News 05.2010
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 11:08 AM local time Bougainville
Women of Bougainville have not supported their women candidates in the individuals seats.
About five women stood against men in Kopii, Konnou,Eivo/Torau and Kokoda and according to the results. They still have a long way to go to get into politics.
Although they have organizations like the Bougainville Women's Forum and Church and community based organizations they still did not support their women candidates.
They are however doing okay on the reserved seats.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 10:54 AM local time Bougainville
TWENTY ONE seats have been declared since counting started last week.
As of this morning the following seats have been declared.
In South Bougainville, TOROKINA, BABA, LATO, BOLAVE,KOPII,RAMU,MOTUNA HUYONO have been declared with fours seats in Buin to come in.
In Central, KONGARA,KOKODA,EIVO/TORAU, RAU, TERRA have been declared.
In North we still have the six constituencies on Buka Island to be counted.
Plus the Ex combatants seats and the Women's seat with the Presidential still still in progress.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 10:48 AM local time Bougainville
The Selau seat has gone to a new member TERRY MOSE from Gohi village Selau.
He unseated Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister, MR. JOSEPH WATAWI .
TERRY MOSE was declared by the Returning Officer George Tarala AT 8.45 AM this morning.
TERRY MOSE polled 1683 after the 3rd elimination this morning.
WATAWI polled came second with only 783 votes.
On the Presidential seat after count 43 in South Bougainville and Count 86 in North Bougainville and Count 89 in Central Bougainville
MR. JOHN MOMIS is on 20,068
JAMES TANIS is on 12, 182
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 06:06 AM local time Bougainville
From South Bougainville, after count 43, James Tanis is leading again with 5581
John Momis is second with 5544
Reuben Siara 1700
Martin Miriori 558
Magdalen Toroansi 529
Robert Atsir 437
Sylvester Niu 178
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Tom Kathoa at 10:56 AM local time Bougainville
Papua New Guinea’s former Ambassador to China and long-time politician, Mr. John Momis holds a commanding lead for Bougainville’s top political post of president.
Ambassador Momis is leading the counting in all three regions of Bougainville with incumbent, James Tanis trailing him.
Since counting began a week ago the two leading candidates were going neck and neck, but the tide has stopped with Momis being dominant through out the count in all regions.
There are fifteen more constituencies to be counted, seven in the North, six still to be counted in South Bougainville and two more in Central Bougainville.
A miracle is required if other candidates including the president are to cause any change in the tally count.
President Tanis is reported to have a great support and following on Buka Island where there are six constituencies yet to be counted and this would be a real great test for the president.
The result of the presidential race would be the last seat to be declared.
Meanwhile, election counting officials have been urged to put extra hours of work to ensure counting is completed before the official return of writs on the 9th of June, next Wednesday.
A new government would be sown into office on the fifteenth of June, 2010.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Tom Kathoa at 10:00 AM local time Bougainville
It now most certain that the Second Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) after this election would be run by new members.
This is evident by the number of new faces who have already been declared since counting of votes began one week ago.
Out of the twenty constituencies declared fifteen have gone to new members.
Included in the loosing candidates are three ABG Government Ministers, Michael Otoroa minister for Education and member for Lato, Health Minister and Member for Atolls, Hon Taihu Pais and the Minister for Local Level Government (LLG) Hon Jonathan Ngati.
Hon Jonathan Ngati was defeated by Albert Pungau for the Motuna/Huiono Constituency; Education Minister Hon Michael Otoroa was defeated by William Lababua while the Health Minister Taihu Pais lost the Atolls seat to businessman, Frank Pasini Marena.
Counting is still continuing in the North, South and Central Regions.
In the Central region election officials are now counting ballot boxes for the Ioro Constituency and it is expected that counting in this region would be completed by the middle of this week.
Election officials engaged in the Central region would be moved to Buka once they complete counting there.
Meanwhile, it has been generally quiet over-all since the election began with the issue writs, polling and now counting.
Election observers, police and other leaders have praised the people of Bougainville for the smooth conduct of the election.
A trouble free election is a sign that the people are mature and are capable of running and managing such an important on their own.
One of Papua New Guinea’s Statesmen, Sir John Kaputin commended the people for the smooth election saying Bougainville needed qualified and experienced leaders to lead the region.
Sir John said it is important for the people of Bougainville to elect experienced and honest leaders to lead the region in preparation for referendum and independence.
He said this election is very important for the people and future of the region.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 09:56 AM local time Bougainville
The last seat in Siwai KOPII constituency has a new member.
This afternoon the ARO for South Bougainville Declared PHILIP KUHENA as the new member.
MR. KUHENA defeated the sitting member MICHAEL KOMOIKI.
Counting tonight is for Buin seats only. They are starting in Makis, Baubake, LULE and Konnou.
By toorrow morning we should know some results.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 09:30 AM local time Bougainville
For the Selau seat, a local pastor TERRY MOSE was leading after count 5 this afternoon.
Terry Mose is on 392,Luke Pawen 35, Cyril Agen is coming second with 248 and sitting member and Minister for Consumer Affairs JOSEPH WATAWI is running 3rd with 157, Hillary Tsunno 14 and Conrad Ganu 38.
Counting for the Selau seat will be completed by tonight with the winner declared in the early hours of tomorrow morning.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 07:23 AM local time Bougainville
Another ABG Minister has lost his seat in South Bougainville.
The Minister for Local Level Government, JONATHAN NGATI lost his Motuna Huyono/Tokunutui seat to MR. ALBERT PUNGHAU who polled 1201 to win this seat.
He was declared at 5am this morning.
MR. PUNGHAU is currently the member of the Papua New Guinea Cocoa Industry Board representing Bougainville.
Counting in South Bougainville is concentrating on the individual seats before it counts the regional seat for women and ex combatants and the Presidential seat.
Counting is now on the last Siwai seat Kopii before they count the last remaining four seats in Buin.
We will give the results of the Kopii seat shortly.
Latest on the Presidential seat
Robert Atsir 2103, John Momis 15,112, James Tanis 9,551,Reuben Siara 2387,
Martin Miriori 2332, Sylveter Niu 423 and Magdalen Toroansi 1421
Counting in Buka has crossed the Buka Passes.
Now they are on Count one for the Selau seat, they have only six boxes ans already on the second one.
After Selau counters will move straight to Haku constituency.
We will post some figures once they are on the board.
After the final count of Suir Ballot papers, Count 81, For North Bougainville only, Robert Atsir has 1276,John Momis 8444,James Tanis 2420,Reuben Siara 912, Martin Miriori 620,Sylvester Niu 175 and Magdalen Toroansi 662
We will add them up with the other two regional counting centres shortly to give you an idea of the counting progress.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 07:16 AM local time Bougainville
Two more seats have been declared this morning.
In Arawa MELCHIOR DARE has unseated MR. ALPHONSE PEMUKO for the EIVO/TORAU seat in Central Bougainville.
He polled 1,302 votes.
Melchior Dare and the former member are both from PARUPARU in the hills outside Panguna.
And in Buka the sitting member for SUIR, LUKE KARASTON has retained his seat.
He mastered the required number and did not go through any elimination.
MR. KARASTON is the fifth member to retain his seat.
He was declared by the Returning Officer George Tarala at 7am this morning.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 05:14 AM local time Bougainville
New comer FRANCIS BOISIVIRE is leading with 3725 after count 81,
Peter John Barik 2424, sitting member Marchellin Laris Getsi is on1717
For the Excombatants seat and the women's seat tyhere are still 7 constituencies to be counted before anyone can be in clear lead and win.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 05:06 AM local time Bougainville
Progressive score for the womens seat as of 4.30 am was as follows,
Elizabeth Burain is leading with 4349, Anastacia Lappointe2869,
Racheal Tsien Nanopa1920, Roselyn Gatana1329,Hona Holan 1855
Maryanne Tousala 1389
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 09:30 AM local time Bougainville
The sitting member for SUIR Constituency LUKE KARATSON is leading the race for the SUIR seat.
As of count 10 this morning he was leading with732 votes whilst the runner up PETER VEOMBI was on 229
They are counting the last ballot box for the Suir seat and the seat could be declared anytime this morning.
Source: Post-Courier
Momis leads in count
FORMER ambassador to China John Momis maintained his lead from last week in the Autonomous Bougainville Government Presidential elections with a huge margin as of 9pm last night. Momis is currently leading with 12,537 votes, while ABG President James Tanis is trailing with 8563 votes. Lawyer Reuben Siara has maintained his third position on 2032 votes, Robert Atsir, an economist by profession has soared to fourth place after counts 74 and 75 in his home ground Mahari.Teua and Suir are now on 1800 votes while Martin Miriori is at fifth position with 1473 votes.
Trailing sixth was Magdalene Toroansi with 1296 votes and Sylvester Niu remained stagnant t last place with 353 votes.
Meanwhile, 16 seats have been declared so far since counting began last Saturday. Ninety per cent of those seats declared are new members who have unseated the incumbents. They include:
* KONGARA: Dominic Itta
* RAU: Joe Egilio unseated Thomas Keriri;
* SOUTH NASIOI: John Ken unseated sitting MP Alfred Bakate
* KOKODA: Joe Bausina unseated Rodney Osioko; and
* TERRA: Robin Wilson unseated Leo Reivasi.
* TOROKINA: Steven Suako unseated William Epota;
* BOLAVE: Lawrence Uakai unseated Tony Siona;
* LATO: William Labavua unseated Michael Otoroa;
* BABA: William Silamai unseated Thomas Pabakumi;
* RAMU: Thomas Pataaku retained his seat.
* ATOLLS: Frank Pasini unseated Taehu Pais;
* NISSAN: Leo Hannett unseated Andrew Topensi;
* TAONITATEOP: Micah Mose unseated Joseph Gitovea;
* TAONITATINPUTZ: Carolus Ketsimur unseated Aloys Devui;
* TEUA: Joseph Nopeii retained seat and
* MAHARI: John Tabinaman retained his seat.
There are still 18 more constituencies to be declared apart from women, ex-combatant and president’s post.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 04:59 AM local time Bougainville
Counting suspended
Counting at all the three counting centres of Buin, Buka and Arawa were suspended this morning to allow counters to have some rest and also so that the people can attend church services.
Counting will start this evening at 6pm in all centres.
New Dawn FM has been broadcasting 24/7 since counting began on May 22nd and until all seats are declared. We will continue to update our site for the benefit of the people of Bougainville and Friends of Bougainville in PNG and abroad. We are also happy to see your comments.
Back to the counting, Buin centre will declare Motuna Huyono/Tokunutui and Kopii seats tonight and will move into the four constituencies in Buin.
The constituencies in Buin are Makis, Lule, Baubake and Konnou.
Reports we received from our team in Buin is that they have concentrated in counting individual seats in the past days and tonight they will count the Regional seats for the Ex Combatants and the women and including the Presidential seat.
We will update on the results tomorrow morning.
In Buka counting has moved to Suir and will continue to Selau the last two constituencies on the Northern Tip of mainland Bougainville.
They would then move to the six remaining constituencies on Buka island. Counting for the six Buka constituencies will start from TONSU then on to PEIT, HAKU, HALIA, HAGGOHE and final count the TSITALATO seat which covers Buka Town.
In Central they will declare the EIVO/TORAU seat and move into the last two seats in Kieta they are IORO and NORTH NASIOI.
We received reports that the North Nasioi seat has 24 ballot boxes to be counted.
Earlier Central Bougainville registered only 26 ballot Boxes for the entire Kieta district.
But included some more to cater for the extra voters from Mekamui and those from around Panguna who would be voting for the first time.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 06:38 AM local time Bougainville
After count 74 and final figures from Mahari seat,
Robert Atsir 1186
John Momis 7612
James Tanis 2135
Reuben Siara 866
Martin Miriori 598
Sylvester Niu 144
Magdalen Toroansi 597
In Central Bougainville, After count 66 for EIVO/TORAU seat
Robert Atsir 534
John Momis 4614
James Tanis 3006
Reuben Siara 1099
Martinb Miriori 964
Sylvester Niu 142
Magdalen Toroansi 528
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 06:27 AM local time Bougainville
Two more sitting members in North Bougainville have retained their seats.
Reverend Joseph Nopei won the Teua seat which he won in a by-election last year.
The Teua seat had no member after their former member, GERARD SINATO resigned to contest the Presidential by-election in November 2009.
Mahari seat was retained by the current member JOHN TABINAMAN.
MR. TABINAMAN was the acting President when the first ABG President the late JOSEPH KABUI died.
He was made the vice president after MR. KABUI reshuffled and demoted JOSEPH WATAWI after he was involved in an incident at the funeral of the late Chief Administrator, LATE PETER TSIAMALILI.
MR. TABINAMAN was declared at 4.30 am this morning by the Provincial Returning Officer George Tarala.
MR. TABINAMAN was the leader in the race from count one and never looked back.
There was no elimination as he took the absolute majority of the vote from the voters.
JOHN TABINAMAN polled 1,130 votes.
Chris Poto came second with 253 votes
Counting was suspended at 6.30 am to 6pm this afternoon.
Next to be counted would be Suir constituency.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 07:42 AM local time Bougainville
Central Bougainville update
In the Presidential seat after count 54 and counting of Terra ballot boxes in Wakunai.
The latest Presidentialo figures are as follows. Please add to find the total from South and North. North we have posted already.
John Momis is leading with 3461
James Tanis is second with 2659
Reuben Siara is on 978
Martin Miriori is on 661
Robert Atsir is on 473
Counting in Buka is now on Teua seat KUNUA.
We will update you on South Bougainville results this morning.
Their communication system only operate during the day.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 06:56 AM local time Bougainville
In a rare case the outsted former member for Taunita/Tinputz came to the front and congratulated the member elect and shook hands with him and said that he will work with him as the new member.
MR. ALOYS DEVUI told Carolus Ketsimur that the issues and welfare of the people of Taunita/Tinputz are now in his shoulders.
He said that he was a free man as of today.
MR. DEVUI also challenged other losers to come to the front and accept defeat as he has done and in fact this is the first member to accept defeat publicly.
New Dawn FM also congratulates the new member elect as he was our former chairman in the intitial stages of establishing New Dawn FM but resigned when the going was getting tough.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 06:49 AM local time Bougainville
TAUNITA TINPUTZ seat was declared at 6.39 am this morning.
Former PANGTEL BOARD member CAROLUS KETSIMUR was declared as the new member elect for TAUNITA TINPUTZ.
Carolus Ketsimur also tried the 2005 ABG Elections but lost to Aloys Devui the member he has outsted this morning.
MR. KETSIMUR polled 1198 votes to win this seat.

Carolus Ketsimur
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 06:30 AM local time Bougainville
Presidential seat figures updated at 6pm.
John Momis 9282
James Tanis 7738
Reuben Siara 1609
Robert Atsir 1393
Martin Miriori 1060
Magdalen Toroansi 881
Sylvester Niu 274
Other seats will update shortly.
Central will continue to update tonight.
Due to communication difficulties Buin will update tomorrow morning.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
By Tom Kathoa
Since counting of votes for the Autonomous Bougainville Government Election began last Saturday Eleven constituencies have already been declared.
Out of the Eleven declared seats only the sitting Member for Kongara, Hon Dominic Itta has retained his seat.
The re-elected member for Kongara is also the Minister for Primary Industry.
A total of the ten seats declared went to new members.
Among the early losers is the Minister for Health and Member for Atolls, Hon Taihu Pais who lost to businessman cum politician, Mr. Frank Pasini Marena.
The early winners are; Mr. Leo Hannett the newly elected member for Nissan, Joseph Igileo, Rau Constituency, John KEN new member for South Naisoi, Micah Mose to represent the people of Taunita/Teop , Lawrence Uakai, Bolave Constituency, Joseph Bausina Kokoda, Dominic Ita re-elected Member for Kongara, Steven Suako Torokina, Frank Pasini Marena to represent the people of Atolls, William Lababua, the new member for Lato and William Silamai the member elect for Baba Constituency.
Counting is continuing in the three regions, North, Central and South.
Indications is that the contest for the presidential seat is between former Papua New Guinea Ambassador to China and a long time politician, Mr. John Momis and incumbent president, Hon James Tanis.
There are still 22 constituency seats yet to be declared and the declaration of the presidential will be made after the results of all the constituencies have been made public.
Meanwhile communication difficulties between Buka and South Bougainville are causing delay in communicating progressive results to the general public.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
By Tom Kathoa
The election results so far clearly show that voters are not happy with their current elected members and have opted for a change in leadership.
This is evident in the declaration of eleven constituencies with ten of them going to new members.
Only on sitting member, the Minister for Primary Industry and Member for Kongara in Central Bougainville, Hon Dominic Itta has retained his seat.
Minister Itta was the first member to be declared, ahead of his lone opponent, Amos Ove.
Two ABG Government Ministers who have lost their seats are the Health Minister and Member for Atolls; Hon Taihu Pais who lost to businessman, Mr. Frank Pasini Marena and the Education Minister, Hon Michael Otoroa who lost his Lato Constituency seat to William Lababua.
If the trend continues, the new ABG Government to be formed after the election is certain to be filled with new members.
Of the already declared seats: four each from the South and Central Bougainville regions and three from North Bougainville.
Counting in all regions have been very slow and would continue through to next week.
Communication is also another problem being faced by officials engaged in counting to communicate the results to Buka.
Source: Post-Courier
Elections Results Update
Momis takes over lead in poll
LONG time politician John Momis has taken the lead with 7263 votes, while incumbent James Tanis second with 6243 votes as of 8pm last night.
Lawyer Reuben Siara is running third with 11319 votes, Albert Atsir 1102, Martin Miriori 971, Magdalene Toroansi 788 and Sylvester Niu 198.
Momis maintained a clear lead in North Bougainville after count 62 last night with 3982 votes. Tanis trailed him with 930 votes, Atsir 669, Siara 382, Miriori 200, Toroansi 158 and Niu 54 votes. These are progressive results/scores in North Bougainville-Taonita Teop-Taonita/Tinputz ballot boxes to be counted in North.
But in Central and South Bougainville, Tanis has maintained his lead. In Central, after count 36, Rau Constituency Seat, Tanis leads with 2207 votes, Momis 1486, Siara 650, Miriori 565, Toroansi 410, Atsir 254 and Niu 44.
In South Bougainville, Toroansi still maintains the lead –count 31, Lato Seat- Tanis since taking over from Momis at count 10 – 3026 votes, Momis 1324, Siara 201, Miriori 190, Toroansi 182 and Niu 81.
These were the progressive scores as of 8pm last night.
Updates from South Bougainville is very difficult and limited and at “Gods Mercy” because of severe communication problems faced.
South and Central anticipate counting to be completed by early next week.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 11:58 AM local time Bougainville
Counting in Buka is on the last Tinputz electorate before they move into Suir and Selau.
After count 20, Misiliu Timothy is on 29, Gabriel Spae is leading with 290 votes.
Ross Michael Hamoun 26, George Irei Sayer 11, Carolus Ketsimur 24, Sambure Leonard is on14, current sittting member ALOYS TONY DEVUI is running second on217 and Aloysius Tosan Sangin is on 6.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 11:52 AM local time Bougainville
We will shortly be updating South Bougainville figures.
Latest is that BABA is going through elimination process and a declaration is expected by today.
We will give you the results as soon as we get them.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 11:47 AM local time Bougainville
The former Communications Minister in the PNG Government, JOSEPH EGILIO has been declared as the new member elect for RAU constituency in Wakunai, Central Bougainville.
He was declared this morning at 4am by the ARO for Wakunai Augustine Niamis.
MR. EGILIO replaces the former member, MR. THOMAS KERIRI.
MR. EGILIO polled 842 votes and runners up who was leading from count one, William Raovi who polled 815.
On the seat of the President, we only have the three leaders only but we will update shortly.
The three are, JOHN MOMIS is leading Central counts with 2460, JAMES TANIS is coming second with 2370 and REUBEN SIARA is 3rd with 747 votes.
Counting is continuing and figures are also changing…..
So far nine seats have been declared…. 31 to go….. we will shortly update.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 09:54 AM local time Bougainville
MICAH MOSE has been declared as the member elect for the TAUNITA/TEOP constituency in Tinputz by the Returning officer for North Bougainville, JULIUS KAIAE at 05.28 am this morning.
He defeated the sitting member MR. JOSEPH GITOVEA who fought to the end with 851 votes.
Winner MOSE was coming last in the race until the final ballot box which made him lead.
MR. GITOVEA polled 831 votes after the sixth elimination.
Counting for North has moved to the TAUNITA/TINPUTZ and based on the rate the counting for North is going the next declaration could be tonight or early tomorrow morning.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted at by Aloysius Laukai 08:44 PM local time Bougainville
Overall Total Progressive Results for President Seat
These figures have been added from all three counting centres.
North after count 51, Central after count 37 and South after count 32
We will update shortly
John Momis 7138
James Tanis 6139
Rueben Siara 1295
Robert Atsir 1061
Martin Miriori 948
Magdalene Toroansi 729
Sylvester Niu 197
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted By Aloysius Laukai at 07:12 PM local time Bougainville
Former Bougainville Governor, JOHN MOMIS has taken the lead again as counting continues throughout the region.
In the latest counts, MR. MOMIS is on 3842 after count 51 in North Bougainville, 1957 votes after count 36 and in South MR. MOMIS is on 1339 after count 32. His grand total is 7138.
MR. Tanis is on 6139 after count 51 in North Bougainville he scored 731 and in Central after count 36 he has 2287 and in South after count 32 he is on 3121.
In North Bougainville counting is still on TAUNITA/TEOP constituency and they are on count 8 which is the last Ballot box. Then counting will continue to TAUNITA/TINPUTZ which has ten ballot boxes.
Declaration could be made tonight or early tomorrow morning.
In Taunita/Teop sitting member JOSEPH GITOVIA is still leading after count 7.
His progressive total after count 7 is 376 votes.
Joel Toges is running second with 321 votes.
3rd on the race is ALISTON HAPISIRIA with 166.
This has also increased figures for the women and ex combatants seats.
In the North Ex combatants seats, after count 52 PETER JOHN BARIK is still maintaining his lead with 2928 votes.
Second is the current sitting member MARCHELLIN GETSI who has 2321 votes.
In the women’s seat Elizabeth Tangji Burain is on 1915 and leading the race.
Coming second is HONA HOLAN on 1411, Mary N Tousala is running 3rd with 802 votes.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 11:49 PM local time Bougainville
Central Count
The current member for RAO constituency, THOMAS KERIRI is running 3rd after count 5 this morning.
William Raovi is leading with 257 votes, coming second is former member for Central Bougainville in the Papua New Guinea National Parliament, MR. JOSEPH EGILIO is running second and 3rd is on 99 votes.
From the same count in Central JAMES TANIS is leading with 2073, John Momis is second with 1,400 and Reuben Siara 3rd with 634.
In our next update we will combine Presidential figures to see the overall running total.
In the women’s seat for North after count 50, Maryann Tousala is on 750,
Elizabeth Tangji Burain is leading with1722, Roselyn Gatana is on 471,
Cicely Kiots Kekun 362, Rachael Tsien Nanopa 105,Anatacia Lappointe 764 and
Hona Holan second with 1375.
There are still 11 constituencies to be counted in North Bougainville before we can see some real winning figures. North has 14 constituencies, two have been declared whilst they are counting one that is Taunita Teop currently held by JOSEPH GITOVIA.
We will also update shortly with other Central and South figures.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted at 08:29 AM local time Bougainville
For the Ex combatants in North, sitting member Marchelline Getsi Laris is running second with 1074 and the current leader in the race is former BRA Northen Command Boss, PETER JOHN BARIK with 1210, running 3rd is Eddie Mohin with 923
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted at 08:26 AM local time Bougainville
State of Origin game last night did not stop counting in Buka.
Counting continued and Nissan seat was declared just after midnight.
In South Bougainville communication difficulties have made it difficult for us to update with the latest figures. We will get all the update this morning.
We will also update shortly on Central.
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted By Aloysius Laukai at 08:17 AM local time Bougainville
North Bougainville Women seat, Elizabeth Tangji Burain is leading with 1420, runner up is Hona Holan with 1304 3rd is Anastacia Lappointte with 748
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted By Aloysius Laukai at 08:14 AM local time Bougainville
In the Taunita/Teop Constituency sitting member JOSEPH GITOVEA is leading with 213 votes, running second PAIS JOSEPH who is on 107, Havuru Benjamin is on 76, Our own film star ALBERT TORO is on 34.
Counting is in progress
Source: Post-Courier
Tanis continues lead in elections
SITTING President James Tanis retained his lead in the race with former priest and politician John Momis last night in the Autonomous Bougainville elections.
Early in the evening, Mr Tanis was on 5226 votes in the overall tally, leading Mr Momis who was on 4958, a margin of 268.
Next in line was lawyer Ruben Siara on 1044, former rebel group leader Martin Miriori on 734, Magdalene Toroansi, 622, business leader Robert Atsir, 536 and Sylvester Niu, 151.
Counting in North Bougainville was going slowly and officials were complaining about the poor food and drinks supplied to them.
They are working on a basis of dry biscuits, bread, water and cordial. Counting there is expected to conclude by the end of next week, while counting of votes in Central and the South are going more quickly and are expected to wind up by Wednesday next week.
Meanwhile, another member was likely to be decided by late last night. Veteran politician Leo Hannett had a huge lead in the Nissan Island and atolls seat and was expected to be declared the winner by midnight .
Earlier, at 2am, the Kokoda sitting member, Rodney Osioco, was rejected by the electorate in favour of former priest, Joseph Bausina.
Elections Results Update
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 01:41 AM local time Bougainville
Former North Solomons Provincial Government Premier and one time Regional member for Bougainville in the Papua New Guinea National Parliament, LEO HANNETT (picture) has unseated ANDREW TOPENSI for the Nissan Constituency in the latest declaration at the Hutjena Counting centre.
Leo Hannett 2008 in Port Moresby
Assistant Returning Officer for NISSAN, MR. HENRY TAUL declared MR. HANNETT just after midnight. MR. HANNETT polled 1,385 votes with Charry Napto coming second with 942 votes.
If MR. NAPTO had won this seat he would have created history for Bougainville as a Papuan New Guinea Highlander becoming the first member for ABG.
In the last government a Madang woman married to a Bougainvillean became a member of one of the Women’s reserved seat for South Bougainville.
Counting has now moved to the Taunita /Teop Constituency.
Elections Results Update
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 12:05 AM local time Bougainville
Hutjena Counting Centre:
The ABG President JAMES TANIS is leading in the race for the Presidential seat.
According the progressive totals from South Central and North, MR. TANIS is leading with 5226 votes whilst John Momis is coming second with 4958 as counting progresses towards Buin in South Bougainville.
MR. TANIS was trailing to MR.MOMIS earliers but picked up when counting went into his own electorate of BOLAVE.
Counting is progressing very slowly and could another week.
Elections Results Update
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 11:43 PM local time Bougainville
Five seats have been declared throughout the Autonomous Region since counting for the ABG Second General Elections started last Saturday.
This means thirty five seats are yet to be declared for the 40 seat ABG House of Representatives.
From the five, Three seats are from Central, KONGARA has been retained by sitting member and Minister for Primary Industry, DOMINIC ITTA, Joseph Bausina won the KOKODA seat and JOHN KEN is the new member elect for SOUTH NASIOI.
In South Bougainville, STEVEN SUAKO is the new member elect for Torokina.
He replaces William Epota. In south MR. LAWRENCE UAKAI unseated TONY SIONA for the BOLAVE seat.
And in North Bougainville only Atolls was declared out of the fourteen constituencies in North Bougainville.
The controversial Minister,TAEHU PAIS was unseated by a businessman based in Buka and who owns the MV SIBONA, Frank Pasini Marena.
The outgoing Member Taehu Pais was the minister who personally travelled to Philippines to buy the Sankamap two.
This was a controversial decision made by the Late ABG President KABUI’s government which many people opposed.
They said that the old Sankamap one could have been repaired instead of getting the old modified fishing vessel.
Elections Results Update
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 11:24 PM local time Bougainville
Counting at the Hutjena secondary school has been on Nissan Constituency only.
This has taken whole of last night and today and tonight they are working on eliminations.
Declaration for Nissan could be in the early hours of tomorrow morning Thursday 27th May
In south Bougainville due to unreliable communications with our team on the ground we were unable to get the figures.
But reports from Buin is that the BOLAVE constituency has been declared this afternoon.
The new member elect is MR. LAWRENCE UAKAI a NGO man from Sikoreva village.
In Central, South Nasioi seat has also been declared tonight at 9.25 pm by the Returning Officer Lucy Traverts.
The new member elect is JOHN KEN who polled 817 votes.
Ishmael Toroama came second with 707 votes.
The counters have left Kieta constituencies and started on RAO constituency in Wakunai.
They would then moved to Terra constituency also in Wakunai.
Source: Post-Courier
Tanis leads in Central Bougainville
AUTONOMOUS Bougainville Government President James Tanis maintained a clear lead in Central Bougainville as of close of business yesterday.
Tanis, during progressive count 16 was leading with 1405 votes, while John Momis was trailing third with 346 votes. Martin Miriori, elder brother to late president Joseph Kabui, picked up in his home ground coming third with 395 votes while lawyer Reuben Siara was running second with 485 votes.
Progressive results from Buin, South Bougainville, could not reach the central tally room on time but figures from the electoral office at count 17 detailed Tanis had taken over from Momis in his home ground with 1307 votes, leaving Momis second with 974 votes. Momis was leading all the way since the beginning of the Buin count until they reached the Bolave constituency votes.
Bolave, together with Baba and Lato, make up Bana district, home of Tanis. In North Bougainville Momis soared to a victorious 1084 votes, leading from the beginning while Tanis was trailing in second with 305 votes, Siara 181, Robert Atsir 66, lone woman candidate Magdalene Toroansi 45, Sylvester Niu 33 and Miriori 27. These were mainly votes from Bougainvilleans outside Bougainville - Lae, Port Moresby and East New Britain including Atolls. These were the progressive scores provided at 5pm yesterday.
North is counting Nissan ballot boxes, Central counting Kokoda and south Bolave constituencies.
Meanwhile, as of last night, count 16 from Central Bougainville was disputed by scrutineers.
Elections Results Update
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 03:45 AM Bougainville time
Central Counting centre has declared its second seat at 02.20 am by the Central Returning Officer Lucy Traverts.
Former catholic priest JOSEPH BAUSINA won with 928 votes.
Danny Palipal came second with 406 votes.
Counting has moved to South Nasioi seat.
Member elect Joseph Bausina unseats MR. RODNEY OSIOCO
South Nasioi constituency has five candidates contesting including former BRA man ISHMAEL TOROAMA
Source: Post-Courier
Tanis leads Momis in ABG Counting
and FABIAN GATANA in Arawa
BOUGAINVILLE made its first declaration in Central Bougainville with incumbent Dominic Itta retaining his seat in the Kongara constituency after 12 hours of counting in Arawa.
Dominic Itta who is the current ABG Minister for Agriculture retained his seat with 856 votes to his rival and the only other candidate contesting the seat Amos Ove with 385 votes.
Lucy Travetz, returning officer for Central Bougainville, made the declaration at 10.14 am after the final count. Kongara constituency in the Kieta District has a population of 1, 241 eligible voters.
Mr Itta, in his acceptance speech, thanked and acknowledged his rival Mr Ove who is also his uncle and said that it was the decision of the people that he be re-elected again.
As of 8:30pm last night Mr Tanis took over from Mr Momis with 1341 votes, Momis with 1283 votes and trailing third was Siara with 314 votes. Tanis collected 126 votes in North (BOB) boxes, 300 in South and 915 in Central (at count 9).
Momis had collected 707 votes in South (count 10), 378 in North (count 27) and Central 198 votes (count 9). Siara had 217 central, 80 in North and 17 south.
Source: Post-Courier
Red Cross Buka at the crossroads
BOUGAINVILLE’S Red Cross branch is in trouble with criticism now hitting hard at the use of funds and the operations of the branch.
The office has been alleged to have misused more than K100,000 in funds not acquitted since 2005. Reports claim that Red Cross materials to build their office space have also gone missing with records distorted.
There is also no clear indication as to who is the chairman of the organisation. There is confusion as to the executives of the branch.
Last Wednesday, a statement released by Robert Tsikoa on behalf of the elders and youths in North Bougainville questioned the operations of Red Cross in the region.
“We the people would like to know what is happening with the Red Cross in Bougainville,” Mr Tsikoa said. “We had some problems in our area and some in the low-lying islands of Pororan and Taiof and turned to Red Cross but got turned back because there is no proper office and also we didn’t know who to see as they have two or three chairpersons,” he said.
“Whatever is going on is their politics, all we ordinary people want is containers because water is very scarce in many island parts and with the dry spell we need assistance from Red Cross.”
Another Carterets island family were turned back last week when trying to seek help from Red Cross Buka. They wanted some containers and canvas.
Yesterday, Thomas Rabanz, Red Cross Buka branch executive, confirmed there were big problems surrounding the organisation and that acquittals were not in order but advised there was an urgent need to get Red Cross going again to serve the people of Bougainville.
Elections Results Update
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 11:34 PM Bougainville time
Kokoda Constituency (KOKODA)
President James Tanis is further extending his lead in the Kokoda constituency in Central Bougainville.
The latest figures after count 17 are, Robert Atsir is on 156
John Momis 346,JamesTanis 1411,Reuben Siara 485,Miriori 395,
Sylvester Niu 17,Magdalen Itona Toroansi 153
Counting was temporary stopped after a dispute of a ballot box in the Kokoda counting. This has been settled and counting has started after eleven pm tonight.
In Hutjena,Nissan constituency has six ballot boxes, two have been counted they are now counting box three with three more boxes left.
After count for the figures are as follows, Nathaniel D Brunis 20, Charry Napto 95, Former North Solomons Provincial Government Premier and one time Regional member for Bougainville, LEO HANNETT is leading with 514,
Bruno Nepel 33, Sitting member ANDREW TOPENSI 27 and Michael Reman 26
After count 44 for Nissan, John Momis is leading with 1644,Robert Atsir 99,
James Tanis 393,Reuben Siara 210,Martin Miriori 60,Sylvester Niu 36 and Magdalen Itona Toroansi 68.
Elections Results Update
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 06:03 PM local time Bougainville
The counters at the Hutjena Secondary School have now moved to NISSAN constituency.
They started at 5.30 pm PNG time. Nissan has six ballot boxes and have five more to count. This means we could see another seat being declared in the early hours of tomorrow morning.
Counting in Buin for South Bougainville is continuing tonight. Earlier they have been counting BOLAVE constituency which is the home of ABG President JAMES TANIS.
Kokoda seat for Central could be declared tonight.
Elections Results Update
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 05:57 PM local time Bougainville
North Bougainville counting centre has declared its first candidate since counting started last Saturday.
From the Atolls Constituency FRANK PASINI MARENA a local businessman based in Buka has been declared by the Assistant Returning Officer for North Bougainville, PAUL TOBASI at 4.50 this afternoon.
MR. FRANK PASINI MARENA now replaces the former member TAEHU PAIS.
In the Presidential seat and after count 42, Robert Atsir is on 66, John Momis 1,084, James Tanis 305, Reuben Siara 181, Martin Miriori 27, Sylvester Niu 33 and Magdalen Itona Toroansi 45.
This is for North Bougainville if you want to find out the progressive total you have to add on the figures from Central Bougainville and South Bougainville.
In the Atolls seat, after the second elimination FRANK PASINI MARENA is leading with 575.They have already eliminated Thomas Bikta, second elimination of Paul Tsube and third elimination they have eliminated the sitting member TAEU PAIS. And only two remaining they are Frank Pasini Marena and Benard Tunim who currently has 442
Ex-combatants for North, after count 41, Francis Boisivere 127,Franco Hopping 276,Peter John Barik 149,Vincent Vagasi 66,Eddie Mohin 261,Ben Malatan Korus 66,Jeffrey Magum 76,David Tsika 71,Korana Ratsi 54,sitting member Marchellin Getsi 348 .
Elections Results Update
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
ABG President James Tanis is leading in Central Bougainville.
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 10:33 AM local time Bougainville
After count 12 this morning he was on 1,322 whilst MR. REUBEN SIARA is coming second with 417 votes, JOHN MOMIS is coming 3rd with 286 votes.
Will update shortly with the latest figures.
Elections Results Update
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 10:29 AM local time Bougainville
Counting for the second ABG Elections is continuing throughout the region, but a very slow pace.. And only two seats have been declared since counting started on Saturday 22nd May 2010.
In North Bougainville, counting is now on the Atolls seat with the remaining box. In Central they are counting the Kokoda seat currently held by RODNEY OSIOCO.
And in Buin counting has moved from Torokina to BOLAVE in BANA district.
North Bougainville is yet to declare their first seat later today.
Elections Results Update
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 10:20 AM local time Bougainville
A second seat has been declared as counting for the 40 seats ABG house progresses.
The declaration was made by Returning Officer for South Bougainville JOHN ITANU at 4.20 am this morning.
STEVEN SUAKO won after the fifth elimination with 720 votes.
Michael Piriri came second with 595 votes.
Counting has now moved to BOLAVE constituency in BANA.
On the President we will be updating shortly when the figures are made available to us by our two reporters in Buin, CLARENCE VINOKO and DUNSTAN LAUKAI
Elections Results Update
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 10:19 AM local time Bougainville
A second seat has been declared as counting for the 40 seats ABG house progresses.
The declaration was made by Returning Officer for South Bougainville JOHN ITANU at 4.20 am this morning.
STEVEN SUAKO won after the fifth elimination with 720 votes.
Michael Piriri came second with 595 votes.
Counting has now moved to BOLAVE constituency in BANA.
On the President we will be updating shortly when the figures are made available to us by our two reporters in Buin, CLARENCE VINOKO and DUNSTAN LAUKAI
Source : The National
Bougainville, CIC tie up to develop coffee industry
THE Autonomous Region of Bougainville and the Coffee Industry Corp (CIC) will enter into an agreement to develop coffee industry in the Bougainville.
CIC chief executive officer Navi Anis and Minister for Primary Industries of the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG), Dominic Atta signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in Goroka last week.
Atta, together ABG primary industries chief executive Sam Rangai and cash crop re-development officer Louis Nixon Agavi, flew into Goroka last week and presented to Anis a draft MOU on the partnership.
“Those areas in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville that cannot grow either cocoa or coconut as their cash crop, really want to grow coffee,” Atta said.
He said the demand to grow coffee in the high-altitude areas of the autonomous region was very high and many people were currently returning to rehabilitate the old plantations and coffee gardens that were abandoned during the Bougainville crisis.
Atta thanked Anis for accepting their draft document and would return to formally sign the deal soon.
Anis, warmly welcomed the visitors, saying though CIC maybe a small organization in terms of resources and manpower; it has a big mandate for the country, and will look at the draft MOU to strategize in developing coffee programs in Bougainville.
Elections Results Update
Source : Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 06:55 AM local time Bougainville
Three Ballot boxes for Atolls seat has been counted and only one remaining as counting progresses this morning at the Hutjena Secondary School Hall and a winner could be declared this morning.
After count 40, Robert Atsir is on 46, John Momis 785, James Tanis 221,Reuben Siara 49, Martin Miriori 25, Sylvester Niu 30 and Magdalen Itona Toroansi 36.
This is for North Bougainville if you want to find out the progressive total you have to add on the figures from Central Bougainville and South Bougainville.
In the Atolls seat, after count 4, FRANK PASINI MARENA is leading with 429, running second is BENARD TUNIM 85, sitting member TAEHU KEALI PAIS 55, PAUL TSUBE 19 and THOMAS BIKTA 7.
Ex-combatants for North, after count 40, Francis Boisivere 94,Franco Hopping 238,Peter John Barik 119,Vincent Vagasi 59,Eddie Mohin 216,Ben Malatan Korus 58,Jeffrey Magum 72,David Tsika 62,Korana Ratsi 30,sitting member is on 238 on tie with Franco Hopping.
Women seat for North,Maryann N Tousala 76,Elizabeth Tangji Burain 391,Roselyn Gatana 189,Cicely Kiots Kekun 111,Rachael Tsien Nanopa 44, Anastacia Lapointe 264, Hona Holan 113
Elections Results Update
Source : Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
After Count 10 in South Bougainville, this is from Torokina
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 02:22 AM local time Bougainville
Robert Atsir is on 43, James Tanis 300, John Momis 707 Reuben Siara 80, Martin Miriori 27,Sylvester Niu 18 and Magdale Toroansi 50
We will update the South Bougainville one in the morning as communication is difficult as they are counting at the Kangu beach shed making it difficult to update at night.
Elections Results Update
Source : Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
ABG President JAMES TANIS is leading in Central Bougainville.
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 02:08 AM local time Bougainville
Reports from our team in Arawa have reported that after the last count on the Presidential seat, Robert Atsir was on 92, James Tanis 1066, John Momis 214, Reuben Siara 274, Martin Miriori 185, Sylvester Niu 9 and Magdalen Itona Toroansi 121.
And after count 37 which is the last count for all the BOB ballot boxes from Port Moresby, Robert Atsir 35, John Momis on 466, James Tanis 141,Reuben Siara 24,Martin Miriori 15,Sylvester Niu 18 and Magdalen Toroansi 23.
Counting for North Bougainville have moved to the Atolls seat and will declare straight after this seat is completed.
Reports from South Bougainville, Rose Pihei is leading the women’s seat with 873 votes running second is Benedine Kira 208 and the current sitting member Laura Ampa is trailing with 61 votes.
I will update the other seats shortly.
Source : Post-Courier
Power blackouts hit ABG counting
By Gorethy Kenneth
Counting in the Bougainville General elections got off to a rocky start with repeated power blackouts.
In Arawa and Buin counting was suspended because by the weekend returning officers and officials were still setting up computers and electricity supplies. Counting in these centres was due to start this morning but it began at 7 last night at Arawa. Counting in North Bougainville staged at the Hutjena Secondary school hall officially kicked off just after 8.30pm when Regional Member for Bougainville Fidelis Semoso gave his speech.
Counting was suspended at 8.30am yesterday (Sunday) in Buka and will resume at 8am today.
Counting officials spent more than 12 hours counting one ballot box, the “Bougainville outside Bougainville” ballot box from Kokopo, East New Britain Province. Two boxes from Port Moresby and Lae will be counted this morning when they resume.
During the 12 hours of counting John Momis, longtime politician and former Bougainville Governor, lead from the beginning of counting and by the end, at the suspension of counting.
He was leading with 202 votes from the 326 people that cast their votes while incumbent James Tanis was trailing with 64 votes and businessman Robert Atsir was running third with 22 votes. These were just preliminary counts.
Lawyer Reuben Siara was running fourth while woman candidate Magdalene Toroansi was running fifth.
Meanwhile, during the official opening of the counting, Assistant Commissioner of Police Thomas Eluh thanked the people of Bougainville for a “trouble free polling” period and challenged all Bougainvilleans to do the same within this counting period.
Mr Semoso on the other hand supported Mr Eluh and appealed for a peaceful counting period.
The hall at the Hutjena secondary school was packed with scrutineers screaming each time that counting officials made a mistake with the electronic machines used for counting.
They also screamed each time the power supply cut out.
Electricity/power supply went off on record five times.
Electoral officials advised that the power supply was low due to a single line voltage until PNG Power increased the voltage.
Source : Post-Courier - (miscellaneous)
BOUGAINVILLE’S having its five-yearly election and it’s all a flurry of strange faces with UN observer types and sundry others clogging up the place. It was funny when one of the international observer blokes strolling around in his official observer vest was eyed off by the locals. One of the local topshots asked our bureau chief Goreth Kenneth “is he the one from Vanuatu’’. It was just our Manus/Milne Bay ex-colleague Alex Rheeney who is now with the British High Comm.
Whose fault?
COUNTING for the ABG elections is being done at Arawa and Buka’s Hutjena. At Hutjena on Saturday night, the power was off and on half the night. Officials scurried to isolate the cause, pointing accusing fingers at the P-C computer and finally the police hot water urn! Eventually PNG Power guys upped the voltage to the centre and solved the problems.
Source : Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections results update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 11:16 AM local time Bougainville
Meanwhile, counting for Central has moved to South Nasio constituency.
In other reports, after the final counting of Kongara, Presidential seat figures have changed as follows.
Robert Atsir is now on 55, John Momis on 138,James Tanis 765,Reuben Siara 110,Martin Miriori 51,Sylvester Niu 5 and Magdalen Itona Toroansi on 103.
Source : Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections results update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 11:05 AM local time Bougainville
First Declaration.
Current Minister for Primary Industry, DOMINIC ITTA was this morning declared winner after counting for the Kongara seat was completed this morning.
Dominic Itta polled 698 and defeated AMOS OVE who polled 502 votes.
Dominic Itta was earlier trailing to MR. OVE but overtook MR. OVE to win as the first declared member for ABG.
Source : Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections results update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 06:33 AM local time Bougainville
Counting for Kongara seat in Central Bougainville is nearly completed.
There are only two candidates vying for the post current sitting member and Minister for Primary Industry, DOMINIC ITTA.
In the latest count, AMOS OVE is leading with 522 votes whilst the sitting member is trailing with 350 votes.
In the Women’s reserved seat for Central currently left unchallenged when its sitting member MAGDALEN ITONA TOROANSI decided to contest the seat of the President.
The current figures stands at Joan Jerome on 138, Elizabeth S Bade 186,Florence Molas Wangi 48,Rosemary Moses leading with 211 and Genevieve Korokoro on 79
On the Ex combatants seat, Robert Ereva is on 72, Eric Bibionu 90,David Sisito 202 Obed Jarito 19 and sitting member is leading with 305 Noah Doko 16
Update for Presidential seat in Central only, Robert Atsir 54,John Momis 100, James Tanis is leading with 363, Reuben Siara 78, Martin Miriori 46,Sylvester Niu 5,Magdalen Itona Toroansi on 58
These are progressive scores for Central Bougainville.
Counting for Central started last night and is continuing.
They will go for Break and return later today…. Counting for South Bougainville and North Bougainville will resume this morning at 8 AM.
Source : Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections results continued
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 04:52 PM local time Bougainville
Former Bougainville Governor, JOHN MOMIS is leading with counting reports from North and Central Bougainville Counting centres.
In North Bougainville counting from the BOB box from Rabaul after counting was suspended to Monday morning 8 am, Momis was leading with 202 votes and current President was coming second with 64 votes the third was on 30.
When counting will resume tomorrow Monday morning, counting will start with BOB boxes for Port Moresby and Lae.
BOB means Bougainvilleans outside of Bougainville.
Three BOB boxes are still remaining, that is two from Port Moresby and one ballot box from Lae.
The counting for South Bougainville is done at the Kangu wharf Shed which is making it difficult for our reporters who are now in Buin to give us up to date report due to unreliable communications.
Our two reporters have also reported that counting was started from Torokina ballot boxes.
And after count six, MOMIS was leading with 600 votes whilst JAMES TANIS is coming second with 95 votes.
Counting for South was also suspended this morning to Monday morning.
Counting for Central was suspended to Sunday from Saturday evening.
Meanwhile some candidates have complained in the early suspension of counting after only the first ballot box.
They called on the Electoral Commission to consider expenses being incurred by candidates to transport their scrutineers after these unnecessary suspensions.
With the use of Electronic Counting Machines for the first time in Bougainville elections it seems that although the process was transparent it was time consuming at the current rate counting could be done in the next two weeks.
Source : Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections results continued
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 05:21 AM local time Bougainville
The counting is very slow since it started yesterday Saturday evening.
The officials have distributed ballot papers from the BOB box from Rabaul and had to distribute to the 14 constituencies in North Bougainville. This would take the whole day Sunday looking at the pace they are going.
They have not started the constituencies in North Bougainville because they still have to do the same again with the BOB box from Port Moresby and Lae.
23.05.2010 ( 4 PM local time Bougainville)
Source : Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
First elections results
Election counting for the Second ABG elections has started last night.
The counting was pretty slow. It started with the BOB Boxes from Rabaul.
MR. MOMIS started an early lead as counting progresses.
Presidents are as follows, After six Atsir is on 17, James Tanis on 34, Momis 136, RUBEN Siara 5 Miriori 2 and Sylvester Niu 0
By Aloysius Laukai at the counting centre. Hutjena.
Other Centres still to report to Central Tally room.
Arawa just opened and postphoned to Sunday evening.
Source : Radio Australia Pacific Beat
Bougainville elections end today
Voting has ended in the Papua New Guinea region of Bougainville and the results could be in by Monday or Tuesday. It was the autonomous Bougainville region's second elections since a peace agreement ended a decade-long civil war in 2001. President James Tanis is hoping to retain his position. For the latest, I turned to Aloysius Laukai, the manager of a community radio station, who has been following the election process from Buka.
Presenter: Rob Sharp
Speaker: Aloysius Laukai, Bougainville journalist and community radio manager
Listen here !
Source : Post-Courier
Hard work pays off
A FORMER Bougainville fighter-cum static guard and dog handler from Torokina has proven that hard work pays off in the end. Xavier Tsiwa made his way up to a security manager, safety adviser and training officer and is now the successful owner of his own company.
Only 35 years-old, Xavier is originally from camp six Kasko, Torokina, south west Bougainville. He was educated at Gotana Primary School but sadly lost three years of education due to the Bougainville crisis. He took a different path when he joined others in the bushes of Torokina to help his fellow countrymen safeguard Torokina until 1991 when he enrolled at Tarlena Secondary School to complete his grade 10 certificate. But again, he couldn’t further his education because of financial problems but found comfort in a job he had. Xavier spent a year in the village doing his own thing and during that time, applied for a security guard position. He got accepted in 1996 and worked through to 2000 when he was offered another job with Niolam Security as a fire and rescue officer /acting airport manager. He worked there for 4 years.
He then joined Lihir Gold Limited as a safety adviser and training officer before moving on to become LGL’s managing and supervising safety adviser from 2004 to 2007 and then he resigned from LGL. He was with LGL for 13 years.
Xavier is now the managing director for X Enterprises Ltd, a company he owns and has several contracts to construct buildings throughout Bougainville, providing the re-establishment and redevelopment of regions on Bougainville. “It was a hard start and very troubling for me, he said. “I saved most of my money while working as a security guard and made my way up to start my own company,” he said. The Company (XEL) have taken safety as our utmost in doing business to whoever gives us contract. Safety solicy and safety plan for the Company is our utmost concern,” Xavier said.
Source : Post-Courier
ABG counting starts
COUNTING officials have undergone intensive training before counting this Friday. Polling officially ends tomorrow and counting officials have taken up positions in their regions to get ready for counting.
This is because for the first time in the Bougainville and PNG, electronic machines will be used to count the votes.
There are 134,279 votes to be counted. There are 27,648 in Central Bougainville, 57,979 votes in North and 48,652 in South Bougainville.
The presidential ballot counting will be undertaken in these three regions while a central tally room will be maintained in Buka for the official announcements.
There are 13 districts and 33 constituency seats that will also be counted at three locations. In Central Bougainville there are 10,181 votes in the Panguna district, 10,043 in Wakunai and 7424 in Kieta with a total of 27,648. North Bougainville counting officials will count 8104 votes for Tinputz, 2275 for the Atolls, 28,945 for Buka district, which includes the interim capital Buka town, Kunua district 7145, Nissan with 445 and Selau/Suir with 7930 votes. For South Bougainville the districts that will be counted include Siwai with 13,284 votes, Torokina 3255, Bana 13,377 and Buin 18,736 votes. This is a total of 134, 279 votes that will be counted for duration of 10 days.
Source : Post-Courier
Living ‘tough’ in Buka
‘I am living in luxury here compared to my other colleagues’
“I haven’t had a bath for three days because there is no water. There is hardly water here in the police jail,” Australian yacht captain Michael Northcote, who was sentenced to six months in the Buka prison lock-up, said yesterday.
“But I guess I have no choice while serving my sentence with these boys who are very good to me.”
How has it been so far? I asked him and he replied: “It’s been good. I am living in luxury here compared to my other colleagues who are using cardboard to lie on and others have nothing. I am in the middle of murderers, but they have been good to me and we are getting along well.”
Forty-six-year-old Northcote has a wife and a 14-month-old baby back home in the Northern Beaches in New South Wales, Australia. He said he missed talking to his wife in Australia.
Northcote was sentenced last Friday for being in possession of dangerous drugs on board his yacht, Perenti, by magistrate Vincent Linge.
But this Aussie is making the most of his situation. When asked to detail an ordinary day, he said: “We have two meals a day, rice and meat or rice and tinned fish and no vegetables and fruits. Sometimes we have biscuits,” he said.
“There is also no proper drinking water but I have my drinking water.” He says he has friends who bring him fruit.
Northcote is living in the cell 2 block with 15 others, mostly murderers, rapists and drug-related offenders.
The Post-Courier visited Northcote yesterday morning and caught him reading a book, under a nicely made mosquito net bed in a room with an extension cord stretched from the police officers’ office to provide him a little music and light.
He rushed when called by officers to speak to this reporter. Northcote said life is not so bleak as they sing worship songs of praise and share among themselves, comforting each other.
They also have a few guitars to keep them going.
Source : The National
‘Bougainville polls very crucial for the next five years’
CHOOSING and voting for the right candidate to head the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) for the next five years will be very crucial in terms of continuity and making further inroads in the peace and reconciliation process for lasting peace on Bougainville.
Lawrence Daveona (picture), of Guava village and an-interim member of the Panguna Landowners Association executive committee, said a total of seven candidates have been in the race to run for the presidency’s post.

He said they must elect the right person to “fit the bill” that has been set by the two predecessors as well as make a mark of his or her own.
“The people of Bougainville will have to make the right choice through the ballot.”
While elections have started and counting schedule to end by tomorrow, all of the seven candidates vying for the seat of presidency have in their own right, credible standing and qualifications to lead the people of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (ARB) and the ABG for the next five years.
The seven candidates running for the presidency seat are current president James Tanis, John Momis, Martin Miriori, Ruben Siara, Robert Atsir, Sylvester Niu and the only women candidate Magdelene Toroansi.
Daveona said while the presidential race has been tipped to be between the first four candidates, at this stage it was hard to predict who the eventual winner will be.
However, he said it was likely to be a contest between Tanis and Momis.
But, this would become clearer as the early counts of voting across the island were tallied and registered at the main tally room in Buka after the conclusion of polling tomorrow.
Source : Post-Courier
K32.5 million fix for ABG
THE Autonomous Bougainville Government needs more than K32.5 million to rebuild, renovate and develop the region’s former capital, Arawa.
Arawa town, addressed in sections was shattered with burnt buildings and houses abandoned when the Bougainville crisis broke out in 1989.
This is detailed in a feasibility study report compiled by the Australian Government through their AusAID program in Buka.
The report has not been made official but ABG Local Level Government special project officer Ephraim Eminoni said in Arawa recently that the funding was a huge amount of money.
He said the report provided recommendations in three parts - short term, medium and long term strategies to re-develop Arawa.
“Yes, it will cost K32.5 million but we will have to look at it in medium, short and long term so that we can accommodate the figure detailed in the report,” Mr Eminoni said.
In Buka yesterday, ABG President James Tanis advised that he had not been given the report but said he was not surprised at the figure.
“I have not seen or been presented officially with the report, but yes, I am not surprised that this is the figure quoted in the feasibility study undertaken by AusAID for the ABG,” Mr Tanis said.
“You see, Arawa was not built in one night. There were studies on infrastructure development and others ...I will make a full statement when I see the full report,” he said.
Mr Tanis however said that he had a different idea of developing Bougainville and Arawa, Buin and Buka for that matter.
He told the Post-Courier yesterday that he wanted to see the same study done in Buin and Buka, which will promote regional development of all headquarters.
“Buka and Buin should not miss out. I want the same feasibility study done in Buka and Buin to promote regional headquarters,” he said.
Source : Solomon Star
Pressure to reopen Bougainville mine
PANGUNA, Bougainville (ABC Radio) – Pressure is growing to reopen a controversial copper mine on Bougainville in Papua New Guinea which was at the centre of the island's violent past.
The historical hatred islanders felt towards the Australian-owned Panguna mine appears to be waning.
That hatred sparked a bloody civil war but now many believe the mine should be reopened to fund Bougainville's long-held desire for independence from PNG.
ABC’s PNG correspondent Liam Fox travelled to Panguna to file this report.
LIAM FOX: It's an eerie feeling looking down into the giant hole that was one of the world's biggest copper mines deep in the Bougainville jungle.
Scores of dump trucks are rusting away in the massive pit at the Panguna mine. The rest of the mine site is a post-apocalyptic landscape of corroding equipment, decaying buildings and scavengers cutting up scrap metal.
This was the epicentre of the civil war that gripped the island during much of the 1990s and left thousands dead from fighting, disease and malnutrition.
It was sparked by local landowners angry at the environmental impact of the mine and what they felt was the unfair distribution of royalties.
The remnants of the Bougainville Revolutionary Army, now called the Mekamui Defence Force, closed off the area to most outsiders.
But things are changing. For the first time polling booths have been allowed into the mine site so villagers can vote in elections for the Autonomous Bougainville Government or ABG.
Even foreign election observers have been allowed through the roadblock at Morgan Junction, the start of the no-go zone.
At a polling booth in the village of New Dapera Noah Toko is contesting one of the three seats set aside for ex-combatants in Bougainville's Parliament.
NOAH TOKO: You can see that a school is there and the people are here. They are trying to build up their new houses. In the war, there was none. Everybody just spread into the bush. So now we are coming back. So this is the sign of that business going right.
LIAM FOX: James Tanis is the incumbent ABG President and is hoping to retain his position. He helped convince the Mekamui Defence Force to sign a memorandum of understanding to open up Panguna.
JAMES TANIS: This is a very important sign that the peace process is working. In fact this is the most important achievement in this - on this peace process.
LIAM FOX: But this new openness could be short-lived. Mekamui's self-styled General Chris Uma says he made the agreement to open Panguna with James Tanis himself not the ABG.
If Mr Tanis is not re-elected as President, he says Panguna will be closed to the world once again.
CHRIS UMA: With no James Tanis I just walk away.
LIAM FOX: General Uma is an intimidating figure, solidly built with jagged, red-stained teeth from years of chewing betel nut. He also says he won't be giving up his weapons anytime soon.
Despite his stance, many of Panguna's traditional landowners say they now want to see the mine reopened. Chris Damana is the chairman of the Panguna Landowners Association.
CHRIS DAMANA: To enable Bougainville to get its own money, find its own funds and to run its own affairs. And we don't want to open other new mines because it's already destroyed the land.
LIAM FOX: He says a resumption of mining would depend on a new agreement being struck with Panguna's Australian owner Bougainville Copper Limited or BCL.
CHRIS DAMANA: The things that we want BCL to look on is the unpaid monies owed to Panguna landowners.
Secondly, because we are not part and parcel of that Bougainville copper agreement we want to be part of the new review of Bougainville copper agreement.
LIAM FOX: Under the Bougainville Peace Agreement that ended the civil war a referendum on independence is due to be held in the next five to ten years. One of the preconditions for the referendum is the island's economic viability.
Despite its blood-soaked history a growing number of people here see a reopened Panguna as essential to funding the island's independence from PNG.
Source : Radio Australia – Pacific Beat
Women a natural fit for politics in matrilineal Bougainville
Magdalen Toroansi is running for president - women are also campaigning for the reserved seats as well as the local electoral seats. Ms Toroansi explains how she came to enter politics in Bougainville.
Presenter: Geraldine Coutts
Speaker: Magdalen Toroansi, presidential candidate
Listen here !
Source : Post-Courier
Electronic counting in Bougainville
By Fabian Gatana
FOR the first time votes in Central and South Bougainville will be counted using an electronic counting system.
This system will be launched in Buka today.
Four stations will be set up in the three main counting areas in the North, Central and South areas of the region.
Rogana Mala, one of the Electoral Commission’s IT specialists, said that the electronic system does not replace the manual system but acts as a back-up or a check and balance to confirm that there are no discrepancies in counting.
He said that the Autonomous Bougainville Government had purchased six stations and the PNG Electoral Commission had provided another six stations.
“A station is made up of a computer and two projectors.
“All data collected by the computer is processed and projected so there is some transparency,” he said.
Mr Mala said with the electronic system, counting will take about eight to 10 days to complete.
Meanwhile, counting has ended in North Bougainville.
Counting in Kieta and most parts of Central Bougainville including all parts of Buin, Siwai and Nagovis are expected to end today.
Source : Post-Courier
More funds needed for relocation
By Fabian Gatana
THE relocation of Carterets islanders is far from becoming a reality as the Autonomous Bougainville Government struggles to transfer the 300 families of Carterets to their new locations.
The Papua New Guinea National Government allocated K2 million for the relocation exercise for these islanders - to date the Government is still battling with legal issues surrounding the areas they have allocated to relocate these islanders.
But on a positive side, the Catholic Church together with assistance from non-government organisation Tulele Peisa had managed to bring five families to Tinputz, Bougainville.
Only three families settled in while the other two returned due to homes not being completed.
There is still a long and on-going battle between the ABG and Tulele Peisa on locations - ABG has allocated different sights to settle the islanders while Tulele Peisa, working with the Catholic Church, have also identified their four locations to settle them.
While this is happening, the islanders back in Carterets are seriously starving from no balanced diet. Apart from the sea food they have on the table each day - sea week, sea shells and fish there is no garden food to supplement their diet because there is no land to grow their vegetables.
A visit to Carterets Island last week saw the island is rapidly wearing away, being washed out by the sea. Students have stopped going to school because there is now severe shortage of food in the four islands that make up Carterets - Han, Piul, Iolasa and Yangain.
“There is no food, our land that we used to garden is now washed away by the sea and food doesn’t grow in there anymore,” Francis Tsibi said.
“We want to move to mainland Bougainville but we don’t know who to go to because first of all there is no transport and also, if we go to mainland Bougainville, we do not know whether there will be a house waiting for us to sleep in.”
The ABG yesterday advised there were still legal issues being finalized and sorted out before the relocations can commence.
When asked if finance was the problem they announced they still needed more funds for the exercise and could not detail the acquittals of the K2 million provided by the Government.
Source : Post-Courier
New police boss warns against crime
By Peterson Tseraha
“If people are still holding guns shooting each other and smoking drugs, forget about independence.”
The stern warning came from the new Bougainville police boss Thomas Eluh when he met chiefs in Bana district.
The no-nonsense acting commissioner of police on Bougainville is a strong believer in community policing as is the key solution to Bougainville’s law and order problem.
He will be visiting Buin this week after visiting Arawa and Nagovis. Commissioner Eluh was met by paramount chief Michael Totobu and other elders in Moratona inland Nagovis last Wednesday.
He challenged them with a question: “Law and order is the key into Bougainville’s development and the much anticipated dream of Independence. When you are still misbehaving by holding onto guns and smoking, cultivating and selling marijuana can I humbly ask you, are you a Bougainvillean, and do you care about your home?
“Before anything happens, law and order has to be addressed.”
Mr Eluh said community policing was the only solution to ending Bougainville’s law and order problems and that the community had to work together.
He said police on Bougainville will be taking a preventative approach to crime through awareness in communities and not wait for things to happen and then react. Mr Elluh will be on an awareness campaign for law and order on Bougainville.
“When the new Government comes in I will arrange with all district administrators in all regions to have public forums on law and order and we will certainly need funding for that to happen.”
Source : Post-Courier - Miscellaneous
Kingly’ confrontation
SELF-styled King of Papala Noah Musingku was “holding court’’ with the foreign media in South Bougainville and talked of his latest timetable for dishing out dividends to the masses. Then a local journalist said “where’s my money and my dividends since I gave you my savings 12 years ago, I’ve received nothing’’. Stay tuned for the scribe’s full story and the “King’s’’ response.
Source : Radio Australia – Pacific Beat
Panguna mine may bankroll Bougainville independence
There's a growing feeling on Bougainville in Papua New Guinea that a copper mine at the centre of the island's violent past, may have an important role to play in its future. The historical hatred islanders felt towards the Australian-owned Panguna mine appears to be waning. That hatred sparked a bloody civil war but now many believe the mine should be reopened to fund their long-held desire for independence from PNG. The site has been a no-go zone for twenty years but in another sign of change it's been opened to allow voting in local government elections.
Presenter: Liam Fox
Speakers: Noah Toko, New Dapera parliamentary candidate; James Tanis, ABG president; Chris Uma, Mekamui's self-styled General; Chris Damana, chairman of the Panguna Landowners Association
Listen here!
Source : Radio Australia – Pacific Beat
Presidential candidate promotes investment agenda
Voting continues until 21st May in the Bougainville elections. While two women have nominated to contest constituency seats, 19 will contest three reserved seats but only one women is running for President. Magdalen Toroansi has had 30 years experience in public service and is sprucing a wide ranging electoral platform. Ms Toroansi believes Bougainville's fragile economy can be turned around with sound business investment including mining. But to do that she says the new government must develop a cadre of professional people in education, law, and engineering.
Presenter: Geraldine Coutts
Speaker: Magdalen Toroansi, the only female candidate running for the country's top job as President
TOROANSI: My platform is that I will bring government to the people, that means at the local level government level, government must involve the people in the decision making process. So what I intend to do when I am president or if I am president is that I will make sure that there are workshops at the people’s level, especially where it involves ex-combatants. It is important that they must feel that they are part of the government and that the government is doing something for them. And one of the aspects of the forum will be especially to achieve weapons disposal program or development, weapons disposal development program and what I am saying is that the government and if I am president will develop a law that will involve the welfare of the ex-combatants of the people who suffered during, affected by the crisis, whatever properties damaged when necessary, but the law will say at the time when ABG - the Autonomous Bougainville Government has achieved economic recovery and is in a position to compensate the people who suffered, who have lost properties. This law will fix update at the time that will benefit them. For this to come through, we must develop economic recovery, so through that process of ex-combatants consultation, women consultations, local level government consultation, workshop forums at the field level will discuss what type of investment be must make in Bougainville.
COUTTS: But that's a very interesting point isn't it Magdalen, investment, because in 2008, you were actually sacked by the late and former president, Mr Kabui, because of your opposition to the signatures and the mining contracts, and so that is part of the economic development isn't it. So what's your stand on mining now?
TOROANSI: The mining, it is a sensitive issue. I don't have and I am for investment, but I am saying that the involvement of people. They must decide at what time and what type of investment.
COUTTS: But you are opposed to it then and that's why you were sacked. So are you still opposed to it?
TOROANSI: That includes mining, that includes mining. The people must decide because there is, in the constitution itself. The constitution of Bougainville says there must be a plebiscite for my resource development, that includes mining, but I am saying plebiscite and Bougainville when I am president will be the first thing that my government will deal with. I will make sure at the forum the plebiscite itself on what the type of resource development will take place. People will decide yes, this is the right time to have mining or what other kind of investment you must have. The mines must open, but what I am saying is it will now open at the right time, with proper consultation, with proper process of impact studies developed, because at the time when the Panguna mine opened, it did not have social impact studies, it did not have proper consultation with all the population. Twenty thousand people died, the people's thinking must be involved.
Listen here!
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Source : Post-Courier
Theft leads to major oil spill in Kieta
THERE is a huge oil spill at Loloho, the former Bougainville copper mine port facility area in Kieta, Central Bougainville.
The lives of many Central Bougainvilleans are at risk from this oil, which was used to run the steam turbine generator and provide electricity for the port facilities - used and left 25 years ago by the Bougainville copper mine. Black oil was contained in two 28 million litre tanks left untouched during the Bougainville war.
One of the tanks was empty from the crisis days while the other tank was still full with 28 million litres of this outdated oil.

The leakage started from steel pipes taken away illegally by experts and individuals from abroad (Cubans, Americans and Asians) collaborating with the locals and illegally transporting the oil out of Loloho for the outside market.
It is now alleged that more than 90,000 tonnes of oil have been stolen and taken out in vessels - one allegedly sitting in Singapore and the oil still not sold because it is outdated as it was left there some 25 years back.
Locals from Kieta and the surrounding Loloho area told the Post-Courier that people came from all over the globe, setting and signing agreements with local companies and individuals who were illegally buying and selling scrap metal - part of it the original steel contained in the power house at Loloho - also one that connected to the fuel tanks, which eventually disturbed the pipes, causing a huge oil leak since last year.
Paying locals a little money and getting away with huge amounts of money because these pieces of steel were original, when sold outside they will get a lot of money for them and overseas they smelt them again and resell them as second hand steel in PNG, Peter Nabeu, a local told the Post-Courier.
But there is now a New Zealand environmental group working on the site to contain, drain and hopefully burn off the oil, and in time save the lives of the people of Bougainville.
An expert from that environment group Ron Brennan advised they were waiting for a letter of approval from Bougainville Copper Foundation boss Paul Coleman in Port Moresby in order to start burning the oil in Kieta.
Brennan explained that bringing machines alone to clean and carry out the operations would cost them $US30 million but the whole cleanup operation of the mine areas would cost $US90 million, covering Panguna and Loloho.
“We’ve got the approval from the ABG and the locals here in Kieta but we are still waiting for a consent letter from Paul Coleman (BCL) to start our full operation,” Mr Brennan told the Post-Courier last week.
“This oil is very dangerous. Once it spills into the sea, there goes Bougainville for the next 100 years, but we are checking every day for any spill into the sea,” he said.
“We are just waiting for the consent letter from Paul Coleman to start our operations,” he said.
Source : Post-Courier
‘King Noah’ gets skinny
BOUGAINVILLE’S self-styled “king” Noah Musingku’s so-called kingdom is growing with people believing they will receive their decade’s pay for investing in his Tonu “city bank”, South Bougainville.
However, the leader lost weight compared to the last time I met him in 2004.
His wife died four years ago.
His people are still waiting for the July deadline to be paid out and through electronic transfer if you provide your bank details in Tonu or the nearest office.
This is one of the many deadlines Musingku from his “royal throne” have set over the last couple of years and since police raided his office in Port Moresby in 2003.
Musingku’s city is made of bamboo and sago thatched houses with at least three buildings made of worn out corrugated iron and an armed and uniformed army of 300.
“King Peii 2”, as he is known by his 3000 followers — most who are facing problems and have sought refuge in his Tonu territory, is limping which is a sign that he is not really healthy. Surrounding him are mostly pastors from New Ireland, Popondetta, East and West Sepik and all around Bougainville.
The man and his kingdom have had visits from his “own-kind” like Macedonia, United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada and Australia and not forgetting the lone Fijian Maloni Namoli who has been in the kingdom for the last five years.
The 46-year-old South Bougainvillean, an economist by profession, stressed during the interview that he was not entitled to vote because he was above the law, the Head of State and could not be seen to vote for or support any candidate. The gateway through his “royal kingdom”, where he lays his head goes through three security checks.
Read more about his kingdom, his so-called dates of payout, his diet, how women are not allowed to wear trousers, how estranged people in his city still believe he will pay out in six digit numbers and what Tonu is all about in the Weekend Courier.
Source : Post-Courier
Me’ekamui general stands ground
BOUGAINVILLE’S most feared Me’ekamui general Chris Uma will not tolerate any mine talks until the region gains independence.
He claimed Bougainville never really benefited from the copper mine, instead the revenue helped PNG and other provinces. Uma was interviewed also by the Australian Associated Press and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation journalists in Arawa last week. When asked about who he was supporting for elections he said: “No Tanis, I walk away.”
Incumbent ABG president James Tanis negotiated his “comeback” to reality and had assured them of a good working relationship and to be assisted in the future. Until early April, the road block at the Morgan junction was closed to the public and could only be used by locals travelling to and from Tonu, Bana, and Nagovis, including Buin areas. Uma and his soldiers manned the Morgan junction roadblock with high-powered guns. Uma signed an agreement with Tanis and the ABG in April to signal a good working relationship and to join the peace process. The 47-year-old from Kerei, Kieta completed year six schooling in 1983, and has since spent most of his life in the wilderness because of what he called “my life those days”. He spent 1984 in the Kuberia prison in Manetai, Central Bougainville for a “wrong he did”. From 1985 to 1987 he lazed around in Kieta doing what he could to survive. He took to the bushes of Kieta to form a grpup and get ready for the Bougainville crisis in 1989. Uma has nine children and lives in section 6, commonly known as Arawa village. When asked how he survives without a paid job, he uttered hesitantly, “we survive”.
Source : Post-Courier
Aussie jailed for 6 months in Buka
AUSTRALIAN yacht skipper Michael Northcote has been sentenced to six months imprisonment at the Buka cells.
Northcote skippered the yacht hired by the four crew members who won their case last month - among them a former actor, Putu Winchester.
Magistrate Vincent Linge ruled on Saturday in Buka that Northcote was guilty of having in possession the dangerous drug marijuana on the boat.
Before he sentenced Northcote in Buka the skipper, who also partly owns the boat, was asked to speak. He spoke about how the sentencing would ruin the relationship of PNG and Australia and how he was wrongly treated by the New Zealand police.
“We came here (Bougainville) to promote Bougainville as a good surfing and safe tourist destination. Instead we were approached by unmarked police who had machine guns pointed at us while still at sea,” he said in court.
“I am jailed because of false accusations of gun trading by the New Zealand police, collaborated stories by police witnesses and four crew members set free who just joined the yacht (some have previous drug records). These men were apparently about to tell their story to a magazine in Australia, giving Bougainville more negative reports to its reputation. Thanks Kiwis.”
The captain faces another case against Customs this Friday but his councel Gloria Salika from Young and Williams law firm is expected to appeal the case before the National Court today.
She was expected to make an application for bail and a stay order against the Customs case this week, pending their appeal in the National Court.
Northcote is now serving his sentence at the Buka police station.
Source : The National
Australian jailed for drug possession
THE Australian skipper of a yacht was jailed for six months by the Buka district court for marijuana possession.
Michael William Northcote was jailed on Saturday after a two-month court process which earlier saw the acquittal of four other Australian tourists who were found aboard the yacht, Perenti, in Bougainville waters.
According to the facts, police searched the Perenti following a tip-off and found the drugs.
Magistrate Vincent Linge said he took into account that Northcote was a first offender and that he cooperated fully with the police throughout the hearing.
“Carrying drugs, no matter how small the amount, is still an offence. Bougainville is just recovering from a bloody, war the last thing it wants to see is its visitors trafficking illegal drugs,” he said.
In response to a last minute plea by Northcote to consider that the police actions had tarnished his credibility as a surf promoter and also Bougainville as a tourist destination, Linge said tourists were welcomed to PNG, provided they abide by the laws.
Perenti was earlier detained and seized by police and customs officials and forfeited by the state of PNG.
The four others were acquitted due to lack of evidence.
Presidential Candidates: the Profiles.
Learn more about the candidates for Presidency in the 2nd ABG election here! Simply click here!
Präsidentschaftskandidaten: die Profile.
Erfahren Sie mehr über den Werdegang der Präsidentschaftskandidaten bei den zweiten Wahlen zum Autonomous Bougainville Government. Klicken Sie einfach hier!
Source : Sydney Morning Herald
Panguna locals want PNG mine to reopen
Villagers who shut down an Australian-run gold and copper mine in PNG's autonomous region of Bougainville during a violent civil war now want to reopen the mine.
Bougainvilleans are now voting in their second general elections to decide who will prepare the tiny Pacific island for a promised 2015 referendum on full independence from Papua New Guinea.
The massive Panguna mine in central Bougainville was what sparked the bloody decade-long guerilla war that claimed an estimated 20,000 lives. The islanders now think their secessionist future might depend on the revenue it can generate.
Bougainville President James Tanis told AAP moves were now under way to review the mine agreement.
"Panguna is owned by the Panguna landowners, but people from all over Bougainville have died over that mine, so culturally that mine is now owned by the people of Bougainville," he said.
"There has been a growing opinion, even coming from Panguna landowners, with a basic argument saying that the bottom line for people of Bougainville is independence.
"If this mine funded PNG independence (in 1975) then it can fund Bougainville autonomy and independence," he said.
Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) executive Paul Coleman travelled to Bougainville last year for the first time since the mine's closure for talks with President Tanis in Buka.
BCL, which is owned 53 per cent by Rio Tinto and 19 per cent by the PNG government, reported millions of tonnes of gold and copper remained in the ground at the disused mine.
Panguna Landowners Association Chairman Chris Damana - an election hopeful - said mining at was once the world's largest gold and copper mine could resume only if there was a full review of conditions for locals.
"My platform for the election is for me to represent my people of Panguna and to reopen the mine," he said.
"We want to open the mine because Bougainville needs economic development in order for Bougainville to generate independence," he said.
"But there must be a full review of the agreement. Bougainville has to benefit, not just the mining company," he said.
"We are not divided as landowners. We just want to work out how reopening will be done," he said.
Another positive sign is that the Meekamui Defence Force (MDF), headed by self-appointed general Chris Uma, has lifted a heavily armed no-go zone around the Panguna mine.
General Uma, who controlled separatist militias throughout Bougainville's central and southern regions, has made an unprecedented move to support President Tanis in the current election.
Source : Radio New Zealand International
Moves underway in PNG’s Bougainville to review Panguna mine
Villagers who shut down an Australian-run gold and copper mine in Papua New Guinea’s autonomous region of Bougainville during a violent civil war now want to reopen the mine.
Bougainvilleans are now voting in their second general elections to decide who will prepare the island for a promised 2015 referendum on full independence from Papua New Guinea.
The massive Panguna mine in central Bougainville was what sparked the bloody decade-long guerilla war that claimed an estimated 20,000 lives.
The islanders now think their secessionist future might depend on the revenue it can generate.
Bougainville President, James Tanis, told AAP moves were now under way to review the mine agreement.
He said if this mine funded Papua New Guinea independence (1975) then it can fund Bougainville autonomy and independence.
Bougainville Copper Limited executive, Paul Coleman, travelled to Bougainville last year for the first time since the mine’s closure for talks with President Tanis in Buka.
Source : Fairfax Digital Trading Room (Australia)
Panguna villagers want Bougainville gold mine to reopen
By Ilya Gridneff, Papua New Guinea Correspondent
Villagers who shut down an Australian-run gold and copper mine in PNG's autonomous region of Bougainville during a violent civil war now want to reopen the mine.
Bougainvilleans are now voting in their second general elections to decide who will prepare the tiny Pacific island for a promised 2015 referendum on full independence from Papua New Guinea.
The massive Panguna mine in central Bougainville was what sparked the bloody decade-long guerilla war that claimed an estimated 20,000 lives. The islanders now think their secessionist future might depend on the revenue it can generate.
Bougainville President James Tanis told AAP moves were now under way to review the mine agreement.
"Panguna is owned by the Panguna landowners, but people from all over Bougainville have died over that mine, so culturally that mine is now owned by the people of Bougainville," he said.
"There has been a growing opinion, even coming from Panguna landowners, with a basic argument saying that the bottom line for people of Bougainville is independence.
"If this mine funded PNG independence (in 1975) then it can fund Bougainville autonomy and independence," he said.
Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) executive Paul Coleman travelled to Bougainville last year for the first time since the mine's closure for talks with President Tanis in Buka.
BCL, which is owned 53 per cent by Rio Tinto and 19 per cent by the PNG government, reported millions of tonnes of gold and copper remained in the ground at the disused mine.
Panguna Landowners Association Chairman Chris Damana - an election hopeful - said mining at was once the world's largest gold and copper mine could resume only if there was a full review of conditions for locals.
"My platform for the election is for me to represent my people of Panguna and to reopen the mine," he said.
"We want to open the mine because Bougainville needs economic development in order for Bougainville to generate independence," he said.
"But there must be a full review of the agreement. Bougainville has to benefit, not just the mining company," he said.
"We are not divided as landowners. We just want to work out how reopening will be done," he said.
Another positive sign is that the Meekamui Defence Force (MDF), headed by self-appointed general Chris Uma, has lifted a heavily armed no-go zone around the Panguna mine.
General Uma, who controlled separatist militias throughout Bougainville's central and southern regions, has made an unprecedented move to support President Tanis in the current election.
Source : Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Kina for Kina project scheme launched
Now here’s some good news for the people of Bougainville.
The much talked about and awaited Kina for Kina scheme has been launched, meaning communities can now apply for fifty percent funding for local projects.
Scheme coordinator, John Konnou, told a women’s gathering in Buka that application forms have been sent to Councils of Elders.
He said funding will be made available for water tanks and other community projects.
Mr Konnou said that start up capital is K600,000.
Source : Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Officials quickly remedy ballot paper shortfalls
The Bougainville Electoral Commission has taken speedy remedial action to address an anticipated shortfall of ballot papers for the conduct of election in parts of Bougainville.
Acting Chief Electoral Commissioner, Reitama Taravaru, told me that he was anticipating a shortage of ballot papers for some constituencies in Central Bougainville.Mr Taravaru attributed the shortage to the transfer of ballot papers to areas outside Bougainville such as Port Moresby, Lae and Rabaul.
He said remedial action was taken including notifying the PNG government printer to be on alert should there be a request for the printing of additional ballot papers.
Mr Taravaru said that election officials engaged by Bougainville to conduct polling in Port Moresby, Lae and Rabaul have been advised to return excess ballot papers to Bougainville. These ballot papers will be immediately sent to Arawa for forwarding to affected constituencies like Ioro.
He explained that the electoral commission based voter estimates on the certified roll. But some candidates had inflated the real number of eligible voters in their constituencies.
Mr Taravaru is happy that generally it has been a trouble free election. Polling has already been completed in most parts of North Bougainville and is continuing in parts of South and Central Bougainville.
He said counting venues have been finalised at Hutjena Secondary School Hall for North Bougainville, Arawa Telikom House for Central Bougainville and Kangu Beach Warehouse for South Bougainville.
Source : Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Development Corporation looks to the future
The two main figures in a deal which set up the Bougainville Resources Development Corporation, Lindsay Semple and Philip Rali, have resigned from the Board of Invincible Resources Corp.
A memo from Invincible Resources says that the two no longer represent it or any of its subsidiaries or act as its representatives on the Board of the Development Corporation.
The memo further states that the new Invincible Board, which is the controlling shareholder in the Corporation, intends to follow the wishes of several directors that it maintain a Bougainvillean-only board.
It is claimed that communications and transparency has already improved since the men resigned last month.
Invincible says it will continue to invest in projects focused on Bougainville and plans to re-open its Assay and Melt Laboratory, expand its communications centre and develop its biodiesel refinery in Arawa.
The company is in the process of changing its name to Bougainville Investment Corporation and will continue to expand its investments focussed on socially beneficial projects.
Source : Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Bougainville poll continues to proceed well
Polling throughout Bougainville is progressing well.
Acting Bougainville Electoral Commissioner, Reitama Taravaru, said day five of the elections saw everything running smoothly throughout the region.
He said international observers had been allowed to pass through the Morgan junction roadblock to witness voting in Panguna and parts of South Bougainville.
Meanwhile, Mr Taravaru has assured the people of South, Central and North Bougainville living and working in Buka town special arrangements will be made so they can vote in Buka town.
He told New Dawn FM that special booths will be opened next week after polling in most areas has been completed.
He said leftover ballot boxes and candidates ballot papers will be used to allow this voting to occur.
Mr Taravaru said he had made this decision after being approached by patients and guardians at the Buka Hospital and other senior citizens who cannot return home to vote.
Polling in Bougainville will end next Friday with counting to commence immediately.
Source : Radio Australia Pacific Beat
Bougainville election poses new threat to Panguna mine
Voting is underway for the Bougainville elections the second for the province since a peace agreement ended a decade-long civil war in 2001. A referendum on independence from PNG may be held sometime in the next five years. But, there has been a slow start to voting in the PNG Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
Presenter: Geraldine Coutts
Speaker: Liam Fox, Papua New Guinea correspondent
FOX: Well, I guess I came to Bougainville expecting the usual PNG craziness at election times, like lots of colour, movement, literal pork barrelling, where pigs are being handed out left, right and centre, seeing that fear and a lot of tension between supporters of rival candidates. But it is the exact opposite here in Bougainville. It has all been very peaceful and calm and orderly and relaxed. We heard just before about problems with the shortage of ballot papers, there have also been problems with people not being on election rolls. I understand there are two election rolls, and old one and a new one out at the polling booths, and some people are not on one and they have to be asked to move onto another polling booth. But people have all been taking it in their stride. There has been no tension, no frustration. It's all been very peaceful. And the first few days, it was also quite slow. There was a low turnout of voters in those early days.
COUTTS: Now, why do you think that it is quiet and calm as distinct from its history, is it because this is what the people really want?
FOX: Yes, and I think locals have told us that that is not just the way the usual stereotype we have at PNG elections, it's not just the way it is done here in Bougainville. There isn't that great deal of tension between rival supporters or tension that can flare into violence anyway. They do it their own way and that seems to be a very calm and peaceful way.
COUTTS: And there have been unconfirmed reports of ballot boxes being hijacked. Are you seeing any evidence of that or hearing about that?
FOX: I spoke to a senior police officer who is involved in providing, ensuring security during the election and he said basically the same thing that a fellow from Yadoun said that no, that is not true, that is the claim made by one of the presidential candidates and these things can always be investigated afterwards and taken to disputed returns.
COUTTS: Now you have been to Panguna, which is the seat of the problems for Bougainville. What did you see there?
FOX: Well once again, orderly voting. We went to one polling booth within the mine site and yeah orderly polling, slow turnout. We spoke to one of the candidates for one of the seats that has been set aside for ex-combatants and he said the fact that voting is taking place in Panguna is a real sign that the peace process is working. Interestingly though, we did speak to Chris Uma now he is the self-appointed general of the Mekamui defence force, which is the successor and remnants of the Bougainville Revolutionary Army and he's the man that has opened up Panguna, both in voting and to foreign election observers and he said that it's his preferred presidential candidate. which is James Tanis, isn't re-elected as president, he will shutdown Panguna again and close the Morgan Junction roadblock to outsiders. He believes he has formed a bit of a relationship with James Tanis that has enabled him to come into the peace process over the last few months and he sees eye-to-eye with James Tanis and if he is not re-elected, everything goes backwards.
Source : The National
Rebel group backs Bougainville president
A CONTROVERSIAL separatist movement that never recognized the Autonomous Bougainville Government has thrown its support behind President James Tanis, who said he could work with the splinter group if re-elected.
Bougainville has begun its second-ever general election with voting throughout a region still scared by the decade-long civil war with the Papua New Guinean Defense Force that was sparked over an Australian-run gold and copper mine.
From 1987 to 1997, the bloody conflict reportedly claimed 20,000 lives from fighting or disease.
As part of the 2001 peace agreement, Bougainville was granted autonomy from PNG with plans for moving to full independence vote in the future.
Australia was inextricably linked to the conflict by providing military support to the PNGDF and assistance to the PNG government in blocking Bougainville’s secessionist movement, fearing it could lead to the balkanization of the Pacific.
But years on, Bougainvilleans themselves remain divided on not just whether to re-open the massive Panguna mine on the island’s centre but on more fundamental political, historical and cultural issues surrounding the peace and reconciliation process.
Tanis told AAP in Arawa that he was working with the heavily-armed Meekamui forces, that previously wanted to form their own government, and opposed the reopening Panguna mine and want to take Bougainville back to traditional ways.
“One of the most difficult things I’ve delivered as president is to get Meekamui’s Chris Uma on to the peace process and to convince him that Meekamui must support the Bougainville government,” he said.
“Uma has signed an agreement to work with me and I will find a way to accommodate some of Meekamui’s ideas,” he said.
The Meekamui nationalist movement has kept Bougainville divided and complicated matters with heavily armed splintered militias scattered across the island with many at odds with each other.
“I have secured an understanding with Uma for the last remaining faction on Bougainville to join the peace process and then to ultimately complete total unification for Bougainville and restore peace and security on Bougainville,” Tanis said.
For these elections, the Meekamui defense force, headed by self-appointed general Uma, has lifted the heavily armed no-go zone around the Panguna mine.
Exclusive Report !
U.S. Department of State heading for peace in Bougainville!
When the Bougainville Crises came to an end ten years ago, disarmament and weapon destruction became a major issue of Bougainville politics. Without law and order no economic development will be possible, without enduring peace the wish of independence will remain a dream - forever. Since 2010 Bougainvilleans get support from the United States of America to get rid of old World War II weapons left behind by soldiers from different countries.
Find out more in: HOT TOPIC!
Source : Australia Network News
Ballot paper shortage revealed in Bougainville election
The election commission under estimated how many people from Bougainville would cast a vote.
Almost one week after polling booths opened for elections in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, it's been revealed there were not enough ballot papers.
It's the second election since the end of the violent civil war with Papua New Guinea, which claimed thousands of lives.
The poll marked the first time rebel leaders have allowed voting in the centre of the region around the former Panguna Copper Mine, whose operation triggered the war in the late 1980s.
Manager of the New Dawn Community radio station in Bougainville's capital Buka, Aloysius Laukai, says it's been revealed the election commission under estimated how many would cast a vote.
"The election commission people should know that there were many voters and they should have catered and the election in most part of Bougainville is complete and now we are hearing from central that the election they are short of ballot papers."
Source : Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Election commissioner says there was no fraud
Acting Bougainville Electoral Commissioner, Reitama Taravaru, has rejected allegations of electoral fraud in Central Bougainville after completing his investigations.
Returning from Arawa, Mr Taravaru told New Dawn FM that his investigations did not find any malpractices.
He said that candidates who want to take this matter further can do through the courts so after the elections.
Source : Post-Courier
PNG continues to attract mining firms
PAPUA New Guinea remains attractive to the mining world despite the sentiments held by many critics as being “one of the worst countries to invest in”.
To September last year, 79 mining companies from seven countries including Papua New Guinea, owned tenements in the country.
According to the Mining and Exploration Bulletin published by the Mineral Resources Authority, up to September 2009, a total of 165 tenements were processed, 33 new exploration licences granted, 46 new exploration licences applications, 29 renewals lodged, one alluvial mining licence application and one mining licence granted.
Countries with companies linked to PNG’s mineral sector include Australia, Canada, China, South Africa, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland and the USA.
Total mineral export receipts to the March quarter of 2009 was about K2 billion, 31 per cent lower than the corresponding period of 2008. The lower income was due to lower commodity prices on the world market. According to the MRA Bulletin, significant changes to the fiscal regimes (since 2003) which are more investor friendly include income tax rate of 30 per cent, dividend withholding tax of 10 per cent, royalty of 2 per cent on net smelter returns, fiscal stability is now available for financing period, no additional profits tax, no capital gains tax, 100 per cent foreign company ownership allowed through exploration whereas in the past only PNG registered companies participated. “Despite the long history, geology and mineralisation of the country is not yet fully understood,” MRA said in its bulletin.
“It is good to know that, as companies explore more in their tenements, they discover new prospects not discovered by previous exploration programs. The Government will support any activities towards understanding the geology and discovery of minerals”.
PNG has the potential to earn up to K600 million every year from alluvial mining.
Source : Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Bougainville polling proceeds peacefully
Bougainville Police report peaceful polling throughout Bougainville on day four of the ABG elections.
North Bougainville regional commander, Inspector Cletus Tsien, told New Dawn FM that polling had run smoothly since it started last Friday.
Inspector Tsien said polling in Kunua will start this week, once a murder case in the area is settled. There was also some confusion in Tinputz, which had been settled, regarding the security of ballot boxes.
Polling started in Tinputz yesterday morning.
Mr Tsien said polling was stopped temporarily in Wakunai but started again after minor problems had been settled.
Polling in South Bougainville started without problem on Monday.
Inspector Tsien said police manpower has been stretched fully during the general election.
He appealed to people to continue with this good attitude so polling can be completed without incident and on time.
Source : Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Power problems blight Buka business
A Buka businessman has questioned how PNG Power will supply Buka villages when it cannot supply Buka town with a constant power supply.
The man, who wanted to remain anonymous, told New Dawn FM that the constant power failure in Buka town is killing local business.
He said if PNG Power does not have the capacity to supply continuous electricity to its Buka clients then it should forget its rural electrification program until it sorts out the town’s problems.
He said it was not good to create false hope to the rural population by installing power lines when there is no electricity they can provide.
Meanwhile, PNG Power’s Buka office is warning credit customers to pay up or face power disconnections.
A notice outside the Buka office says disconnections to properties will be done in coming weeks.
The notice further states that there has been increase in debts in the last three months which has resulted in the company issuing disconnection warnings.
Disconnections will be made without warning.
The warnings come at a time when there has been no explanation of why there have been continuing power cuts in Buka town.
Source : Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Extra booths for people who can’t go home
Acting Bougainville Electoral Commissioner, Reitama Taravaru, has approved extra polling booths to cater for people from Central, South and North Bougainville living in Buka town who cannot return to their respective constituencies to cast votes.
He told New Dawn FM he has approved the extra booths after considering the unfortunate people who cannot return home to cast their votes.
Mr Taravaru said these people included patients and guardians at Buka Hospital and workers employed by private businesses in Buka town.
He said that once everything is set, public notices will advise people on the dates to vote.
Source : Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Serious election fraud allegedly uncovered
A serious election fraud may have been intercepted in Central Bougainville.
According to the New Bougainville Party, a scam has been uncovered in which election officials brought in ten ballot boxes even before the official boxes were moved into Central Bougainville.
A New Bougainville Party official, Frank Nigu, who says he witnessed the transportation of the ten extra boxes on 27 March was not concerned by this until after he sighted an unofficial polling schedule that included the extra boxes.
He told New Dawn FM that the Party has asked the Electoral Commissioner to investigate these polling officials.
Mr Nigu said the Arawa District manager denied producing an unofficial polling schedule for Central Bougainville. Bougainville Police have also been notified of this incident.
Meanwhile, presidential candidate John Momis has called on the Electoral Commission to investigate the allegations and make sure the unofficial schedule is not used.
He said election officials and police who may have collaborated to sabotage the election process in Central Bougainville must be investigated and prosecuted if these allegations are true.
Mr Momis said similar incidents occurred in the 2005 ABG elections, in which persons not on the common roll voted and the actual votes exceeded the eligible voters.
He warned that if these allegations are true, then the people involved should face the full force of the law.
He also called on the Electoral Commissioner to make sure counting is done transparently.
Acting Bougainville Electoral Commissioner, Reitama Taravaru, remains tight-lipped until his own probe is completed.
He told New Dawn FM that he had already started investigations and left for Arawa to complete the investigations.
He said he will respond to any allegations after his work has been completed.
On the question of producing extra polling schedules, Mr Taravaru said polling schedules are gazetted however, depending on the situation, election officials can adjust them. However, a public notice must be given to make sure all concerned are made aware of any changes.
Source : Post-Courier
Rumours of extra boxes
By Gorethy Kenneth
POLICE yesterday brushed aside rumours and allegations that 10 extra ballot boxes were carried to Arawa police station in March and had gone missing soon after polling began.
It is a widespread rumour in Bougainville that the 10 ballot boxes were transported to the Arawa police station by a certain returning officer on March 27 soon after the issue of writs on March 26.
The allegation spread and was aired by candidates on radio, television and the print media throughout the region.
It was also alleged that a presidential candidate from Central Bougainville had deliberately done this because soon after polling began on May 7, rumours had it that all 10 ballot boxes were filled with ballot papers and removed from the police station without knowledge of the police in Central Bougainville. But police in Buka yesterday denied the allegations. Provincial police commander-Central command chief, Huitona Tohua told the Post-Courier yesterday that these allegations were not true and that they were only rumours. He stressed that there were only 26 ballot boxes earmarked for Central and there were no extra boxes as per the allegations.
“That is the rumour that is going around and the allegations were that extra ballot boxes were taken to Arawa in March after the issue of writs,” Mr Huitona said.
“We deny any such actions after our checks, only 26 ballot boxes were earmarked for that place and the number is still 26,” he said.
Meanwhile, another ballot box from the Haku constituency was alleged to have been confiscated, and taken to the police station.
People claimed the polling officials from that booth had used an exercise book to write names of those that were not on the common roll and allowed them to vote.
Police denied this but could not provide further detail on the issue.
Source : Post-Courier
Election budget short
By Alex Munme
POLICE in Bougainville need an extra K1 million to provide effective security for the second Autonomous Bougainville Government election.
The first K1.1 million for police security operations under the K6 million budget from ABG election was released but police say it was insufficient.
K5.8 million was released for the general elections with the additional K1.1 million for police totalling K6.9 million. The National Government allocated an extra K5 million for the election. The ABG provided K2.35 million.
However Bougainville police were out in full force to provide security during the polling period. Last Friday, 154 police officers were sent to East and South Coast, North Bougainville when polling began. Logistic problems included funding for vehicle hire and fuel. Those assigned to cover the Selau/Tinputz areas were delayed until yesterday. Only K1.5 million of the K2 million was released, causing hiccups in the operations.
BEC held a meeting yesterday to elaborate on the budget short fall and hopefully the rest of the funding will be available soon.
Source : The National
Family pays compensation for death during Bougainville crisis
A FAMILY from North Solomon province living in Banz, Western Highlands, paid K15,000 and five pigs as compensation yesterday for a death of man from Chimbu province killed during the Bougainville crisis.
Late Dama Alois was staying with his sister Mary Atobu in Buka when he was killed in 1989 by Bougainvillean Revolutionary Army at Damapondi in North Naiso.
Atobu told The National her husband Martin Atobu and her family took Alois to Bougainville in 1988 to stay with them before the crisis. 
She said that her family managed to take his body back home for burial.
Atobu said that her family members were continuously threatened by her own cousins for the death of Alois and was forced to move.
She said that the compensation she paid was to stop cousins and other relatives from threatening her family members.
Atobu hopes to reconcile with her cousins.
She said her family saved the money and looked after the pigs over the years to pay compensation.
Atobu said that she informed the Autonomous Bougainville Government two years ago about the problem.
They made a commitment to help her settle the issue, but she said that had not received any help to date.
Source : The National
ABG candidates take to the polls
FORMER Bougainville MP John Momis was the first presidential candidate to cast his vote for the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) elections.
Momis marked and cast his ballot paper at the polling station in Sohano last Friday.
Incumbent president James Tanis last Friday left for Nagovis to cast his vote when polling starts today.
The United Nations observers, who are here to monitor the conduct of the elections, are expected to visit other areas including Panguna.
The poll observers also witnessed some campaign activities since their arrival last week.
They will also monitor the counting of the votes in three locations – Hutjena Secondary School for North Bougainville votes, Arawa for Central and Kangu Beach Warehouse for South Bougainville.
Polling booths opened to voters in some constituencies in Buka, namely Tsitalato, Hagogohe, Halia and Haku constituencies.
Bougainville acting electoral commissioner Reitama Taravaru said polling in North Bougainville should have started yesterday, while those in other regions, South and Central would commence at the weekend and next week.
Taravaru said all election materials had been received and polling officials posted to their respective areas.
Polling began last Friday and ends on May 21.
Papua New Guinea electoral commissioner Andrew Trawen said he was satisfied with the preparations for the ABG elections and the briefings on the funding operations.
Source : Post-Courier
PNG a mining tax haven
PAPUA New Guinea is well positioned to host the growing number of Australian miners that are reconsidering their investments “down under” because of the proposed super profits tax.
The new tax proposed by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has already seen millions of dollars worth of exploration and expansions plans stalled by miners such as Rio Tinto and Xstrata. Xstrata is the majority stakeholder in the world class Frieda River copper exploration program.
Rio Tinto is the major stakeholder in Bougainville Copper Limited, the owner and once operator of the lucrative Panguna copper and gold mine in Central Bougainville, Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
With new developments going on in Bougainville, Rio Tinto is closely watching the progress towards peace and order.
Introduced in 2002, Papua New Guinea’s taxation regimes in the mining and petroleum sector are said to be more competitive with its neighbours and since then, many companies in both sectors entered this country to take advantage of the new fiscal regimes.
Australian mining magnate Clive Palmer made no secrets about his intention to invest in Papua New Guinea when he told the Courier Mail that his next project would be in Papua New Guinea.
Source : Post-Courier
Only in Bougainville
Words and Picture: WINTERFORD TOREAS
AS the saying goes, it is only in Bougainville that one can find many odd looking things.
Pictured is one of the vehicles from Buin parked at the roadside of Laitaro Primary School. This vehicle was used by one of the candidates contesting the ABG elections to conduct his campaigns. Standing next to the car is Cleland Sania from Siwai district, who could not resist his desire to study the car up close. Cleland was amazed after seeing that this car had many “homemade” parts. This vehicle is one example of the many “old-bombs” that can be found in Bougainville.
Source : 9 msn NEWS
Bougainville heads to the polls
by Ilya Gridneff
The tiny Pacific island of Bougainville has begun general elections to choose a president and a direction that could make their independence dream a reality.
Bougainville is still reeling from a decade-long civil war with Papua New Guinea's Defence Force that started in 1987 as a secessionist movement sparked by environmental and socio-economic concerns over the Australian-run Panguna gold and copper mine.
The bloody conflict reportedly claimed 20,000 lives through disease and fighting. As part of the peace agreement brokered in 2001, Bougainville was given autonomy with the promise of an independent future from PNG.
For the 250,000 Bougainville population many challenges exist and some say more problems exist now than during the crisis, considering the number of weapons that remain on the island.
The 2010 presidential race is touted as make or break for Bougainville's secessionist movement as the next government and president's job will be to prepare Bougainville for a referendum to fully cede from PNG sometime after 2015.
On Monday, in a trip south from Bougainville's centre Buka to the former capital Awara, AAP visited five polling stations with a team of international election monitors.
All stations reported low voter turn-out and frustration that many had been turned away because their name was not on the roll.
In a country awash with guns, fractured politics and unhealed wounds there are always fears disagreements could escalate into more bloodshed.
Polling will be held in PNG's Autonomous Region of Bougainville for 44 seats, including the top job of president, until May 21 with a president expected to be announced in early June.
Despite a list of hopefuls, the election will be an inter-generational race between current president James Tanis and the older John Momis, who has recently returned from China where he was PNG's ambassador.
Mr Tanis, 43, a former fighter in the Bougainville Revolutionary Army, replaced rebel leader-cum-president the late Joseph Kabui, who died of a heart attack in 2008.
Mr Momis, 71, is a popular former Catholic priest, former Bougainville governor and former PNG MP who polled well against Kabui in the region's first presidential race in 2005.
The most difficult task for the new president will be brokering which way Panguna landowners will go in Bougainville's efforts to re-open the controversial mine.
Panguna, in central Bougainville, was once home to the world's largest gold and copper mines, making Bougainville PNG's most prosperous province and providing a quarter of the country's gross domestic product (GDP).
Disputes over royalties, environmental concerns and other grievances led to a total blockade of the island and a guerrilla campaign that was labelled the "Coconut Revolution" due to the rebels' reliance on coconuts.
But the struggle left the once impressive infrastructure decayed and dilapidated. Some believe Bougainville is in such a poor economic state that it is not ready to go it alone.
So, while the Panguna mine sparked the struggle, it is now seen as a key to unlocking Bougainville's independent future. Especially since BCL reported to the Australian Stock Exchange last year that more than a billion tonnes of gold and copper ore remains in the Panguna site.
Panguna landowners remain divided and the post-conflict politics would be quite complex for any president.
Mr Momis, with closer connections to PNG and China, is seen to be more cautious of the push for independence.
His status as an elder may help resolve the raft of disputes that continue to block prosperity in Bougainville.
Both men have a tough job ahead but the toughest job for anyone is to predict Bougainvillean politics.
Source : Furche (AT)
"Furche" berichtet über die Pangunamine
Die österreichische Wochenzeitung "Furche" hat unlängst in ihrem Dossier 17 2010 einen Artikel über die Pangunamine veröffentlicht. Da der Autor Wolfgang Machreich in dem betreffenden Artikel die Situation auf Bougainville ausgesprochen einseitig darstellt und zum Teil auch Unwahrheiten kolportiert, haben die ESBC die Chefredaktion der "Furche" gebeten, zukünftig für eine umfassende sowie korrekte Darstellung der Aktivitäten von Bougainville Copper Ltd. Sorge zu tragen. Dies gilt speziell für das andauernde soziale Engagement der Bougainville Copper Foundation auf der Insel.
Source : Post-Courier
Police manpower stretched
POLICE manpower in Bougainville is outnumbered by polling officials and teams and deployment to each polling booth is at least two policemen/women, says the region’s assistant commissioner of police Thomas Eluh.
Bougainvilleans throughout the region fronted up at the polling booths to cast their votes for the new ABG Government last Friday.
Deployment of police in north Bougainville started on a high note with those in the central and south a little slow.
Commander Eluh said although his men could not cater fully for the 200-plus polling booths scattered throughout the region, he was confident his policemen and women would effectively provide support and security of the election right up to the swearing in of new members. He said they were trained on specifics, especially based on the provision of security over the election period.
He said there will be two policemen/women to each polling booth all over the region and he was confident there would not be any major disruptions during polling and counting.
But ACP Eluh over the weekend appealed in the strongest manner to the people, the leaders and the candidates to “own” this election, protect and respect it so that there would not be any major incidents affecting the smooth operations of the election.
“Since the start of polling, there have not been any incidents. I appeal strongly to the leaders and candidates to allow every process to take place. This election is very important to the people of Bougainville.
There has been no major disruption to campaigns by individual candidates throughout the region and leaders and I appeal for the same during the polling and counting periods,” said Mr Eluh.
Source : Post-Courier
Niu vision for Bougainville
HE has a soft heart and one that he says is crying out for the people of Bougainville because he sees poverty right at their doorsteps - even those who least expect to be classified as poor.
For the last five elections - the National Government elections in 2002, 2007 and the first ABG elections in 2005 and the by-election, this man, who is contesting for the fifth time, is trying his luck for the sake of the people of Bougainville.
Presidential candidate Sylvester Niu is adamant he should be Bougainville’s next president because he’s got a “Niu” vision for Bougainville that will benefit the small people - namely the youths and ordinary citizens - who over the years have missed out on government services.
Niu has a vision for Bougainville. He says if he is elected President, within 100 days in office, K1 billion will be found for the ABG to operate within its five year term.
There are some on the island who claim Niu is only contesting year in, year out because it is his pasttime and hobby. But Niu says that it is wrong and that mentality should be changed - that he has been contesting “for donkey years” because he’s got the heart for ordinary Bougainvilleans.
“My aim is, within 100 days of power of authority K1 billion will be sourced for the ABG to operate within its five year term,” Mr Niu said.
“This funding will be utilised on a 75 per cent/25 per cent ratio for peace building and reconciliation, infrastructure, creation of business investments and the running of the Bougainville Public Service under the Bougainville Administration,” he said. “The 75 per cent (K750 million) half of the ratio will be used on peace building and reconciliation, infrastructure and creation of business investments.
“The 25 per cent (K250 million) will be used in running the Bougainville Public Service under the Bougainville administration for effective and efficient service delivery to the people of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.”
“This will be my fifth time contesting (three ABG and two times Governor/Regional Member) and this is because I want to rid poverty in Bougainville. It’s here and we have to face it but get rid of it as well,” Mr Niu who has a “Niu” vision for the region said.
The 47-year-old businessman from Lemanmanu village has not been campaigning like other presidential candidates. He’s been distributing posters everywhere that contain his platform.
In his platform he talks about his aims in three ways, the first aim being:
* Peace building and reconciliation;
* Infrastructure;
* Insurance for Bougainville businesses; and
* Creation of business investments.
“My second aim is to foster a strong working partnership with COEs all throughout the region, the ABG members, all Bougainville national MPs and the PNG Government, NGOs, churches and foreign countries for trade and commerce. This is to encourage cooperation and oneness within and strengthen ties with our friends abroad to establish a pathway to economic recovery and the ultimate realisation of our destiny,” he said.
Source : Post-Courier
Voting picks up pace on Bougainville
BOUGAINVILLEANS began voting on Friday for the MPs who will make up Bougainville’s Government.
Voting kicks off in full force today for many districts and constituencies in central and south Bougainville, while those in the north continue from last Friday.
Polling started on Friday in north Bougainville on a high-note while in the central and south, voting was at a slow pace because the assistant returning officers were still travelling and sorting out things over the weekend in order to be in full operation today.
A total of 134,279 registered voters are expected to vote in the next two weeks. There are 57,979 registered voters in north Bougainville, 27,648 in central Bougainville and 48,652 in south Bougainville. There are 13 districts and 33 constituencies where polling is underway.
The 13 districts include Kieta, Wakunai and Panguna in central Bougainville, Tinputz, Atolls, Buka, Kunua and Selau/Suir in north Bougainville and Siwai, Torokina, Bana ad Buin in south Bougainville.
The constituencies contested are Kongara, North Nasioi, South Nasioi, Kokoda, Rau, Terra, Eivo/Torau and Ioro in central Bougainville –Taonita Teop, Taonita Tinputz, Atolls, Peit, Tonsu, Tsitalato, Hagogohe, Haku, Halia, Mahari, Teua, Nissan, Selau and in morth Bougainville and Kopii, Motuna Huyono, Ramu, Torokina, Lato, Bava, Bolave, Konnou, Lule, Makis and Paubake in south Bougainville.
This year’s election will also be the first time that polling will be permitted by rebel leaders in areas surrounding the Panguna copper mine, the operation of which was a flashpoint for the start of the 10-year civil war.
Acting electoral commissioner for the ABG Reitama Taravaru advised that polling stations would be open across the region and in full force today.
He said so far voting had been carried out smoothly over the weekend.
“There are already a great number of voters turning up at polling places,” Mr Taravaru said in an interview on Friday afternoon.
“The reports I am getting from the heads of the police have been very positive. Everyone is looking forward to this election.”
10.05.2010 11:37 a.m. (Sydney time)
Source : ASX Sydney
Bougainville Copper shares (BOC) +14,29%
as at 11:37:34 AM Monday, May 10, 2010
BOUGAINVILLE COPPER Trade Summary - Status |
Last | Change | % | Volume | Trades | Open | High | Low | 0.680 | 0.085  | 14.29 | 44,225 | 12 | 0.600 | 0.680 | 0.600 | Last Traded 2,065 @ 0.68 - 11:37:16 | |
BOC Buyers | Level | Buy | Quantity | Price | 1 | 2 | 2,705 | 0.675 | 2 | 1 | 5,896 | 0.600 | 3 | 1 | 10,000 | 0.565 | 4 | 1 | 3,994 | 0.560 | 5 | 1 | 40,000 | 0.550 | 6 | 1 | 3,184 | 0.540 | 7 | 1 | 9,435 | 0.530 | 8 | 1 | 8,000 | 0.495 | 9 | 1 | 6,000 | 0.490 | 10 | 1 | 10,000 | 0.480 | |
| BOC Sellers | Price | Quantity | Sell | Level | 0.680 | 27,544 | 2 | 1 | 0.700 | 25,000 | 1 | 2 | 0.720 | 25,000 | 1 | 3 | 0.740 | 3,785 | 1 | 4 | 0.750 | 9,241 | 1 | 5 | 0.770 | 25,000 | 1 | 6 | 0.770 | 0 | 1 | 7 | 0.770 | 0 | 1 | 8 | 0.770 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 0.770 | 0 | 1 | 10 |
Source : Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Bougainville election starts at slow pace
Polling in the second Bougainville elections has started slowly.
Presidential nominee John Momis was the first candidate to cast his vote.
Current president, James Tanis, is in Nagovis where he will he will vote when polling opens tomorrow.
The United Nations observers in the province to monitor the conduct of the election are expected to visit each area including Panguna.
They will also witness counting in three Hutjena, Arawa and Kangu Beach.
Polling booths opened their doors to voters in four constituencies in the Buka District.
Acting Electoral Commissioner, Reitamah Taravaru, said polling in North Bougainville constituencies should start today, while those in south and central regions will follow this week.
PNG Electoral Commissioner, Andrew Trawen, has expressed satisfaction on preparations for the election.
Source : Australian Broadcasting - Pacific Beat
Voting starts in second Bougainville elections
The Autonomous Region of Bougainville has begun voting for the MPs who will make up its next government. It's the second election since the end of the long running civil war with Papua New Guinea, and over 300 candidates have nominated to contest the 33 constituencies in the three Bougainville electorates. As well voters will be deciding who will be the next president. This morning voting began on the island of Buka, and on Monday the polling centres will open on the main island.
Presenter: Pacific Correspondent Campbell Cooney
Speaker: Reitama Taravaru, PNG's Acting Electoral Commissioner
Listen to Pacific Beat here !
Source : Post-Courier
Bougainville goes to polls
POLLING in Bougainville kicks off today with more than 133,000 registered voters throughout the region to exercise their rights to vote for their leaders.
This is the second Autonomous Bougainville Government election in search of a new president, women leaders for the three regions, former combatants and single constituency leaders.
The Limited Preferential Voting (LPV) system will be used. Polling will end on Friday May 21 and counting will immediately start at the end of that day.
The Electoral Commission said campaigning by candidates halted yesterday and any candidate continuing to campaign during the polling period would be dealt with.
There will be 40 elections that will start today which includes 33 single constituencies, three women seats (Central, South and North), the three ex-combatant seats (Central, South and North) and the top post – the presidential seat.
The polling schedule has been done according to the 13 districts which include Buka, Kunua, Nissan, Wakunai, Torokina, Taonita Tinputs, Taonita Teop, Panguna, Bana, Selau/Suir, Atolls, Buin, Kieta 2 and Siwai.
Most polling teams in North, Central and South have taken up position to start the operation today, while those in very remote areas start officially on Monday. Police also take their specific locations to provide security today and will be stationed at their locations until polling ends and counting begins.
Source : Post-Courier
Big days ahead for Bougainville
POLLING in one of the most important elections for the future of the united country of Papua New Guinea begins today . . . in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
It is a hugely important time for the people and the leaders of that island region.
The campaigning officially ended yesterday and now the Electoral Commission staff are off to the various centres and villages where the vote casting will be done.
Campaigning has been seemingly peaceful although punctuated by vigorous speeches and promises by the many candidates.
The people to be elected to office at these elections will take Bougainville to the brink of independence and possibly over the brink.
The promise of granting Bougainvilleans a referendum to decide on whether they want independence will fall due at the end of the next regional government’s term.
It is a topic of great interest to the people of Bougainville and also to a large number of people in the rest of Papua New Guinea.
No man is an island, as the saying goes. And there are many people of Bougainville blood who have married to people from other parts of the nation. There are also many from other provinces who have committed to a life on Bougainville.
Bougainvilleans hold responsible jobs in many parts of PNG and their services are valued, from teachers up in the Highlands to technicians and academics in the main cities. However there has always been a strong emotional pull for many in Bougainville to have things their own way.
They were the first to be given a real taste of autonomy out of respect for the emotional feeling. Yet the region’s future is by no means certain and it is not certain a referendum would vote for independence.
The leaders of Bougainville are finding that the twin tasks of completing the settlement to the times of crisis and of creating a safe economic foundation for the region.
It is not an easy task to rebuild a vibrant economy from the rubble of civil war. Much of the task lies ahead. The immediate chore is to ensure that the people have fair elections now, to choose their leaders for the next five years for it is the new leaders who are desperately needed to steer a safe course.
Source : Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Voting for new Bougainville government is underway
Polling for the second Bougainville government started at 8 this morning.
Election Team 8 for the Tsitalato seat started at Sohano Island.

Ambassador John Momis, Presidential candidate and hot favourite is pictured by Aloysius Laukai voting at Sohano. He was the first candidate to vote when polling started.
New Dawn FM, accompanying the UN observer mission, will follow the leaders' voting. Current President James Tanis will vote in Bana on Tuesday next week.
Source : Radio Australia
Elections begin in PNG province of Bougainville
Elections for the autonomous province of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea get underway today. It's the second time elections have been held on the island and these could be the last before a referendum on independence.
Presenter: Helene Hofman
Speaker: Liam Fox, PNG Correspondent
FOX: Yes it's a very rugged island Bougainville, just getting from one end to the other is a major operation, several deep river crossings. I understand there's something like 218 different electoral polling teams that will now spread out across the island to conduct the elections. There's also a team of international observers there as well. The elections are due to go for two weeks, they start today, so the polling will actually be running for two weeks. And then the polling ends on May 21 and the return of writs is on June the 9th.
HOFMAN: Has there been any trouble leading up to today?
FOX: I've actually just read a few reports from New Dawn, a local radio station on Bougainville saying that there has been a few what they call election related violence and in fact a couple of murders related to former rebel factions, but they haven't made the mainstream media here, certainly not the two national papers. But it does appear that there has been some election related violence.
HOFMAN: Why is it that they wouldn't have made the national papers?
FOX: I can't explain that, I'm not sure myself.
HOFMAN: Ok so it could come out in the coming days and what's security like now, has there been an additional deployment of police officers?
FOX: There was a big show by police in the last day or two. So they certainly put on a big show and asked people to play it safe during the elections as well.
HOFMAN: And as for the candidates has there been any indication as to whether we're likely to see a change in power?
FOX: Well there's certainly been a lot of talk that John Momis, he's the former governor of Bougainville, he resigned as PNG's ambassador to China, that he certainly could be a leading candidate. And perhaps people are thinking that after they gave James Tanis some time as the President, he's a much younger man, that perhaps it's time to put the leadership back in the hands of an older more conservative leader. But it's quite a hard area to penetrate unless you're actually on the island. So we're looking forward to going there next week to really get the feel and the views of people.
HOFMAN: What about the major issues that candidates have been addressing? Presumably there's the referendum on independence and possibly also the future of the Panguna copper mine?
FOX: That's right, the future of the mine is a big issue and that's tied up into the issue of independence.
If Bougainville was to become independent it needs some form of revenue, and the most likely source of that is the Panguna copper and gold mine. But opinion still seems to be divided on the island, some groups are saying they do want it to be open, other groups, in particular we spoke to the Panguna Women's Landowners Association a couple of weeks ago, they're opposed to it.
I certainly know that the incumbent President James Tanis is in favour of having it reopened if that's what the people want. John Momis' traditional on this isn't so clear, and it'd have to wait until we actually got to Bougainville to find out the views of the other five presidential candidates as well.
So the future of the mine is a big issue, independence as well and just the economic future of the country. As I mentioned there isn't really a great source of revenue there at the moment and they need to find a way to get that and continuing the peace process is another main issue and the destruction of weapons and ammunition on the island as well.
BCL Company Secretary Paul Coleman's address to Netquote :
Please note that the below article published on your website is incorrect and misleading, Bougainville Copper Limited has no interest nor does it expect have an interest in Liquefied Natural Gas in Victoria, can you please ensure a retraction is published immediately.
Paul Coleman
Company Secretary
Bougainville Copper Limited
Source : couriermail
Australian resource tax system worse than China's, says Clive Palmer
By Tony Grant-Taylor
BILLIONAIRE mining magnate Clive Palmer (picture) reckons China will have a better resource industry tax system than Australia if the Federal Government goes ahead with its super profits tax on mining and energy companies.
As resource industry shares hit the skids yesterday on the Australian Stock Exchange, Mr Palmer – a long-time member and supporter of the Liberal National Party – said the Government's proposed new tax, aimed at putting significantly more of profits being won from high commodity prices into the public coffers, was policy "tried by communists and socialists".
"It will mean communist China will have a far better tax system for resources than Australia," he said.
Mr Palmer, who has pocketed millions from the boom in iron ore demand from China, and has massive plans for coal developments in Queensland, said Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan was attacking the sector of the economy that was functioning well.
He was penalising the industry responsible for a huge amount of Australia's export earnings.Mr Palmer said a treasurer's prime obligation was to devise policies to grow the economy and create jobs."I've never seen jobs created by a new tax," Mr Palmer said."When taxes get to 90 per cent, the economy breaks down."
He said the proposed new tax would force investment offshore with his "next project to be in Papua New Guinea – you pay half the tax there that you pay here".
"This is very bad for the country. It is a very sad thing," he said."I paid $70 million in tax last year, quite happily."But if investment goes offshore, if money isn't being generated, it can't be taxed."
Source : Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Polling starts throughout Bougainville tomorrow
The Bougainville Electoral Commission has run a one day workshop for election officials at the Hutjena United Church Hall.
The workshop was to prepare all officials to be aware of their responsibilities and code of conduct during the election.
The workshop was the final briefing before all teams leave for polling locations throughout Bougainville and three provinces outside Bougainville.
A total of 218 teams will be deployed during the election.
Polling starts tomorrow and ends in two weeks.
Counting will start immediately after end of polling and writs would be returned on 9 June ahead of the 15 June official inauguration of the next ABG Parliament.
Meanwhile, international observers have arrived in Buka to monitor the second ABG general election.

International Observers in Buka (Bougainville)
The 15 member team consists of election experts from the Commonwealth Secretariat and the United Nations.
They told a news conference in Buka that the UN and the Commonwealth will monitor the election and the next stage of the Bougainville peace process.
They said at the last election there were a lot of complaints about the common roll which they hope had been addressed this time round.
At the same time, the Bougainville Police Service is also gearing up to oversee the elections and, to show off their strength, they paraded in Arawa Town with support from students from Tupukas Primary School.
Addressing the parade, Commissioner James Koibo called on the people of Bougainville to make sure this election is conducted without disturbance.
He said that the people must allow the process to take its course to see the people achieve their goal.
Bougainville Police boss, Thomas Eluh, also called on the people to protect the democratic process.
He said that there is a breakdown of law and order on Bougainville and called on the people to change this.
Mr Eluh said that if the Bougainville people want to be truly independent, then they must quit guns and marijuana.
He said without law and order there will be no independence for Bougainville.
Source : Post-Courier (miscellaneous)
Leakage’ worry
IT’S vote-chasing time in Bougainville and allegations are flying. Buka Hospital is still without a reliable water supply and critics say there was a K2.7 million water project headlined last year saying a company was contracted by the Regional MP Fidelis Semoso to supply water. Nothing’s happened, the critics say.
Who’s in charge?
SAME MP is targeted over the public launching year year for the upgrading of Buka market and that a demo cheque for K1.4 million was shown off. Now work on the market has come to a grinding halt, far short of completion. Contractors’ wages unpaid for many fortnights. Who’s in charge of the funds?
Source : Netquote Morning Market Report for Thursday, May 06, 2010
SYDNEY - The Australian stock market is expected to open lower, after a negative finish on Wall Street and weaker commodities prices during the offshore session.
At 0703 AEST on the Sydney Futures Exchange, the June share price index contract was 54 points lower at 4,637 points, on a volume of 8,413 contracts.
In economics news on Thursday, the Australian Bureau of Statistics was due to release the balance of goods and services data for March and retail sales figures for the same month.
The Australian Office of Financial Management was scheduled to auction $1.2 billion of short-term Treasury notes.
In companies news, National Australia Bank Ltd was scheduled to release its first half results.
ANZ Banking Group Ltd chief executive Mike Smith was due to address Committee for Economic Development in Australia lunch.
Brambles Ltd was expected to release a trading update.
Santos Ltd is holding its annual general meeting.
Bougainville Copper Ltd is expected to announce a deal to develop liquefied natural gas in Victoria.
The Australian share market closed lower on Wednesday, following weaker offshore leads, but mining stocks recovered some lost ground from their heavy sell off that was sparked by the super profits tax proposal.
The benchmark S&P/ASX200 index closed down 63.1 points, or 1.33 per cent, at 4,674 points, while the broader All Ordinaries index finished down 61.3 points, or 1.29 per cent, at 4,692 points.
The ESBC immediately asked for more information and comment on that report from the company secretary of Bougainville Copper Ltd. , Mr. Paul Coleman.
Source : Radio New Dawn On Bougainville
Bougainville polls ready to start all over
Polling for the second ABG general elections start on Friday.
A total of 218 election teams have been set up and are ready to move to various locations.
All these teams will be in place tomorrow, including teams for Port Moresby, Lae and Rabaul.
Polling booths in Port Moresby will be at Port Moresby, Boroko and Waigani from 10-14 May.
Polling booths in Lae will be set up at the Vele Rumana Building and at Eriku.
Team 218 will be stationed in Rabaul Town and Kokopo for people from the New Guinea Islands region.
Source : Radio New Dawn On Bougainville
Momis wants to empower village governments
Former Bougainville Governor and Presidential candidate, John Momis, says village governments should be more empowered so village people feel they have a greater say.
Mr Momis said all forms of village government should be welcomed and amalgamate so that they function properly.
He said that his government, if elected, would include all factions to address issues affecting Bougainville today.
He said he was looking at weapons disposal, good governance and economic recovery if he becomes President of Bougainville.
On investment, Mr Momis said policies must be set to make sure investors are allowed to come to Bougainville and operate in partnership with the people of Bougainville.
He said no outside company will be allowed to operate on its own as it is happening in PNG.
Mr Momis said that there is no closed economy in the world and therefore Bougainville must allow investors to come under Bougainville’s own policies.
Source : Radio New Dawn On Bougainville
Buka people asked to support education
Buka islanders have been called on to make sure their children attend and complete their education.
The regional member for Bougainville in the national parliament told the people of Eltupan village on Buka island last Friday that Buka does not have copper or gold but can still contribute with the development using their educated children.
He said education and manpower is one area that Buka can contribute towards capacity building on Bougainville.
Mr Semoso also pledged to donate K5000 to the Eltupan Primary School.
He also promised to give another K5000 if the school maintains its student output this year.
Last year one student from the Eltupan topped all Bougainville schools in Grade Eight exam.
Source : Post-Courier
Woman candidate dies
By Fabian Gatana
ONE of Bougainville’s women candidates has died apparently from immense pressure — health officials in South Bougainville have advised.
Mary Bita, contesting the South Bougainville women’s seat passed away last Thursday in her hometown, Buin.
Her relatives said she died of a heart attack in the middle of her campaign program in Buin.
An electoral office yesterday confirmed Bita died last week and that they had removed her name from the candidates list. She was among six women contesting the same seat. The others are Rose Pihei, incumbent MP Laura Ampa, Monica Karako, Bernadine Kiraa and Jembo Matanie.
No further information was provided for this issue. Meanwhile, there are five women candidates throughout Bougainville contesting non-reserved seats.
They include Mary Mamatau for the Konnou constituency seat in South Bougainville up against incumbent MP Wilfred Komba, Leo Paupau, Francis Sikiri and Willie Masiu. Lucy Madoi for the Kokoda Constituency seat in Central Bougainville against incumbent Rodney Osioco, Danny Palipal, Mellie Hakout and Philip Pinaung,
Elizabeth Sukina for the Kopii constituency seat in South Bougainville against incumbent Michael Komoiki, Cornelius Hururo, Isaiah Tapiau and Paul Tansi. Marceline Kokiai under the Eivo/Torau constituency seat in Central Bougainville against incumbent Alphonse Pemuko, Cyril Sawa, Robin Naika, Lawrence Sirapui, Melchior Dare and Pius Mariten and Francesca Semoso under the Tsitalato constituency seat, North Bougainville up against Cosmas Sohia, Robert Sisika, Joseph Gatana, Philip Oris, Peter Keria, Francis Borgia Omi and John Bosco Ragu.
All up, there are 17 women contesting the reserved women seats in Central, South and North Bougainville. Six for south Bougainville, seven in north Bougainville which include Maryann Tousala, Elizabeth Burain, Roselyn Gatana, Cicely Kekun, Rachel Nanopa, Anastacia Lapointe and Hona Holan. Central Bougainville include Joan Jerome, Elizabeth Bade Sawai, Florance Molas Wangi, Rosemary Moses and Genevieve Korokoro.
Polling starts next weekend.
Source : Post-Courier
Tanis - happy with his achievements
By Fabian Gatana
INCUMBENT Autonomous Bou-gainville Government President James Tanis is a satisfied man —even if he does not get voted in again as the leader of the region because he said he has done a great deal in 13 months.
Mr Tanis is one of the seven candidates contesting the top post. Other candidates in the running for president are John Momis, Robert Atsir, Reuben Siara, Sylvester Niu, Martin Miriori and only woman-contestant Magdalene Toroansi.
These are his achievements in his 13 months as the president of the ABG.
* anguna landowners old and new agreement resolution to say yes to reconciliation and for the review of the BCA.
* egotiations with Chris Uma, and a memorandum of understanding within the ABG and Me’ekamui “long wok wantaim” to make sure the election goes smoothly without any factions disturbing the election, and to support the BCA and to work on other peace-related programs in the ABG.
* BEC decision to change the policy to arm ex-combatants to be used as employed constables to help with the rebuilding of Bougainville especially with factions, by peaceful means.
* With the National Government was the broad-based draw down of powers and functions across the board with five completed and yet to be handed down by the National Government.
* Administrative processes with IRC and ABG — trade and industry with ABG and the Education Division draw down and Coffee Industry Corporation with ABG and mining, third step to the process of draw down.
This is the most important which is the review of the BCA.
On the international level, he made a courtesy call on the Australian Government at the invitation of the Australian High Commissioner on behalf of the Foreign Minister of the British Government. These were powerful achievements.
ABG policies he approved under his leadership include the Bougainville investment policy and economic framework.
He also worked on legislation to strengthen democratic institutions. He received an award declaration as the human rights champion of Bougainville.
“I am still working on the policy for crisis-related grievances. I haven’t finished it yet because of the elections.”
He also outlined his personal achievement.
“In general terms, there’s been an increase in internal revenue, - confidence of the Japanese Government to build bridges because there’s confidence in security, relations with churches, donors and NGOs and most difficult of all convincing Chris Uma to join the peace process,” he said.
Source : Post-Courier
Ready for a blasting...
UNITED STATES soldiers in Torokina have started building their campsite. By the end of this month they should be ready to detonate some world war two bombs that are being collected and stored for blasting.
Chairman of the Torokina war relics committee Albert Magoi told the Post-Courier that the ammunition was being collected and kept in secured containers with his high-risk security firm providing 24-hour security for the operation.
Mr Magoi said that the project was on track. Residential tents have been raised, the

kitchen is set up, the blasting site has been allocated, and the airport is ready for use in Torokina.
The first blasting is being prepared and it is anticipated the incumbent ABG President James Tanis will detonate the first bomb blast when the US soldiers put their thumbs up for the operation to begin.
It is not known what is going to happen with the ammunition but the Post-Courier has been advised that a full report is due to be tabled shortly.
United States soldiers in their camp in Torokina (Bougainville)
Source : The National
Bougainville women want say in Panguna mine negotiations
THE Bougainville Indigenous Women Landowner Association (BIWLA) wants to be involved in the negotiations for the re-opening of the Panguna mine.
The association is calling on the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) and Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) to include them in the negotiation process.
BIWLA president Joan Ona and her deputy Linet Ona, from Guava Village in the no-go-zone area where the mine is located, said the women own the land and resources in Bougainville but had never been considered for any decision-making in the past.
“Now that the prospect for re-opening the Panguna mine is high, we want to have a 50/50 representation with the men on any agreement and negotiations with all the stakeholders,” Joan said.
“We must have a say in any decision-making at the political and economical level that would affect Bougainville in any way.
“We are not opposing the menfolk or threatening the negotiation on the re-opening and return of BCL.
“We welcome BCL, all we want is to have a woman’s say in every decision made that would affect the very lives of Bougainvilleans,” Linet said.
Joan claimed that BCL had done extensive damage to their environment, culture and land during the mine’s production period that need to be compensated before re-opening and returning to Panguna.
She said one of the agendas in the re-opening negotiation with Government and the company should be the subject of association representation.
“We are a matrimonial society where women make decisions but in the previous cases, we have never been consulted and regarded as significant part of any decision.
“Now we want to have a say in any decision,” she said.
BCL chairman Peter Taylor assured the company’s annual general meeting last week in Port Moresby that landowner groups would be major stakeholders in the negotiations and be given considerable representation in any decision-making as it was crucial for the re-opening of the mine.
Source : Post-Courier
Mobile scam takes Bougainvilleans by storm
A MAJOR mobile promotion milking money out of Papua New Guineans’ pockets and promising them millions of kina has been found to be a scam.
In Bougainville, thousands of mobile users have been fooled since the mobile phone inception in the region and it is understood the alleged scam has spread throughout PNG. This is what happens - a message is sent to a mobile number, especially those holding Nokia phones and some of these messages read:
“CONGRATULATIONS! Your mobile number has won 170,000 Pounds in the on-going NOKIA MOBILE PROMO. For claims send email: and call +447045772868.” Sender: NOKIA UK; or
“CONGRATULATIONS! You mobile number has won $250,000. For claims email and Call +44-704-578-9561. Sender Dr. Alberto Torres.
The Post-Courier has emailed these email addresses and others presented late last year claiming millions of kina won from these promotions.
The receivers reply by sending the Nokia promotion details and a Nokia verification worksheet to fill in (the Post-Courier has done that). Once complete, they send an electronic specimen certificate and advise if this certain amount of money is sent through Western Union (they give a person’s name) they will remit the money through the account number detailed in the verification form.
Cecilia Somankgo from Siwai, in South Bougainville received this message in November last year. She went to a nearby internet café, with assistance from some IT experts and communicated with this lot. She was asked to deposit an amount of K2000 into Western Union who promised the funds to be transferred within 96 hours of payment. It’s been five months since she made the payment and her win has never been remitted. She is fuming.
Another winner, a reputable public servant working with an important division in the Autonomous Bougainville Government also “won” $250,000 from Great Britain. He came to the Post-Courier for assistance on email. All papers came in but he became suspicious when the promoters kept telling him to be silent about his win and asking him to pay K2000 first before the money could be remitted.
At that time, this paper and the divisional head (public servant named) called the British High Commission and was advised this was a scam and at the last minute the public servant did not make his payment.
We also contacted Nokia UK and spoke to a Dr Alberto Torres who claimed he was the director of this promotion.
Source : Post-Courier
Officials get set for Bougainville polls
By Gorethy Kenneth
MORE than 118 polling teams and about 200 polling officials take their position this week to prepare for the polling day.
Polling officially begins this Friday, May 7, and some polling teams are ready to walk the mountains of Bougainville, those not accessible by road, days before the polling day to prepare themselves to set up their booths while some will build their residential tents.
And police, for the first time in Bougainville’s election history, officially launch their election operations in Arawa today, an historical event to show the people of central and south Bougainville that police presence in the region is for real and will soon be effective. This is an initiative by the newly appointed Bougainville police boss Thomas Eluh who takes up the Commissioner position in the region shortly. Officials in Bougainville are now set to travel to some remote Bougainville areas where they will climb mountains, swim rivers and travel on the high seas in motorised dinghies.
Source : Post-Courier
Atolls man joins race
WITH a sore heart, crying out to the suffering people of Carterets, nearby Fead, Tasman and Mortlock Islands who are allegedly starving, Bernard Tunim wants the best for his people.
The atolls candidate is contesting this year’s ABG election for the sake of his Carterets islanders and for justice to prevail in the atolls.
“Carterets has been the most forgotten island of Bougainville. We have been treated as second-class people.”
He said the little food that ABG or the disaster committee delivered was finished. He said those in authority were not concerned, including the National Government.
“I am concerned and believe that the almighty God has a solution for my people’s situation,” Tunim said.
He believes he can do more for his people and the others that come under the Atolls Constituency. The former clerk of assembly in the Arawa Parliament was educated at the region’s only boys’ high school, St Joseph’s Rigu with four years seminary training in Fiji and four years at Bomana seminary college.
“I want the best for my people and I want to change the attitudes of our people. I want to echo change for Bougainville. The biggest part is putting a stop to begging.”
Over a decade ago he attended the Human Rights Convention in Geneva where he spoke on the rights of women and children of Bougainville after the 10-year crisis.
“It was in 1994, I travelled to Geneva with a group of ABG officials and I succeeded in moving a motion among African countries for a peace-keeping force and a United Nation observer mission to come to Bougainville. It was endorsed unanimously,” Mr Tunim said.
In 2007 he went to Australia on a speaking tour on climate change and spoke in five states and talked about the sufferings of Carterets and the need to immediately resettle the islanders. “This was included in many papers in PNG and Australian negotiations eventually securing K2 million for the Carterets resettlement which has not been carried out as yet.” In 2009 Mr Tunim travelled to Copenhagen for the climate change conference and spoke about Carterets and the low-lying atolls of Bougainville.
Source : Post-Courier
Cult story upsets chiefs
HAHALIS chiefs in Buka have lashed out at reports in the Post-Courier that the Baby Garden Cult, currently active in Eltupan village, is directly related to what happened in Hahalis village in the 1960s.
The article which described the cult as being like the infamous Baby Garden cult of Hahalis has brought outrage from chiefs and members of the Halia constituency.
Another Hahalis group, outraged at the mention of the Hahalis welfare society, demanded an apology from the paper and claimed there was no cargo cult in Hahalis.
Romeo Tohiana, a member of the Hahalis LLG and Mathew Pomis, the youngest brother of John Teosin, in clarifying the Hahalis people’s stand on the issue, said that there was no connection between the cult movement practiced in North Bougainville and that which was active in Hahalis years ago.
“The cargo cult movement of Hahalis is history - long gone, and we don’t want to be involved or associated with any cult movements which arise anywhere in Bougainville”.
“If they think they are the saviours of Bougainville then let them do their own business using their own identity not associating themselves with us (Hahalis people).”
“There was never any dialogue between the Hahalis people and people from Eltupan to establish or revive any cult movement in Bougainville,” Mr Tohiana said.
He said that Hahalis people were now actively involved in the church and were moving on from a past they would all like to forget. “The younger generations do not know much about the Baby Garden cult of the past and we would like to keep it that way,” he said. Mr Tohiana added that a meeting with the leader and members of the cult movement would be scheduled to discuss putting an end to the movement.
03.05.2010 01:039 a.m. (Europe) / 09:39 a.m. (Sydney)
Australian tax plans may soar Bougainville Copper share price today!
“Australia plans to impose the world’s heaviest tax regime on mining companies, cutting billions of dollars in profits for BHP Billiton Ltd. and Rio Tinto Group as part of the broadest tax overhaul since World War II.“ reports Bloomberg today.
Due to Labour plans Rio Tinto, BHP may crash today. Bougainville Copper Ltd. (BOC) is not concerned at all! The company based in Port Moresby (PNG) is not under Australian Tax Law! Also the promising prospect of re-opening the giant Panguna mine within the next five years (BCL Chairman Taylor’s AGM statement last week) might help to soar BOC share prices again up to 1.80 A$ (last Friday: 0.62 A$) in the near future. This is a good opportunity for all investors who intend switch from RIO to BOC now.
Australische Steuerpläne können heute den Aktienpreis von Bougainville Copper in die Höhe schnellen lassen!
„Australien plant eine drastisch höhere Besteuerung von Minengesellschaften. Das würde die Profite von BHP Billiton und der Rio Tinto Gruppe in Milliardenhöhe schmälern. Diese Ankündigung ist Teil der umfassendsten steuerlichen Neuorientierung Australiens seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg.“ berichtet Bloomberg heute.
In Folge dieser Ankündigung der regierenden Labour Partei könnten BHP und Rio Tinto heute erheblich unter Abgabedruck geraten. Hingegen ist Bougainville Copper von diesen Plänen nicht betroffen, da die Firma in Port Moresby, Papua Neuguinea, beheimatet ist und somit auch nicht unter australisches Steuerrecht fällt. Deshalb, aber auch wegen der vielversprechenden Aussichten, die Pangunamine binnen der nächsten fünf Jahre wieder zu eröffnen, könnte Bougainville Copper in näherer Zukunft wieder zu alten Höchstkursen vom um die 1,80 AUD ansteigen. Die letzte Kursfeststellung am Freitag lag bei 0,62 AUD. Das ist eine gute Gelegenheit, von Rio Tinto Aktien auf Bougainville Copper umzusteigen!
Source: Radio New Dawn on Bougainville
Elections Results Update
Posted by Aloysius Laukai at 08:16 PM local time Bougainville
Counting in North Bougainville is on Teua seat in Kunua whilst the Teonita Tinputz is on the last elimination shortly.
The remaining candidates in the race for Taunita Tinputz are, Carolus Ketsimur is on 982 and Gabriel Spae is on 695, they are counting the seconds and 3rd for Ross Michael Hamoun.
After they put on these figures they will now declare the winner between the two still in the race. Declaration could be anytime now before 8 am.
On the Teua seat the race is between the sitting member Rev Joseph Nopei who is leading with 368, Hillary Tsiniu is second with 185, Robert Semoso is on 88 and former Deputy Premier and long time politician Gerard Sinato is on 74.
Presidential seat in the North Bougainville counting Centre, After count 64, JOHN MOMIS is leading with 5584, JAMES TANIS is on 1755, ROBERT ATSIR 893, REUBEN SIARA 570, MAGDALEN TOROANSI 462, MARTIN MIRIORI 342 and SYLVESTER NIU 102.
NORTH EX Combatants, PETER JOHN BARIK is still leading with 2285 after count 64.
Coming second is sitting member MARCHELLIN LARIS GETSI 1,544, 3rd JEFFREY MAGUM has just overtaken Eddie Mohin to come 3rd with 1299 votes.
NORTH WOMENS seat after count 63,ELIZABETH TANGJI BURAIN is maintaining her lead with 3124, coming second HONA HOLAN with 1698 and 3rd is ANASTACIA LAPPOINTE 1494
Counting will move to SUIR constituency after Teua and into SELAU and across the passage to BUKA island.
Other update shortly