interviews with family members and PNGDF witnesses on Sept 7 and custodians in Buka on Sept 9.
On Sept 26, the forensic team examined two sets of remains described as “Kunua One” and “Kunua Two” at the district administration building in Kunua, Central Bougainville.
The third set of remains “Kunua Three” was later examined at the Buka Hospital mortuary in Buka.
Bob Dadae thanked the efforts of PNGDF by the head of the Australian Defence staff in PNG, Col Mark Sheppard and the Australian Defence Force, UWC-A and forensic team.
He said it was the PNGDF’s duty to return the remains to their families for closure.
Meanwhile, a final survey report on the retirement benefits of soldiers was also handed today to Brig-Gen Francis Agwi, to determine their entitlement payout.
Source: ESBC Research
Orderbook BOC two minutes before opening
as at 9:58:03 AM Thursday, November 18, 2010
BOUGAINVILLE COPPER Trade Summary - Status
Last Change % Volume Trades Open High Low
1.500 0.000 0.00 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
Last Traded 0 @ 0 - No trades today
BOC Buyers
Level Buy Quantity Price
1 1 8,000 1.530
2 2 24,501 1.520
3 1 388 1.500
4 1 2,000 1.475
5 1 5,000 1.460
6 2 14,150 1.450
7 1 2,000 1.445
8 1 10,000 1.420
9 2 9,209 1.400
10 3 11,360 1.390
11 1 15,000 1.350
12 1 10,000 1.340
13 2 1,380 1.330
14 1 3,000 1.320
15 3 8,188 1.300
16 1 450 1.295
17 1 5,000 1.285
18 3 144,000 1.250
19 1 589 0.850
BOC Sellers
Price Quantity Sell Level
1.480 8,000 1 1
1.500 25,593 1 2
1.555 5,000 1 3
1.570 12,348 1 4
1.595 11,111 1 5
1.700 5,000 1 6
1.795 3,000 1 7
1.800 65,600 2 8
11.000 610 1 9
Source: ESBC Research
Board of Directors' Meeting
The board of directors of Bougainville Copper Limited actually meets in Indonesia. The agenda of the meeting has not yet been communicated. It is quite probable that President Momis' offer for a buy-out of by Chinese is one of the major topics. Rio Tinto holds an important interest in the Indonesian Grasberg mine (gold/copper) in West Papua. Therefore it cannot be excluded that the BCL managers will meet some of their colleagues working in Indonesia. Even a participation of high level Rio Tinto executives from London seems to be possible. There are rumours that ABG-President Momis will visit shortly the RT-headquarters in London for consultations. A preparation of this journey is probable as well.
Der Vorstand der Bougainville Copper Limited trifft sich derzeit in Indonesien. Eine Tagesordnung wurde noch nicht veröffentlicht. Es ist jedoch sehr wahrscheinlich, dass Präsident Momis' Angebot einer Übernahme durch die Chinesen auch Thema der Gespräche sein wird. Rio Tinto hält in Indonesien eine maßgebliche Beteiligung an der in West-Papua gelegenen Grasbergmine (Gold/Kupfer). Deshalb liegt es auch im Bereich des Denkbaren, dass sich die BCL Vorstände nicht nur mit Kollegen der Grasbergmine treffen, sondern dort auch hochrangige Vertreter der der RT-Konzernzentrale in London treffen. Gerüchte wollen sogar wissen, dass ABG-Präsident Momis in näherer Zukunft zu Konsultationen nach London reist. Demzufolge könnte dieses Treffen zudem der Vorbereitung der Momis-Reise dienen.
Source. Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Termites a growing problem
By Tapo Tovilu
Termites are becoming a concern in Bougainville.
Operations Manager of Protex Pest Control Bernard Namun says that termite infestation is a big problem in the Region.
He has just completed a survey of 125 schools in Bougainville and discovered nearly all schools have termite infestation.
Termites are very dangerous because they can destroy a building in just months of infestation.
Mr. Namun says there are many pest control companies in the region and people should have their properties examined and protected.
Source. Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
An appeal has been made to the ABG Government and business houses in Bougainville for their support towards our sportsmen.
Buka Touch Team Manager Tommy Bobos says they’ll be reaching out for assistance during this time of preparation for the ABG games.
He also calls for truck owners to consider the athletes who are traveling from Haku and Halia to Ieta for training.
He says it would be more helpful if truck owners give discount on bus fares to the athletes.
The Buka Touch Team consists of 36 players, from the six constituencies who have been selected from the Buka District Zone Games in Haku last month.
Meanwhile, the team is working towards raising funds which today, team members were given coin-a-thon sheets to bring home.
Source. Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Bougainville lacks human resource
By Joyce Tohui
An Education awareness themed’ Better Education Better Bougainville’ aims to boost human resource in Bougainville.
The UPNG Bougainville students from the Selau, Suir and Tinputz Districts are carrying out the awareness programs to help the schools in their area.
The awareness team says many students from Central and South Bougainville are in tertiary institutions compared to students in North Bougainville, which have low number of students studying outside the region.
The team says the shortfall has encouraged them to carry out the education awareness.
Thirteen schools have been covered in the exercise however funding constraints did not allow proper implementation.
The UPNG Team has been advised by the Bougainville Education Division, to target low performing schools in the three districts. They are calling on the ABG Constituency members to support the program.
Source. Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
New recruits for Bville CS
The PNG Correctional Services will bring in fresh new recruits to the Autonomous Bougainville region by the end of this year. Correctional Services is one vital government service that’s been lacking since the civil crisis.
Assistant Commissioner for New Guinea Islands Philip Eka says 25 Bougainvilleans are currently undergoing training at the Bomana Correctional Service Training Center outside Port Moresby.
On their pass out, they will be transferred to Bougainville to boost manpower at the Bekut prison in Buka. Mr. Eka is in the region to make arrangements for the transfer of the first batch of 10 low risk prisoners to the recently opened prison facility at Bekut.
The Buka Police station has been the main prison site for convicts and remandees in Bougainville after the civil conflict. Just this week, the CS headquarters deployed 5 warders from Kerevat to man the Bekut prison.
The Bekut prison has a holding capacity of 40 prisoners.
Mr. Eka says plans are in place for the deployment of 30 correctional service officers to Bougainville.
Source: ESBC Research
ASX Sydney: Bougainville Copper (BOC) shares soar 8.69 percent (AUD 1.51)
at 12:40:34 p.m. local time!
ASX Sydney: Bougainville Copper Aktien (BOC) legen um 12:40:34 Ortszeit
um 8,69 Prozent auf AUD 1,51 zu!
Source: Post-Courier
Termites attack Bougainville
By Fabian Gatana
Snine secondary and high schools in Bougainville are under serious threat from termites attacking classrooms and teachers’ houses.
The cost of rebuilding may exceed K10 million if both the National and Autonomous Bougainville Governments do not immediately address the issue.
Hutjena Secondary School has 74 buildings under threat – classrooms, boys and girls dormitories and teachers’ houses – some buildings are already seriously affected with termites eating away the timbers, resulting in the houses falling apart.
Bishop Wade/Tarlena Secondary School has 70 buildings under threat, Buin Secondary School 50, Bana and Nissan high schools are also badly affected.
There are five other high schools in Bougainville with the same problem and teachers are worried the issue may affect classes in the near future.
Protex Pest Control, a locally owned company had been tasked to look at these issues and report to the respective schools.
Operations manager of the Protex company, Bernard Namun said to save these schools the ABG or the National Government will need to spend K3 million to completely overhaul the northern termites that they suspect may have come from Lae through the timbers purchased from there.
“They could be northern termites and these are very dangerous. They live in colony nests and the termites multiply 1500 eggs per day,” Mr Namun said. This could be the biggest threat to the entire school buildings in Bougainville and we can help save them if we address them on time.”
Source: Post-Courier
ABG minister blasts Kidu
AN Autonomous Bougainville Government leader who is also a church pastor has condemned moves to legalise prostitution and same sex marriages in Papua New Guinea.
ABG Minister for Local Level Government Pastor Joseph Nopeii, in an interview with the Post-Courier, said Government Minister Dame Carl Kidu had lost his support on other issues.
“I am a strong supporter of Dame Carol Kidu’s women bill in Parliament and on many other issues that she has spoken highly on. But since her publicity on the issue of legalising prostitution and homosexuality in PNG recently, I have lost respect for her,” said Mr Nopeii.
He strongly thinks that the idea should seriously be brushed aside.
Mr Nopeii said not only was the timing for the issues not right, but the idea itself should not be brought into Bougainville as it will have a serious impact on communities in the region.
Mr Nopeii also condemned practising homosexuals, if there are any, in Bougainville.
The Post-Courier understands that there are already homosexual families in Buka but are not publicly exposing themselves.
“The issue may work in first world countries but for PNG, the timing is wrong and it will have a lot of implications and social issues in Bougainville,” Mr Nopeii said.
“There should be wide consultation all over Papua New Guinea.
The National Government should seriously think about carrying a wide consultation and awareness on this before any bills can be introduced for legalising.
“We have to consider PNG having almost 90 per cent of rural based population and this will definitely have implications and affect the families, community and the people of PNG. That is my contribution to this issue.”
Source: The National
Telikom launches X’cess mobile in Bougainville
X’CESS wireless is now more portable with Telikom PNG introducing its mobile version of the X’cess wireless phone in Arawa last Friday.
The introduction of the mobile phone coincided with Telikom PNG’s launch of the wireless network in Arawa that same day.
This makes the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, the first place outside of Port Moresby to receive the mobile handset service through the wireless network (CDMA).
Being consciously aware that calls from the wireless service is charged at 6t per minute at peak hours and 3t per minute at off-peak hours, Bougainvilleans could not let the golden opportunity slip by as they scrambled to queue up at the Independence Park to write history by purchasing the cheap Telikom X’cess mobile handsets.
As people also realised the importance of internet usage in improving lives, the wireless internet modem (EVDO) and the X’cess wireless phones also made good sales on the day.
With the availability of the wireless network now available in the once bustling township, people in Arawa can now sit back in their homes and purchase airline ticket or do online banking without paying K50 to travel more than 100km to Buka to do the transactions.
Member for Central Bougainville Jimmy Miringtoro hailed the region as being the first to receive the X’cess wireless and telephone mobile service after Port Moresby and pledged his support to the communications company to further its work in the region.
Miringtoro expressed appreciation for the reality that communication was now being rebuilt in the region in line with new and improved technology to better the lives of the people after most of the telecommunication infrastructure in the region was stripped and left in ruins during the crisis.
“Communication service in Bougainville was down during the crisis, but we will now rise and move forward in terms of cheap and affordable communication solutions.
“The introduction of the X’cess mobile phones is a step forward for us,” he said.
Telikom PNG Ltd chief executive officer Peter Loko said Telikom PNG was committed to ensure that every one in the country had access to cheap and affordable communication solutions.
He urged every one in the Autonomous Region to fully utilise the service and to take care of it so that tangible development is realised over time through the use of the service.
Source: ESBC Research
Morgenröte auf Bougainville ?
“The government now has a big task ahead; we have to create awareness on our business houses, the people and the region. The Chinese, have a big interest in the Panguna mine, one of them said they can buyout Rio Tinto ... that show’s how powerful they are and that they have the money,” Mr. Momis said. We must be ready for the Chinese when they come.”
Diese in der Islands Post versteckte Meldung aus dem heutigen Post-Courier, die unter der nichtssagenden Überschrift „Momis returns from China“ erschien, birgt Explosives – kündigt sie doch als wörtliches Zitat von ABG Präsident John Momis vielleicht eine überraschende Übernahmestory an. Auf den Aktienmarkt indes ist der Zündfunke bislang noch nicht wirklich übergesprungen.
Für die ESBC stellt sich die Situation wie folgt dar:
Szenario 1:
RIO TINTO erhält kein Angebot bzw. das Angebot ist nicht hoch genug; dann kann man immer noch China mit Hilfe eines Joint Ventures mit ins Boot nehmen. Das wäre aus unserer Sicht für alle Stakeholder die beste Lösung. In diesem Fall wäre BOUGAINVILLE COPPER ein attraktives Langfristinvestment, bei dem als kurzfristiger Katalysator die Verhandlungen zum Bougainville Copper Agreement (BCA) dem Kurs Flügel verleihen könnten.
Szenario 2:
China unterbreitet RIO TINTO für BOUGAINVILLE COPPER ein sensationelles Angebot von AUD 20 aufwärts. Dann wird es spannend. Wir gehen ziemlich sicher davon aus, dass China dann ebenfalls für die Anteile, die PNG besitzt, bieten wird. Wenn dem so ist, dann streben sie nach 100% und werden auch den verbleibenden Minderheitsaktionären das gleiche Angebot machen, denn so einfach kann man 28% nicht über den Tisch ziehen, auch nicht in PNG; für den Rest kommt dann der „Squeeze Out“. Solch ein Szenario wäre aus Sicht der Aktionäre kurzfristig das Attraktivste. Leider glauben wir nicht, dass diese Lösung für die Bevölkerung Bougainvilles die Beste sein wird.
Szenario 3:
Wie Szenario 2, nur erwirbt China nicht die 19% von PNG. In diesem Fall wird es in unseren Augen auch zu einem Angebot an die Minderheitsaktionäre kommen, allerdings kann dann kein „Squeeze Out“ folgen. Auch das Listing an der ASX würde beibehalten. Die Börsennotiz und einen hohen Kurs braucht man dann allein schon deshalb, damit sich PNG jeden Tag freuen kann, um zu berechnen wie viel ihr 19% Anteil wert ist.
Alles in allem glauben wir, führt der Besuch Momis in China dazu, dass sich die Dinge in Bougainville tendenziell beschleunigen. Wir pflichten all denjenigen bei, die sagen bei: die entscheidende Frage sei trotz mancher noch zu nehmenden Hürden umso mehr, ob Panguna unter BOUGAINVILLE COPPER/RIO TINTO oder unter BOUGAINVILLE COPPER/China wiedereröffnet wird? Hierbei glauben wir, dass die erste Alternative die realistischere ist. Bei allen Szenarien wäre der Kurs deutlich höher, außer China würde die Anteile von RIO TINTO übernehmen und kein oder nur ein lächerlich geringes Angebot an die Minderheitsaktionäre machen und dann ein Delisting vornehmen. Das aber halten wir für unrealistisch. Zwar spielen die Chinesen mit allen erdenklichen Tricks, aber sie halten sich alles in allem an internationale Verhaltenskodizes. Unabhängig davon, ob dies rechtlich (nach ASX-rules und PNG-Recht) überhaupt möglich wäre, glauben wir nicht, dass die Corporate Governance Regeln von RIO TINTO dies so leicht erlauben würden, ein Angebot anzunehmen durch das die anderen Mitaktionäre so massiv schlechter gestellt werden würden.
Wir glauben fest daran, dass wir womöglich noch vor Weihnachten eine weitere Breaking News erhalten werden - entweder zum RIO TINTO/China-Deal oder aber zum BCA-Review.
New Dawn on Bougainville ?
The today’s Post-Courier quoted ABG President John Momis in an article titled “Momis returns from China” as follows:
“The government now has a big task ahead; we have to create awareness on our business houses, the people and the region. The Chinese, have a big interest in the Panguna mine, one of them said they can buyout Rio Tinto ... that show’s how powerful they are and that they have the money,” Mr. Momis said. We must be ready for the Chinese when they come.”
This recent statement of President Momis is breaking news in our eyes. Although it is fascinating news the market did not yet catch up with this potential take-over story.
For the ESBC the situation looks as follows:
Scenario 1:
RIO TINTO does not get any take-over offer or the offer price is not sufficient; then still the Chinese could participate via a joint venture; in our opinion this would be the first and best solution for all stakeholders. BOUGAINVILLE COPPER then would be a very attractive long-term investment with a very nice short-term catalyst which is the re-negotiation of the Bougainville Copper Agreement (BCA) which could make the share price fly.
Scenario 2:
China makes a very attractive bid for the shares held by Rio Tinto, let´s say AUD 20+. Then things start getting exiting. In such a scenario we would assume China to bid as well for the shares held by PNG. If that was true they also would look forward to getting the shares of the minority shareholders because they want 100%. The offer will be at the same conditions, we simply cannot believe that one can cheat a minority shareholder who owns 28%, even not in PNG. Afterwards we would expect a “Squeeze Out”. Such a scenario might be very attractive for shareholders short-term. But in our honest opinion it would not be the 1st best solution for Bougainville.
Scenario 3:
Same as scenario 2 with the difference that China does not buy the 19% share owned by PNG. In such a case we would still expect an offer for minority shareholders at same conditions like RIO TINTO. Obviously no squeeze out and no delisting; otherwise PNG cannot check on daily basis how much worth their stake is at a then hopefully much higher price.
All in all we think that Momis’ trip to China might speed up things in Bougainville. We think despite some hurdles to take the only valid question will be if it is Bougainville Copper or the Chinese to run and re-open the Panguna mine. Still we think the first option is the more likely outcome. In all scenarios the share price should be significantly higher. There is one remaining risk which is China buys the shares from Rio Tinto and does not make an offer to minority shareholders or only at low price and delists the shares afterwards. Without being a legal expert in ASX-rules or the PNG law if this is possible at all, we think this is unlikely. Of course the Chinese are well known for playing tough games but we cannot imagine a scenario where they would breach international rules of conduct. Also we think that would cause serious problems for Rio Tinto in a way that selling shares under such circumstances would mean that this would be to a significant disadvantage to other shareholders. We think good Corporate Governance would not allow such a step.
All in all we are quite confident that we might get some breaking news very soon, hopefully before Christmas: either regarding a Rio Tinto/China deal or the BCA review.
Source: Post-Courier
Momis returns from China
THE Autonomous Bougainville Government has signed seven memorandum of understandings with China and in a month, the powerful nation should be expected to land on Bougainville to start negotiating business.
President John Momis and his 34-member delegation returned from China over the weekend with a lot of “presents”.
In a press conference on Saturday Mr Momis said seven MoUs were signed between the Government of ABG and the Republic of China on issues – in order of priority:
* Commercial farming (agri business);
* Mining;
* Tourism;
* Hydro power;
* Housing;
* Shipping; and
* Airlines.
“We are very pleased to have made the trip to China. It was an educational tour, we came back enriched and highly motivated,” Mr Momis said. The expenses, ABG Administration paid for me and my two other staff and the deputy administrator. The four businessmen paid their own airfares, the rest were paid by the Chinese people and its’ government. All other expenses were also met by them. The expenses incurred were worthwhile.”
“The government now has a big task ahead, we have to create awareness on our business houses, the people and the region.
The Chinese, have a big interest in the Panguna mine, one of them said they can buyout Rio Tinto ... that show’s how powerful they are and that they have the money,” Mr Momis said. We must be ready for the Chinese when they come.”
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
One of the delegation members and Chaplain FR. JOHN KORAN has this reflection to make on this China trip.
(Fr. John Koran)
My personal reflections on my fourteen days in China.
I will present my experience of China in two parts. Part A will deal
with the Historical Journey of China. I will also try my best to insert the equivalent of the Bougainville Story.
Stage One: The Origin and Creation of Chinese People and Society.
1.1. In this stage we learn about the origin of the Chinese People. We come know about their culture and what makes them unique from other cultures in the world. Such uniqueness determines their identity and existence on this planet earth.
1.2. We know that Chinese belong to Asia and share in the Asian way of life. They are a closed knit society. Family is the fundamental unit of their existence. Relationships are very important in all dimensions of their life. They live and work as a unit. Everything depends on this social system among Asian Peoples.
1.3. Bougainville also has its stories of origin. Many anthropologist have tried to trace the early settlers of Bougainville. We have our own cultural background, others can identify us and describe our character and the way we behaviour and organize ourselves. We belong to the Melanesian Cultures. The basis of our existence is family, and community. Relationships among ourselves is very important. We maintain this through our tribal and clan relationships.
Stage Two: The Evolution of Chinese People and Society.
2.1. The Chinese People and Society have evolved for thousands and hundreds of years. In
this evolution they created their own political, economic, social, and cultural systems. Their existence depended very much on these systems. It make them stand apart from other peoples in the world.
2.2. Their systems of organizing themselves enabled other peoples in the world to identify
them and come to know their character. Chinese are Asians and this Asian Character connects them with other Asian Cultures. They value the family unit which becomes the basis of their existence, their identity and their security. So relationships are of paramount importance. They succeed and excel in life not as individuals but as a family, community and society.
2.3. The Bougainville People and Society have evolved for thousands and hundreds of years.
In this evolution they created their own political, economic, social and cultural systems.
Like the Chinese, Bougainvillians have a culture which identifies who they are and how they organize their lives. They value the family unit which connects them to the tribe and clan.
Stage Three: The Invasion of China and The Revolution it Caused
From Outside and Inside.
3.1. This was the stage of curiosity in the world. Different Peoples became explorers and
trying to understand the world as a whole. In the process they discovered certain wealth which they obtained and exploited for their own gains.
3.2. The wealth and resources which the foreigners exploited was done unjustly. The Chinese
did not benefit from such activities. In the end the Chinese People revolted against these unjust exploiters and decided to get them out their country.
3.3. After the economic revolution, the cultural revolution began. Tribes and groups with
certain philosophy of life got into confrontations. These divided the nation. China also its doors closed to the outside world.. In the end there was no development.
3.4. Bougainville was colonized by the outsiders who indiscriminately exploited the wealth
and resources. The people did not benefit much and these foreign business did not make a difference in the lives of the people. In the end the people rebelled and the foreign investors left, but the cultural revolution began soon after.
Stage Four: Reform and Re-Creation.
4.1. China had a new leader whose dream was to open up China to the world.
So it can up and open-door policy. This resulted in the economic reformation which continues to be experienced today.
4.2. So thirty years ago China moved into a new level of organizing its life. The model
city was Zenhzenh. This particular city has four pillars of development and organizing the life of the people there. The Four Pillars of Development consists of: High Technological Industry, Modern Logistics, Finance and Service Industry and Cultural development.
4.3. Bougainville is now in the process of reforming its life: Politically, Economically, Socially, and Culturally. Bougainville needs a Vision, Mission and Goals to more forward and develop.
5. In these fourteen days the questions that kept on coming into my mind was:
a) Where do they get this energy to continue developing and changing China?
b) What are the fundamental values that enable them to achieve so much in a short period of time?
6. China has a Philosophy of Life. This philosophy or spirit enables them to be committed to a common purpose in life. That is, they have a common vision of life.
a) I would describe their vision of life as:
To create a harmonious society and a peaceful environment.
b) In order to create this harmonious society and a peaceful environment there must be respect and trust among all peoples. This would lead me to come up with a mission statement:
That Respect and Trust becomes the values to create a harmonious society. That the people of China have one vision, mission, and goals; and are committed to acquire greater quality of life and improve their standard of living.
c) I got the impression that all are united to achieving these goals to acquire a better home and a better life. The aim is to:
To share their resources:
i. Spiritual resources –
ii. Intellectual resources –
iii. Psychological resources –
iv. Physical resources.
7. In order to make this vision, mission, and goals become a reality, China seem to have the following strategy:
a)They operate from solid bases.
i. The first unit is composed of several families. They form a community which organizes their lives around the same vision, mission and goals.
ii. These communities try to share among themselves all their resources. This enables them to economize and use wisely their resources to acquire the Basic Human Needs and the Basic Social Services.
iii. The communities make sure that all families acquire their basic human needs of : food, clothing and share. This will enable each family and the community to have a better home and live a better life. All must be united, respect and trust each other to achieve these fundamental basic needs and services in their lives.
iv. The communities make sure that all families acquire their basic and fundamental social services. These would include:- Health, Education, Water Supply, Power Supply, Transportation, and Mass Media Communication.
b).. These communities are connected to the districts and then to the counties. The
counties are connected to the Provinces,. These Provinces are finally connected to the Nation as a whole.
i) Each district plans its development according to the directives from the counties and the province. They share the national vision, mission and goals of the nation.
ii) Each Province has its own approach to achieving the vision, mission and goals. So the province determines its own development strategies but is always connected to the national vision, mission and goals.
iii) The model province is Zenhzenh. This province was where the present vision of China was realized. It has Four Pillars as its basis of existence and development as a city and province. These four pillars include: High Technological Industry, Modern Logistic Industry, Finance and Service Industry and Cultural Industry. Zenhzenh is the only economic zone for trading in China. Other provinces develop them using the Zenhzenh Model.
8. In order to acquire these fundamental needs and services in such a nation, there was a need to have an efficient and an effective financial strategy. The Socialist Society such as China has a Social Structure which assists them in using their wealth and resource to build up each community. In the last thirty years (30)China had to develop its foreign policies:
i. Initially China had a closed-door policy. They were not able to deal with other
nations. This made themselves look inward and were not able to move forward and progress in life.
ii.. Thirty years ago China had adopted an open-door policy. Entrepreneurs from ……outside were invited to invest in China. China learnt from them and is now …….leading in economic development in the world.
8.. What is our Vision?
9... What is our Mission?
10.. What are our Goals?
11.. Do we have a realistic strategic action plan?
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Buka
The ABG delegation that toured Seven Cities in the People's Republic of China arrived in Buka at 10:10 am this morning satisfied in the whole trip.
The team was met by ABG Government Officials and had a Press Conference at the Buka airport.
The delegation arrived in Port Moresby on Tuesday morning after travelling by Bus from Chenzhen city to Hongkong.They took the Air Niugini night flight to Port Moresby on Monday night.

Chief Administrator Lawrence Dising (m) with Michael Piriri (r) and President Momis (L)
at the News Conference this morning.

ABG President and delagation arrived in Buka and all the delegates had to put a flower to the Glass Jug
on arrival at the Buka airport. Pictured is PRESIDENT MOMIS puting his flower.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
The Atolls and Nissan Island have been left out in the peace building activities on Bougainville over the last years.
Nazareth Rehabilitation Centre Trainer for Community Mobilization Dora Tsiuh says people from these areas were also affected by the crisis.
However, Tsiuh says most times their voices are not heard.
In addressing this, the Nazareth Rehabilitation Centre is currently running a Women’s Leadership workshop for the Atolls and Nissan Island at Hahela.
The workshop began on Wednesday this week and will end next week.
Mrs Tsiuh says the workshop is aimed at training women to know themselves and where they’re heading in bringing peace into their communities.
She says all women must have a say in this peace building process.
Since Bougainville women are believed to be leaders in the peace process, there’s still room for training for the women of Atolls.
Source: Post-Courier
New mine for Bougainville
BOUGAINVILLE is bracing for a new mine opening once the mining powers are drawn down. And the Autonomous Bougainville Government is aware of the preparation that has been carried out by Bougainvilleans and their international partners to open and operate the mine between Tinputz and Wakunai once all the necessary criteria and legal papers are in place.
But the issue has not gone unchallenged – a petition has already been received from the regional women representative for central Bougainville Joan Jerome on behalf of the women of Kieta, Wakunai and Panguna.
The New Bougainville Mining Exploration Company is the company now under scrutiny.
The ABG has set up a committee to investigate the nature of the petition in particular, every aspect of the company including its foreign partner, to assess the situation and verify if the rights of the Wakunai people, including access and the benefit sharing, exploitation of natural resources, ownership, recognition of traditional ways, uses, customary laws as well as benefits to the eco-system are considered, and how major impact projects will affect the eco-systems of the Wakunai area.
ABG Speaker Andrew Miriki in his members’ update said that the ABG’s Parliamentary Sectoral and Advisory committee on Economic Development, Natural Resources and Taxation, set up to immediately address the issue of this new mining company will soon publish its terms of reference before the committee resumes the inquiry.
The committee, chaired by the ABG Atolls MP Frank Pasini Marena, held its first meeting last week.
The ESBC cannot comment on this issue. The head of the so called "New Bougainville Mining Exploration Company" is an Italian citizen living in Lae, Papua New Guinea. Until now he appeared only once in public: He served as a translator for an Italian pianist who gave a guest performance in PNG. The ESBC are also not able to judge the Italian's further qualification to shoulder such difficult tasks like exploration or even mining.
Source: Post-Courier
Governors slam unfair practices
ALL five governors of the New Guinea Islands are united in their condemnation of the National Government’s ways of dishing out money for projects.
They took this stand, says West New Britain Governor Peter Humphreys, to protest what they called “unfair and discriminatory” practices in handing out public funds to their provinces and not using the established government system.
It comes on the eve of the tabling of the 2011 National Budget.
Governors Humphreys, Michael Sapau (Manus), Sir Julius Chan (New Ireland), Leo Dion (East New Britain) and with support from the President of the Autonomous Bougainville Government John Momis, said they were frustrated and dissatisfied with the treatment they encountered with funding disbursed by the National Planning Department to their provinces.
National Planning Minister Paul Tiensten, from the Pomio Electorate in the Islands region, has been offside with Islands leaders in recent times over his running of his portfolio.
There was a bid to replace Mr Tiensten as the parliamentary leader of National Alliance for the Islands earlier this year, with Bougainville Governor Fidelis Semoso.
The governors said yesterday that the Government, especially National Planning Department, had been leaving out their provincial governments and “dealing directly with individual ministers or members and even private individuals” with funding going directly to their projects.
“This is an abuse of process,” they said.
“Provincial governments are by law and the Constitution the second tier of government in our country.
“Our provincial governments have been financially marginalised deliberately or otherwise while at the same time funding has been made to organisations and individuals within our provinces without references to the provincial committees and line departments which should prioritise and oversee the allocation and application of such funding.’’
The governors claimed millions of Kina was being pumped into projects in their provinces which were not consistent with provincial development plans.
Also, National Executive Council commitments and properly scoped provincial impact projects were being ignored by National Planning.
They said their calls to Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare had “fallen on deaf ears”.
“We feel that in many cases JDP &BPC committees (Joint District Planning and Budget Priority Committees) have been used as political tools, whose decisions will have little or no impact on the day to day lives of our people,’’ they said.
The governors will meet soon after the Budget is presented to consult again on the issues.
Source: Bloomberg
BBC Mon Asia-Pac: Conference reported scheduled on reopening PNG's Bougainville mine
2010-11-10 17:32:26.857 GMT
Text of report by Papua New Guinea newspaper The National website on 9
[By Patrick Talu] The European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper
(ESBC) holding more than 10 million shares of Bougainville Copper Ltd
(BCL) are keen to see the reopening of the world-class copper and gold
mine [closed since the secessionist insurgency]. ESBC has requested
Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare's support in a letter dated 8
ESBC president Axel G Sturm expressed his strong wish that the re-
opening process of the Panguna mine should be speeded up in the
interest of the people of Bougainville and Papua New Guinea. Sturm
said that Panguna "holds the key position for future economic recovery
on Bougainville".
"We strongly believe that you, Sir Michael, are the one who is able to
bring this matter to a satisfactory outcome for all. You only need to
encourage the people of Bougainville to go forward ... our board of
directors is ready to serve," he stated in his letter.
Sturm asked Sir Michael to exercise his personal influence and to
encourage the people on the ground to take the next step which was the
review and the signature of the new Bougainville Copper Agreement
"Bougainville and Bougainville copper are the same in the perception
from those outside PNG. One goes with the other ... as long as there
is no satisfying progress in the re-opening of the Panguna mine, there
will not be any substantial investment from abroad in Bougainville,"
Sturm said.
He said at the end of this week, a huge Panguna conference is fixed to
take place in Bougainville. State ministers Peter O'Neill (Treasury),
Paul Tiensten (National Planning), Arthur Somare (State Enterprise)
and Fidelis Semoso (Bougainville) will also attend the conference as
almost 40 Panguna landowner representatives.
The meeting is hosted by Autonomous Bougainville Government President
John Momis, Vice-President Patrick Nisira and others.
The National has been unable to confirm the attendance of the said
state ministers.
Originally published by The National website, Port Moresby, in English
9 Nov 10.
Source: Post-Courier
Ex-combatants’ plea to Juffa
A COMPANY belonging to more than 300 ex-combatants from the Autonomous Region of Bougainville has pleaded with the Commissioner of Customs Gary Juffa to release the cargo of a ship impounded by his officers and detained at Rabaul.
Asatume Scrap Metal Limited owned by the ex-combatants had hired the vessel M.T UTB FJORD to transport the cargo of crude oil (heavy fuel) to a buyer overseas but the vessel was detained by Customs for breaching customs laws.
The ship and its cargo have been detained since June and the company is now counting its losses.
Through their managing director Joel Loammi they are appealing to Mr Juffa to release the cargo back to them while the ship and its crew can face the law.
Mr Loammi’s appeal comes after numerous attempts to have the ship and the cargo released even through the Secretary for Transport, Mr Henry Parakei and the Minister for Transport and Deputy Prime Minister Don Polye tried to help the ex-combatants’ company to have the ship released but to no avail.
The company had written to the Secretary and Deputy Prime Minister raising their concern that the Commissioner of Customs, Mr Gary Juffa had excessively applied provisions under the Customs Act on “small people like us the ex-combatants” who are trying to make a living out of waste oil and scrap metal abandoned during the Bougainville Crises some 20 years ago. They said: “We the people of Autonomous Region of Bougainville have suffered enough as a result of the crisis and have established peace on the trouble-torn island and such miss handling of sensitive issues by Customs official may trigger another conflict, thus diminishing the tireless effort by all stakeholders.”
Mr Polye after receiving their plea wrote a letter to the IRC Chief Commissioner stating that “The new Commissioner of PNG Customs Services has dismissive off the relatively recent pain and suffering encountered by the Bougainville people, especially the ex-combatants whose lives were shattered as a result of the conflict and their struggle to achieve the peace they now enjoy.
“Furthermore, the Commissioner had decided to intervene in the commercial endeavour of customary landowners (whose lives were destroyed complete in the Bougainville armed conflict) who have tirelessly contributed efforts and resources to rebuild and reconstruct their lives into normalcy which is contradictory to the Governments policy on Bougainville. As I see from all recent developments to date, all stakeholders in the peace agreement and relevant authorities have not taken any drastic steps in helping the ex-combatants, and resistant forces directly or in any meaningfully way since the execution of peace agreement some years back and they have been left in the dark. The only means of income has been finding and selling abandoned scrap metal and oil to make ends meet.
Taking into consideration the circumstances in Bougainville and documental evidence forwarded to my office by Asatume Scrap Metal Ltd, the Commissioner did fail in adopting an approach characterised by an attitude of finding a way forward towards a win-win situation for both the State and the Bougainville landowners concerned, given the unique and special relationship that exists between PNG and Bougainville people,” said Mr Polye.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Civilian shot
By Tapo Tovilu DWU Journalism student
An attack on a group of 14 men yesterday morning near the Loluai Bridge has left a man hospitalized.
The attack was believed to be carried out by rebel fractions in the Konnou constituency.
The victim, a man from Oria was shot in the back of the right arm and is currently at the Buka General Hospital.
The group was carrying sago leaves for the construction of a new police post in Oria.
Chief Inspector for Buka Police Huitona Tohua condemned the shooting saying that such actions were slowing the peace progress in Bougainville.
He also says that plans for the construction of a police station in Oria were in place awaiting funding assistance from the ABG.
Chief Inspector Tohua says that police are working together with the people of the Konnou constituency to try and bring peace between warring rebel fractions in the area.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Member calls for Law and Order
By Tapo Tovilu
Member for South Nasioi Central Bougainville Mr. John Ken condemned the shooting of a civilian which occurred in his constitution yesterday.
He has called on all ABG members of South Bougainville to go home and talk to their people in maintaining law and order.
Mr. Ken who is also the vice chairman of the Law and Justice Parliamentary Committee says that he is concerned about Buin being the venue of the Bougainville games.
He says that due to gun related criminal activates in Buin police presence should be stepped up during the games.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Awareness emphasizing Education
By Joyce Tohui
Awareness programs on emphasizing the importance of Education are being carried out to schools in Bougainville.
The program is an initiative by the Bougainville students studying at the University of PNG and aims at helping schools in the region.
Carlson Katora a UPNG student says there is a need for Bougainvilleans to be well educated in order to have the man power for an Autonomous region.
He says the awareness programs will discuss with the schools some important issues such as the importance of education, human resource, development, service delivery and the implementation of full Autonomy.
Mr. Katora says these programs will roll out into schools especially in the Northern region.
Source: ESBC Research
One week later!
Due to an unexpected Budget session of the National PNG parliament, the big Landowners meeting planned for taking place in Buka next weekend had to be postponed to November 19th to 21st, 2010 as all National PNG Ministers have to be present in Port Moresby for this during these two weeks.
The ESBC were told that the initiator of this important meeting, the PNG Minister of Bougainville Affairs, Hon. Fidelis Semoso MP, is supposed to make a respective statement today. The ESBC welcome the adjournment of the Buka convention as it gives even more time to all participants to get better prepared for this decisive meeting.
Source: The National
Euro shareholders want Panguna re-opened
THE European shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC) holding more than 10 million shares of Bougainville Copper Ltd (BCL) are keen to see the reopening of the world-class copper and gold mine.
ESBC has requested Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare’s support in a letter dated Nov 8.
ESBC president Axel G Sturm expressed his strong wish that the re-opening process of the Panguna mine should be speeded up in the interest of the people of Bougainville and Papua New Guinea.
Sturm said that Panguna “holds the key position for future economic recovery on Bougainville”.
“We strongly believe that you, Sir Michael, are the one who is able to bring this matter to a satisfactory outcome for all.
“You only need to encourage the people of Bougainville to go forward … our board of directors is ready to serve,” he stated in his letter.
Sturm asked Sir Michael to exercise his personal influence and to encourage the people on the ground to take the next step which was the review and the signature of the new Bougainville copper agreement (BCA).
“Bougainville and Bougainville copper are the same in the perception from those outside PNG.
“One goes with the other … as long as there is no satisfying progress in the re-opening of the Panguna mine, there will not be any substantial investment from abroad in Bougainville,” Sturm said.
He said at the end of this week, a huge Panguna conference is fixed to take place in Bougainville.
State Ministers Peter O’Neill (Treasury), Paul Tiensten (National Planning), Arthur Somare (State Enterprise) and Fidelis Semoso (Bougainville) will also attend the conference as almost 40 Panguna landowner representatives.
The meeting is hosted by ABG President John Momis, Vice-President Patrick Nisira and others.
The National has been unable to confirm the attendance of the said State ministers.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Maria Laukai
With more processed foods being brought into Bougainville every month the rate of hypertension and Diabetes is increasing at an alarming rate.
Dr Vilosi a senior Medical Officer of Buka hospital says that it is the wage earners in Buka that are in danger of these diseases.
Heavy consumption of processed foods is one of the major causes of Diabetes.
Processed foods in stores such as, sugar, rice, freezer goods, and ice cream are being blamed for the increase.
Freezer goods run out by the end of the second week after a shipment as a result of heavy consumption.
Manageress of Elutu Investments Ms Lucy Manassah and Nicholas Lauta supervisor of Jomik supermarket confirmed that it was mainly processed foods which run out.
Dr Vilosi adds that people should eat more garden food than food from the shops and that the public should check their blood pressure and sugar levels.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
District court an eye opener
By Veronica Hannette
A recent District court in Buin was hailed a success.
The court session handled a total 50 cases over a 1 week period. All cases were presided by Magistrate Vincent Linge.
Despite minor hiccups, all court requirements were met by the members of the law and justice sector agency.
Attendance at this second district court session was satisfactory, which proved an eye opener for everyone.
Cases ranged from summary offences to grade 5 and committals.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Police planned x-mas ops
By Veronica Hannette
Special operations are planned by the Bougainville police service this festive season to curtail tragedies, accidents and general lawlessness.
Bougainville Assistant Commissioner of Police Thomas Eluh say police is concerned about the increase number of traffic rules infringement. This special police operation will encourage road users to follow all road rules on the region’s roads.
Mr. Eluh say those who break traffic rules will face the full brunt of the law.
He is calling on the general public to celebrate this Christmas with meaningfully, reflecting on past experiences and prepare for challenges ahead.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Joyce Tohui
Syphilis is one of the major Sexual Transmitted Infections affecting the people in the region.
More people in Bougainville are contracting the STI disease by being involved in unsafe sexual behaviors.
Masti Gimis with the Bougainville HIV/AIDS Task Force says with the increasing number of syphilis cases in Bougainville, more people are vulnerable in contracting HIV/AIDS.
He says during the constituency visits by the Bougainville HIV/AIDS Task Force, people were also tested and treated for syphilis.
Mr. Gimis says unlike HIV/AIDS having treatment, syphilis can be cured.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
HIV Testing turns out successful
By Sonia Kenu
Testing for HIV and STI has turned out successful in the Haku and Halia Constituency in the Buka District.
Task Force team leader Matsi Gimis tells New Dawn FM News that over one thousand people went for testing in the period of seven days.
More people turned up for testing however, time couldn’t allow them.
Mr Gimis says with more than one thousand people covered in seven days, compared to other VCT Centres, this figure would be covered within a year.
The Task Force comprises of volunteers from NGO’s, World Vision and Care International, including United Church and Catholic AIDS Agency.
Meanwhile, the Task Force is supported by the Autonomous Bougainville AIDS Council (ABAC) through the National AIDS Council (NAC).
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Student Researches on Climate change
By Sonia Becks
Johannes Luetz, a student from the University of New South Wales Australia, visited Bougainville recently to do research on Climate Change.
The research is sponsored by the Institute of Environmental Studies at the University of New South Wales and is carried out in conjunction with World Vision International.
The project is among the first international studies to look at the management of climate change-related migration from the grassroots perspective of displaced populations.
Patrick Sikata Sanitation Officer with World Vision says Johannes visited Balil village and Pinepel Island in the Nissan District.
Johannes interviewed Department of Primary Industry and Community Development Officers, teachers and Villagers on their views on the effect of climate change.
Source: Keith Jackson's PNG Attitude Blog
ESBC spins a comeback for B'ville Copper
ESBC spins a comeback for B'ville Copper
THE EUROPEAN Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC), founded in 2005, are celebrating. For the first time they hold more than 10 million shares in the company.
"We are happy about this but there is absolutely no reason to become arrogant," says ESBC President, Axel G. Sturm. "We only own a 2.5 percent of the whole company!
“But we will continue to offer our experience and influence for a better future on the island of Bougainville."
Over the last two days, a Panguna landowners’ meeting was held in Buka to speed-up the re-opening of the Panguna mine to improve Bougainville’s economy.
PNG’s Minister for Bougainville Affairs, Fidelis Semoso, himself a Bougainvillean, invited the landowners and senior PNG national government ministers including Arthur Somare, Paul Tiensten and Peter O’Neill to the meeting.
While ESBC saw the meeting as an opportunity for itself (“the ESBC appreciate very much Mr Semoso’s move towards a brighter future for all Bougainvilleans,” said Axel G Sturm), Bougainville President John Momis did not attend.
He was on business travel to China with a delegation of members of the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
In a statement from Beijing, Mr Momis said Bougainvilleans should “start thinking of animal husbandry and other agricultural projects” so “fruits and vegetables and potatoes sold to the company can be grown in Bougainville and not imported from outside.”
Meanwhile Axel G Sturm praised Mr Semoso’s initiative. “The first step is always the most difficult one.
“A round-table, as we already claimed a couple of years ago, represents the best instrument to bring the actual situation forward - to a solution from which everybody will benefit in future.”
But whether this benefit will attend to the avid ESBC backing Bougainville Copper to make a return to the island, or whether the Chinese government will emerge on top, is very much an open question.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Panguna landowners to discuss mine re-opening
By Reuben Kalaung
Various landowner groups from Panguna will meet in Buka on Sunday to discuss the possible re-opening of the now defunct Panguna Copper mine in Central Bougainville.
It is expected that up to 40 participants representing the landowners, the National mining department, Bougainville administration, and the Minister for Bougainville Affairs will attend the meeting.
The meeting will aim to provide opportunities for the landowners to discuss various issues that may facilitate the re-opening of the Panguna Copper Mine.
The meet will provide an initial step towards the review of the Bougainville Copper Agreement. The landowners are expected to discuss their problems and develop a common position for the National Government, Bougainville Copper Limited and shareholders of the company.
The giant copper mine ceased operations following the civil crisis, which caused the loss of thousands of lives. The region of Bougainville has returned to normalcy with ongoing reconciliation and peace ceremonies.
Source: ESBC press service
BCL Shareholders Claim for PM’s Support
European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC) holding more than 10 million shares of Bougainville Copper Limited requested Sir Michael Somare’s support in a letter to the Prime Minister this week. In his letter ESBC President Mr. Axel G. Sturm expressed his strong wish that the re-opening process of the Panguna mine should be speeded up in the interest of people of Bougainville and Papua New Guinea. Furthermore Mr. Sturm outlines that Panguna holds the key position for future economic recovery on Bougainville. Therefore he asked the Prime Minister to exercise his personal influence and to encourage the people on the ground to take the next step which is the review and the signature of the new Bougainville Copper Agreement (BCA). “Bougainville and Bougainville Copper are the same in the perception from those outside PNG. One goes with the other. As long as there is no satisfying progress in the re-opening of the Panguna mine, there won’t be any substantial investment from abroad in Bougainville,” says Mr. Sturm. The ESBC president’s letter arrives just in time: At the end of this week a huge Panguna conference is fixed to take place in Buka/Bougainville. The National Ministers Peter O’Neill, Paul Tiensten, Arthur Somare and Fidelis Semoso will also attend the conference as almost 40 Panguna Landowner representatives. The meeting is hosted by ABG President John Momis, Vice President Patrick Nisira and others. It is supposed to be the biggest gathering of major stakeholders ever.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Building Board needs Inspector
By Sonia Kenu
The Building Board under the Works Department in Bougainville currently needs a Building Inspector.
Building Board Chairman Aura Panka says the position has been vacant since 2008.
He says without a qualified Building Inspector, the Board is unable to carryout proper building inspections.
Mr Panka adds that it’s a problem as many of the Businesses houses in Buka fail to follow the right procedures in putting up new buildings.
Since 2008 there’s been a lack of supervision of buildings and as a result many new buildings went up without the Board’s approval.
Meanwhile, Interim Inspector Samson Marapuni adds that it’s important that business houses follow the right procedure by submitting an application of building to the Board prior to any construction.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Number plates launches
By Veronica Hannette
The ABG Minister for Transport, Works, Communication Carolus Ketsimur officially launched Bougainville’s own Vehicle Number Plates last week.
Thanks to Pacific Personalize Plates limited who designed the new plate numbers for Bougainville
He said the ABG recognizes the important role that vehicle can promote economic growth and social development within the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
Insert: Transport Minister (Ketsimur)
“Having a good road system wherein our vehicles will operate means that our vehicles will last a bit longer resulting in providing better Government Services to our people.”
The plate numbers will instill sense of pride and responsibility in terms of driving and delivering various services to the people.
He says the launching is a step forward for Bougainville in the land transport sector.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Chenzhen city.
The decision for the ABG President, Chief John Momis and delegation which comprises of Ex Combatants representing both South, Central and North Bougainville, Women representing South Central and South Bougainville and Businessmen representing South, Central and South Bougainville is an eye opener for Bougainville.
For the Ex combatants 15 of them in total they are now more determined to see real peace and Law and Order issues addressed as soon as possible.
For the Businessmen who paid for their way, they have contacts to order cargoes from directly instead of going through Rabaul and Lae as in the past.
And for the President who has no conflict of interest, he just wants Bougainvillean Businessmen and women to increase their capacities through these arrangements and build a better future for Bougainville.
And for the women they have seen it all in China as Head quater is not important just that development should take place in all corners of Bougainville.
As in China we have visited Shanghai a world Trade centre where Shipping and Trade arrangements have been signed between the ABG and the Chamber of Commerce.
In Beijing the group strengthened the International relations between Papua New Guinea and China.
Also the need for Air Transport was addressed in Beijing.
In Changsha the biggest problem in Bougainville were also addressed that is the Electricity requirements for Bougainville in Hydro Power AND SOLARPOWER.
And now the meeting this morning in Chenzhen the place were Rabaul businessmen get their cargoes will be addressed.
The people especially businessmen and women in China are already talking to do business on Bougainville.
And with direct shipping between Shanghai and Buka and Kieta ports the price of imported goods would drop.
New Dawn FM understands that it is now up to the Bougainvilleans to utilize fully these arrangements and benefit themselves their families and Bougainville as a whole.
The MOU’s signed by the ABG President would formally be presented to the ABG Parliament for approval for any implementation to take place.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
ABG Speaker condemns media report
By Reuben Kalaung
The speaker of the Autonomous Bougainville Government House of Representatives Andrew Miriki has slashed out at a recent media report about the disbursement of Bougainville MP’s support grant.
A media statement from the speaker’s office condemns a recent article by daily newspaper Post Courier which reported that all the MP’s have received 300 thousand kina so far for the last 3 quarters of this year.
The news paper report also stated that all ABG members were entitled to an annual grant of 400 thousand kina, of which 100 thousand kina was paid quarterly.
Mr. Miriki say the Members Update, a weekly brief for the members, never published the figures as reported by the daily news paper. He therefore questioned the source of the information.
Mr. Miriki explained that the 2010 House of Representatives budget allocated a total 2 million kina as Members’ support grant. Each member was entitled to an annual grant of 50 thousand kina, of which a percentage was paid quarterly.
The speaker say half of this year’s grant was paid to members of the first house while the other half will be paid to current members. The current sitting members have received part of the grant.
The balance will be paid subject to funding availability.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
New Division for Environment and Conservation
By Tapo Tovilu
Bougainville Executive councils (BEC) meeting on Wednesday saw the formation of new a division for Environment and Conservation.
This division formally came under the Division of Trade Commerce and industry which was headed by the CEO for trade and commerce Albert Kinani.
Acting ABG President Albert Punghau says that now with the creation of this new division the pressing issue of climate change can be seriously looked at.
He adds that this new Division will come under Minister for Culture and Tourism Joseph Egilio.
Once in place the Division will be responsible for policy directives on environmental issues to advise the cabinet on decision making.
The acting president assured the people of Bougainville that a CEO was to be appointed to look after the office.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Chenzhen city China
The ABG delegation left Changsha city yesterday morning (Sunday) and flew to the last city Chenzhen where they attended Mass at one of the City restaraunts.
They then settled down for the last meeting with Officials from the Chamber of Commerce.
The most Southern City Chenzhen has developed in the last thirthy years when the Government declared it as the Economic Zone in which Foreign Investors can invest.
The ABG is looking at declaring one or two areas as Economic zones so that Investors can start putting monies to develop the Region.
The team will leave for Hongkong tomorrow afternoon and get the HONGKONG PORT MORESBY flight tomorrow night.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
New Dawn FM offers competitive rates
By Reuben Kalaung – Sales Department
The New Dawn FM Sales Department is embarking on a major drive to raise sufficient revenue to boost our transmission coverage in the entire region of Bougainville. The aim of this semi-commercial community radio station is to be the premier source of information and entertainment for the people of Bougainville.
New Dawn FM initially transmitted broadcast signal to the entire small Buka Island and right through to Wakunai in the mainland Bougainville, using a 300 Watts transmitter. The radio station encountered a minor set back recently due to a technical fault with our transmitter.
We are now broadcasting only in the township of Buka and the neighboring suburbs. Our technical team has begun work to have our signal back up as we continue fund raising drives to extend coverage to 600 Watts.
Plans are also in place for New Dawn FM to set up in Arawa; a strategic location to cover the entire region of Bougainville.
Our presenters are young and dynamic and are under going daily trainings in the areas of Programs, News & Current Affairs, and Sales & Production. New Dawn FM will work with every possible partner in the radio station’s post conflict approach.
Our listeners comprise people of all ages from teenagers to older age groups.
Our Rates
New Dawn FM offers some of the most competitive radio advertising rates. Our clients have always been our priority. Various informative radio programs and exciting shows are available for every potential advertiser to choose from.
New Dawn FM programs range from News & Current Affairs, Entertainment, Sports, Health, Women’s Issues, Gospel and a whole jammed packed radio shows from 5am till 12 midnight.
Our Sales Department will work with any client to devise a specific marketing message for your business. We also work with Government Departments, non government organizations and churches at competitive rates. Testimonials from current advertisers have been positive, with increased sales figures.
Contact Us
Radio has proven to be the cheap and number 1 source of information to every community. Contact our Sales Department and ask to speak to REUBEN KALAUNG.
Office: + 675 948 0058 or + 675 948 0059
Mobile: +675 7356 2732
Email: and/or
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
Bougainville and Papua New Guinea are suitable places to grow rice according to a Rice expert from China at the Hybrid Rice Institute at Changsha city.
He told a ABG delegation that Papua New Guinea had similar climate like Indonesia and can grow Rice for commercial Production.
The Rice Expert said that China was continuosly upgrading its research on Hybrid Rice and is producing enough food to meet the world's Food Security problem.
He said the latest product called waterfall rice can produce food for Ten Extra Million people every year.
The delegation was also able to see the different types and methods used to plant rice in China.

Later the group attended the MOU signing ceremony between the ABG and the Hunan Allonward Hydro Generating Equipment Company Limited at the office of the Hunan Hydro Power and Design Institute.
Later they had a farewell banquet in the evening.
The group leave Changsha city this morning{sunday} for Chenzen.
Picture of the Group outside the Hybrid Rice Research station

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Changsha China
The ABG delegation this morning visited the office of the HUNANALLONWARD HYDRO Generating Equipment Co. LTD. A manufacturing company that makes Hydro Power Generation equipments.
Later the group was able to meet with Senior Management of the company.
The Company supplies equipment to many countries in the World.
The company also designs manufactures and markets turbines, generator and auxilaries transmission and transformation facilities, Integrated Automation systems valves and they also provide technical support and backup erection and renovation of power stations etc.
The team also visited Solar power factory which produces Solar Power products for regions that have no power.
The President requested if the company can do a feasibility study and set up one on Built Operate and Transfer (BOT) format.
The chairman JIANG HANMING said that he was willing to visit Bougainville to see for himself the location and accepted the invitation by the President.
A MOU between the Hydro Power Company would be signed tomorrow night.
Picture of ABG President signing the Visitors Book at the Hydro Power main Planning Office

Source: ESBC Research
ESBC: 10,000,000 Shares !
For the first time the European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC) hold more than 10 million shares. (see here!) Founded in 2005 the ESBC became within the last years an important investor in Bougainville and the best source for research on Bougainville worldwide. "We are happy about this but there is absolutely no reason to become arrogant," says ESBC President Axel G. Sturm in Andorra, "Finally we only own a 2.5 percent of the whole company! But we will continue to offer our experience and influence for a better future on the island of Bougainville." The ESBC are the third biggest shareholder of Bougainville Copper Limited and the biggest group of private investors. Mr. Sturm estimates up to forty or fifty million shares are hold by Europeans in total.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Submarine cable explodes
By Marcella Tamusio
The launching of electricity in the Kokopau suburb of Buka is threatened following the explosion of a set of PNG Power’s submarine cable.
PNG Power workmen say fire started on the underwater cables as they were trying to connect Buka and Kokopau at approximately 8 o’clock last night.
Empty fuel drums floated on the Buka passage also caught on fire as a result the explosion. The cables were meant for use to boost electricity supply to Kokopau.
Officials from PNG Power say the explosion was caused by strong sea current at the passage.
Residents of Kokopau have be urged to remain calm as work continues to install power supply.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Coffee for Bougainville
By Cynthia Tokiapron
Farmers in Bougainville will soon enjoy cash income from the sale of coffee beans as the region embarks on introducing the cash crop. The department of Primary Industry says coffee can grow well in the north, central and south Bougainville.
DPI’s re-development officer Nixon Agavi says coffee grows well in both the highlands and the coastal areas.
Sixteen of the total 24 nurseries have been set up for transplanting soon. Mr. Agavi says coffee is one cash crop that can adapt any weather pattern.
Funding still plays a major part in the full implementation of such programs.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Number plates launches
By Veronica Hannette
The ABG Minister for Transport, Works, Communication Carolus Ketsimur today officially launched Bougainville’s own Vehicle Number Plates.
Thanks to Pacific Personalize Plates limited who designed the new plate numbers for Bougainville
He said the ABG recognizes the important role that vehicle can promote economic growth and social development within the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
Insert: Transport Minister (Ketsimur)
“Having a good road system wherein our vehicles will operate means that our vehicles will last a bit longer resulting in providing better Government Services to our people.”
The plate numbers will instill sense of pride and responsibility in terms of driving and delivering various services to the people.
He says this launching is a step forward for Bougainville in the land transport sector.
Source: ESBC Research
Download here the Panguna Landowners Constitution!
Downloaden Sie hier die Verbandssatzung der Panguna Landowner!
Téléchargez ici la constitution des Propriétaires de Terre de Panguna!
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Changsha city
The ABG delegation tonight arrived at CHANGSHA city in its final leg of China Tour.
The flight from Capital City Beijing took 2 hours to reach the South City.
In Changsha the delegation would visit Electronic Company,an HYDRO POWER Project and a Rice Project before leaving Changsha at the weekend.
The trip to China has been very successful so far.
Before leaving Beijing the delegation had a farewell lunch with the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries.
Director General for the American and Oceania Affairs, MR XIE YAN hosted the farewell lunch and also gave presents to the delegation.
Director General XIE YAN said that Bougainville and China should establish sister city arrangements between their cities to benefit from extra cooperation between the two friends.
Meanwhile, ABG President JOHN MOMIS whilst thanking the Beijing team promised to start a friends of China Association on Bougainville to further strengthen this friendship that they have established during this visit.
Picture of MR. XIE YAN Presenting a Friendship Gift to President Momis

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Changsha city
The ABG delegation tonight arrived at CHANGSHA city in its final leg of China Tour.
The flight from Capital City Beijing took 2 hours to reach the South City.
In Changsha the delegation would visit Electronic Company,an HYDRO POWER Project and a Rice Project before leaving Changsha at the weekend.
The trip to China has been very successful so far.
Before leaving Beijing the delegation had a farewell lunch with the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries.
Director General for the American and Oceania Affairs, MR XIE YAN hosted the farewell lunch and also gave presents to the delegation.
Director General XIE YAN said that Bougainville and China should establish sister city arrangements between their cities to benefit from extra cooperation between the two friends.
Meanwhile, ABG President JOHN MOMIS whilst thanking the Beijing team promised to start a friends of China Association on Bougainville to further strengthen this friendship that they have established during this visit.
Picture of MR. XIE YAN at the lunch today

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Beijing
The Chinese Special Envoy for Foreign Affairs and Trade for Pacific States, AMBASSADOR DU QUIWEN says that Papua New Guinea has benefitted alot from the relations SIR MICHAEL SOMARE created by establishing relations between China and PNG one year after gaining its independence.
He said since then Trade and Aid to PNG has been increasing every year.
The ambassador said that China was also training more than 50 PNG students in Chinese Universities due to this arrangement.
He told the visiting ABG delegation that China has developed alot in the last short 30 years because of its decision to open up to the world.
The Ambassador said that today CHINA is the largest exporter in the world.
Ambassador Du said that China will continue to support developing countries like PNG however the countries themselves must develop their areas based on their wishes.
He said that China was still trying to lift the living standard of more that 150 million people living below the porverty line which include around 50 different minorities.
The meeting was also attended by the PNG's John Amelio who is looking after the PNG Embassy since no replacement has been confirmed after the last Ambassador JOHN MOMIS resigned in January this year.

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Road sealing
By Veronica Hannette
Acting Technical Service CEO, Simeon Itamai told New Dawn FM news that the road sealing is now in process.
The Nick Constantino Earth Company won the contract and is exercising the sealing that will cover four kilometers starting from Hutjena to Malasang 1.
The road sealing contract had started two weeks ago and currently they have laid the prime sealing and the final tar is still under way.
Mr. ITAMAI said the sealing started on the 18th October and should cover the whole kilometers by the 20th this month.
He says the 2.9 Million road sealing project was funded by the Autonomous Bougainville Government.
Mr. ITAMAI said that there have been hold ups on equipments, however work is in progess.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Good news for road uses
By Veronica Hannette
Good news for the road users along the Hutjena to Malasang highway. They will soon enjoy better road conditions, thanks to the Autonomous Bougainville Government who funded the project at the tune of 2.9 million kina.
Acting Technical Service CEO, Simeon Itamai tells New Dawn FM news, the road sealing will cover a total four kilometers. The Nick Constantino Earthmoving Company has been contracted to seal the highway.
Prime sealing is currently underway before final tar can be laid. The entire sealing should finish towards the end of this month.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Submarine cable explodes
By Marcella Tamusio
The launching of electricity in the Kokopau suburb of Buka is threatened following the explosion of a set of PNG Power’s submarine cable.
PNG Power workmen say fire started on the underwater cables as they were trying to connect Buka and Kokopau at approximately 8 o’clock last night.
Empty fuel drums floated on the Buka passage also caught on fire as a result the explosion. The cables were meant for use to boost electricity supply to Kokopau.
Officials from PNG Power say the explosion was caused by strong sea current at the passage.
Residents of Kokopau have be urged to remain calm as work continues to install power supply.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
ABG addresses dry spell
The Autonomous Bougainville Government has been called upon to address an alarming issue of a predicted dry spell that will affect Bougainville.
In response to this Acting President of the ABG, Honorable Albert Punghau assured the people of Bougainville that the government was ready to handle the issue.
He says that with climate change already affecting the region the government has plans in place to assist its people.
One such plan is the proposal for a saltwater treatment plant to be set up in Buka to turn salt water into fresh drinking water.
He says the proposed project is an initiative of the Minister for Education Hon. Michael Ogio and talks with donor agencies are still underway.
Hon Punghau says that this is not the first time that Bougainville is facing a dry spell and that ABG will work closely with donor agencies to prepare for the predicted dry spell.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Beijing
The ABG Delegation currently visiting China yesterday thanked the Businessmen and the Government of China for making their visit to China very successful.
ABG President JOHN MOMIS at a Banquet provided by the host country thanked the Organizers of the trip for their support even though Bougainville and PNG were a very small and developing country.
MR. MOMIS said that he deliberately chose CHINA as the first country he would visit as the President of Bougainville as Bougainville can learn alot from China.
Yesterday the team met with the China People's Institute for Foreign Affairs after visiting the Great wall of China in the afternoon.

So far five agreements have been signed between ABG and Chamber of Commerce with at least two more MOU still to be signed.
Today the team leaves Beijing to visit two other cities before returning to Buka.
The next visit would be to a Hydro Power Plant and the team would for the first time visit some factories in China.
Meanwhile, China Businesmen are already excited to invest on Bougainville on a bigger scale on not on small projects.
They would like to support ABG on rebuilding of Bougainville on projects like Animal Husbandry,Tourism Land and Sea transport.
They are also prepared to give soft loans on major projects on Bougainville.
The ABG's Trade Representative in China, JASON FONG told the delegation they would like to invest on projects that would assist the ABG to come out of its financial problems and also for the local Bougainvilleans to get monies.
He said they are not really interested in individual projects although individuals can benefit from spin offs.
New Dawn FM understands that a Chinese Investor wants to Establish a Chocolate Factory on Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
K1.4m for Cocoa Pod Borer
By Cynthia Tokiapron
A major exercise to eradicate the Cocoa pod borer in the region is currently in progress. The Cocoa Board office in Buka says the National Government has allocated K1.4 million to fight the cocoa pest.
Jude Murawa from Cocoa Board Buka says 80 thousand kina has been spent on tools, fertilizers and community awareness.
Meantime, a source from the Department of Primary Industry says they never receive any assistance from the K1.4 million funding. He is also questioning the use of the funds.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Climate change to affect millions
By Cynthia Tokiapron
The effects of climate change are becoming a major problem nationwide. That’s according to Dr. Rama Krishna from the National Agriculture Research Institute. He was in the region recently with other members of the national disaster committee.
He says its predicted more than 1 million people in PNG will face water shortage while another 2 million will go without food in the near future.
During a presentation last week, Dr. Rama told participants that the impacts of climate change has brought devastating effects on the environment which has contributed to loss of some marine species.
He also revealed that Bougainville is prone to be affected by climate change.
Meantime, the NARI specialist has advised everyone to plant food crops that can survive long dry season. They include cassava, African yam and rice, as substitutes for sweet potato.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Weapons to clean up.
By Marcella Tamusio
There is a big need to remove all forms of weapons in the region before Bougainville acquire full autonomy. Nick Peniai from the Peace Office made the comments during a interview with New Dawn FM News.
He says it was important to know the purpose of removing all weapons in the remaining two years before the region push for independence.
Mr. Peniai explained that disarmament will only take place when there is an agreement between ex-combatants. He says the Peace Office will only facilitate the reconciliation between them.
Guns are still in many communities for various reasons including fear and confusion while some are used for criminal activities. Mr. Peniai urged everyone to change their mindset for the betterment of Bougainville.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Bougainville to host volleyball c’ship this month
By Veronica Hannette
Bougainville will play host to a festivity of volleyball events when the region host the New Guinea Islands volleyball championships this month.
The championship is slated for the 25 to 28.
Those confirmed for the event include East New Britain and West New Britian, New Ireland and Bougainville. Manus is yet to confirm its participation.
Tournament Director Philip Kunes says this will be the first time for Bougainville to host a tournament for the NGI region. Such events were moslyt held in Rabaul and Kokopo.
Ten teams will clash in the event. Volleyball teams in the 9 zones of Bougainville are invited to register for the championships.
Meantime, the Autonomous Bougainville Sports Foundation Games Coordinator Robert Semoso, is calling on all sporting codes in the region to submit their confirmed list for participation in the ABG Games.
The list will allow for other technical arrangements.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Workplace safety a growing concern
Safety is a big concern in Bougainville especially in the public sector and the general work force.
X Safety Training Consultant Safety Specialist and Trainer Xavier Tsiwa says that Bougainville is in dire need of proper workplace safety training.
With development on the rise in Bougainville, safety is an on going issue that many companies and nearly all sectors of the workforce take for granted.
He says that most of the workforce in Bougainville is unaware of safety practices which are to be followed in their respective trades.
He was talking in light of a fire which engulfed the Jocia Enterprise building in the early hours of yesterday morning.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Fire guts Leitana Nehan Office
The Autonomous Bougainville Government has expressed its sentiments on the destruction of the Leitana Nehan Agency office by fire during the early hours of Tuesday.
Acting President of the ABG, Honorable Albert Punghau expressed his sentiments saying that the agency was a major contributor to the peace building and conflict resolution in the region.
He adds that it was unfortunate for the local NGO would now have to rebuild or look for office space elsewhere.
Hon Panghau also condemned the theft of computers by opportunists during the fire.
He has called on those responsible to return the stolen computers as this has created a double loss to the agency.
Source: ESBC
Due to a problem of communications with Port Moresby the date of the Buka Landowner Summit announced for the end of this week was transmitted wrongly. We apologize for that mistake! The meeting initiated by Minister Hon. Fidelis Semoso will take place one week later on November 13th and 14th, 2010 . The ESBC understand that ABG President Hon. John Momis who is still on business tour to China will then be back to Buka and will be able to assist this decisive meeting also.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville MPs grants to be handed out
MEMBERS of the Autonomous Bougainville Government would soon receive their third quarter allocation of the Members Constituency grant.
According to the ABG members Update Brief issue 18, the delay on the release of the Members Constituency Support Grant was due to internal revenue funds.
The report said that there was insufficient funds in the Members Constituency Support Grant account.
Minister for Finance and Treasury Albert Punghau, in consultation with the finance division is making sure that funds for the Members Constituency Support Grant are made available and ready for release this week.
Mr Punghau has tasked the parliamentary services to quickly facilitate the claims so that funds will be released.
ABG Members’ annual allocation is about K100,000 a quarter – and K400,000 a year – so far the MPs have received K300,000 for three quarters.
Source: Post-Courier
Eluh lauds Arawa liquor ban
ASSISTANT Commissioner of Police in Bougainville Thomas Eluh is very pleased with the continued support from the people of Central Bougainville.
This is in relation to the current liquor ban in place in the former Bougainville capital, Arawa.
Mr Eluh urged other Bougainville districts to follow the example shown by the people of Arawa, fully supporting the police to carry out their duties.
He was referring to previous alcohol related killings earlier this year in which public outcry forced most of the suspects to surrender themselves to police.
“Only public support for police will help bring Bougainville back to the status it was before the crisis,” Mr Eluh said.
“Bougainvilleans themselves can find solutions to their own problems and not anyone else.”
He urged leaders at all levels of Bougainville governments and the community to continue their support for police, in order to find lasting solutions that may pave the way to achieve the Bougainville dreams.
Meanwhile during a routine parade held at Buka yesterday morning, the Bougainville police chief warned both uniformed and civilian staff that he was fed up with the lack of discipline by members of the Bougainville police service.
He stressed that he had given a lot of advice and warnings to the members to smarten up but some seem to have an attitude problem.
Mr Eluh said he would ensure that ill-disciplined member’s of the service are dealt with accordingly.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG delegation yesterday met the biggest group since its arrival in China last week. Yesterday a conference was held with professionals from the Academy of Science and the Academy of Social Science and other Business leaders in China and of course representatives from the PNG Embassy in Beijing.
These two academies are made up of professional Researchers and Planners that assist the government and the people of China to properly plan programs and projects that they want.
The Deputy Administrator RAYMOND MASONO highlighted the need for Investors to invest on Bougainville based on ABG's terms.
He said that Bougainville has put in place an Economic Recovery plan and also an Economic Development policy that was also distributed at this meeting.
Many speakers openly pledged to assist the ABG by investing on Bougainville.
A Press Conference was made after the meeting with TV Station China People’s Daily and another private Tv network.
New Dawn FM was also represented at this Press Conference.
Following this meeting,Three Memorandum of Understandings were signed last night between the ABG and three different Organizations paving the way for more and detailed discussions in the coming weeks.

The three Agreements were
1. with AVIC International a State Owned manufacturer of Planes and boats.
China has since it opened to the outside world in 1976 developed its own Manufacturing Company that builds Boats and Planes for their own use and for sale to overseas markets.
The ABG is interested in buying planes that can be used on Bougainville to assist with the Transport sector in the region.
2. The second MOU was signed between a Construction Company that specializes in Energy saving buildings and the 3rd MOU was signed with another Company.
Details will be provided once we get copies of these agreements.
Five MOU’s have been signed since the ABG Delegation arrived in China.
Two in Shanghai and three in the Capital of China, BEIJING.
The delegation will visit two more cities before returning to Bougainville.

President John Momis meets the staff of the PNG embassy in China
Source: ESBC Research
A Round Table for a Better Future!
On Tuesday the European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper (ESBC) have been informed that a special Panguna landowner meeting will take place in Buka on next Friday and Saturday, November 13th and 14th, 2010. The meeting has been organized by landowner representative Lawrence Daveona by order of the PNG Minister for Bougainville Affairs, Hon. Fidelis Semoso. Mr. Semoso intends to speed-up the re-opening of the Panguna mine to improve Bougainville’s economy as soon as possible. Therefore he invited all representatives of the six Panguna leases to Buka. Important politicians from PNG as there are the Ministers Hon. Arthur Somare MP, Hon. Paul Tiensten MP and Peter O’Neill MP will be also in Buka. Allegedly Minister O’Neill will head the Bougainville Copper Agreement Review from the National Government. Until today; it is not yet confirmed if President Hon. John Momis will attend the meeting as well. Mr. Momis is actually on business travel with a delegation of the Autonomous Bougainville Government to China. In a statement made yesterday in Beijing, President Momis already addressed to the Bougainvilleans to be prepared for the re-opening of the Panguna mine by “start thinking of animal husbandry and other agricultural projects like pineapple and fruits in preparation for the opening of the Panguna mine.” Mr. Momis said under the Bougainville Copper Agreement Review he wants to see that all fruits and vegetables and potatoes that can be grown in the mountains of Wakunai and Bougainville are sold to the company and not imported from outside. The outstanding review of the Bougainville Copper Agreement (BCA) is the major issue on Minister Semoso’s agenda. The President of the European Shareholders of Bougainville Copper, Mr. Axel G. Sturm, praised Minister Semoso’s initiative on Tuesday in Barcelona: “The first step is always the most difficult one. The ESBC appreciate very much Mr. Semoso’s move towards a brighter future for all Bougainvilleans. A round-table, as we already claimed a couple of years ago, represents the best instrument to bring the actual situation forward - to a solution from which everybody will benefit in future.”
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Men power addressed
By Veronica Hannette
The police manpower shortage will be addressed in a major restructuring exercise. Assistant Commissioner for Bougainville Police Thomas Eluh says the police service in the region was seriously affected during the civil crisis.
He says the restructure will identify various positions and ranks for the police service.
ACP says the restructure program will boost the men power for effective police service delivery.
The exercise is part of the police service 45 million plan to be implemented over a period of 10-12 years. It has been divided into four phases.
The first phase will cost 6 million kina to be implemented next year.
Currently the police service has only 176 police personnel. They need more than 1000 members.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Minimart burns
By Veronica Hannette
A Buka minimart was razed to the ground early this morning. Authorities could not confirm the cause of the fire.
Eyewitnesses say the started from the left side of the building and burnt the entire place. The building is also occupied by the Leitana Nehan Community Development Agency.
Its assumed the fire could have been caused by electrical fault.
The public is now calling on the government to establish a fire service to protect properties in the Buka township.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Liquor ban
Assistant Police Commissioner of Police in Bougainville Mr Thomas Eluh has commended the support of the people of central Bougainville.
This has come after the successful implementation of a liquor ban which is currently in place in Arawa.
He has urged other Bougainville Districts to follow the example set by Arawa town.
He thanked the people for there strong support in respecting the liquor ban and helping police in carrying out their duties.
He says only public support will help bring Bougainville back to the status it was before the crisis.
He has also appealed to all levels of the Bougainville government to continue their support for police in order to find solutions that may pave the way to achieve the Bougainville dream.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Disaster fundraising drive
By Sonia Kenu
The Bougainville Disaster Office has taken the initiative to involve communities to raise funds to prepare for unexpected natural disasters in the region.
It’s a first of its kind that such a committee comprises chairmen from all the constituencies.
They’ve planned fundraising activities like wheel barrow push, musical concert and a corporate dinner.
Buka Disaster Office Coordinator Franklyn Lacy says the fundraising drive is a community oriented program under the theme ‘Halivim mi long halivim yu’.
He says six communities in the Buka District have already gone ahead with the wheel barrow push in their respective areas.
Meanwhile, Mr Lacy tells New Dawn FM News that Regional Member for Bougainville Fidelis Semoso has pledged K50, 000 towards the fundraising drive.
He says the Border Development Authority has also pledged K100, 000 which is the highest amount of donation.
However, Mr Lacy says they haven’t received the funds yet but they look forward to it so they can start with the other planned activities.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
New malaria drug
By Sonia Kenu
Training for health workers on the new malaria treatment protocol has taken place in three Districts, North, Central and South Bougainville.
Health Extension Officer Mathilda Soaghei says their aim was to train health workers in all the health centres in the region.
Currently this has been achieved and now they are looking at training the staff of Buka Health Office and Buka Hospital.
Meanwhile, Ms Soaghei says according to health records, statistics for malaria is very high in Bougainville.
She says they look forward to trying out the new drug which hasn’t arrived in the country yet.
The training is only in preparation for the arrival of the new drug.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Food ban still not lifted
By Tapo Tovilu
Buka Urban Councils ban on prohibited foods is nearing its final stages as officers continue to carry out inspections on foods which are currently being sold.
The ban placed in early June as a result of the outbreak of cholera in the country stops the sale of cooked foods, ice block and cream buns in public areas.
After its initial setup the cholera taskforce lifted the ban on the sale of smoked fish, cooked kaukau and taro.
Environmental Heath Officer with Buka town council Lawrencia Kumis says that these foods were inspected and passed by the cholera taskforce.
She says that the public sale of ice blocks and cream bunds are still prohibited as there is no safe and adequate water supply in and around Buka.
Despite the ban which is in place there are still people who are selling ice blocks placing the public at risk.
Miss Kumis says that the ban will be lifted but this will require sellers to reach curtain requirements in order to sell prohibited goods.
There is no definite date as to when the ban will be completely lifted but the cholera taskforce is scheduled to sit for a meeting in December.
Source: Post-Courier
MP wants Panguna mine re-opened
Bougainville Affairs MP Fidelis Semoso has met with Panguna landowners (PLA) and others from other Bougainville copper lease areas in Port Moresby.
He reiterated his call to see an impact project get off the ground for Bougainville, a project that will “create employment for our youth, rebuild our schools and health services but most importantly boost the economy of the region”.
He made it clear that he wanted the Panguna mine re-opened at the earliest opportunity.
This means that he wants to see the Bougainville Copper Agreement (BCA) review fast tracked.
He said he is committed to assisting the Panguna landowners get themselves organised.
He has directed Lawrence Daveona to arrange for landowner representatives from each of the six mine lease areas to come to Buka for two days of consultation with him to tell him what they want.
He told the landowners present at the meeting that he does not want to waste time, saying that Panguna landowners’ issues had been there before the crisis and are still there and no one has really attended to them.
With the BCA review, Panguna landowners are the major stake holders.
He maintained that the problem is not the Bougainville people but “us the elected leaders of Bougainville”, both the ABG and the National Government.
Mr Semososaid during his travels throughout the island he has found out that the general feeling is that the Panguna mine must be re-opened and that there is no other way for Bougainville to move forward.
He challenged the landowners to give him tangible project submissions to push through the Government system for funding.
The landowners in turn assured him that he will be getting project submissions soon.
Source: Post-Courier
Games to bring on lasting peace
SPORTS has brought hopes of lasting peace to groups who used to be enemies from the Bougainville Crisis days.
Bougainville all of last week had district games on in every region – central, south and north Bougainville, to prepare the areas and do selections for the major Autonomous Bougainville Games coming up in December in Buin. This will be the first time since the Bougainville crisis, that Buin, or south Bougainville for that matter will host one of the biggest event for the year. The New Guinea Islands Paralympic Games will run concurrently with the ABG Games 2010. In south Bougainville, soccer teams from Wisai and Konnou areas – war faction areas and mostly youths, left their guns at home and took to the sports field to show their talents and forget about fighting. When the two male teams were about to play, they had to obey the rules of the Autonomous Bougainville Sports Foundation (ABSF) that they must shake hands before the kick off is made. The youths hesitated at first, scratched their heads and looked at the referees, a gesture meaning they could not shake hands with enemies.
The referees were not going to give in as the rules were clear — that every individuals had to shake hands before any kick off — that applied to all the games in Bougainville. Eventually the youths of Konnou and Wisai, in front of a whole crowd of Buin people, raised their hands and shook hands for the first time since warring days and played a very peaceful game in the end last Thursday afternoon. This gesture eventually led to a big reconciliation by the youths of these areas on Friday morning. The leaders present at that time in Buin told the Post-Courier it was a load of peace already on their shoulders and they felt the Buin Games in December will be successful and huge.
“The rule before the ball kickoff is clear, and that’s the rule by the ABSF followed all over Bougainville. You have to shake hands before any kick off,” Joe Maineke, Buin ABG Games event co-ordinator told the Post-Courier from Buin over the weekend. Now we are very hopeful that the ABG Games in December will be very successful and we are very much looking forward to that.”
Several other leaders and chiefs from Buin said that the future was now bright with an appeal to the ABG Government to take advantage of the ABG Games and use it also to create awareness on peace.
Source: Post-Courier
Bougainville to host tourney
BOUGAINVILLE is set to hosts the New Guinea Islands (NGI) Volleyball championships, to be held this month in Buka.
The championship will run from November 25 to 28, at the Hutjena oval.
According to NGI tournament director Philip Kunes, teams participating in the championship include Kimbe, Gigo, Hoskins, Rabaul, Kokopo, Oiscar, Pomio and Bougainville.
He said it is a requirement that all participating teams register before the games.
“All teams are expected to register and arrive in Buka before the 25th of this month,” he said.
Kunes also said that, for the first time, Bougainville would be hosting the first-ever volleyball championship.
“Most volleyball championships were held at the East New Britain Province but after much dialogue, we decided to move it to a different location, which is now Bougainville.” Kunes told said.
Meanwhile, preparations towards the tournament is well underway.
Kunes said that business houses and individuals have chipped in to sponsor and the launching will be held on Thursday.
Any issues regarding the NGI volleyball tournament can contact Philip Kunes on 720 41 354 or Rex Nobulu on 76416186.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The Deputy Administrator for Bougainville MR. RAYMOND MASONO is pictured here near one of the Model Planes at AVIC International China's technology.

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Beijing
Organizers of the ABG delegation trip to China have made Bougainville proud by providing the best VIP treatment for the visiting Bougainville's Ambassadors.
In many of the visits including Government establishments red carpet treatment was given.
Yesterday this delagation had to walk on a red carpet at AVIC International Company's Headquaters just opposit the China Olympic Stadium. The sign on the Wall also said it all.

Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Beijing
One of the Bougainville's only Cocoa and Copra Exporter Tarscicus Garuai is on this trip to China.
MR. Garuai says that the trip is very important for local Bougainville Businesses to talk to possible new markets out there in the world.
He told this reporter that past leaders should have done this earlier instead of selecting their friends on similar trips.
MR. GARUAI said that we should support President Momis in his efforts to get Bougainville off its financial problems instead of complaining.
He said as an exporter who has been trying his best to assist the people buying their copra and also competing with giants like CPL making the right connection was the best thing the ABG government can do for his people.
He said shipping was the biggest problem and the MOU signing between ABG and Shanghai Chamber of Commerce would really help Bougainvillean Businesses to export their products And import cargoes on factory prices.

Picture of Raymond GARUAI (left)
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
ABG delegation led by ABG President Chief John Momis today held talks with the CHINA's Foreign Affairs and Trade Special envoy for the Pacific States in Beijing, CHINA.
The delegation included also the PNG Embassy's Senior Officer who has been acting since MR. MOMIS resigned in January this year.
The talk was on ways that PNG and especially Bougainville can work with China to develop Tourism and other business ventures in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
Since arriving in China the delegation have already concluded two agreements in Shanghai for a Shipping service between Shanghai and Bougainville and a cargo distribution for import and export out of Shanghai. The service would commence soon.
New Dawn FM understands if Bougainvillean Businessmen can order directly from China goods are currently bought from Rabaul and Lae, the price of goods could drop.
The delegation today also met with more Businessmen in Beijing and another agreement would be signed in Beijing tomorrow evening between the ABG and a Plane and Ship building company in Beijing.
Also before the group returns to Bougainville they would also visit a big Hydro distribution plant in China.
The group has so far visited three cities in China with another two more cities this week.
President JOHN MOMIS wants the people of Bougainville to engage themselves in worthwhile projects which would be available under this arrangement.
He says that he wants Bougainville Businessmen and women to start thinking of animal husbandry and other Agricultural projects like Pineaple and fruits in preparation for the opening of the Panguna mine.
He said under the Bougainville Copper Agreement Review they want to see that all fruits and vegetables and potatoes that can be grown in the mountains of Wakunai and Bougainville are sold to the company and not imported from outside.

Pictured is the Special Envoy for Foreign Affairs and Trade for the Pacific States
being presented the PNG Emblem by ABG President John Momis

Some more pics from Beijing: This is a new TV Station that is still under construction.
To be completed in two years time.

Picture of President Momis at the Pacific Pavilion WORLD EXPO and this is NAURU's display area.
The Expo ended on Sunday and was attended by more that 70million people accross the globe

PNG Embassy official with MR. Momis talking after meeting today

Pictured is President MOMIS admiring a Model Plane at the Plane and Ship Builders headquaters in Beijin.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Buka District games
By Veronica Hannnette
The Buka District games held recently at Haku ended successfully last week.
The games where held in three locations Lemanmanu, Lemankua and Lontis to host the 14 codes that was played.
The games started on Wednesday and ended on Friday and are undergoing selections in their respective COEs.
Autonomous Bougainville Sports Foundation (ABSF) Acting President, Joseph Mobisi tells New Dawn FM that district games have successfully completed and they are looking forward to the coming game schedule this Christmas.
Mr. Mobisi says this is the month of intensive training for those selected and we have only one month.
He is calling to all districts to submit their selection lists in order to produce ID’s for the players.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Assistance calls
By Veronica Hannette
Autonomous Bougainville games coordinator, Robert Semoso is appealing to for assistance in sports.
He told New Dawn FM that he is facing a financial dilemma and needs held to further fund the sports departments.
He said the ABG games are an achievement for Bougainville therefore he is calling on all Business house and companies to assist in financial support towards the forth coming games.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
A workshop on safe motherhood in the region started today at the Buka General Hospital.
A total of 20 health workers and aid post orderlies from South, Central and North Bougainville are attending the workshop.
CEO of Health Dr Anthony Pumpara while opening the workshop stressed the importance of safe motherhood and challenged participants to be more effective in service delivery.
He says with the increasing population in the region and the lack of awareness more mothers are at the risk of dying from complications at birth.
The workshop will cover four areas in infant birth and safe motherhood.
All participants will be monitored for a six month period after the completion of the six week training workshop.
CEO of Buka General Hospital, Mathew Mone, says that this is part of the five year role out plan to improve the health service delivery in the region.
He adds that Buka Hospital will continue more similar training workshops in the future.
This is the third workshop of its kind in the region and Buka General Hospital will give its continual support in educating health workers.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Arawa VCT centre needs support
By Joyce Tohui
Arawa Voluntary Counseling and Testing centre is facing serious problems because its HIV/AIDS population is growing rapidly.
The VCT centre is currently experiencing food shortage, limited accommodation and not enough medical supplies made available.
HIV/AIDS counselor with the VCT centre, Rose Ravana says problems faced by the VCT centre can be tackled if there is availability of funds to upgrade the facility and it’s on going programs.
She says with the increasing number of people with HIV/AIDS seeking help from the centre, the Bougainville Friends Association through the Bougainville Aids Counsel should chip in some money to help the centre.
Mrs. Ravana says the Bougainville Friends Association was formed at this centre with the help of people living with HIV/AIDS.
She is calling on the Government to immediately take action and stop the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Concerns raised on Food Poisoning
By Sonia Kenu/Joyce Tohui
It has come to notice that fish sold at the market has been caught using some form of chemicals.
Last Friday a family was affected when eating fish bought at the market.
A victim who wants to remain anonymous tells New Dawn FM that after eating the fish, he experienced itchiness; headache and red eyes.
Meanwhile, Environmental Health Officer with Buka Urban Council Lawrencia Kumis appeals to the public to practice safe fishing methods.
She says it’s best that people are mindful of how they handle and prepare fish before consumption.
Ms Kumis urges those who sell fish to register themselves with Buka Urban Council to make it easier for them to monitor the market.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
During weekend there were some cases reveals that people were using petrol for catching fish. To sell at the market.
A local man lives in town ,Agustine Pinari says that he was concerned that those people who sells the fish got poison on them and this must have to be stop before it’s too late to receive good number of the people would have died.
After receiving good number of victims who have consumed the fish for the last four days.
A mother of three says, predicting the fish at the market and thought it was healthy for her family to consume but later she noticed her children’s eye turned red. when making some investigation it was fish that got poison from the petrol.
They appealed to the public to checked carefully before buying fish and must put the banned to the fish sellers not to sold fish at the market or anyway.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Police cannot cater for Bekut
By Veronica Hannette
Four detainees have been confirmed for transfer to the recently opened prison facility at Bekut, Peit constituency. The Bekut facility can only cater for low risk prisoners.
That means only prisoners serving not more than 12 months are eligible to be transferred there. Prisoners serving longer jail terms may also be considered for the transfer subject to a screening process by the authorities.
Buka Police station Commander, Alex Gunan says they are still awaiting instructions from the Correctional Service headquarters.
Meanwhile, the correctional services have no man power in the region. A senior police constable has been performing the role of a CS officer.
New Dawn FM news understands that there is a shortage of police man power and would not be able to support the Bekut operation.
Source: Bougainville Tourism
Click here!
Source: Post-Courier
Case takes a twist
OVER the objections of two judges, the 9th Circuit last week asked a judge to “explore the possibility of mediation” for a lawsuit accusing mining company Rio Tinto of inciting a 10-year civil war on the island of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea.
An 11-judge panel in San Francisco sent the human-rights case to 9th Circuit Judge Edward Leavy for possible mediation.
The panel gave him 28 days to decide if mediation should proceed or if the case should return to the full court. Bougainville residents accused Rio Tinto’s branches in London and Melbourne of damaging their environment and sparking a bitter civil war. The corporation has mined copper in the heart of Panguna in Bougainville since 1972.
Judges Andrew Kleinfeld and Consuelo Callahan disagreed with the majority’s decision to send the case to a mediator.
“We have not yet decided whether we have jurisdiction over this dispute,” Kleinfeld wrote. “I very much doubt that we do. I suspect that we lack jurisdiction both because the case involves a political question and because we lack subject matter jurisdiction on account of extraterritoriality.”
The Papua New Guinea government allegedly blockaded the island, causing thousands of deaths and the violent civil war, which ended in 1999.
Rio Tinto is also accused of participating with the Papua New Guinea government in war crimes.
“We are told that New Zealand mediated a peace agreement, under which Bougainville now enjoys some form of autonomy from the Papua New Guinea government as the ‘Autonomous Region of Bougainville,’” Kleinfeld wrote.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Beijing
One of the big name combatants in South Bougainville says that Bougainville needs to stop fighting and work hard to develop its economic activity.
THOMAS TARI told New Dawn FM that he now realises that Bougainville has been wasting time fighting instead of unting and working together to develop the Region.
MR. TARI is in the delegation that is in China this week.
Many exfighters from Central, South and North are in this delegation and are happy to go back home and prepare to destroy all weapons of destruction.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai
The ABG delegation since leaving Buka have gone through many cities and are true ambassadors of Bougainville.
They were welcomed by a Philippine team in Manila had good Business discussions with some business men in Manila before travelling the next day to Shanghai, CHINA.
Bougainville Exports Copra to the Philippines.
In Shanghai the welcome was very big and the team had a seminar and several meetings with the Chamber of Commerce and signed two MOU;s
on Business and Cooperation.
Shipping between CHINA and BOUGAINVILLE andother Business activities the bussinesmen who on this trip made good contacts as they normally order from Tropicana and other stores in Rabaul and Lae.
They would greatly benefit from this trip and especially the price of goods bought from Rabaul can be dropped in Buka and Bougainville.
Details on the Agreements will be made later.
The team also visited the WORLD EXPO in Shanghai.

President Momis and his delegation visited the CHINESE PAVILION and the Pacific Pavilion including PNG. They were able to present some CDs and performance on Bougainville culture.

In Beijing, the Capital City, the welcome was even bigger.
The team went to mass and visited another city of Ten Million people (Tian Jin )
Big meeting with government officials and the Chinese Ministry for Foregin Affairs and Trade this morning.
Meeting the Chamber of commerce on possible partnership this afternoon.

Picture of the welcome team in Beijing
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
By Aloysius Laukai in Beijing
The ABG trip to the People's Republic of China is gaining momentum.
This morning the team is meeting with the Foreign Affairs Office and later visiting with the Beijin Chamber of Commerce.

Picture of the team taken at Tian Jin City which is a new Industrial city.
We travelled 200Kilometeres which is normaly about 2 and half hour trip by car.
We made in 29 minutes by their Bullet train.